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foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] he lean on the map captain we're right about there rest assured sir I've been shelling across the skillet for the past 10 years saves two days to El Paso now the regular stage route goes I can see the regular stage room thank you this Trip's been nothing but a problem since the time we live all right then if you want to wait for the regular stage please Jerry it's just that I'm hot and tired and now that killer I'm not gonna move we're gonna stay on yeah we're shoving right off chair call your man Chris [Applause] everybody aboard we're moving help you man thank you you've done nothing but delays get in you got to put them someplace lady foreign [Music] now what change places it's all right well I wish we'd never come on this foolish trip little nightmare handsome Prophet can hardly be called foolish a pioneering in this country can be awful rough and then go where there's money to be made and women they go with the men who make it or try [Music] what's up Ryder ahead coming too fast being careful who passed himself let's take a look hey oh crash you stay here he's about headed thank you [Music] foreign well what do we do nothing we can do he'll die if you leave him here taking them on to be caught in trouble but he's hurt at least getting the next town where there's a doctor leave him I thought I told you to stay in the wagon all right let's put him in a wagon [Applause] a man's dying doesn't mean very much to you does it on the contrary a man's dying means a lot to me [Music] why were you running who are you running from [Music] coriando [Music] whatever watches but this is a membrano country there ain't been no to marches this far north in 10 12 years what is this what's going on head for those rocks we'll never make it they make for that shoulder hey come on thank you how do we know they're after us what is it just for don't stay here and find out [Music] sure I like his arms why we need this gun we'll do the most good quick [Music] thank you [Music] get on the floor lady [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh why not oh boy Sheriff I'm all right lift it up a little bit I think I'd get out from it oh boy crap come here grab a hold of this huh clear it's all right now ma'am they've all gone where's Jerry thank you I'm sorry ma'am [Music] it's gone next broken he felt no pain well I guess that's that I don't know why he was running he carved up another tamachi our mistake was taking him on he had about sums it up we better get over there Undercover yeah you think they might come back yep yep what about Jerry later no one what's that pony well of all the blood-sucking flea picking local time if he can't walk he can Crawlers foreign [Music] ask him where he found it a cleaner one day Akinator Leos dias Cape River about two days right from here tell him we'll give him a horse if he takes us there [Music] Laura Frisco [Music] that's that was that hold on we're in no position to go hunting for gold besides what about the lady well we might try and get her as far as El Paso I reckon well I reckon the lady has something to say about that nobody's cutting me out it's not going to be easy for a woman since when was it easy a little gold would make it a lot easier for me I could pick my company for a change but I'm taking in a prisoner there's no time limit in bringing them in is there no but he's here to stay in trial I'm in no hurry how are we going to get there walk walk what about food and water we'll have to make do with what we've got well we ain't got much we're taking a big chance for a big payoff I vote we get started I admire your pluck man but not even an Indian to try to whip this country afoot [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] well hello Captain Theodore Bass shipmaster permanent revocation of license sorry goodbye captain [Music] [Music] hello folks don't look now lady I'm afraid he's dead who are you Keenan's my name Joshua tinnin I trade out of Silver City general merchandise as you can see hams and bacon sugar and salt spices and vinegar calicos flannels scissors and knives pots and pans hey Captain look at here everything we need yeah and the best of everything if we can come to terms we'll come to terms all right there's more of that where that came from we're headed there you've just been dealt in [Music] kind of turn it over in my mind I'll strain yourself Tenon you're in we need your stuff okay here Sheriff you represent the law and the Constitution of the United States guarantees against unlawful seizure lest its paper then you owe me five dollars for this Union coat Confederate trousers it figures two sides to everything Fill Me In well Sheriff we've got everything we need now you're satisfied too bad sheriff I like it rich you have the honor of taking me to jail we're going with them yeah I always miss out on the big strikes but afterwards I'm still taking you back to El Paso with me thank you [Music] foreign [Music] he's got a really loyal what are you doing it's a drink he kept this part of the bargain how do we know there's gold in there thank you thank you we'll need pick [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] these are membranos peaceful Indians [Music] okay for Scandal [Music] Italian [Music] better let them have it thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] those Lancers Mark the bounce if we pan down here they won't bother us what's up above burial grounds we made a big mistake handing over our guns you get a point there Indian sad one too if they're dealings with whites before I don't like staying here without guns on