The Story of Tyl Regor - Warframe

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first you tenno next your Lotus we all know the typical grineer clone overly aggressive unbelievably stupid and possesses such a hatred for everything non- grineer that's honestly kind of frightening the perfect example of an average grineer is someone like Lieutenant Le Krell located the vi time to go to work not very intelligent extremely aggressive and he holds an immense amount of hatred for all things not grineer and probably most things grineer too however one thing that isn't typical about Lieutenant L Crow is augmentations that are on his body that help extend his lifespan and to keep him from succumbing to extensive degenerative disorders that plague the grineer you see the grineer aren't just clones they're clones of a clone of a clone and so on with that process continuing over and over with and with every iteration the grineer Clones the the disorders get worse and they increase in quantity and danger and they just die quicker it's got into such a bad State pretty much any grineer that wants to have an extended lifespan must be lucky enough to be important enough to receive the countless augmentations that can be used to keep their organs working and to replace their rapidly decaying limbs old grineer life too short mind too small most grineer unfortunately never get the chance to be important and live only a fraction of what original humans did with the average gineer clone being extremely luckely to hit the age of 20 the only good thing about the cloning process is that it generally produces such unintelligent specimens they likely never think about their greater purpose or their doomed in short lives or increasingly depressing and ruined state of their own body the gineers one and only respite is that they AR intelligent enough to watch themselves die at the rapid rate that they do however not every specimen created is blessed with the ignorance people who ignore their own mortality in the worsting state of the Empire no some grineer clones are born with intelligence some are cursed with genius LEL IQ some are named T Reger T Reger was cursed with intelligence he was cursed with compassion and he was cursed with empathy he like almost every other grineer a completely unique specimen when that shows love to his brothers concerned on their worsening condition is forced to be tortured with this knowledge old grineer life too short mind too small my tube men overcome leave old mistakes behind and all of a sudden a long slithers the tenno Sick Sick Things here to ruin this fleshman made right jealous that's why you've come my two men are too healthy too resilient too strong too vicious no wait that's not jealous that's frightened I know at the end of the intro there I kind of rode our boy tger just a little bit and almost painted him as a saint among the grineer I mean if you compare him to other grineer he actually is a saint however he's absolutely not one in the grand scheme of things but I mean who really is the reason I point this out though is because tger does share a lot of traits with his grineer brothers that generally make the grineer a somewhat abhorent group of individuals first off tal enjoy causing pain among others and as you can see through his interactions with the tenno Lotus Corpus and even the grener now you can chalk Up the Love of haring's enemies to just that wanting to hurt his enemies cuz who doesn't love hurting people you don't like right guys we all enjoy that but because of things like his creation of Duram not really sure how to say that but I'm guessing Duram is right it's evident that it doesn't matter who he's causing the pain to he likes it or at the very least doesn't mind it at all durman is also evidence that no matter what his experiments in the name of progress always come first it doesn't matter if he has to torture a million different grineer as long as it furthers his research that's okay to him I don't know if you guys know this but experimenting on intelligent sentient being is usually frowned upon there's been very few moments in the entirety of History that experimenting on humans has been encouraged and those moments are generally regarded as the worst moments in our history so I think it's very important to point this out because T Reger is actively experimenting on his own people people that feel pain fear and so much more however I do morally give him a little a little tiny bit small amount very small very small amount of a pass for his experimentation because the grineer condition is so incredibly poor it may be a essential that t Reger studies living specimens especially considering he's the only scientist in the history of the grineer that actually make progress towards solving their genetic issues which brings us to T reger's next personality trait his unbelievable intelligence and not just in reference to other grineer but in reference to literally everyone else in the origin system you could make the argument that t Reger is the smartest individual in the entirety of Warframe due to the frightly fast progress he's made towards