The Story of Archimonde [Lore]

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hello everyone the story of arc month does not begin with our command himself it begins with the Titans and Sargeras the tide is had a mission to bring order to the universe they shape the worlds they created life and took out those who were against their vision the tightest were led by the Pantheon and their champion was called Sargeras and his task was defending their mission against the darkness of the universe he imprisoned countless of demons dreadlords and all kinds of evil creations he performed his duty for thousands of years but over time he began to doubt if the universe was supposed to be all about order then why was this fight in the Titans so much why was there so much evil and chaos in the world was there perhaps the way it's supposed to be he talked with the other members as have been feeling about this but they couldn't help him they weren't able to convince him of the truth of their mission and Sargeras left the Pantheon the corruption within himself the doubt and despair they started to manifest on the outside great flames burst forth out of his body and Sargeras decided that the tides their mission was folly that order was not the way to go and that chaos was the only truth of the universe his mission was no longer to protect the work of the Titans quite the opposite his mission became to destroy their work in order to do that he would need an army so he made his way to the demons that he had imprisoned and he set them free the demons in return were more than willing to join his army and the Burning Legion was created sometime after this sir gars found a planet called Argus and on this planet were very powerful beings namely the editor the editor were ruled by three leaders namely villain Archimonde and kil jaeden Sargeras wanted them into his army so he made contact with the leaders and he showed them a future in which they would receive incredible power knowledge beyond imagination and planets full of loving subjects who would worship and honor them our commander kil Jaeden were directly on board with this plan they were taken away by Sargeras and his powers but the prophet velen felt like something wasn't quite right he meditated on this problem and now showed him the truth of the vision the loving subjects were actually demons the powers given would transform them into unnatural beings and the planners they would come across would be destroyed velan saw that if they joined Sargeras that the universe would be doomed so he talked to his fellow leaders and showed them the truth to his surprise they didn't care about the truth yeah perhaps expected this from our Kalam since he could sometimes easily be swayed if people played on his vanity but kil Jaeden he had expected more of him kil Jaeden was the stronger one he was decisive and he was wise which is why felon felt closer to kil Jaeden but even he was not convinced date holds villain that this was just a vision in his mind not a certain truth and velum realized that they now belong to sir Gareth with the help of the naaru vellum managed to get it as many of his people as he could and he was ready to escape the planets unknown to him was that Sargeras had already started to turn some of his people and they nearly killed felon and his followers only because of the Naaru was Valen able to escape the planet with his people and kil Jaeden was not happy about this he took Bella's betrayal very personal especially since they were so close and he promised that he would find them find them and destroy them even if it took a thousand years while kil jaeden kept himself busy with chasing the dren i Archimonde worked on serving his new master countless planets were waiting to be conquered and he took great joy out of destroying each and every one of them for countless years the Legion would move from planet to planet without much resistance until Sargeras found the planets known as Azeroth this story takes place around 10,000 years ago and they call this the war of the Ancients this story is told in free pretty thick novels so I have to keep the story short and focus it on Archimonde in this time periods the Night Elves for the most sophisticated race on Azeroth they wielded powerful magic magic given to them by the well of eternity we don't know much about the well where it came from or why it was created but what we do know is that was a great source of power the Night Elves were ruled by Queen Azshara and she together with her advisor saviors and highborn made first contact with Sargeras they are being reckless with their magic trying to draw more and more power from the well and this drawn the attention of the legion when xavius called for his queen to expect a portal Sargeras called out to her mesmerized her and told her that he was coming from that moment on Azeroth was taken away by Sargeras she envisioned his arrival is cleansing the world of any imperfections turning it into something as perfect as she was she even dreamed ruling at Sargeras side and becoming his queen the portal that they had created was not strong enough to transport regards to Azeroth so they had to make it bigger they also could have instantly teleport all of the Legion for a massive invasion it happened in stages first they sense the how must hack had been they sends men off and they had the plan of sealing the well from all the other night elves this way they could focus all the power from the well of eternity on the portal but naturally this caused some resistance the night elves were no longer able to use the magic to the full potential so they moved to the palace to ask the Queen what was going on as the doors opened the demons who were able to step through the portal marched out and they killed everything in sight Queen Azshara didn't care that her people had to be murdered she only cared about Sargeras and their perfect world and she saw this it's cleansing the world and getting it ready for Shar Garrett's the rest of the Night Elves who weren't part of chars plans they didn't just sit on their hands