The Strategy Against All Plagues | Ps John Koe

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[Music] hello my joy to be with you JMK church today a very good morning to you for most of you i neisha and those of you from the western hemisphere it's a very good evening to you all right it's my joy to be here and now today I want to share something boy do I have a wedding season for you from my heart something that really really blessed me pretending to the pandemic actually God is working good out of this pandemic I know that by now by now that many people would would agree that this pandemic is a it's the biggest global crisis that has hit the world since World War two right and and I wanna I want to share what that I know will really bless your heart because it blessed mine so so so powerfully but before I do that I want to pray with you I want to ask of you to join me in prayer and commit these to the Lord have any father we just want to praise and honor you for all that you're doing in our life thank you for all for safety thank you for safety in the midst of this pandemic thank you for provision that you sustained as your the good father who is sustaining us in our daily walk with you you know in our families need before you and today we want to acknowledge you all over again and say you are a good good father and right now Lord we just want to commit this time into your hands and we ask Lord that you so bless the sharing of your word Lord anoint both the preacher and the receiver and then lord your heart may your heart be be lighter Lord Lord at the outcome of this time that we have together thank you we bless all of you in Jesus wonderful name amen amen hallelujah as I mentioned just now all right this copy 19 pandemic is really turning out to be the biggest global crisis that has hit the world since World War two everybody acknowledged that from the newscaster to the politicians and all mmm nothing has happened since World War two that actually even stopped the whole world's economy and caused all of us to be hiding at home many of them unfortunately in much fear and so right now I just I also want to share something with you they encourage you that God is in control despite the such a crisis we know that our God is in control and in fact you know if we understand God's heartbeat and what he wants to do in been in the midst of these turbulent times we can even partner with God to and force his will on earth as it is in heaven like what the scripture tells us and so I want to share a testimony at some time in March that was when when this whole pandemic uh it was still raging and and there was no end in sight and you can see the the curve is just shooting up like a rocket you know on the of the corona virus infection all over the world I remember in in March I was praying with a a group of intercessor from around the world actually some from Europe some from from America and and we were praying together over this and this world this were prophetic intercessors from people from different countries and we have a fellowship and alliance that we have formed since the beginning of this epidemic to pray together and seek God's heart and take instruction and I want to really I want to testify to you this was in mid-march when God gave very specific instructions for the intercessors he says this to us he says I want you to pray that this whole epidemic would would turn around and pass over you know turn awry Passover and he was flattened out by bye-bye Pentecost and and and to pray for a considerable economic recovery by Rosh Hashanah and so we know April was when Passover was and and there was the peak of the of the pandemic if you look back now and and I want to show you how good god is I want to show you a charm this is today's chart how the COBE 19 dead 3 really turn a Passover when God's people pray and I know there are many people around the world that received the same instruction because I've been in a relationship with multiple prophetic intercessory groups and they received the same instruction from the Lord that the death rate would turn and pass over and I will show you when is Passover the one-week celebration of Passover ends on the 16th of April look at that how he picked at Passover and the blood of the lamb was applied and look at the turnaround it is a sharp turn around it begins the death Rigby began to plunge and and the second instruction was by Pentecost it was flattened out and look at that this let me show us yeah but Pentecost the dead weight had flattened out and we believe that you and we believe that a pandemic is on its way out and and with and we're now praying into the third instruction and that is economic recovery for the world economic recovery substantial recovery to have taken place by Rosh Hashanah which is somewhat sometime in September of mid-september this Rosh Hashanah all right and so I want to encourage us that God is in control and in this time if we would not give over be given over to fear we can actually partner with God to shape world events and this year I believe is a very very significant year in the in light of such a major global crisis which make this years pass over really a global Passover because if you look at the the infection rate the death rate for this pandemic it really picked and passed over do you remember at the first week by the first week of April it was almost a global lockdown it was a global Passover because for the first time since the first Passover 3,500 years ago the whole world is hiding at home like the Easter likes at the first Passover the whole world is his huddle at home with the family waiting for death to pass over them and so that makes this year's Passover very very significant Passover 2020 turns out to be a global Passover the first time since the first Passover 3,500 years ago and and I want to share something that came out of Passover that really really blessed me and since then I've been sharing with hundreds and hundreds of people about this all right because out of the Passover I remember that I was scheduled who preached over that weekend a JMK as well and I and I did not specifically share about Passover so I did not preach about Passover this year no what happened was a month has transpired after Passover and I was still I kept feeling a sense like