The Story Of Snapewives

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i promise to always be faithful in body and mind and never love another man i promise to love and cherish you all of my life i promise to respect and honor you all of my life i promise to dedicate all of my life to you i promise to stand by you in good times and bad times i promise to protect and guard you and to prevent you from any harm i promise to provide anything you need for you i promise to take the best care of you i promise to use your name with all the respect it deserves i promise to always wear the ring with your name in it as a symbol of my love i promise to obey you no matter what i promise to respect your wishes and not be selfish i promise to look after you in sickness and in health i solemnly promise all of this to you sever snape my only love so yeah this video is about snape wives this is a community which sprung up in the early 2000s well around 2005 actually on live journal so i will admit it's a little bit before my time um i was a child in 2005. i was never on live journal but it how could i not do this one it's so up my alley it's so good i have relied on first-hand accounts of people who were there to try and piece the story together for you i've done so much research i like bolted up right out of bed like two days ago in the morning and was like snape wives i'm doing a video on snapewise so i've just been in like this snape wives rage for the past two three days and i i really feel like i've microwaved my brain i feel like i've absorbed a small nugget of the insanity going on here so what are snape wives well you know what i'm not gonna sugarcoat anything i'm just gonna figuratively dump the ice bucket over your head there's a great summary on and i'm gonna read it for you the snape wives also known as snapists are a group of women who believe that they channel severus snape allow his spirit to inhabit their bodies and speak to him of course are engaged in romantic relationships with him and see him as a vital spiritual guide for their daily lives they practice snapism a new religious movement centered on snape they believe severus snape is not simply a character in the harry potter books but an omniscient and immortal deity and in fact believed that the books were written because jk rowling was channeling snape there is so so much more to it than that but that that's a pretty decent tldr the snapewives themselves have written some pretty uh punchy summaries of their beliefs as well i believe that severus snape exists independently of jk rowling i'm yelling because this is all caps he is a living feeling spirit i believe anything is possible and that severus does visit those he chooses to isn't he a fictional character from harry potter he is in the book yes that doesn't prove anything let's just say severus snape goes beyond that and it's not easy to explain i believe he is out there real enough to communicate have you ever wanted something so badly that you ached from within your very soul for it that it gnaws at your heart and very being at times it brings tears to my eyes and i find myself trembling from the need i have never experienced anything this intense before now there are times when i feel that my soul is being torn asunder with fierce desire obsession is a mild word for what i feel for severus snape as you can imagine there's a lot going on here and i'm going to get into excruciating detail don't you worry but before we do that i've got to tell you a little bit about this video sponsor nordvpn i've already been using nordvpn for a couple of years now i love promoting things that i genuinely really like and use every single day of my life it's so easy if you did not already know vpn stands for virtual private network and it works because when you connect to one of the vpn servers it hides your ip address it's an essential internet safety tool if you don't want the zuck peeping on your data you're going to need a vpn however i use a vpn mainly for streaming reasons if i'm at home and i 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by websites dedicated to making fun of them however it's kind of the name they've been stuck with gone down in history with they called themselves snapists but even that term was coined very very late in the timeline of this community like after it was thought that they were already declining and losing most of their members it's likely that someone just came up with snapists to sound better than snape wives but like it sounds worse in my opinion but anyway it doesn't really seem like they called themselves anything during like the main events of their movement but yes they were married to snape on the astral plane and snape wives feels fine as a name for that i'm just i'm going to call them snape wives for the duration of this video and if you are already sitting there and thinking damn just what the hell just i want to study these people you are not the first someone has in fact studied these people an amazing source for this video was snape wives and snapism a fiction-based religion within the harry potter fandom by zoe alderton it was published in 2013 and it's a really good read it's a very it's a very fun and approachable read for an academic article i enjoyed it quite a bit it goes into even more detail than i have time for in this video about certain subjects as well as the implications of like modern fiction based religions on the internet which snape wives are far from being the only ones there's but again things i don't things i don't have time for um if you want to go down that rabbit hole highly recommend this article it will be linked in the description two of the most prominent snape wives and the main subject of alderton's article were named tanya and rose they were the only two snapewives who were actually friends in real life and i do