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and make the crooked places straight I will break in pieces the gait of brass and cut in some data bars of iron I will give on today the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places the now must know that I the LORD which called thee by name I am the God of Israel it's much it should be understood that this man Cyrus of which we speak had no knowledge of the God of Israel but God raised him and anointed him in order for him to carry out a political a political movement that will create an atmosphere for the actualization of his people and just in case the state geologist that is confused how that God can anoint an unbeliever God can anoint a non-believer for political leadership but he would not anoint I don't believer to do the kind of priesthood and I'm doing right now it was the hand of God that was behind Cyrus and they errand that the anointing on him was designed to accomplish his work is captured in the prophecy of Isaiah he said that he was holding Cyrus his right hand and with that right hand he would subdue nations before him and lose the loins of Kings and open before him the to live gates and it shall not be shot how come God even the God of the Bible is making a commitment to a total unbeliever that is not a particle of the Commonwealth of Israel it is because of his purpose God can peel because of his pause he can make alive because of his purpose I'm not preaching a message I'm talking about a man called do not Trump if you have been following the news if you've been following the news at all you will know that there is a Cyrus that God has raised in that nation and most of what we call covered 19 and all of the political accessories that have accompanied the destruction of this season in my opinion is just a means of trying to discredit him because he held a record of being the best president in the history of that nation and it happens to be that his his reign has fair to do to the New World Order and they agenda up the Illuminati and so they need to do they need to create confusion you know there's a protest in the nation now all of the steam a protest doesn't just that it is arranged so that at least we those of us that study sociology you know that a trend Johnson just begin is paeonia is initiated and when you see the kind of organized protests that we have seen in our nation right now it's an indication of the fact that the people that don't want a man to show up for the next time I willing to do anything to achieve that purpose but you see the God raised that man for a reason and the presence of that Monday has given us the body of Christ a window to shoot at the possibilities of Reviva indecision gods gods gods initiatives are global in scope except you see things from the I've view of globalization you might not understand how something happening in Kenya can overflow into your own nation want to pray today and say Lord this is a season of revival and we asked that everything that needs to be in check needs to be in place in order for you to have a glorious entrance into the earth again by the hand of an avalanche of your spirit let it so come to pass we want to say Lord yes the tensions are high I hear that even witches have begun to intercede which is interceding to ensure that is deterrent all kinds of spares ancient spells that we outlawed have been invoked they are being called to deform in order to see how spiritual forces can be put together against that man's rising we know because prophets like Kim Clement nine years before he died had spoken about a trumpet that was coming and how that he was going to go through an impeachment trial he because yes the guy is prophesied and he died before the professor came to pass that is to say that God had seen these Cyrus and God was willing to give away for His purposes upon the face of the earth and we pray to dare say Lord we don't understand the politics of the United States but we know that there is a Cyrus that you have anointed for this time we fight against the enemies of desires we work against against the enemies of this man that you have raised to be a voice for the church a strange power that the people have gone but the Alexis in that lesson let it reveal the fact that nothing can fight your finger and prosper conducive voice and pray and say that imagine and yet sustain your servant on that role let's imagine hand let the wicked man be disappointed there are escalations of diverse kinds nada misrepresented discrediting so nothing in the name of Jesus Kumasi capacity broken Palama sam'l impressive Asami Nakata second Pesce every mother of Liberty every lover of deliverance every mother freedom from bondage concerning that Cyrus they said that that foolish gates shall be opened before him and he shall not be stabbed yeesh the line so thanks I'm not gonna tell him the hidden treasures of darkness [Music] and so desperate an immigrant Ababa lockup Italia semi graceful periscopers got the timing sorry they are pricing in that land and that missile will be the man to retain the name of Jesus [Music] le Memorial Circle biscotti llama pettalia [Music] second panelist kita Brandis imitable ah Sabri Aqaba Samina [Music] men oscilloscope a Samina Korea abortion da ba bum take possible data in bruschetta basic ill press fulfill Amata can become Bella oblah chica prescott element atrás y comenzó compress Papa domina luckily Sabina Korea Bob octal escape applicator compare llama Santa Barbara a Kampala masala more corn ESCO break Italian Polly a prescribed assuming a couple entities these some basis call them mari Masuka probables [Music] alaya scuba booty is capella totally applicable as a blunt abolish cabins a sceeto brain alamos I attract abundance ablis katomina cobbler Santa Barbara Tommy Accela compressed of the semantics Alma alighted compile easily a like a belly Esquivel acaba a like a biscuit as a logical consumers I compete across on Alex Avila montage [Music] in Jesus [Music] mic your name this is the season for the church the sons of the bondwoman about their time with massacres and slaughters and invasions but it has pleased God in due time to decide to honor his house again and to cause his people to lift up your heads from the heavy burden they have had to bear for many years and what is fascinating about his good will in this time is that he has chosen the continent of the afflicted ones to raise profits to his name he has decided to come to Africa God is an African now yes you find him in the continent doing strange things someone in the congregation may not have been Zillow's to pray this prayer as much as we have wanted because maybe he knows a little bit of United States politics and is able to pick one or two things that the current president of that nation did wrong we are not saying the man is perfect but we are saying the man is anointed if you check the records if you check the records the u.s. never prospered in all of his history like what happened under his reign if you check the records there was never any president that was as bored with the things of Jesus such was the grace that was upon Cyrus as in the book of Exodus chapter 1 just in case you have your Bible you may wish to talk I give you the references so that in the cool of the day when God stares your spirit you can yet find it oh my god the day of the church has come the day of Africa in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia that the word of the Lord but the Mount of Jeremiah might be fulfilled the Lord stead of the Spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also into writing was not just vocally became a document it became an enforced law became a law and this was the utterance that he made that was documented in Asia he said das said Cyrus the king of Persia a lot God of heaven and given me all the kingdoms of the earth he acknowledged that it was God now if you see those days those days under Obama it was a taboo for you to say Merry Christmas for instance was a taboo and everywhere the Ten Commandments were written which were which are the laws that founded the kind of Liberty that is in that nation they defined it the Liberty that God gives and that's why when you come into the court you are going to see the 10 commandments in fact I don't want to take you too far all right all those things will be West English and this man started restoring it again hallelujah just like Cyrus he was a non-believer but he believed that it was a God of heaven that gave him the opportunity that he had and on the strength of that opportunity he said something the God of heaven and given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he had charged me to build him and house at Jerusalem which is in Judah imagine an unbeliever prioritizing a project that is in keeping with the Lord's name that was the first board president aku comas a chart services must resume meanwhile in Lagos which is supposed to be the harbinger of the move of God in our nation he is kept in bondage in fetters and and under governor's a Christian there's they talking about guidelines you know fine-tuning