The Insider | The Boys S4 Ep 7 Reaction

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I knew it [Music] [Music] hey yo what is everybody we are back for season 4 episode 7 of good Bo last episode huie was assaulted by Tech Knight and what's her face sick yeah homelander is getting his motherly love from firecracker now who went on hormones in order to provide him with that good old breast milk sick stuff going on um and butcher has finally realized that he is completely losing it so let's see where going we're going to jump into episode 7 it's called The Insider be dick [ __ ] you want to [Music] live yeah V kids the [ __ ] is this Avenue V Sesame Street I was literally about to say Sesame Street oh [Music] no Merry Christmas atrian why the long face yeah antifa this is so ugly bro ran it's a word for people who hate superheroes and America even more than they Hae Christmas neers Even your mom and dad y [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up and that's a puppet shut the [ __ ] up a we're telling kids to report on their own parents by your dad personally so yep can't do nothing about that right oh boy we moved it up wow dang homelander one cup of breast milk did that Cameron Coleman for no reason at speed bump But ultimately harmless Cameron golfed with Mike Lindell who just pulled 50 million bucks worth of pillow commercials you call that harmless look at Daisy Duck Dynasty doing Mader dasty been talking stimulating I'm sure oh brains Sage but I have wisdom yeah and what Happ if those brains of yours get blown out out again leaving you talking like a gibbering idiot good shooter yeah the last thing they want piss stage off especially when at train warned them that like she's diabolical and that's why she wasn't used the last thing like Nature's Car Wash she's probably going to go to H right now man what the [ __ ] that is so gross the son of a poet oh God don't show me that Gil [ __ ] the funny thing is they know that it's there I got to go babe what you do duty calls please just don't show it to me again you you cleaned the tank can I move in tomorrow yeah totally I actually feel bad forus you're supposed to be held to a higher standard that's how I raised girls all over the world look up to you and now they think they can be loose because there's no consequence that is none of your business and it sure as [ __ ] isn't Shelly you're Starlight you're a superhero I'm a person I just I just I didn't want to bring a baby into a world that's ending you smell like you've been dring I don't want you right do your [ __ ] job I think it's ironic that Bible class kicked her out of Bible class and they supposed to not be judgmental Harvey that's what Adrian says I say we visit him too she's so smart that she met this [ __ ] in public that was a set up bro she setting that [ __ ] up bro turns out he ain't that dead he's been working for me making some more of that virus what the [ __ ] wait all they found was God damn it you did you C off his leg all right all right keep your hair on so basically you've been amputating [ __ ] while working on a secret bioweapon and we're the ones that supposed to chill you are pissing away our best sh trouble is with a slight snag you can't make it deadly enough to top homelander without causing a you know Global pandemic soup genocide that but even for you which is why I'm [ __ ] telling you isn't it you think I want that much blood on me anend you do you want a [ __ ] swim in it no I don't Jesus mercy no I do not that was I rather [ __ ] AAR fish than to be free Jesus cool all right then at your reunions spr you up sort of virus the BP that's it no one else why do we need Frenchie I guess [ __ ] there's a reason we need that works Noe yep no why you going to try to talk to her now n yeah CU she went to go see you you kept saying no and it's not wrapped and red white and blue don't be a [ __ ] oh it's from butcher how the hell that get through cuz people they're all stupid as hell mhm wow dant be a [ __ ] that's the name damn that's a message yeah it is message take a knee I'll KN you with my dick back in charge of the bo all right I'm better off doing research anyway so it's him it's you I respect it he's like I'm not I I freaking fell out the last mission what am I going to do fall out again yeah by the way I watched this video when he was talking about his diet and he was talking about the character mother's milk he said the reason why they shav the beard is cuz like he's working for like the president directly now so he's like more clean cut that makesense so I get it $10,000 cash the rest of my accounts are transfer damn if I let any of this [ __ ] sh okay thank you I thought she was going to argue no she understands she understands that he's prioritizing his family come with us oh I believe you if you did all this I'm sure it's even worse than I'm imagining so let's go oh my God yep the flags are happy they put a big ass flag in this dude's back just now what the [ __ ] a decade one man has been a voice you can trust a brain aneurism yeah bro trust usless you over there crying yeah she lost her I fired him don't [ __ ] right listen they know camera's not the Le shut the [ __ ] up I don't want to hear that [ __ ] anymore what if we left you and me what bro I don't mean us [ __ ] ew no I spent my junior in Florence we could just go we could go you have a passport passport Ashley get your [ __ ] together okay you cannot be all wasted running your [ __ ] mouth not when you have both of our lives in your [ __ ] hands button it up no they put a flag on him too or her man this shit's making me nervous is he watching them yeah mhm was it when you shot your load and cream ped ma what not really he hooked up with M random I gave him my word Becca really if your love was so perfect