Casket of Souls & SNAKE KNIGHTS | Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia - Total War Warhammer 3

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ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all doing well and welcome to this tournament Showdown it's going to be myself on the tomb Kings facing off against dust man who's going to be rocking the forces of bratonia and ladies and gentlemen yes your eyes do not deceive you it is a giant boner giant so we shot the great BOS are probably slightly better um but I just like using the bone giant so much he's so much fun and uh yeah that' be cool if they added that to tabletop because currently in tabletop you can bring a bone giant it's it's called like a Colossus or something but it can only use melee weapons so it's cool but this thing is just like the just the Giant bow is so so glorious but yeah it's good at shooting the knights and characters and you know Fain chantress blobs we have Arin in the woods he's just going to be buunis spamming so we're going to be using bua on um Cavalry and that's basically it like gr Knights you just want to wait for gril Knights or any sort of elite Knights and I didn't go for halberds in the front because if you do that tomb guard halberts don't trade super well into battle pilgrims uh so I wanted to at least win the Frontline fight with these guys and then have my stalkers and graos and I also oh yeah I forgot to mention I brought a casket of souls for you guys so that's the unorthodox pick which um we're going to try it should be fun man I don't know could be terrible could be really really cool and send a message to my opponent we'll have to see let's move it on up sarin's going to wait in the trees bone giant is going to probably force him back I would wager he's going to retreat um we could start shooting at the F chers for now yeah Arin hangs out and uh looks like my opponent is going to be meeting me in the field here so let's get these AAL stalkers kind of hanging in the back and no Cavalry in the opening Army very normal for bronia usually oh if I get the Fay a free shot on Fay here that's going to be nice cuz she's standing on top of some units so even the collateral damage could be good and and uh okay so it does manage to hit the battle pilgrims but not quite the best shot in the world so do we have Cavalry called out yet no it's going to be foot squares okay interesting see that's why you don't go for the uh the other variant right yeah a little bit dodgy so I could call in some Nar Warriors um I think I'm going to hunker down in the middle here and uh play the top objective as well we'll like send um like one tomb guard boy over to The High Ground here although he probably would get run over by Cavalry it's a little bit dangerous all right it's time release the memes the casket of Souls oh yeah I haven't used one of these in ages but we're going to try and bombard these guys and see how that goes Arc in the meantime is going to do a little sneaky sneaky snakes and um yeah these guys are all up I should have good capture weight casket of souls I'm really interested to see what kind of damage this does and uh another shot on the Fay looks like she Dodges it with the caskets going to start shooting and we'll form ranks like so looking good and then we need to send someone up to The High Ground so we're just going to send a skeleton Spear and he'll get that eventually so yeah we just kind of do this and hunker down and we're going to go ahead and get a summon here so we're going to use AR and on top of this bad boy so check this out just do a little bit of this a little razzled Dazzle skeleton uh brettonian they love it they love getting you know that that put on them there so let's go attack here here and here casket of souls is doing good work we have sokal stalkers ready and we're just going to sit on the Fay enchantress and just keep kind of shooting at her the entire time um bua is waiting for any additional threats to come out so let's get you and High Ground we're going to get that one eventually and we do have some Spears here let's get them up for capture weight as well all right so f is forced back a little bit bone Giant's doing good tombu guard are going to hold here like Absol Chads and the casket of souls I don't know what kind of damage it's doing but probably not terrible we could use AA on foot Squires okay it actually got rid of an Archer already which is which is great and um now what do we get here spearm mined arms heading to The High Ground and we're going to send a Nar Warrior as well just to make sure we get that cuz that's really going to be the epicenter of combat right so let's get you guys into the battle pilgrims Spears are up there we're just watching and the bone sh's really putting a number on the Fain chantress even on foot so we need to get in front of these um it looks like he's trying to work through some of these battle pilgrims so we're going to try and like run and front here and call in some Nara Horsemen to uh screen them out that's got to be the game plan so oh I didn't bring any okay let's just get some infantry then all right so they're going to do that andal stalkers can go here Spears keep moving this way we do have another summon let's go ahead and use this and yeah he's getting into the back field a little bit it's going to be a little dodgy um any good Cavalry called out okay we got some those are just nice aant so that feels kind of bad to be honest F chanter is down to half health and we do get a good flank on those battle pilgrims