The Strongest Character In Vampire Survivors - Queen Sigma!

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behold Queen Sigma she owns everything people say his character is good so I'm testing her out on the hardest possible difficulty I can do Green Acres on hyper whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why do I get another Arcana I won't say no armor also affects listed weapons damage and defeating enemies with retaliatory damage gives Max HP because that includes this weapon but as I was saying why do I have 144 re-rolls sorry 114 and 118 skips and banishes why do I have minus 30 cooldown 102 might 458 Max HP what the hell wait this character is cracked and another Arcana okay well I'll have this weapon deal critical damage as I was saying this character is apparently very strong so I'm going on hyper mode hurry mode inverse mode Green Acres where the enemies are as hard as possible so this is Victory sword fires more projectiles it has 12 upgrades that's a powerful freaking weapon anyways I want to go armor because armor has retaliatory damage image I figure that way I could start leveling up my Max HP yeah I'm already at 533 not bad is my mites increasing or is it just me it is it's 190 right now yeah that's because of that Arcana well all right let's scale mice let's just see what happens huh and apparently this weapon is very very very strong so I'm bringing some other weapons for comparison the Evolve Rune Tracer evolve the skizaber I think I'll go for labora because that always damage uh dominates damage numbers birds are always very high in DPS so I guess that could be good for comparison that speak of Santa water but uh this is very cracked no doubt I mean this is just gonna be a total Victory lap sort of Celebration I you know reached the credits want to unlock this stuff you know I also have the the greatest Jubilee but I blocked it for this one just because I want to check it out another time just to see what it is and not conflate it with this queen Sigma stuff maybe evolved clock Lan set but not yet at least they'll be able to guarantee I get the stuff I want thanks to 100 plus re-rolls that's incredible really yo I already have a ton of xhp why don't I go for more go Hollow heart just get a huge chunk yeah that's a huge uh buff on might 610 nuts also got critical hits in the combo finisher all those vertical flashes the combo finisher or maybe crits I'm not sure well crits are twice as good now as you know as if they weren't good enough before people love them up Santa water so what else do I want to get I I need to get a track term to evolve Santa water probably want bracer so Santa water can be good and then empty Tome just cause it's the best item also it's kind of fun going back to uh Green Acres you know it's it's got random enemy spawns every different minutes and well there's been a lot of maps added there's like a lot of you know special maps and a lot of different variety of enemies that we can see show up here fun to see whatever stuff comes up I don't know if it gets DLC enemies but I kind of hope it does just for continued variety cooldown reduced by 0.3 seconds as if it weren't fast enough keep going sand water want to get that up ASAP oh I got empty Tome lovely but I could lock that in let's keep going Hollow Hearts I have 975 uh plus might and now it's 12.95 oh I wanted bracer so now I just need a tractor and keep going Sands of water reduce that cooldown it's nuts don't you go empty Tome here just buff up everything oh I just got rid of some Elite like nobody's business yeah keep going empty Tome that uh 30 initial cooldown is cracked so then I imagine with this character plus empty Tome plus going one weapon I could get the 95 cooldown easily or maybe this character is special and bypasses that for some reason I mean I wouldn't be surprised not seeing Birds I'm at 13 73 to mites let's see what it gets after this next Hollow hearts 1758 I should take a bird yeah lock that in get the white bird next you know what let's keep going on Hollow Hearts how big is it 22-39 about Rune Tracer now everything is golden there is not a single non-golden on screen the damage is absurd I am killing everything before I can touch it it's not possible for me to farm up uh armor or whatever missing HP I can't do the Retaliator damage although I'm sure retaliatory damage is very powerful I just can't tell actually I'm getting a little bit of it now I almost feel like I'm not ready to go the last Hollow heart yet because if I get it my mic might be so strong that I'll never get retaliatory damage ever it's actually been a while since I've played this game I uh took a while before recording but it's nice to kind of be back with the dopamine it's just crazy my first time back is this monstrosity well Sansa water is level eight and I guess it's ready to be evolved I don't know if that will happen I got my attractor good now I'm just looking for white bird and then I'll go clock Lan sets but now let's go armor uh even though well I guess I'd be missing more HP if I didn't go armor I also don't want to die and plus I forget if I get more Retaliator damages I love off armor oh empty Tom I was missing you maximum cool down maximum fast cooldown whatever and I'm actually losing a little bit of mites I think it's because my character naturally heals yeah I have 3.5 recovery right now I even disabled the spawn of chickens in hopes that I could help but I just keep recovering maybe I won't go armor then maybe I'll just go ebony Wings keep looking for pishon and camel Labradors Max I will soon be forced to go for certain things but for now more track dorb more tractor what can I say I'm attracted to it ebony Wings tractor to Max I mean these enemies can still hurt me it's just uh not much hey I got it let's go only be offered things I want now few upgrades later got my P show level up too so where are the chests I need to see them also need to lose more HP redbat should be a good Contender for that