increasing the condition of grineer Clone obviously anies like the sephon have much more knowledge than tyer due to their immortality but it really is a debate whether they could actually innovate and develop things like Tyle Reger can grineer researcher Tyle Reger has made alarming strides in the field of Gene repair his work would not only reverse centuries of deterioration due to excessive cloning but also allow for stronger and deadlier genetic molds eliminate regor and put a stop to his work since you really don't see them accomplish any feat as impressive as T reger's Improvement of the great condition at least I don't think so and don't forget T rer made this progress incredibly quickly since grineer lifespans are so short and he probably spent large amount of his uh large amount of his short life as a grunt before the grineer recogniz his genius and on top of that Lis has cut his life short so who knows what he could have potentially accomplished we basically ended his already short life and ended it to where it was even shorter than that and he already had accomplished so so so much in what like 10 years basically what I'm trying to get at is that t Reger is debatably the most intelligent person in the entire galaxy I think that's incredibly important to point out whenever he's mentioned oh yeah I almost forgot he found a cure for the infestation so uh take that sethlon [ __ ] tards now I know it was just one version of the infestation but the fact he was able to find a cure for any of it is pretty insane but anyway now I want to talk about the most admal tray of tger his compassion towards his fellow grineer in the grineer condition this is for the tube men it's hmer time die lizard leech bloody wor more than anything else in the entire world tyer wants to fix what's wrong with the grineer it genuinely pains him to see his grineer brothers become frail and die young his compassion becomes the most evident when referring to his tuban based on his interactions with us in the game he essentially views the tub men as his children any harm that befalls them causes him to become enraged and aggressive I mean can you guys think of any other grineer that actually feels sorrow when another of their Kind dies I mean sure you have veck and VOR hating the Teno far they kill grineer but you ever see them become emotionally distressed reacting to their tuban or their friends dying the Lotus barking at you always so C always in control she doesn't care about you tenno she doesn't love you not like I loved the two men you murdered no I don't think so Tower rer legitimately cares for his two men and that's incredibly admirable it makes him one of the most sympathetic villains in the entire series another example of his friendliness towards his V grineer is his message the sergeant skur after writing a message that was likely too complex for skir to read he apologizes sincerely and writes a message in a way that's more along the lines of something skur could understand finally the last thing of note when it comes to Tower G's personality is his snarkiness he has some pretty high quality taunts when it comes to attacking the tenno obviously this isn't that important but he has some cool voice lines and shows a little bit more finesse with his taunts than tile Garder enemy that just kind of like Grunt and say they're going to kill you tell me oh no no let me see uh when I crack open your head fruit what color juice spills out you must be feeling guilty need to atone I'll oblige let my gavel ring Justice off your thin tins skull as you guys know describing the appearance of these bosses is my favorite thing to do in the entire world and I will now stare lovingly into the soulless robot eyes of tyer he is beautiful I mean man his mask is so handsome not to mention he's so tall he's literally every woman's and man's dream I'm not lying here but now let's get into the actual description of Ty Reger here I'm going to steal this description from the Warframe pedia of course as I normally do because I am scum T Reger wears light blue armor that covers his entire body unlik any other grineer that can really think of you literally can't see a single bit of tg's actual body you can't see anything man he must be very shy part of the reason for that is because he doesn't have either his legs or arms anymore I meant to say either both have been replaced by mechanical attachments I think it's interesting and good visual storytelling that the guy who's improving the lifespan of grineer through experimentation has also nearly completely replaced his own body this implies that t Reger is willing to do whatever he does to others to himself as well showing how important the Improvement of the gear condition is to him because he does it to himself guys that's deep that's a visual storytelling guys I love that he has two antenna like prongs petring from his head that look really dumb but allows him to attack attach the shield of his a and brunt onto the top of his head which is kind of weird but actually makes the fit look pretty cool he also has two mechanical yellow eyes on his mask and for some reason