The Struggle for Metal is Real! - ARK Scorched Earth [E3]

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so we're picking up this episode pretty much exactly where we left off the last one um we have a morellatops at level 120 taming and we've got we've just gotten this other one so now I have like a bunch of berries and we should be able to do that I think I'm probably going to run up and do that real quick but I actually did just craft some ceilings with a bunch of wood that we just got um yeah let's uh let's go ahead and do that then very very very way down right now um let's see let's place that down there uh those are placed in different ways but that's okay it's fine um let me just Chuck anything else up here that we don't actually need we don't need these at all that never happened and boom and we got a little bit of SP meat let's see do we have a stack oh yeah yeah look at that oh crap okay yeah yeah we don't want to do that I'm going to split all of these let me add those back in give them those short timers and then we're going to split them all to get a ton of spil meat in uh 3 minutes before I forget cuz if I know if I don't do that right now we're totally going to forget let us drop that into there and get some of those going and I think I'm going to go ahead and just Chuck a bunch of these other berries and stuff onto you so yeah we have the uh we have the other morellatops uh taming up we we'll have it now in just one minute I'm going to probably steal your saddle actually and uh run up to it real quick yeah let's do that then so we had to go around this direction and then Loop up and back around I think my plan for today is first of all I want this morellatops then I want to finish off this little house that we we've started and then I need another jaboa to warn me of weather events now we do have another what the hell was that in the sky that was weird there's like something there um we do have another jaboa but it's all the way over there so maybe once I have my morellatops we can walk over and go grab it and rename it Reginald cuz unfortunately in episode 2 we we did lose Reginald uh micro Raptor killed me and then yeah sad times it was it was already dead before I got back it's uh it was really hard those 5 Seconds between the episodes um for me to uh fully grasp what happened but it's okay I'll be okay guys it's fine I'm very thirsty um probably should have I don't want to eat the Met berries obviously probably should have drank before I came here but it's okay um also it is a super heat maybe that was a phoenix oh it probably was no way it actually probably was a phoenix I didn't even notice it was super heating obviously that happened before I even realized um usually the sky in the previous uh like in Arc survival evolved on on Scorch Earth the sky would go like really red and everything and it doesn't seem like it's a super heat but it is and obviously I don't have a DPO to warn me about these things anymore which is equally as sad that probably was a phoenix yeah maybe it could have been it could have been um cool well it's not like we're anywhere near being able to tame one of those guys um and I think that's one of my goals for this series I do want to eventually tame a phoenix but obviously you know it's uh that's super far out any anyway we're so close I can drink water from my morellatops and then we should also be able to get you tamed immediately let me just drink the water to suit myself first and then there you go bunch of those probably not going to need Narco berries on you yeah you just got to eat everything now um it food's already drained down by enough that it should get tamed from all these but obviously we got to wait and it's super warm here yeah that's uh that's not looking too good for me I feel like I might end up being dead beforehand um yeah let's let's dump that onto there that might actually be a bad idea putting that saddle onto there um because if the melops dies then we'll lose we'll lose the saddle usually the inventory no sorry no maybe not if it dies if it wakes up but which that's not going to happen so we'll be okay yeah we should be okay I will end up dying here though myself um I'm not going to be able to make it back to my base I'm already out of water again let me go drink some more yeah there's there's probably no point I'm going to die anyway like this place is rough man it really is H man yeah we we got to we got to sort something out here pretty soon get some desert cloth going which could be something we maybe reach here today considering the fact that I see I have a level and I not placed it in there we go cool that was going to happen anyway you know it's it's fine it's all good um let's see respawn a simple bed we got to run up grab my gear probably come back down to the base to survive in fact maybe should I just stay down here am I okay in here no I'm still like super warm yeah that's not helping at all we don't have like a I mean we yeah we should probably just make an adobe house but that's oh yeah wait okay it's not too warm out here I'm I'm not super uh flamed so that might be okay maybe what I'll do is I'll wait till the morellatops is tamed and then I'll run up grab my stuff and get the moral Toops cuz if I run up now I'm going to just start dying immediately and then I might end up dying again and that's not what you want so yeah um going to go for some more weight what else can we make we're up to like Smithy level now which is great we're we're making great progress on that let's get all the essentials oh should I make a coffin oh wait no no I'm not making that it's going to cost five ingots um scissors will be something that I will need but it's going to cost 10 angram points and I'm not going to make that right now let's get that going uh cart oh wait wait wait can a melops carry one hang on hang on we can check on our other one here I would assume that amops could right that would make sense like it's this it's the right size oh it doesn't have the slot no it can't so yeah if a if a creature has a slot here that's his cart that means that it can uh but obviously in this case it it can't um so that sucks that really really sucks actually H so I'm going to have to use something different um parur could H yeah obviously yeah we'd want that ASAP cuz that's really cool um it's quite expensive