Decoding the Mystery of Prismo's Boss in Adventure Time

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ever wondered who prismo's boss really is in Adventure Time now keep your pants on it might just be you but Embrace yourselves because I'm about to ruffle some feathers as we play the game of elimination with top contenders for prisma's Boss get ready for a shocker gold ain't the one called the shots for Prisma sounds a little wild right but hear me out let's rewind to when Marvel's got swiped by gold and our dude magic man tries to play Genie by wishing her back with prisma's wish power prismo being the cool guy he is Grants it but hold up instead of Marvel's all we get was a trash bin rocking a basketball hoop now check out prismo's face he's as flabbergasted as the rest of us I mean if gold was truly the head honcho wouldn't Prisma know all about his boss's mystical Mojo and yet here he is scratching his head in confusion and then like a rerun he repeats the wish trick with Betty after Simon strolls in hoping to wish her back to life so why does gold get the boot from the boss's C simply because prismo seems more puzzled by Gold's Powers than understanding and that's just not how you'd reactive comb was really the Puppet Master pull in Prisma strings right all right now let's move on to the cosmic owl hold on to your socks because this one's going to be a doozy cosmic owl is it prismo's boss either yup you heard me right there's this major Buzz around the cosmic owl running the prismo show but there's this one mind-blowing scene that tells a different tell in my eyes let's dive head first into the sky hoax part 2 episode the grand finale of The Elements miniseries we've got Betty our resident schemer laying out her Grandmaster plan of using the Crown's power to time travel back and stop Simon from ever getting his hands on the darn crowd but wait there's more she's even dreaming of stopping the Mushroom War from happening cut the prismo in the cosmic owl just kicking back in the time room but when Betty drops her plan both of them look like they've seen a ghost with the cosmic owl even dropping his drink total shocker right I'm betting my bottom dollar that Adventure Time is throwing us a curveball here hinting that the cosmic owl and prismo are playing the same game level in terms of power and influence remember the first time we heard about prismo's boss was back in the crossover episode where prismo drops a bomb to Finn and Jake that if they don't fix the mess his boss is going to be super ticked fast forward to prismo and the cosmic owl reacting to Betty's plan to stop the Mushroom War their faces are just Priceless it's almost as if they're both fretting about the same boss worried that they're in for a rough time like in the crossover episode but now we're left with a cliffhanger if it ain't the cosmic owl then who is prismo's boss I've got two wild ideas brewing in my noggin that might just make some sense let's dive headfirst into Theory number one brace yourself this one's wilder than my grandpa on a Vespa prismo's boss might just be us the audience big leap how did I piece that together first let's hop in our time machines and head back to the Jake the Dog episode just to fill you in and make sure we're all on the same page let's get a quick refresher so after the Lich masquerading as Billy Bamboozled then in Jake into opening a portal to the time room he gets prismo to Grant him a wish the Total Wipeout of Life yikes to tackle this in Jake had to throw in some wishes of their own but plot twist Finn's wish goes haywar it lands him in a parallel universe where the mushroom bomb never went off all thanks to Simon petrikov freezing the bomb before it could hit the ground here's where it gets spicier than a jalapeno Simon's skeleton is just hanging out under the Frozen bomb crown and all like it's a day at the beach now Finn in a wild move to save his fam from the destiny gang snatches the crown and goes on a freezing bolt shooting power trip this however eventually does Kick the bomb off but here's where our Adventure Time creators made a wee bit of a goof the scene with a bomb going off again after being frozen still shows Simon petrikov sporting the ground but hold up that just can't be right because Finn swiped it off in the beginning so the Adventure Time masterminds patched up a little hiccup by spinning a whole new episode that episode crossover bet you didn't see that one coming this episode folks is like a UFO sight it's the one and only time we hear about prismo's elusive boss the crossover episode swoops in to save the day tidying up that tiny little snap move from the gym take the dog episode but picture this our dudes Finn and Jake have just wiped the floor with the Lich and the farm with Dimension but hold up farmworld Finn still left clutching that Crown sending his brain on a wild goose chase seeing his doppelganger in distress our main Finn turns to prismo asking can you fix this mess because hey that fin is technically him but stick with me here because it gets weirder prismo pulls some time you want me stuff he joins the crown from the farmwal dimension it's the real wine button on his timeline plunks it back on Simon's head before the bomb goes off and then wait when the