a resistance was formed with thousands of Night Elves ready to save their queen they loved her so much that they couldn't understand it there was their own queen who willingly let them all to the slaughter so they placed the blame on xavius and the other highborn those that did realize what was going on like Malfurion Tyrande Illidan they played a key role in the resistance Malfurion skills as a druid allowed him to defeat saviors and he closed the portal that men are off had created halting the legions invasion but he didn't completely stop it too many demons had flowed through the portal already to instantly take back their cities and this gave men are off enough time to reopen the portal and admit his failure to char carrots except that the voice that replied to him from the other side of the portal it was not sir Gareth but his left hand man our commands sir Gareth was very disappointed in Manor off and it was time to bring out the big guns our command was a tactical mastermind with plenty of troops to spare the knight of resistance had a very few strong players but the troops were limited our Kemal made good use of this he trapped the knight else a couple of times but what he didn't count on was that the dragons would aid the Night Elves the dragon aspects had of course noticed what happened to the world and it was Deathwing by order of the old gods who came up with a plan to create the dragon soul a tiny disc fueled by a small portion of each aspects their power which would allow them to banish the Legion from answer of what the aspects didn't know was the death wing was crazy he was under the control of the old gods he convinced the others to give up a portion of their power while he kept all of his power to himself making him stronger than the other aspects our command had calculated our maybe a few two dragons showing up the fights but the full might of five dragonflights but something he didn't see coming when Deathwing arrived on the battlefield he used discs on the legion in the night elves cheered while the demons retreated then death wings madness took over and he also used discs against the nidus resistance and even his fellow dragons in his mind's all the world was against him and they should all bow down to his power he nearly wiped out the entire blue dragon flights but using the dragon soul did not come without consequences and death wings body began to crack the madness within him now started to show on the outside so he left them all to fight over the world while he went to escape and repair himself whoever won the war definitely didn't care if it was the Burning Legion or the Night Elves either one of them would bow down to his immense power and with debts he left the battlefields Deathwing and the Demon Soul as they now called the disk they were a problem for the future for now the Night Elf army had to hold against the Legion their commander Lord raven crest had been murdered so lord desto star I took command over the resistance star I was a noble a fool and he left the technical mind of raven crest our kamal made full use of this and he had his army retreats and start i thought that his tactics were working that they were able to push the legion back in his arrogance he forgot to look up in the sky where massive amounts of Doom guards were flying over the troops and in their hands they held pots with red liquids they poured the liquid over the army and anything that it touched died a horror death with flesh melting away Jarod Shadowsong tried to warn star eye about what was going on and he urged him to take man's reform the lines and shoot the demons from the sky star I however was stunned with seeing so much death around him and knowing that his tactics had filled up in the sky Jared saw more doomguard coming and he tried to pull star Iowa realizing that the commander would have moved he turned his mount around and he rode off just in time before the liquid killed star I in all those around him are commands tactics could have crushed the Night Elves right there but Jared's unwillingly took command of the hosts he ordered archers to shoot down the doom guard and he reformed the lines holding the land against the Legion now the Night Elves had a chance again they had a commander not placed in his position because of his title or his status because he had a good mind on the shoulders and was able to lead that did not mean that the victory would come easy since demons returned to the battlefield with even more numbers than before the Legion had counter soldiers living for the pleasure of torment and battle and Archimonde was not afraid to use them all this meant that the Night Elves needed new allies and Malfurion Stormrage had talked with his teacher the demigod Cenarius about asking the other demigods for help it took a very long time to convince the demigods to join the war efforts but when they did they killed hundreds thousands of demons being demigods did not make them invincible though and as each demigod fell to the legion senarios pushed himself harder to make up for their loss it seemed like scenaries himself would fall to the endless numbers of the Legion but his father Malorne stepped up and saved his life he raised through the battlefields and he gave the Night Elves a chance to drag senarios back upon doing so our command himself entered the battle and he fought with this powerful demigod Malorne is a white stag and he charged ark amount of his antlers even giving a good fights but Indians are kamov managed to place Malorne in a headlock he slowly twisted the demigods head in an awkward angle a tremendous cracking sound echoed through the region one that for just a brief moments caused all other noises to cease our commands had killed cinereous father in response Malfurion unleashed untapped powers as he tried to avenge the father of his mentor great vines spread around Arkham all which didn't bother him at first he ripped the small vines he tried to throw them away only to see the vines grab on to him again more and more vines seized his body and he tried frantically to rip them away Malfurion