though and obviously we're not at that stage either so H Let's see we will need metal uh morellatops is tamed should I head up now I probably should head up now um we will need metal so maybe we can go off and try and do that here today as well what time is it yeah it's like getting into like the night time and obviously I'm not going to go off looking for that kind of stuff at nighttime why did I not get water before running up here I do not know sometimes I don't think um and that's definitely one of those cases let's let's get over here let's let's grab some of this then we just grab it from that morellatops he's only 250 M away um I'll be fine yeah we'll be okay we might be able to get back down as well before I end up dying again um which is already begun we're we're already draining health so fast oh my God bro no okay here's what I do um when we're close I'm hearing I'm hearing a bug oh there it is yeah it's it's a red one so those are for oil um I was hoping it was going to be a a blue one the uh the Water joke bug let's see let's grab all that stuff can I Whistle you from here when I can whistle you I will so I don't have to walk there we go nice let's pop back on the armor while it runs over to me um yeah we're good we're we're good we lost uh three levels on that um which makes sense cuz we fed at berries and that's not always the most effective thing to feed it uh wait can I just drink water while I'm on you no I think I have to hop off don't I yeah uh drink water nice sweet let me get back down here um at least we can survive the super heat down here that's great I love that ah man all righty uh can I I can probably just jump off the cliff a little bit maybe possibly just jump off right here and then do that we land on its head which is great we don't get like thrown off to the side um so it makes it the perfect kind of creature for jumping off Clips like that cuz obviously the Tams don't take fall damage when you're um when you're dismounted and you're not going to take fall damage cuz you don't get thrown let's see oh this should give fiber but obviously the this guy doesn't gather fiber so yeah um let's see does it have like a drinking animation I think I noticed that earlier let me see I think it has like a drinking animation when it's lower on water um yeah it's water's at maybe I have to be not mounted um I think I saw it doing it earlier do you have a drinky animation can I do it is it one of your things oh no no crops to irrigate Okay cool so hitting C actually irrigates your crops nice uh I don't think it did that before if I just do that does that give me more water no okay I saw my other morellatops do it over here it did it like from the ground let's see are you going to do it you might just automatically do it every so often of I'm pretty sure I saw oh yeah there it is hey I knew it did it nice so it's it's gathered like a little bit but not a full amount all right um cool we've got that sorted we've got the the high level morellatops which is exactly what we needed um it's got a good amount of weight actually as well let's go ahead and hit some of those uh yucker trees over here cuz those are really good for Gathering up wood um and obviously a creature like this that is not super efficient at Gathering wood would not be a idea to use on trees but because these don't give wood to me when I hit them it does for the moral Toops and we just got 60 and let's the 85 129 in total by the way not just with each hit um and then uh what we got like 40 from that one and then boom nice let's see so I have some thatch I have some Fiber yet we're good to go with um how many more ceilings do we need two more I think we should probably also rotate some of them cuz it kind of bugs me as well that some of them are going that way and then some of them are going this way let's see um so two more of those and then I need a door let's get that going uh wait where's the wooden door I think I already passed it it's like up here somewhere right yeah wood door boom get that learned um okay good enough so far we should probably just learn some of these other things as well actually would make a lot of sense yeah good enough so far um we can't really do a whole lot more more like I said we'll probably wait till um till morning time and then go over and try and get some metal so let me go ahead and just uh get these two last ceilings uh built up here um which way do I want them facing I think I want them facing in that direction so what hang on if I remove the skin what way were you facing okay okay so when you put the skin on it actually changes the beam uh directions unless maybe that was a directional placing what happens if I go like can I not uh make it go the other way it doesn't look like I can so I'm guessing if I wanted the beams to go in the other direction I would need to um to alternate the actual ceiling itself so you know go like this uh no not that go like this and then wait let's see flip there we go oh wait no not flip oh my God I'm so stupid hang on how do you how do you do that again uh Q I think wait it depends on what snapping it off of there we go so basically um just like this then let me actually just get that on my hot bar um boom like that so yeah as you can see the beams there are facing in in this direction here you know so yeah that's uh it's it's different it's different um definitely want them all the same though obviously what do we got thunderstorm Sandstorm okay yeah we definitely need a new dboa we 100% need a new dboa like now um so yeah we could probably go pick up our other one on the way to try and get some metal um we also need to make our door do I have enough for that I should do right uh door nice um and then I feel like I want to ramp but I don't have enough for it so that's all good let's just get our door down and boom let's um let's make you one of these cool skins uh so what is that wait fronti your wall structure no obviously I don't want you as a wall wait what would happen if I did that oh it just makes them into the doors okay interesting so wait if I go like this then I can change you into jail housee doors which is pretty cool actually like that we got saloon doors I like that you know I I think I'll probably stick with that I'm assuming people can't climb in under this right what else do we got is there another one