his left eye is larger than his right I honestly really don't know why that is in complete honesty I couldn't really find a reason my best guess is like maybe the left one's like more focused in and like it's like more precise and the right one like wait no reverse that the right one is like more focused in and like sees things more precisely cuz it's smaller and then like the left one has like you know has a wider field of vision but it's like not as accurate far away I don't know um if the robot eyes you think they'd be able to you know what crazy theories guys whatever moving on anyway these are the things I think stick out the most about his appearance and actually should be commented on obviously you guys can see everything I didn't describe by images and videos I've put on screen of him so if I miss anything you guys think is important about his appearance guess what [ __ ] look at him sorry for the aggression there guys I just I kind of lost my train of thought in the eyes thing and it's well let's moving on when talking about tier's importance in Warframe I'm going to try and talk about in chronological order here which is why we're going to start with the least important thing he's ever done when it comes to its effects on the greater Universe of Warframe executioner Duram Darman was a particularly sadistic grineer officer is obsessed with harming anything that lives however due to the grineer condition in his constant degradation Dar I mean durman my bad became worried that he wouldn't be able to participate in his favorite pastime which was uh you know uh torturing people that's what's up you know we all enjoy a little bit of torture all right that's normal we noral people things right since he knew tyer was the goat the goat of genetic research he went to him to help fix his body and slow the degradation so that he could continue his vile ways I need to stop using degreg so much because it's hard for me to say while toer helped durman he could only operate at his full violent capacity with these new augmentations if he himself was currently in extreme pain for some reason T Reger seemed very pleased with this outcome and viewed it as a success based on reger's intelligence and Feats it seems unlikely that it was accidental it may be possible that Ty rer just felt like being a dick in this scenario by essentially ensuring durman will now live a long life full of non-stop pain maybe it's because he felt like durman needed punishment for how he treated his fellow grineer or maybe Reger just thought it was funny as [ __ ] cuz it kind of is durman now spins the rest of his days in rathum because that's the only place there's no shortage of pain his violent outbursts are encouraged also fun fact apparently durman's the only uh op in the entire game that drops like a uh this one mod to make shotguns quiet I'm not sure if that's still true but I was doing research for this video I saw that most people were complaining about it because apparently he didn't spawn that often but yeah moving on to the tuban of [Music] regar now we cover Darman we're going to take a look at one of the most important operations in Warframe history called the tan of Reger in 2015 we received a message from Lotus telling us that she intercepted Transmissions uncovering T reger's secret cloning labs and we would work with either nef Ono or Al V both of which offered us the exact locations of the labs if we chose to work with them the exact transcript of the message L sent us is as follows tenno okay I'm not doing a female tenno these intercepted trans I can't do it I can't do it guys we're not locked in tenno these intercepted Transmissions promise the opportunity to strike at the heart of ters secret cloning labs this opportunity comes with a difficult Choice alv thinks these Labs can a cure for the infestation that riddles his body he wants us to find it nef ano hates salad will do anything to keep him from becoming strong again incling destroying the Cure he seeks both are offering the lead us to the labs you must decide which is the lesser of the two evils uh tenno I admit I've made mistakes terrible mistakes that have left me crippled with Decay now I ask you for your Mercy till rego's hidden cloning Labs hold secrets secrets that could prove most regenerative for for me if if I get you into the labs will you bring me the data I need what do you say will you give a sick man one more chance blasphemy you must not not help aled Purge his body of the infestation I have an alternate proposition I pay you to destroy the labs before aled can get his rancid hands until RHA gor's research the grineer lose alled loses and the void the void is pleased it's up to you tenno will you make the righteous choice right out of the gate the T of Reger is an absolute Ely insane Quest requiring us to either work with aled v who believe that rer has the means to cure infestation currently taking over his body or nef Ono whose sole purpose was to keep Al from getting the possible cure from rer now you might be asking why would the Lotus stoop soow low to work with someone as corrupt and vile as out would be or as