The Teachings of Andrew Wommack

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hello my name is Tim I'm with the Centers for apologetics Research and today I want to talk to you about Andrew Wommack Andrew Wommack falls under the category of a word faith teacher sometimes called word faith word of faith prosperity gospel health and wealth gospel and by this we mean the belief system where your power your words have the power to create different realities and usually they're focused on the subjects of health and wealth that your words can have the power to create health they have the power to create financial gain as well and Andrew Wommack is one of these the focus is on these now he has a big following across the world and I think part of his appeal is that he doesn't focus so much on the financial aspect a lot of work they teachers that focus on the financial aspect of their teaching end up I think losing a lot of their potential audience because some people see it as greed Andrew Wommack you're not going to hear a lot of the outrageous statements that I've heard from many work paid teachers that could be categorized as just this big greed thing he seems a lot more humble so a lot of people catch on to that and like to follow that his focuses more on the health aspect of the word faith theology God wants you completely healthy instead of always focusing on the wealthy he'll touch on that but that's not his his main thing now just a brief look at the history to know where he came from in 1976 he started his gospel truth radio program and in 1994 he started at Karis Bible College and in the year 2000 his gospel truth program became a television program and it's been running ever since you can go online to his Andrew Wommack ministries and you can find all of his TV programs there for free and I think that's another part of his appeal is that if there's any kind of CD or any teaching that he's done that you're interested in if you don't have the money to pay for it he will offer it to you for free so he draws in people that way with his ability to give things away he's not always asking for money for everything that he has now his appeal is very much large largely worldwide they have 26 locations across the United States for his Cara's Bible College but there across the world as well as you can see from this map but there are 21 international locations they have a lot of locations in Europe as you can see in Africa three different places they're also in Asia and in Australia so Andrew Wommack has a very wide reach in his teaching a lot of people are following him across this world the vision statement of Karis Bible College is something that will find kind of enlightening or maybe even troubling this this part this is only part of this vision statement if this is all his vision statement said right here I think that we wouldn't have a problem with it sending leaders to proclaim the truth of the gospel throughout America and the world well that sounds pretty good isn't it that's part of the Great Commission sending people out to proclaim the gospel but that's not his entire vision statement the entire vision statement is change the body of Christ perception of God by preparing and sending leaders to proclaim the gospel throughout America in the world so the main thrust of his vision statement is their focus is on Christians to reach out to them and change their understanding and their perception of God so what we want to do in this video is look at what is Andrew Wommack perception of God and is ability' is this something this vision of God something that we should listen to or something that we should reject so let's take a look the first category that I want to look at is sickness poverty and suffering what is ymax view first of all under Wommack says in one of his books here he says it is a false teaching to claim that God is the one who causes people to die or the God puts sickness on you to Humble you for some redemptive purpose to perfect you through all this suffering so it's false teaching to claim that God is the one those sensible for this so the summer summarize this number one God does not cause people to become poor sick or died God is not the author of this according to Womack instead sickness and suffering would come from three possible sources number one from sin but not in the sense of punishment he would say but of cause and effect being natural consequences and D the main place where he rests is the idea of demonic this is the source of sickness poverty and suffering sickness and disease is often demonic that can Khayat or bacon is off dimensional response depression and poverty and things like that or demonic so even though he will acknowledge that sin and natural consequences could be the source of your poverty sickness and suffering and so on the demonic is where he we mainly rest because even though these other things might be a source of your sickness or your suffering if you continue in that sickness and suffering and poverty well that's because of the demonic world you're listening to the demonic world the way to get out of sickness and poverty and suffering would be from what we're going to find out later through the power of words but let's look at what does the Bible teach is Andrew Wommack right here is God not the source of this well let's look up a few verses Exodus 4:11 says the Lord said to Moses who gave human beings their mouths who makes them deaf or mute who gives them sight or who makes them blind is it not I the Lord now that doesn't need a lot of fancy interpretation to be able to tell what he's saying here who are is the source of who gives them sight who makes them blind well it's God so I can say number one under Bible teaching is God may cause sickness and death now this doesn't mean that God is behind every sickness and death that's out there but according to Exodus 4:11 God can be a source for this another verse