The Taverns Of Tiefenthal - How To Play

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[Music] hi there and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn that two to four player game the taverns of teefin hall designed by Wolfgang Marsh and published by North Star Games who helped sponsor this video as a tavern owner in a small village you want to attract the best clients but you aren't alone the other are taverns in town also want those wealthy patrons for themselves so how do you compete do you hire new staff add more beer to your cellar increase your seating there are so many options and only you can determine which will ensure the villagers hoist your mugs when quenching their thirst so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up place this double sided monastery board with this summer side face up then add these snaps tokens into their positions here with their snap symbols face down it doesn't really matter where each one goes as long as it looks like this when you're done above the one shown here place this moon which is known as the turn marker also set three of these counter guests per player nearby their double sided but it doesn't matter at which side is face-up in this video we'll pretend we have two players so we'll return these extras back to the Box everyone also picks one of the player colors and puts a matching monastery marker onto the zero space of the board here there are six different types of tavern cards and they all have the same backs so you'll sort them by their fronts placing them in a row nearby and each card within each of these stacks is the same as the one showing on the top this particular stack showing the bards you'll actually return to the box as it isn't used in your first game next find the guest cards these were the same backs as the tavern cards but you can distinguish them by their fronts as they'll have a beer symbol in their top corner just remove any that don't have a symbol here these are the players starting cards which will set aside because we'll be talking about those later also in your first game you won't use the guest cards that show a white cube in the top center here so return these back to the box from the guests separate out the eight showing a value three beer here and place them into their own face-up pile then also find the Nobles which will show a crown here at the top and set them in a stack further to the right the rest of the cards you'll shuffle into a facedown deck and then deal out four of them into a face-up row that you'll place between the other two stacks now have each player collect a tavern board which will be marked with their color on the sign here and you'll also take the ten equipment tiles that will then attach to it you'll have tables a server cash box bunk dishwasher-safe bartender counter piece barrel brewer and beer storage these are each double-sided so ensure that you have the sides face-up that show numbers at the top in the case of the bartender the side showing values on the counter should be face down and it will look like this once all of the pieces have been attached each player now takes a yellow safe marker to put on the zero space of their safe and a brown beer storage marker to put on the zero space of their beer storage everyone also takes a beer coaster and for white dice to place on top of it along with a three dice in their chosen color which they'll put near the center of the table along with the other players colored dice you'll now create your starting deck by finding the seven regular visitors which will all show someone seated at a table with a tablecloth in your color you'll then add to this one server one table and one Brewer from the stacks in the general supply shuffling all of these together into a facedown deck that you'll place by your tavern board then the player who is last in a tavern takes the beer mug to indicate that they're the first player or you can just assign this randomly the game comes with several other components that you can now return to the box as they're meant to be added in later games to provide new options and complexity once you're confident in the base rules for the game which we're going to learn here otherwise that's the setup in the taverns of teef and tall you want to have the most successful tavern in the village but the competition will be fierce and patrons have options if you can get them to attend your pub then you can use the money you earn to improve your establishment and attract wealthier guests and Nobles in the end the player who can acquire the most victory points will have proven to be the most popular barkeep and will win the game is played over eight rounds and each round is broken into seven phases starting with the new evening in the tavern phase here the first player moves the round marker to the next space on the round track which for the first round means just keeping it here you then resolve the effect of the symbol at that location and these will all make more sense to you once you understand the rules of the game so once you're playing for the first time refer to this section of the rulebook to see how each of these symbols work in the next phase guests arrive and here players will take their turns simultaneously drawing cards one at a time from the top of their deck and placing the revealed card and it's related place within their tavern if you draw servers they go to the left of this serving tile which shows a lounging dog new brewers you draw our place to the right of the permanent one here tables are added to the right of the row of them printed on your board and each guest you gain is seated at an empty table always filling them in from left to right the one exception is Nobles you won't have any of these in your deck at the start of the game but later once you do the first one drawn goes to the next available table as usual but then all other Nobles you draw during this phase will share the same table so place each new one on top of any of your previously seated Nobles meaning that you'll have at most only one table of nobles in your tavern at a time you also don't have any dishwashers or bar backs in your deck at the start of the game but if you get some later then dishwashers you draw go to the left of this dishwashing area and barbacks drawn go to the right of this beer storage area and if you ever need to draw a card and your deck is empty shuffle at your discard pile which will be here into a new deck and then keep drawing otherwise a player continues drawing during this phase until eventually either all of the tables in their tavern are full of guests or they run out of cards in their discard and drop piles as soon as that happens your arrival phase is complete and once everyone is done you move to the here comes the server phase which can also be completed by all of the players simultaneously you only start with one server in your deck but as we'll