imagine that that sharing something like that with someone in your in your day-to-day life and just not on the internet probably helped to strengthen their commitment to it quite a bit the other members were spread out all over the world and and to our knowledge never met each other most of the snapewives original posts are now lost to the internet but one surprisingly intact relic is rose's live journal account you can see her extensive collection probably hundreds of snape edits and read some of her posts as well her bio reads i am 43 i don't know when the last time she updated this was probably a very long time ago but at the time i am 43 married two times divorced one time i got two cats my son tested for his second dan in taekwondo 8th of april and broke a concrete block with a hammer fist i have along since i was 10 fascination obsession and understanding for vampires three years ago beginning of april i gotten my first tattoo it is of a rose which pierces through the skin with its thorns therefore leaves some drops of blood okay ebony darkness also i have severus snape's name tattooed below it i am hoping to finish it soon with a profile of his over the rose i love severus snape beyond reasoned understanding or comprehension i am completely and insanely obsessed with him since 2000 he has helped me to open my mind and see beyond i have experienced phantom smells tastes sounds feelings and have seen him i very much believe in the paranormal the metaphysical or whatever names one wishes to use i don't answer to any religion only to severus my guide master and much more why snape though why snape that is the question it makes sense to me especially right off the heels of the tumblr sexy man video like we owe a lot of tumblr sexy man culture to early snape fandoms like this snape is he's just that type he's just that dark broody bad boy people have always been drawn to characters like him whether that's other fictional kind of shitty borderline abusive men criminals anti-heroes real-life serial killers but snape snape is so intriguing because it goes deeper than that he appealed to a lot of people as like a kind of bullied reject loner figure that they could really connect with so redemption for that character or power given to that character was very personal to them very cathartic two users on one of the snapewives forums wrote i do admit i'm a bit hung up on the character of snape probably because i recognize and identify much with the treatment he gets from both the other characters and with and some readers and i see a lot of myself in him i'm painfully blunt i'm an intellectual i'm socially awkward i have a dry sense of humor i can be very sarcastic my family will also agree that sometimes i [ __ ] just to [ __ ] not because there's an actual problem or i'm actually upset but i'm also very loving and will do anything i can to save people slash beings from pain and i know where he gets that from having come from an abusive household myself you can either continue the pattern or do everything you can not to repeat it not to harm others but of course the snape wives went a lot farther than just sympathizing with this character um and you know as as fandom tends to do uh a lot of their characterization of snape was creative you see snape has snape has literally said and i quote i despise annoying giggling fangirls whom think they understand me as being cute fluffy funny i only give audience to those women who are strong and able to withstand my fierce temper and do as i say i coldly ignore those vain simpering females that hold a thought like a leaky sieve i can teach you how to feel teach you how to think that's right absolutely no cutesy flower crowns allowed as you may be sensing uh from the the tone here at times there is also an extremely sexual aspect to a lot of snapewives content yay really amazing source for this video was the article consider the snape wife by ashley reese as a part of that article she interviews zoe alderton the the author of the academic paper about snape wives and in that interview alderton explains the sexual aspect of it just flawlessly so i'm going to quote her there was obviously some real resonance with the idea that he was just absolutely in charge and that he was an incredibly domineering fearful force i think there's a lot of people who feel sexually attracted to that but also kind of socially attracted to it like gathering around this amazing domineering real kind of alpha character even though he's also brooding on the sidelines i think people like that combination she also said i think a lot of women are socialized and brought up to feel like their role is a nurturer and that you're not central to your own story you're the nurturer you're the mum figure or the girlfriend figure i think for a lot of women that's where their minds go because that's been the narrative that's been given to them their whole lives those two quotes just sum it up perfectly like i said because that's that's very that's exactly it that's their attitude he's like this mean domineering alpha and that's like sexy but also he needs to be fixed and nurtured we've seen this dynamic a million times we've seen fandom turn kind of broody boys into like dark sexual alphas with the past we've seen it a million times and we're still seeing it sometimes they even get it published it's crazy so like how did they possibly justify this you know this obviously went way beyond normal accepted fandom behavior interestingly the idea that the harry potter canon the books and the movies were somehow flawed and jk rowling was wrong to write them the way that they did it was a pretty common perspective within the harry potter fandom i mean like ron and hermione ew what but people were especially undignified about the treatment of snape saying that his redemption arc wasn't good enough i mean yeah it was