Frontier sign and then the canvas frame okay cool yeah I like that that's really cool actually nice um yeah we're going to hunker down for the night uh and I'll tell you why number one obviously I'm not going to go out and do anything right now but number two we've got narcotic here and I know I said I'll do the explore note but for the moment I'm just going to do that number two is I just finished the last episode and I need to edit that and get that out to you guys so I'm going to take a a little break here uh get that episode edited when I come back maybe it will be daytime that would be great um if not we'll deal with it but yeah catch you guys in a little bit all right well it's a little later on now and uh as we can see it's raining which is great I love that oh man all right I think we need to make uh a quick little journey here while it is raining cuz that means that it's super chilled and everything um but we do need to make that journey to try and get some metal and maybe I should leave this stuff back here let me go ahead and just do that real quick all right well anyway Let's uh let's try and find some metal I'm trying to think where can I find metal around here um and my my only kind of thought is like pushing a little bit towards like green OB in all honesty I I think that there's probably metal closer but I don't know is it still raining oh it is okay good oh man all right um oh actually I am super hot though oh no there we go now I'm I'm good uh that's the wrong one we are going for this one also I seem to have a level which is great I have wait no I thought I had three for a second I only have one that's the melops that has three levels which is going to be pretty good um wait yeah it goes up by a little it's going to help out a lot um yeah so I'm trying to think like is that metal up there up top of the uh the cliff up there I don't know um yeah it it's honestly been a while so I don't exactly know I know that if we go towards green op which is actually in that direction huh I just realized now that uh the area that I actually built at When I Was Here In The Scorch Earth series is actually Over The Far Side over here it wasn't on this side at all I'm only just realizing that right now there might actually be metal over here then maybe I don't know let's just uh let's just take a quick look I don't think that they're actually is but I know that there is some at Green OB and there's also Crystal over there as well what is that there's a fire is that somebody it could be Jim I think Jim's online let me uh let me push over here then it could actually be Jim let me let me go over here and and harass him oh man everybody's just coming to this Watering Hole yeah but this is this is the exact spot that I did have my base in in the scorched uh 100 days great spot super flat absolutely fantastic obviously now it's just covered in in water um hello we do we have a little gym Bob in there he doesn't realize I'm locking does he does he realize [Laughter] now hello do does he want to join the tribe let's get him the Outlaws look at this little man this a tiny little cowboy hello no I don't know what he's doing maybe he's maybe he's messaging me on Discord I have no idea look at him I've come down to his height all right well I'll leave him be then oh man man all right I'm going to push over this direction and let us go find some metal let's see um definitely know that there is some over here like 100% um pretty sure there's also some Crystal oh hello does he realize this is here I'm going to take this I'm just stealing his potential hide I mean he did grab it I you know I'm I'm I'm not wasting it I don't want to waste it let's see let's um uh should probably go in this direction here I can hear jaboa it's as if I still have one but I know I don't um I should probably try to get a new one as well but metal while it's cool is 100% what I need to be doing right now let's see um oh there we go we got the heat back and I'm already I got the small flame which is okay uh let's see think over just on top of this little Ridge right here I'm pretty sure where that's that's where we should be finding some um some metal and then also over in that direction as well but I'll probably just go for these bits instead there might be Crystal around here as well I'm trying to think it's it's honestly been so long and everything looks different anyway you know the metal even looks different so you can't see it super easy from a distance anymore um at least I don't think you can so yeah I don't know trying to spot it I know that there is some over here kind of like close to this uh rib cage so we'll just slowly walk our way over in this direction um but yeah if I can get this stuff that's going to be huge we're going to get enough obviously for uh the initial tools and everything um obviously I haven't even smelted any so we don't even have a Smithy so enough for a Smithy enough for a pick and a hatchet maybe even a pike um and then I think probably enough just to then be able to afford the other kind of stuff I'll be needing soon like a crossbow um ooh is there still metal around here uh yeah I see a rock right there cool all right does it look any different okay I know it looks the exact same nice uh I'm a little bit too fat so let's go ahead and do the big ground stomp just destroy all that to fit my way through here um yeah that looks exactly the same as uh you know metal you would think metal would kind of look like um all right let's go ahead and grab this then obviously we're not going to be super efficient cuz I'm using a stone pick but that's all I have so you know we have to we have to just use it and and and tough through all of this um this wasted metal here ah man yeah I mean that didn't really take me too long to get to here so we can make that trip again 100% um let's go ahead and hit that oh I didn't oh wait do I get wood okay I do sweet there we go let's go ahead and get that fixed up uh I could probably quickly grab some silica Pearls at the green OB as well actually like we will need those eventually so we could probably do that and okay we're getting good few pieces here uh how many pieces do I have 11 so that's enough for a Smithy and then yeah there we go we have enough for a Smithy and a pick I don't know should I should I try and grab a little bit more like I should probably