Four Gunmen of the Holy Trinity | Western | HD | Full movie in English

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[Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] so you sure you won't come back to my place with something to eat no thanks Sarah we still have quite a way to go maybe next week and tell your mother that next time she should let you stay longer well I'd love to but you know she does like me staying out all night she blows up mothers are all alike afraid we're going to stray oh do say hello to your brother for me oh I bye Sarah we better be going your mother isn't the only one who can blow up you now Bye Mom I'm home m oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Alex [Music] [Music] a [Music] I love you more I know that it's wrest baby mind but I wonder why I miss you Julie yes baby I miss [Music] you Julia's a pretty name is it your girls something like that but more like a memory that can happen when you get to be my age that's about all there is left and there's not too much you can do with them what kind of memories you got going you name it kid I got them all artists first well young fell we've been on the trail together for 2 days now and you seem a decent sort you told me who you are but not where you're from Waverly Missouri ah pretty Town Waverly High as an eagle on the cliffs dominating the mighty Missouri do you report oh anyone from Missouri has a touch of the poet or the artist I think I'm from ging Sheriff of Davis County Sheriff right Missouri's a long way off what are you doing around here working s what kind of work following someone you newspaper reporters are all the same more Curious than women are don't worry this can be off the Record trouble son no I've got to ride down to the Mexican border looking for shell he crossed the frontier there with his whole Army he's crazy he didn't want to surrender to the Yankees do you know the war's over not for him it isn't he's got too much of that southern blood to give in yeah it's him all right A Brave man but thickheaded yeah Joe shell did you say your name is George shell that's right my uncle my old man's brother all right what are you looking for weapons tricky business I see you're going after Mexican smugglers no more after Indians not every rifle goes over the Border you know and that's even worse much worse over there aim above her I want her [Music] [Applause] alive you'll have to take care of him Young fella they a little out of range for [Music] me [Music] come on let's get the hell out of here well it's not going to be easy getting her to talk the only thing I found out is that she has to go to Laredo she's very frightened she must have relatives or someone waiting for her I think so she wants to get on the road in a hurry and if we're going somewhere or else you'll head on [Music] alone good morning listen little girl I like playing talking and I think we have a right to an explanation these men won't waste much time getting back we ruined their little game and they're going to try to make us pay for it so if you expect us to go on helping you speak up otherwise you can start writing now we saved your life and we don't even know your name I'm Sarah Sarah Bowman from Texas from San Antonio my father was in Mexico a few days ago he sent some papers saying they were important both my mother and my brother were murdered I wasn't because I was away from the house I was with a girlfriend our house was in the country 12 mil from the nearest town when I got home it was all over they must have been there for the documents and they torted my mother rather to get them and they won't stop there [Music] yeah drink this it'll make you feel better thank you I found the papers they were right where my brother had hidden them I was afraid they'd come back so I ran away I've been riding for 2 days and today they finally caught up with me my father will be in Laro now and I have to get to him he's all I've got left in the world if those papers are really so important why did he send them to you they would to be registered in San Antonio then sent to him my brother was supposed to do all that and now what are the papers all about I'm sorry that's your business we'll ride with you as far as Laro little girl all right now a smile I think there I knew you could do it you look much prettier that way come on let's go there's a lot of road before we get to Jimmy Martinez place on the border we better stay there for a few days we all ready yep [Music] on we have much of this kind of traveling to do yes indeed Sunny two or 3 days we got to get through the snow country then we'll go a little faster this is the hard way to get there but the shortest hey don't tell me the two of you are tired that's nonsense I'm fine and I'm 30 years older than you well I'm 30 years younger than you and I'm tired guess you're just not old [Music] enough what you care a cold don't need him and don't like him I do just fine with a rifle I was in the seventh calry when I got out I just saw it off the barrel it's hander I feel naked without my little cold in its holster believe me how about little Sarah can you fire a gun sure my brother taught me it was a crack [Music] shot we'll Camp here it's well protected tomorrow we'll have an easy ride to Martinez Hotel thanks now when we get to Papa Martinez calling Jimmy by the way tell them your brother and sister understand and George if they ask you go ahead and say you're a newspaper