The Tau'ruk Character! Chaos Dwarfs vs Tomb Kings - Total War Warhammer 3

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ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all doing well and welcome to the showdown between the chaos dwarfs and tomb Kings it's going to be myself with the sorcerer Lord facing off against subai who's going to be rocking old concept here in the bushes should be quite a bit of fun it's certainly his natural habitat and we are going to be trying a super super uh rarely picked character which is the bull centor Tarak I almost forgot his name but I kind of figured against tomb Kings he could be okay right he's a fast anti-large fighter with pretty decent durability and Leadership so let's get this bad boy in there let's put him against like the usapi the bone Giants the characters and see he can help with some of those threats that are very common in this matchup so uh yeah we'll see how he does now for the rest of my Army here it's going to be chowy Warriors and obviously armored infantry are pretty good against tomb King's Troopers they will suff suffer against maybe catapults and usapi but aside from that they hold pretty well and some infernal guard fire glaves I think these are the coolest unit on chaos dwars oh they're so rad looking and their tabletop models are actually pretty good too the resin Forge World ones those guys rock and sadly you can't really get them anymore but yeah they're uh they pack a punch and they look rad and yeah anti-large shooting a little bit of you know keep it am Hest we'll see how it goes and our sorcerer character no surprise is going to be a fire Caster tomb Kings and fire they don't love it and it's so cool playing tabletop old world and also seeing the comparisons and the rules right like if you do flame damage against a unit uh a lot of Undead and different you know spooky units do have What's called the Regeneration save where they kind of regenerate or heal or whatever through the wound but if you do fire damage they don't get to and uh it's reflected in this game certainly how good fire magic is against Undead and its effects on healing but chaos dwarves and we got some Goblin labors who are going to grab this point here and a death treak rocket launcher which is going to be in the trees and now for the old tomb Kings on the other side it is going to be a tomb guard skeleton Spearman or tombu guard makes sense tomb guard are your high capture weight unit bone Giants have always been pretty meta against chaos dwarves they're excellent at killing the artillery pieces and can snipe a multitude of other targets and you know the Bor sorcerer Lord or sorcerer Prophet excuse me is the most common pick and the bone Giant's pretty good at just poking him up in the sky so uh you know thankfully for me I didn't bring him cep is good just for spamming spells and did he bring the Lich daap he did so Lich daap is here every time he cast a spell it adds 15 seconds to my cooldowns and it does also heal the rest of the Tomb King's Army for 1.2% of their HP which is very very good so um yeah that's going to be the tomb Kings here and uh let's get this party started do a little bit of fast forwarding while we get this going and the taret character is going to be running out of the trees preparing to Ambush the forces of the Tomb Kings while the chiai Zar Legion is going to be forming ranks here on objective one getting ready to go so fighting is on here we go who shopy great bows called out of the trees one standard shopy one great chosen to the gods and they're teeing off onto my poor chowy Warriors in the meantime my death freak rocket launcher which for some reason they're really good at shooting out of the trees I believe it's shot its first shot we haven't seen it yet uh it will be exchanging fire and we're going to see how it does so obviously the usapi grao is trying to scoot up to put a little bit of a threat onto my infernal guard fire glaves but this is where the turet character is going to have his chance to shine so he moves out he intercepts you shopy and he's going to be taking them to the club he certainly pounded some of those guys I don't know if he killed any of them yet probably doesn't onshot a model but does some respectable damage and his anti-large attacks will continue to do well as the shapi do lose probably about 8 10% of their HP and are going to be forced to flee in response cotep does use the Arrow's incantation of protection giving him a little bit of Ward while the artillery from downtown tries to help out and also the to potentially able to threaten the bone giant as well sorcerer profit is going to be here with his little uh his pistol doesn't do a ton of damage but it does have some AP and also imuse fire weakness so he's going to be shooting at the big monster and is it going to hit oh looks like a bit of a Miss there not the most accurate you know he failed in his uh his Marksman school that dwarf Overlord did and the T character still putting some hurt on the big monsters up to about 400 value so far and my next big Callin is a scary monster so we do have the Bale tour character and I figured it can come back here cause some disruption but subti does respond very well with the sokal stalker so eyes with the desert a pretty good answer against the B Taurus if they can keep Pace with it if not the Bale Taurus is going to be extremely punishing against a multitude of units here that the tomb Kings do have and I do have a Triple cap out of the gate so I do manage to to get some hobgoblin sneaky GS these little sneaky Lads did creep up around the side and got the objective and now come the goblin laborers so they'll be moving in to support that and help me hold that objective for as long as I possibly can but so far the