The Tech Gems of CES Unveiled at CES 2024!

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what's up everybody we are here at CES unveiled Las Vegas 2024 oh I got that and right now press is coming in behind us because this is 2 days before the show floor actually open so we're going to see things that no one has seen yet I'm so excited I cannot wait to get in there should we go in right now do we just no I want to go right now okay you go that way okay I'm going to take half the floor you take the other half okay let's go ready 3 2 1 go excuse me always looking for things that catch your eye here at CS unveiled and I came up here Palm plug with my man CEO and founder Olaf and on your hand there that is the Palm plug one is that correct yes this is the pal plug one and we're it's a multicentury Robble and we're really excited our mission is to unlock the power of the human hand unlock the power of the human hand that that that is lofty so can you tell me what is happening here what what's the tech going on here and some of the applications on the glove we have sensors that are able to track the hand um so whatever you do with your hand we're able to track it we also provide um heptic feedback so for each individual finger um we have a haptic sensor and also at the back of the hand as well and also we have visual cues which is actually very powerful um so visual cues it allows the gloves to change colors which you see shortly um and you can like convey more information than you typically would with just haptics um and then as a developer you know you could take the SDK and build like so many different games like you want to bring this into a and VR you could use it there so you could touch like you know virtual object or if you want to build like just um a health game so something our company has worked on really hard is like a a platform called thorl with is a health application and it's designed to help stroke survivors regain mobility in their hand so there really you know there's so many ways you can apply this technology but our company we want to start with what's broken and then from there we're going to like you know bring the technology into other sectors I love like a lot of real world application here but also like it can be recreational it can be gaming it can be Physical Therapy like it can be he wants me to say this anything you want it to be we think developers are going to like Love This and like just build we can't wait to see all the applications they build I'm here to learn so sure tell me what you want to do so all right I'm going to put this on your hand okay hey hey this is like the Infinity the infinity yeah baby the glov also has hand tracking all right so now try closing your hand yeah and then you can lift one up did two there we go tracking baby so they different applications by in health think about this game it's called ball maze with your wrist rotations you're doing your physical therapy oh and your goal with this game is to get this ball to this other side there we go down down down there we go there we go Come to Papa there you go yeah like when you're saying this is for physical therapy I can absolutely feel how I have to keep my hand engaged and tense to be able to navigate this properly come on come on almost there come on winner winner chicken nitter let's go let's go let's go come on yeah there we go brush the shoulder off this is what CS is all about like you know we've seen so many boots that start here show off at unveiled and then technology like people get it they understand it they see how it can be applied and I'm I'm like excited for you as well so thank you so much yeah so yeah all right hey thanks ol appreciate my man thank you so much thank you so this is bird fee and I am here with Prima okay what have we got here I mean actually I already know because uh my sister has one my dad has one in his backyard so I had to come and chat with you because you've got so much cool stuff so let us know what we've got so here we have the world first VI camera b b box this is burphy H feeder it's also Dural camera so you got to see from the front and also the side this is so cool I have a bunch of hummingbird nests in my backyard so this is going to be so much fun and also this bamboo one is so beautiful and I love that you have different little accessories here as well now what's also really cool is you have a lot of AI technology built into this so you're able to actually see the bird but it'll tell you what type of bird it is yes it tells you what fishes it is and recorded videos and pictures and notifies you when when they are here so you get nonstop it's awesome like I'm such a huge fan guys definitely check it out I'm obsessed check it out on thank you so much thank you all right when you're walk on the floor and you see something like this you got to stop I'm here at Oro with founder and CEO diet thank you so much for your time man so we are augment robotics we build care and companionship robots for HS uh and this is our very first product targeted towards the dogs and this is called Oro it takes care of your dog even while you're there or even while you are away this is really a robotic Pet Companion right sure but also you know how they're feeling how they're doing right so whether it's happy it's neutral whether it's sad uh if it's going through a separation anxiety like it could uh dispense feet it could play fetch it could have talk in your voice with your face on the screen uh and give you any important notifications that you might need there are several uh access trees that come along with us like this is a feeder uh which not only dispenses the food and this is the very first kind of the feeder which also dispenses the medication so it will ass meate this right so if I'm the dog here right yeah I'm like I'm like yeah and I come up here it sees me yeah and it delivers food down here and then what do I do do I eat it like this are you eating it and it also has additional to that there's Oro moving around and having that dog in the view which is capturing that moment and you a a cute amusing moments of the photos of your dog with updates on the app now let's go to the app where you could feed you could play music you could train your dog using this Oro we could uh we could play like fetch your hide-and