man you're going to Laro with her on family business right right Marshall with the two of you I feel secure protected oh and by the way you two don't call me Marshall ever I'm in Disguise you [Laughter] [Music] see stop I going to talk with one of the passengers [Music] what happened sorry boss we found nothing the two of them wouldn't talk so we just made sure they never would just two not the girl she escaped we nearly caught up with her when two men helped her get away again idiots don't worry we're keeping an eye on her they're heading toward the frontier I don't want them to reach Martinez I want either the documents or the girl alive and well get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fast hey papa papa what there people coming who how many I don't know I just saw all the dust their horses were making come on go call Ned hurry up you come along with me Ned Ned Ned where are you Ned come on out you lazy good for nothing are you in there Ned thank you it was getting awfully hot thank you come on Ned Jimmy wants to see you right away Up on the Roof all right all right I'll run like the wind go oh move will you you better take a look for yourself then Mister there's a lot of dust maybe it's Indians oh it wouldn't be impossible well what if it is what do we do I've never seen Indians around here before better just wait them out pretty soon they'll be here and we'll see who they are anyway where's that s off R of yours he can see like a Hulk Ned where the hell were you what a time to take a bath whenever someone needs you you're not around come on come on move take a look out there what do you make of it well what do you see they're riding fast for sure Americans Mexicans I don't know Indians no no band of Indians had ever come Galloping up like that they prepare in daytime and attack by night ah it ain't Indians at least figure out who it is and come and tell me right away right sure Jimmy I looked for Ned but he's disappeared when he's nervous he usually Paces back and forth underneath your bed oh you I was sure they weren't Indians Indians always prepare at night and attack at dawn why always at dawn well because they attack at dawn I guess so this evening what about that dust Thompson could that be the people we're waiting for no you know something Jefferson you ought to forget why we're here and just try to act natural when it's time to move you'll know about it for the moment just take things nice and easy don't worry about it Thompson I'm a man who can keep control good inside you want to know the truth you're the man that should keep a liad on is temper you know you ought to take that holster off for once in your life you poor idiot Thomson you ever seen me without my gun belt no but there's supposed to be a first time for everything they say by the way Jefferson stay away from adelene listen to that private grounds eh the little Mexican [ __ ] has pierced Your Heart Right Thompson you are an idiot tell me who is the only person who will be able to help us when we need it oh I get it you mean [Laughter] her why do you drink so much Adie drinking's bad for people turns the monkey are you afraid of losing good clients if I get old too quickly it has nothing to do with that and you know it I'm still in love with you Ellen we should stop your carrying on and flirting with Thompson he promised he'd take me away from this filthy horrible hole he promised he would bring me where I need to go I'm a singer I I must get away yeah I know I'm not worth anything I've lost all I have had this place is all I have left in the world but it could be worse we have what we need and besides I'm so much in love with you still like I told you if you really loved me you wouldn't make me stay here and be a servant and what of our [Music] son [Music] why did you stop it was beautiful because there's no accompaniment how about that I don't know how to play it it's my husband's it belonged to his father he used in church I suppose oh I wouldn't really know s some more adene your voice is wonderful you don't need anybody to play don't think you can make fun of me I was a great artist and don't you forget it and now move get out of here whatever you like but I'm telling you the truth you're wasted here well any news of that cloud of dust Papa Martinez no if there was anything Ned would have told me eating's too good here I wind up fat as a pig you don't have to play around Mr Jefferson I know I can't cook worth a damn but thanks for the compliment anyway I never thought I'd end my days among frying pans I did everything wrong it happens though too often at my age there's no use looking for the happy ending anymore young fell you just try to get along with everyone and everything Anna be careful of what mama you know what I don't like that guy all dressed in black like a crow it isn't up to you to like clients is it up to Anna what are enough he saying if you saw the way she was looking at him you wouldn't ask Anna Anna hurry and get the girl to the hotel and don't come after me right Michael what are you doing out here get her inside will you get everyone back inside hurry and take care of my sister she's hurt of course [Music] [Music] is he dead no search him damn it to hell we had a find a marshall can I finish him off we don't need him dead and he could help if he's alive he's here after us don't forget quiet down you idiot it was you who shot him in the first place all right Sam shouldn't have shot