those are generally very tanky you know what though I think it's time for the last Hollow heart let's see what happens I get another Arcana for arcanas you know what I'll take more might and curse and greed and whatnot because I think the enemies need to have more curse so they can actually bum rush me better also see the elites here let me just run into them a little bit and damn I didn't expect to start limit breaking this soon you know what I don't want to think about it give me random always I'll do what I do looking for chest though let me evolve some stuff also what's my might add exactly oh I have to pause Now 26 70 nice okay here we go this is Elite I can deal with no you keep knocking them back stop knocking them back okay here we go what do I get nice I would imagine with the curse continuing to gain over time uh the enemies will only own me I'm also not gonna really go out of my way to only collect XP during the time of uh opt XP although I mean that would help the enemies curse I guess that's actually a good idea maybe I'll try I have just a huge trail of XP behind me right now so I gotta keep running and hope I can outrun it for a while yeah yeah yeah oh there's a chest up here I should get something Brave what is it it's no future nice all right XP get it all now another Arcana what else do I even want I think I'll take projectile speed that should be an advantage to basically every weapon that isn't the victory sword because it looks like that's a weapon that just kind of uh you know just hits the enemy it just hones in on all right I got the vandalier so now I'm gonna be upgrading for a bit but uh I imagine everything will be better now party popper I don't think I'm familiar with this actually let's try it I can't tell but it feels like a celebration what's even nicer is that I occasionally get to see my own might at 3200 percent yes although I said I was gonna go for evolved claw Clans I guess not today I sold the party popper I'm like huh what the hell is that I'm curious if I really want to take damage I could summon some of those Elites you know that are protecting some of the evolved stuff but that's something I'll do later that's actually a great idea later for now oh I mowed so many upgrades yeah get that party popper up uh is that is it something like those weird shadowy figures I think it is it's very tough to tell because well you guessed it a trillion things are happening at once and my coin gen is nuts as if I wasn't farming enough coins 3 700 might there's a chest somewhere on the ground all right let's play find the chest oh I found it nice anything good all right got labora nice it's gonna get better with that very high projectile speed no doubt because then she's gonna chase me down and become huge and do huge damage oh okay nothing else there so I was not able to evolve the victory sword well it seems It's just gonna be limit breaking to the max now and I hope I can occasionally run to enemies but I think I'm still shredding them 3 800 it is still going up though I am managing to lose HP I don't know how it's crazy when it's this much of a struggle to lose HP you know what I'm gonna summon an Elites just see what happens see if I can die or he'll just absolutely wipe them off the planet okay here I am where are you there it is I can still lose HP yes I can just hang around there but it barely looks like I'm losing any I mean it is true okay oh I killed it before I could lose HP but what is my might five thousand percent nice here let's see what is this one protect the bearer no I don't think so you know what bring on more Elites I want more curse all right here's the curse time I should be leveling up a little let me grab this real quick there we go nice and XP how much Max HP do I have six thousand and fifty two hundred percent nice uh unfortunately the board is still pretty slow I guess my character is just very fast out running abora but it is doing great stuff off screen surely and the next the lead is here so you will curse me Bring It On this tank a little HP huh run into that goon yeah hit me hit me more hit me harder oh my God I can't I can't die I literally can't die to it maybe the next Elite will do the job they are so fast 163 curse almost six thousand percent lights insane speed of the enemies does not change a damn thing and back to limit breaking as if nothing ever happened 275 levels that was a pretty nice boon I mean obviously it's not Skilling as fast as gains but these are still nice games nonetheless come on Elite I know you can [ __ ] me yeah curse me see what happens yeah keep cursing me keep doing Retaliator damage ooh it looks like I'm dropping low I surely must be dropping I think it's dead again man I got an egg though I'm trying to die I don't think it's possible anymore and the enemies are coming in faster than I can blink but it doesn't matter they're just getting shredded I do wish I could tell what my current HP was just so I could know whether I'm actually gaining or losing HP be a fun thing oh this minute's a little scary pretty scary enemies here hold on I guess you run into the crowds a little bit I can see damage numbers on top of me which must mean there's enemies on top of me surely yes keep it up build it what are we at 7300 nearly 8 000 Max HP come on we can pump those numbers up they're rookie numbers their trash what do I have like five percent of my Max HP 10 over 8 000 Max HP 7500 so it goes up by one percent every time I level up I might ah damn maybe that's just the perk of my character I don't know but it does look like I'm getting to a sliver I may potentially die nope okay well not much else to do now no possible ways to kill myself except um maybe you must have some tough 29 minutes enemies come in anyways I'm just hunting down Treasure Chest at this point oops even any coins I run so fast I outrun coin bags at times all right mini 29 anything scary oh and some of these guys they're pretty big they're actually hurting a bit I am down to