I'm pretty sure it happened like seasons ago mhm why'd you [ __ ] that waitress damn wow so don't you think it's time to cut the [ __ ] now this dude's talking [ __ ] [ __ ] off cun I was like so your inner voice is to piss yourself off literally that's I just don't want to talk to you anymore even that's sick bro it's like you good oh my gosh IM your conscience is pissing you off more detail assignments for January 6th what yeah I just caught that they're annoying it's a map of the DC Fairground bro it's hilarious because when they were talking about the sixth I was like is that what they're alluding to oh God please I can't with the disgusting [ __ ] bro why you think something disgusting is going on because of this show bro oh my God he killed my husband he held me for days it's like a furnace in there oh my God wait let's get you yeah no no no no no no no oh [ __ ] away what is going on what she doing what what just happened [ __ ] so gross e e what the hell why are you riing is she trying to make them slip or she or is she in Disguise is she a changer that's what I'm oh she's changing it to the old lady oh [ __ ] she took her identity that's what she did when she touched her what you don't remember from love crap country that nasty [ __ ] did she touch him okay I love you no I don't think so just cut him with the knife but she touched Starlight when she came out the closet she she touched I don't know but it might have to be skin to skin probably you might be right so this is it you think I don't want to just piece out the belev Sip a daquiri smash the local talent smash the local talent this [ __ ] ain't over it's over for me no it ain't maybe I deserve to be [ __ ] happy you know when I carried your ass to the ER there was a kid there so we no who's that a witness who is that I think it's just a kid that looks up to him but he's happy that he's actually seeing him do something good and real yo a try going get himself killed his eyes were like holy [ __ ] my hero looking at me like I was a hero there were no screaming fans no cameras nobody even knew except for this one kid that felt better than anything that I had ever done that's crazy cuz for once it was genuine I didn't hate myself yeah damn Adrian have had one of the best character arcs throughout the entire show yeah he has cuz he was a piece of absolute trash I hated his gun hey train you don't get it do you man this fight that we're in this never [ __ ] ends it killed my father it killed his father and look at what it's doing to me it's tearing me the [ __ ] apart just like it did them you think homelander and bought and all of this [ __ ] ain't coming to B it's a whole [ __ ] world mhm good your family going to go then good point actually it's just going to be an isolated things like it's not going to be just here in America like these [ __ ] yeah spread their ideology everywhere necessi is the mil of invention you know um he would talk to people who weren't here oh boy your friend he's said he's like you know what I don't even want to hear about none of that bro garbage from the 1990s help you work he said you like truly revolting garbage from the0 just for homelander right not for Vicki yeah um look I got a lot going on here buddy so uh do me a f just just just suck it up and and do it all right time for the love you great by Sir web the real weever oh my God he [ __ ] himself I'm sorry happens when I'm he's scared nervous just there's a hole in the suit so the W can get out no no how does it work with William oh for God's sakes this is disgusting please kill him just shut the [ __ ] up now one of your nasty ass suit Tech NS did you give it to him I'm not proud of it bro bro I'm sorry they so gross what's wrong with them this is so gross watch your man [ __ ] himself this is so nasty I'm so you're dead bro I'll make you proud I swear here comes I don't even want to touch stop wait it wasn't me [Applause] oh [ __ ] that was some injustice [ __ ] yo what the Mortal Kombat was that thank you firecracker firecracker that is disgusting he that the [ __ ] you thought [ __ ] I know she's so dumb [ __ ] ripped him like a piece of paper [Music] broe this is [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] he going to shoot whoever oh yeah you going to shoot whoever whoever cries out [Music] first I couldn't that is not have a choice that's that's a lot including the one with the scar on her face yeah her there's a lot of parallels this episode you should not hate yourself how can we possibly forgive ourselves how can we move on free know oh you think so you trying to get out of them cuffs I don't know but he just looks suspicious then it must be the right thing to do say don't patronize me Kevin I've known for a while smell on you smell her on you coming from now I don't know what to tell you right now try the truth is worth fighting for we're worth figh fighting s cares about you the way that I do she has four limbs that is not fair yeah well it is [ __ ] argument bro phrase spoken by dumb people dumb people she got an action figure of the deep in her I just caught I just caught it oh what then I'm happy for one she this is [ __ ] insane she's using you you shut the [ __ ] up oh no oh no oh no come back please get oh no he killed her please get just throw her in the ocean at that point why oh you kill her instead of just letting her go [ __ ] you got to clean tank right there we just watch a [ __ ] argue with an octopus and then [Applause] murder my God Kevin Please show something else man I can't Kevin this is awful like you should have just threw her in the ocean what is wrong with you he does have super speed sh how he going to get to the ocean they are dragging this day yeah on purpose he going to crash out when Sage nothing it's not dead yet but Sage