the man but I wish you tell me why you didn't want to go to that hotel we could have waited for the girl there it have worked out easier listen Bill orders are orders and I'm the one who's giv them I told you I was willing to go along with that put those back and let's go and remember he's not alone [Music] but I told you to stay Qui you were awful damn late I was getting worried did you find anything out yeah I'll tell you later how's Sarah she's all right in the hotel let's keep our eyes open young fell we'll be getting surprises from inside too soldiers hey the soldiers are coming and the stage hey come on out all get water for yourselves and the Hors we're moving in 5 minutes I'd advise anyone who's traveling to go no further the Indians are on the war path as of last night I've got to get this mail through that's up to you slim travel at your own risk at the moment we're a limited Force we can't be everywhere well you've been warned there are a lot of Indians and damn few of us afternoon can I help you sir no no thanks I look very old but I'm not you should be my grandfather ear these terrible Indians and tomorrow morning I've got an important conference in San Antonio by the way I Dr Gordon Dr Jonas I'm Jimmy Martinez sir you will be very comfortable the hope so I hope so bonjour a pleasure the name is paradine Quinn paradine of New Orleans he the one we want yes let's go the Indians are becoming a terrible nuisance we must do something about them once and for all may I present Miss Simpson I'm not sure that isn't the juiciest [Music] bit I'm afraid the doctor is impassionate on the subject of Music he's been talking on and on for hours of conos and sonatas and now he can show off as a performer we're in for it if I'm not mistaken mm platoon permission don't just stand there go and help Anna Michael go on help those men with the [Music] [Applause] baggage you could have knocked you know you'd better give me those papers it could be unpleasant if you should happen to mislay them don't worry they're in a safe place and if someone finds them a plans to go up and smoke and I'd be the only one in trouble if they were in your hands you forget I still love life no I'll hold on to them afraid I double cross you who's the young fellow something a long long time ago you loved him Quinn dear don't be an idiot supposing I were jealous you are more Enchanted you must never touch a lady without her permission now get out don't forget we came to this place for a purpose what [Music] [Music] it must be nice to be able to play so well you accompany yourself yes I've seen that many times I'm going to ask him to play for you no no let him go on he's very good I wonder why he became a doctor instead of a [Music] musician [Music] well by the way my dear who were the two men who came here with the girl the younger one's a reporter the girl's his sister I'm not really sure who the other is you're pretty interested aren't you curiosity only well have you decided when you leave your husband and Come Away With Me yes I will I only hope I can trust [Music] [Music] you [Music] afternoon [Music] Miss mind if I have a drink with you gentlemen our pleasure Miss de whiskey whiskey a girl after me own heart let's have a little toast here's to all friendships and to the pleasure that the company of a woman as beautiful as you are brings [Music] us plays wonderfully I just love music what kind of music any c it played [Music] well what does it say it's not a very good sky for reading smoke signals as far as I can make out it doesn't look good for us how e you my dear I think I know what's troubling you but you must eat now supposing I play something for you all right come on go to the table and try to eat no I don't know who he is he got on the coach at San Elena he's heading for San Antonio never saw the girl before either oh we know the girl me no not you George I meant I know her hey trying to kill me with kindness Michael you do that again and I'll cut your tongue out hey you stupid [ __ ] bring me something to drink and make it bigger than you are right son of a [ __ ] never did like Colts not my style it's much better if you don't play around with them I hope you don't mind is that all sh get up to bed this instant Michael hurry now it's late go on will you can I get you some more thank you good night Michael you haven't eaten anything I'm not hungry thing well you should try to eat something I said go to bed it's about time you Sayang something for us I'm sure the doctor would love to accompany you I give you Adeline ladies and gentlemen come on my dear don't wait to be coaxed yes it was a joy that night your love was a magic [Music] show [Music] now I said cry I know D to lie and my heart to BR [Music] to to have di but the r don't die to [Music] in way it was the and for and why I thought you were mine oh yes it Wass again than you play for me sharing a [Music] key [Music] you must think you're pretty clever Jefferson don't you well you are just acting like an idiot and now you've got to stop it cuz if you don't I'll murder you like a dog I don't give a damn if I need you or not you never even heard of Quinn paradine before he came here you bastard now you're trying to worm your way in with him good now get out and don't let me see you for a few hours and the minute you feel like acting stupid again think of the $200,000 we might lose [Music] [Music] he [Music] better yes that way we won't have him around everyone