Psalm 91:11 God's Command to the Angels for You Psalm Series #7

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I'm gonna stay on a few verses today so if you want to first open your Bibles psalm 91 and really my focus today will be on verse 11 for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways I really want to take the time today to just be slow and still through this and the first thing I would like to do is I would like to show you without giving you a tedious lesson in Hebrew I would like to show you what the Hebrew looks like we'll put this here psalm 91 and verse 11 and I want us to just take a little time here the key Hebrew key for and this word here is part of the ending of the word angels so for or because his angels and this is strange in your King James it says charge over thee which is we're gonna explain what that really means I think you're gonna be surprised so he and we're gonna put charge just like that four minutes you know when I do that there's gonna be something there too you too to watch and I'm going to put that in quotes as well to watch to watch you in because in all the rocky ways of you so that's what it looks like now the reason why I'm doing this is I want to I first want to start talking a little bit piece by piece let's first start with his angels you know I think unless you're looking in the Bible for something unless you're really looking you mate you may just go right over it how many of you notice this you I don't know you you get a car your car is red suddenly you notice there's a lot of red cars on the road you ever have that experience suddenly there's a lot of something that you have paid attention to well as I went through the scriptures on the subject of his angels I actually thought how could a person read through the Bible and not see how Laden down with angelic presence and messengers from the simplest beginnings strangely enough in Genesis and I I began to chronicle through the Bible putting aside for a minute the record of the garden and you have so many appearances Abraham's one of them that just I mean talk about a guy who has lots of luck or whatever he had because he had multiple appearances and they appeared to him and they spoke to him today they would probably put him away but it actually happened like that we know that in Genesis 18 he has a conversation with the angels in fact I've made a whole list of them and they're staggering if you have time in your own time just look in the book of Genesis how many angelic appearances and references but in Genesis 18 that's where the three men on the plain of Mamre occur appeared to him Sarah's in the tent they say Sarah's gonna have a child she laughs we we always assume that one person that single man we know should be a christophany if we're rightly interpreting but there were two other people they were angelic hosts along with this third person again in Genesis 22 I've often referenced when Abraham's going up the hill to offer Isaac and I think I have made a picture version rather than what the scripture says because the angel spoke the angel didn't stay his arm the angel spoke to him and said now that I know you don't have to and he lifted up his eyes and he saw that the Lord had provided a ram instead of sacrificing his son and as you keep going through the Bible you think wow Jacob multiple times in fact Jacob's multiple times some of them were in dreams some of them were the reality the real presence all the way to the end of Genesis were when he's blessing the children of Israel he says and the angel that redeemed my life then you travel into Exodus I mean I'm giving you this idea that in your spare time start looking at how many times you read about the angel the angel of the Lord the cherubim the Seraphim you you almost have to say you know if you're not looking you can go right by these just like when Moses is going to that bush that wasn't consumed it was it was the angel of the Lord that spoke to him out of that bush hey Moses not hey you hey Moses come here and on and on and on and on so why wouldn't we and I'm not saying that most of us don't but why wouldn't we kind of discredit all that and say oh come on that's that happened for these people but you know when you keep traveling through those appearances they are not limited to the Old Testament I mean I think of all the things I've chronicled in the New Testament regarding his angels I referenced last week in the temptation of Christ as Satan departed the angels came and ministered I think about the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias and the it's meant to marry that she's going to have a child both by angelic voices the Angels announcing to the shepherds in the field the Angels I mean you can keep going on and on and on and I want to drive home a point to rego I get it I think especially coming out of my background I've always been I steer away from some things that might appear to be slightly maybe mystical you want to steer clear from those to keep a solid pivotal what is founded in this word but then as I'm reading I'm thinking you know there isn't there isn't anything mystical about this these are God's messengers his mouthpieces his encouragers even to Christ not just after the temptation but in the garden it says in Luke's Gospel that an angel came to minister to him you read about all of these things we take for granted at the resurrection the empty tomb the angels were there