finish off destroying this node at least um mainly because we're going to be getting Stone but also on top of that uh if I leave this here you know it's not going to regenerate or anything so I don't want to have to come back to this node and uh hit it like two times and then it's gone so yeah we'll uh we'll just go ahead and finish this one off it's getting pretty close to the end anyway we're getting quite a few pieces actually which is great come on couple more a couple more okay I can see I have messages on Discord hang on all right well anyway that was just a message from Jim he was just saying that he was logging off anyway so yeah it's all good um he was wondering how I found him I I don't know man we just we kind of just ran into each other that's going to happen out here in the desert quite a lot I would say um this map is obviously significantly smaller than the island at least it definitely feels that way maybe it's because you don't really go out into the dunes a whole lot you know to survive um you just go out there to like look for things or creatures um but yeah I don't know like the middle part of this map is like way smaller than the island you know uh you can see where I've been oh I didn't mean to do that let's see yeah um I mean like that's where I traveled from like that took no time at all so it just kind of shows how small this map actually is that's one thing I was kind of kind of hoping for you know for them to actually expand the map a little bit uh with this um with this port but unfortunately it didn't really look like they did that um I'm going to keep those and I'll keep that and I'm going to drop all the no I'm going to keep that and I'm going to drop all the rest nice let's pop that stuff onto there uh we might grab some silic pears as well I know for a fact that they should be at the greena but also caos potentially but we'll see um yeah so I I don't know I was I was really hoping that they would expand out the map a little bit do some more stuff with it but it they definitely didn't do that they did add a couple caves though I've already found two of them maybe I'll make like a little video or something on that um just to kind of show them off but they're not artifact caves they're just kind of like caves one of them's got some loot drops in it which is pretty cool so you know uh nothing crazy there but it is pretty nice I mean like new stuff is new stuff and I can always appreciate that but it would it be nice if they did some more expanding of the map I don't know maybe I'm just getting greedy I am hungry and I do still have meat which is great oh baby uh parium huh were they always like a baby creature I feel like they might have been have I ever run into one of those though you guys would probably know better than I would let's see really bro get out of me there we go uh let's see um I can see that there's some bugs over there I'm actually not seeing too many lantas but I can see one over there yeah those guys are you know they're not super useful but they're really good for for getting some um what do you call it some silk but I don't have a Bola so it's all good also is that a wolf over there yes it is okay I don't want to go over there at all then um silica pearls where do they usually spawn it's usually like right here isn't it I'm looking around actually let me just see I don't see any caos they definitely spawn here though we know that to be a fact well they did maybe on in this version I don't know I can't tell let's see silica pearls please uh no okay I'll just I'll just be I'll collect and if we pick up any then we pick up some you know that's just that's probably the way it's going to have to be are they like more on the shore oh I didn't mean to access you H maybe they're like more over that way can't see them um okay yeah that Dar Wolf's going for the other morellatops can't see the silica pearls through the water at least um oh is this some here no that's like normal rocks did they remove the silica pearls I feel like I would have found some by now right the water's very dark it's so hard to see um don't know if they have them here anymore maybe I'm mistaken like I know for a fact that they have them here but maybe I'm mistaken in terms of like the actual spots that they were at like they definitely have them at this Obelisk though I know that well they did um yeah I don't know oh that L manra is in like a nice little spot there but I probably won't be able to get to it um you don't see them unless like where's that wolf I don't know where that wolf went obviously Dar wolves are kind of scary so we don't want to mess with them yeah I'm not picking up any silic pearls oh oh that sounded like I got some but it's just sand damn it dude uh oh look at gy hello yeah I don't know um oh there's the wolf uhoh okay I don't want to have to fight him I know I could kill him but I just don't want to fight him I really don't ah yeah that sucks I don't know maybe you guys have a better idea I don't want to like sit around here too long cuz that wolf will come for me and um you know just don't want to have to deal with that he's probably got friends somewhere as well uh okay let's see I'm pretty sure Crystal also spawns around here as well so we can take a little look for that um but I maybe things have changed I mean definitely things have changed but I don't know maybe they've changed in like bad ways for me oh pegos yeah some things haven't changed we got a couple of them here and everything why does it always sound like I have aerb yeah okay I can see them now I was about to say uh let me just kill this one is this one dead okay whatever it's fine um I did see a dbo there a second ago there's a baby Pego I missed him it's all good um there's another Pego please go away wait I didn't lose anything important did I okay good just checking come on oh I thought I would hit him with that nope okay I'm not able to hit him at all uh let's see maybe now there we go nice uh um well the uh the noise that the jabos are making tells me that there is a uh what do you call it a thunderstorm coming in so just got to bear in mind that that's going to happen very very soon but that's okay I should be fine oh no passive oh no not p no he killed him didn't he ah damn it yeah now I'm kind of stuck let's see um well there was a baby here but I can't pick