the other hand nor do I well who does oh we can push onto El Paso and get some arms and come back but it'll be taking a chance and keeping it quiet that's risky Wanna Be tuck too many of us already let the news get out and we'll wind up with nothing yeah crash you think the Indians will let us be if we stay below the lances yep what's to keep someone from Crossing when our backs are turned common sense and if that don't do it I will oh hey dinner ready almost somebody give me a hand I could use a couple of hands myself way I figure you got no complaints coming everybody's doing more work than you [Applause] everybody will be putting more gold into the common pot than you but you get equal shares that's the way the captain set it up and that's the way it is cabins can't take an Uber already mind no I don't mind anything about my own business you're smart I Was a Fool all that fancy talk about you protecting me and helped me get privacy from the others let go how do you listen you'd have done what I wanted you to share this lean tool safety and numbers now that you were bullheaded so am I yeah whatever I do I never apologize for it do you no when I do now with reservations such as oh no excuses for discovering you're a real woman my kind never met one before next I'll remind you of your mother you couldn't I was raised in a foundling home oh most people think I'm inhuman the proof I'm not is when I go a bit too far sometimes are you human enough to let me back other ways Maybe if you stay backed up pretty I'd like to put some pretty rings and bracelets there I plan to do that myself maybe I'll get you to change your plans gold the only future I plan on the present let's eat what's your timepiece say [Music] getting on she sure is a beauty here my grandpa's [Music] look at that little fella go round and round thanks oh I'm sorry no I'm done Miss look here why do you keep him Shackled you think he's gonna run away now you don't think he just twitches as long as I'm Sheriff of El Paso County man well you're outside your county now I may be outside but he stays inside those manacles why you took them off when you needed him to fire a gun he could have shot you then he didn't I know more about him than you folks do any man that had murdered his own brother who said so a rig jury and a pack of Claim Jumpers slobbing over my land now take it easy sure [Music] he won the argument Sheriff this is [Music] you will have to answer for this will I no [Music] I'll take that any objections well let's let down for the knife so it's me everybody watches on that's what I aim to do wash my own Golden Keep It dump yours to a common pot and go serious if you wanna I'm on my own nobody's on his own share and share a like who said sir me when it was decided you wasn't in a position and there's other considerations I'll pay for my keeper and understood how much obliged here miss Laura it's all right [Music] I'm bend down off always [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you what are you getting clarney sand fleas and sore leaves [Applause] [Music] Miss Laura you'll get it faster if you operate slower doesn't seem like I have much to show for it except blisters in the backache if I show you [Applause] you see the main idea is to keep a riffle in your pan all the time from the outside to the Senate says it goes settle down the bottom you just work it over like that and let the silt float off like that Easy Does It I guess nothing's easy I'll try to follow your advice Gold's tricky you'll lose it I usually do keep this hand a little lower on the other how's that that's good now you got it all right [Music] all right same as Laurie you uh want to help me work this contraption of mine it's just about ready to go I thought you wanted to work alone yes I've changed my mind huh why would you want to take me in with you the two can work it better than one that's the fact that you get more gold that way anyways I might even get rich I just want enough for for Comfort when I need it kind of comfort I am at comes High thanks anyway well good luck there the same to you [Music] imminent Rocker Box if we ever gets it built I don't know some say Rocker Box is the best bet on the other hand some say padding is the best way to go by and I say I'll wait till I see it operate [Music] oh Mr Tennant there's plenty of room along this stream pick yourself another spot maybe you better pick your words more careful too Captain best [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Laughter] he makes noise Ben you think she'll make any money well she better I'm a day behind the wrist here hey take it easy you're not shooting a horse I know you're stubborn more like a mule not even facts why it was my Sav why laughs all right a joke all right sort of wow [Laughter] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] everybody's running short for the Tall Texan what's he gonna do buy himself a fine funeral or maybe the woman will have something what he does with his money he does strikes me quick you don't stand up for your own right even if you want four hours what is it just a do make him see the light go shares like the rest of us how do I go about that we'd all helped oh yeah I'm sure I can count on you Mr tin and all the way you can you try anything funny and you won't keep what you've already got you won't be afford to claim you didn't read me right it's like you lost an argument oh temperament stay away from him Sheriff because there was some way we could stump that confounded squeaking yeah and pouring All the Gold in his pockets it ain't fair and square he wouldn't even be here if it hadn't been for me thank you [Music] [Applause] guys funny I