guidelines and modalities and what are these guidelines they want to give us a prescription of how we should wash it meanwhile healing is fundamental to the redemptive max I used me can we pray these sirens was going to use the machinery of the government of Persia the funding of the government of Asia to build a house for God in Jerusalem oh my god that's not all he says who is there among you of all these people he acknowledged he was not one of God's people oh he had knowledge that so what he's looking for people that are God's people if you are willing to go back for the construction you are being given you are release if there is anybody under your hand maybe your servant your maidservant I've been serving you for 14 years and in the case interest that I want to be part of the project your your way to vice his head is lifted when people take the anointing into the places of government government politics leadership you know the Bible says that when the righteous rule what happens the people who preacher on account of the government of our land I don't know if we have had an opportunity to rejoice before on account of government on account of government but once a crime as in law in the name of Jesus which Trent in the hands of your servant we strengthen the hands of your servant and nothing would deny him access to leadership in another political cycle let this this political cycle that will begin in the amount of November let it be a reign of judge judgment of justice and equity so much so that the church will be strengthened in that land and the plans of the enemy to outlaw that which is God's will let it fail let it fall let it not prosper can we pray for him one more time as he strengthened the hand of your unknown Ted strengthen straighten the hand straighten the hand straight to the hand a compelling Celico preschool Allah s pompous Cavazos Allah impressed abate okapi nantes Isco premise eco bolete escape rent-a-car musica elementary Nebraska Futaba Kampala chica been accomplished renting the hands straight in the hands a pasta bubbly Bacardi escape element amicus Kemosabe Borya this capacious Anala a couple Antipas sukemasa leaves the best place to market Berlin Tosca press cappella Mina strengthen his hands that day's walking will had to discredit his efforts let all of them be producing nada be the double mass mass allocation of same on the account as your servant in the name of Jesus we are so God that is strengthen his hands strengthen his house when everything is programmed to work against rising when everything seemed to be put in place in the hands of your anointed Mia so Columbia Scoville a trumpet a capital Kampala Kamali Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Ababwa Sakata accomplice commands Amina Tattaglia a bruschetta Kampala basal cells immense Asik embrace epochal baisama Toria ESPO press Cosima a little batouala campus a little scab as elements while camp Ellis copra Katella simulator Roza iike a Prescott immense Aleppo Marimo Santa Maria we give you praise Oh God as we lift up your soffit we lift up your anointing we are so goddamn right just right hand we put the same as many as intend to paint him black so that he will miss the seat of his destiny to actualize a balance in the political planes that work for do such an opportunity fights oppression Latisse animus fail lettuce enemies failure Latisse animus miss cuttle thank you Lord Jesus Mowbray scoff si minakata Porizkova sama sobre su Raska peten bowl a fresco by Lomenzo compressed a fatale ela mama mama sicko blonde Toshiko Bella CUDA a Kendra's a case Aminata tanka palette hua a Brusco Papa desk Oprah namaha arise arise son of God and let the leash go [Music] eyes [Music] rise which Archie ordination not without your Denisha stretch forth your hand over that nation United States of America put to shame men that gang up against your anointed let him be given passage to sit upon the throne for another political cycle let an idiot balance that will project your church they establish and let your name be glorified in Jesus name our mayor second Thessalonians chapter 2 second Thessalonians chapter 2 if you have your Bible then we'll begin from verse three second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse three second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposite and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now know what withhold it that he might be revealed in his time stop there that's my vest and now know what we would hold it but it might be revealed in his time and what this scripture is saying is that there is a spiritual factor that restrains the Antichrist from being manifested we're sitting on guidance ship because guardianship is the restraining administrative installation that is put in place to ensure that the potency of the activities of Darkness are not giving the opportunity for expression when a guide Yin is raised among the people he is stature in the spirit affords him the compliments of an entourage an entrance of angelic beings such that if he is involved with your life the devil is restrained concerning your life if by any means he is in your city without you knowing you're enjoying spirit recovering from his stature because everywhere he finds expression there is a restraining factor that is placed to suppress the activities of the kingdom of darkness are you with me let me show you a few scriptures before we go do found that subject meanwhile were still discussing special messengers special functionaries that are needed in a time of the revival we checked we have studied one of such functionaries and now we on this subject were on the second functionary that is the guy dia now in the book of daniel if you I student of the Bible there's something I want to unveil here in the book of Daniel the book of Daniel is a great book of the Bible Daniel chapter 10 an angelic personality encounters Daniel and on the basis of this encounter he unveils many spiritual secrets to Daniel in addition to one of the things and that angel I'm talking about is Gabriel angel Gabriel encountered Daniel and obvious ritual secrets to him and in addition to the secrets that he made available to Daniel is a secret that I'd like to share with us if you are there in the Book of Daniel chapter 10 would take a reading from verse 7 and then whoop here Daniels testimony Daniel chapter 10 verse 7 when we get a glimpse of Daniels testimony then I can jump to the verse of interest but I want to first of all establish the context and the context is from Daniel chapter 7 from verse 10 to 13 and I Daniel alone saw the vision for the men that were with me sunup division bought a great quickly fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves next verse therefore I was left alone and I saw this great vision and there remained no sprinted me for my communist was formed in me into corruption and I retained no strength yeh I had the voice of his worlds and when I had the voice of his words then was I in a deep sleep on my face and my face toward the ground yes next verse and beheld an hand touched me and set me on my feet and upon the palms of my hands next verse and he said unto me Daniel Oh Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for this oh my god you I can't trust you anymore old Dan young man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for on 2d am i announce end and when he had spoken this water me I stood trembling and he said unto me fear not Daniel for from the first day that out did set thy face to understand and to chasten thy self before thy God thy words were head and I'm come for thy words this is Gabriel that was dispatched and be fewer what occasion this dispatch was prayer we cannot overemphasize the place of priesthood in facilitating the purposes of God upon the face of the earth we always say that pray eyes earthly permission for heavenly interference if Daniel had not prayed the administrative structure of heaven responds to prayer if he had not prayed even though the resources were there to bring to pass the things he desired but the trigger to set them in motion was prayer so when he began to pray then Gabriel was deployed because there was a challenge in his delivery of prayer the prayer was deficient of rich understanding because it was deficient of rich understanding he could not adequately empower the Angels that were allocated to support the process he was asking for from the heavens so much so because of the weak nature of the prayer it did not him give the angel that was released the statutory authority to engage set setting kind of dynamics in seeking to administer the the import of the prayer and he made him quite vulnerable so much so that the Prince of prey she held him in captivity until Michael was sent to bring deliverance and what Michael did was that he released a bruh and stood in battle against the Prince of pressure at that time that a battle went on was the time afforded Gabriel to come visit with Daniel and to give him education about the things that God wanted him to understand alright secondly if Daniel by any means had seized perseverance in prayer