the Holy Spirit is wanting to talk to me about the Passover and I kept pushing it away because it preacher may understand this it feels like a message is brewing in your in your heart of it of a topic and in this in this case it was the Passover and it was already a month after possible I was still having this lingering sensation like a message brewing in my heart about Passover and I kept pushing it away and I thought no I'm not gonna preach about Passover Passover well it has passed over you know it is strange because it's like feeling the urge to preach about Christmas sometime in February and so I kept pushing it away and what happened was by the first week of May I actually was on one day one morning I was spending time with God and I actually lift this up before my lord I say I keep feeling this about Passover thoughts brewing about Passover you're not what I mean preview of a puzzle where are you lord you know and and the Lord spoke to me something that really really got my attention he says this to me there is a king in the Passover that would make all clicks pass over you in fact he said but they will make all plates pass over your whole household your whole family now that got my attention there was what he said there is a king in the Passover that makes all plagues pass over your family now they got my intention attention it jolted me so I went into the world you know I went into the the book of Exodus to reread what happened over Passover now I I thought I was really really familiar with those Scripture because every year I preach during the time of Passover I would preach something related to Passover or except this year like I mentioned just now and so what I did was I went into the book of Exodus I reread chapter 11 chapter 12 and I said what is that king god you say there's a king in the Passover III I'm familiar with this scripture I read 11 and 12 11 and 12 and then the Holy Spirit is open my eyes to behold a key so powerful that I really believe is the word in season that God has for the whole body of Christ and you understand in a moment's time and it's so relevant for where we are right now because the whole world basically is new in the season of the lockdown or quarantine and and different countries have just begun to face out of this lockdown but we still in the season actually of quarantine and remember Passover was was God's quarantine for his people to hide in a house for death to pass over so when I when I discerned what God was saying to me I saw the key in the scripture I literally started to tremble I thought the anointing of God came all over me and I and and I was all by the weightiness of this scheme the implication of this revelation and it's so so shocking actually that had to repent before God that I did not did not discern this much earlier or and this is what I want to share with you today I intentionally leave out the definition of the key in my title of the message because I wanted to discover this key with me as I reread Exodus chapter 11 and 12 with you and and and so on right now I'm gonna bring you into the book as I as I go over the key concept of the Passover as depicted and recorded in Exodus 11 and 12 I want you to discern and try to to pick up what is that key what is that key or I want to take you on a journey with me right now to discover the key right now I want to begin with Exodus chapter 11 verse 1 we are going to find out what was God's instruction for the Israelites to overcome the ultimate play which was really the tenth play that befell Egypt remember and that was the most serious one that was when God said a an angel of death was going to pass through the whole land of Egypt slaying every firstborn men and beasts and so in the in light of that ultimate play God also gave an ultimate strategy for his people how to make the ultimate play Passover and therein is the king that I want you to discover today alright and so I will begin with Exodus chapter 11 verse 1 right now let me read to you now the Lord said to Moses one more play I will bring on Pharaoh and on Egypt after that he will let you go from here when he lets you go he will surely drive you out from here completely so God spoke to the Israelites of that one final play would certainly force Pharaoh to let go of his people and let his people be set free permanently and completely from all the bondage and slavery the ultimate play with freedom from hundreds of years of cruel bondage and slavery under the Egyptians and God was about to teach the Israelites how to partner with him that they may experience the mighty and awesome deliverance from that play and over and above the deliverance from the play they would come through utterly blessed stupendously bless and that is the power of the key or Passover that I want you to discover with me at this very moment so what happened was God gave them instruction dog gave the Israelites instruction every one of them the day before their great deliverance they were to ask of the Egyptian masters for articles of silver and of gold alright listen carefully now and God could a supernatural favor upon them such that the Egyptian masters could not refuse the request but gave to them everything they asked for so that before evening came the supernatural compensation for all their years of slavery has already taken place and and and they had by evening they have already experienced the greatest transfer of wealth in their lifetime and that would mean also supernatural not just supernatural favor and compensation supernatural provision and the transfer of wealth to them all this all this took place even as they were preparing for the Passover and not even the Passover yet and that means the key of Passover has already started unlocking to them and for them supernatural blessings just by their preparing to use that key that's how a power through it is or in God told them that starting from midnight uh that their very day starting from midnight the Angel of Death would go through the the land slaying all the firstborn through the night and when it's all over by Dawn the Israelites would be found to be Supes supernaturally protected as well and that itself would be the supernatural distinction from the Egyptians and from those who don't believe in God and so here we are talking about supernatural