The Story Of League of Legends 'Perfect' Champion | Complete History of Jhin ft. @I Keep It Taco

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44:44 :)

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/i-want-to-die-mabye 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

blessing from the Lord, i just want to say that i love all your videos and this one was really excelent <3 the idea of lol "documentaries" done this well is so nice

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/spicyproblem 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Been waiting 4 this one

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JabukaRT 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Excellent video as per usual man. Only complain I have is that the audio might be a tad too low?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/The2ndBestPotato 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Got shivers down my spine from the beginning to the end.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/R4ff43ll0 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great video, loved everything about it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SazzyTheDrazzy 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Already saw it :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bakanalos 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

great vid

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shutskii 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I want to know how you get your game to look so good xD

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nihonbo 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's pretty popular to hate on league of legends champion design players would rather talk about things that they despise than the things that they praise on this channel a while back i made two videos discussing champions that i feel are well designed but the views on those videos were only about half of what i got on a video about poorly designed champions the oldest champions in the game can end up being broken because they're outdated since they were designed for a completely different game sometimes more than a whole decade ago the newer champions can tend to be broken because they're overloaded to the point of insanity that way they can work their way into the meta and it almost feels like none of these new champions are successful releases that everybody likes it just ends up making the player base frustrated and pissed off my belief is that a champion like nami fits a perfect mold for champion design she's really easy to pick up but still has a lot of room to master with hitting multi-person bubbles orianna is almost always a staple mid lane pick and has a rewarding learning curve and in my six years of playing this game i don't know if i've ever banned orianna in champion select a single time but neither of those champions have quite nailed their theme cinematics lore gameplay and champion style the way that this guy has in a lot of people's minds this is the best designed champion in the game and i'm here to tell you his story this is the complete history of one of league of legends best designed champions [Music] named [Music] [Music] the most common question that you guys tend to ask me is how long do these videos usually take to make well the truth is that the production time ranges anywhere from 200 hours to sometimes nearly 500 hours to make just one video and the reason why videos on this channel are only coming out around once a month or sometimes even less is because of how much time i'm really putting into them it's pretty much 9 to 10 hours a day every single day now i absolutely love what i do here on youtube and the fact that you guys also love these videos is just amazing to me because without your guys support i really would not be able to do this but the fact is that it's not always possible to support it financially with how long it takes to make these also with that in mind the second most common question that i get is about the editing on these videos so to kill two birds with one stone i've started up a patreon where for five dollars a month you can get access to video editing tutorials by me where i go over how these videos are made i've already posted the first tutorial where i cover how to manipulate these 3d screenshots and turn 2d web pages into dynamic 3d ones in after effects i'll be posting two to three video editing tutorials every single month and this is also the best place to support the content if you can't contribute i still appreciate you watching the video as much as anybody else i really truly do and i can't thank you all enough for making this dream of mine a reality surprise here comes the vague kill for white sun's not gonna escape this one they focus down uzi but look at him he's still alive he's still surviving he stays alive [Applause] [Music] triple kill for turtle looking for the quadra not gonna get it that time it's a triple for doublelift he's looking for bjergsen let me take you back to 2015. during that year the game started changing more than ever before summoner's rift got a visual update champion design became riskier and more creative which a lot of the time unfortunately turned out being for the worst you can see examples like tom kench kalista and that mordekaiser bot lane rework it didn't go so well games also dragged on much longer than they do today and especially in pro play a lot of the time we saw adcs like sivir and tristana farm for 50 minutes and then team fight with six items this meta got pretty stale because it lasted for almost the entire season and on top of that the adc class or the marksman had their own host of problems that riot needed to tackle adcs had the lowest number of champions for any class in the game meaning there weren't that many to choose from and for the little pool that they did have they all felt the same the marksman that were meta was almost entirely based on their numbers if you thought about it there wasn't much of a difference between sivir and jinx they built the exact same items they both wanted to scale had a moderate amount of utility and at