see later you'll be able to acquire more and for each one of these that you have here you now take one die of your color from the general supply roll them and then keep them below your board for use during the planning phase later as we'll see you can gain a maximum of three dice this way any extra servers you have won't give you any more dice now we come to the can I take your order phase where each player takes the four white dice from their coaster rolls them and then returns the results back to their own coaster beginning with the starting player and continuing in turn order each person selects one die from their coaster and places it below their tavern board without changing its value and later we'll see why you might want to pick certain dice now the players all pass their coasters with their unchosen dice to the player on their left you then repeat these steps taking a die in passing your coasters until eventually everyone has four white dice these will be used during the next phase called planning your actions which we're going to learn about right now planners complete this phase at the same time rather than taking turns by putting all of the white and colored dice below their board onto action spaces which will show a square and a green arrow the symbols in the square indicate what value die can be put there if you see a question mark then a die of any value can be placed on it if the green arrows show a one-time symbol then at most one die can be assigned to this space if an action shows a specific value then only a die with that value can be put there in this case though we can place either a six or a one now if the green arrow has dots like this then it means any number of dice can be assigned to this space so I can put as many ones and sixes here as I wanted to I'll also point out that even though you might have several Nobles seated at one table you may only assign at most one die to them this is a phase where the dishwasher's ability can be used and for each one in your tavern you can place a die on a space and treat it as if that dies value was one higher than it actually is for example I could use my dishwasher to assign this four here normally that space requires a five now you'll notice I don't actually change the value of the die itself and this way later if necessary I could show how many dishwashers I actually used just keep in mind die values do not wrap around when you use the dishwasher ability in other words I couldn't use a six as a one but if you have multiple dishwashers you can use several of them on the same die to increase it in multiple times as soon as all the players have placed their dice the phase is over but I want to mention the decisions you make here are not permanent you can freely move your assigned dice around as you try to work out how you want to use them the main purpose of this phase is to give everyone a chance to think about how they will most likely use their dice which will speed up the next phase and once everyone is done and happy with their placements this phase ends and everyone moves to the serve the guests phase here players will take turns in order beginning with the start player and going clockwise around the table once and on your turn you will complete all of your actions by removing your dice one at a time and performing the related action fully before going to the next one white dice you remove you'll place on your coaster and colored dice will go back to the general supply during this phase if you change your mind about the actions you'd like to take you're also free to move your unused dice around on the board to other actions that you'd prefer to perform instead just ensure you don't accidentally use an action that has a x one arrow more than one time during that round we're about to go over what the various actions do but I'll first point out that many will provide you with beer and/or colors which are a type of German coin so we'll just call them coins for the rest of this video coins and beer are not a physical component in the game instead you generate them to spend during your turn and any that you're unable to store or spend by the end of the phase will be lost now though let's go over the various action spaces and see how they work one option is to serve a guest by removing their die the symbol to the right is for coins so here I would gain two taking a diet from the cash box gains you one coin no matter what the value of the die had been for each die you take from the brewer you gain one beer plus one more for each additional Brewer you have so right now each die I take from here will give me two beer your barrel represents your taverns house brew and removing a die from it gives you exactly one beer again the first round you won't have any bar backs in your deck but later in the game if you've played them you'll see these don't require dice and instead they just each give you one beer finally every die taken from the monk moves your marker on the monastery track one space forward which as the arrow shows here means you'll move in this direction around the track now if this ever causes you to pass or end your movement on a spot with a bonus like this then you gain that bonus right away and each one of these shows a type of card that you then collect from the supply and place facedown on top of your deck these crown symbols represent a noble guest which you also take from the supply and place facedown on your deck these here as we know are the symbols for coins so when gained you add them to the ones you'll have to spend during this phase this is the service denied symbol but we're going to be talking about this a little bit later so we'll wait till then to explain how it works and if your marker ever goes past the 22 space you place it on the start of the track and you continue counting from there which means you could potentially gain these bonuses again now you might be thinking how will I keep track of all the beer and coins I've earned this round if I don't have tokens to represent them well don't worry the reason you want these resources is so that you can spend them right away you'll look at an item that you want to buy determine its cost and then just use the number of dice necessary to pay for it then you'll look for your next purchase and spend the dice to pay for that and so on and you can make your purchases in any order switching back and forth between ones that cost beer or coins and you can also spend several dice at once adding those resources together to pay for more expensive purchases if you have unspent resources left over you can then use those for a future purchase that phase or as we'll see save some of them for a later round but now let's go back to the table and I'll show you some of the ways that coins can be spent each of the cards in this row of the general display have a cost in coins showing here at the top and you can buy as many different