the casket of souls is doing work and the Nar Warriors should be able to get there and deal with those guys all right so let's use this and in the middle we do lose the objective but f is already very very low which is great so the boner giant is doing the work and um yeah is he going to call in good Knights or is it just going to be Cheapo kns that's my question oh I also brought another cool unit That You Don't See often the uh necropolis Knights all right so we're going to just bua because I don't want to sit on my magic for too long so we're going to bua these guys and get you up on the point here and we're going to see if Arin can also help out against those all right so let's sit on the F chanters keep shooting force her to use her healing on herself right is the idea let's get seal soccers back and get these tomb guard up on the point those guys can rotate back we are up on value but there is a little bit of healing in play so that's a little bit dodgy let's get these guys running and um yeah I think we're going to need some sokal stalkers up there so the bua does do a good job and we have the usapi summon which I think I'm going to use to help me win this point actually so we're going to fight here and hopefully the usapi can help out let's go up there so Arin did a good job casket of souls still shooting away let's get into these archers here and hopefully the tomb guard will eventually win this these are foot Squires yeah we don't want to be fighting foot squares that's that's not fun all right so let's switch on to you pull you back bone giant just stay on the F enchantress and um yeah Arin and Company can probably win this one especially with that summon there let's go ahead and drop the fat damage resist on those to buy them a little bit of time and now we have our Sneaky Snake Knights we're going to call them out they're going to run over these peasants and Nar Warriors can move up into these as far as the Middle Point goes it's a little bit dodgy uh it's going to take a while I'm I'm up pretty massively in value we do have a lot of game to be played still it's very very early and we recuit decent value so those are Knights of the realm so let's get back down here with Arin I'm hoping the Sneaky Snake Knights can beat down the Knights of the realm um so P stalkers yeah those are foot Squires it's it's not a good fight for us uh let's just get a spear unit just send them in and have them like tarpet these and now we can get the sneaky snakes and move them up and we're going to go get these sneaky snakes into the Knights of the real and hopefully they'll do something I'll have a bua for them soon and we do have some Warriors there are these good Knights those are Defenders of flare Del those might be a better buit Target although they don't have anti-large so I think we just like really want to win the fight on the bone Giant so we're going to slap them with that and hopefully it'll hopefully it'll work out well all right so skeleton Spears go after you you guys keep maneuvering casket of souls keep nuking away on the objective and the bone Giant needs to go and just continue ripping shots on the pain chantress here so we do get the bua and the sneaky steak Knights should win that up here I think we're going to win this objective because of the usapi summon so that's good and uh yeah the sneaky Knights did pretty great all right let's let's rear flank in here and just kind of crumble those guys real quickly in the meantime you could probably win that Ark in the black we need you here keep ripping shots and let's go see if um I can go for the Goon here we're also going to call in an necrotect and uh he just has the healing ability so he's going to heal the sneaky snakes all right so we're going to get there try and win that um that fight looks good and um yeah Arin getting a nice little punt here but we're going to go for the F enchantress if only I had a spirit Leach I I kind of cheaped out a little bit on the uh on the old magic here and for you let's do this we're going to keep hunting down the Fay trying to get rid of the character go in guard mode and um yeah he's pinning me on the objectives very very well I could run into a situation where we're kind of struggling there let get these archers and necropolis knights need to come back let's get these Spears to go deal with these peasants and necro move up and sneaky snakes can uh keep moving up to Bone giant we need to get away and probably just got to start calling in more infantry to press the objectives cuz we're going to have to play for a Triple cap this is obviously going very very okay not amazing but okay um so we get his summon there F chantress was able to escape bone giant is trying to Waddle away let's see if we can rip another shot on the Fay here and sneaky Cavalry need to go up to the high ground and try and secure that we'll send another spear up there in a second to secure that okay so them and the sneaky snakes should be able to do pretty well for themselves casket of souls is still blasting away let's get some big AOE damage there and we do have another bua so let's go ahead and use that on the night's erant we're just going to kind of wear down any Cavalry we really can and we got another shot on the Fay all right so let's get up here get that and um the necrotect he can go ahead and heal the bone giant a little bit make sure it doesn't die uh in Easy death and uh yes fears and compan are doing good let's get the knights to sit behind them and start shooting we have a little bit of side pressure coming in Arin