a sliver I haven't leveled in a while maybe I should be careful I have a revive right oh yeah I'm fine there is nothing to worry about we'll see if I actually die it could happen it might not happen why am I leveling up my silver ring yeah whatever it snaps back to limit breaking wheel iodine trying to I'm in the crowds see ya you gotta like do weird patterns if you want to find enemies or have them find you that seems to be the only way up nope that's a lot of enemies okay by four frames I don't know what got me the enemies are the reaper so labora came out on top vandalier second place no future third place Victory sword in fourth with the most adverse fate in Green Acres run off the edge of the world I got a little stuck on this one so I realized that I had to look it up it had something to do with going on hyper mode and hurry mode I decided to go Queen Sigma because I want to evolve her weapon today I'll probably be going similar arcanas as last time I went with her but you know it they seem to be good arcanas and another Arcane after getting whip I'll get the critical hits all right so hopefully I get to evolve the weapon too lots of fun stuff that could happen at once love to see duplicator I also know that I gotta make it pretty far to the bottom left and considering there's not much time I most likely just gotta absolutely send it but I do want to form a little bit so I'll take a little bit of time and then just get going Queen Sigma is also nice because she is pretty fast there are some slower characters out there I mean there's also some faster I mean look at the mask of the Red Death either way I'll take a spinach try to just make sure I don't have to deal with bats anymore they seem to be building up no more I could also go greatest Jubilee since uh I haven't done that before has a chance to summon light sources I assume that means like where items come from and if so that's pretty cracked let's keep going limit break I do like seeing the fireworks but hopefully the fireworks continue as I run off the map itself there's so many enemies good Lord all right more projectiles surely this will help I guess the victory sword isn't like meant to necessarily be AOE well but it is area so I guess it is AOE of sorts there's just so many of them I probably will take wings that way I can justify my stalling out here for a little bit let's keep going greatest Jubilee I mean I like looking at these fireworks I see there's a chick in there I don't know if that would have been there with or without greatest Jubilee and go Victory sword I love the 12 upgrade weapon just the more upgrades I can get a single weapon that are meaningful and not repeating they feel good more projectiles on Jubilee I'm not sure if this is a laurel counter run but I could see myself having it who knows what lies on the outside of the map it could be something that hurts a lot so Laura will help okay it seems to be a lot of chickens here so clearly greatest Jubilee is doing something keep going whip whip whip whip the love Hollow Hearts actually with all these chickens around instead I keep getting offered armor well I'll go more whip even over spinach spinach can happen in due time I'm doing decent enough at these with these enemies these aren't great I'll go Laurel but there's this spicy eyeball have for me good old pickled eyeball and going Victory sword get that base damage up high somethings deal 100 damage I imagine that's Victory sword now I'll take whip uh what do I get another ax upgrade it also just occurred to me I probably should be taking the um armor I don't know why I haven't been taking armor those showed up a ton of times I realize that's supposed to synergize with my build but I just haven't been doing that well whatever I see Hollow hearts and then I'll take armor and then I'll take the thing that can level up the uh Victory sword hopefully oh I just grabbed a ton of chicken maybe another Hollow heart right now yeah make the chicken worth it okay there we go and get Victory sword up pretty high I spilled plenty of time I mean we're only really two minutes into this run and I've maxed out Victory sword level 30. uh in total I think there's a lot to love I see armor I'll take it last thing I want is Toronto's box I guess it's a kind of fitting thing to actually to evolve the uh Victory sword because the victory sword seems to be the single weapon with the most upgrade Pips and the uh Toronto's box is the item with the most upgraded hip so yeah it's a nice parallel hey I got Toronto's box awesome last weapon I want sure but I am gonna level up Toronto's box whenever I see it just in case I need it to be maxed might be a good idea keep going I think I'll even take the curse at the end I mean yeah I really should take it just to be sure also I should be careful my leveling up the whip I want to make the uh evolved weapon or the heaven Victory sword I can't remember the name uh be the very first thing I evolved anyways Hollow Hearts to the max once again farming HBO crazy do I get it now it does need to be Max it would seem because I just got Whip or it's just not time for it yet I can get ax up since that will never evolve with spicy meatball more toronas you know what throw me a bone I haven't done this in a while well uh at least in real time maybe in video time it's been somewhat recent but I like the bone it's uh probably my favorite non-standard weapon as in one that doesn't have an evolution Grace Jubilee I have no idea if it evolves maybe that also evolves via Toronto's box it could get close to the 10 minute Mark I think around 10 minutes I'll just start making a Mad Dash for it right now I just want to make sure I don't miss any levels or HP farming or anything like that speaking of I'm at 2337 HP nice so Pickens actually yeah that's the race Jubilee is definitely doing something and let's get more enemies so now let's see if I get it it's minute nine so it might not happen but let's see okay it's Gotta Be minute 10. so I