it was bad it was bad it was barely a redemption arc it wasn't well written like i understand why if you had wanted so much more for that character and you had followed all of these books hoping that he would get some kind of validation like i understand why that would be very frustrating a more extreme wing of fandom began to see snape as something of an objective reality with rowling as a flawed scribe who does not quote unquote own him on the whole this does not manifest in the belief that snape literally exists but it can be seen as a logical precursor to this attitude snape wives really hated rowling that was one one single the only singular way that they were ahead of their time apparently rowling was meant to tell snape's story about his heroic defeat of voldemort or whatever so but then she went astray because she was she was scared of snape's true power so she went astray and he abandoned her the core components of the harry potter story the the basic components and the world that it's set in are real but the books are still mostly just garbage muddled by jk rowling's bad opinions and preferential treatment of harry there are many descriptions in the harry potter books of snape being ugly and greasy and gross and snape wives would call that the hairy filter everything is filtered through harry's wrong bad invalid opinion as i'm sure you can imagine the snape wives were very cut off from the rest of the harry potter fandom you you can't just roll up to a normal harry potter discussion forum and start going on about how obviously snape didn't die in the books because actually he's an immortal deity not unlike the christian god who possessed jk rowling to tell his story but then she betrayed him slash was inadequate and wrong so he abandoned her and now he communicates with a community of middle-aged women on live journal instead naturally the the biggest glaring problem with the books for a lot of the snape wives was snape's death in the last book obviously this can't be correct because he's an immortal god who can't die and yet a lot of the snape wives actually did mourn him after this and create tributes to him i mean he was still a god who couldn't die to them but like maybe there was multiverses or different dimensions or something and like maybe he did die in one dimension plus anyway the deathly hallows book takes place in 1998 so if he died in 1998 how could he be communicating with them in 2007 is time even real tanya writes this fan fiction where the immortal god snape takes her to the deathly howl's book universe and then they like go to the grave of the snape who died in that universe and like dig up his grave the snapewives clearly had a lot of emotions about snape's death and and they found their ways to engage with that and to vent those feelings regardless how did this manage to go so far is another valid question a lot of people have chalked that one up to live journal when i was growing up and first starting to engage with fandom as a teenager was where it was at now i it's ao3 now it's been 803 for a long time i come from the generation before there was livejournal that was where a lot of the fandom stuff as well as some other tumblr variety of stuff tended to be housed in the early 2000s live journal tended to create very insulated communities i mean it wasn't that difficult to join them you could still get people creeping on each other starting drama etc etc but it wasn't like tumblr where you post something in a tag and then suddenly your your stuff is on blast to everyone who can look at that tag the stuff could go on relatively privately on live journal for a lot longer which honestly just makes me wonder like what the hell could be going on in discord servers these days now to get into some more of these specifics what exactly is the lore here that we're dealing with within the snape wives religion alderton actually notes that the snape wives theology seems very very consistent well thought out well understood by all of the members they have a very clear idea of who snape is what he wants and represents as a god as well as what counts as valid devotional practices and alderton describes those devotional practices as a combination of kind of established religious traditions mostly drawing on christianity and some newly invented practices owing to the snape wives background in fandom culture as well as the new technology at their disposal the internet the online space the blog as a place of worship is super interesting writing fan fiction making fan art and edits and collages as religious experiences images especially were extremely central as i'm sure maybe you could have gathered from rose's very impressive repertoire of images everything snape related is holy every every image of him is a religious object with some kind of connection to him rose's house apparently had a whole room dedicated to like snape posters and pictures kind of like a shrine there's this instance where she is like she feels that she is physically shoved to her knees by the spirit of snape while in that room any representation of snape is seen to be a point of contact to him for example rose becomes infuriated over the treatment of a highly realistic toner brand snape doll she was appalled after the reading of snape's teenage humiliations in harry potter and the order of the phoenix 2003 fans would deem it appropriate to check under his clothes to see if he had knickers on and take pics of his naked rump on the internet she states i wouldn't ever dare disrespect master in such a humiliating manner and that's all fine and good however it leaves me with the very pressing question aren't these images of alan rickman though the actor who played snape in the movies it's one thing to do fan art of a book character but like this is a picture of a real guy who exists well he died existed and it was not