early skirmishing phase has been pretty even and I would have to say this taret character has been very very essential to that he's been able to move up just kind of on his own without overextending and doing very good work and look at that fire glaves ripping Big Shots into the eyes of the desert while I try and Dodge with the Bale Taurus who is under a torrent of fire from the chosen of the Gods and the eyes of the desert and the to man is going to fight here I figured he would be safe to fight if he has fire support while so those guns are shooting uh he's going to be able to hold his own he does take out of a full soccer there which is quite good and another one does fall so two down first burning head going down here does manage to cook some of the Tomb guards so taking them straight to the barue baby and oh that's going to be so juicy goes right through the other tomb guard roasting through those guys and it's going to come and say hello to the usati graos as well so those great po going to get business a little bit but they have been doing good work my infernal guard fire glaves are not in great but at the very least despite their very decrepit amount of Health they have left they have been able to put hurt on the eyes of the desert now subai calls in a tomb scorpion tomb scorpion uh is good against chiai infantry they're kind of a weird monster and tabletop they're amazing they're super super good but um yeah it does manage to get a tail whip against the bull centur though I do have some chaos for for supporting against the spears maybe a little bit of a dodgy fight but we'll have to see now blob fight over here is going to be the sorcer profet and the Bale tus character go and fist the Cuffs here with the usapi and on the flank I saw a little bit of an flank here and I didn't want to get these guys pushing towards my catapult so we do call in the dreaded Demon's tongue but this finally gives the T Kings a target for the bonei and the usapi so in a way it's going to do some work sure and Rosy's infantry down you're going to see it's going to easily just get through these so gets a rear charge onto the TB guard here and also is going to be uh you know hurting their leadership with his flamethrower attack potentially but look how quickly subai has been able to turn the tide on the Demon's tongue although it rolls in once again and roast another unit of tombu guard so maybe if it can crumble a couple infantry it'll be worth it in the back field we do have the B tus going back to try and disrupt you know he's got such a good firing position here he's got the chosen of the Gods the bone GI I need to get back here and do some disruption so we're going to be using the B Taurus to try and wear down the chosen of the Gods Meanwhile my train is just getting wrecked so the Demon's tongue is currently uh yeah 400 value so at least it's done something before it got karate chopped but overall not looking great now on the side point we are holding on to his point the chaos war warriors were called in from reserve and have arrived with the goblin labors and the sneaky gets but he's probably going to get this one back eventually he does have tomb guard Nar Horseman but it's going to take him some sweet time probably needs a new shopi to overall win this fight so we're getting a lot of points here but I kind of started to see the riding on the wall a little bit in terms of value trading um my tet character did get overwhelmed by the sokal soccer shooting and the tomb scorpion here but his value got about a th000 so he just about paid for himself and my train is also running uh so a lot of my good units are on the run here and I did start to see the usapi moving forward and the tomb scorpion being problematic as well so that's why we called in the bentor renders but down goes the Train the boner giant with the m LG downtown shot baby no scope mom get the camera so bone giant here probably stting get about a th value so far I would wager going to be getting another shot wow 2,000 value and there he goes another beautiful shot going to be going into the uh bull centur that would miss but it looked really cool so it's still beautiful chosen of the gods did manage to escape here so they fled through the woods and the old Bales hor is going to be trying to crump through the ne Nar Horseman here and uh it's getting some damage on but it's a good tarpit not something I want to stay in and there is the old artillery in the trees and and look at that the death streak actually getting caught by the Scorpion I was like oh my God this thing got back here how sneaky is it was able to escape and my bull centors are a little bit trapped up in the front line fighting against some of the usapi but their spear support so it's really not good there's fat boner giant shafts in my face and I tried to outflank here and get onto his missiles but subai did a really good job intercepting here my hobgoblin with Spears going to be defeated pretty decisively here by these Nar Warriors um they're just a vastly superior like Cal unit although my guys are faster so they you know they're kind of somewhere in between so on the back field my old artillery is getting taken offline the bull Center tar is going to be kind trying to save this and this is a big turning to the tide right my artillery was keeping him honest it was really really blasting a lot of his constructs but now I'm running out of time and the Helms Deep Sirens are going off in my head right now I'm like okay I'm going to have to Helms Deep here this is easily a Triple cap situation right so I can potentially just win on the one objective but it's going to be an incredibly tough hold as the tomb kings are kind of zerging all over the battlefield right now my sorcerer profit he stands alone