doing great f chantress is wavering um value is very very close though which is not good so we need to go ahead and get a couple Spears let's get a couple of those should have gotten neart Warriors actually that was a bit of a blunder we'll come back down this way and uh old Arin how's he doing yeah he's getting a little bit beat up here but it's fine he's going to go ahead and pop his W save item here you can see they're getting shot in the back casket of souls doing good side objective should go to us I would imagine Sneaky Snake Cavalry are trying to find some fights it ain't easy to find a good fight around here um but if we can get those Defenders of flare to Le that's going to feel pretty good all right so we do get a charge on them but does have Spears coming in on the side which I really really don't like so that's that's problematic we're going to get like full surrounded here so we need to try and pull away if we can and the bone giant can we shoot any shots into the Fay I think she's like back in the trees so we're going to try and get the sneaky Cavalry out of here if we can necrotect is there providing a little bit of support and unfortunately uh this damn pressure back here is pretty good pretty good on the old casket which hasn't shot in quite some time so all right so we get away with the neopolis Knights they're going to have a heal from the necro soon um Arin will have another summon soon he's going to need it cuz he's getting kind of whooped on a little bit we got you going there and you going here and we do have our tomb guard right there and the sneaky Cavalry are kind of getting out maneuvered but now they can turn and fight the Knights of the realm that's okay and the bone giant can come help out too necro will have some heals for them in a second so let's go ahead and drop the heals on the sneaky Cavalry all right so that's going to be a restore on them and um yeah I feel like we're going to get tarped off the objectives but we'll see all right so dropping a summon so can Arin do this yes who gets that so we get a little summon there to bolster him and now we got some meat on this objective here so hopefully we can start to flip that one tomb guard doing okay obviously taking a bit of a hard fight but we do end up winning this fight hopefully terat will come down on those damn Spears back there and as far as this goes it's an absolute mess back here guys it's an absolute mess but the casket of souls has been kind of formidable this game it's been decent uh tomb guard are hanging in there let's go ahead and get them in combat and we got The High Ground objective so that one's for sure going to go to us uh we can send some sokal stalkers up there preemptively to counter the Cavalry that might come in and now the necropolis knights we need to get them over here to try and support those units if we can all right so the bone Giant and the necro let's waddle them towards the middle Arin is doing really good his whole arm is like kind of on death bed a little bit but I'm like rapidly Running Out of Time ladies and gentlemen rapidly all right so where can we shoot we can shoot at these battle pilgrims uh necropolis Knights are coming over but they're getting crumbled maybe we just f up the middle you know just like try and try and Route all these guys down yeah see if we can so neopolis Knights are moving in there we got The High Ground right yeah we're going to get that we should be able to win this we'll park those guys there just preemptively and you guys move up to the middle and we just got to kind of slow push all these we got to slow push all these points looks like the battle is going to start switching over to the middle um Arin has another 40 seconds until he can get that okay so the snake knights we got more Spears coming in casket of souls is shooting now which feels good finally finally it's shooting and let's get some Cheapo infantry just kind of running up there to to get it done Arin is going to pull back let's get you guys here and let's get the halberds and those are Grail Knights actually which is very dodgy I'm going to have enough for auna here in a second oh no I'm one short that's really bad yeah so I'm basically one short of the bua that feels really bad Knights aren going to get me and uh that's going to be a good charge but we do have a good you know anti-large presence against those guys let's pull these guys down you guys Park here so we got one objective finally we've been pushed back but we are up in value I think um and for you let's get a spear unit have you guys just clear out those foot Squires there and um yeah we just kind of keep nuking into the center blob arkans going to have another summon soonish battle pilgrims are getting hit a little bit and uh these poor Warriors here on the side having a hard time yeah definitely getting run down by a lot of those Cavalry how's the casket of Souls looking it's uh it's it's having a hard time it's struggling all right let's make some Spears and we can send more Spears up to The High Ground sh the great B would probably be better but the boner giant was really disruptive for sure we're about to get another summon so let's drop that right here on these guys all right great so that's going to be a good blob support we got these guys on the way in I have a little bit of time left not too much can we shoot the gril knights we might be able to snipe the F enchantress those are Knights of the realm coming in okay so we need to halberts to contain those guys they're just giving us a lot of grief I don't really have