up a baby and run around so I don't want to bother with that let's listen here somewhere I'm looking for a fully grown choa ooh a 110 H uh okay well let's let's use a boomerang then let's try this okay oh I thought it was actually gone out there for a second let's do another one oh I missed oh he's attacking me oh probably because this baby's here definitely because this baby's here and we got freaking pegos here as well get away little baby jaboa wait oh what's this one level 60 go away I'm being killed by freaking dbo where's that other one there it is no that's the baby uh there's so much foliage here what one is this are you the level 60 yeah you are okay okay I got that one knocked out uh May did I knock out the other one let's just check um okay teams in progress any second up uh oh um that's not right uh yeah we only have the level 60 knocked out where's the where's the 110 gone up here make the noise again make the noise where did that one go maybe that was the Dead one making the noise I don't see a freaking jaboa around here oh pgo I see you hello oh crap he stole my freaking berries okay hang on no he's over there now oh there's the jaboa okay hang on let me kill this old turd okay we hit him once get him again ah stupid little guy why don't you just leave you and mapts like in all honesty like why why do you guys exist okay it's dead there is a jboa that might be the 110 potentially I'm dying of the heat I know no it's a level 75 uh all right let me just knock you out then anyway we go one more there we go all right where is that 110 gone H oh something over here where is it I'm listening and I'm I'm watching and I'm I'm aggroing pegos I love that okay where's the Pago can't see he's stuck there he is I see him right there nice head shot perfect okay our bow is almost broken here um we don't have enough stuff for that I can't find the freaking one 10 maybe you see it it's not knocked out so that's one thing I think I'm just going to try and tame this level 75 then uh there's another one though God damn it there's so many of them are you the one yeah you are hello you came to me after all this time there we go one more maybe here we go okay I'm going to die though okay we got it knocked out that's good uh do we have any y seeds that's what we need let's see um no unfortunately we do not uh this is really bad by the way cuz like I'm getting knocked out around here or not knocked out but like killed around this area um yeah that's not good at all this is a terrible area for me to be in right now we're so far away from freaking base and everything um is there anywhere that I could go to to try and get some health back we could go back to the Obelisk and just get in I think I might do that that will keep me cool this dboa might wake up though let me actually just let me just make sure that it won't that sounds really ominous I'm just going to make sure it won't wake up here we go just give you a couple of those I'm going to dunk my head in under the water at the Obelisk and hope that there's no uh caos or anything let's go ahead and do that also we're thirsty so there's that too let's see let's get over here um hopefully uh there's no caos there better not be I'm I'm sick of caos even though we haven't even experienced them I'm already sick of them here we go nice all right let's do it come on get me in those Waters ah I'm so thirsty I'm so warm all right we're good it's actually cool down here which is great let me let me just get in give me give me a little sip um healthwise 40 okay it's okay for the moment uh we should be okay we just got to regen here a little bit and then after that we can we can push up towards the jaboa and then after that we can push back towards base cuz I really shouldn't be out here um the only thing is like I'm certain that there's Crystal here somewhere but I don't exactly know where and I also don't really want to spend too much time looking around H the issue is is that if there is Crystal here like I really should be getting it right you know Ah that's it's very conflicting these feelings uh let me just move you actually there's some more flowers here that's good these are the purple flowers for like Silk and stuff so I obviously want to be collecting up quite a few these um to try and get a little bit of silk and eventually we'll have a sickle which will make it easier but this will work for the moment um okay let's see so jaboa is almost tamed uh healthwise 63 probably not enough to get home on that I will eat a piece of meat that should heal me a little 72 now okay that's good it'd be great if my uh food went down a little bit faster normally I wouldn't hope for that but you know in a situation like this where we need to heal I need to drop food quicker so we can use meat to heal there we go okay that's probably good for the moment um how much silk did I actually get 20 okay that's not bad um the moral Toops definitely can't harvest the silk right no oh I did get plant species y seeds though let me just grab a couple of those just cuz you know more jaboa taming we can legitimately tame a Max Level jaboa now and it's not even going to be a joke I can't wait to find one just tame like a bunch of super high level dbos and start breeding them together that would be awesome oh you know what if that that's the case maybe a jaboa army could be a thing like we potentially could do that without having to like max level so many of them you know it's probably possible maybe don't quote me on that it's probably possible maybe sych 2024 all right let's see let's let's get over here then um what's my health at then 97 oh it it shows the water and everything when you bring up the extended hood that's cool I didn't even notice that before nice and obviously see that's the water on my moral Toops in case you're not certain um okay get over here get this jaboa uh and then we take a quick look for some Crystal and then we push home like if I can get the crystal a spy glass is going to be huge I just again I don't want to die out here and I I don't want to make any mistakes I just want to get home you know there we go uh so I I think I think over here on the opposite side of the um this thing here this like upside down shoe or whatever the hell you want to call that um I think on the other side of here we might be able to find some Crystal okay jaboa is