The Taxonomy of the Church by Dr. Gene Scott

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but then there's the biggies world rulers of this darkness is the way the King James translates it Cosmo that's world Kreider Ross well you have to remember the movie Crockett arrow the blue of the whole island up same route Cosmo crater Ross these are the big generals these are the powerful ones these are the kind that was the prince of persia they could withstand Gabriel could wrestle with Michael for the body of Moses [Music] I've been talking for a couple of weeks about the struggle to keep a church on track so I'm going to this blackboard and talk about the taxonomy that with other graduate students I helped professor Cali bring to its finished stages and then reduce it down simply and for 18 years traveled overseas analyzing overseas colleges 83 of them and teaching them self-study how to study their institution and then transfer leadership from missionaries to Nationals so I'm gonna write on the board again I can analyze you with this taxonomy I can analyze any institution with this taxonomy the what and the who what purposes functions structures controlling forces I could analyze your business with this you've analyzed yourself the who personnel clientele patrons products and the controlling concept here is who who the clients on whom the purposes are working become the church is an organism as Professor Kiley used to call it any organization of people you are an organism he coined the word organizations of people or organizations and any such organization as purposes purposes are objective and subjective I start with a subjective that's what anybody thinks the purposes are very few organizations have been successfully formed by groups every major company and corporation in this nation had a hard-driving individual who conceived the plan and the purposes and set it in motion now the Muslims know I'm a claim that Allah talked to him through the intermediaries as his messengers and he laid down a pattern for an organization called Islam in which God himself gave the objective purposes which by definition are official now you can't hardly go any higher than claiming God gave the orders you can't get more official in God and written though the official source which was a subjective opinion from someone with the authority to speak officially and court Muhammad Allah's opinion became word the Quran so the official purposes were written thus providing the objective purposes then change the fact that everybody else wherever you meet him has a subjective opinion of what they think the church should do and what they think the church should be the very word church as I said in the last week on the subject Curia Cohn translates the Lord's the church addressed by Paul is told you're not your own you're bought with a price to the Corinthians he said in that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that died for them I came here 20 almost 29 years ago saying if you're gonna be a Christian be one I don't need Christianity if God is not God if Jesus didn't reveal him that's where the word came from at Antioch Christians little Christ it's his church bought and paid for and those that comprised the church are a people that belong to the Lord his is the right the official right to state the purpose and his purposes are written the Eternal Word became the Living Word to become the spoken word to become the written word that's what we're digging to find what he say through his sent ones the Apostles that's the only source your opinion about the church doesn't matter but we all want what we want and I came to town saying this is not going to be just another Church you can look in the yellow pages and find it's not going to be a church that sends out questionnaires and ask you what you want and what you need you're supposed to be linen said the Communists are dead men on furlough you're dead men that stay dead coming alive in Christ if you're trusting him and God gave some apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints you won't find one word in the official document of the church that said God gave some Saints to perfect apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers Paul the ultimate apostle said either judgeth me as the Lord he that judges me a little is the Lord henceforth let no man trouble me I bear in my body the marks stigmata as the word in the Greek the brand you place in the body of a slave to identify him to a particular master that's what the church is subjective opinions abound it's the job of the doumitt are the apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers to bring Saints to conclusion now what to st. you st. something when you turn loose of it and lay it on the altar to be consumed for God you don't become a saint after you die because you're perfect sainthood is not a graduation status it's a preliminary initiation status you become a saint when you recognize you're not your own you're the Lord's and Saints need to be perfected but the word teleo says to bring to completion it's my job to contribute to that to bring us all to a unity of the faith to a knowledge of the perfect man till we all come to the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ and Roman makes it clear that begins and ends with faith and he does the statuary that's where the church exists I'm here to build his church his way functions are either reason for being self continuity exhilarating reason for being functions or those activities that the church does and its leadership does to carry out the objective purposes self continuity is a necessity of life you do certain things to stay alive to achieve and carry out your purpose the self continuity can become a reason for being and there are lots of ministries whose primary focus no matter what they say to