ready yeah fine I'll be there in an hour right oh I've got some news for you there's a fellow in there from Missouri a marshall he's carrying an order order for the arrest of a certain HRI manol how the devil did he manage to find me I bet he doesn't even know it's really you possible find out anything else no you sure sure well what are you do boss keep on going yes follow the plan I took the papers George they weren't safe in the stable just as well I was getting worried with those Indians around we should keep our eyes open and they're just on the outside Thomas who do you suspect in here you don't have to answer I know who you mean don't be too sure I'm not I can tell you since I don't know them I'll have to catch them red-handed smuggling guns right we've been on their Trail for months there must be 60 Rangers involved in this operation from Laro to San Antonio this thing was organized up top ah and it's really front page stuff that's right son front page and some pretty big names I'm afraid I have to tell you Julie's one of the gang so let us start talking Julia h [Music] I haven't seen her in [Music] years we're from the same town we grew up side by side it was all very normal then we fell in love I had I had the marriage license in my [Music] pocket then she ran away and I'll tell you this much it's not true about time healing all wounds whose turn is it up on the roof huh Papa Martinez son of a [ __ ] what happened I went outside for a breath of fresh air and someone hit me on the head with the handle of his gun I'll get whoever it was that son of a [ __ ] well sure looks like this isn't a good place for getting fresh air at night two of us better take a look around you try upstairs Sarah Sarah is everything all right yes I'm fine only I'm sure there was someone under my window a little while ago we're keeping a watch good night good [Music] night the two Chargers should go off at the same time then Gallop around the building and keep fir in your guns we're going to be needing a hell of a lot of confusion I'll take care of the girl I think it's stupid all we have to do is blow everything up there's no easier way of getting the girl and remember one thing the sheriff and the other tall one will be keeping a close watch on her you just mind your own damn business you do what you're told and shut up if you want your share and besides we'll have help from inside help from who the less you all know the better wait till I get back until you see the signal well I still think it's stupid [Music] George George it's [Music] me I remember when you used to be glad to see [Music] me I do too that was some time ago George I've always loved you it sounds like a lie I know but it's the truth I swear it I'm going I'm going home now no wait please I know what you're thinking but that man isn't anything to me I can't explain it you've just got to believe it it's all over George please [Music] darling kiss [Music] [Music] me the engin the engin wake up everybody here take this Anna with me you better get up on the roof I'll take care of things down here no I'll take care of [Music] it give me a rifle I want to shoot too get out of the way Michael go and find Ned bring him up here Dam he's never around when you want [Music] him [Music] it's a real shame I'm afraid the conference in San Antonio is definitely going to have to do without me [Music] [Music] I couldn't find that I knew it damn his hide shoot from here I'm going to the door okay Jimmy let's see how you shoot you say you're good but nobody's ever seen you you little bat women fire fire the stable's on [Applause] [Music] fire you are you all right sir I think so come on let's get back George look out George watch out come on now it's all over there that's a good girl thanks Ned pleasure you feel up to riding I'll try good girl here up you go out damn bullet there it is now that didn't hurt did it pretty isn't it you want it for a souvenir no thanks I have enough already by the way who is attacking us for no goods for yes two of them are dead and the hav you they got away you want to know the truth they're dead too Sarah what the hell happened she wanted no just scared GL that's all and what the hell happened to you no nothing just a scratch well how about it should we finish up and you young fella pick up any bullets on the way home not for the moment dog sorry to disappoint you sit down here let's see that the horses have run away someone's got to I'll go look for them that's better I'll go with you George remember keep a look out behind you true Mr but at times you have to learn to keep a look out in front too the fire's out we almost wound up his ashes but we did it what happened to the girl let me tell you someone here inside the house hit Sarah on the head and lowered her out the window to his Partners who are the same men that attacked us from the inside you mean one of us that's right what you mean that one of us has been in Alliance with those Bandits no it's not possible never mind we'll talk about it later get after those horses yeah the horses are more important now we better start after you George it's pretty late where are you to going we're just going for a little ride by Moonlight alone alone the horses ran off toward the Hills that way you stay here and keep your eyes open I don't trust that Frenchie and besides everyone seems to have forgotten there are Indians around here you can trust me good boy what was there between you and