Stuffing Your Mother in a Suitcase for Inheritance

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Zero remorse, that's utterly chilling.

The two of them seem thick as a brick, as well. How on Earth did they foresee their plan working?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlwynEvokedHippest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just wait 2 fucking years for the money and never see your mom again. Why the impatience? It's not worth the risk of getting caught.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Strange_Vagrant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Her behaviour with the press whilst in her cell is so telling of how much of a spoiled, narcissistic little brat she is. Thinking she's some sort of celebrity...

They both need to be locked up linger or get the firing squad. Killing your mother for money is sick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If these two dirt bags ever came back to the US, does anyone know if they would face charges here as well?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wanderinhebrew πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well Mike is right one does has to give credit for Heather for making the most of a bad situation.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BrerRabbit44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I only watched this video because Mike produced as I have a hard time hearing about this case. The daughter's callousness and flippant attitude after the murder incense me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlippingAbout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She said I did it, I killed my mom… then β€œif I could go back I’d do it myself..” πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Amannderrr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Obviously her mum was a piece of shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Guilty-Enthusiasm519 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 26 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we're going on holiday vacay baby the island of bali indonesia deep in the south asian archipelago stunning beautiful you got your mountains your beaches your reefs very pretty you know much like much like the people in this whole video though i'm not sure the people uh thought their time in bali would end the way it did with some of them not thinking at all let's give it a go [Music] this uh story it's weird bit odd so where to begin why not with the lady in the title of the video it's usually a pretty decent place to start see before we get to bali we got to go to chicago illinois home of sheila von wiese mack who with a name like that sounds like ancient european the habsburg dynasty or something but she was just a regular old gal sheila was born in 1952 in minneapolis and grew up in gross point michigan home of the late bob ashara rip she studied political science in boston she got an mba in st louis and would work for a publishing house doubled a home of i'm sure some of your favorite authors from there she would work at universities collecting degrees and diplomas you know sure why not and having a pretty sweet job like that she lived in the affluent oak park uh outside chicago and she lived there with her husband and daughter and the von weiss max were socialites vote soon sheila was married to james mack a well-known jazz composer this was his third marriage in 1996 at age 43 sheila gave birth to her daughter heather mack the max were a very close family especially daughter heather to her dad james they absolutely just adored each other as wealthy folk the world was their oyster and one thing james loved to share with his daughter was well the world they'd often travel far and wide exotic locations fancy hotels this is until tragedy struck in 2006 when heather was just 10 years old the family while on holiday in athens greece were well james he had a pulmonary embolism he died at age 76 passing away in the hotel room beside heather and sheila that was hard and so then it would be just heather and sheila james had made sure you know his family would be taken care of he had a trust fund set up for heather she'd be a millionaire by the time she was 21. but heather didn't really care the loss of her dad destroyed the young girl she she never really got over it as she grew into her teenage years it just kept eating away at her and it led to trouble she spiraled into depression lashed into parties drugs alcohol all that started hanging out with the well not the right crowd heather stopped getting on well with her mother uh it in fact it went the opposite of being well she would run away from time to time and it was at one of these many many parties that young heather would meet a guy named tommy tommy schaefer what up y'all this shafe man it's my uh first song the demo hope y'all enjoyed this check it out he was quite the guy but when he wasn't tommy schaefer he was tommy xx you better watch yourself check out his tunes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] just so you know i've replaced the music with another one of tommy's tracks uh that's because the music on this video is it's copyrighted uh don't worry you're not missing out he was from chicago came from a much less well-off background than heather did however his mother gave him everything even sending him to a great school in the affluent oak park he decided come on education education right he's going to be hip-hop artiste right so listen up yo i'm tommy x it's my city chicago baby i kind of realized that i had an ear for music and uh and i like making me well i like listening to it just as much as i like making it and there's certain a certain feel that you get from making music it's like a lot of people everyone listens to everyone hears it but it's really about how music makes you makes you feel which brings out you know the best music and the most memorable music music that stays around for a long time so i try to recreate the music his self-funded artistic endeavors uh surprisingly didn't pay the bills he would sleep on friends couches and so on and so forth eventually meeting heather a heather who was still grieving her musician father's death so while heather and tommy they were you know kicking off so were heather and sheila but like in the opposite way they'd fight a lot sheila not too keen on the old party and she'd much rather had her would join her at app like one of these violin recitals he gave his debut at the berlin philharmonic with the problem symphony at the age of 12 and he was the featured soloist at age 13 and pokemon style and character number two he won first prizes at the international