at the Ascension of Christ the angels were there Paul talks about how in acts 20:7 how the Lord an angel of the Lord stood by him how an angel did have delivered Peter out of the prison so almost every single book and every single speaker is speaking of some angelic host and at some point you have to say if you believe in these forces that are around us we speak a lot about the Prince of the power the air principalities dominions these rulers these dark forces you must also believe that God has assigned his angels to you not somebody else to you and that's the beginning of really grabbing hold of this is we can read this Psalm and keep it in mere poetry and prose or we can really wrap our mind around how much and I'm not into angelology but how much God put value on these encouragers clear through to the book of Revelation fact the book of Revelation is so Laden down with angelic beings seven angels twelve angels you find them around the throne praising and saying worthy is the lamb both John on the Isle of Patmos and Daniel saw angel angels appear before them their appearance bright brilliant terror-stricken these both of these men fell to the ground in one case and I fact I love Daniels account because it says that God sent an angel to shut the lion's mouth I want that angel you want that angel I want that angel but you read all of these diverse concepts of what these angels look like Ezekiel 28 talks about before Satan fell how beautiful we we can't even imagine how beautiful he must have been before he fell Ezekiel 28 talks about his pipes and his tablets the beauty of what must have been and I'm sure he knew it - we have a depiction of when angels appear and sometimes referred to in other places at different being with multiple arms serums sometimes winged cherubims you know we don't know we cannot know unless we know what we've we've read from the Bible we don't know what these beings really look like the the glory of them and I believe this those that are still in their first estate that did not fall they are so glorious and so radiant that this is why both Daniel and John in in seeing them it was so bright the light was so brilliant they were they are God's light so if you are following me we've got other pictures of angels as well we've obviously got fallen angels and the foremost one we encounter in the garden and I think in painting this picture and trying to give an idea through the Bible usually usually the angels come to make an announcement usually some good news announcement but sometimes they come as warned angel on angel spoke in reaction to something that was happening to God's people and a hundred and eighty-five thousand people were killed by one angel in another place it talks about when David sinned and he numbered the people and seventy thousand people from Dan to Bathsheba were killed one angel so when you talk about force we don't understand even the force or the power now hang everything I've said every you just don't turn I'll read you something Hank everything I've said on this one verse I'm not even tell you what I'm turning because I don't want you to leave where you are for by him we're all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones dominions principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him so you get the idea that and by the way that was Colossians 1:16 you get the idea that God created these beings to be ministering assistance if you will and they do just that so it it should come as no surprise when we try to tackle Psalm 91 and we're talking about his angels I want to get rid of the cricketer I want to try and empty our minds of things that we've seen that wow isn't that cute I think if we actually saw the Angels protecting us if they appeared to us I think it would scare the liver out of us that's what I think I mean based on John and Daniel's reaction so invisible as they are but the more I'm reading this the more I'm recognizing God in his kindness to us in his mercy to us that because we have made God our state I go back to verse 2 verse 2 says simply I will say to the Lord my refuge my fortress my god in him will I trust because God has seen where I've anchored myself he dispatches he sends his angels now sometimes as you know if you were studying this word in the Hebrew for angel you'd recognize that it looks a lot like the name of Malachi it looks a lot like the root of these three consonants for king kingdom I showed you that on festival out of the lexicon so don't make these angels don't reduce them down to what you think they might be powerful strength in fact there's one Psalm that talks about their mighty strength the Apostle Paul talks about the mighty angels the Dunamis angels so I want you to kind of get the picture this is not some fluffy spa massage we're going to encounter here these are real powerful invisible beings that surround us now having said that let's go back to this for a minute so for because his angels he he being God and this is the one I want to stop at strange way to look at this word but said say you charged now when I think of that I think of Commission I think of hey you guys over there I go go get that one kind of like that and it's kind of like that except I'm going to I'm going to give you the essence of what it really implies go if you will to Genesis and in the book of Genesis we know that God commanded in Genesis 2:16 and then also in chapter 3 will read the Lord God commanded