types of these as you like but you may only buy one of each type during this phase that said you can gain more through bonuses like the free ones that you can get from the monastery tract many areas of your tavern can also be permanently upgraded by paying the large cost in coins as shown at the top of its piece you'll also find a reminder of the upgrade benefit to the right of the cost and after paying the cost you'll flip the tile over returning any dice to it that were already there and unless otherwise stated you gain its effect immediately the brewer for example now gives you two beer when a die is removed from it along with the bonus single beer as usual from each Brewer card present now we won't go over all the upgrade bonuses in this video but I think you'll find that most of them make sense and if you have any questions you'll also find them all defined in the here one thing I should mention is that the cost to upgrade an area can be reduced if you return related cards from your tavern display for example if you wanted to upgrade this dishwashing area you could return as many dishwashers as you like from here back to the supply and each one removed this way will reduce the cost of the upgrade by the amount showing in this small coin symbol so in this case each would reduce the cost by 3 so normally the cost of this upgrade would be 9 but if I returned one dishwasher now it only cost me 6 coins or if I returned to both back to the supply it would only cost me 3 I will also point out that if you upgrade this area it will add an extra permanent table and any guests and dice already seated there will then return to their tables once the section has been flipped over for each tavern tile you upgrade you also immediately gain one noble from the supply which you'll add facedown to the top of your deck now this is a bonus you may not remember the first few times you play but you'll find these symbols above your bartender as a reminder of this effect and those are all the ways you can spend your coins so next let's look at the ways you can spend beer that you collect during this phase one option is to recruit a new guest from the face of one's here paying their cost shown in beer in the top left-hand corner this represents a visitor to your tavern who sampled your fine drinks has decided to become a regular visitor now at most you can only buy one guest per round not including any free ones that you gained from bonus effects if you took one of these 4 guests then you draw and replace them with a new card from the top of the deck and if the guest was the last one from this stack then you'll also replace it with a new card from the deck some guests you gain may have an immediate bonus shown here in their Center which you collect only one time at the moment that you pay for them most of the bonuses we've already seen and explained but here is one we saw earlier on the monastery track didn't explain so let's talk about it now this is known as the service denied symbol this lets you immediately remove one of your guests already in your tavern from the game returning it to the box as long as it does not already have a die on its card though you could spend the die first and then remove them doing this can help to remove some of the lower valued guests from your deck ensuring that you're more likely to draw higher valued ones during later rounds as shown here on the monastery board you can also recruit Nobles during this phase by spending either 9 14 or 18 beer to gain either one two or three nobles adding them to the top of your deck and these do not count against your normal limit of only paying for one new regular guest per round and that means you can also buy from this list multiple times if you have the beer to be able to afford it and those are all the actions once you can't or don't want to spend more coin or beers you're serving phase ends and if you have any beer or coins remaining either from dice you haven't spent yet or leftover as change from past purchases you can store up to two of each in your safe and beer storage by moving the related markers you'll then be able to spend these in your next serving phase also once these have been upgraded they can store up to five coin or five beer any extra you have beyond what you stored is then lost now you'll return all unused white dice to the coaster and colored dice back to the supply and the next player in clockwise order performs their actions and so on don't everyone has had a turn which will end the phase now one thing you probably noticed was that every card you gained in this phase went to the top of your deck facedown so depending on the order in which you bought cards you will then be able to control the order in which they'll be drawn during the next phase which can give you certain strategic advantages we now move though on to the final closing time phase where players will pick up any cards that they placed in their tavern this turn and put them face up in a personal discard pile beside their deck if the moon is already on the final space of the track the game ends otherwise the beer mug is passed to the next player in clockwise order and a new round begins after the eighth round when the game is over players now count the victory points showing within this symbol on all of their cards this will include any in their draw deck and discard pile and the player with the most points wins in the case of a tie the tied player who has stored the most coins and beer in total wins and if there's still a tie the tied players share the victory and that's how you play the taverns of Tevan Hall using just the first module which is a good idea for your first few games but once you have a good handle on these rules the game comes with four more modules you can use to enhance the gameplay we're not going to go over all of those in this video but they will allow you to serve snaps provide entertainers for your guests track the reputation of your tavern gain an assortment of new types of guests give each player a unique setup for their tavern at the start of the game and add a guest book for each player that gives bonuses from customers who sign it all the rules for these modules you'll find in this supplement included in the game which I'll leave for you to discover on your own that said if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pitchers other videos and lots more over at the games page on BoardGameGeek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 90,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn, Tabletop, How To Play, Wolfgang Warsch, Game Rules, Instructions, Tutorials, Board Games, Miniatures, Learn To Play, Learn How To Play, Taverns Of Tiefenthal, Rules, Card Games, Watch It Played, Board Game, North Star Games, Tutorial, Instructional, Play Throughs
Id: kzK9pL1ehiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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