listening to some Gods smack uh 900 value on the burning heads but this is big to we also managed to get a goon so the Bor is coming in and not hearing any Bell whatsoever is going to be going after kotep kotp does get fizr which does help against the Bale Taurus character but he's crumbling he's at 200 leadership and T Kings uh yeah their monsters are pretty good I mean the kada Destroyer sucks but the Bale Taurus and you know the other smaller Taurus and even the lam masu in certain situations can be good and here it comes in and kills katp which is a massive massive win for us even though we're down in value that is going to make it exponentially harder for the tomb Kings to advance up and get my objective because their leadership is going to be much lower which is going to be equating to a lot of crumbling damage so I know the back objective is going to be my Helm's Deep spot we're almost at 1100 points so I do start to saturate units onto it so we got some Cutthroats here some Cutthroats here they have full capture weight which is good and uh burning head also doing some okay damage but the usapi unfortunately probably will eventually get my sorcerer profit and uh hopefully the bail tourus will be able to get away and provide a little bit of support in the back field now that's going to be the Colin here next Colin is going to be the dreaded magma Cannon so this is another unit that I think is not nearly as good as the death Streaker but it's really fun to use and there's kind of a tertiary benefit to this thing and that it does lower leadership so I figured hey the tomb Kings uh if I can get their low their leadership will be kind of flimsy and then the magma Cannon is going to help me crumble things down a little bit quicker so we'll see what kind of damage it does of course this thing was incredibly broken on launch and uh I'm hoping it'll kind of Channel some of its inner Brokenness here to help me close this game out because it's getting really really tight I'm down 3,00 in value Tom Kings have healing and there's a shot there you can see it does okay damage that's respectable but also puts their leadership to negative 21 right because it it applies a multitude of debuffs here um and they start crumbling which is also a lot of damage so I still think there's some applications for the magma Cannon we'll have to see couple tomb guard trying to make it up bull Cento renders even though they're great opens are going to be pretty strong here and the Cutthroats will be able to hold their own against some skeleton Spears no problem couple sneaky Goblin Wolf Riders tried to flank around and was trying to get on to his his his bows back here and what not he was able to intercept me over here burning head going down tuai has got a pretty firm grasp on this point soer profit isn't long for this world so it's pretty much all hands on deck guys we just need to hold this point sneaky gets on their way up and we do see the crumbling Spearman and over here the tombu guard crumbling down full cental render is being pretty good and yeah they're a good unit finally you know after the not finally but after their initial launch and them being just so busted uh these bad boys uh you know finally found a decent little comfortable place I don't know if they're the best kind of anti-large heavy Cavalry but you know they get the job done they do have armor demog knights I do think are actually probably a little bit better than them but here they come bull centur is going to be moving across into the eyes of the desert and we do see the magma Cannon shooting into the uh sokal stalkers here he does have a lot of anti-large and kind of usapi graos and sral stalkers things that aren't necessarily good at killing infantry so I'm hoping that can buy me time and here my game plan was to go for a ninja cap I was like let's use a th000 points get two hobgoblins and try and see if we can snake objective three to just really close out the game because if we get that it's pretty much GG it's going to be a tough Gambit but we're going to see if we can as we do have some chy warriors fighting on the point which was a large reason as to why I tried so sneaky gets with our ninja stars doing really good these are certainly the most stalwart of goblins I've seen um they're currently at 18 leadership and they're hanging in there like Champs no chaos dwes nearby to give them a leadership up which is a bit of a mistake on my part they do of course have the malign Authority so if there is a scary Chow we nearby they get plus eight leadership which is good and the magma Cannon actually doing work here almost melting down some sokal stalkers while the sneaky gits are able to chase them and the backfield subai is going to go for an intercept with the Horseman and normally hobgoblins would lose but the fact that I'm going to get kind of a flanking charge here and uh I think it's if they yeah they flank are rear so they're going to get cowardly to spoilers here gives him 25 damage and puts them up to a similar category of the horsemen and since he didn't get his charge bonus and I did I might be able to actually win that fight we'll have to see so we do get the ninja attempts on the back objective but superai responds well CP has risen again From the Ashes so he has returned might be a little bit too late for him we'll have to see but um it did distract him right he had to send some units over here which allowed me to get a little bit more kind of time on my back objective another shot from the magma Cannon going into the eyes of the desert and I'm like actually surprisingly impressed with this oh 69 kills and yes it only has 400 value so far but you have to take into account the amount of crumbling it's inflicted and because that that's a big deal right