sniffing the air I think that means rain I do believe um I've just realized I could have actually drank from my moral Toops earlier when I was thirsty but it's all good we were going to the Obelisk anyway for um for some uh water to cool down in where the hell is all the like metal and stuff there was a ton here before yeah they've definitely changed things they've definitely like moved resources oh man all the uh old resource maps are not going to be useful anymore no there definitely was a ton of metal around here and I'm not seeing Much Anymore um yeah we've already come through here I know but let me just see if I can get up on top of this like a little bit right here can we yes we can I definitely don't see any H yeah no I don't I don't see any at all they've they've they've taken away so many resources in this area 100% maybe maybe that's a good thing cuz honestly I felt like so many times when I played on Scorch I've just like I I've just like magnetically found myself being drawn to the Obelisk you know just there's water there was a lot more water you know back in the day like uh or sorry there's a lot more water now but uh back in the day there wasn't really like big ponds like what we have in the middle over there so yeah I don't know the Obelisk always seem like a safe bet um I don't want to have to deal with another stupid oh crap I just run into some deons and maybe some wolves okay they didn't an aggro that's good I didn't I actually thought that they would have okay there's a Deon over there there was a wolf over there too or maybe it was a saber I didn't really get a good look I just saw it and and then I turned and obviously I've ran um okay let's go in this direction I was hoping to push over there cuz I'm pretty sure we could find some Crystal over there but we'll also find some trouble as well so maybe it's for the best that I don't do that um and before I've like run right by some Crystal and then just completely missed it that's probably what's already happened all right I will stop trying to Sprint all the time I always get comments complaining about that I don't know I'm just like magnetically also drawn towards holding down shift when I'm playing games it doesn't really matter what I'm playing um I'm just mostly just holding down shift to get around quicker or whatever all right um we've got a Dar wolf off there to the left doesn't look like it's going to come from me it was already chasing something um we've got some doic way over there to the right nothing really in front of me which is good another jaboa there there we go we got the rain love that oh that's a blessing it truly is it actually makes the landscape look way different than everything like I feel like it makes the green pop a lot more right it looks really cool there's a raptor there I could take it but you know I'd rather just not take any risks at all cuz like one Raptor might end up having some dirolf friends and if Dar wolves attack me I'm probably going to die so yeah I know that that was a highle baby um baby doic but yeah we we're not stopping for anything at this point unless it's like I don't know something that's really really good oh man uh yeah let's uh go kind of towards this rib cage which I think is the way that we've come again just kind of want to be like following roughly the same way back um yeah I think I'll um I'll come down here and then we'll just push across the water yeah we should be okay nice oh man all righty we are almost home we live right across there 500 M love that um we got tons and tons of uh narcoberries we got a little bit of spoiled meat on the way nice okay another dodic there doic um and anes and everything have always been quite common on this map so we really shouldn't have too much trouble trying to get a super high level one even soon potentially um yeah definitely going to need that for sure I've got some I've got some really good plans that like I've got like so many ideas that I want to try and do um yeah like I I don't know something about like the Adventure Pack and everything that it brought in like especially the trains something about all that being added just kind of um I don't know I'm being I'm being a little bit inspired to make like a western town or something like that um yeah I don't know I don't know if we'll end up doing something similar with the boys but like I in all honesty I kind of like the opportunity to like build one myself so I don't know I don't know what I want to do there um just just like I've got all these cool ideas and if I can kind of like pull those all together and and get it done maybe I could have my own town and then we could have like a communal town and whatever else everybody else plans on doing um but yeah see and let's chuck all this into here nice uh we've already got a bunch of spoiled meat which is great so there we go we got 76 coming oh man all right let's see um we should make ourselves a forge let's get that on the bar track and then also track that as well let's see I should have enough Stone here and definitely enough um metal obviously uh I need to move that other one let me just borrow your saddle bro let me just put this one somewhere completely out of the way because obviously you are redundant you are just like a backup tame and you don't even get a saddle to yourself oh man all right let's see let me give you your saddle back sir them and I need to like get you closer to the entrance so we can actually uh so we can get this metal and everything back in there cuz I probably can't carry it all yeah let me just Chu it all boom can we move yes okay cool nice all righty let me chck this into here um we actually we might have enough stuff for everything oh maybe not maybe don't have enough hide though I don't know if I have any more hide somewhere let's see wait crap where the hell did my metal go oh it's like behind there okay I'll grab that in a sec let's see uh boom oh yeah we do have some hide that's great nice okay I can't I can't jump cuz I'm also still too heavy uh boom there and let me grab that and then split this again nice all righty metal give me freaking going behind there um okay so Stone we got wood we've got the oh I don't have enough Flint okay grab some of that then I think that's the only thing I need cuz we have lots of fiber yeah we're we're good we we got this just