worked over that spot real good not more than an hour ago I don't know why I missed it I do I'm tired [Applause] it was up Beyond her and just washed down that's where the real gold is up there you meet up above the lances it's as plain as day why the Indians said keep off the burial ground was just an excuse I bet we could go up there and pick up the stuff in handfuls just my luck every time I get close to something good it may be right but don't change our situation any the Indians meant what they said did you understand the lingo no nobody did but trash correct you think maybe he's double-crossness keeping us down here [Music] maybe he bargained our guns away and what do you think still in case he was telling the truth that no we couldn't chance it foreign like that either you or that Rocker Box are gonna cave in the both of us say you better come in with me before we fall apart all right I will you're not gonna argue about it I'm too hungry would you like to share supper with me such as it is March not much to admire just grits it suits me just so I don't have to eat with them I'll open one spoonful stay I'm out I'll stay cards one card are you getting it this way and I ain't getting a pen and all I'm getting is mighty mighty irritated at Big Stuff the Indian showed us where is it that's a fair question I'll bet one spoonful and I'll see where'd you get this it's below the lances it washes down from up above it has to be without guns not me mister than me appears you fellas believe all that Outlaw tells you better watch yourself you want to get us all killed nobody's going to get killed [Music] you know this tastes mighty good what doesn't when you're half stabbed well one thing to my mind don't turnips oh I can't abide those either you know they came to me twice a day in jail probably the reason I busted out I don't blame you I reckon that when they locked me up they figured that any man would knife his own brother didn't deserve any better [Music] the only hitch was I didn't do it you don't seem like the kind to me Ben [Music] you see what made it look bad was it me and my brother we was always always uh fighting people knew it I just don't like being ordered around neither do I the way I figured nobody has a right to order anybody else around and unless he owns him I guess the War settled that question yes ma'am for men takes a lot of money to fight a war so I figure the more gold I get the better the odds are on my side yeah were you uh are you reckon you'll go after here oh I was headed to Sanford ever been to Mexico no that's nice country people are nice too very friendly not too nosy it's a thought I kind of hanker to find a spot where maybe I could start from scratch again I might even pick out a new name I never did like Laura Thompson and Laura's mighty pretty I hate to see you change that [Music] oh yeah somebody turn it or help you wash up no you don't all right [Music] now that we're Partners in that Rocker Box don't you think that we ought to what shake hands thanks Ben oh thank you mate good night [Music] rest did you enjoy your dinner sure why I didn't oh you're the same as us you had better company my luck night you've been very lucky so far now there's two things I want my own ship and that woman you may get your ship captain I aim to get the other two so do you there's no need to ask and you don't aim to go back to El Paso to stand tried and why are we staying here Gavin I'm not I just wanted understood and the only person who could stand in my way is Laura and I don't think she will no why not because she's smart she's been on the run all of her life look out now captain no no no no offense but when she says this up you think she's going to pick the man who's going to be on the run the rest of his life if you're a smart you go back to stand trial until then you're marked as a murderer not when I know it's a lie no go Captain you better think of another idea to get me out of the way believe me it's worse to stand trial for the truth [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you crossed middle of the burial ground Indian outside [Music] foreign [Music] you're not going up there oh [Music] my God [Music] thank you foreign [Music] order as a rattlesnake no let's get out of here me now hold on I haven't crossed the Lancers yet we can still get the gold we want without having any trouble with the Indians oh we haven't got a food we're all sent a Healer for Provisions why not we can stay here and pan for three or four more weeks sure I know I know a shortcut from the City of Rocks I'll go along see we both keep our mouths shut done well one thing's understood it's a common pot from here on in anyone doesn't like it and getting a horse and go now all right I'm staying get going how about some breakfast I'll fix them come on come on [Music] Laura Laura what's the matter I'm pulling out of here I want you to come with me to Mexico then I it's more than that the idea the Lancers have gone under their skin it's only a matter of time I know maybe so oh if I only had a little more gold well you got mine you want to change your name you got that too if you'll take it I mean marry me Ben what name you don't have one to offer then and what future a bright future long happy married life in hiding he's right Ben I mean I do want to marry you but well let's go then but not now later you'd have enough gold to hire the best lawyer in the state too clear you good luck Laura oh Ben please laughs don't be a fool or a be yourself [Music] [Applause] Captain Laura the horses are gone Indians it's a warning to get out of here for why but didn't the Indians say that we're Tenon sneaked across the lances the other night