snape or is it the idea of snape that matters more i've seen no justification for this but they're very obsessed with the image of snape and that image is alan rickman another very important facet of snapism was channeling the spirit of snape rose and tanya both claimed to very frequently channel snape in their day-to-day lives other members struggled with their lack of direct connection to him one particularly vocal member who the alderton article also follows in some detail is a member from holland named conchita she has a handful of vivid dreams about snape and can feel his presence but he never quite seems to directly communicate on the level that he does to rose and tonya and that's something that she's made to feel quite insecure about rose and tanya also claimed that all of their fan creations are inspired by the spirit of snape much like the bible was inspired by the holy spirit only this time we're talking about snape erotica whereas conchita engages in that sort of fan creation to feel closer to the spirit of snape some women also try and communicate with him in more i guess established occulty sort of ways lighting candles for him or even trying to communicate with him via ouija board what's clear is that snape communicates with his wives unequally so why are some chosen and others not rose and tanya take it upon themselves to imply that maybe some of the other snape wives like conchita just aren't there their hearts aren't as pure they're they're maybe they're not good enough for snape tanya especially is like the regina george of the snape wads she is by far the top [ __ ] when it comes to channeling the spirit of snape by far the most talented is tanya in a self-insert fan fiction snape announces that she is quote unquote the vessel and that he prefers to write to his wives through her when starting a new blog tanya announced severus snape himself may speak here this is his journal as well she requests that people only follow this blog if they believe that severus is a spirit and have a very open mind in regards to her online channeling tanya specifies it is never role play she also states that she has no control over snape or when he might choose to appear tanya's ability to channel has allowed her to introduce new codes of conduct and beliefs into the group through tanya snape declares i can teach you how to feel teach you how to think to submit to him is to accept this channeled wisdom tanya also engaged in extensive sexting with the other snape wives while channeling the spirit of snape most often this sexting while channeling snape was with her irl bestie rose and i'm just reading this for the first time in an academic paper of all places but i'm reading this for the first time and i'm just like i'm breathing so deeply because this is just not a storyline that i ever expected to have to hear twice truly nothing in all of human history is original or tonya is the reincarnation of benedetta carlini take your pick maybe the biggest difference between snape wives and medieval christian mystics is that while the catholic church gave their stamp of approval and made hildegard of being in a saint the harry potter fandom dismissed the dismissed the harry potter fandom dismissed the snape wives as insane but even so the snape wives did not let all of the hate get to them especially when their god was such a important presence in their day-to-day lives through feeling his presence conchita was able to determine that he dislikes the sweetness of sinterklaas candy but enjoyed a steak that she cooked one time in 2006. just that one rip to every other steak she ever cooked i guess for thanksgiving snape helps rose to thaw and tenderize her turkey and gives tanya inspiration with seasoning his knowledge of potions comes in handy snape heals tanya from digestive pain in her stomach by giving her a potion containing ginger though snape can be an exacting master he demanded that tanya give him a list of every food in her house containing fiber when she had digestive problems if they saw like a cloud or a piece of string make an s shape that was a sign somehow of something they just kind of attributed everything in their lives every feeling they had or thing they noticed some kind of a sign from snape if it's a good thing it's a blessing from snape if it's a bad thing you better watch out you must have done something wrong a member of your family that you hate dies thanks snape that is unfortunately a real example also uh he can control the weather yeah uh he cured tonya of her fear of spiders so that's pretty cool i guess although they did have quite consistent and well-developed theology there were a few discourses that the snapewives community kept coming back to which which eventually would be central to their downfall the first one being why are some women chosen to have visions and others not like i said they could be a little bit trad wifey they cared a lot about feminine virtues and physical attractiveness so when it came to some women apparently being chosen by snape over others things could get a little judgmental like i said conchita struggling to have visions was a source of tension between her and poster child members like tanya and rose from the very beginning because obviously if a woman was not receiving these passionate communications from her god it was it was because something about her was inadequate was she not beautiful enough was she too much of an independent modern woman not submissive enough one suggestion was apparently that someone's pajamas were not sexy enough to attract snape into their dreams anyway there was just there was a lot of body shaming and a lot of judgment about what kind of a woman you were and just trad wifey icky things you know the second common point of discourse was erotica snape wives obviously wrote just hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction often self-insert fanfictions getting into their personal relationships with snape the debate though was how graphic the erotica was allowed to get before crossing the line it's disrespectful tanya and rose were on the side of absolutely not a single thing held back just the raunchiest craziest most problematic snape porn you've ever heard in your life conchita was one of the members who disagreed with that approach as for conchita she is adamant that snape is not a dom in a sadomasochistic relationship with his wives and is disgusted by dark desires which is the name of one of rose's fanfictions which she thinks misrepresents snape and shows that rose cannot possibly love and respect him the final big point of discourse was the polygamy of it all within this religion snape of course had many wives the question was does that ability to have multiple partners also extend to the wives i mean compared to every other religion that employs polygamy that's shockingly woke but let's not give them any credit okay the commonly accepted solution to this problem as proposed by tanya and rose who of course already were some of the members who already had husbands was that snape was fine with them having a husband or a boyfriend who they were monogamous with snapewives were allowed to have one human man snape would tolerate sharing them with one singular human man in fact rose claimed to be able to have sex with snape through her husband snape would possess her husband and you know what let me just read the passage for you the physical bodies of these husbands do have benefits rose is also able to have sex with snape via her husband she proudly explains master would take over for my hubby and have fun basically my hubby would do things in ways that only master can and could weird emoticon faces nevertheless snape only uses his body as a vessel he does not spiritually connect either to kevin rose's husband or george tanya's husband nor does he even seem to like them as tanya recounts my husband offended him by saying he was not real george is not invited to be part of her sexual adventures with snape in one channeling session she pauses her activities when he wakes up from a nap and does not resume her erotica dancing for snape until he leaves for a walk according to comments left by tanya on rose's journal george is awaiting the moment when severus is gone from my life forever jesus christ poor george right so snape wives are allowed to have a husband or boyfriend got it but what's really interesting is that they are not allowed to have an interest in any other fictional men or have crushes which is something that even the poster child members struggle with rose has interests in other fictional men tanya struggles specifically with attraction to alan rickman independently of snape once again conchita is the one to throw a curveball she believes that even a husband or boyfriend is is too far she wants to be completely celibate except for snape completely 100 devoted to only severus snape and when she's in a bad mood or annoyed with her fellow wives she'll go as far as to say that polygamy is wrong that she isn't a polygamist and neither is snape i am severus as woman so i will not be with other men being with severus is satisfying enough why would i ever need another man i just know that severus is not a polygamist and neither is he adam severus snape is a man unique so she very much still is worshiping snape as a god but by saying that he isn't a polygamist she's calling into question like the entire teachings of snape under rose and tanya that's like they all marry snape they're the snape wives they all marry snape that's like the whole point that's the whole thing and she's calling it all into question the drama after these kind of fights conchita would receive admonishments and threats from snape for doubting him channeled by tanya of course a few times she apologized and came back to the community but she eventually just committed to becoming their nemesis started her own website warning against the false teachings of tanya conchita exclaims his words do mean a lot to me not your made up fantasy stories she believes that tanya's snape channeling live journal is a forgery that makes the real snape cringe of irritation much like snape was the greasy bullied loner kid type of the harry potter universe snape fans were a very popular target for bullying within the harry potter fandom communities dedicated to mocking snape fans existed on livejournal on this ripoff site called journal fen and when it eventually came onto the scene there were even tumblr tags dedicated to that purpose but the main community responsible for making snape wives known to the internet was this journal fenn community called fandomwank it was dedicated to documenting and making fun of all kinds of fandom drama fandom cringe as we would say now not necessarily harry potter fandom specific but any kinds of fandom cringe the existence of fandomwank reflected this need to almost protect the image of normal fans to draw a line between people who liked things normally and people who like things too much it functioned as a sort of social policing within the early internet fandom scene because that was that was where they decided what was normal and you didn't want to be outside of the realm of normal because then you might become the subject of mockery next mostly what they did on there in regards to snape wives was just repost their posts and laugh at them but sometimes they would joke about doing more than that a lot of the snape wives were open about being older women who were married and had kids so a popular thing that people said was that they were going to call child protective services on them because of course they did because it's the internet when talking about the online hate and criticism that they got we have to ask