kept his eyes on the Demon Lord as he repeated his spell and Archimonde realized that he couldn't free himself so he clapped his hands and he vanished in a great ball of green fire so great was our commence power and Malfurion felt like he had failed his teacher Malfurion was able to send Archimonde away from the battlefield at least for the moment but he didn't vanquish him near the end of the story Sargeras was very close to entering Azeroth and Archimonde realized that he had failed his master he would be punished just like Mannoroth would be punished but it didn't mean that he would just sit and wait for it to happen he was going to entertain himself and some of his rage upon those who foolishly fought the day could stand against the might of the Legion Archimonde returned to the battlefield once more killing demons Nigel's dragons anything that stood in his path Jarod Shadowsong saw the giant approaching and although he knew that he wouldn't stand a chance he was not about to surrender he drew his blade and said I await you our command and the Archdemon loved to his credits Jarod stood his ground while Archimonde beat him senseless and jarred himself wasn't even able to touch the demon Lords what they didn't know was that Malfurion and several others had made a way to the well of eternity and they managed to use the demon soul to reverse the portal this did not only stop Sargeras from entering Azeroth but it also sucked the legion back to where it came from the legion men are off our commands none of them stood a chance against the power of the well as a side effects the well was imploding and the land of Kalimdor was about to split apart the Night Elves fled all the way to Mount Hyjal as the world he shaped itself and turned into how we know it as today before this happens Illidan managed to fill a couple of vials with water from the original well and he used this on a lake of water to create a new well the Night Elves had just ended a war against the Legion a war started because of the original well and dabbling in magic so they were not happy about they wanted to execute Illidan on the spot but his brother Malfurion pleaded for his life and they imprisoned him instead to turn this curse into a blessing the dragon aspects decided to plant the world tree in order sail over the new well and they gave it their blessing for as long as the tree would stands the night elves would be immortal time would be at their sides and they would have a chance to learn before the imprisoned Illidan he warned them that the Legion would return they would thank him one day for creating this well and that they will need him once more his warning would become a reality since Sargeras still wanted to conquer the world and during Warcraft 3 the Legion returns our commands brother kil jaeden had sent NER Zhul to Azeroth to start weakening the worlds and getting it ready for their invasion ner zhul recruited Kel'Thuzad into his army and Kel'Thuzad created the cult of the Damned this cult worked on spreading the plague through Lord Ron which would not only kill its citizens but also turn them into the undead to turn them into scourge and make them servants of the Legion eventually even Arthas would become a deaf Knights and he resurrected Kel'Thuzad into a lich they moved to Dalaran stole the book of Medivh and they summoned our command into the worlds come forth Lord Hanuman into this world and let us bask in your power travel waters and despair doom has come to this world you have done well little itch my plan worked perfectly board Archimonde all the preparations have been made very well tie Cumbria's since the Lich King is of no further use to me new dreadlords will now command the Sturge as you wish Thor document soon I will order the invasion to begin but first I will make an example of these portrait wizards by crushing their city into the ashes of history this has got to be a joke what happens to us now be patient young death knight the Lich King for solve this as well you may yet have a part to play in his grand design like here with our Darrow's I fear all does Spitzer darlin taro in das Taku with whom Zafar a seminar Oh Thomas then our someoneĆ­s as a rather look us Oh Belem or are more d'arnot's men are no more no farlows conga are commonplace the dreadlord tech Andria's in charge of the forsaken army and he destroyed Dalaran as a display of power displaced our physical facade out of the picture for now and Archimonde had learned his lesson from the first invasion there were defenses on Azeroth that he needed to be careful of and he ordered men are off to take out the demigod Cenarius for this task Mannoroth decided to use the orcs who once earth kil jaeden and he enslaved them once more Grom Hellscream and his Warriors were chopping trees in a shovel and this anger cinereous and made him appear he destroyed the orcs their base and it looked like he was too powerful for even Grom Hellscream one of the witch doctors in his army sends the powerful dark power within the forest which led the orcs through a pool full of minerals blood when they found the pool the witch doctor wound Grum not to drink one of his warriors told him that this was against all that flora tried to change but Grum didn't listen he embraced the powers from the pool use them to kill cinereous and in the process placed his people in Chains before you will now serve us once again no now they were servants of the legion again just like they were back on Draenor thankfully for Grum Jaina Proudmoore and fro were told by the Prophet medivh that they had to work together to stand against the Legion and Jana helped fro cleanse chrome from the demons corruption afterwards grammar fraud they teamed up they found many rough and Grum killed the pit Lord setting his people free and killing himself in the process our commands didn't care about losing Manor off since his mission was a success men are off had killed the demigod Cenarius opening the way further for the invasion the undead are tireless there's no way to outrun them you see Lord our command we need not fear the Night Elves the