the man Adam saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now I want you to see that word that's in there in verse 16 the Lord God commanded you all see that word that is the same word I want you to get a feel for this that is the same Hebrew word that's appearing right here so I want you to get the idea and this will go straight through the Bible by the way in fact I'm gonna do this now how many of you have read parts of the Bible where you read the word command or Commandments and you go oh don't know what to do with that show me hands come on honesty time oh good because I've said many times English has a limited frame and certainly with the translators doing what they did you might confuse the fact that there was no law we have a commandment from God here that's not part of the law but it was the spoken covenant of God to Adam again in Genesis God said to Noah don't turn there I went in in Genesis two and three but God said to Noah he commanded him to build an ark he didn't say no it's God it's the law speaking he commanded him and Noah in his obedience to hearing the voice of God built that Ark although he had never seen a flood before and you can keep traveling down this road of the command of God and you find that it should not draw your mind at all to think that we have made a terrible mistake when we translated the word commandments of God the Ten Commandments and a command of God there are two separate and distinct Hebrew words they kind of even look a little bit the same but they're separate and distinct so I want you to catch the picture that this war which were reading in our King James charge really carries with it a command and all those the pure simplistic it's something quite profound because if Noah for example had not been obedient to God and not built the ark he too would have perished so when God speaks a thing we get a record of those who obeyed God's Word who carried forth who listened to God's commandment obediently and did and therefore because God gave His Word and he's not a man to lie and then we have in Genesis we have God telling Adam about that tree you have dominion over everything Adam and everything in this garden except for that one tree don't touch it now I want you to really think about this because this is it's one of those moments were when I'm reading this I'm thinking you know Satan is not only the worst liar but he's so conniving because he tries to do the subtle twists on us in the garden when Satan when chapter 3 when the serpent appears and says did God really say God just said remember last week I said to you after Jesus came out of the water we heard the voice through the scriptures this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased if thou be the Son of God God spoke in the garden don't you think the serpent was around God spoke and said everything Adam is yours except for that one tree here is the most subtle creature comes along and says did God really say that you can always know the voice of Satan when it is to doubt and clearly what we have had revealed to us through his word but there's something more after this disobedience and after the fall and after the punishment that is meted out to both Adam and Eve to be put out of the garden to have to work can you imagine that you can all thank Adam that you have to go out and work all right you may not think that's really a big deal but if you read carefully for the women we have that pain of childbirth and for you men and women you got to go out there and sweat on your brow so you know when you get to heaven you better move out of my way all right in Genesis 3 at the very close when they are exposed out of the garden says that God drove out the man he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the Tree of Life now no matter what I do today if you'll do one thing which is to remember God gave a commandment gave them the Liberty of everything except for that one tree have they obeyed had the obeyed and that's why I use the juxtaposition of Noah because Noah obeyed and he lived so you start to get the idea through this that God places his cherubim and noteworthy concept he by the way could have placed anything seraphim and angel but he placed a cherubim there to keep the way and I find it interesting because most of the time when we encounter cherubims in the scripture they are a type of heavenly things they are protecting heavenly things we know that from the Ark of the Covenant where the cherubim are with wings extended protecting that covering the mercy seat where the priests would go in every year to sprinkle the blood and if it was acceptable he would live I wouldn't want that job either but I just want you to take notice of something the cherubim was cherubims plural were put there to keep the way of the Tree of Life back in our Psalm we have his angels that he's given a command he's commanded them he is it he hasn't said Oh little brotherly angel creature beings would you please he gives them a command that's what that word is saying to you so when you think when you read this next time so here to recharge as long as you keep in the back of your mind that what it's really saying is just as God commanded Adam and just as God commanded Noah and just as God commanded Moses before the law regarding the children of Israel he's commanded his angels to you not some question-asking possibility a command and they are given command to you to watch in all your