he would have truncated the entire protocol and as before this time this was not the first time that gave well appeared to him Gabriel appeared to him before but in dreams but because of this situation that was a ground that was an emergency Debray could not wait for Daniel to sleep this time he came not delight and you could tell all the feelings that Daniel had was because of an angelic visitation you know those days when I was still in secondary school that an angel visited me my body was trembling and the way I knew that the angel had come because I didn't have the eyes to see the angel but I saw the reaction that took place anytime and when they entered is coming I knew I design it in spirit but I was juvenile on those matters launches subsequently God began to educate me but I would like you to understand that there was an understanding that this danger was supposed to bring to Daniel the part of the understanding that concerns me is what I want to extract what you can go and do the whole reading and then you get this dimension of understanding you see we we have different kinds of intercessors and each intercessor has a rank that you're pretty sweet the intercessors like Daniel that are guidance of Nations they have deep deep spiritual access to several critical and strategic information that aids the crystally business over the territory one of those understandings that Gabriel brought to Daniel is in the Book of Daniel chapter 11 verse 1 I hope you know initially the Bible was not written in chapters and verses it's it's it was 100 years later after all the entire compendium was put in place not they now felt the theologians now felt that in order to establish a science of reference that we need to fragment scriptures into chapters and verses if you go to Israel and you see a Torah see a Torah first the first thing you will notice is that we right from left to right but in the Torah you find writings from right to left now the first thing and then the second thing you will find later eyes that there are no punctuation marks in the or trances you see when God speaks it doesn't come to it right so it was the geologists the added punctuation marks first or comma colon and chapters but originally it existed as a perpetual continue and that's how God is now so what we call chapter 11 in this case for instance is a part of a flow a part of a flow for instance in the epistles for instance they they are letters you write your letters in chapters chapter one of the letter they're letters written in fact those the the instruments that got used to pen down those letters never knew that it will become a public document they wrote confidential classified letters to the church in that time and if you are caught if you are caught in those days truck transmitting such information that is directed at the church you will be it you'll be guilty of treason so it was an offence even to transmit such information so they had classified means of carrying such information some of the letters came from prison I wonder they kind of syndicate that they put in place to be able to okay you are not sometimes sit down and think how did this thing up because if men were involved you can reason it out if human beings without limitations are involved we can reason it out to Ted's of the writings of Paul came from prison from prison - peds of his writing is what forms the New Testament it was a terrible time but he had his syndicate in place to smuggle the truth there were letters they were not fragmented into chapters and verses right so this Daniel chapter 11 verse 1 is what I want to draw attention to to further strengthen the concept of guiding ship that when God wants to do a thing the purposes of God are time and season based what yet are you with me okay you know with me now let's try because you know it means I cut off that aspect you say also I this is Debra the idea is Gabriel also need a break in the first year of Darius the Mede I even I stood to confirm and to strengthen him now this Darius is a non-believer King and Gabriel is educated Daniel among many other things he said to him to give him understanding he said I was the functionally the angelic functionary that was sent to administer guide young ship to Darius you see remember Darius I don't think you do oh let me stop this since you don't you don't understand we don't remember D Rios I will stop there these were hidden kings and the purposes of God had to prosper by their permission upon the face of the earth and because they had a fact that was aligned to what God what God did was that God sent angels to exercise leadership over them so that it would be impossible to destroy them they the presence of that danger was a restraining factor you would me to ensure that he that has the purpose of God in his heart will not prematurely be slaughtered you don't know how terrible Satan is is it an and it happens to be because of the time of life many times when God wants to quit solutions to men of the earth what he does is that he captures those solutions in in in children of prophecy in children no prophecy all right he happens to be that is truly no prophecy cannot start fulfilling prophecy when they are children because the hair as long as is a child differ at not from a seven dole he be lot of all there must be a time of maturity that will have to come before that answer can begin to find expression what you see there must be principal put in place so that certain will not be able to destroy that answer in his infancy and that is why we have guidance people guidance into food just like a show do you watch us who have Angelica watches and we have human watches we also have angelic guidance and we have human diagrams in fact I can tell you with great authority experientially that the kind of dangers that minister to you are your category of dangers and what I mean by that they ingest administered to just one in the Bible Joshua you know just the warrior where ingest that we're in the warrior clan the type that minister to zechariah sacra was a priest and all the sakra knew was how to minister in the presence of God and then Gabriel now appeared to him and told him that he was he he was Gabriel such such a Gabriel that's to perpetual in the presence of God he you those are the kind of entities that will minister to you names we are part of a framework a framework if a universal frame if you have eyes for the kingdom you find a parallel mode of dealing that God has put in motion so this Daniel with me he was exercising gigan ship in those times to ensure that Israel was not destroyed and God raised him to a point where he became a voice in Parliament so that when it produces about to come that will affect Israel oh he will he will be there to lend his Wars alright and it Gabriel was sent to him do you understand that's hard infrastructure is the level of spiritual protection the level of spiritual involvement in your life is based on the strategic nature of your assignment in preserving the heritage of God and so the principle of guide and shape is littered across scriptures when you find Moses that I spoke about yesterday in the book of Deuteronomy chapter twenty thirty three when he spoke that that ceremony where Moses spoke it was supposed to be a ceremony of blessing before his death and I'm wondering how the statement let you believe how that statement is a blessing in Rubens piece it was a warfare that he executed from the capacity of his authority as the king of Joshua all right but he was supposed to be a blessing service if you bless Ruben with his foundational issues his blessings will leak out so instead of doing the religious thing he began to attack the things that would militate against this possibility and his actualization that was why so that was best the voice of a guide and he's always saying let Ruben what I remember many years ago I think that was 2006 so we went to BSU to preach it was the one meeting and they said since I was there she'll give the charge so when I came I began to preach that was when I met one of our pastors that our password was in that meeting so I thought the meeting I went to him I said God wants to use you but you are not ready when you are ready come and meet me then I left according to him he's a wonderful guy me then demons not visited him and the demon surfaced at him that well Recoleta I reckon it is this you know that later that they advise you to withdraw you know the investor will not say you are withdrawn to say who you are is an advice well record ads later no probation this one is they have the universities advice in you well I don't know what that there's a technical name for it and I don't remember that technical name anymore so he was advised to withdraw because of the multiple encounters with demonic beings he could not survive the tithe that was working against him and he was advised to withdraw it was when he was advised to withdraw the deal I remember that they also made I told him when you are ready so in arcade when there was nothing to fight for again and then he began to stay with me and sat around are going training Alleluia