deuteronomy 32:39 says this see now that I myself am he there is no God beside me I put to death and I bring to life I have I have wounded and I will heal and no one can deliver out of my hand God can be the source of even death according to Deuteronomy and in 1st Samuel chapter 2 verses 6 & 7 says this the Lord brings to death and makes alive he brings down to the grave and raises up the Lord sends poverty and wealth he humbles and he exalts God could be the source of sickness poverty and suffering he may do this now this doesn't mean that God is a cruel god and we're going to get into that in a little bit but still it's evident that according to the scriptures is the God could be the source for this this isn't just in the Old Testament James chapter 4 verse 15 this is you I say if it is the Lord's will we will live and do this or that because it could be the Lord's will that maybe you wouldn't live so even in the New Testament times it's the same God doing the same things God could be the source of our not continuing to even live according to James chapter 4 now the second point I want to make here is God may use these things for a good Andrew Wommack and other word fake teachers would say that no God would never use these bad things in our lives to teach us good he only teaches us good through Scripture however the Bible teaches otherwise like here in Psalms chapter 119 verse 67 and verse 71 says this before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word and 71 it was good for me that I might be afflicted that I might learn your decrees so the psalmist is declaring that because of his affliction he came to know and understand God we learn more sometimes through affliction than we do through prosperity and everything is going perfect for us we don't necessarily reach out for God as much as when things aren't working out as well now this is one example of how we can one person might have come to know God but how about after we know God revelation 3:19 clarifies those whom I love according to God those whom I love I reprove and discipline therefore be zealous repent see God can use these things in our lives as discipline as a good father I want to discipline my children to teach them right from wrong and not just tell them what's right and wrong but when they do wrong I can use discipline to help teach it correct and reprove and that's what we see God do to his people as well he uses discipline to bring them back so God may cause sickness and death God may use these things for good but we don't always know why God allows or causes these situations it's not always something that we're told exactly what's going on I don't think that we knew in the end in the book of Job exactly what God was doing with job but we know in the end job understood that he could still trust God throughout all of these things let's look at Romans chapter 8 verse 28 a lot of Christians know these this verse whether their word faith or regular evangelical says and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose we like that first because it says hey God is going to work out everything for our good we want things to be for good but to understand this verse there's two questions that we need to ask first of all what are the all things that he's talking about well in context look at verse 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us so in context he's talked about its sufferings so bad things going on in our lives and we know that so verse 28 and we know that in all things in all these sufferings all these problems God can still work these things together for good for us so the first question is what was he talking about with all things now what is the good that he's trying to work is it our prosperity our our health and our wealth is he working everything to good for good so that we can have a good wonderful life no verse 29 gives us the context he says for those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son now what does it mean be conformed to the image of his son that's an area of theology we call sanctification you're growing closer to God your knowing him better you're following him better you're cleansing yourself from sin in your life you're recognizing what's right and what's wrong and doing what's right and forsaking what's wrong so God is not an evil God because he might cause certain things in our lives he can use these things together in our lives for our good and the good is drawing us closer to him God wants us to be holy not just rich and healthy those aren't the main things basically God wants us to come to this point where about Habakkuk did in chapter 3 verses 17 through 18 Habakkuk says though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls just think about that right there it is Habakkuk talking about prosperity no an extreme lack of prosperity basically no sustenance the crops are failing the fig tree is not budding the olive crops failing there is no prosperity yet Habakkuk can still say in verse 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will be joyful in the God my Savior so in the face of adversity in the face of suffering we can still trust God and be joyful in him as Habakkuk didn't next category of teaching let's look at is the subject of prosperity and when I say prosperity I'm thinking of an encompassing term not just financial prosperity but prosperity of health prosperity of your finances all of this can be an umbrella term and is for a lot of work paid teachers so one max teaching of prosperity number one God wants you to have prosperity that's what God really wants us of you you are his child he is the king and as a child of the king he would want you to have prosperous he want you to be prosperous so he would want to take care of your healing you wants to take care of all of your financial provide provisions number two prosperity is already ours we already have all the prosperity that we could potentially need when