scourge can Archimonde after 10,000 years how is it possible the Legion has returned to consume this world woman and this time your troublesome race will not stop us fools let her slip away find her damn you find her and kill daily have one fears finally come the Burning Legion has returned I must cross the river and warn the rest of my sisters were fall all is lost Tyrande moved to awaken Malfurion from the Emerald Dream to help against the legions invasion she also decided that it was a good idea to release Illidan from his prison hoping that he would help them against the Legion Illidan's love for Toronto was so strong that even after 10,000 years of rotting away in jail he still agreed to help her it has been an eternity brother an eternity spent in darkness Illidan you were sentenced to pay for your sins nothing more and who were you to judge me we bought the demon side by side if you recall enough of this both of you what is done is done my love with Illidan's help we will drive the demons back once again and save what is left of our beloved land have you even considered the cost to Rhonda this betrayers aide may doom us all before the end I will have nothing to do with this Malfurion wasn't okay with her on display no said he Illidan free so Illidan moved away from them and decided to do it on his own he met with the death knight Arthas who pointed him towards the skull of Gul'dan the skull was being used by the dread Lord Tyco Andria's to corrupt the forest and its powers would give Illidan the strength to defeat him foul demon what have you done with my brother it is I pure this is what I've become No Illidan how could you leader of the undead has been destroyed and the forest will heal in time at the cost of your soul you are no brother of mine begone from this place and never set foot in our lands again shoo renewed by absorbing the skull Illidan transformed and he looked so demonic that his own twin brother didn't even recognize him the powers granted by the skull did allow him to kill a trade Lord and he did save two forwards but still Malfurion and Tyrande they condemned his actions and they banished him from their lands this had cost him a powerful ally but thankfully throne Jaina would arrive to offer their help in a dream the prophet medivh had summoned them all together he had summoned Malfurion and he explained his history with the legion and his plan of stopping their invasion orcs humans and Night Elves would have to team up they would have to put away the differences their hatred towards each other for the greater good they knew that our command would make his way to the World Tree nor Tercel there he could absorb the powers from the well and while he did this he could also take away the Night Elves immortality Malfurion knew that they could never take Archimonde head-on so he came up with a plan each faction would do his job and it would slow down our c'mon this would give Malfurion the time to summon the guardians of the forest you are very brave to stand against me little human if only your countrymen had been as bold I would have had more fun scouring or Richard Nations from the world is talking all you demons do show yourself or do you intend to have mortal girls to all your fighting for you you box are weak and hardly worth the effort I wonder why Mannoroth even bothered with you our spirit is stronger than you know demon if we are to fall then so be it at least now we are free wicked will actually hurt me are there none left to stand against the Legion this is almost too easy if I had known that this mortal resistance would be so weak I would have launched this invasion centuries ago our commands victory here has made him overconfident we will not see the trap that I laid for him until it is too late at last the way to the World Tree is clear witness the end you mortals the final power has come it was our commence arrogance that hadn't believed that he easily defeated the defenses of the world he didn't pay attention to the small whisper gathering and he had his eyes only on the world three nor door sill a thousand whisks detonated simultaneously blowing up our command as well as the World Tree this calls the Night Elves the immortality but it also stopped the legions invasion of Azeroth a small price to pay for the survival of the worlds does this mean that our command story is completely done well it is for the moment but we also know that certain demons can never be killed on our planets the only way to truly end them is killing them within the twisting nether is that the case for our commands well we don't know but it leaves a window open for blizzards if they ever want to bring them back into the story I'll leave it up to you to decide if that's a good thing or not is it possible that we will see our command Awards of three no it's possible but much like kil jaeden the question is how big of a threat would our c'mon be we already defeated him once in Warcraft 3 and once in the coverage of time does that leave any kind of challenge if you know that you've defeated him before my personal take on it is that our command would be an awesome fight especially if they would team him up for someone like golden or or maybe even man or off that would be brilliant I don't really care that I've defeated him before since last time we had to blow up a tree we had together three different armies we had to destroy the Night Elves immortality to destroy arc Mons imagine what a fight it could be if we don't have any tricks just us against this demon lords I would love to see it but again that's just my take on it which brings us to the end of this video thank you very much watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 946,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Archimonde, Story, Lore, World of Warcraft, WoW, Kil'jaeden, Warcraft 3, Orcs, Humans, Night Elves, World Tree, Nordrassil, Burning Legion, Burning Crusade, Illidan, Malfurion, Tyrande, Jaina, Thrall, Demons
Id: oSrWy-VeBcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 23 2014
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