Julia I Want To Know M sure curiosity killed the cat you know young man when I ask a question I expect an answer you got the wrong young man and the wrong question Frenchie I don't take orders me I'm sorry to tell you I'm going to have to murder you it's still a little early to find out which of the two of us is going to die you fool are you afraid if you think a little thing like that worries me hey Indian seen Indians are you [Music] sure or where down there about 100 I'd say till the next round paradine what I mean I don't see anything where are they here right behind you with a bullet in a muzzle not near as bad as a machine gun Thompson but enough to murder you me why he wanted to cut me out didn't you get together with paradine over the girl you're pretty damn anxious to be rid of rid of you what the what do you say I say I should act alone make a better deal than you ever [Music] would I tell you I saw them last night they were in here shall I tell you something Julia without them I'm no longer responsible for your life Quinn if you're not responsible for my life then I assure you yours isn't worth a damn either get them back here you can find them do you want your documents Sher or the ones the girl has at the moment I want mine you would be rather upset if someone else found them huh how are you feeling oh much better thank you I'm glad why don't you all come into the kitchen and help my husband he's making one of his special dishes it's an occasion can I be of any help of course maybe some music certainly as soon as I finish this chapter Thompson had to leave last night unexpectedly and you helped him pack I suppose the man is a friend of mine Mr Quinn he authorized me to represent him in business deals what deals well as far as I can tell you're in the middle of two oh really quit it I'm on to everything you know the guns and Miss sah I tell you I found out all about it you found this out all alone or did Thompson tell you before he went I did when do we start it's a bad idea to stay here too much longer no load of guns no money I've made sure of that and the meeting with the engines is for tomorrow I know that one of my men were supposed to be here yesterday you're man but I'm waiting for the the load of weapons eh the wagons will be stopping a few miles from here I'm not running the risk of having someone find arms worth $200,000 aboard or would you prefer that the Marshall find us right there the Marshall What marshall that's one thing you didn't find out eh it's the man with the wounded arm I imagine he's here for us we've got to get rid of him Quinn of course we do it's the only possible way of concluding this business the only way I was wondering why did Thompson leave never mind what of the girl she's with those two we get rid of them and we've got her when today Le see what are you drinking to Quinn you know Mr Jefferson is quite a businessman oh really and Mr Thompson he had to leave be careful please good morning Julia Julia good morning Mama Mama Mr Thompson left what do you mean fat man left he said [Music] so stop playing that stupid organ we have to deal with more than just a wagonload of guns now it looks like they're going to have to do away with anyone who can recognize them we'll have to be doubly careful Frenchie and I seem to get on each other's nerves we already planned to get together for another round if you're selling tickets let me know anyway he'll make arrangements with Thompson if there isn't anyone better around what do you mean figure it out there has to be someone to transport those guns frankly I'm curious I have an idea who's going to show up and the Indians seem strange that they'd come all the way up here Frenchie gets here and the Indians break loose Thomas you think this whole story about the Indians is true H I don't really know it could be don't forget they tried to get away with Sarah yeah I've been wondering do you know what makes those papers so damned important I'm pretty sure anyway there's something that concerns you a little closer Sarah's in love with you George I'm very sorry sure you don't feel the same right well Thomas you see yeah I know I know Julia but don't trust her that's it's none of my b anyway those papers gold a gold mine George a gold mine that girl's in trouble and I don't see her getting out unless she manages to find her father in Laro and their troubles won't be over even then by any means what makes you think so Thomas let's hear Gold Mine causes too much trouble I hope at least Sarah's father will sell it to a combine or cartel or to the state and if he's smart that's what he'll do I'm worried about tonight we better take turns on guard I just had an idea you wanted to go to Laredo on newspaper work right well you have an exclusive on all this too sure but could I ride it if you keep your gun in your hand I'm positive you can well I didn't think I'd ever find you I was getting a little frightened riding alone out here good afternoon come ride with me for a little while I'd feel much safer if you were around oh by the way did you hear that Thompson left last night it was bound to happen first of many shall we [Music] go take care George be dark in 2 hours over to the old farmhouse I'll race you come on George he doesn't need that honestly I am unarmed and harmless as well at a fact I'm not so certain oh no it's too much it's too much it's more than a man should be asked to put up with you grumbling again yes sir that's