you got born again you became exactly identical to the Lord Jesus Christ in your spirit everything that Jesus is and has you have in your spirit you're identical you have the same power the same anointing the same faith the same joy the same peace all of these things are already in you you don't need to pray and ask God for any of this if you've been joined under the Lord you are one with the Lord your spirit has all of the knowledge in it that Jesus has now you may be wondering how can you possibly back that up how are we identical to Jesus how do we have everything that Jesus has well he explains us here with this verse first John chapter 4 and verse 17 herein is I love made perfect that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is speaking of Jesus so are we in this world it didn't say so are we going to be in the future world so are we going to be in heaven we sing these songs about when we all get to heaven what a day that will be in the sweet by and by but nobody likes the rough now and now yeah but you know what this scripture says as he is so are we in this world so let's look at the Bible's teaching first of all we want to address this first John 4:17 that he brought up is in the King James Version that he read as as he is so are we in this world I've been using NIV so let's look at what it says here it says in this world we are like Jesus it's still saying basically the same thing but does this first mean that we are identical to Jesus that we have all the power that he has all the knowledge that he has well maybe if it means that does it also mean that we have long hair and we have sandals and we have holes in our hands and our feet now that would just be silly of course it's not talking about that well how do we understand what it's talking about if it's not talking about long hair and sandals how can we say that it's talking about we have all his knowledge we have all of his power what we need to do is look in the context to see what is John talking about when he says that in this world that we are like Jesus well when we look in the context we don't see that where we have everything there's something specific that he's thinking of first John chapter 4 starting at verse 12 looking at what he says if we love one another God lives in US and his love is made complete in us now this complete in us means whole perfected if we love one another God's love has been perfected and his complete in us and that's what God wants is for us to love one another in verse 17 this is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment that's we want confidence in the day of judgment right we're talking about salvation how can we know that we have this salvation well if we have this love for one another and that's in the context where he says at the end of our seventeen in this world we are like Jesus now Jesus from heaven loves us completely and thoroughly and in this world we are to reflect that love and if we reflect that love we have the confidence in the day of judgment so he's narrowly defining what he means by in this world we are like Jesus doesn't mean we're going to have everything that Jesus has but we are to reflect Jesus in his love for others we're to love others like Jesus did second thing is under the Bible's teaching is God is interested in our prosperity I'm not trying to say that God doesn't care about where we are in our finances and our health I believe in God who heals I've been healed myself I've seen others healed miraculously of several things so please notice that I do agree God heals he is a healing God however God doesn't isn't going to heal us completely of everything in this life he is going to heal maybe temporarily of some things but eventually some things will come back so we won't fully receive until the future 1st Corinthians 4:16 illustrates this Paul says and this is a new American Standard I really like the way that it renders this verse it's as though our outer man is decaying yet our inner man is being renewed day by day so our inner man being renewed day by day what does that mean again sanctification growing spiritually as you grow spiritually what does he say even though our outer man is decaying your physical body though it is falling apart your inner man is being renewed that's the normal course of life your outer man decays it starts to fall apart and while that happens your inner man your spiritual man can grow a lot of work faith teachers say we'll say that there's a spiritual law though as you grow spiritually you will grow in your prosperity your finances in your health and everything will grow as you grow spiritually however Paul flips it on the reverse and says that no as your physical body deteriorates your spiritual body is the one that we're working on it's the next life that we get a body that is going to be not corrupting in first Corinthians chapter 15 it talks about the resurrection body and it compares it with our current body our current body is corruptible via the resurrection body is incorruptible in other words our bodies now will fade and fall apart but in the future we're going to get a resurrected body that's going to be perfect and not fall apart so God is interested in healing us here in this lifetime and he does that however we won't find the full effects of full prosperity at full health and wealth until the next life then all of our needs will be met perfectly all of our health all of our finances everything that we need will be taken care of but that's in the next life now let's look at one max view of prayer and faith first of all his teachings on prayer one map will tell you don't ask God for things you're not supposed to ask God when you go to God in prayer you don't ask him for things that probably the majority of you ask God Oh God please pour out your love in my life Oh God give me more faith Oh God touch me and he'll buy a body do you know all of those are wrong prayers the truth