already told him she finds him repulsive she got to stab herself in the head before she smash him why is he crying not no this is this is stupid crash out did you get all that yes sir I finally have clarity now good I will kill whoever you want me to kill whenever you want me to kill him I'll K if your goddamn fish in the ocean if you say so okay he's like he didn't hear a word I freaking said B boy um well get to it all right just 5 minutes where we cut the [ __ ] and we talk just you and me about how [ __ ] all this is what it is is politics you know how it goes strange bed fellows yeah but it's not like you're ping around with Mitt Romney you're working with homelander he's going to kill the president that sounds [ __ ] insane coming out of my mouth I still have all the dirt on you what you said at Tech kns everything is that a threat yes yes it is because when we drop it then you'll kill us all like you said mutually assured destruction but it doesn't have to be that way and if you're even like 1% of the person that I knew then I don't think you really want to do this thanks for coming by being around this woman is so terrifying because she literally you at any second and you wouldn't see it coming I'm sorry to hear about your dad oh my gogers yeah [ __ ] you doing here homelander is sick of your [ __ ] Bro sure you ain't too busy tongue lushing your up to [ __ ] oh no I never you lie send me he about to find out that butcher is a soup you two [ __ ] leg it right now and we'll forget you as ever real what dude I can barely understand you your accent's insane what the [ __ ] do you want Justice you [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa God I'm going to enjoy this so much first you try to cancel me victimize an innocent man because I guess that's just cool to do to white guys nowaday but jok's on you me too is over sweetheart it didn't work I do not respect your truth wow oh okay they can't [ __ ] operate here no more they got to make Starlight do something [ __ ] yeah not gun compartment oh [ __ ] and how ironic he just killed his octopus and then he about to get murdered by about to quit all the he has the Sleep wow he picked up God damn well we don't know everything about this black noir [ __ ] what the [ __ ] cuz he's acting like the old black noir so we don't know what his actual abilities are true whatever you did to do it again oh oh [ __ ] a train you exposed yourself I was not expecting that you can never go back to the tower ever again exposed yourself I've always always [ __ ] hated your ass this is crazy oh [ __ ] yeah you can fly eat a flying dick [ __ ] oh M's back that was not expecting that oh my gosh is this [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] he was eating a whole bunch of them bullets what the hell was that oh no the deep is gone y'all oh yeah he's going to die oh the gills ah yeah they got to let Annie do this yeah yeah it would technically be her justice oh damn damn yes is he dead plate B is he dead he's right f there let's do it you know how butcher cuz I don't but Noir sure as hell is going to know how to [ __ ] kill us now come the [ __ ] on yeah oh bro that was a 45 lb plate on his face that was a 45 how is he not pumpkin like you said there spots cover chillx Alexa please [ __ ] don't what the [ __ ] Adrian yo you got to go we got to go you got to go deep in new are know that I'm the leak this is our chance oh he's about to die this is our chance Florence anywhere oh run you there right the [ __ ] now oh this is bad the door no she going to turn on him yeah yourself wait wait no don't forget to cut it out she she trying to look out for so that they can't track him oh boy that nigga's right there at the door get out of here that scared me oh my God that [ __ ] picture is egregious B is this [ __ ] is this going to expose her I don't think so cuz they don't know she had anything to do yeah he didn't say anything about her you messed that up was all part of the plan [Music] yep okay get the [ __ ] out of here you're done go back to your little litter box in Detroit and die alone litter box you promised you promised me you would listen to me you're lucky I'm not sending you home in a bucket oh Revenge go Revenge incoming surround yourself with people like her and you can systematically eliminate anyone who gets in your way but there's one person you will never ever defeat good luck without me what was in that book wa don't need her her notes just get out Tower falling apart go he wants to be alone go the milk I have a little no just get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] away from me later that's what that was that now these the bullets bro y'all better hope he don't kill y'all both bro bro yeah bro bro bro bro wait what's the rush homelander he fired me wait but you can't leave I love you what what oh she was [ __ ] him too oh wow something special don't we wait is she laomiz herself to [ __ ] you too what do you mean laomiz herself oh she doesn't she doesn't need to do it no right it worked even in a shitty life yeah come over here I [ __ ] hate you oh [ __ ] no he injected her with the virus I don't know unless he made that up to like scare him no he he probably did the virus bro yes oh [ __ ] cut that leg off faster faster hurry up bro he put the virus in it hurry up hurry do it hurry you got to go faster than that bro that's crazy bro you're the bees KN yeah it off turn it off turn it off turn it off hurry up and he didn't tweet what Samir was up to Why would binding so thick he must have worked them for days maybe weeks no all right all right what matters is if SM get the bug out of a sheep's head French even get out of cigo game all right so we know the virus works but is it strong enough to kill no but to kill new at least maybe we've