ways now if you'll indulge me I hope you're still on Genesis 3:24 and you'll see in Genesis 3:24 where it says to keep the way of the Tree of Life to keep same word and ways and I thought you know that's kind of interesting that angels are helping us to stay in the way and I mean in his way in this case God had to place that those beings there to protect from Adam going back to eat of the tree of life which would have given them life eternal and they would have stayed eternally in the state in the fallen state never getting to the estate that God then promised through the promise of the seed of the woman so a lot of stuff I'm putting out here but I'm gonna bring it all back to you in a minute let's kind of take all the thoughts I've just put out there and let's add one more fray here one more idea when it says he will give command to you his angels I want you to think of the audacity of Satan that when he came to Jesus to tempt him he gave him a commandment he didn't he didn't say kindly would you kindly please the Greek breathes unambiguously as the translators have placed it for us as an imperative turn these stones are this stone to bread I think about the audacity when you talk about an angel of lights using this very subtle thing that he knew the promise right here he's gonna quote it to Jesus his angels command over you I am still an angel you omit the fact Satan that you fallen I'm still an angel I got power corrupt deceptive you think about this when I said to you what would have motivated Satan to reach in here and use this was not only the things we covered last week but talk about the ultimate twisting of Scripture about his angels getting command and he appears and says essentially I I I command you to do this this is why you can always see and hear and recognize people who don't know scripture will be the easiest ones to sucker into some trick because it sounds so plausible you know the saying if it sounds too good to be true it probably is it is it's what I said so let's take a second look at this four key here we have his angels and he God has given command let's write that here command the same command as I said to Noah same command to knows Moses the same command to in fact let me draw a line down here and say this in the Septuagint which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament and Apocrypha that this word which the Hebrew is using here sadi is being translated in the septuagint intially i spelt it phonetically for you you know how charming that is because when I read about Jesus this is a free sidebar for a minute here when I read about Jesus in John 14 and 15 when he says I give you a new commandment I give you a new command you know what I'm saying he says that you love one another he's using that word and I thought you know this is why we read through these concepts and it's only because john the apostle of love gives us the ability to understand what these new commandments are the other writers didn't help us much but when Jesus talks about a new commandment he's not saying thus saith the Lord and the Ten Commandments and the prophets he's saying a command given by God just like the same command given to Adam in the garden to know what to build the ark now Jesus speaks to us through John's gospel giving us instruction that's why it's not open to discussion people say what I I don't want to love anybody I could just you know I hate everybody just miserable and I'd like it leave me alone if Christ is in you you will be changed it may not happen in a year it may not happen in five years it may not happen in ten years but at some point you will be changed and the commandment no longer becomes some ordinance and some I got to do this but it's what lives inside of you now so I'm looking at all of this and I'm thinking wow god that's really good I love all this in fact I'll tell you how much I love all this I found as many translations as I could I won't bore you with them except to say let me go to our next page here wow those are all the Latin things I could find I don't expect you to read Latin extremely frustrating when everything ends in is and Bruce but the one thing that I would like you to see as we're going through and this is Psalm 91 and verse 11 I want you to see one word as I gave you the English concept of charge and command the Latin has many variations but one word consistently through all these diverse translations reappeared custodian to custodian a custodian to custodian we get our English word custody and I thought even though that misses the concept of command it certainly conveys the idea that God has given his angels a command go watch an invisible custody now there it's contingent this is this is not like oh I think now that you understand this you're in we're all saved come on let's go it means while you're in verse 2 while you remain the house of God while you keep the faith while you remain in Christ he's given this an invisible host custody over you now don't you think pastor I'm a little bit old to have somebody have custody of me God doesn't think so cuz he knows how messed up you are right doesn't think so well back to verse 11 to give you a little picture words for because his angels he commands to you to watch you now this Hebrew word I share a secret with you when wisteria sings her Hebrew song in Psalm 121 she's singing this word Shamar that is to watch to keep to preserve to protect in fact its meaning is so varied