protection and deliverance that would have taken place by Dawn and it would make them distinct from the Egyptians so let me bring you back to the scripture Exodus chapter 11 verse 7 that you may understand how the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel which means conversely on the other hand the Egyptians would suffer the death of your firstborn as judgment so the Passover not only brought stupendous blessing to God's people it also brought judgment upon their the enemies while the Passover brought blessings to the Israelites he brought judgment upon their cruel slave masters the Egyptians and so God said that to all all of this when all of this happened over the course of their 24 hours before and after Passover he would be so glorified across the whole land I'll read to you the scripture in verse 9 now so that my wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt so I summarize here what will all the blessings that God has promised them and actually activated for them if they would observe Passover in the specific ways as instructed by God and therein lies the key all right so before I reveal the key I'll show you now in summary all the blessing they have taken place because of Passover the blessings that God promised them and brought to pass supernatural favor we saw the scripture just now supernatural compensation and restoration supernatural provision and transfer of wealth supernatural protection from plagues supernatural deliverance from bondage supernatural distinction from the world and God is glorified through them not only then judgment would come upon the enemies and foe and not finally the last but not lease freedom to worship and serve God because of Passover they were finally completely set free from the Egyptian and they would head on to to Canaan the promised land and so the Easter lights would experience all of these blessings if they would carry out the instructions God told them to execute that very very evening and so I'm gonna bring you now to all the instruction of the Lord and I want you to observe the prophetic eligor II and what it is implication in your life because the same king is in your hand today you can use this key to unlock all those blessings that we just read just now all right now this is powerful this is this is whole bless me Exodus chapter 12 verse 3 this is a beginning of the instruction speak to all the congregation of Israel say they are each one to take a lamb for themselves according to the father's house clothes a lamb for each household now the instruction from God were given to them to carry out sa household not individually it's gotta be done as a family and the action is to be is to be led by the father of the household is in its implied here all right so you have to do this as a family and Daddy is to lead this or the leader the parent whoever is the leader in the household you are to lead this alright so every family was to be gathered together in their own house and then they were to slaughter an unblemished lamb and apply is blood on the door applause and on the lintel of their house I'm summarizing chapter 11 and 12 for us so that we don't have to read through all the scripture all right but they would yeah to slaughter an unblemished lamb take the blood and apply on the adore oppose and on the lintel and they were also to eat the whole lamb already dressed up all packed up and ready to leave Egypt all right that was that is in brief what they were supposed to do and so a very vital part of this is that they must apply the blood I repeat they must apply the blood on the doorpost and on the lintel all right Exodus chapter 12 again now I bring you to verse 13 the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live and when I see the Blood I will pass over you and this wise call the Passover and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt and so and so they were to take the blood and they were to apply it every household on the door Pole on the lintel or a while they were doing them in the safety of your houses the the plate came through bringing death to every Egyptian household who did not believe and there was what day as whole household experience on the night of the first ever Passover in history and God has instructed them ever since to continue observing the Passover as whole families for all generations to come all generations without end or a get it was to be a permanent ordinance so let me bring you to the scripture first then we come back to look at this alright Exodus chapter 12 verse 14 now this day will be a memorial to you and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent as a permanent ordinance it says here you got to do this forever and that's why you today the Jews they still celebrate the Passover but they celebrated a primarily to remember God's deliverance of them every year and in and every year and when did they celebrate is to remember God's deliverance of them from the Egyptian and from from the Egyptian oppression in the slavery and they do this every year they do this annually and they would eat the Passover a meal which they call the Seder meal all right so let me bring you back to this the Seder meal while we we Christians with a revelation that the Passover actually depicts the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ we don't just celebrate it once a year but actually effectively we celebrate it ever every week in church which we worship him we celebrate his redemption of us and in while the Jewish people eat the Seder meal we take what we call the Holy Communion and so I want you to see that the Passover while the Jews celebrate Passover on the same weekend in April we celebrate the Passover we celebrate the Good Friday we celebrate the resurrection sunday because our Lord Jesus was crucified at the time of Passover to be the true Passover lamb right he's the Messiah in fact unblemish lamb really points to or it's a prophetic Oh allegory of our Lord Jesus who is the true and ultimate Passover lamb slain for the salvation of the whole world and so while the Jews celebrated celebrating God's deliverance of them from the Egyptian oppression we celebrated for his true meaning which is really of our Lord Jesus and his crucifixion his redemptive work for us and we also eat the the Covenant meal we call it the