the Indians must have seen him we better get out of here fast but we can't walk across the flats we might be able to travel in light well that'll mean leaving without the gold should we wait for Tynan and Connie I don't know you think we'd have a chance to get out with the gold if we waited for the horses the awful risky well let's get packed then we'll see [Music] mosquito you just keep practicing on that thing and I'll come back and take you to gay parade sure but I say Mr Carney business before pleasure let's go oh what's your hurry our business has waited a few thousand years it won't walk away sure but the sooner we get to it I see what you mean [Music] gracias [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] what's keeping them surely they'll get here today could it be like Connie to hang around town well if they don't get here by Sunday we better go we've already stretched our luck ever consider that the Indians might Wayland before they get back don't let him fret you Laura he's spooky in a brock build up the fire I'll get a meal together anything would be better than sitting [Applause] you know Josh with my luck at poker and my share of all that gold I'm gonna build me a big gambling Palace you know with a lot of pretty girls and music oh I'm going to be the biggest Gambler west of the Rio Grande it's easier getting my goal that way than picking it out of the pan I'll buy me a hat that's four feet tall and a checkered Vestal word of a ball some stripy pants and red leather boots dude you know we leave if they don't get back by Sunday lead away I don't like it and if the Indians attack what are we going to do about her [Applause] we thought you'd never get back prodigal son returneth and alone where's Kearney friends I have news bag Carney's dead what yes shot from Ambush he must have blabbed in town about the gold the more I tried to keep an eye on him but as busy as you see what happened anyways a couple of half Breeze began following us and uh well we broke for it and they shot Carney that's his horse he tagged along for company we can use another horse we're apt to be hauling out more than originally planned we're lucky to be getting out of here with anything we'll leave it well now as soon as we get packed up you brought the Indians down on our neck they stole our horses they let me ride back in that's because they want all of us poor Connie his days of trial are over come on let's load up for sure come with me [Applause] take a look at this let's see him take these animals [Applause] I can use this I'm game to go at with just you we can fill our gunny sacks and be gone by Nightfall what do you say I'd like to take the gamble Josh but foreign what time is it Josh [Music] eight barrels by Carney's timepiece he give it to me for shooting him one last to divide with hold your lip Captain Bess you lost your shipmaster's license for going too far on the neverland enough [Music] thank you don't do it don't do it thank you foreign [Music] let's give him a share and get out of here thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] what a story take you fools you take a pittance in Your brave oh you're so brave here see I feel this sick in 15 minutes the Indians are no Indians we got the guns and I'm going back to get more and if any of you got the craw you'll join me all right like it or not I'm going [Music] thank you I am the pure gold yep very rich would it be suicide going up there it's not for me you coming it's not for me either Ben or getting a little feverish right back to El Paso with me stay clear I mean business legal business I could shoot any one of you with right leave them out of it they've got nothing to do with this I'll go a long way to El Paso I aim to make sure mind found it [Music] you love them that much eh [Music] crisp [Music] don't be afraid come on [Music] make for the city of rocks on the horse line fast run [Music] [Music] horse let him go I have no time come on [Music] thank you [Music] keep going keep going Laura foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] maybe they want us in here what do we do now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put the horses in there their hopes make too much noise [Music] [Applause] well where's your gold left it follow you you remember Carney's shortcut I remember a Balanced Rock we'll try and fight it not a handle a gun a little bit [Applause] I'll Scout this direction you go that way keep a lookout if anything happens make every bullet cart [Applause] oh lead us not into temptation don't go too far off it's easy to get lost getting dark too then [Music] you scared no but what if you don't [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not a sound either [Music] good moccasin prick looks fresh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I heard something like footsteps not like boots they were quiet ones it's too much quiet en which way [Music] I need yellow they got him I found a shortcut and I marked it should we try for it one of us making a way [Music] thank you [Music] wait for it the shortcut foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] get out of here fast fast keep going Laura keep going look for me in El Paso [Music] thank you thank you foreign thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: REVO Movies
Views: 100,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, free movie, full free movie, classic western, action film, HD movie, English film, Revo Movies, Tall Texan, western movie
Id: PF06JrltoWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 41sec (4901 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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