that when we talk about these angels being sent being commanded custody or care I want you to also think they are not there to remove the stones you know the next verse says in case you dash your foot against the stone they're not there to remove the stones they are not your stone removers and we have all kinds of crazy ideas of what the angels will do all their common they'll that they'll dust the road and they'll clean the way doesn't say that it says simply to watch to keep to preserve in fact I'm sure a lot of us go day to day and we don't know the protection that God has provided for us we have no idea I just I can tell you through the week the things that happen to me or the things that I've seen and I know full well had God not had that heavenly host what might have been what could have happened now there are plenty of examples in the Bible of God saying he will send His angels before I know you know this one is the congregation Exodus 23 speaks of God sending his angel before we call it the first-fruit angel the promise of the firstfruits if you'll do your part God says he'll send an angel before you to bring you into the place he's prepared that for the children of Israel would have been the land of Canaan the promised land which is not heaven unless you want to go where the Amalekites and the jebusites and the Paris and every kind of other i'ts are it's not heaven but for us in the now that angel that goes before us is the type of the life of faith and promises obtained we keep reaching for a new promise we keep reaching for a new promise so I'm hoping this will add some color to some of those promises you already know Psalm 34 talks about the angel of the lord encamps around them that feared him and that doesn't mean you're scared it means the reverential awe that you're you're still looking to him and so we've got protection and guidance we've got these heavenly Watchers if you will and they are keeping us in all of our ways you mean always no I mean the ways that you've proclaimed through verse 2 that God is your stay fading if you will okay this promise please don't say you're gonna go claim this promise if you're not ready to say you are acting in faith that's basically the sum total of verse 2 so I'm going to put this all together and we're gonna actually put this thing in motion now because in one of the dictionaries I read the meaning of this protecting us guarding us preserving us in all of our ways or to the pious to the elect well it doesn't say anything about that it just essentially I'm gonna put in my own words it's to the fading ones and sometimes the fading ones step out of line now I can't see that enough because I'm so tired of these perfection folks that come at you and they say well you know if you were really doing what you're supposed to do you wouldn't be where you are okay thanks for sharing that with us so I'm going to show you by example what this promise translates into in a strange way in a way that you wouldn't think of to get the point across remember the command of God is not necessarily a law but a spoken word in covenant that God gives an order to his children to his prophets to his Saints to abide by so to paint the picture of all this go to numbers I'm gonna navigate this one so well you're gonna be so surprised numbers 22 and some of you who know that passage are saying oh wow goody goody goody goody baylin's creature for today's message is called Jenny that is a female jackass that is the correct terminology all right and she by the way it is a female God sense of humor all right numbers 22 and just to set the scene for what has just happened Moses and his band sometimes obedient disobedient obedient are now forging towards that land that not yet promised land they're on their way there and the enemy if you will comes across as an enemy now seize this mass populace the children of Israel approaching and this is pretty much where the story picks up in numbers 22 the children of Israel set forward pitched in the plains of Moab on this side Jordan by Jericho balak the son of zippor saw all that Israel had done to the amorite s-- Moab was so afraid of the people because they were many Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel more upset under the elders of Midian now shall this company lick up all that are around us as the Ox lick is up the grass of the field they're going to they're going to devour everything if we don't put a stop to them somehow God's children bellick and the sons of zipper was king of the Moabites at that time he sent messengers therefore one to Balaam the son of Beor to petha which is by the river of the land of the children of his people to call him saying behold there's the people come out of Egypt they cover the face of the earth and they abide over against me come now therefore I pray thee curse meanest people for they're too mighty for me peradventure I shall prevail that we may smite them and that I may drive them out of the land for I want that he whom now blessed this blessed and who he whom thou curses is cursed and let me jump down because bellick is going to send a group of men to approach and deliver a message to Balaam and I'm gonna read from a slightly different translation I'm gonna read from the interlinear but NIV at verse 7 actually I'm sorry at verse that would be at verse people in your King James different chapter and verse here people verse 11 a people has come out of Egypt they