violin competition in 1993 that signed his bachelor competition in berlin in 1995 and one other report he's attended junior and he received additional postgraduate education at northwestern so in 2014 sheila decided to book a trip for them together like they used to do with their dad go to an exotic location spend some quality time together just the two of them or so she thought on the 4th of august 2014 they boarded a plane bound for indonesia spending 10 days at a luxury resort the saint regis bali resort don't um think i've ever spent any time at a hotel that has a gate [Music] it was a week later that a taxi driver he was dropping off some passengers at the famed saint regis but as he was getting ready to pull off a young couple flagged him down they popped the boot lashed a suitcase into the trunk of his taxi and said here let's we're just checking out be right back you know don't go anywhere keep the engine running the taxi driver said fine he didn't say that after waiting for 30 minutes with no sign of them so he got out of his taxi popped the boo and then had a look at that suitcase they put in there because it looked like this he called the police and when they arrived and opened it up there was a woman stuffed inside it was not a big luggage so they were economical packers she had been beaten to death so the police investigation began they went through everybody who was staying at the hotel the descriptions to see if they could match who this was eventually landing on sheila and they saw sheila wasn't staying at the hotel alone they went up knocked on her door to no answer they opened the hotel room and it was in quite the state blood everywhere broken glass looked like it had been a fruit bowl the handle of it was bloody looked like someone smashed it off someone's head someone was beaten to death so they knew who the victim was but where was heather an autopsy found sheila's cause of death was asphyxiation from a broken nose she also had a broken neck weirdly you know as the police started questioning everybody a desk clerk at the hotel said she actually came down a few hours before the suitcase she came down to report heather missing as they are just about to call the police who wanders in would heather not alone she was holding hands with tommy xxx if you ask me this was a surprise to sheila that tummy was there not a pleasant one at all sheila had wanted them to spend time yo together just the two of them and she wanted to get heather away from what she saw were like these bad influences back in chicago right there in the lobby a screaming match began heather telling sheila that tommy had flown in to surprise her and that being a perch for you know the seven days it was at this point was just too darn much now tommy had no money which sheila knew all too well and so she accused heather of stealing her credit card to pay for his ticket a ticket costing about 10 000 books not only that heather used sheila's card to pay for his room at this very fancy hotel so after screaming at each other for a bit they all went back to the rooms heather and sheila went to their room tommy went to his he wouldn't stay there cctv would show tommy leaving his room going to sheila and heather's and then tommy and heather going between them for quite some time heather returned a little bit later to the uh desk clerk and had a question a little question do you mind say you don't have any duct tape by any chance do you don't ask what it's for so things were not looking good eventually they came out with the suitcase they dropped it off at a taxi and then did a lager however bingo and the safe in sheila's room they found heather's passport so they knew they wouldn't be able to flee the country they were somewhere in town and alerted the media they were eventually tracked down to a motel it didn't take long the victim's 19 year old daughter heather louise mack and her boyfriend tommy schaefer seen here have been arrested forensic investigators say the victim suffered severe blunt force injuries from the existing wound we found that the victim was hit by a blunt object on her face and head a woman is found murdered in an indonesian resort island of bali the associated press confirms that she is from chicago reportedly with ties to west suburban oak park sheila von wiese max 19 year old daughter heather and her 21 year old boyfriend tommy schafer were arrested wednesday police say the two checked out of the hotel and were trying to flee when they were taken into custody no cameras why is the media here the young couple was apprehended wednesday at a nearby budget hotel after a day-long police chase they said when the police came in hey thanks you know finally a gang came in and killed sheila and they kidnapped us so thanks for rescuing us they just escaped with their lives apparently not knowing cctv was all over the hotel literally like the worst excuse ever they were arrested on the 13th of august and they kept up with this terrible story they said all three of them had been kidnapped by some street gang and only they had escaped and they were on the run not from the police from the gang so i guess you know they must have gone back to the hotel room and killed sheila or something is she dead then tommy tried a different attack okay now what he said was this it was a surprise he had shown up as a surprise the surprise was for sheila because heather and tommy had good news for her heather was pregnant sheila wasn't as happy as they thought she'd be and well according to tommy she went crazy mad and said she'd kill the baby this led to a scuffle and one thing led to another tommy said she was choking him out on the floor when he grabbed a fruit bowl and bounced it off her head repeatedly that was one story another good one was what the phone records told see the fbi became involved in the case you know it's three americans in a foreign country one of them dead two of them arrested they started you know looking into it from their side they learned that heather and tommy were obviously mad about each other sheila not so much she took heather's phone even from her so heather had to get a secret phone to communicate with him they wanted to be alone like alone alone together heather had millions into bank camp but she couldn't get it until she turned 21 she was currently 19. so they didn't want to wait those two years though so hmm how else could they get it the stupidest idea possible tommy was also in contact with a cousin of his named robert bibbs who was advising tommy on how to do it how to get that inheritance the reward was a piece of the inheritance pie that robert bibs he would get nine years for his uh texts to tommy advising him on how