is God has already done everything in your spirit your spirit is perfect and complete and instead of spending the rest of your life asking God for these things it should be you releasing discovering what you already have in your spirit and releasing it so you see the reason you don't ask God for things is because you already have all things and we saw that in a clip earlier we have everything that Jesus has therefore you don't ask four things so if you don't feel like you have everything you might have a cold you might have problems with your finances how can you say that we have everything and it doesn't seem like we do well it's because we need to have faith and now let's look at his view of faith faith compromises I'm sorry faith comprises two different things first of all it comprises belief now of course Christians were not against the idea of belief but he's there thinking of belief differently than what the common Christian understanding of belief is you have to believe that you receive right now and then you shall in the future have them that future might be only a minute it might be ten minutes it might be a day it might be a week but you have to believe that you receive now and then you shall future tense see it so when you thing believe he's not just saying that we believe in we trust God that God is going to provide but that you believe that you have already received this prosperity that you want you believe that say if your arm is broken and you want your arm to not be broken well you need to believe that it's already healed it doesn't matter what your physical senses might say it might say that you're in a lot of pain but you're supposed to believe right now that you're healed if you go with just what your physical senses say well you could be in big trouble listen how he explains so to be spiritually minded is to be thinking according to the word if you were thinking according to the word all that produces his life and peace if you are thinking according to your five senses and going only by what you can see tastier smelling feel then you are going to die you will die physically you will die in your emotions you'll die in your finances because you're only going to go by the physical natural things so just relying on your physical senses that's wrong you need to believe believe already that you have been healed now what's interesting is work pay teachers would normally tell you if you have a broken arm believe that that arm is healed present ends believe that it is healed but they'll also recommend ya go to the hospital of course and get a cast on it my question is why would you go to the hospital to have your arm put in the cast if you believe that it was healed my arm was broken and it's not any heal cast right now because I believe that it was healed it was broken decades ago it would add a cast put on it and it's healed it's the stamp cast on it any more now because I believe completely that's healed my question to Andrew Wommack and other bird faith teachers and followers is that if you really truly believe that your arm is healed why would you go to a doctor in order to have it looked at if you believe that it's healed you shouldn't be going to a doctor that's doubt that's unbelief but nevertheless that's how they will define it so faith compromises two things first belief and then speaking so it really comes down to that it has to be the combination of saying it and believing with your heart so you believe it and then you speak it out and this is how God created things he believed in his heart and he spoke it out and this is how he created this is how God created the heavens and the earth it's how he created us it's how he created plants it's how he created animals he spoke everything into existence and since words are the parent force everything that is created by words will respond to words you can see Jesus talking to a fig tree and the fig tree responded to him died immediately when he told it to die he spoke to the wind he spoke to the Seas and said peace be still and all of these things responded did you know physical natural things will respond to words but not only is this how God created things this is how you can change your circumstances as well you can change your health you can change your finances listen but I can tell you if you would start speaking and prophesying and saying bills you are paid finances you are coming in and if you would start speaking your faith things will obey you physical natural things will obey you all faith does is take one is already real in the spiritual world and make it physical faith is just a conduit through which the spiritual flows into the physical but all of these things already exist in above your truck this is not a Bible teaching let me give you three different responses to this first of all when we pray we are supposed to ask God for things it's one of the things that we're told for instance think about when the disciples came to Jesus and asked Jesus to teach them how to pray Jesus told them to go to God and say give us this day our daily bread well what is that but a request they're asking God for their daily bread they didn't Jesus didn't tell them to go to God and say thank you God for this bread that I cannot see with my physical senses and touch and taste no you go to God you ask God for things first John 5:14 says this if we ask anything according to his will he hears us key word ask God wants you to ask he wants to be in relationship with us he wants us to come to him and ask one of my favorite verses on the subject would be Philippians 4:6 which says this do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God present your requests to God asking God is not a bad thing it's a good thing is what you want it's what he tells us second response is faith and belief are the same thing now there seem like in the English there are two different words so they should be two different things but