oh I've already got the right amount of Flint that I needed on everything um okay let's see so Flint wood that and fiber there we go we got the forge um oh will I have enough for the Smithy now oh yeah we're we're short on some Stone I might have oh and also short on some hide as well crap that sucks um yeah I do have some Stone in here but that's not going to be enough enough okay um that's all good nice well anyway we got our Forge we can at least get our metal uh smelting while we do other things uh let's see um how do you how do you rotate this again there we go yeah uh you know what I'm actually going to take that off of the uh the thing and just have it like freely place over here maybe I could put my Smithy beside it all right um going to put most of this in here and then also the metal let's grab that 41 so we're going to have 20 ingots and then one piece left over which is great uh that should be done by the time I have absolutely everything else I'm going to need a little bit of hide so just need to kill something small um and then we need some Stone as well so let's just work on the stone real quick and that way I can just uh Chuck this back inside then and then we can go off hunting for just anything honestly absolutely anything will work here we can even try and kill melops with our melops that could probably be the the the plan oh crap really I'm like too short there we go nice all righty let me let me throw there we go let me chook this into here uh boom chook all that crap into there and then that and then going to chck all that in there too sweet all righty come on let's go get some hide just need a little bit oh my God it is it is really pouring what what is this like fog as well on top what is happening okay what the hell bro get out of me come on there you go so there was some moral Toops over here do we still have some over here yeah we we've got one up the hill up there got another one over there um ah I'm I hit eight because I'm always like I that's always where I have my spy glass but obviously I know I don't have one I'm just an idiot uh what do we got level 95 okay I'm going to kill it that's going to be some h will it even fight me it actually might not I need to okay I was about to say if it gets stuck oh there's a raptor there I could kill the Raptor yeah cuz this guy's going to just keep running okay I'm going to kill the Raptor instead let's see there it is let me try and kill this dude then oh oh there's a couple Raptors down there okay you know what I'm just going to get as close as I can there we go we got a head shot love getting a couple head shot here this one should be dead level five and oh that was a level 140 no way bro what is my luck all right it's all good it's all good where are their bodies oh there's one come on okay the other one did the other one get harvested no no that was the level five right oh yeah here it is oh man I just have to kill a freaking 140 there we go couple more nice okay we have more than enough now let's get back let's get back and get this going also procoptodon what level 15 okay uh thunderstorm already dude the weather on this map it's crazy like I'm so confused when there's thunderstorms as well I'm not always seeing a thunderstorm is it like localized to certain areas like what do they do I'm just really confused by it oh man all all right it's it's okay like I I'm fine with it cuz like I'm not being like blasted with them all the time like I've only think I've only experienced like two sandstorms or something but um yeah I don't know it's kind of crazy it's kind of insane um let's see let's uh grab that I'm pretty sure that's everything I need and then obviously I also need the metal ingots uh there we go is that everything yes okay we got a Smithy that's perfect we're going to have a metal pick here just one second uh we definitely also have enough metal for some other stuff here as well let's chck that in boom boom and metal pick uh do I want to try and get a hatchet as well I probably could um what else is useful right now wait do I have any levels uh I do oh boy all right look at that that's definitely crossbow territory I think um Stam just a little bit okay uh definitely should have the crossbow unlock that's like 26 or something maybe 27 oh it's 25 I was so close uh poker table oh yeah we need to get the boys together and do that oh that's going to be so fun um Pike magnifying glass 100% oh another reason for Crystal yeah I'm going to need that eventually um what else is going to be good here don't really like obviously again we we definitely will need the scissors at some point but maybe not right now a shovel that would be an interesting one but I actually don't have oh and a whip as well ooh yes I actually don't have any um kitan or keratin or anything well I might have a little bit of keratin actually but definitely don't have any kitan but we could kill the uh The Jug bugs a little bit um maybe not the easiest thing to do but you know I could probably do it you just need to like find one that's like close to the ground is that enough for uh crossbow yes we just need the fiber okay perfect let me actually just start filling this thing up cuz obviously it's my Smithy I'm going to have a lot of resources in there eventually uh let's get that going oh this is where I've been getting my levels from I keep forgetting that we've been doing that uh yeah let's uh let's just I'll keep the sand in there I probably don't need that uh I'll grab those and oh I'm also really close I think to the desert cloth right maybe one more level see um yes okay nice okay yeah another reason why shouldn't be wasting uh too many angram points on things that I can't actually make right now let's see uh okay crossbow definitely I know I'm super warm as well um I could probably get into the water to cool myself down it's it's warmer inside of my house I thought wood still insulated a little bit in this map I guess not um we definitely just need to got my legs wet and suddenly I'm no longer hot does that count at all okay maybe it was about to go away anyway H I don't really really know all right let's just get back inside I need to be in here anyway so we got that crossbow boom uh oh we got a level there we go now we have the desert cloth unlocked but we will once I decide there we go let's go for the desert cloth oh man