cover the face of the land have now settled next to me now come put a curse on these people because they're too powerful for me perhaps they I will be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country for I know that those who you bless are blessed and those who curse are cursed the elders of Moab and Midian left taking with them the fee for divination they brought money to Balaam when they came to Balaam they told him what Balak had said spend the night here Balaam said to them and I'll bring you back the answer the Lord gives me so they stayed with him God came to Balaam and asked who are these men with you I love them the way this is narrated as if God has to ask who are these men with you Balaam said to God Balak son of zippor king of Moab sent this message a people that has come out of Egypt covers the face of the land now come put a curse on them for me perhaps then I'll be able to fight them and drive away but God said to Balaam do not go with them you must not put a curse on those people because they are blessed I want to tell you something this is the miracle of God's long-suffering you who read and study the Bible you would know by now how much stuff they've put God through and he still says you don't curse them now God might curse them and kill him but you don't I like that God says this this is my deal don't meddle next morning Balaam got up and said to Balak princes go back to your country for the Lord has refused to let me go with you so the mall by princes returned to Balak and said Balaam refused to come with us then Balak sent other princes more numerous more distinguished than the first they came to Balaam and they said this is the message from balak the son of zippor don't let anything keep you from coming to me because I will reward you handsomely and do whatever you say come and put a curse on these people for me doesn't take no for an answer Balaam answered them even if Bailey give me his palace filled with silver and gold I could not do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the Lord my god and I want you to hear that in here that command is the same word I just shared with you that's just God saying this is what you do or this is what I'm saying now stay here tonight as the others did and I'll find out what else the Lord will tell me that night God came to Balaam and said since these men have come to seven you I'm actually gonna jump back into the King James at verse 20 I may do a linguist here in translation God came unto balaam at night said unto him if the men come to call thee rise up and go with them we get the word which I shall sing unto thee thou shalt do how Balaam rose up in the morning saddled his Jenny I see this is gonna be tough you know it says ass in the Bible but I know on the replay a lot of folks don't read King James nvm that'll hit you later too actually while I was reading the King James and some program was playing somebody called in and asked what language is she speaking Balaam rose up in the morning and saddled his Jenny he went with the princes of Moab you're never gonna forget this message I guarantee you God's anger was kindled because he went and the angel of the Lord and I want you to just stress this in your brain here the angel of the Lord stood in the way the way the path that he was on for an adversary against him now he was rolling upon his Jenny to pause there and his two servants were with him and the Jenny saw the angel of the Lord that was close standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and this is gonna sound good Jenny turned the side out of the way it's gonna sound better when I say he beat his Jenny rather than the louder nevermind try and stay with me I'm trying to navigate this Balaam snow Jenny I know you want to laugh - I can't help it - turn her into the wave the angel of the Lord stood in the path of the vineyards a while being on this side and a wall on that side and Jenny saw the angel the Lord she thrust herself into the wall crushed Balaam's foot against the wall and he smote her again the angel of the Lord went further stood in a narrow place there was no way to turn either to the right or left and when the Jenny saw the angel the Lord that was close to she fell down unto balaam Balaam's anger was kindled and he smoked Jenny with a staff you are never gonna forget this message the Lord opened the mouth of Jenny although I'd like to say it I just have to say it the Lord opened the mouth of the ass she said unto balaam what have I done unto thee that thou has smitten me these three times Balaam said because thou has mocked me and there were sword my hand for if I had a sword I'd kill you and she said unto balaam wow this is good navigating am I not your Jenny you're either gonna think of this message and say I remember that or are you gonna say have no idea what she's saying upon yeah Jenny upon now which has written ever since I was lying under this day was I ever wanted to do so under thee and he said nay and then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his sword drawn in his hand he bowed down his head fell flat on his face and by the way that's what all of these people that's what happens when they see the angel of the Lord the angel the Lord said to him wherefore hast I was smitten your Jenny these three times behold I went out to with Stanley because listen this is what I want you to catch all kidding aside because thy way is perverse before me now I