got a jump forum by by a direct I gave him directive to get jumped from when he wrote the jump he got 271 270 something that gave him that supposed to give him admission by merit and is named in command I was in Lagos in the place of prayer when I saw his admission that I caught him as I have seen you admission later when I saw his admission letter admissions at ended admissions were finished he long went to the admissions office and told a woman I give me madness omelet on the strength of of what I saw when we became a pest from the woman the woman I don't know how she manufactured that admission letter his name did not come out on any list but he had admission it he came and showed me that this is the hard copy of the admission letter you saw the soft copy what this is this is a hard one and I said now you are ready I'm talkin teaching guardianship not teaching myself there is a level of guardianship that this my small level can offer so I called him I said now you are ready let me tell you a secret I live both on that campus you are going to a mile a boy speaking so I give you the right to enter into the rest of my level I did not invest it in saleable go unharvested he now went there and started a ministry people will come mean the place was growing God was moving then anon came back I say this team is working on yes walking and then those demons those demands that bedeviled him the first time the head of the exploits is doing and they came to visit again but this time and when they come he sees them this time they could not get close to him you know what I'm saying openly because he has said it twice here before that's why I'm saying it now so he now as the demos why can't you used to rush me those days I cut why you standing there now and it did stands were the one that said it was because I was with him that's what is called what Guardian it's not me I said it to his demon do you do you know the man he is demand is his demon that said it it means that as as long as I was with him those demons could not take advantage of him and in his academic pursuits he graduated with a first class degree the person they advised previously you don't assign they advised him previously what he graduated with his class when he finished with first class he came and showed me the hard copy of of the result I say yes this is a good harvest we didn't get first class class but you got this a harvest day the next thing was because he made first class they gave him a promise that they were going to employ him and then the employment was not coming I was in Lagos again on another but I have seen you implement it we have seen it here just like I saw you admission later now I've seen and implemented it and then you know now all politics and all those things now entered into the whole equation by the end of the day is still got what some of us were wiser many years ago when many people felt they could prosecute destiny without the backing of vague idea we knew that life was supernatural and that the race was not to the Swift and the battle was not to the strong that was why I went to meet the that northern man I told you about yesterday I went to meet him I said I'm a young preacher I want to be given report to you he said it doesn't happen like that God we have to reveal to me that I'm supposed to play that responsibility over your life before it can become effectual if I accept you without God's witness my presence in your life will mean nothing because there is no covenant between us I say I'm very happy that is God while waiting for God you know why I was happy it because it was gone that should demand to me so I was happy six months time in our coordinates it is true God sent you so when I went to meet him officially on that ground he prayed for me not prayer I did a lot without prayer God showed me that he had given unto me an apostolic ministry and that I will need the conferring of a more matured apostle and that was why he sent me to him so when he prayed that prayer the Covenant was set in motion I had the courage I never had before because the implication of that prayer was that anything I do I will not be a victim of my own actions the consequences of my actions will go to him and since is a guide Ian they know how to handle those matters up there so because of that I cost much haha much when I say much I walk you will not know you not know we are going to I've gone to many shrines in this country I caused much havoc and I've never had a backlash and I mean never with capital letters Olivia all right so it does say background now the background and as long as that guy diem is aligned with God that reality continues I move with something stronger than my own anointing meanwhile God is helping me I'm growing and because of my own current rank I can exercise guide leadership on other people if you look properly in the gospel in the lip of the gospel any man that you cannot trace to a man is traced to setup because in order for you to survive and be a voice in a territory there is a chain of command that must not be broken in your life and if you don't keep or you are not committed to that chain of command and God doesn't see that there's a depth of submission your heart your alliance with such a person withdraws be plastic but they are spiritual things that can be drawn from such a relationship if you are still with me say Amen all right now that we have entered nag let us begin our teaching for the night it is in the book of Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 when you hear people like Elijah crowd if I be a man of God that statement did not come out of bragging it came from somewhere I will show you Genisys chapter 2 I need to do something quickly so that I can carry you along perfectly the framework of things I need to show you the framework of things Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 you see the Bible says DOS you know I said that scriptures were not originally written in chapters and verses so this dose here is the summary of everything that was written in chapter 1 this dose here is a summary of the creation story alright so dose the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he had rested from all his work which he had created and made yes this therefore are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens that's my emphasis my offices invest for this verse for that we just read it's it's a complex scripture what makes it complex is that there is a water day that is not supposed to be there and that word is generations this our day generations you are just beginning the project and you're talking about generations it means that there is there was a difficulty in that place you know Hebrew language Greek language because Hebrew is original language in which day Old Testament was written and Greek is original language in which the New Testament was written and Hebrew language happens to be more robust than English language I mean far more robust than English language Greek also happens to be far more robust than English language and in trying to force Hebrew into English the exercise looks like a phony you know if fernell is big this way and then it is small that way is that rule so the resultant effect is that there are several meanings of that scripture that is going to be suppressed and if you want to get the full scope of the meaning you will have to do a linguistic investigation so that you can recover what was suppressed when a heavier language had to be subdued had to be translated to in language that doesn't have as much capacity as much I've forgotten the world there's a word that is escaping me Alleluia what you know what I'm talking about so we need to investigate that word generations because you know that word generations in Hebrew language is who has a lexicon an electronic Bible so you click on the lexicon and tell us the word and if you can extract the word then three oh just spell it to let down that's the word I'm expecting there so what does it mean it means family one descendants to bethe tree it means to give birth to it means family in terms of genealogy it means generation meaning that one generation get better on another generation be honest and I mean why the contrast are the comparison in this case is the heavens and the eight you know it me you see you need to be mentally allowed to understand God God is so fast I used to with me you need to be mentally alert they contrast on the comparison because the Bible said this are they totally doubt these are the generations so if you remove generations and you put family and the family that we're talking about here is the heaven and the eight it means that the heaven and the earth first of all they are family but one is older than the other one is a superior generation that produced another generation because part of what truly thou means is to give back so therefore he is trying to make us understand that the heavens or the invincible Ram gave birth to the natural everything that we see in the natural realm is a product of the invincible reign he came out of that invisible realm and that's why in the story of