weird looking as neon look he looks weird guys let's just be real here and it's by his own choice so it's not bi a shaming he chooses to look like that anyway and the answer is in those Transmissions the Lois referred to in her original message to us apparently T Reger was making significant progress in holding the genetic deterioration of the grineer and was actually reversing it in some aspects and the said t men that are in the title of the operation are the fruits of this labor they were stronger more intelligent and even more subservient than the average grineer clone basically more effective in every single aspect the lus thought would be worth it to help out either of the Corpus leaders in order to ensure that t rer doesn't continue to make progress since if his tban became widespread the G would almost certainly become the dominant faction in the origin Galaxy this goes to show just how intelligent tyer is when has a grineer literally ever been feared for their mind and knowledge and not their sadistic and violent tendencies never not to mention he's so smart that he had more knowledge over the infested than the orcin who literally created the infestation I mean the fact he had the Cure that Al V needed is absolutely insane this guy really is next level sorry for that se segment of Hardcore [ __ ] writing T's just one of the most impressive villains in Warframe I really don't feel like he gets enough credit in the universe he barely gets mentioned I feel like I besides for Ballas hunhow and the Man in the wall all three of which possess nearly Godlike Powers the biggest start the origin system has ever faced was from T Reger and his advancements in genetic re research it's likely that if he was able to continue his research Not only would the average Ganer clone Skyrocket in power but he would also find a permanent solution to the investation the fact his life was cut so short by us is incredibly unfortunate because someone on his level could have ended up doing incredibly good things for the origin Galaxy it sucks that the villain we tend to work with the most is Al V and not t Reger because with t Reger real progress could be made such as the extermination of the infested but instead were stuck with Al V the biggest [ __ ] in the entire Universe oh look it's Alid the coward quivering behind the lizards shameful never thought I'd see it who am I kidding always knew you had no bone in that back IID the jellyfish stinky floppy jelly fish washed up on the beach now and then what are you going to do jelly when I come by and poke at you with my stick I apologize for getting extremely off track there operation T of Reger was treated as a timed event in the Warframe Universe with players getting to pick who they chose to support by completing multitude of different Invasion missions in the end most people chose to save Alid V this resulted in the official can of operation T of Reger being that the tenno and Al V worked together to destroy the labs and researched that Reger was using to fix the grineer condition and the Nintendo also stole the cure for the infestation from T to give it to Alid V obviously the sequence of events didn't make Ty Reger very happy actually it enraged him for a variety of different reasons let's go ahead and list those very reasonable reasons right here number one we destroyed his lab which likely also doubled as his home along with the home of his brothers number two we destroyed years upon years of extremely complicated and difficult work that could have cured his brothers and ended the threat of the infestation number three tyer considered the two men that defended his lab's family almost to level that one would consider their own children so essentially what we did was drown hundreds of his family members in an underground lab after listing all of these reasons out I most of us can agree that his anger towards the tenno and the Lotus is pretty [Music] valid the next Quest that Reger is involved in is called stolen dreams in all honesty he isn't very important to this Quest so we'll just go over the parts that pertain to him basically Ty Reger hired a treasure hunter named Maru to find several ancient orc and Arcane C es for him hoping that they might hold some sort of information that would help him progress in his genetic research however since nothing can ever go right for T rer Maru betrays him and breaks the contract with him in order to sell the codes at a higher price to the Corpus after Maru did to incredibly dirty she runs to the tenno like a little [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Maru then betrays the Corpus as well and tells the tenno where they can find and steal the Coes from them honestly just [ __ ] this [ __ ] maru's a [ __ ] [ __ ] her [ __ ] her I hate her [ __ ] her so now let's know once again piss off T rer by protecting the person who literally just robbed him and was this is like a moral thing here it's like a moral conundrum here she literally just robbed him and broke her contract she's completely in the wrong here Reger did nothing wrong so if we're keeping the keeping track here the know have now