actually in the Greek they're the same word just a different function let me give you an example like the word bike that's a noun but you can say biking is a verb it's the same word bike or biking it's just a different function of the same word and that's what we have in the Greek with the word belief in faith it comes from the Greek word pista s' pistils has a noun form and there's a verb foreign the noun is often trained well is always translated faith and the verb form is translated belief I don't know why the translators didn't translate them both the same and have the down form be belief with an F but that's just the way they chose to translate it so when enter hua Mack and the other word faith teachers try to make this big deal about faith and believe for two different things well if you look in the original language Greek which the New Testament was written in their arguments don't hold up faith and belief come from the same word and so therefore they're talking about the same thing that's just different functions of that word third point here is words do not have magical power now what I mean by magical power is this teaching of the word faith movement that our words have this ability to create and to destroy and this is not a new concept people in Wicca they they have this concept as well that you can use things in the physical world to affect things in the spiritual world we think of the witch with the eye of Newton bat wing of bat or whatever in the cauldron but well they can use physical things to change things in the spiritual world but they can also use incantations by the words of their mouth they can change things and that's what the word faith movement is doing so what they're advocating is something's not a biblical teaching but it's something that is borrowed from Wicca or the New Age movement and and just think about the New Testament it doesn't make sense this teaching of our words having power if you think about the Apostles in Acts what they're preaching and teaching people that they don't go around teaching people that your words have powerin that you can change your circumstances or first Timothy chapter 5 Paul tells Timothy who has frequent illnesses he says take a little wine for your stomach he doesn't say use the power of your words and Paul also tells us in first Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians he talks about our bodies wasting away and falling apart in decane 2nd Corinthians 4:16 he says that our bodies are decaying and wasting away why would he say that if we could just use the power of our words to change our circumstances and our body wouldn't waste away he doesn't do that because this is not a biblical teaching now one of the verses that they often point to and I've heard what Andrew Wommack pointing to to promote their teaching that your words can create is this one here proverbs 18 verse 21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue and they'll use this first and say look according to this verse your tongue your words have power they have power to create life and power to create death your tongue has that power they're taking this verse way out of context just like many other verses they take out of context well of course according to this verse your tongue does have power but it doesn't mean that it has magical power your tongue has power in the ear tongue has influence amazing influence just look in context verse 19 says a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong City how do you offend a brother with the power of your words by saying something stupid you can offend your brother and I have heard stories of of families being broken apart for for decades where they wouldn't talk to each other because somebody said something really bad now that doesn't mean power came out of their mouths and influence the other person and causes them not to speak for years no they offended them they said something bad something wrong that broke up that relationship so verses that they use to try to promote their teaching or often take way out of context I wish I had more time to do to rest on this topic but what we need to move on the last category is sovereignty versus authority now when I use a word sovereignty I'm not talking about the debate that goes on between Calvin's Calvinists and Armenians now if you don't know what those terms mean don't worry about it worry we don't need to get into what Calvinists mean by sovereignty and what Armenians mean however for word faith teachers like Andrew Wommack when they use the word sovereignty they're very much against it they use it to mean basically that God is control here in control in the universe they say he's not in control and you're going to hear Andrew Wommack say that instead of sovereignty we as humans we have this thing called authority but let's listen to it from from Andrew Wommack first of all under while Mike would say that the common Christian belief about sovereignty is slander to God it's slander against his character and I think that the worst thing that has happened the worst slander against God is the teaching on the sovereignty of God religion has come up with a whole new definition of sovereign that you can't find in a dictionary it's only a religious connotation that goes along with it and religion is said sovereign meaning God's controls everything that he's responsible for everything that happens to you and I believe that that is the worst heresy in the body of Christ it is absolutely untrue and that has slandered God I was watching a television program of a preacher and he actually interviewed a woman who this woman and her daughter were abducted at gunpoint taken out into a field they were brutally raped and then the man made them both late face down and shot both of them in the back of the head the daughter died the mother survived and came through it she had problems but she was still alive and she was on this television