you is how do I come up with something new that gets the money coming in to keep us going well if the Lord doesn't build the house you work in vain that's why I say to people don't send any money here unless I teach you first then give because of the teaching what you've learned and give as a worshipful act there's a statement of what the teaching is worth to you God not a bigger this church will not become a bigger I don't use Madison Avenue techniques it's straight talk from God's Word period that's the reason for being self continuity takes care of itself if the seed is planted and the Saints are matured auxilary functions come from those people that have usually subjective views of what the church should be doing add this add that add this other thing let's create this and let's create that but I think it's a good idea give me your verse of scripture now if some axillary functions are good but if the one in charge of the organization doesn't watch it the axillary functions will take over and reason for being will disappear as it can be buried under self continuity functions every service is a way to raise money not here structures a reason for being self continuity auxilary not talking to someone on the rich Carlin hotel the other day I said I can analyze this hotel now structure is any organization of matter an employee organization chart a budget buildings any organization of matter there's a structure I can go through the hotel and by analyzing the structures I can tell how much of the structures are dedicated the reason for being and how much are dedicated into self continuity how much you're dedicated to auxilary gyms that make no contribution the reason for being this is a science professor Kali adequately recognized no one ever developed a taxonomy for social institutions political otherwise you study botany in any language the taxonomy is already there Linnaeus worked it out you organize all of your thoughts and activities around the reproductive activities of the plants the reproductive functions even hairdressers have a taxonomy coin collectors have a taxonomy social institutions everybody supposed to know what they are so you don't need a taxonomy taxonomy puts pigs in the wall and makes you face and think through what's going on controlling forces ideally controlling forces are designed to make sure the objective purposes are carried out and reason for being stays front and center and other things don't crowd it out but controlling forces take on a life of their own history what are you doing that for boy that's the way we've always done it I hate that somebody had an idea back there and then it's still going like inertia on a bicycle written statements it's amazing how people will fight for something they said much harder than for the same thing if they hadn't said it I can go on with the controlling forces they sort of take on a life of their own and it's the job to keep sure there are controlling forces that force the flow to the reason for being in this church and I made that very clear Paul makes it very clear in Romans here's of the word have the duty laid on them to be the relay station for other hearers of the word in potential around the world that's what God positioned this church to do he trained me I gave it my best this church supports a voice there are many other kinds of churches in town go find them but don't come to this church like those that wanted to take baggage out of Egypt this church exists as a voice to the world of what God's Word says coercing nobody trying to convert nobody he that cometh to the Lord the spirit must draw him God puts the receiver in where the transmitter for God that's sending out the message that's why we exist period and I don't care if you're the King of Araby you come in here with your subjective ideas I've dealt with it all my life oh he's such a good teacher if I could just get him to do this if you could just separate this old man direct honest no manipulating none of this ho my dearest friend I know you didn't mean to do that look jerk you admit exactly what you did and don't do it anymore most people deserve a liar leading them most purple what people want to be lied to you're like an old woman that cracks the mirror when she looks in it wood likes to be told how beautiful she is I understand that in life but not in the things of God no no man after the flesh in this church any church this Jesus Church you come to die to self and come alive to him and it's a war folks to war because the flesh wants to take over and personnel you have to find personnel who agree with the purpose and want to be a part of achieving that purpose and there's a comfort zone that people reach when they've been old-time personnel they think they own the job they've become identified with the position and they forget who gave them the position and why they were given the position you don't own any position in this church your my arms my legs my feet my hands [Music] many churches self continuity has become their reason for being so they seek patronage from anybody that's got the money they seek patronage from anybody that has the power I don't want any patrons that's why I don't use any gimmicks or games and find ways to suck the money out of your pocket I don't want anybody giving except people that recognize what we're trying to do and want to be a part of it I don't want any patrons it's an old adage follow the money trail if you don't understand giving God's Way and understand the tie that's not yours in the first place so you aren't given anything and what you give you are giving as Galatian says let him that's talking the word share materially with the one that taught you called sowing to the spirit I deliver the word you've eaten the meal you're now paying what you think the teachings worth end of transaction not your money anymore