seek game obedience game in it this right so it shoots the ball it shoots the ball dog retrieves it it's very easy to train them we have like training schedules built into it so we've done a lot of iterations and study about making this design a non- tampering and a non- chewable design so all these non- chewable design yeah yeah these are chewers man yeah yeah you could try it you could try it really really like right now right now okay okay okay okay so what yeah does it fit in you I can't chew it I tried C us you got to try everything yeah how can people you know find out more and where can they get it yeah so we've just completed the piloting of this product uh we'll be starting with the crowdfunding campaign this April and would be available for deliveries by the end of this year all right yeah there you go so Oro pet campaign I mean the Tekken here is incredible and I mean you have like an ecosystem of things here for it right yeah thanks St thanks ran nice yes all right Dean so you've got something really interesting here what have we got so these are binoculars from sasi Optics some of the finest binoculars in the world but what we're able to do is incorporate number one a video camera and a photography camera into it but the biggest thing is it has bird and mammal identification software so if you're out biring you go to different areas you may not know the birds this binocular will tell you what bird you're seeing through the beinder now this is a really fun integration of AI I mean my dad is going to be so excited about these can I try it absolutely okay so do we have some birds here we've got some right up there matter of fact that P in perfect for so first you want to get the bird in Focus okay all right we're focused once you're Focus you put your finger on that shutter button right here yeah okay ready and then you press it about halfway there he is yep and it's going to tell you what bird it is so it's got 9,000 species in there it's a Rufus hummingbird there you go it was a Rufus hummingbird okay wait wait there's something else there's something else a Lincoln Sparrow there you go okay I I would have not known that ever so now what this does is it takes all that information sends it to your iPhone and you can keep a log of everything you've seen does it take photos of them too take photos of them videos of them no way sharing function so if your father is at home he can see what you're seeing on the truck that's so cool so this does videos and photos and automatically sends it to your phone y this is gamechanging I am I'm going to go buring now awesome oh my gosh thank you so much you so cool all right when you're at CES look we're on our feet so much we're walking so many miles and steps so I had to find a massage chair for me and I've never tried this before this is the Super noovo X I'm here with Vicki and again this is your chance to tell me we've seen massage shars what makes the supern noo X special one of the new featur that we have on this chair is what we call our teardrop doors so this door just comes up easy access to get in that is it's like the wing doors like a Lambo or something right the Lambo door we have these exchangeable panels so these panels actually come out and you can we have different colors we have different color pads so customizability right a little F fashion aspect to it okay so there's like the AHA kind of features but I will tell you this is an app control chair it will be controlled by your by your smartphone you also have what we call virtual therapist which is our owned Voice Assistant you want a little more intensity you simply say virtual therapist please increase intensity bam all right like how many what do they call Massage nodules like what type of motor you know what's that all this is a great question okay that's why I'm here this is a dual robot this is new there is a robot up here and a separate robot down here that you are getting your shoulders and your butt your glutes massage at the same time so it is like you have two M massas I guess is that m m yeah yeah M you have two massas working on you at the same time it is a great experience okay I guess I should just try this I think it needs to get in okay I have to take my shoes off we're going to take the shoes off look at that it's lifting oh I'm feeling it oh on my little my feet I have little balls on my feet it's just being like plied like putty this is the lowest level what yes oh you can probably see me shaking yeah the lower back is nice like oh it's nice okay I think you're going to a stretch I think yeah they're stretching me out you ready my two massis are stretching me out you ready to be a couple inches taller I got Buns of Steel after this one that's Buns of Steel so this is not we're not messing around it's got the job done it it's got the job done yeah all right oh man I got to go back I got to go back and walk the floor now so I'm here with Tyler and you are a part of Eevee now tell me what we're wearing right now so we are wearing the Eevee ring which is a wellness device that we designed specifically for women so we designed the ring actually to look a little bit more like jewelry it has an open design which is very intentional because it has about half a millimeter of give which is just enough to accommodate for like swelling or discomfort in the morning or certain times of the month all of you ladies out there I think we all know about wearing rings when our fingers swell like it's not an ideal situation and it comes in this charger the charger is portable and you can keep it on the go with you for like 10 days and the battery itself um lasts for like 4 days that's amazing I also love the colors too so what colors do you have so we have gold silver you've got the rose gold on I'm wearing gold and this is silver right here and we have sizes 5 to 11 which also women tend to have smaller finger so having a size five has been advantageous as well that's amazing yeah so now this connects to an app so when we inside of the app what kind of data can we see so in the app you can see all the data that we the Biometrics that we pull off your rings you can see your sleep you can see all your activity um your calories burned and everything else throughout the day but what it does is and I have a picture of it behind me here is