any cins here yet but we'll get some tomb guard here in a second and they can move out do this and how's the old casket of souls doing all right so you guys waddle up this way um he's got one foot square unit coming here I don't know how this blob fight's going it doesn't feel like it's going great does that give us any reserves I don't think it does you know sadly it does not bone Giants duking it out we got the necrotect in there Knights of the realm um a fair amount of infantry on the way in and the sokal stalkers yeah do we defend the casket I don't think we do I don't think we worry about it too much yeah just like move in and get these guys to come help in the blob fight we got two units hustling over on the side so they're going to make it there eventually and um yeah they are spear units which is good casket of souls let's rip some shots in Arin we need to keep him in combat yeah Knights of the realm is a risky fight for him actually it's very risky um let's get these infantry going here Aran can keep attacking let's get these guys to bounce out and fight them and um he's attacking me with a single Cav unit here which is fine we're going to move you up we have The High Ground objective and I'm going to bring one more down here so you can see the cap we starting to flip a little bit if I can get like one more AR and summon that's going to be good and let's get a Tom halber moving up and just try and tarpit the battlefield yeah cuz this one is like kind of like going back and forth here and I do have the sokal stalkers grinding a bone giant the terror is mitigated heavily by his um man I would have three Spirit leeches right now that that would kill the pay that might even like turn the game that's a shame I I screwed that up but you know lesson learned um Chalice of potions kind of a Miss there let's get on those foot Squires and um yeah tomb guard just move up to the middle and um yeah we got the halberts in Company still chasing here Arin still getting his charges bone Giant's trying but probably is going route that was oh man that casket did good damage that was really good all right so up you go and up you go we got 1275 we are going to need to wrestle the middle if we can bronia does not look like it's doing anything there let's get you guys up pull the bone giant back oh does he have any ammo left I don't think so I think he's out of ammo casket still blasted away though man it's still getting there we got Spears up on the point but they're going to be Cavalry against Spears which should be good for us maybe call out one great bow to give us a little bit of stopping power maybe all right so those are Grail Knights um here we're able to clean up I'm really curious how the uh Sneaky Snake Cavalry did that's the one thing I'm kind of like measuring this game is one of the main reasons I wanted to you know try them out was like they have any teeth against bronia I don't know we'll find out today all right so up on the point up on the point and uh you guys get on you guys get on and um I think we just need another infantry unit to try and wrestle that so we don't have time for much else we have to kind of put Faith in our tomb guard halberts over here too and hope that they're going to be able to do something necrotect is grinding here Spears are grinding and we're going to get a little bit of capture weight going here Arin does have another summon so how's the casket doing by the way caskets up to, 1500 value I'm very happy with that that's incredibly solid that is incredibly solid so I think he's going to win on points you know we we just ran out of time really um here are tomb guard halberds maybe I should have called in more of those um you know over the course of the game so we're going to go here we have capture weight there but the middle is a little hard I think with a spirit Leach we win the game cuz we just killed the Fay and his leadership tanks right um so that was a big mistake but lesson learned I thought I thought it would equal out to the right amount but it certainly didn't so all right let's get a summon there there let's do this let's get Arin on the objective do we have any cap flip weight we do not uh halir are going to fight here and uh yeah fun experimental build 1500 that's not bad and old Arc in the black he's always great I mean the buas are awesome I I he he he did a good job keeping the Grail knights in reserve but yeah not enough time shop the great are probably necessary too so a bit of an unorthodox build bone giant was good I really liked him uh I think we definitely need some graos graos are really good at just picking apart the knights and sniping characters but yeah Spirit leech not having Spirit leech really that game uh F Fay was on death bed we had 21 W that would be two spirit leeches right that's going to be enough to get the kill uh she ended up getting how much 700 value Aran seven tomb guard infantry did okay 2100 sokal stalkers got chased um casket did okay too snake Knights 2400 though man hey I ain't complaining maybe I'm going to try more of these especially with the little necrotech support we got a little uh little fanciness there all right guys GG well played awesome game by dust man we'll see you guys next time take care of yourselves for him value uh foot squares yeah as infantry did well and obviously is Cavalry are always good so gril Knights only got 700 value though all right snake Knights may be a thing
Channel: Turin
Views: 23,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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