What Makes "Clicker Games" Good?
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Channel: RealityEscape
Views: 986,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Idle games, Clicker Games, Clicker heroes, Cookie Clickers, Idle Farmer, Press The Button, Clicking, Dungeons and Dragons, Champions of the forgotten realm, Analysis, Payday 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, Fable 2, Soda Dungeon, Idle Miner Tycoon, Reddit, Flash Games, OneMoreLevel.com, Kongregate.com, Runescape, Big Dig Treasure Clickers, Reality Escape, Jafferdub, Ghostboy259, Swarm Simulator, Incremental Games
Id: j_nI6G3ZDiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
*First of all thanks for mentioning my game (9:01, I made this game in like 3 days, please don't judge me haha). That was pretty funny.
*The whole video is nicely organized, the fact that you've recorded gameplays from the games makes the whole video more interesting as the viewers can watch you play them and understand what you do and don't like about the game.
*You gave some examples of good games you think are worth playing
*It's good for game developers to see what you as a player find interesting in games and which patterns you think are not enjoyable. If I was to make a new clicker game after watching your video I would certainly do a better job than I did :P
*One thing I'm not sure about is what your target audience is. I don't think your average player would watch a half an hour video about what you think are good and bad things about clicker games (but I need to admit that in my opinion you've made a good job keeping the video interesting even though it's long) and although I think that the video is useful to game developers I feel like some of the information is aimed at players and some at game developers which got me a tiny bit confused.
*As someone who's not very experienced with clicker games the part where you talked about Clicker Heroes was quite confusing to me, I have no clue what rubies are and although I enjoy learning about game mechanics I felt like flooding my brain with all of these game terms wasn't as enjoyable as the rest of the video.
In conclusion, I honestly enjoyed watching it more than I thought I would. When I first saw you posted a half an hour video about incremental games I thought it's going to be some guy just randomly talking about his favourite clicker game for the whole time, but I need to admit that was really well organized and actually fun to watch. I can tell you put a lot of effort into making this video and I'm honestly impressed. Keep it up! :)
"Big Dick Treasure Clicker"
Hey, you put my game 'BASIC' in your video. Yay! Thanks!
What was the game at the very start with the big button where things started pressing it for the player?
what is this crazy games website? it's got nothing compared to the plaza! /rant
actually I think you did a bang up job on the video, very good game choices for easing someone unfamiliar or unwilling to try out the genre.
You got more karma from this than my "What makes an incremental game good" video. Although I can see you've spent way more time to make this so I'm not even sad.
Subbed. Can't wait to see more from you; not just Idle Games, I can tell you're going to be good, and big.
Soda Dungeon used to be my jam, and I actually realised that I started a year ago tomorrow. It's still on my phone but I haven't touched it for like 10 months.
I'm suprised you didn't cover games like Universal Paperclip or the Candy Box, the "complex" idles.
I'm really enjoying the video, keep it up friend!
I wish there was a list of idle games worth playing somewhere. Really liking the button game. Thank you.
Now, the video itself, I like your presentation and your very clear voice, really good job on that. I also liked the video, duh.
But I don't think someone who isn't into idle games will get hooked by it with this video. I think a better approach would have been to get into the psychology whatever talk and explain how an idle game, in a way, isn't that different from other games in regards to what it does to our brain.
Apart from that I think, in regards to the current format, you should have put more emphasis on the unfolding type of genre maybe. It's nearly like another world entirely.
I, personally, know a bunch of people that don't like most idle games like Clicker Heroes, including me, but do enjoy idle games that have paradigm shifts(that was the correct term, right) and unfold over time like Antimatter Dimensions or the (relatively short) dice thing where you have to collect cards.
But yeah bottom line from me is I did enjoy the video. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone the 30 minutes through it.
Hey there,
As a game developer, I must say that this certainly seems like it would be useful for people starting out in game development, rather than perhaps your target audience of non-idlers. It is very important not to fall into these categories of bad games, and I believe that you have carried this across well, in a clear and informative voice. The examples of your video were well chosen, and I agree with your viewpoint. (Swarm simulator was a large inspiration to get me started). Thanks for making this video! I enjoyed watching it :)
If you've played Space Company, I'd appreciate your thoughts, comments or critiques, as I'm currently developing a huge V1 release which changes the game a lot (soon to be released), and I would like to know if there's anything an esteemed critiquer such as yourself would change for the better.
Good job on the video! I'd recommend it to anyone starting incremental development!