it gives you a full picture of your activity and your recovery so it shows you out of the gate if you slept well you actually get a little celebration which is good for me because I'm a very good sleeper so I wake up every morning and I get a celebration but then also it gives you credit for logging your mood for being Mindful and then your activity as well so overall all you can find um a more balanced approach to your day and then hopefully get insights that will make you help you make better choices about your health that's awesome thank you so much you so so pretty love [Music] it you're making me hungry already Brandon at the camera because when you start with these muffins I want to eat but there's reason we're here we're here with sebie CEO Camille and you know we've seen a lot of different cooking Tech here at CES but there's a unique that you guys are doing here so I'd love to hear all about it we like to innovate a core technology on cooking so it's really on heating the ingredient itself where we put the Innovation and this Innovation is it is possible to cook quick with low temperatures which is new to the market and that's what we're introducing here at CES and so what makes this unique like what are the advantages when you're not I guess burning off or heting up some of the nutrition nutritional value like what are the benefits of the low temperature yeah so so the low temperature indeed triggers better nutritions but also um uh better tastes uh there's no risk on burning yeah that's also for people who are not easy with cooking it's very easy and very energy efficient and and this is called the sevy smart cooker yeah inde uh we we developed this one uh to to show how a consumer products could look like and it's uh it's it's designed to put as a countertop in your kitchen yeah uh nicely with uh with with pants our technology requires new pants uh uh due to the way we heat because we heat me gentle currents gentle currents gentle currents gentle currents it sounds so smooth yeah and and it is so because we really want to uh honor the ingredients so of course everyone's going to watch us they're like all right you're cooking at a low temperature is faster but how how much faster are we talking about right for for example here you see uh a muffin Square which is uh baked by Sophie from the raw but to the cake was baked in 3 minutes 3 minutes you should try one I mean this is so this is a 3 minute muffin using this technology okay this is the first time I've tried this just want to let y'all know okay it's moist it's soft and it tastes really good in fact yeah I'm need another one cuz it tastes so good go for it because it's also very good for you because the the the gam inside has also be prepared with seevi and 40% of the vitamins more than usual Jam so uh so there's that jam right here like you see the strip here right there yeah that's some that's some sevy Jam it's SE like Savory follow along guys come on so what's your strategy to you know get this out is this to other manufacturers or what yeah so since it's really on the core of heating ingredients we really want to reach out to the full world we are licensing our technology to original brand manufacturers uh for the domestic appliances Brands but also for industry you can imagine that the bakery industry is quite interested in this one because apart from the time it cuts 90% of the energy use for baking a bread so all right come on I mean if you're you got to have a muffin cheers yeah we we cheers on that cheers all right there we go thank you very much very good thank you so we are here with what are we looking at here Gary yeah the this is the horing 70 this is a stuning motorcycle that we bring into American Market the acceleration is scary from 0 to 60 MPH only 3 seconds so that's really a thrill 186 m per food charge and from0 to 80% only 30 minutes so I recommended you buy one it's everless handling when you apply the thror it's just boom goes it has so many buildingin sensors and cameras to impr improve the safety features that's amazing so you said this is coming to the US soon uh sure we are going to deliver this bike uh in the third quarter of this year well I was going to ask does it come in pink of course you can customize the colors you really yes sure this works out great because I live in Los Angeles so better believe I'm going to go in and customize myself some colors this is amazing thank you so much for sharing yes thank you thank you oh yeah this is I feel like you're a movie star I'm ready I love it cool here at CES unveiled you see some things that kind of blow your mind and get you like really hyped up right next to me is my friend Andre CEO and founder of holoc connects and what are you looking at this is a holograph projection basically of Andre in Amsterdam right now now Andre say hi to everybody hi Brian nice to meet you hi everybody nice to meet you as well I'm currently in Amsterdam exactly I can show you what time it is hold it hold it there it's almost what almost 400 a.m. in Amsterdam oh my go so it's quite late but um you guys give me a lot of energy so that's good so can you tell people that are watching this right describe what we're actually looking at and what is holoc connection well what you're actually looking at is is a hologram box I'm currently live I can be at One locations up to 100 location simultaneously and what we want to achieve a lot of sectors are undergoing a digital transformation currently and we want to to keep it human and well you can see it you can look at me it feels like I'm standing inside of the Box um what we bring is the human interaction into all the digital transformation I mean what's interesting is right you obviously have a camera set up top so you can see all the eyeballs and all the people around this right the fact that you're saying hey human interaction people can feel this and they're you know they're like 10 20 ft away for you is this an Enterprise thing or is it you know for personal use what what is your goal with holoc connects well basically we started the company like three years ago and uh currently we're still at the face finding sweet spots but a lot of sectors are interested in this technology um and we can do a lot we can bring a lot of value within all kinds of SE so for instance we bring doctors