killed reg's family destroyed his home destroyed his life's work and assisted someone who is just stealing from him tager has done a whopping nothing at this point to actually hurt anyone you can argue try to find the a cure for the grenade would hurt the whole galaxy but it would be extremely difficult to convince me that find a cure for your dying race is a morally wrong thing to do toer has ironically been the victim this entire time now I'm not saying no tenno shouldn't have destroyed his lab cuz it's obviously a necessary evil to stop the grineer however that doesn't mean that Reger was in the wrong at all that's essentially the extent of reger's involvement in Soul and dreams though basally showed up got scammed was stopped from getting revenge and then got [ __ ] like well Tower was relevant in s stream's last wisht his presence really isn't fell a ton during this Quest not like it normally is the really in my opinion the reason I say this is because a lot of the enemies you'll be fighting throughout C's last switch were sent by Tyler Gore however you won't really interact a ton with him in this Quest besides some voice lines and the main objective of this Quest doesn't really deal a ton with the grineer just stopping them from getting the crystals I guess I mean I do think it's important to talk about his motives for being involved in this situation which do make a lot of sense tyer learned that the Warframe citrine had completely encased the archimedian Bic inania in a crystal-like substance effectively preserving their bodies since the old war the reason that toer was so interested in these crystals is because the arch comedians are actually just straight up healthy humans who likely share somewhat similar DNA whoever was used as the original grineer clone old war Warframe made Crystal caskets caskets for who Bel and Ria mighty good genes they had yes genes for the two men smash the crystals take the genes do the science by two men get stronger well I mean they aren't like actually healthy because they're dead and have been frozen in crystals for basically hundreds of years but like their DNA might still be Health in the attack or something like that I'm not really sure I'm not a scientist but tager believes that he could use their ancient DNA to help restore current grineer clones which honestly makes a lot of sense I guess kind of like our current Lou Mano situation maybe can't we like make woolly mammoth or something I'm not sure I'm not sign at this actually someone in the comments let me know about that woolly mammoth stuff is it possible to bring back or at least create like a hybrid woolly mammoth that we inject like woolly DNA into a current female elephant egg I don't know maybe I shouldn't be getting my genetic and biological information from Jurassic Park that's really all I got here guys I'm I'm not a genius here I like one biology course in college that's all I got basically tyer saw The two scientists in the crystals like that one old dude so a mosquito trapped in that Amber In fairness to Ty rer I like having two entire human bodies of dissect would be significantly more useful than a mosquito that apparently drank the blood of a bunch of different dinos if I'm being honest I think that's how the movie went anyway that yeah that one biology class I took in college is coming extremely clutch right now also guys please like And subscribe so maybe I can eventually drop out of college like all my favorite YouTubers have even though I graduated in less than a year 100K Subs I drop out let's go baby make it happen anyway I think we can move on now I've ran enough about stuff I don't understand and uh the tarore was you know he was in this Quest but wasn't like ingal I guess I don't know the next Quest that t rer had significant amount of involvement in is called nat now Nat was an incredibly important quest in Warframe and honestly explains so much about the orcin the tenno and the Lotus not to mention the quest had introduced the sentients NAT answered like 50 different questions we had about the Warframe universe and it made us ask about 1,000 more so instead of doing a full recap of this Quest I'll instead just talk about Ty reger's relevance in this Quest so I don't end up sitting here talking about you know for the next 3 hours talking about this for the next 3 hours I mean this is already my second long script actually it at this point it's actually my longest script I still have a significant amount of writing to do so we're just not going to get into into all of that right now tarer had found some sort of ancient tomb that was seemingly created by The orcin Who hundreds of years ago had ruled the Galaxy and held a ridiculous amount of power the oran were also the people who created the grineer so idea finding some long Lost orcan Tomb was very intriguing to Reger and he thought that he could find helpful artifacts for his research he then begins Excavating the Tomb in the hopes to find some useful artifacts however his excavation attempts cause sentient beans called Oculus to awaken while I'm not 100% sure on this or honestly even a little bit sure I