that's a big deal so sneaky gets normally would lose here but goblins you know they like to do it from behind so here this the Cowardly displayer is going to be charging in will probably be able to crumble down these Warriors pretty quickly their binding is uh better because KP is back but even still that rear charge is good there and the dreaded magma Cannon shot is going to put him into crumbling Nega 55 you see what I'm saying it's getting a little bit of work in there I think get like scaven vampire counts tomb Kings maybe like a magma Cannon could have a little bit of teeth I think there's a little something something there but on the back point we do got the uh the Cutthroats and the sneaky gits and also the Wolf Riders who are going to be intercepting the yapti here we're just shooting at cotep now just why the hell not and using the remnants of our raiding force over here to try and intercept his reinforcements from getting to the point as far as my call-ins go we're going to be calling in the big guns B B we do have the chaos T Warriors as well as the demon tongue on its way back and the demon tongue obviously was kind of weak earlier when he had access to a lot of shooting but now that he doesn't I'm thinking the demon stong might be like incredibly destructive right leadership discouraging anti-infantry really really good flamethrower against like tomb guard tier units we'll have to see if this works out so more Mobility coming in Nar Horsemen will be intercepted once again by these very proud hobgoblins and does this guy count as contempt it does okay so he's going to be buffing the leadership of my nearby units the bone giant has finally arrived after doing very good this game 2500 value on him and my sorcerer Lord has been on the other side basically getting dumped on here so you can see the usapi have just been taken him to Pound Town not really much to look at there but it's going to take a while for my opponent to kill though so we're almost at, 1400 points the Helms Deep coming into full uh full play here as we do use the uh demon Tung to come over look at how much damage it did to those Nar Horsemen oh my goodness that is really really good crumbling their leadership they're at negative3 right now and the magma cannons going to continue ripping shots into these guys guys uh it does a little bit of damage a little razzled Dazzle and it's gotten about 800 value so far so yeah it's more of a balanced place at this point so just tarpit and cep and the bone giant bone Giants are pretty awful at killing uh Mass amounts of infantry in my experience using a couple of our tattered Cavalry to also tie up the tomb guard buying as much time as I can because I know it's still pretty tight game he's got a lot of units on their way over and if they're able to all get here I could be in very very big danger like these things have four capture weight a piece right so I was sweating some serious bullets and who do you call when you're in danger baby it's going to be the bull centor tar so here he comes he's charging across he's got his anti-large Club certainly going to be able to beat down that bone GI if he needs to and uh it's go time man this is it we got a hold here we got eight capture weight coming in here we got a tomb Guard unit with five capture weight got a spear with two he's going to be out musling me pretty soon but the flamethrower a little bit of a tickling of the pickle on the giant here not necessarily the target you want to shoot but we do manage to maintain cap weight but we're going to see it starts to flip back and forth you can see it's getting a little bit dodgy here guys a little bit scary got up in danger we got the T versus the bone Giant does have anti-large attacks though so it should be very very good there and now the capture probably going to be flipping once again yeah you can see it's very very precarious but when the tomb guard get there man I'm going to be sweating bullets and in response I'm just desperation sending I got the hob goblins coming out man I'm just trying to get whatever I can because it's now starting to make a little bit of progress for him however this flamethrower train has been doing great work at melting down the uh arriving units but that ladies and gentlemen probably is going to be it I don't think he's going to have enough time we have the chowy we're flipping the capture way back because we're actually killing quite a bit of his units you can see the crumbling Horseman here and ladies and gentlemen that is going to be GG well played the chois are hold on in the fourth quarter fun match tar was cool I think I might mix him into that match up more I think even like having a goon squad of two of them could be kind of nice like a wide build maybe cut the death streak and go double double tar also maybe cut these guns too they're a little bit too easy of a target for the old uh for the old tomb Kings yeah so maybe like cut this to get a second T cut you and maybe one chowy Warrior to open with a bale tus and maybe I don't know it's kind of fun B Taurus was good only 900 value but it did get the Lord kill um the train was a bit of a dodgy pick too but I think having one is nice and yeah looking forward to experimenting with Magma Cannon so his bone giant was great who Sho you is great he obviously out valued me right but he was just triple capped for far too long and who would have thought that tomb scorpion would get like Giga 1500 value all right guys GG well played see you around and uh let me know what match ups you want to see and we'll make it happen cheers w
Channel: Turin
Views: 26,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3IgDQzoaEaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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