okay let's do this right down here just unlock the four pieces that I will be able to make we obviously need Crystal and silica pearls for that that's why I wanted silica pearls but yeah we we obviously don't have that they they don't want to make it too easy I know I just picked up those tools it's fine um let's get the desert cloth going I'm still super warm oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening over there uh is axe on cuz like something's attacking I hope he's on I hope he's uh his stuff isn't just getting like destroyed that looks bad I I'm not really in the position to help right now uh so yeah that does suck his melops might die like guys just so you know like I'm probably not in the position to go over there and help also if I do you know I might end up killing his guy I don't see him on there I don't think he's on there I think his mops is going to die that sucks yeah it's dead what killed it what is that I can't actually tell huh all right well rip um I might I might be able to go over there and check like if I had went over and gotten involved in the battle his guy would have potentially aggroed to me and then I wouldn't even know what to do then at that point yeah uh not not great uh let's see can I make uh yeah I'm going to need more silk before I'm going to be able to make anything else well I can at least get this on that's going to help um we're going to unequip that put that on that's going to help me keep me a little bit cooler obviously I'm going to keep the um the outfit kind of going here just kind of like swap out the actual skins on it uh yeah let's let's get over there and take a little look if if he has got a saddle I'll try and save it I don't know what actually attacked it like something doing a decent amount of damage considering but if it was in the area and if it attacked his guy it might come from me so yeah I didn't actually realize um yeah I guess he's not on maybe I don't know H probably not on and I don't know if he has been on doesn't look like he's yeah oh he's in the bed now I think he has been on since uh we were over here before where did this guy die it was like somewhere here right I think I don't know if he had a saddle cuz I don't see a bag oh there oh yeah I mean I could give that to him oh that's awful I'm going to steal the thatch but I'll give him a soul back I don't know that's rough I forgot that that's like a thing that we have now like we just got the uh we've just got the um the souls maybe I could give him my moral tops I think I will like I don't need that other one we we'll gift it to him and I'll just name it like your one Di or something uh I'll like unclaim it beside its base what killed it though I don't even where did that dyo go what was it no idea like it would have had to have been like a some sort of carnivore but again I have no idea what it actually was I'll probably zoom in on the video when I'm editing and and figure it out but I don't see anything really so yeah I don't know I'll name um I'll name this one like your one died and then put the so of the old one into it as well I'll give him some uh some berries on it as well actually although he'll be able to get his own I won't do that I'm going to keep the berries that I stole from the dead body but I will give him this melops uh with all of this stuff as well or maybe I won't cuz then yeah let me do that that way he'll be able to easily see that there is a uh thingy in there all right let's let's run over here then I'm already being a nice guy I I may have built my house slightly bigger but I do have a heart it sucks when your tames die when you're offline you know especially like you know with us YouTubers like we we hop on we make our video and then we got to we got to hop off and we got to um you know start editing and everything so yeah um it's not always like the easiest thing to make sure everything's completely secure before you uh you log off so yeah um um let me see I will actually Harvest up some berries with it just because I'm just now thinking like he doesn't have a saddle so we'll just uh we'll grab some berries for him he might end up trying to make a saddle but we'll just have some berries on it and let me just put this guy maybe like right beside the base so hopefully it doesn't get killed potentially all righty rename you where's that option God there's so many things in there now uh you're one died there we go nice um and then we got to unclaim this guy uh that's also in here unclaim and boom nice so axe will have a lovely morellatops he better not get it you guys see what I did you better not get it killed um I'm so glad that I realized that oh man all right let me uh let me pop this on I almost gave him a saddle as well I'm not that nice no way that's my saddle anyway um there we go his his uh what level was that jaboa where is it there it is uh 80 okay cool his um his morellatops lives on in the form of that morellatops and uh it actually gets to have a use which is great guys I think we're probably going to end this one off right now uh we got enough stuff done you know we've got our metal tools at least to start on them we've got a crossbow which is great um I can retire this bow just right before it breaks it's got one use left let's not use it let's drop it on the ground instead let's also drop these on the ground and let me oh I've already got the crossbow there it is nice so yeah we're kind of stacked right now we're we're doing things we're getting things done it's absolutely fantastic guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button uh we've got a brand new Reginald as well I will name it in a second but um yeah that's going to be it for today and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Syntac
Views: 251,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, syntac, ark scorched earth, ark bobs tall tales, ark new dlc, ark new update, ark frontier showdown, ark adventure pack, ark dlc, ark oasisaur, ark fasolasuchus, ark episode 1, ark episode one, ark ep1, ark new series, ark syntac scorched earth, ark beginners guide, ark jerboa, ark morellatops, ark survival ascended scorched earth, ark update, ark new, ark scorched earth metal locations, ark morellatops taming
Id: FFKaS3T60Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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