want to tell you what's so remarkable Balaam he says to the angel I have sinned I knew not that I stood just in the way against me but I want you to see something when the angel says your way thy way is perverse before me and this angel by the way was sent specifically to do one of two things we know that had the creature underneath Balaam not been obedient to bow down at seeing this figure which she could be how she could see some figure with the sword ready to kill had that creature not bow down he would have been killed but rather this angel was sent to get him back in line and I want you to see that because a lot of times we think well it's only these absolute obedient people but in binghams mind you see perhaps the the sin of disobedience or the sin of not listening completely to God's command and all I'll say to you is that the same concept is applied except this we're not given an angel with a sword we're given a heavenly host that is watching and I want you to stress this word right here in all of our ways that is our walk our our pilgrimage in the faith so I painted the picture of Balaam with the intention to show you the complete opposite of what happens when you get out of God's way and you begin to go your way which is the definition of sin and God still sent a messenger now I know what automatically the mind will run to but that's the negative side that's right I gave you the negative to show you that even in disobedience God still had an invisible host and by the way Balaam could not see that the angel of the Lord immediately because his eyes were blinded by his sin I remember teaching on this many years ago we had a service in the chapel and I remember thinking to myself the reason why he could not see and the reason why many times we can't see we're blinded by our sin our eyes become darkened we don't have the ability to perceive what's around us what God has given us so like the angel on the complete polar opposite of what I've just told you let me give you angel that are given on the good side as I just gave you kind of a pejorative picture let me give you angel Zahn the good side and then I'll be done through the Bible through the Old Testament we encounter angels appearing to people very much to guide them and direct them in the case for example of Manoah and his wife that would be Samuels mother and father she came before the Lord she was barren and she had a great complaint before God because she was barren and the angel of the Lord spoke to her catch this because it's very subtle spoke to her and said she would have a child only that when she has this child she's to commit him to God he's to be a Nazarite she is not to drink strong drink she the angel gives the instruction to keep her in the way and this way had to happen for I'm sorry for Sampson not Samuel for Samson to be born so we have angels coming to the aid they're not preaching necessarily but they're announcing and giving encouragement we have angels coming to those in the Old Testament for example in the book of Zechariah I'm gonna barding you with the concept so that when you leave here today you'll say wait a minute I'm the house of God to by faith Christ is full manera heart by faith I'm the house of God to this promise of Psalm 91 is given to me and to you not just these other people in a book that some might just think is prose and poetry but given given to us for purpose to help us in our way not our way generically like any way we want to go but to remain anchored in the faith I just referenced Manoah and his wife because had that angel not come perhaps manoah's wife would have gone away very grieved not knowing the promise that God was going to give to her to honor her faith the same thing is true of Zechariah when he stands before them in Zechariah the high priest Joshua close with dirty garments Satan comes to accuse an angel of the Lord speaks in defense taking that approach of defending and the charge is given removed those dirty garments put on clean ones so God is always offering these voices of encouragement we're not we're not guaranteed experiences like some seek to say well I'd like to have a prison break out experience like Peter did you know you locked away and God's gonna send an earthquake and the doors are gonna open and the angels gonna say do not be afraid I'm sure I'm sure the angel spoke like that too they spoke King James English don't you know but my point is to say if we take this promise and begin to make an application to it you almost have to stand back and I say it first for me in awe because I've made God my anchor now do we remain 24/7 with that staying power in Christ the answer unfortunately is no for remotely true with ourselves we don't always stay that way but when we come back to the word and we make that our anchor God says I've got this host over here by the way they haven't aged they're still too strong the bodies are not decayed they're created they're not fallen these fighting forces I call this in the heavens it's God's strategy room for the things angels are gathered and I'm giving you now my idea which is just kind of a picture idea there must be a strategy like a war room a strategy and these are assigned over here just like Satan has areas and territories that he controls these are sent God is saying you angels go go to my Saints go watch preserve take care and help them in their way in their walk in their faith journey and man without divulging too