the question how much of that was kind of just rooted in misogyny because 2000 society absolutely loved to demean female fans who crossed the line into liking things too much into abnormal fandom behavior a lot of the time that was teenage girls we see that with the examples of like twilight and boy band fandoms but i would argue that fandoms that are perceived to be like weird middle-aged women i would say they might be hated even more than teenage girls and why is that do we we critique fandom culture that is masculine on the same level a very popular comparison when it comes to snape wives has been sports fans do we judge men who run around streaking or start riots or commit acts of violence because of sports on the same level that we do women who write snape erotica first of all speak for yourself i judge them i think they're way worse i'd party with a snape wife before any sports bro but speaking about we as a society or whatever for some crazy reason we just don't like women being passionate about things like remember when 50 shades of grey came out and everyone was just like ew gross that book is only for like weird lonely middle-aged women that was the same kind of tone that snape wives were met with a lot of the time like literally so what literally so what the women are horny boo hoo for you like you ignored women have desires for the longest time and still ignore older women for the most part or present them as like sexless mother figures or quirky cat ladies in the media is it really that shocking that given the opportunity these women want to create their own sexual narratives even if those narratives do draw on stereotypes which themselves might be rooted in some misogyny they're trying their best they're bored in their marriages they feel overlooked by their husbands so why not embrace a little sexy bad boy fantasy if your husband doesn't think you're hot anymore maybe severus snape will on the astral plane and who is that really harming besides tonya's husband george okay now that's that's where it ends this you thought for a second no this video was not about to devolve into a defense of snape wives uh very much not most of the online criticism of them was just bullying and misogynistic garbage that is true but just because the average fandomwank user was too brain-dead to pick up on them it doesn't mean there were not valid criticisms to be made let's focus in for a second on one of the articles i mentioned consider the snape wife by ashley reese i really enjoyed reading it because she offers a perspective that i don't have as someone who was in the trenches back then getting into a lot of discourse with snape wives and other very passionate snape fans she and a friend who she also talks to a bit in the article who are both women of color dedicated a lot of time in the 2000s to fighting with snape fans online because they found that the implications of defending him against all costs could could quite quickly get sinister the people who did could easily be pushed to defending sexism and racism which by the way are not fictional this is unfortunately going to lead to me having to explain some of the plot of harry potter but i will make it as fast as possible i promise voldemort and the death eaters who are his followers are like very clear like wizard nazi allegory sort of thing they want to purge the wizarding world of everyone who wasn't a pureblooded wizard they want to get rid of wizards born to non-wizard parents snape's only friend growing up is lily he's in love with her and like the tragic unrequited in celly sort of way she is also a wizard born to non-wizard parents snape and lily go to hogwarts together where snape ends up being relentlessly bullied by james who is like the cool chad to snape's greasy incel lily and james are harry potter's parents they start dating in high school which you can imagine feels great to snape so he calls lily a slur and then joins up with the wizard nazis great character arc there severus the snape wives and similar very passionate snape fans don't like lily they do not like her as a character for her betrayal of snape in dating and eventually marrying his bully ashley reese writes in retrospect these debates over lily and snape were quasi debates about race and gender it always seemed as if their dislike of lily stemmed from this idea that if they were in her shoes they would have treated snape with care the nurturing he deserved this reimagining of lily as a more empathetic young woman has been a frequent theme in fanfiction as well as suggesting that lilly's change of heart could have saved snape from himself so essentially the choices and perspectives of a marginalized woman should have been sidelined in favor of coddling some man's ego at no point was it on him to be the one with a little more empathy and um not become a nazi over high school drama she should have been super cool with being called slurs and been supportive and loyal to him again the the more important man in this equation against all odds amazing great great point to argue guys yeah the 2010s give us in cells gamergate and a close-up look at how young men are radicalized by online right-wing extremism because of this the excuses these fans made for snape's callousness and attraction to radicalism have aged poorly you don't [ __ ] say maybe it was much easier to empathize even excuse snape's behavior and his seduction to the dark in the 2000s when the trope of the monstrous jock and vicious it girls arranged supreme but fandom has changed significantly in the last decade and so has the world of politics that influence it but like i said very few criticisms of the snape wives were as articulate as ashley reese's most of what was said about them was just basically boiled down to ew old women gross also i am an atheist and very smart and they are clearly delusional but yes