program talking about well God works all things together for good we know that God had a purpose and she blamed God for rape and murder saying that this was God that controlled it I'm telling you that is a lie that is a heresy God does not do that God does not control everything that happens being gang-raped in my daughter shot in the head and killed and me shot and let me that was actually God's blessing that's a deception and a lie of the devil that's not a blessing it's the devil coming to steal kill and to destroy some people just can't handle this stuff you're saying is my fault absolutely I'm that's also I want to say now I haven't seen this video that he is talking about so I can't say with 100% certainty I know what was going on in it but with enough conversations with people in the word faith movement and listening to different word faith teachers they often miss characterize what evangelicals mean when we talk about suffering and tragedy in our lives just like Habakkuk that we read he wasn't saying that it was a blessing that the fig tree didn't bud that there's blessing that there is poverty in the land and that there is no prosperity that's not what you van Joelle's mean so I think that there's a mischaracterization there instead we know that even through these sufferings that God is still there can be trusted and can still bless us that there is some kind of ultimate meaning that might come out of some of these terrible situations now the most the Andrew Wommack can offer this woman is to say that it's your fault that you and your daughter were raped and shot and your daughter died from it that's all his theology can say in one of his books he talks about how a son got shot and was in the hospital for a few days and died and people in the church came around and prayed and prayed healing over this child and he eventually died well Wommack looked into the situation and come to find out that as when the boy left the home that day he had a big fight with his mom and his mom said I hope you never come back into this house again so while Mac's conclusion was it was the moms fault that the son died so the son's death is completely void of meaning so if you don't have a God that's in control that's what you have there is no ultimate meaning the suffering the poverty whatever that a person has gone through is emptiness it's void of meaning whereas if God is in control then as we saw from many of the verses before that God still can bring meaning and blessings through not because of what happened but through he can carry us through that suffering and bring the good into our lives now instead of sovereignty the word faith folks have this teaching called authority Authority implies the power of words and the ability to command things with our words so in the beginning when God created the heavens in the earth God gave Adam authority in this world when God said you have dominion the earth is yours you rule it you said that God gave mankind authority over this earth God created man to be a God over this earth not a capital G not divinity but in the sense of absolute ruler absolutely in control so you see what carries on with the idea of authority and Dominion forward faith teachers are the ability to have power with words to be able to command things to be and to not be so in the beginning God gave all authority to Adam but Adam kind of messed up Adam gave his authority to Satan when he sinned mankind is one who released Satan into this earth and God would have been unjust as a spirit John chapter 4 verse 24 God is a spirit and he would have been unjust as a spirit to come down here and take back this authority and power that he had given us because it would have violated what he said God never intended for us to turn it over to the devil but when we did he upheld our authority to do that and this is how Satan became the god of this world however not all is lost because even though we handed over our authority through Adam to Satan Jesus Christ brought it back to us Jesus took the authority back on the cross when he came to die for our sins so we get our authority back God had to become a man because now he had authority in this earth because of his physical body he gave physical human beings authority people that have a physical body and God is a spirit so God had to become a man no man could fix this problem because they were part of the problem and finally he took our sins upon himself died for our sins and when he rose from the dead he completely stripped Satan of all of his power and authority so now for us when we go against God's will like Adam did when when Adam went against what God told him to do it caused the authority to transfer well that still happens to us today when we listen to the voice of Satan or any of the demons and we go against what God wants us to do it puts power into their arms it creates what they would have for us instead with what God would have for us however it's not a permanent thing we don't permanently transfer all authority over to them for whatever reason it's not explained but now when we go against what God wants we are still somehow transferring some bit of the limited authority over to Satan and causing those problems in our life the truth is Satan is only using the power and the authority that God gave mankind and he can't do anything to you without your consent and cooperation so in the beginning God gave all authority to Adam who then gave it to satan who lost it when jesus came and so authority came back to humans but God does not have authority still God never had authority after he gave it to Adam and Eve and her woman would say that that would be an unjust God to take authority back so God gave authority to Adam and he released it from himself forever and he would never have authority there is no conflict directly between God and the devil but Satan is still fighting us and we have to take this god-given Authority and use it