The Test That Terence Tao Aced at Age 7

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her entire channel is a gold mine for unintentional asmr

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ph0enixReb0rn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

TIL I am no where close to a mathematician.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rustoak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ends with a cat of the day?

I'm in.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/angry_centipede πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not familiar with using "delta" as a variable - any reason they didn't use a fourth letter in the first example?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SonicFlash01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
Terence Tao is one of the world's best mathematicians. He has won maths top prize, the Fields Medal, and many would consider him a genius. His talents were recognised early, and he was a child math prodigy. He was dabbling in university courses when he was nine. And by 16, he had graduated from Flinders University in Adelaide. By 21. He had his PhD from Princeton. When Terrance was seven, he was taking some math and physics classes at his local high school. And it was around this time that he was visited at home by Ken Clements, a researcher of mathematically gifted children. This report is Clements', thoughts and findings on Tao, including the results of a math test given to him. So let's take a look at it. It was the day before Terence's eighth birthday, the 16th of July 1983, exactly 38 years ago. And it says here that Terence was given an operations test. Knowing that he might find the first few questions too easy, Clements says 'you shouldn't laugh at the questions because they get harder towards the end of the test.' And Terrance has an interesting reply. He says 'the questions won't know if I laugh at them because they haven't got ears.' He went on to score 60 out of 60 on this test, on average, a year 12 student taking the same test would be expected to get a score of only 53 out of 60. And here's one of those example questions. Question 58 asked if p divided by q divided by r is equal to delta divided by q divided by r, then find delta. And here is seven year old Terence's answer. He writes it out as a fraction, and then just does a bit of algebra to rearrange for delta, getting it to be p over r squared. Although it was clear to Clements that this test was too easy for Terrence and they'd need to move on to some more difficult things. This next set of questions were presented to him, and they had to be worked out mentally. They include things like what angle does an hour hand describe in 20 minutes? Terence got all eight of these questions correct as well, in a total time of nine minutes. Clements noticed that while Terence had been solving the questions, he often justified an algebraic step by writing the appropriate algebraic law, for example, the associative law next to it. And so that prompted this following very interesting conversation. Clements asked what is the associative law for addition of real numbers, Terence answers that it doesn't matter where you put the brackets. He also gives a correct definition of the commutative laws, and he also gives a correct definition of a group, something that most math students don't encounter until university. However, it seems that the first thing to stump him was being asked what is a field. Terence replies, "I don't know". Given that I barely have a grasp on what a field is now, I think it's forgivable for a seven year old Terence not to know that either. He does, however, know about the distributive law and gives the example multiplication over addition, Clements asks if addition over multiplication is an example, but Terence replies "only for Boolean algebras". Clements was quite impressed by all of this, 'not only did he have an astounding grasp of algebraic definitions for someone who was still seven years old, but I was amazed at how he used sophisticated mathematical language freely. I was beginning to form the impression that Terence preferred to use analytic non-visual methods in preference to making extensive use of visual imagery'. Here is one of Terence's actual written solutions to a question that says, 'The length of each side of a square is increased by three metres. The area of the new square is 39 metres squared more than that of the original square. How long are the sides of the new square?' Terence correctly finds that the length of the new square is eight metres. The next set of questions given to Terrance include 'Suppose you decided to write down all the numbers from one to 99,999. How many times would you have to write the number one?' This one Terrance actually gave an incorrect solution to, although still an answer that shows plenty of critical thought about the question. Apparently the correct solution here is 50,000. He struggled a little bit with a few more of these questions. And Clements says that, 'at this stage, Terence was showing slight signs of fatigue, although his interest was still high'. So he asked him just two more relatively simple questions. First he asked him to sketch the graph of y equals x squared plus x, which he did immediately, 'I asked him to find the coordinates of the turning point, and he wrote them down. This response took 20 seconds. I then asked him to sketch y is equal to x cubed minus 2x squared