exactly what I'm doing who you mad at today Jimmy at Ned that no good shering loafer I've got to do all this but he's so small he may not be very tall but he's the biggest loafer that ever lived if I get my hands on him I'll then help you mister I'll take the saddle off no no thanks I better start using the old arm again then I think I'll go in for a beer I really need one hey Michael what are you doing there I was waiting for you what is it hey Ned you in on this too Martinez is looking for you everywh everywhere you're a law man aren't you Ned found some papers we thought we should give them to you looks like they're about Frenchie and that lady Julia we've been thinking all along that you were a sheriff or something and no one was supposed to recognize me how's that H nothing nothing thanks a lot Ned I'll remember it that's all right anytime you thinking can be trusted we're Blood Brothers look at my wrist Indian style eh that's right it's fine then come on let's hand to the horses $5 on odds how much five why that too much no they got it but I tell you I've got to leave I understand that Dr Gordon but there's nothing I can do about it as far as I'm concerned you can leave when you want to but how we've got to wait for the all clear from the army yes of course I see that but still it seems strange that nothing can be done about it the conference will have started already the conference more important than your skin NAD NAD what the hell are you doing get busy downstairs like you were supposed to leave that stuff be forget it oh Lord Lord he's going to ruin me you see that something new every day he never does anything when he does it's a disaster I leave that stuff I'll get you whiskey in much better for you well it must be your lucky day [Music] je what do you see three men one is wound I'll go tell the Marshall [Music] hey is anyone there hurry please we got a wounded man out here who is it my name's Hal Anderson what happened that's my brother Bob and Fred's been shot hurry Dr Gordon come on there's a man out here who need you coming here I am who did it Indians don't rightly know someone fired at us behind and we ran out there like the window they didn't come after us thank God be careful here there that's better it's an ugly wound he's lost a lot of blood let's get him upstairs take it easy son where's the table right around the corner good right Bob take care of the horses will you okay it's pretty serious can we question him doctor maybe he saw who it was I doubt very much if he'll regain Consciousness he's lost too much blood it's only a question of minutes I'm afraid too bad I was hoping we could learn something useful now we won't know if we're going to be attacked and if so by whom it's a shame [Applause] really soon you'll be able to question him I saw immediately that he was only pretending to have lost Consciousness FY and I'm sure it's better if only you are here to question him when he comes too yes I'm quite aware Who You Are Marshall and I'm aware who the others are a wagon with the guns is in the woods is well camouflaged and don't worry I left three men standing Guard we're on our way over when we realized someone was following us it was that guy I winged him thought i' bring him along I think if he ever wakes up and we can get him to talk he could be pretty useful could tell us who sent him who is he I don't know I just call him Fred so they would think he was our brother we'd better lose no more time we like to meet Med we must see about that damned newspaper man and the Marshall then clear up the cargo of guns then we must get our hands on the girl the girl what girl what do you mean gold that's what I mean gold now this this Bob who is he anyway he's one of my men and a good one don't worry about him he's keeping an eye on a prisoner so don't worry very well now then listen to this and get it straight what yes [Music] yes R she tell me sir I was there on your orders they hid the guns about 5 miles from here three men on guard I I got too near wasn't looking they they got me me they I'm afraid the shot I gave them's worn off but perhaps you can try again later on in the evening doctor I'm going to have to go outside hope I make it please go downstairs keep an eye on the women and above all on Sarah here hope you not has it it's heavier than a scalpel [Music] [Music] [Music] the a all right get him good work go inad I love you George you'll never know [Music] it's so beautiful that we found each other [Music] again you know I love you I love you so much I never [Music] stopped [Music] George you've got to find those papers you've got to that man is a monster You Must Believe me he'll use them to ruin me and in the meantime he blackmails you now don't worry I'll get them for you and you burn them of course for 4 days my head's been spinning with papers documents all important who else wants them George no not yours they're are some other ones who's [Music] Sarah's it's night already we better go [Music] no not yet please One More [Music] Kiss we really must darling it's late there's a long way to go and I'm afraid afraid that's not like you [Music] adene adene yes what Jimmy if I don't live through this my dear when it's over you'll still be here oh what are you saying please don't no listen let me finish upstairs the leg of the bed on your side pull it out there's money inside I was going to make you a present of it so you could build a new life for yourself far away