saw several people claiming that the Oculus we see are actually parts of hHow that he had split from himself since cients are apparently able to reproduce through division also hanau is like the king leader of all sentient that of lot lot of complicated stuff I have more a more detailed talk on the orcin and the sentience if you go and look at my ballast video which I do recommend because I like money and also I think it's a good video anyway the Oculus being awakened frighten the Lotus and this resulted in the tenno eventually being sent to ensure that the excavation of the Tomb be stopped while fighting off grenade forces in the Tomb hunhow the leader of the sentience awakened and caused Tower Gregor to retreat officially ending his attempts to excavate the tomb Le more of the sentience in Oregon tger blamed the Awakening of the sentients on the tenno for interfering with the excavation causing him to become incredibly enraged by the tenno for once again significantly harming his research before keeping a list of how many times the tenno have wronged T when T has done nothing to provoke him it's pretty long so let's go over it attacked and destroyed his home killed hundreds of grineer that his that he essentially considered his children destroyed his research into fixing the condition that plagues his people that's literally so messed up Solo's research that involved reversing the effects of the infestation defend Maru when she blatantly robbed him so it crystallized bodies of B and Ria which prevented him from doing research on them and finally we interrupted his excavation of a sentient tomb so honestly t t Reger hating us kinds of makes sense I mean I agree with Theo taking all these actions we're not in the wrong here but toer probably isn't going to be willing to see it from our perspective anyway us constantly foiling to reger's plans and ruining his life led to him calling us out and challeng us in the Titania sector we respond to his call out and dismiss tger in the Titania sector officially ending the life of one of the greatest Minds in the history of the origin system tenno you seal my tomb you kill my two men not acceptable behavior our differences need to be settled so you know where I am come get me just try I'm taking a point everybody's favorite Greener boss tyer overwhelmingly won and I mean like like 40% over the next person which is insane in a poll with four different options I think that's because he's one of the few villains in Warframe who's actually sympathetic there's so many villains like nef ano ballis the T queens and VC that are nearly cartoonishly evil in the game that actually seeing one with compassion and love for his fellow soldiers really connects with us not only that but toer doesn't really antagonize or Target us that much until after we start messing with him he kind of just kept to himself and did his own thing until we attacked his seap the fact that t seems more like an enemy because of circumstance and not because of his moral standing just really makes him Stand Out Among most of the major enemies in Warframe but anyway let me know what you guys think of toer and what you think of the videos I know this video went on for a very long time so I do appreciate everyone who made it this far if you did make it this far I wouldn't mind a little like And subscribe baby that'd be very sexy and cool of you beyond that I apologize for it taking me so long to get this video out like I said previously a post I think a few uh days ago or weeks a week at this point even I have a family member and a pet that are both recovering from surgery I just found out my uh one of my dogs has cancer um so it's been somewhat a somewhat stressful time not the guilt trip you guys for uh for me not making a video for a while but um it has been very stressful so I've been busy so I do apologize this video uh and this video obviously requires much more work than like the weapon videos I make so the combination of stuff going on in my real life and the video itself uh taking longer just natural is what made it take so long for me to release this video which is insane I know I do apologize it is my fault I also probably be dropping videos about trying new warframes for the first time I have the Banshee Warframe I want to try out I've never used before Prime hildon and a prime Baro Warframe that I want to make videos about and I have all of them done crafting so expect that in the near future maybe two or three days for the first one maybe sooner than that I don't know it depends if I can really focus on my work right now cuz like I said I am somewhat busy I also release some weapon videos of course that I'll keep going for as long as this channel exists probably I do really enjoy doing them when it comes to next boss he'll probably on a corpus enemy cuz I don't know if I've done a single Corpus enemy yet besides the sergeant who doesn't even count so start leaving suggestions in the comments below for that please anyway thank you guys so much for watching uh like subscribe and comment and have a blessed day see you guys all on the next one I do hope I do see you guys