the end of the day their only job as champions they were assigned to was output damage late game back then the way that they got to their late game was super lame because laning phase and matchups didn't matter all that much considering the popularity of lane swaps it's not like today where the jinx or sivir had to lane versus a draven leona i know that this might be hard to believe but even with jinx's weak laning phase jinx and morgana laning 2v1 versus a maokai getting starved of resources and who also gets dove 4v1 under tower at 4 minutes isn't really that hard they're going to be just fine crazy i know season 5 everyone what a time towards the end of 2015 and early on into 2016 riot had a couple of goals for the marksman class goal number one was to assess core problems within their gameplay boring lane swaps and standardized item builds with no room for experimenting like static shiv or phantom dancer right into infinity edge every single game the second goal was to introduce unique champions to the bottom lane and fix the problem that a lot of the marksmen felt very similar this was the core reason that riot would force the reworked mordekaiser for the juggernaut rework into the bottom lane they ended up doing it in the worst way possible by over buffing him and making him blatantly overpowered but it was a goal of theirs and finally they wanted to allow a few marksmen to be played outside of the bottom lane and introduce a non-bot lane adc this of course would lead into kindred's release in late 2015 the jungler adc riot tried to reach these goals over time rather than all at once on one big patch as we just said mordekaiser's failed bottom lane rework as well as kindred's release were in late season 5 but for pre-season 6 they would overhaul the class with a full update this marksman update introduced massive gameplay changes and the impact of it is still being felt today this was the day that graves switched from being an adc to a jungler this was the day that corki officially moved out of the bottom lane and into the mid lane and this is when caitlyn's new trap mechanics and reworked headshot allowed her to dominate lane for years in general aside from the graves mains which understandably were not happy with the update it was pretty well received and brought necessary changes to the class however one of the goals was not achieved at all kindred was and still is a cool concept as a marksman jungler but that didn't do anything for the bottom lane players mordekaiser was reworked but then nerfed into the ground and was one of the worst reworks they've ever done and no new champions moved into the bottom lane instead graves and corki just moved out so the adcs needed something new something fresh a champion design we've never seen before a new breed of marksmen for so long the entire roll was just about dealing as much damage per second as possible with incredible attack speed and on february 1st of 2016 something new was released [Music] he's like always putting on a performance and a show when he's turning people into art in the lore which is well you know he's murdering them but we won't we don't talk about that he's just turning them into art and when you fee when you play that champion that's exactly how you feel when you play that champion you're kind of like planning your skill shots your combos you're being aware of everything you're planning things ahead of time to make that one cool play that's probably gonna be in a montage or something and you feel the thematic in the gameplay one of the best parts about making this video compared to other champions i've covered is that there's a lot of information about jin's development the following information has been gathered from both the official design article put out by riot as well as the champion design podcast the credit for jin's development has a long list many people played a role in his release however it was riot august who led the charge as lead designer august has been a seminal designer for this game and he's made some of the more popular champions in league of legends but he did also make the newest champion viego and if he turns out broken maybe your opinion will have to change who knows we'll just have to see after designing vi jinx nar and echo jyn would become his fifth champion something very interesting to note is that jyn was not his first adc he was responsible for jinx a few years prior in the champion design podcast he talks about jinx quite a bit and brings up some of the similarities between jinx and jin at a surface level these two champions have a lot in common their ws are long range skinny skill shots they both have a utility spell on their e with chompers and traps and they have a long range sniping ability on their ultimates also they're thematically crazy psychopathic characters despite all of that if you ask me the champions feel completely different in their gameplay and i'd be willing to bet that a lot of you feel that way too august talks about this bringing up one crucial difference that sets them apart and brings it all to life which is their passives jinx is all about guns ablazing raining bullets and losing her mind while popping off and jin is literally the opposite he's about perfecting a kill a performance a slow and methodical yet calculated approach to dealing damage the key difference is that jynx's passive increases her attack speed and movement speed rapidly and gives her crazy resets and introduces chaos while jyn's passive is restrictive jinx loves when things don't go according to plan in much the opposite way jin will only do something if it is according to his plan he refuses to do anything that isn't perfection this distinction between jin and jinx wasn't the only champion that august had to take into account we kind of started out saying he used to be a sniper like he used to be this like cowboy with this giant long rifle and we were like well we can't just make a straight sniper because we don't want to give another person caitlyn's ranged auto attacks yeah so how do we make a character who feels like a sniper without having these long range auto attacks and one of the things we thought about was