bomb does explode it's scrubbed clean from Farm world's timeline and voila just like that they've patched up the original animation blunder from the first episode turning a mistake into a funky fresh backstory how Wild and unique is that so you're scratching your heads wondering why in the land of ooh would prisma's boss flip out over this well it all starts to click into place when you realize who prismo's boss really is none other than us the Die Hard viewers right we're technically calling the shots because we're tuning in we're soaking up every ounce of Adventure Time goodness now think about it if the show didn't have a the loyal audience well it'd be like a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it right any goof any mix-up wouldn't mean a thing because there'd be no one around to catch it but because we're out here all eyes on the show any mistake especially a Whopper of an animation air could send the show's lore into a full-blown tailspin that's enough to get us the audience the big bosses a little hot under the collar and that folks is why prism was freaking out more than a cat at a dog show where the lifeblood of Adventure Time without the loyal fan base Adventure Time wouldn't be the Smashing hit it is probably wouldn't have sailed through 10 epic Seasons you see Christmas pulling a Sly One on US busting down the fourth wall he's got a vested interest in keeping us viewers hooked so Adventure Time Keeps on rolling because if the viewer count takes a nosedive if less folks are tuning in perceiving the show it might just fade into Oblivion leaving prismo and all the quirky citizens of Adventure Time in the Lurch non-existent but maybe you don't quite agree with this Theory but no problem I've got another Ace on my sleeve that might just be the real deal so brace yourself with this one prismo's boss could actually be the big bad Cosmic imagine itself how's that for my vendor now let's take a crazy dive into this wild idea so we know prismo's sweating buckets over the farm World business because our boyfriend is hard at work building a portal to the Multiverse but here's the kicker Finn's knowledge of the Multiverse and the potential Fallout of such a portal is about as thin as a wet tissue paper and is fiddling around could end up wreaking havoc on the structure of all realities now this is where things get really trippy why would the total meltdown of these realities be such a big deal we know prismo's scared stiff about his boss laying the blame on him hinting that these realities gotta stay in one piece but what this is where the cosmic imagination walks in this enigmatic Force gets its very Mojo from the perception of others so if all these realities went poof and no one's left to give the universe a thought it would just disappear into non-existence and who goes with it prismo Finn Jake and all our favorite characters from Adventure Time and maybe this is why prismo slips in that vital line and by proxy you all both will be in the dip too he's not just fretting about getting Candor catching heat from his boss it's about the survival of the entire tapestry of existence that's a wild ride the cosmic imagination the big cheese that ties together and keeps all the realities chugging along based on what its inhabitants think and perceive when needy's perceptions to keep on trucking if these perceptions hit the skids well so does it leading to a Total Wipeout of everything so if you squint a little and maybe turn your head prismo's boss being the cosmic imagination starts to make as much sense as pineapple on Pizza controversial but some folks swear by it prismo's whole gig seems to be directly linked to the upkeep and survival of these realities if these realities start teetering on the edge it's set off alarm bells for the cosmic imagination that's a one-way ticket to Danger down for prismo and all our Pals in the Adventure Time universe so we've uncovered who could be pulling prismo's strings now here's where things Get Saucy we're gonna tie all this into the bigger picture of Adventure Time here's where our friend the prize ball Guardian struts on the stage much like prismo's boss the prizable guardian might seem like a simple big guy on the outside but trust me there's a whole can of worms we're about to open you might be scratching your head thinking prize ball Guardian is this some new form of cryptocurrency no this ginormous dude might just hold some big time insights that could flip the way we understand Adventure Time on its head got your curiosity peaked well it should be if today's big reveal about prisma's boss blew your mind wait till you get a load of what we've dug up on the prize ball Guardian so strap in because we're about to plunge deeper into the rabbit hole
Channel: Paxw
Views: 135,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, prismo, cartoon network adventure time, old man prismo, prismo the wishmaster, prismo adventure time, cosmic imagination, cosmic owl, adventure time explained prismo, prismos boss, golb, adventure time theory, prismo's boss explained, prismo's boss adventure time, whos prismo's boss, prismo boss adventure time, paxw
Id: frMCvR9m2MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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