creation God created first the heavens before I created the earth is that true in the beginning God created the heavens and they had it created invincible before he created the visible the visible came out of the invincible right so you remember when Jesus showed up and Jesus began to teach he was teaching of things in heaven like the parables were teachings that Jesus gave and he taught about the things of heaven but the illustrations that he used for to teach heavenly things we're at latinas use earthly things to in illustrate abilities because there's a relationship between the invincible and divisive declare okay that's not clear to you let's go to Roman's let's go to Roman's I need to establish that background before we can do this teaching properly in Romans not the one from verse 18 to 20 and it isn't because somebody might accuse me and say oh my god you are trying to bamboozle us quoting Hebrew and all of that if the Hebrew I quoted and the meaning I made out of it is not supported by all the Scriptures it means it's a private interpretation and the Bible is not capable of private interpretation I pray that God will give us a desire to research group just like doctors like PhD holders our generation is sick because people now stand on a poopit don't have anything to say and so in motivation approach at things is a project your icons and says no no no no no no no no in fact I can't say it or disprove it they cannot do this if you go to Netherlands business school some of the things we preach in the in church in many platforms you will learn it there so if you have been to that business school you don't need to attend a lot of churches and the reason why it is so is because those studies are not apostolic they are not carrying on the traditions of our ancient ancestors there is a body of truth that the Bible calls they faked it's a compendium of our belief system and when we fight for the fate for the destiny of Christianity we are supposed to ensure that the that not item or defeat must be preserved in his jealousy in his purity in his integrity from generation to generation Jesus as as friendly as Jesus was Jesus never cracked a joke is any scripture in the Bible where you who you see that Jesus practice you because if Jesus is see your head or your head bigger your head will become big oh you are not aware of that the Bible says God is not a man that he should lie the way God used this was is not the way men use wars the women of the scripture is not that God is so modest so pure so even though he can lie but he doesn't lie because his righteous that's not even know the scripture the scripture means that if God speaks that thing God has said will become true he lives in an energy level so that is what cannot fall to the ground the moment is saying it the thing is happening so if Jesus said your head bigger your head will become big not they not your definition of big his own definition of big is what we happen to you so he knows he knows the potency the potency of his water doesn't use words the way you do me if we have the permission or that digressed for me to show you how God uses wars my God my God the Bible calls him the God that reasons versus the dead and calleth those things that be not as though they were let there be light and that was all he created by an act of his authority the first time was were used in Scripture was not for communication was for creation so when God speaks it creates it produces so he cannot use words the way you do Young's honor Jesus never cracked a joke Jesus was not a motivational preacher he was a preacher of the kingdom and the message of the kingdom is the message that we heard the coming of Jesus because Jesus himself said that this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all nations as a witness to all people and then the end will come hallelujah now as we move towards the end of the gauge they drive their mission is to ensure that the gospel of the kingdom becomes the preaching in the front burner of any preaching and teaching ministry the days of wasting people's time on the booklets trying to make people feel nice and when they leave the place they meet with a real devil that all they found that took place did not be good to them the authority to handle a time came when it was even customary to bring comedians to come and do something on the pulpit we lost sight of the Holy Office of the anointing and the repercussion was that we now had things like hates men hates me heads men that word was never used in a bad light until recent times x-men all those things were products of desecrations that took place in the name of God in the Apostolic Church will have to bring correction and model the prototype of the body of our first ancestors may not help us in Jesus mighty name where did we stop romans chapter 1 talk quickly quickly the Bible says in verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness that's verse because that which may be known of God is manifest in them God has showed him unto them that damned there is creation he said God has Illustrated everything to you and me in creation thus 20 safer the invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen and been understood by the things that are made the invisible things have been what understood and what clearly seen by what but the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead why did you do it that way so that you are moving without excuse that creation itself is a proclamation of the presence of a creator and anyone that was privileged to walk through the the to partake of the pilgrimage of life should stumble on that common knowledge that there is a being beyond this realm that is responsible for this civilization and he must have a purpose for you and me that was why he created us and that our preoccupation upon the face of the earth is to ensure we find the purpose for which this being created us and to fulfill it within the window of our time that's the bring of life for the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen why how are the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that what they have without excuse it is true that the natural realm was given that - by the invisible realm as a means of illustrating the invisible things so that the invisible things can be understood when we look upon what the natural things are you here now that we got you to that point I can I can I can proceed in my teaching my teaching was supposed to be from Genesis chapter 2 are you there alright so haven't understood you with me oh my god I sense a distraction in this atmosphere have it understood that this natural realm is a product of this furniture area when God created the visible world he created a man called Adam and when he created that man called Adam I like to show you the scripture where God defined Adam's rule upon the face of the earth right go with me to the book of Genesis chapter to verse 15 2:17 Genesis to 15 to 17 and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to do it number one rule is to just dress the got it to prove upon it the role of a horticulturist we are going to be involved with every plant to be involved with which with every living things you are going to be involved with them to improve them to ensure that they are kept within the scope of divine agenda you will be involved and that's why God did this moment has not relieved us even though yes this having gold and no let me not go there people will fight me after service so let me become there is he wants you to be evolved in the natural in the way the natural things going because he has a mandate for you and he says you need to occupy until he comes you need to do the kind of things you'll be doing he would have been doing if you were physically present so he put the man first of all in the garden to dress it and then the second reason for which he put him in the garden which is the one that interests me in this subject is - what is to repeat that word keep his militant is the reason for which there is a military in the country to protect territorial integrity Adam never knew that Israel transcended the natural Israel at a meeting point between the supernatural and the natural and if he was going to keep the garden his price you have to be open for him to see the lattice that interfaces the natural from the supernatural you are not with me now what happened in heaven was that an angel had rebelled and then she rebelled in heaven and that rebellion took place in the spirit and because we have rebelled what happened was that he was expelled from him and that rebellion the had taken place in the realm of the Spirit because the rebel spirit is a product of the invisible ram that rebellion was want to find expression in the nature and so before this time Adam was deer labeling the food say you are mango mango papa yo Popo banana that was what it was me and God that came in the colada as a young man come here come here your role is to address the garden and tippet second commandment God giving you the second commandment what given was that and the LORD commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat before this time this instruction was not necessary what an angel when true the balance of the spiritual realm was attacked and because the spiritual realm is connected to the natural burn on Bleeker chord you know when my baby is in the womb and the mother takes cook the baby a second cook in fact an evening when the baby begins to kick I mean had kicks that were seeing the lake he saying quote guru cook you that's what this thing he has partaking of what you drank and you see they act the physical RAM is still connected to the invisible Ram by the umbilical cord and so anything the happens there will find expression into this realm by time and season it will not come the same time it happened but it will look for a window in time and season for it to find expression that's why they which wants to kill doesn't come to kill you in the natural it goes and they kill you they strike you from there and then the day which we come to check you in the morning when I detain walked you will check you for seven days and when you start falling sick and she knows is the one that did bhakti sure we don't want to be drinking water for you to do that they will put on your head so that he had a green one so strength you sake I want a woman a woman a woman me forever you begin to bless your enemy because you don't understand that that enemy that understands the workings of that superior layer will rule in this layer anyone that is kink there becomes king here anyone that knows how to manipulate their laws manipulate the possibilities will ultimately win in this natural play you'll be going there you to France degree you would do master's degree you do PhD and then come back with good with white hair and it's the most locations in the shrine people would travel abroad and bring bring messages for him then we go everywhere you'd also need to go to the market you will bring the items you will bring it to him meanwhile there is the most of our time they don't stay in the bush again they have duplex the avid Vanderbilt they have discovered how to make the shrine mobile they can move it from place to place oh there is a most other pasta you notice a few data let me know okay those of you those of you know people know what I'm talking about they are pastors not because they have discovered how to how to modernize it is the same spirit that is at work but he can he can get a decent place he can wear a tie but is still the same thing that is transmitted and as long as it has the advantage in his monitor RM there will be people that will be hypnotized by his father there will be enslaved there are monotheism I'm telling you that the entire world is linked already by the man that has understanding of the invisible layer because that's where this natural AR came from why do we need guidance Adam was the first idea because God says you should dress the cutting and clip the cutting but Adam did not understand that what resulted in what we call the natural realm was not Lincoln from things that will appear he will have to develop at this site to see infiltrators that don't have bodies that want of visit his territory that's when you begin to finish an assignment the question is that team that possess the subject that was speaking to des affaires worker : how did he enter the garden when there was a personnel that was set up there to keep the gut Atalanta it's a dress they got him so what keep the gutter we were not told where this strange enemy came from for all the creatures in the garden it was the serpent that he chose the reason was because there was a character that the serpent had much more than any other beast that God ever made and he needed to apply his spiritual force to that natural endowment that is happened her not a for him to be able to fulfill his agenda for Adam even though he was a full-grown man his weakness was that he was not experienced he was in the hat that he had was not the heart of my son but the body I had was a big body like me Adam was a small man in a big body [Music] when you find men that only know the natural name and based on the fact that they have gone to maybe a school or they have made money there boosts such a man is a small man in a big body because what is going to make that man fall on his knees is something that he would despise like the house gain he went to bring from the village to help his wife because she's pregnant that is key for him in them in mastery of spiritual things we make that professor to cry and then he will discover that there is in knowledge that is more excellent than the one he went to get in the university hayden was supposed to be a guide you and the only way he could function effectively as a Gaiden was the instructions that God give him the first instruction was you can eat of every tree in the garden but the tree which is in the midst of the garden now my test not eat for in the day that he eat thereof he shall surely die a man's guide and ship begins to fail when he begins to break the laws of God oh if you see the interaction that follows a man that has found favor in the sight of God that encourage is correct I know many times when I used to walk in Legos when I saw walk in they reported that my son is sick this verse is sick and one of those times I just came because I came to preach in a model meeting to go back and when I came I walked on I walked to my son and I laid hands on I'd improve just laid hands laid hands on his tumor on his head on his stomach on his I think I did it like seven times without prayer he stood up you know why Boston strong I was not around if I'm around what I'm sleepy what bound that boy day will not come I know what God has given me even if you don't know me I know right I know if you go to the fields we have gone to preach Jesus and you come back alive it means you you know something that normal people don't know you know something not normal people don't know in some countries the hotel that you're even stained is dedicated to a spirit in fact the name alone the name for those people that know that names means something the name the name but that's why you see because he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world one of the things that God wants to do is that he wants to raise guidance people that we take responsibility of their own circumference he wants to give men authority once a give men stature so that if they are there and they are functional there are several things that will be impossible for the devil to achieve he wants to also raise such people to have stature we wouldn't have rank people that have a location of ministering spirits attached to them because they have the common institution by reason of their submission to the Spirit of Christ like I said the potency of the guidance power is tied to his you deadness to government when God wants to establish you as a principal in a territory that demons will have to reconcile with what it does is that it takes you through a process of discipline what makes stature is that a man has decided to submit himself to the process of discipline that God has made a dad for him there are seasons that even if you pray the luck will not go and God we see how you're pricked in terms of luck you know that the option of selling your bodies there what you refuse to do so it means you have accepted to be on that government that even though you are wearing this body you can't use it outside of the government of God another person dictates how you use the body then you go to that season and when you have passed the tests and the angels that come to take record have taken the record into the archives that this one passed the tests then another season opens up to you it is when you have passed the previous tests if you cannot be faithful to God with your body in times of poverty you will discover in times of Plenty that it was not profited that made you sleep around was not poverty it was not poverty you will go through a test and when you have submitted to the government of God that's when go to begin to give you work and for every rank he gives you there's an allocation of ministering spirits that are made available just in case you decide in the place of prayer to decree and God approves tactically some of those ministries will see the kind of power that is sooth from your life the kind of glory that issue from your life they will not want to pick a fight with you quickly because they have a data bank in the kingdom of darkness you went to worry this was what I went about a cot this Hubble went to Ghana discipline they have a data bank that they gutted it okay something has been given to this one all right so when it comes when you come around they know that we don't need to fight you to decide the end of this matter this man has come give him it is only if we can make him to violate the government of God that you will now be become a mountain that can be destroyed got to did indeed be that he eat of this foot dust in addition to what got or Edom yeah he told me to my own that I told me is that revelation and pride they don't walk to that there's a foot there's a fruit you