been on this for weeks and y'all need to stop [ __ ] with this [ __ ] terrific love you great after he just what you want and this is after him seeing the picture of Butcher and his mom mhm and it's contradictory cuz his dad literally had just told him do what you want he's not even locked in bro you leave [ __ ] with you when I needed you silent treatment goes both ways wow could be mother talking to his powers the guy with a beard who's a beauty queen The Immigrant not the puppets looking at each other go [ __ ] commercial oh this is live commercial they're doing it live oh yeah cuz butcher was watching it in the [ __ ] bar wait a minute said oh wait he talking to Daddy my mom always told me to tell the truth which is why they about to cut the commercial bro mm- what you about to say oh God homelander is bad I'm sorry I thought he was y he throw a shot at homelander he was and that is why I go fight from the kid you little [ __ ] beauty that [ __ ] disappeared quick yeah cuz it went against that side of his conscience he about to fall out oh call me a wanker bro tumor said I'm just going to attack you right here oh no oh no no no no Jesus Christ oh my God he's going to kill all those people in the bar I don't know I hope not I hope not oh my God yall worried about that I'm still worried about this [ __ ] Shape Shifter you're not dead n what the hell that that ain't her I was about to say I thought it was going to be that [ __ ] Shape Shifter [ __ ] yeah you come in here and you [ __ ] me hey hey you never know how crazy this show gets no no no no no no I hate you I hate you I hate you this is the literal sheer yes yes yes that's her I knew it oh my God yes roshi yes cuz I was like this is weird this isn't weird to you this is mad weird they will come in there and F [ __ ] you they will come in there and [ __ ] you and then trick you that's [ __ ] imagine him getting F by me when did that hold up when did this happen that's what the [ __ ] I'd like to know the plan so when she came up to her she probably touched her and we the pitcher a no that play is crazy bro [Music] bro that is such a listen I was always on my mother effing with I was with you on that cuz I was like this is weird is the boys thank you this is the boys no I wasn't with you on that one bro you yeah I was like n cuz I'm just like she wouldn't do that despises this outfit why would she just randomly do that I was like okay I was like okay I'm not losing and this clown fell for it oh cuz I was like this is weird this isn't weird to you because in my head I'm like just cuz you shape Shi mean you get a nigga's memories so she knew she had Annie's memories she knew the code to get into the she knew that I think she does get their memories what kind of [ __ ] bro that's actually [ __ ] because she came in there and was like oh you this is why you kept the suit so she that is a [ __ ] yeah we got to get rid of that one that is a [ __ ] up like not only can you turn you came in my house and you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me took my [ __ ] sick I'm sick yo at least I would have been like yeah babe this not you I would have popped you right bro like no for real though I would have popped you right as soon as you walked in the room the shoot on I would have been like cuz I would have been like yeah that's crazy I was like I know you don't like that suit just slowly pull out the Blick see how she react yo I like how the show is definitely setting up the end game though a train fully flipped the Tower falling apart Sage fired Sage was just like all right bet I'm fired here's his [ __ ] notebook have fun with your milky titties bro that's all he got left he got all he got is firecracker the deep and nor so when she said there's always going to be one person you can't beat was she talking about herself or was she talking about uh butcher I don't know cuz she didn't say is it was either butcher or herself or a son they still got that flag son they still got that flagging M back I didn't forget about that so and then now they have the virus yeah [ __ ] off with that virus [ __ ] bro I don't know why they so [ __ ] dude sha is going to run to Victoria and tell her because Frenchie didn't answer him when he was like you're not going to use that on on Victoria right he's like so he's probably going to run and warn Victoria about that about it yep well Ryan Ryan crashed it out too he was going to say something cut himself off no Ryan what you talking about bro that's homeboy homeboy oh yeah that disgusting name that they gave him [ __ ] home and then butcher falling asleep in the bar I don't know is he going to wake up surrounded by Blood and Guts yes he is we'll see so we'll see next week dead because the way Kessler was smiling he was like all right bet oh you wanted me when you needed help with that fight all right I'm I'mma I'mma bust out when you don't need me now yeah yeah that's this is going to be a crash out this [ __ ] Paras [ __ ] boy next week is the season finale so let's see how it w that up I'm pretty sure somebody's going to die that we're close to so that's going to be it for episode 7 and on to the next always like subscribe follow on all socials at BR Instagram on what's going onway check out the mer to that down below but that's all we got for you guys today hope you have a great day and we'll catch you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: YaBoyRoshi
Views: 154,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaboyroshi, the boys, the boys season 4, the boys season 4 episode 7, the boys season 4 episode 7 reaction, the boys season 4 episode 7 breakdown, the boys 4x7 reaction, the boys the insider
Id: xxzaoPm10Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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