and patients closer to each other throughout the North America because existent care is quite low so we call them in is live hologram so they don't have to flight it's good for the environment and they can be economically easier next to each other well Andre I mean you know when you talk about coming to C us for Tech this is exactly what we come for so thank you so much you know before we go take a breather they're going to turn me into Hol okay okay okay can I just hand you this mik sir oh got it got yeah look here look here right uh-oh holoc connects btz look at this yay yay yay yay CES 2024 where you could be a hologram too like meate okay Blair so I've seen people walking around the show floor with this on I'm not sure what it is so let me get all the information here yes I'm so excited to introduce our wable Mobility whim which stands for we innovate Mobility it's aailable robot for assist to your walking and so we have two main modes the first one is assist mode it helps you walk easily and safely and the second one is exercise mode so once you wear it with exercise mode you can feel L on your knees and so you can strengthen your lower body muscles oh wow so it can be great exercise for your daily life can I try it of course okay now who's the target audience for this really actually our the first Target will be the seniors who over 70 years and but also it can be used for someone who had been diagnosed some stroke Parkinson or some someone who has cyclopia and it can be useful for them for rehabilitation awesome I'd love to try it out okay this is main body okay it weighs only 1.6 kg wow yeah it's very light and I turn on the power we're going to try the first one assist mode okay just walk as usual oh so this is in assist mode so it's it's helping me walk whoa wa how does it how is it doing this it's like magic Wow wo wo okay when I pick my legs up it it giving me like a boost wo okay yeah you definitely feel it when I start taking more of a stride so the next mode is exercise mode so what does this do uh it will give you some list on your oh some resistance yes it can it maybe you can feel walk in the water yeah wow yeah it gives you the feeling of kind of like walking through maybe some sand or something like it's so weird cuz I feel like I should be like pushing my way through something it's like an invisible force field I can see how this could really be super helpful for a lot people I also like that you have different colors it's fashionable yes the sales will start from this January from South Korea and our Market will be expanded to the global so please wait awesome thank you for letting me try this it's really cool hello what what did you see go I saw everything like uh bird feeders uh binoculars that detect the type of bird that you're seeing massage chairs oh I I I saw a massage chair too so did I was yours was yours as good as mine no mine was pretty great was incredible I I saw a hologram box oh yeah I so much here but oh wait hold on what do we Okay but behind us is something very special Lynn is here to tell us about it so cold snap is a rapid freezing Appliance it accepts a shelf stable pod so this is stored at room temperature it does not need to be refrigerated it does not need to be frozen you pop it into the machine and the Machine is going to read this QR code right at the top so we'll go ahead and pop it in there this I that already got me ex it's great we'll close the lid like that put a bowl cuz that's important when I forget a bowl it's not the best okay and now it's going to take 2 minutes so it freezes It On Demand it's basically like an instant ice cream machine but we do have other products as well so we have Frozen lattes we have a a dairy and a non-dairy uh Frozen protein shake coming soon we have Frozen smoothies and Cocktails and we do have a line of boozy ice cream with 2% ABV so it's not so much but it's just enough to give you that little kick so they all are just contained in this pod it's premium ice cream mix um we try to keep it as clean label as possible and use really high quality ingredients and it just freezes right on demand inside the machine so all the mixing and freezing happens inside this pod there is a turning paddle inside here so nothing touches the inside of the machine there is no cleaning at all there's no water line it just yeah it's pretty amazing we're learning already more and this just gets more attractive to us like you're blowing our minds here um is this something like we can just buy like a normal average consumer this isn't like you know this is just us like we can go and get this yeah how how how can people get this right yeah so we are getting a lot of demand for residential settings we are launching uh commercially first so we're going b2bs so it's going to be maybe a couple years before we get into homes unfortunately we but we are launching for commercial settings so um office break room stadium suites car dealerships hotels on before we talk it's can I put my tongue under this no because I want some oh my goodness wow do we have to share do the honors Che Cheers Cheers okay think whatever cheers right oh my goodness I had the absolute best time here at the CES unveiled Las Vegas 20124 she said that all so elegantly that was nice this just the beginning but the show for hasn't even opened so we just wanted to give you a taste of what I see what you did there yes 2 days before the show floor opens so much more to find out so much more to explore we're here this is this is where we're supposed to be I think we live here now me and hot chocolate cold snap is our new home this is where yeah you find us here find us here I'm so happy this is my dinner I didn't and a [Music] cheese
Channel: Brian Tong
Views: 142,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ces, ces 2024, tech, technology, tech trends, artificial intelligence, ai, digital health, sustainibility, 4k tv, transparent tv, oled, smart home, smart home gadgets, mobile tech, electric vehicle, car tech, las vegas, brian tong, ijustine, sneak peak, ces 2024 preview, hot tech, tech trends 2024, birdfy, palmplug, cold snap ice cream machine, instant ice cream machine, ice cream, best of ces, ces tech
Id: sy6DtXbPzeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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