should not eat I said begin to write in glory that is a law that you must keep all that people can't do it you cannot because you have gone close to the king and you went close enough for you to hear his way and so you become his sleeve to that world everybody can go gaga but you decide that you are going to stand there and is in standing in that place that you get the kind of cover that you need to prosecute destiny many of you don't have authority to establish the engineer and that's why when is as if you are personally something terrible happens Rangeley that would change the situation when we seek men today that will be loyal to our King in heaven so that he can bestow upon them grace grace not so that they can become famous but grace so that they can protect God's agenda many times the purpose of God are like tender plants that can easily be destroyed and then he races guidance to watch to protect so that that which is God's interest will be preserved and there are many men like that that has won't true our territory true our nation and the time has come for us to do the things that they did and God is more willing to bestow upon us much more grace than if they stood up if only you can understand the code and be faithful in the day that you eat of this food ye shall surely there was a broader dose days on campus that taught me how to fast he saw me one day and said Oh from today you are my friend because I see that in you is great power what God has not given me power that he was walking by but him said that God didn't give him power what God gave you power I said what do you mean say to unlock this power you'll learn how to fast dry or the one that taught me the power of what hey that was when I discovered that before any semester he will come to school any 21 days daily and you stay without food and water and on the 21st day which is a day before people resume he would make proclamations the proclamations he makes and the things that will happen in that semester he became a governor because he knew the secret of spiritual authority and he taught me how to fasten try then I began to apply it had to go to book for my first fasting dry fasting as cabbage and when I came out after three days God didn't speak to me he say if you go inside and come up God would speak to you but for me after three days Gordon speak so when I came back I said Rob God they speak and say you are just starting to till the ground the next time I went the moment I unpacked God was ready to shut the door and that was when my eyes began to and I saw four clouds come together and then I said these are four seasons in your life this is the temptation that we commit this is is a temptation for this is this is a temptation for this is if you survive then we can discuss the issues that you brought to pray about don't pray this prayer points again only have survived this season for Satan is interested in you but if you keep coming to me I will allow you pass one test at a time I will never give you the strength for multiple tests no I will give you just strength for one test so that if you forget me it is the second test that you feel that you now remember that I told you I told you I told so I started learning how to first try this is I first said am i my life began to check later he couldn't good me again and I remember one of my friend that fasted seven this dry his trouser fell in in a public place who were looking for called us now we're looking for these drugs affair hi like a mocha la mina combo salad he huckleberry Niseko we were striving for power who is striving for power I was on campus when when people started falling down in my ministry when I come to preach and I take his song if I finished singing I know I was today you did I came and saw me ministry people before he said he called me after the service I said this one they are seen now this is not everyone the one I am talking about for which I came to you is not this one what is it's not continue that to continue so I continue so he was on that campus he deliberately state the entire state he as his decree in the I decree decide I know what I said the hopper that was why I said those things I said to dharmaiah product because he doesn't know the history it also understand the history so we began to discuss things God began to honor awards and then we graduated yes later I saw this my brother I was thinking about the time elapsed I will meet him again he will be a mafia Melissa does for clouds that I saw was not only for me it was also for him and he stumbled at one of them I was coming to meet the giant because I kept the laws I kept it where I went I kept those laws I kept those laws and I continued that tradition and I know what was subdued in that territory and talking of a territory that is heavily laden with witchcraft darkness that was where I went but the time was coming back there was a revival in Nablus yes that was when we became tired of the trot we were attending that this thing that we read in the book of Acts of the Apostles can never happen here it means that this is not a continuation of what apostle paul nemenyi that we will fight on to revive a comes back that would be my destiny that would be the reason why don't bury me when we had died but my tombstone he laid board for revival that's what that's the only comment day he live ball for a violent that place of which I know how many witches came to kill me in the night I know how many witches I know how many people died because they have tempted me and the one that survived came and testified that they are two engines that follow me I didn't know that Devils people that were possessed were the ones that told me about my security system like they were two engines one woman one of the women was so angry and when she attacked within the field of those engines what killed that woman that chest pain that killed a woman they know this horse it was an angel a stroke in the natural she became wanting on the chest it was that team not kiddin you know that this witches invited me to come and pray for the woman you know was not mature maybe didn't we go is it badi people that inflicted it they didn't give me the authority to reverse the action so I went there with my open heart as a pastor bring life bring the difference sapa she died mo she tied them oh she died demo oh my god by the time I was coming back I was looking for my friend but I discovered they love God give it in keep it and when I met him he was a dwarf in the spirit he had gone through many many wildernesses that were not his destiny just because he could not keep the law of the gaiden we are going to pray today and there's somebody in this hall that I'm preaching to because you were moving with God so strong and you did not keep the law and that glory that was upon your life that glory lifted your seeking that glory now but you are not quite seen it it is because of you that I came out with this sermon today this kook trust that God gave me was to testify about your experience because today God is willing to restore your Rupe if you are here and you are the one I'm talking to then you can kneel and ask for your robe again come and near now you see where you are in a meeting like this if you are ashamed you evicted yeah I victim they evicted yeah I victim [Music] Wacka Wacka move that we are victim yeah victim if you are ashamed the evicted now Alleluia [Music] God is risen guidance Deepu that we change that will change the scope of things people that would change the scope of things I so many cameras cover salmon I wanted to do something while you are out here bring repentance to the Lord make sure how you did not keep the law and ask him for messy if you do that here we reach out and he will give you back your comment can you talk to him right now talk to him can you talk to me and you talk to him Sakuma sorry to come home yosaku mysterious castle Brianna a garnet with common refresh for a new beginning God will make possible the things that have become impossible in your life he will cause your face to shine talk to him quickly up to him [Music] Biba so Sabina plant Alima Nebraska Palazzo celebrated in Acadia muscle accomplished with acetic on Vesta bottom llaman topo press Kasasa been a katya press Koval Oppo conver animus see Cobras Kalimantan [Music] Aloma say a tappa polemic art a la voz ketamine abrin de sica Mentos Cobras sabina Tattaglia amicable APPA messily fresco felonies favela Keiko brass kiss open Alabama collie reminisce Supriya Vika pitocin la vella Korea salmon on table OSHA salmon and a llama Korea Bob Anatomy scope Rahila Batali hear the cry of your people me so sorry Cobra Ameno Congress ela equal plane am Asahi to pray a la Parvati McCarthy a brand Dominus Cabrera shame in a la boqueria Alabama bah-bah-bah my son [Music] yes so Samia Priscilla [Music] Alitalia Jellicoe Makar celli abdominus Surya paprika pelota habla scuba Santa Barbara jimena like Jimena so break apart wa assess Asante SSO Salim Acadia Lamont Allah bubblicious Khatami all we bring repentance we bring repentance will bring repentance we bring repentance will bring repentance [Music] Amaya comma something loveless sultan the Bloodless uh Baba Booey esculent of a Supriya tomotommy Shabana plant of the warrior seminar Lebon the high school Thank You long [Music] in the name of Jesus I come with your people and we ask that you show us mercy and the things that you consider those unworthy of because of our inability to subscribe to the requirement of your government we had plead that it might please you to restore on the life of everyone opportunities privileges anointings graces doors actualizations make available one more time in the name of Jesus and show every one of your sons and your daughters a sign that indeed you have lifted up the ban and a new season has been released a new time of possibilities have been declared Oh Lord we give you praise in Jesus name you may go back I saluted I salute ooh yes singasong [Music] take over g-hold take I cannot know you us unless you help me you unless you're happy [Music] take cover vollis can we pray one prayer before I run that's a friend listen as the Lord takes you deeper and just like a businessman needs capital to begin business you need anointing to prosecute destiny for every layer every measure of this commodity that God makes available there are laws governing I was preaching here I was preparing from the officer come on preacher one day when that my friend now give me to my office and he said it seems you have left us behind I said no that's impossible what do you want sorry nearly hundred thousand I knew that was not what he wanted I gave him a hundred thousand what he needed was for me on him to go back to where we met go to cry but he felt he needed a hundred thousand so I gave him I gave him with honor but that only dozen did not rest our was loss that is a law there is a law [Music] that is a law that is all not working for God there's no in it but you know what as he goes higher the laws increase until the only possibility left for you will be a narrow path a narrow part the type he will be moving like this because if you turn this way you will lose your piece let him know can we ask that called will many teens are mental students those years that it was like they were trying to make us afraid I am living in it now and it was better than they told us I'm living in it now the way of the kingdom will lead you to a part that is narrow can we ask for grace that God will give us grace to survive the law for in the day that he eat of this fruit ye shall surely die [Music] receive grace to keep the laws of God [Music] with the grace to furnish the expectation of heaven God has a plan for your life [Music] - cool let's open our mouth on receive grace raka take a Barolo Cicilline Kiska predatory references any techo para DD Auto Cassidy we take a baritone Jeannie he spoke Maradona techhobo rowdyism in Doha totally common de su parody on Acosta top Arabia Niko's as Enoch is Khepera DITA Little Miss Austin topper and Ayatollah Khomeini's amicus keep reading mrs. Annie Joseph Latinos is an eco party tapara lfhe Anita's even eCos gay Paree kappa Ron is is Onika spittle a predator is a lot Marita's insanity scope Aryan disease Anacostia elephant Ollie Brienne toes acutally casket Aleph Edenic escape area D Lord we receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord will receive grace Lord we receive grace Lord we receive grace Lord we receive grace Lord we receive grace Lord will live food on your grease Lord we live food on your grease Lord we live hood on your grease Lord we live hood on your grace Lord maybe Lee hood on your grease Lord we live who's home grease lord we live hood from grease we live with and grace Lord will a hood and grease Lord will a whole Congress we take delivery of yoga rest we take delivery of your grace we take delivery of your grace we make contact with your grace will see did their positive-definite Grace who is in the deposit of specific grace we receive grace we receive grace we receive grace we receive this we received this with the same list we receive this we receive this we receive grace when you seem pleased we receive grace we receive grace when it's in place very simplest we receive grace we receive grace we receive grace and grace we lay hold on Greece we live hurt Vallejo Congress will a whole Congress will a hodong grace zk take a parody techo para de delito I take a bow Korean title likho tetiny on Dakota tiga many in Dalek ozz knee 10 taboos a matina Lucent okay Perry danila khaldiya Tamina Erik Itachi yo yo and echo-y Condoleezza eat and ELISA Aaron Toboso ero Alta paddies Rococo koko desu irritated eyes are on tatata lalala diesel Iran total accountable to record a portal and available to peridot say in Tekken Davila hands [Music] internment in Perugia yattaman ottomanism yattaman Oh totally Kaito para todo para diluted le Kodama notices on across that apparently totally Kettleman detail DaCosta into parrot Ock Tony aah gasps Kaleta pretty lord will a hood on your grace login no word on your grace love you know hood on your grace Lord we live hood on your grease Lord we learn who for your grace for it is written we are seen increase increases the grace of God increase much more what I received for your requirement for my life I receive grace for your requirement for my life I receive grace for a requirement for my life I receive grace for a requirement for my life I receive grace for a requirement for my life I receive grace for your demand on my life I receive grace to make the most of your demand for my life I receive grace not a blowy I receive grace not to show no demand is noticed well your test very soon grace not to have 12 your demand I received this and he secrets Oh God I received grace thank you Father [Music] thank you Father in Jesus name we pray [Music] in Jesus name we pray the prayer point has been distilled and handed over to us it is Greece if you find time to pre there's a demand of God upon Allah this is a very intense test that will come and when it comes you will know indeed that if I will survive this one it is great that we make my surviving if it has not come yet then forget it you are not under any test if you it has not come to convince you that you will really need grace to survive this one day it has not come just prepare amen and it is read lady right now less cause our friend [Music] while I was an undergraduate there was a little gristle Priya I am saying this one now because the often is going on not finished there was a little bit so Priya that Kim so we're praying and praying and praying and praying all the time and I didn't know that it was the grace that was helping me because where we were living it was Sodom and Gomorrah the accommodation we esteem if you are coming that was when I saw the practical illustration of the scripture does it look Street look unto Jesus as if you are going to no room your I must be straight don't look to the left or to the right if you try it you will see what you didn't bargain for you can't if you come out of your room the person next door to you will be doing some stuff so I receive grace and give myself to Freya and I didn't know I didn't notice what was happening again by virtue of the fray and I didn't know that it was a grace that was working upon me that helped me to survive until a friend of mine that had the carryover came to stay with me he begged me to stay with me his treat I started lamenting how have you been surviving have you he complained so much until I asking what exactly is the problem can't you see these gears can't you see this one can't you see this one and where I survived for four years he didn't Trish he didn't stay up to one year agir I went to the class were rich and the ladies saw me in class he rushed to the guy in the room I he nearly did stuff in my own room that I stiff over for you is that nothing happened an attempt of going into such high morality happened upon him for up to three times in that my room it was in that was easy is no mark to confess to me eventually but I didn't notice it because there was a grease that in short when I look back upon those this I began to be afraid in in retrospect I began to wonder that something the harpoon that time that I overcame I am now thinking that I began to be afraid for till that have happened already that if it happened I will I be able to overcome it so I began to be afraid in retrospect but all those things are grease detail that you think you can't overcome it they agree that we make you of a comma so as we go home let's take time to free and strive on tedious a definite impartation order grace upon us amen we may wish to rise up right now as we adjourn the meeting by 3:00 p.m. with african time we hope to reconvene here again regarding the defeat of the Lord to complete what he is doing in our lives for thine is the kingdom party glory forever [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 14,735
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Id: kWSvlAk1BFg
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Length: 111min 13sec (6673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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