plus x. And in about one minute, he produced this'. It is interesting to note that Terence hadn't begun to study any calculus at school. But when Clements had arrived at the Tao household, and was speaking with Terence's parents, Billy and Grace, he had spotted Terence sitting in the far corner of the room, reading a book with the title Calculus. Terence's dad was a doctor and Terence's mum was a graduate of physics and maths, who had worked as a high school teacher. She said that Terence liked to read mathematics by himself, and often spent three or four hours after school reading mathematics textbooks. Terence also had an interest in computer programming, and had taught himself BASIC language by reading a book. And at the end of this first visit, Clements was shown one of Terence's programmes, it was called Fibonacci and actually contains plenty of humour. Apparently, Terence wrote many of his programmes when he was just six years old. So let's take a look at Fibonacci. It doesn't just calculate the sequence. It starts with, 'here comes Mr. Fibonacci. Can you guess which year was Mr Fibonacci born? Write down a number please'. Then, if the user inputs the correct answer, they can start. However, if their guess is too far off, they'll be told 'no, he is already in heaven. Try again.' Or they might be told 'sorry, he wasn't born yet. Try again.' Then if they were close, it would print the difference between the guess and the actual answer, meaning that even to start this programme, the user is guided by a bit of mathematics. After printing some of the sequence, it ends with 'Mr. Fibonacci is leaving now'. And 'here goes his car'. This line is perhaps the only reminder of just how young the author of this programme is. Five weeks later, Clements came back for a second visit. And he asked Terence if something was a field. He was Terence's answer, clearly demonstrating that since the last visit, he now knew exactly what a field was. This kind of answer is something that a university student would be proud of. And it shows just how fast Terence was able to learn concepts. They encountered another thing, though, that he didn't know yet. He was asked for the antiderivative of one over x, and responded that he had not got up to that yet in his reading. But on a third visit, not long after the second, Terence had not only mastered the antiderivative of one over x, but was doing things like this with partial fractions. He was given a space visualisation test, which again made Clements come to the conclusion that Terence preferred to use non-visual analytic methods, even if they required more complicated thinking than more visual methods. For example, with this question here, Terence said that he checked each shape by the reflection law, which was that each point had an image on the other side of the mediator, and he did not imagine each shape being folded along the dotted line. Included in the report was Terence's school timetable, the subjects marked with the asterix took place at the primary school, whilst all the others took place at the high school. His teachers said that whilst seven year old Terence did have the academic ability of a 16 year old, his maturity was still that of a seven year old. And Terence's parents had to balance giving him a childhood that challenged him intellectually, but also allowed him to fit in socially and emotionally. Report makes it clear that rather than being pushed along one rigid track of mathematical education, Terence was allowed to pursue the topics that interested and challenged him the most. He loved mathematics, and the efforts of those around him were to ensure that he did not become bored or frustrated with non challenging work. Let's finish with a look at a programme that now eight year old Terence Tao had submitted for publication to a student mathematics journal called Trigon. It is all about perfect numbers and is labelled here as Terence's first published paper. 'A perfect number is one such that all its factors including one but excluding itself, add up to itself. For example, six is a perfect number because six has factors one, two, three and six, and one plus two plus three is equal to six'. Euclid proved that a number of this form is a perfect number, if two to the p minus one is a prime number. So Terence says that he has used this fact to write a programme in BASIC to find perfect numbers, which starts with a programme for checking if two to the p minus one is prime. Then he computes perfect numbers up to 10 to the 13. Yet again another example of just how outstanding he is. It's been humbling for me to read through these notes. I hope that it doesn't seem discouraging to any aspiring mathematicians out there. As I'm sure Terence Tao would even agree that many of the great mathematicians followed a more conventional path through education. Thanks for watching. I hope you've enjoyed this video. And thanks as always to my Patreon supporters for making these videos possible. A special shout out to today's Patreon 'Cat' of the Day, Leon.
Channel: Tibees
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Keywords: tibees, tibbees, tibee, tibes, tibbee, tibees asmr, tibees math, terence tao, terry tao, child genius, math prodigy, terry tao young, terence tao child, terence tao math, ken clements
Id: I_IFTN2Toak
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Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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