Holy Communion or they call it the Seder meal we hope we call it the Holy Communion in fact for us right now we don't just celebrate it every week we are not limited to celebrate the lamb once a week we can celebrate him every day we can celebrate him and he's what he's done for us as often as we wanted because our Lord Jesus told us that we can eat of the bread and drink of the cup as often as we do it as often as we want or and that's why the Holy in the the Holy Communion for us is our celebration of him and so with that I honor bring you back to the scripture now to guess what is the key in the Passover what is the key in the Passover they made the ultimate plate Passover the Israelites and unlocked all the blessings associated with the Passover by now you may be guessing hmm is it the Holy Communion well the answer is no the Holy Communion is only a part of the key so what is the key okay stay with me now let us recall what God told the Easter likes to do and I want you to really cook meditate on this what the God tell the Israelites to do and consider its matter story its allegorical application right now in our lives as believers in Christ all right so what did they do they had to come together as a family in the house close the door behind them and so that's about us being at home with our family it's a private affair right and and they were to do this as a family involving every member with the father of the household leading it or the parent or I or the leader of the family leading this whole series of things that God would want him to do and then oh and then we are - I'm talking about its application right now today we are to observe the slaughtering of the unblemished lamb what does that mean prophetically it is a prophetic picture of us as a family examining the finished work of Christ the redemptive work of Christ because the slaughtering of the unblemished lamb was God messaging God's revelation to the israelites of the future redemptive work of the Messiah of the coming Messiah and so the whole family observed daddy going through the whole series of things taking the lambs slaughtering the lamb and the whole family watched daddy and then and someone would take the blood and Daddy said go out now and apply it on the doorpost on the lintel and everyone is a part of this someone hold down the lamp someone take take bring the knife that he does a slaughtering and so the whole family observed the whole procedure it's a picture of how we as a family in Christ to be or to examine the redemptive work of Christ together and then we are to eat the whole land God told them to eat the whole lamb not to just choose a favorite part of the lamb or eat part of it all right we are to eat the whole lamb is a picture of how we not only examine the redemptive work of Christ we are to eat the word the whole counsel of the Lord because the lamb represent the word of the Lord right Jesus represent God's Word in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God John chapter 1 tells us and nothing came to being except by him all right and he our Lord is the word the counsel of the Lord and in we have to eat the whole word the whole counsel the full counsel of God as represented by Christ because the scripture tells us it is in Christ that God fullness of deity dwells in Christ and in him will be made complete this is found in Philippians chapter chapter 2 so Jesus is a full counsel of God's Word and we are to eat him and that is a picture of the family coming together examining His redemptive work eating the word and and not just our favorite doctrine we take the whole world what God is is giving us in Christ all right and eating the lamb also and you know at the Passover they were to eat the they were also to eat the unleavened bread which represents the covenant meal and that's why we eat the holy communion also the bread and the wine when I show you the picture of the Satyam you just now notice that a vital element of the Seder meal is the bread and the wine and so we take the holy communion the bread Adam and the wine and for us we know that the bread represents the body of Jesus broken for us broken for a healing and we know that the cup represents his blood shed for our Redemption amen and not just we are supposed to eat of the full counsel of God's Word not just we observed the Holy Communion as a family we are to apply the blood the Easter likes were told were instructed to apply the blood on the doorpost and on the lintel so that they would actually experience God's promised protection and so it's a picture of how we not only examine the redemptive work of Christ we are to apply it into our lives in order to be able to activate the promised salvation and the blessings of the Word of God of what Jesus has died to redeem for us and purchase for us with his blood we have to apply it into our lives we eat it's a picture of how we have to apply of the redemptive truth into our lives in order to experience its effects its efficacy in our lives and so it's also a picture of how we must be the doers of the world and not just here we must apply it into our lives we must live out the Word of God and that's how we were experienced the true blessing amen amen and so the Israelites were told to do all of that which are really a prophetic Ella gory of what we are supposed to apply and to do so do you know the key by now and descend the key by now I'm not done yet the easter lights were also told to eat of the meal the Covenant knew all dressed up and in an all packed up and with a star in their hand and to eat it eat the meal with the other hand what does what does that mean is a picture of them eating the meal with so much faith that the actual deliverance from their hundreds of years of slavery was about to take place immediately immediately upon their eating of this covenant meal and so it it is efficacy of deliverance and of healing and restoration there will happen swiftly we eat it with faith of HA because we know the Holy Communion is a reminder of the redemptive work of Christ right and we we eat it we know that the bread represent the Jesus body broken for our healing the cup represents his blood the blood of the new covenant which has reconciled us without Heavenly Father our Creator and we are to eat it with so much pain of what what the redemptive