they did have some messed up opinions and even if there's a lot of whatever stupid [ __ ] harry potter wizard allegories in there they defended bigotry they defended weird trad wifey subservients they promoted purity culture and bullied other members for not being the right type of woman it's just that most of the people talking about them online were no better everyone here sucks congrats guys you all suck the snape wives community is thought to have been in decline by 2007 around the same time as the release of the last harry potter book there's there's a number of reasons for this number one is that all of the outside mockery made it difficult to sustain communities and i don't just mean people saying mean stuff it's the internet there's a danger of doxing there's a danger to their families and their careers like i was saying people knew they had children and talked about calling child protective services on them and at some point you gotta ask yourself is is this snape cult really worth it i know one woman left because she had this revelation that that this was taking up way too much of her time and energy and that she needed to be spending more time with her children instead not to mention whatever the hell was going on with tonya and her husband like at some point something this intense will take a toll on in real life relationships and you just gotta ask yourself if it's worth it and a lot of people decided it was not the second reason is that they kind of just imploded kind of just tore themselves apart with their own discourse a lot of people didn't want to tolerate it and just left or lost interests many of them wrote their dramatic breakup letters to snape when they did leave the absolute nail in the coffin though in in their falling apart was the the breakup the dramatic friend breakup between rose and tonya rose writes tanya was my lily she couldn't accept me for who i was she couldn't deal with the close friendship we had and what caused their falling out was that rose is a dedication to it wayne that she didn't want to be monogamous with only snape anymore and her husband kevin he was there too but she was starting to realize that she was interested in other fictional men as well and she saw that as a natural evolution of her interests of course it is but especially considering that snape was treated so poorly by the harry potter canyon and there were other series coming out like twilight which which gave us these canonical dark broody boys who did get treated well by the narrative did get to be the heroes and have love interests and yes it's true that they didn't really care a lot about the harry potter canon and the copious fan fiction to fix it and and whatnot but speaking from personal experience it is more fun to be a part of a fandom when the ships and the characters that you prefer are preferred by the majority there's so many more people to talk to and fan content to consume when you stand edward and bella versus astral plane snape the community of snapewives the forever an internet legend dissolved rose continued to post on and off on her live journal until around 2011. i think her last post was like a review of the last harry potter movie or something and then once she disappeared that was it everyone was gone there were no more remnants of this community left online what really gets people about snappism what really stands out is that it's just it's not true like everything about it is just verifiably untrue right that's not a holy walmart poster of god that's alan rickman but alderton writes that the creation of fiction-based religions is an inevitable part of a society where identity is garnered from the consumption of these products and that most established religions don't really line up with the historical record either we just lend them validity because they've been around for a long time it is popularly assumed that christianity by virtue of its age and the seriousness with which it has been endowed is valid and worthy of respect as scholars of religion it is important to consider whether or not our methodological approaches are sound it is easy to fall into the trap of considering religion such as christianity to be a base standard for the examination of all other faiths when faced with a contemporary manifestation of human behavior and beliefs such as fandom it is also common to assume that nothing genuinely sacred can be born of live journal dream with or yahoo groups yet there is much evidence to the contrary snapism satisfies even the most conservative definitions of religion by having a divine figure who can be channeled a core inspirational text a set of practices that modulate community behavior and expression because the historicity of traditional faiths can and must be challenged this should lead us to ask why one fictional text is so much more ludicrous than another as a basis for a belief system and that's snape wives for ya i i hope that i did it justice i included most of the things about it that i find really interesting thankfully a handful of very smart and dedicated people have already done a lot of work on this that i could draw from i will link the academic paper by zoe alderton that that article by ashley reese and and some other things that i find fun in the description if for whatever godforsaken reason you want even more snake wives content and if you know any stories that are similar to this let me know in the comments or message me on tumblr or something because i love stuff like this it just it it just tickles my fancy that is it for me today my friends but thank you so much for watching this video and i'll see you in another one very soon [Music] you
Views: 1,278,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive
Id: L5Y5HFjiBNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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