you paid for what you ate what are you going to do with it none of your business don't spend it I'm delivering the word to you unpacking it do you have eyes to see you'll see it if you don't nothing can reach you that I'm doing and if you've been talking the word then God says you share materially with the one who taught you in all good things things things carnal things then the Holy Spirit of life is turned loose added bonus to repeal harvest of life eternal I came here determined to do it God's Way unlike some preachers I can do something else it's not complicated folks the clients here is a faith all makes that very clear clientele here is a faith received you the spirit but the works of the law that's why I don't carry monitoring stick and a purification test at the door to see if you have kept the law weak I think we started to disassemble that this morning the next verse will lead right out of the fixed law as a standard separate and apart from God that if you measure up to then God might accept you versus the law of the spirit the kind of law which could be synonymous with the life the righteousness which he is as I will lead on particularly the specifics of the Arabic without a little squiggly it's God being himself versus the Sharia and the Torah as I will preach which can be kept and looked at apart from God all that is is a mere and a standard to prove to you it's right it's what God would look like if he occupied your frame what God did look like and Jesus of Nazareth you and I can't do it and the good news is there is a righteousness apart from that abstract law God's own righteousness God being himself in us as a gift for something else so I'm looking for here's a faith I repeat received you the spirit the official statement from God's Word but the works of the law or the hearing of faith I'm not interested in law workers they live in a delusional land of self-righteousness they live in a delusional land that comparing themselves to others if they're a little better than others they're okay they live in a delusional land as long as they're doing more good than bad they're okay they live in a delusional land that if they don't do the things they've been taught or wrong they're okay now they're nothing you fall short equally if you don't do what you should do none of us are doing what we should do and none of us are avoiding all the things we shouldn't do all of sin does the 23rd verse will say and come short of the glory of God if that's your way you're not a client here I want here to faith and recognize they can't do it and I'm unpacking God's Word to show you you don't have to do it all you have to do is faith but not just any old kind of fading the faith of Jesus Christ sets the pattern the subject seldom taught about that he had to do something and what he did and the only example that he is that we can follow and actually do is trust him in his word and his father's word as he trusted his father's word and hang your body on it to death those are the clients I only want patrons they want this purpose accomplished I only want personnel I remember when I analyzed the general council the symbols of God is the research directory of their blue-ribbon committee at a previous General Council in Memphis Tennessee they had announced their purpose was evangelism I remember taking the floor and saying don't you think we should define what evangelism means as you're using it no and then I got hooted down everybody knows what evangelism is then those poor souls had to watch me lead the committee that redefined the purposes and I had sent a questionnaire to all of their ministers what's evangelism I had to find what you think it is to a man they defined it as what they were doing if they were janitor in a church they were an evangelist if they ran a printing press in a gospel publishing house they were an Vangelis the Church of the people that belong to the Lord and they are instruments of God's purpose focused on his focus and there is that's where the word ministry comes and God gave some apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints to the work of the ministry I'm supposed to be perfecting you to the work of the ministry you ought to know how to apply the principles of faith on your job in your home as a parent everywhere but 10% of your time belongs to God as well as your money and there are some things that God simply doesn't want done by an individual I don't want patrons that support because they believe in the purpose I want clients that want the purpose worked on them and we will get products that will either be following me as I follow Christ or we'll have learned enough to respond to God's call if he so chooses them and they go out and inspire others to follow them as they follow Christ you never see me quarrel when anybody in this church thinks they've learned enough to go start another church all or Danya but as long as you're in this church don't use the structure and don't meddle with the functions to work your independent ideas just because the structures here we wrestle not against flesh and blood at least this pastor knows who the enemy is we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities Ephesians 6 stand therefore stand and above all stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood no somos most Church people don't believe that well the church starts with a miracle I believe in the resurrection I believe when Jesus encountered that demoniac by the gadarenes his little five foot seven five foot eight boy at two thousand demons any I don't know how you know you you must get your imagery of demons from comic books you ought to read CS Lewis Screwtape Letters devil never had it so good people don't believe he exists no Screwtape the senior demon was taken some young rocket rookie to task goes the rookie wanted more credit for