much I think at least one family in this church may have needed this word and this promise between last week in this week of an invisible host coming and being there for a calamity that could have been so grave and yet it wasn't as bad as it could have been you know I think we all have those events where it's not as bad as it could have been we might just reduce it to oh you were lucky and good luck you know could have been worse and good luck no God has sent his protective forces his agents around you to encompass you the minute you start acting as though that is true you will be like Elijah when the Syrian leader sent his army to Dothan to attack and he and the servant Elijah are in that room and the servant comes out he says what are we gonna do we're surrounded and that prophet says don't worry there are more with us than with them somebody had some idea I would say the Prophet was truly right because the eyes were opened and at that moment that face welled up the invisible host became visible and the servant looks out and sees a great host God's just waiting for you to activate your faith now I don't know that he's gonna put out the neon lights for you and do some great thing where you go wow I thought but activate the promise that because you have said this is the god I serve God said you're not gonna be an orphan I'm not gonna leave you alone I'm not gonna abandon you he promised he'd never leave us or forsake us so you take this and you say you know what God said he'd send his angels not just send them willy-nilly he gave a command my saint over there my saint over there he knows by the way he knows your name he knows my name he knows how to send these directly to us in our hour of need and I don't believe we have to beg in petition we simply have to ask in faith and claim this promise that while claiming it the Lord has already made his word come to pass the promise of these encompassing us now think of it put all this into play now the next verse says well what they'll carry you they'll remove the stones they'll uh sweeps away what is the next verse say is it tell you that they're gonna make it comfortable for you so tell you how smooth the ride is gonna be they shall bear thee up in their hands yeah Angels have hands I guess - I really want you to make this a reality today not not something we say well that's a good word and I'm slightly encouraged once you take the time to go through this book and find every single reference that you can - angels coming to aid both old and new clear into the book of Revelation and then come back and tell me next week I don't think there's a new living to me because I'll probably say come on to take you on on that there's more references to God assigning that helping host for what purpose tell me but to help us home to help us in the way now to keep our way to remain that face walk to keep us and get us home I like the the Latin is great that word for custody at least gives the idea that when a child is not necessarily able to do for themselves the state can ward custody and award custody so that this individual who's not capable it's taken care of God not saying we're not capable he just says I know you might need a little help I've given you this promise there's one thing you must do you've got to claim it in faith and say that's mine God gave it to me now I'm activating it and believe you me if you believe in the promise of him sending an angel before you that firstfruits angel we talked about at the beginning of the year don't think he's just given it for one time like it's a one-time event all year long one criteria verse two says it all my God my refuge my fortress in he not in anything else but in him I'll place my entire being and then I'll wait I'll do exactly what all the psalmist's declare I'll wait on the Lord I think for the family I referenced and I will keep them in prayer and for those of you that I don't know what you've been through I sure know it brings me comfort to know in the times when I have been silly enough to think that I'm alone and I know we have the promise of his Spirit with us but in the times and we've all done this we were silly enough to think that we're alone that we have nobody with us I want you to remember if you can't muster anything else remember some 9111 that is your 911 Lord I need help and you watch and see if you by crying out to him and making him your stay he won't command his angels and say go right now to help it takes your faith and your faith alone to activate that promise that is my message you've been watching me Pastor Melissa Scott live from Glendale California at Faith Center if you would like to attend the service with us Sunday morning at 11 a.m. simply call
Channel: Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Views: 5,073
Rating: 4.9722223 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Melissa Scott exposed, God's Command to the Angels, God commands His angels, christian, dr gene scott, faith center glendale, faith center glendale ca, god, in him will i trust., jesus, my refuge and my fortress, names of god revealed, pastor melissa scott, pastor scott, psalm 91, psalm 91:1, psalm series, the bible, the most high is my refuge, the secret place of the most high, the shadow of the almighty, understand the bible, understanding the bible, Psalm 91:11
Id: 5MMrJydpetg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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