technically don't know if I needed it to be up to a high enough level or not in the meantime I'll just get my wings to Max while I absolutely mow down some enemies with wings of their own maybe armor too so I can keep tanking more damage still shredding all right next Elite has to be the one though I can see it I think uh can I see it this is so chaotic I can't tell what's happening all right another project on Jubilee no it's still alive all right Dad get it yes I did I got the E the sigma the sole solution the more enemies are defeated the stronger it grows that is ominous now I will make my way to the edge of the map holy [ __ ] wait that is majestic oh my oh so that that's a temporary thing that is cool that is absolutely sick well [Laughter] I want to see that again ask it I shall receive all right so I think this is the thing that's like the more enemies it defeats the stronger it becomes because right now it seems to be doing just like 40 ish damage per which isn't really killing much enables finisher also the e is a separate thing from the victory sword interesting whoa The Finisher is here cool light show uh double light show it's just all the dopamine right now I'm here for it and there it is again I I think I'm due for another evolved weapon wait I have no presence I can't pick up the box at all can I not even take damage wait cool let's go bone see what I get here nice uh best healing it just occurred to me how terrible yeah so I just lose my presence can't pick things up that means enemies can't pick me up either that's a shame maybe I want it to be picked up now I don't actually know if it's like the bottom left corner or if it's just somewhere it's vicinity so I think I'm gonna go down first and then I'm gonna wander around the edge of the map just to be sure I'm so fast though I'm out running the chicken is it gonna catch up oh yeah it's catching up kind of like that you know projectiles pick up speed as they move towards you I'm off I'm off so now I want to just head towards the corner and then I'll maybe I'll round it and we'll just search in this area I don't know how far off the edge of the map I am but I am off of it and what is happening [Laughter] why are the backcountry bats here well it doesn't matter because my Galaxy just evaporates them all and where am I wait this is like the library and this is like multiple maps at once I can see a library I can see like upside down Dairy plants little capella Magna I'm holding in a sneeze right now this is sneeze Worthy good Lord I can still pick up XP give me the max bone ah it's hyperspace and zoomed in on me what happened this is a weird conflict of effects it's like the Galaxy is so overwhelming it takes away from the trippiness that's happening otherwise with Arcana I guess I'll just take area in Greece why not I think I completed the secret although who knows how anything Works in this game okay I'm gonna random always oh that's a lot of upgrades I was owed I get another Arcana I'll take item pickups for the hell of it see what those have in store for me interesting I'm creating like a lot of crosses those are nice for a little bit of farming there's a lot of other helpful stuff too and I feel like I'm stuck in a little bit of limbo now seems like my best damage is items and I can't really lose HP to scale so bring them on maybe I'll maybe I'll need to summon some Elites then I'll take it I think curse why not yeah curse me I can't take the image whoa oh there's a weird weird enemy down here the hell is this thing you know it's very hard to tell because there's also another Elite covering it but you can occasionally see it like oh he's dead like a green cape on maybe it's just a normal Elite is one I don't really recognize but looked cool anyways I'm just kind of picking up gold rings to have Elites touch me so I can feel something I'm basically checked out of this run because I mean it's pretty easy at this point there's a silver ring somewhere too where is it there it is I can't pick it up of course there are so many enemies here wait this is kind of absurd it's like they're being sucked into a black hole good God but I'm not even CL I actually am losing a little HP now this is good the more HP I lose the more damage I build up and I mean bones do great when enemies are clumped together that's kind of perfect it's like it's a black hole and just the enemies are being sucked in this is the densest thing of enemies I've ever seen okay suddenly I care again because I'm taking a little bit of damage and maybe I'll start scaling some more every now and then I'm Invincible I become the cosmos I am the Galaxy and the Run being over I guess the cosmos could survive the reaper right does that work [Music] yeah the cosmos survives the reaper because I have Laurel still it would be gone by now yeah and it's actually gaining back phases that's cool well now what what is the reaper even doing usually it stays around me but it's kind of darting around it's so confusing even the reaper doesn't know what to do and for now I'm not sure if there's much I want to do but I think there's going to be more updates coming out for this game so I'll just you know wait for those I'm sure it'll come in due time and maybe I'll simultaneously do secrets and explore new stuff in upcoming updates then so thank you all for watching hope you guys enjoyed seeing the next video have a wonderful day and peace
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 250,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, aliens rock, aliensrock50, gameplay, walkthrough, tips, strategy game, steam, best strategy, vampire survivors, best build, vampire, survivors, evolve weapons, roguelike, action, arcade, guide, challenge, secret, dlc, moonspell, moonspell dlc, legacy of the moonspell, vampire survivors dlc, final boss, true ending, credits, queen sigma, sigma, evolved
Id: R5Sr12gODwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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