to do it so it took them a bit of time to figure it out calling each other bonnie and clyde the bali trip they thought would be perfect and they would make it look like an accident they'd you know make her trip and fall at some point multiple times here's a picture of tommy leaving his room going down to heather and sheila's room with the fruit ball under his t-shirt so he went down to their room hid in the bathroom and at one point jumped out and well began beating sheila to death with it tommy seemingly had a fair idea of what was going to happen when he posted on facebook leaving for indonesia might not come back they were both charged with murder and uh in indonesia if you get charged with murder you can face a firing squad they they don't don't really muck about over there they both still stuck with the self-defense idea that sheila attacked him they hadn't planned on killing anyone in prison heather would tell people a bit more about her and her mother's relationship she told how her mother drank constantly would abuse and shouted her scratched her put out cigarettes on her though of course there are two sides to every story this is the other one neighbors said they fought all the time they would call the police on each other regularly it was abusive from both sides and sheila's arm had been broken once in a fight sheila wrote in an email to a friend i think that there has to be something done with heather because it is not possible for me to continue living like this all of her lies stealing and not knowing where she goes each and every day this has been four years now and i simply cannot do it any longer heather was violent tonight and left when you live the way i've lived with heather for so many years the problems become almost your normal way of life i am really scared of what she may do next i am more frightened than ever i will keep in touch that email was sent while they were in bali so i actually don't know how their holiday went until well you know shite probably anyway they were both saying they were being abused by the other and in a six-month period up until august 2014 the police were called over 60 times to their place the prison heather is in seems uh well i'd personally rather not be there but heather has a phone and access to the internet and seems to be having a grand old time she was happy to yap away in interviews and so on and so forth what's that phrase where it's like i'm gonna do it again heather would give birth in prison to a girl named stella before the trial a trial where their fates would be decided by a panel of judges they were convicted [Music] which as i said could lead to blindfold cigarette bang their fates wouldn't actually be decided until 2018 if you can believe that heather using that time to become a celebrity you've had a horrible picture of me last time i'm mad at you daniel horrible i was like no it's it's yawning so why why publish it it even says on there danny or whatever you want no it wasn't you you're fine [Music] her baby could remain with her in prison until she turned two then she'd be given to a guardian in 2017 heather posted uh this video on youtube well it's not actually entirely sure if heather posted it or someone using her name for the channel posted it either way it got uploaded and it's heather a full confession okay so this is a video that i need to make a lot of the times since i've been a kid i've heard the truth sets you free the truth sets you free and i never understood but i'm heather mack and i want to be set free i don't want to live in a lie anymore when i was 10 my mother killed my father in a hotel in athens greece also lies two weeks before i came to bali i found out that she killed my father and i made it up in my heart in my mind my soul in my blood in the oxygen running through my body but i wanted to kill my mother it's proven that her dad died of a pulmonary embolism so first i asked tommy schafer to help me find somebody to kill my mom for fifty thousand dollars and he said no after that i got this whole new savage idea in my head that i wanted to kill her in a hotel room because she killed my father in a hotel room we were going to bali so i began to plot i began turning off tommy's phone taking tommy's phone when he was asleep starting in chicago taking tommy's phone and having conversations between tommy and myself texting myself having fake conversations and then deleting them before he could see them i didn't want to get arrested by myself in a different country so i came to bali and i told tommy that he was going to come here for a vacation i trapped him here and that is what i regret i don't regret killing my mother i killed her myself and i'm sorry tommy schaefer i'm sorry i love you i really love you and if i could go back i would do it myself and i'm sorry that everyone who ever knew you now thinks you're a murderer when you're not i'm sorry you won't be able to get a job i'm sorry everybody thinks that you're some crazy killer this is the truth she takes the blame for everything that tommy was innocent all that her lawyer not a fan of that it's not the verdict today is it yeah but what what sentence are you requesting okay i'm innocent yeah i'm innocent look at her she's having a great time am i though in the end tommy was sentenced to 18 years in prison heather got 10 years those are tears of relief by the way that's a pretty light sentence for murdering your mama heather and tommy remain in prison in indonesia to this day so that ends that one pretty uh weird story of agreed tommy became a born-again christian in prison baptizing quite a few people heather it seemed like she loved the finer things in life hell that was why she killed her mother and she ended up with a grand total of nothing though she still does get quite a bit of attention a very light sentence to only 10 years for doing what she did the judge would say you know a child should grow up without a mother so that's why that and um it would she wouldn't get a dime from her mother's estate that would be settled the money would go to her daughter stella so at least at least that's something i mean you got to give heather some credit she's definitely making the most of a pretty gnarly situation [Music] thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate you uh taking the time here listen uh go on i'll see you as always real soon in the next little one till then please look after yourselves i love you [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,678,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, sheila von weise mack, heather mack
Id: 8f-lmUFRzSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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