from here Michael he just passed out it's nothing serious if you go upstairs you'll find the salts they're in my room right there I wouldn't if I were you looks like the young man is taking his time just to have something to do while we're waiting for him let's make the little girl talk the papers we want are here and the little girl is going to tell us exactly where then I'm afraid we'll have to get rid of our young friend the reporter and everyone else as a matter of fact everyone of course come here please come on hello now then here you are where are the papers to the mine I don't know you look like your bones are fragile speak or I shall have to break them I swear I don't know it would be better if you spoke give up the gold M little girl or your wind up like your brother and your mother all right untie them and take them away George hurry with the horses I'll be waiting for you in my [Music] room [Music] is [Music] a Bob Bob where are you Bob what happened to you the best jump in there ran away which way I don't know well you probably went out to the barn we better tell Quinn come on he got away from us he's probably with that Marshall now damn it send me Jefferson you take his place you get over to the other window sharpen up your aim and shoot straight if you want to go on living [Music] hurry [Music] [Music] what happened George doesn't have the things Quinn he would have given them to me so the Marshall has them yes obviously in the meantime we can start in on the girl the gold mine's more important you make a talk you're better than I [Music] am Come on talk where are they speak [Music] up no I don't know where they are I told you you have them I don't have them not anymore where are they Marshall has them you're lying no I told you I told you all right stop it perhaps she's telling the truth finally everything's all right outside Anderson's on guard what's happened here we have the information the Marshall has the papers and as you know possession is nine points of the law if you want to get out of here I won't stop you you can even have the load of weapons but if you want to stay in the operation you'll have to help us get rid of them the old fellow also has all the papers and documents about our organization what do you think about bringing over the three men who've been keeping guard on the wagon I think it's ridiculous to be afraid of a wounded old man and a young Cub who isn't dry behind the ears yet we are five against one we can take care of them later so what do we do go get them in the barn no let them make the first move the young ones should to breing break in to try and save the girl and the others we are in the better position inside and armed fuzzy don't try to talk just Tire yourself out let me see what I can do about this it's just that you're rightful over there that's better I never did feel too sure about a [Music] cold [Music] you've got to hold on Thomas you've got to keep your eye on the door try and take it easy now I'm going to go see if I can get the doctor all [Music] right [Music] [Music] George be careful you got to get Sarah it's not the torture her I know Sarah Julia Michael everybody George George take my my place now you're the Marshall take this star and swear you'll get them I [Music] [Music] swear over this way come on come on use my ladder I hope it hold you they're all down below thanks Ned have you seen anything no how about you no it's too dark I know he's out there somewhere what am I supposed to do take the girl upstairs tie her down then get out on the roof I want no surprises from up there and that won't do any good do as I tell you don't waste any more time Bob get into the kitchen and keep a watch on the doors and windows go throw down the guns and do it slowly that's fine Frenchie and now let's have the other one I'm Jed Walker Federal [Music] Marshall [Music] you're quite the little man if you were as Brave as you act and you 't one I me You' come over here without the rifle you never dream of doing that because you're just a frightened little boy trying to put on a show give your yourself up Quinn I represent the law the law how can a little bastard like you represent the law you've always run away from me throw away your little toy rifle and let's see what you can do with your bare hands without any of your filthy cheating tricks but why am I even talking to take a man to do [Music] that [Music] h [Music] it's all over my boy I'm going to carry your stupid head on a silver platter up to Julia she deserves such a [Music] trophy [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] George George oh darling my love I saw everything from the window and I was afraid to fire if I had I might have hit you oh George George George George [Music] the documents Saras are in my Ru sack and her Julia I'm sorry to have to tell you this but it's the truth jul is the head of the whole thing these these these papers well prove it she's wanted for murder robbery she's a monster in George you [Music] mustn't [Music] h [Music] I never [Music] cry but I realize that right or wrong I need you that's why I am a man and man we take your return and Bre love [Music] you [Music] forever for you e for
Channel: Django360
Views: 57,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x4Ix0RQlSLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 48sec (5508 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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