what they were doing shut up you little idiot we never had it so good they don't even know we exist we can do our work and they don't even know it Satan's not stupid he's not on Nippert in he didn't have all power he's not omniscient he doesn't know what God's gonna do until God does it you don't even know what I'm gonna do like announce it he's got limited forces they're not all the same when the angel came to answer Daniels prayer and said I heard you weeks ago but the Prince of Persia withstood me he's not talking about an earthly king he's talking about a powerful fallen angel in satan's hierarchy that is assigned territories since adam gave up his dominion and by default Satan became the Prince of the power of the air and until God speaks and turns Michael loose the Prince of princes to cast him out of the heavenlies and restrict him for that last seven years on this earth this is his domain and there's nothing going on in his domain that makes him more angry than the fact that my voice is piercing every square inch of his domain and he has hierarchies we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities they picked that in English didn't really believe in Demon's principalities were geographic territories the words are costs in which we get Arch Angel are costs rulers of territories just as that was a prince in Persia that had the power to withstand Gabriel and Gabriel said he never would have made it if Michael the Prince of princes had not come to help him against the Prince of Grisha and then he says Michael still there when I get done with you delivering this message and I go back me and Michael gonna take him on it he'll be no more then there's a little peanut fallen angels the not so big and important are costs I'm quite sure that the prince of the power of the air is not going to assign the equivalent of a general Schwartzkopf to Palermo little town outside Orville up in my hometown it doesn't take his best troops to control that little city and the satans territory is the prince of the power of the air he has territorial authorities assigned to work there evil in that area they do see us the next one powers wrong translation because power Jews for Dunamis dynamite power the word zigzoo seus Arcos rulers of territory rulers it's the proper translation exuse iasts authorities the bank examiner comes to loss angers he done rule los angeles he don't have authority and his assigned functional area osha doesn't come and clean up your houses and in the garbage dumps they have authority over restaurants Secretary of State Hospice pick assignments that's what he juiciest are those exuse is their assigned music industry their exuse iasts authorities whose only area that they're to go and do their dirty works churches just like when Jesus came there one anybody in the synagogue knew there was a demon-possessed man there the medical field banking education what exuse es are their authorities and they're everywhere you'll go home tonight after hearing this for the hundredth time and you still will not realize numata Coase same word as Holy Spirit Nagios Numa numata coach evil pervert perverse evil spirit beings in the air about us you don't believe that neither do you believe when I tell you it's very clear in God's Word there's no neutral territory you're either under God's control and the Holy Spirit or you're in the domain of the devil and he doesn't control your every movement all he cares about is keeping you from going to God and making your commitment to him or finding a church that will teach you a right but then there's the biggies world rulers of this darkness is the way the King James translates it Cosmo that's world Kreider Ross well you have to remember the movie Crockett arrow the blue of the whole island up same route Cosmo crater Ross these are the big generals these are the powerful ones these are the kind that was the prince of persia they could whist and Gabriel could with Michael for the body of Moses now when you consider that this is the only voice 24 hours a day that's unpacking without qualification what God said in his word through his greatest emissary Paul and this message is piercing every square inch of Satan's territory where do you think he's going to send some of his cosmic cross here and you gullible people out there and to bidding zuzia sland or 4-bit Arcos land come in here like smiling little recruits gonna save the world and you've walked inside the room where the cosmocrator ross are determined to take you down i want clients that know what you're getting into I want personnel that will help me get the job done and what patrons that will support it because of what we're doing and we'll get some products that together we can go into glory and God will say well done good and faithful servants servants I understand I made it my business and I would know why I was in the ministry otherwise didn't want to be in the ministry and all I had to do was look at the lord's orders in his word as to why he gave the doumitt ah to know why i was in the ministry is to bring you Saints to completion to the work of the ministry to a knowledge of the perfect man to faith warriors now I've self-serving wimps good day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Views: 29,387
Rating: 4.7344065 out of 5
Keywords: christian, dr gene scott, faith center, faith center glendale, forgiveness, god, melissa scott, pastor melissa scott, pastor melissa scott phd, pastor scott, the bible, understand the bible, understanding the bible, the taxonomy, the purpose of the church, apostasy, defection from god, dr.gene scott, God, taxonomy, purpose, Islam, Christianity, opinion, Church, Lord, Lord's, Jesus, Antioch, apostles, saint, reason for being
Id: NSLgSOmVg7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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