The Terrifying Alien Encounter That’s Never Been Explained

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UFOs and alien encounters have been reported since antiquity, yet in the 1950s, an explosion of UFO sightings rocked the planet and continue to this day. Although they are often harmless events, there is a darker side to the UFO phenomenon - the alleged abduction or visitation of human beings by alien visitors. Hello, and welcome to another special episode of The Infographics Show's Greatest Mysteries. Today, we're taking a look at the alien abduction phenomenon with two of the most convincing cases of all time. Many abduction stories tell of aliens performing medical tests on their human test subjects, but some claim that the aliens are also interested in our mating habits or perhaps require our help in creating a race of human-alien hybrids. Whatever the reasoning, some alien abductees report sexual encounters during their abduction event, and few are more well known than the first recorded abduction of the modern age: the abduction of Antonio Villas Boas. In early October 1957, Boas began seeing strange bright lights in the sky and around his family's farm in rural Brazil. On October 5th, just before midnight, Boas spotted a bright white light in the sky as he opened his bedroom window to get some fresh air. Later that night after sleeping for a bit, Boas awoke and discovered the same light in the exact same position, yet as he looked at it, the light suddenly began to move towards him at frightening speed. Terrified, he slammed shut the window shutters and woke up his brother, and the two watched as the bright light shined through the closed shutters before leaving. The light reappeared 9 days later when Boas and his brother were out working the fields at night to beat the daytime heat. This time the light hovered about 300 feet (91 meters) above their head and moved from one end of the field to the other as the brothers approached to investigate. Suddenly, the light disappeared as if having been turned off, though Boas suggested that the light may have simply lifted up and rushed away while he wasn't looking. The next night, working the fields alone, a reddish light zoomed out of the sky towards Boas at incredible speed. Before he could decide what to do it had already stopped directly above his head, and Boas could see a craft that looked like a “large elongated egg.” Three legs extended from underneath it, and the craft began to descend - at which point a terrified Boas ran to his tractor. But upon reaching it, the tractor and its lights suddenly died. While Boas was fleeing for his house, a small figure suddenly grabbed his arm. According to Boas, the figure was dressed in a full-body length suit of some kind with an elongated helmet and what appeared to be breathing tubes connected to the body suit. Shaking off the figure, Boas turned to run again but was surrounded by three figures who overpowered him. Boas was taken to a flexible metallic rolling ladder which whirled him up and into the spacecraft. Once inside, he found himself in a small, brightly lit square room. The aliens grabbed Boas and held him in place while they undressed him, and despite his opposition, the aliens seemed to take care not to harm him or damage his clothing as they patiently removed it. All the while the aliens communicated between themselves, with Boas describing the sounds as some kind of animalistic grunts. The sounds were so foreign to Boas that when interviewed later he had a difficult time describing or recreating them. Once naked, the aliens applied a clear liquid to his body - likely a disinfectant - and took blood with a device from his chin that left small scars later noticed by doctors. At this point, Boas says he was left alone for about an hour until suddenly a nude female figure entered the room, described by Boas as human yet with features that, although beautiful, were not quite “right.” A device in the ceiling emitted a puff of smoke that made Boas nauseous initially, but he thought it acted as some sort of aphrodisiac. After engaging in intercourse with the alien woman, Boas was allowed to dress and returned to his farm but not before trying to secretly steal a small device from the ship as proof of his experience, which caused one of the aliens to react very violently. Boas’s story could easily be dismissed as fantasy, if not for the incredible amount of detail and his great reluctance in his telling it. It took Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, Professor of Medicine at the National School of Medicine of Brazil, to convince Boas to go public with his story, after which he did to a journalist and a member of Brazilian military intelligence. Along with the incredible amount of detail Boas offered about the aliens, their wardrobe, and the craft itself, Boas was also found to be suffering from radiation poisoning, and he exhibited a plethora of other physical ailments for months after his experience. Was it an actual alien encounter, or was it the wild fantasy of a bored - and possibly very lonely - farmer? We'll let you decide as we move on to our second alien encounter. Made famous by the Hollywood film Fire In The Sky, the Travis Walton abduction story has become a hotbed of controversy. On November 5th, 1975, Walton and 5 other loggers working in the Arizona wilderness piled into a truck for the drive home after a hard day's work. Minutes later, the crew spotted a bright light coming from behind a hill. Filled with curiosity, they drove closer until they could see a large, silvery disc hovering just above a clearing. While the others stayed in the truck, a fascinated Walton leapt out and ran towards the disc, ignoring the shouts from the rest of his crew to get away and come back. As Walton approached the disc, it suddenly began to make sounds like a loud turbine and wobble from side to side, scaring Walton who then began to back away. According to one of the men on Walton's crew, a beam of blue-green light shot out of the disc and struck Walton, sending him sprawling backwards. The terrified crew immediately put the truck into gear and hightailed it off the mountain and immediately called the police. Deputy Sheriff Chuck Ellison answered their call and came to meet the men, saying later that all of the men were distraught and two were in tears. Although skeptical of the story, he said, “If they were acting, they were awfully good at it.” Within hours, a police search of the abduction site discovered nothing, and the next day an exhaustive search involving horses, helicopters, and jeeps still failed to discover anything. At this point, the police grew suspicious of the logging crew, believing the abduction story to be a cover for an accident or a murder. A polygraph test administered days later indicated that the men were not lying about their UFO sighting or that they had hurt Walton. Days later, a disoriented Walton called his brother-in-law, Grant Neff, from a public phone. Rushed to a hospital, Walton relayed a story of being examined by aliens similar to the popular “grays” described by other abductees and having an encounter with strangely humanlike male and female aliens who would not answer his questions and at one point anesthetized him. A medical examination discovered a small puncture mark on his right arm consistent with a hypodermic injection, but it was nowhere near a vein. His urine also showed a lack of ketones, which if Walton had indeed been without food as he insisted - and as his weight loss suggested - should have been present as his body began breaking down fats in order to survive. To this day, Walton's story remains the stuff of controversy, with Walton failing a polygraph test on the TV game show called The Moment of Truth. Skeptics believe the entire story was made up for publicity and also because Walton and his crew were severely behind in their logging contract. Walton's alleged abduction allowed them to secure an extension from the Arizona government. However, Walton's crew remained adamant for decades after the incident that the entire story was true. Even the police who first responded to their original frantic telephone call for help remarked at how visibly shaken and distraught the men appeared to be that night. Are aliens real, and if so, do they really routinely abduct humans for research? Should we be concerned, and should our governments be doing more to try to protect us from this terrifying threat? It's ultimately easy to dismiss alien abduction stories as mere fantasies made up out of boredom, for attention, or to get one's self out of trouble, but sometimes the physical evidence can be perplexing and begs the question: just how did a 1950s Brazilian farmer working his fields in the remote countryside end up with radiation sickness, skin lesions, and a host of other perplexing physical ailments? Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever had an alien encounter? Want to hear more of the world's most incredible alien abduction stories? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to check out our other video called Could the Black Death (The Plague) Happen Again?! Thanks for watching, and, as always, if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more of The Infographics Show's Greatest Mysteries!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,329,731
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Keywords: education, educational, infographics show, the infographics show, ufo, ufos, alien, aliens, abduction, abductions, encounter, encounters, alien encounter, alien abduction, space, mystery, nasa, universe, earth, unidentified flying object, science, area 51, infographic, infographic show, infographics, alien encounters, the infographic show, infographic video, infographic show aliens, the infographics, the infographics show aliens, info graphics
Id: rIWuxj5J6JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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