to resist the devil and if we don't do it God is not going to do it for us you could say God can't do it because he has given us this authority told us to resist the devil and he will flee from us and he's not going to violate his word he's not going to change just because you're in a desperate situation you have to learn your authority and you have to start using it many people don't understand this and they are in a crisis situation maybe they're dying of cancer they've got some incurable disease and they're pitiful and they're praying and they're saying oh god please heal me and they're begging God and they're wondering God why haven't you healed me I know you can do it they don't doubt that God can heal and they're praying and they desire it and they need it and they just can't understand why it's not working for them and yet every person that comes up to them says how are you doing oh I'm dying I'm going to die the doctor says unless I get a miracle I'm dead you speak forth you doubt and unbelief and you just can't understand why you aren't being healed it's because God upholds the universe by the integrity of his word and if he was to violate his own commands where he told you to speak to your mountain and not doubt in your heart but believe what you say comes to pass and you will have it death and life are in the power of the tongue if he was to violate his own instruction the universe would blow up it's his integrity it's his truth and he cannot just violate his instructions and come down and even though you're you're violating everything you're speaking forth your unbelief instead of your faith you're just speaking forth your doubt and fear your you're going against everything he told you to do but because he's God he comes down and says o kings x times out suspend all of the laws forget what I said forget the promises forget all of my instructions in my word and I'm just going to heal you as a unique situation that's not how it works you're hung by your tongue and it's the integrity of God that holds everything together and he cannot violate his word you in a sense tie the hands of God he told you to do certain things and you're doing exactly opposite to it and wonder why he's not coming through so does the Bible back up what Andrew Wommack is saying on the subject of sovereignty versus Authority well first of all Dominion does not imply power in words to say that somebody has Dominion there is no connection biblically there is no way he can connect the idea of Dominion - you have power in your words and the ability to act in this world that just there's just no way you can get there number two human Dominion does not imply that God cannot act in this world it's as if let's just say the President of the United States were to put the vice-president in charge saying I'm going to step out and go on vacation or do whatever that doesn't mean that the president now has no authority no ability to act in this country no he's still the president he's given a limited authority of limited Dominion to the vice-president and that's the same way with us God did not when he gave Dominion to Adam and Eve did he did by no means did he give everything to them and now he is unable to act in this world we've seen verses already that said that God does thee see God interacts in this world he causes death he causes sickness he causes poverty so there is no issue of the word faith concept of authority being taken from God he still has authority but still there's other examples you Psalm 50 verse 10 says that that God owns the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills God still is the owner of everything that's going on here and we see God acting in ways that shows that God has the ability to act I mean think of the curses in the garden God cursed Adam and Eve and the serpent he didn't need them to give him authority so he could curse them did he I mean that just doesn't make sense but let's look to just a few more verses Ephesians chapter 1 verse 11 says God works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will he actively works things out that needs no explanation psalm 115 verse 3 our God is in heaven he does whatever pleases him and job 42 - I know that you can do all things no purpose of yours can be thwarted God's not sitting in heaven just hoping somebody's gonna say the right faith filled words so he can enact something no no purpose of God can be thwarted lastly Daniel chapter 4 verse 35 says this all the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing he does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth no one called him to hold back his hand or say to him what have you done no one can do this because God has the power and the authority and he acts in this world to do his will and what pleases him as we've seen Andrew Wommack denies or distorts what the Bible teaches in several important areas including God's ability to work in this world what is the nature of Prayer can we ask God for things and that you're currently prosperous and you need to use the power of your words or your authority to bring that prosperity here into this life these errors can not only cause confusion but sometimes serious harm we strongly encourage you to avoid his ministry and warn others to do likewise for a printed summary of responses to Andrew Wommack get in touch with us at the email address info at the center's org thank you for watching and be sure to examine every think carefully hold fast to that which is good
Channel: Tim Martin
Views: 48,701
Rating: 3.4873209 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Wommack, Heresy, Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Prosperity, Word Faith, Word of Faith, Religion (TV Genre), Truth, Gospel, Lord, Spirit, Salvation, Prophecy, Prophet, Jesus Christ (Deity), cult
Id: Ccme9vIxX78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2015
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