work of Christ is supposed to bring us in its effect in its power and blessing we had to eat it with much rain and so is with that faith that we partake of the Holy Communion and so by now do you discern what is the king in the Passover God's ultimate strategy for his people to make the ultimate play pass over them you know what is the key now is the family altar or what we call today the family devotion God's instruction for the Passover is actually the setting up of the family altar remember this the God told them the family it is to gather together is us gathering of family together and examining Christ's redemptive work and praying to him and worshiping him as a household ministering to him as a family with the father or the mother or the leader of the house the head of the house leading the whole procedure leading the reading of God's Word the eating of God the counsel the food counsel of God and we examine the redemptive work of Christ which is really the gospel or the redemptive work of Christ and then not only were to read the word eat the words celebrate him and worship him as a as a family we are to fine application of the truth that we are learning as a family and we are to also to partake of the Holy Communion as a household believing in its immediate efficacy its immediate power and blessing and so with that I want to bless you this is the key when the Lord revealed this to me III as I mentioned just now I shook because I realized the weightiness of his implicit it's implication and I had to repent that I did not give it the right priority and consistency even in my own life in my own household and there it is God showing us the body of Christ over the global Passover God is actually warning his people to rebuild the family altar or for some of us or many of us it might be to build the family auto for those who have never built it as a household to have this family devotion because it is what God used to read least to them all the stupendous blessing within the 24-hour stretch of the Passover as as a a prophetic allegory for us to realize its implication and blessing all right so with then I'm gonna bring you back to the reminder of all the blessing it is really the blessings released by the family altar and which we went through just now we went through nine of the blessings and I told you it is not all because right now I'm going to bring in another two more of the blessing of the family altar and I pray that God's grace to be upon you to build the family altar now or even to rebuild it for those of you who have stopped doing it alright I'm gonna show us two more blessings that come true and number ten is that the family altar the family altar cause your faith to be passed down to all your future generations and we learn this from from the Jews from how God instructed the Jews they add every Passover day to begin with they were to celebrate it forever remember as a permanent ordinance and God told them that at every Passover celebration during the Seder meal during the Seder meal the young child of the family is to ask of the father Kapaun oh well in the Hebrew expression Abba ABBA why is tonight different from all other nights the child is supposed to us every year when there they have the Seder meal and then the daddy is to recall all the many acts of God in his deliverance and salvation of Israel from the tyranny in your question of Egypt and so the principle here is that the principle here is that during the family altar we parents are to testify to all children of God mighty eggs God's reality God's love God's power God's faithfulness through recalling the acts of God that we have ever experienced in our life for the purpose that our children may may be constantly reminded of God's reality and of God's goodness of God's character of God's faithfulness that earth and this obviously is done to build the faith of our children in God and causing them to to receive of the inheritance of our faith and that's why the family altar in the family altar one of the greatest blessing is if you do it right and according to the way God instructs us to do it every time when you meet together with your family you recall the words of God or you testify to your children of the things that God is doing in your life or even in the church or in the light of some brethren or in the world in a way that were built their faith in God for themselves that they would also have the personal relationship with God a relationship of faith or in this way faith is passed passed down to the future generation and if you do it right they will grow up not only with a personal faith in God they would also do this with your children and their children's children and that's how faith is passed down to future generation and that is one of the greatest blessing of the family altar in fact it is known that then despite 2,000 years of Exile that is the Israelites and today we call them the Jews they could keep their identity and the relationship we got may be a unique trait because other feasts that God has given them to observe wherever they were dispersed to in the Exile the observing of the fees including the Passover was what caused them to keep their faith and to pass on their faith to the future generation there after 2,000 years they are still holding their faith in the relationship unique relationship with God and that's why family altar is so powerful in this and other blessings another blessing that I wanna wanna add on to this list is that it sets us up to receive of our inheritance the past over not only feed the Israelites know not only freedom not only freedom from Egypt it also sets them up to be able to ahead for Canaan which is their inheritance they the Passover was an ottoman event that caused them to receive ultimate deliverance and set them on the journey towards Canaan which is the idea of promise inheritance and that's why the family altar is also what sets us up to receive the fullness of our inheritance I hope this bless you because it has so blessed me and my and my call today to us through this message which I utterly believe comes from the heart of God as a word in season urgent in important voice people in this season all over the world he's built your family altar now I wanna testify that when I received this work on the Lord and this