I love you guys it's been have a lot of fun making these videos and uh yeah peace out stay blessed after for like years probably at the end of the video because I don't want to [ __ ] up the flow of the video but we are indeed this is just me fighting T doing this Mission it's actually been researcher tyer has made alarming it'ser oh my gosh see that's why that's why I need the research for this video bro cuz I call him Tyler Gore bro it's Ty Reger bro Tower reg and put a stop eliminate regor regor regor regor that's a wait Tyler reg Reger I'm [ __ ] cooked I'm cooked I can't say his not right name right at all always learn so much from a live dissection he unironically has the best voice in the game like in all actuality Tyle uh rigger his name is it's rigger really has he has the best voice in the entire game that [ __ ] is so clean sounding all right we just destroyed that grener se no no no no that's sounds too Humane bro he sounds so clean he sounds so sophisticated bro he's so much more sophisticated than every other grineer in the game it's actually insane it sounds so handsome like I'm not even going to lie to you bro it sounds handsome as [ __ ] that's a sexy ass sound of [ __ ] I would let him do some crazy things to me oh did I really just say that you had me anxious okay he's G nous pacing even didn't think you'd come such a Rel I'll finally get the chance to hurt you these voice lines are so cold oh my Lord okay I need to fight him like once every week just to hear him talk bro okay we're here we're here we're here we're here lock in lock Inus barking at you always so calve always in control she doesn't care about you ten she doesn't love first you tenno next your Lotus okay he recognizes the Lotus you don't see that very often okay okay let's go tile T regor come near me and I'll pound you into a tiny Cube oh he's going to pound me okay that sounds kind of sus bro that sounds kind of sus bro damn he's fast as hell where the hell did he go where the [ __ ] are you at what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where is he am I tripping ah he's him he's him where is this [ __ ] going dude where the [ __ ] oh yeah we just cooked him we just cooked him I think he makes the water rise that's why I remember holy [ __ ] I think last time I played they didn't have all this [ __ ] happen for real I don't remember this happening last time I played it looks so much cleaner oh my gosh and the lights coming in when you come in was that an update bro cuz that was actually clean bro like it's actually been probably like years like literally like three 4 years since I actually fought him like no joke like unironically I know that's insane what are these things oh it's his little W where that guy go where did he go die lizard Leach oh he's in the door dude he's getting kind of upset you're getting kind of upset man I think you need therapy here can you not can I aim can I aim that like a [ __ ] finally okay we got the kill he's back he's back in Action he's back in Action you're not him you're not him where's he at yeah you're not him bro sorry broy you're not him sorry broy you're not him what's he doing is he destroying more [ __ ] that's a shark nowhere left to hide I've never seen that [ __ ] before look at that to run what the whoa whoa where's that laugh bro who is that this sight is crazy it's kind of scary I'm not going to lie to you I kind of missed the shark whoa yo chill out chill out this is for the tube men all I get it I understand it's for your tub men bro what about me though do it for me do it for me Daddy I mean do it for me baby all right come back bro you can come back bro I think that hurts me if I go in the water cuz there's like electricity and [ __ ] you can come back bro uh you can come back bro you can come back bro what what are you doing uh what is he doing do I have to go in the water I don't think I do ah almost stin up on me he's baiting he's baiting where [ __ ] go mother [ __ ] sneaky he dead as hell too he dead as hell dead as hell w Mission W Mission nice work taking down the VIP now get to extraction yes Mommy yes Mommy I'll get to extraction okay that's that's actually a badass fight bro Tyle is [ __ ] awesome dude I'm going to stop saying his last name I think I keep saying it wrong B was actually just a badass fight I'm not going to lie he's actually just sick dude the voice actor is insane uh the fight with the lights coming on when he first walk in is awesome uh the manical laughter the [ __ ] quips and threats it's actually probably one of the best assassinations in the game like unironically just like thematically it's one of the best setups in the whole game kind of riding his [ __ ] right now but you know it's pretty bit I mean it's pretty fun anyway uh let's get a lot of loit real quick but yeah I'm excited to uh get into this video baby and we can really talk about my boy he's him
Channel: Kook, the Fanatic
Views: 15,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war, frame, warframe, tyl, regor
Id: zUt2IlaQfCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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