The Swanson Code | Parks and Recreation

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mark Brennan danowitz hey Ron what's up I have a woodshop and I'm planning a little expansion need my buddy mark the city planner to sign off on the plans sure I just gave the scheduling inspection that's not really necessary yes it is but you'll be fine as long as you don't have any code violations you don't have any code violations deal No hey mark welcome to my Haven thank you you were the first non me to set foot in this building in ten years Ron none of this is up to code sure it is it's up to the Swanson code there's no drainage doesn't seem to be any ventilation you've got Hauser's chemicals over here yeah which only I am breathing the same liberty that gives me the right to fart my own car are you gonna tell a man that he can't fart in his own car there is a basket of oil soaked rags above a wood-burning stove good thing I've got a fire extinguisher which I can assure you it's totally up to your precious code this says it should be recharged June of 1996 those dates are arbitrary they're like those expiration dates that the government forces companies to put on yogurt medicine observe watch yourself yeah okay I'll replace this happy five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight violations come on Brent danowitz relax let me make you a canoe uh well I don't need a kidney Ron I need you to fix this place up so I'll give you 24 hours [Music] seriously man when you wear these clothes you just feel better than everyone else yeah yeah busy no what's up just wanted to tell you I understand that city codes exist and I know why they exist and I understand that you enforce them okay okay good talk can you sign off on my plans now did you get everything up to code yep no you didn't you clearly didn't it's my property my land my shop Oh Tommy needs a banana you guys good Ron you're asking me to do a bad job at my job and I'm just not gonna do that so if you don't mind would you please just get out of my office Oh silly me there was this little pom-pom on my glove and it fell off have you seen it tell me what for Oakley should be on the ground somewhere when I was putting it up I haven't even started yet I know I thought you could use some help let's city planning guys gonna be a real pain in the ass okay I just want you to know that I still don't think city codes I'll shut up would you please I'm taking a half day off to come and help you out because you're my friend so just shut up no I'm bringing my workshop up to the Swanson code and if the Swanson code happens to overlap with the city government code shut up [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 374,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, NBC, Leslie Knope, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Ann Perkins, Aziz Ansari, Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza, April Ludgate, Chris Pratt, Andy Dwyer, Ben Wyatt, Retta, Jerry Gergich, Donna Meagle, Official Channel, adam scott, jim o'heir, season 2, swanson code, ron swanson wood shop, ron and mark, DIY with ron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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