was just the first week of May III I was so shaken I have repent before God that I did not give it the do way to do family altar as often as consistent as we should have because I used to travel a lot alright now before the lockdown and when I'm traveling obviously we did not have a our family altar and so what I did was immediately the next day I sat down with my of my family member two sons and I actually apologized to them I said that he missed something that could have been such a great blessing if we had given it more weight and that's a family devotion that we must have and not miss and we must have this consistently and I deprive you and deprive of our family the the the stupendous blessing God has promised us and I I'm sorry I actually apologize to my family and today I want to encourage you God's beloved people then that God wants you to set up the family altar to put together the family devotion because he's so one to bless you with all the blessings that he poured down upon the Easter likes prophetically for us to know what he wants what he would do if we would worship Him as a household if we would eat the world as a family and applied into our lives and when we pray together all the power of agreement you know they say the family fights best together in war right you know and when we come together as a family to pray and in agreement is so powerful is so powerful God's instruction at the first Passover really is how to set up a family altar and so right now I want to encourage all of you my beloved brethren my brothers and sisters build the family altar and make all plagues pass over your family and in much more and to cause all of God's blessing to pour down and flood your household if you have a family but you have never had family devotion or never had it consistently make today a fresh start and a new beginning for them it's never too late this is a perfect time well to build the family altar while we still in them in some degree of this lockdown if you cannot put it together now you cannot put it together when this lockdown is over this is the god-given Kairos you know they got appointed time for this to be sport in your life and in your household because God God loves your family go once not only you to be blessed God wants your whole family to be blessed and to be permanently protected from all plagues in the future even and all shaking may be a financial collapse may be an epidemic may be some kind of earthquake whatever it is whatever shaking that would happen God would have you know that he loves you and he wants to protect your family and this is his key for you in your household God loves your family remember when God saves Noah from the coming judgement of the flood God save Noah and his family God is always the God of the family when when when Abraham interceded for his nephew lot to be delivered from Sodom God extended that salvation to lot and the whole family God is a God of the family and that's why when God told in the days of the Israelites a journey through the wilderness when God told Moses to ask the people to come before the tabernacle to encounter his presence there God says tell them to bring along their children God loves us and loves our whole family when he saves you he want to save your whole family that's why in in Acts chapter 16 verse 31 you know when when the jailer you know remember about Paul and Silas in the prison you know when when when there was an earthquake and and all the doors swung open the gates were opened the chains fell off the jailer thought all the prisoners has escaped have escaped and he wanted to kill himself and Impala actually stopped the jail is it don't don't don't hurt yourself we're still here we have an escape and in the jailer asked what shall I do to be saved and what was Paul's word as inspired by the holy spirit believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved you and your whole family when God saves one he's intending to save the whole family when God blesses one person he's wanting to bless a whole family he's the God of the family and today God is wanting to give you this key that he's to pendous blessing may rest upon you and your whole household even to a thousand generation if you would set up the family altar and so I want to bless you with this word and I want to encourage you then if you would set up your family altar in this new normal you know what you will live in God's supernatural blessings as a new normal in your life you and your whole family with that I want to pray with you would you join your favorite me right now have any father today we just want to thank you bless you for loving us and even in throughout this pandemic you you keep your people safe and you provide for your people faithfully but over and above it all you want to hand us this key the key of Passover you are giving us this strategy against all click not only this one but all future blake's you want your blessings your supernatural provision favored protection distinction to come upon us as a family throughout our generation even to a thousand generation and today we receive this key from you we embrace his revelation into our heart and right now we want to lay hope your grace for us to respond in obedience with this word and so with that Lord I want to speak yours your grace over every beloved brother and sister who is listening in right now every family represented by them Lord that your grace your stupendous grace your amazing grace your divine empowerment may rest upon one and all to be able to happen to your voice and to and to draw upon God Amazing Grace to implement this to be a dual of the world to apply this truth into their life today and to set up the family devotion in such a way that the household can be blessed of you as a family we thank you for your grace to be able not only to receive of your word but to live it out and to see your promises come to pass under your glory we thank you praise you now in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and everyone say a man
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,007
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Id: HlU--0wDza8
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Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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