well snipers take like a long time between shots whenever you take a shot in call of duty or or say team fortress 2 or something with a sniper rifle especially the bolt action ones it's like you gotta reload that thing between each shot and it's a long and every single time you pull the trigger really matters the original concept for jyn was to have a sniping fantasy who could fulfill a different style than the champion who already has a sniper rifle which is of course caitlyn caitlin is the long arm of the law while jyn is a psychopathic killer so the thematic is more than different enough but the problem is how would they do it during their gameplay because jyn's early development only armed him with a sniper rifle caitlyn even with her rifle plays more like a traditional marksman with a fast rate of fire and unlimited ammo making it feel no different if she were to wield a bow like ash august really wanted to explore what it felt like to use an old-fashioned bolt action sniper rifle these early sketches were of a mysterious robot cowboy who only equipped himself with a sniper and was more of a bounty hunter a theme you've probably seen countless times in other media this concept ended up hitting the icebox meaning nobody was working on this and the development was froze for quite a while but then after kindred's theme was fleshed out they applied that bounty hunter system to the duo of lamb and wolf instead of the sniper champion who was still chilling in the icebox so after coming back to this robot cowboy sniper this time with no bounty hunter in his concept they needed to come up with something different they cut the idea of him being a caitlyn clone with a sniper rifle and standard attack speed and instead settled on a concept of a constructable weapon so that explains why jin's release skin is high noon it ended up as an homage to his original theme with this change his temporary name in development would be changed from sniper to deadeye the term deadeye fit pretty perfectly it encompassed different aspects of a long range killer as august said in the interview instead of deadeye just using a sniper all the time he could act like a sniper by limiting his ammo usage and trying to make every shot count when using a bolt action rifle you need to place your shots and make it count his w and ultimate would tie into the sniping fantasy much better not only because they cover such a big range but more importantly can easily miss due to their skinny hitbox this would add a ton of skill into his abilities but there's still one more question what's with the number four we all know about jyn in the number four he has four letters in his name jyn has four shots in his passive his cube bounces four times his ultimate has four shots his traps detonate after four seconds he kills four people in the lore in his joke animation his gun shoots four times the word mask has four letters in it jyn's clothes have four colors white red black and this golden bronze color this number would first appear right around the time once they limited his ammo the low number meant that every shot would count but it also meant that they could ramp up the damage so that every shot would also hurt they liked the idea from a mechanic's perspective that the fourth shot would be the deadliest but there's still a problem with the theme why would deadeye save his most powerful shot for last why would a sniper who would always want one shot one kill wait till the very end to unleash his best shot this exact problem is how august and the team went from the deadeye concept to the fully realized theme this is where the artist and the psychopathic killer character really came from they actively turned the number four into a repeating motif for him deadeye doesn't just want to kill you he wants to kill you perfectly by slowly building up to a sublime death a performance odin shafer a senior narrative and lore writer over at riot started thinking of jedi as more of an artist in built-in references to music specifically opera in his voice lines and his personality they actually found that it echoed very well in their own world where the word four sounds like the word death in chinese in japanese culture the number four is commonly associated with death as well it's a deeply feared and thought to be unlucky number in many parts of asia so the number four was perfect for a killer the final name that the champion was given came from one of the visual designers for the champion jin ho yang and h was added to not only give him that perfect fourth letter for his name but also to reduce the further confusion between him and jinx since their names would then be nearly identical if it was just j-i-n jyn was the adc that paved the way for more non-traditional abcs to be introduced into the game so for me i was never uh interested in the adc role i went from meaning support for two seasons to mid and top to jungle i was like oh let me try out adc because jin jin is the person who makes me want to play adc because he is an adc and i need to go bot so i guess we're going back guys so i picked gin had a lot of fun after that you have senna you have a fellows and you have samira who all start coming out right after kaisen zaya three in a row you got these three non-traditional right-click carries where they don't really right-click they have some kind of they do right-click but they also have all of these combos that you want to do with them i think one thing is zion kaiser were already being developed um like shortly after jin and i think when they got like whatever stats or in or engagement from jin or like the way the community receives jin they're like okay a lot of people enjoy playing these non-traditional marksmen so i think we're gonna work on more and release more so now you have senna affelio samira all coming out in a row and then the next um adc is already confirmed to be non-traditional and i think riot's going to continue in this path where they release more and more non-traditional 80 carries [Music] because of his unique kit it would take some serious practice for even veteran adc players to get used to him the idea that you had to reload and pace your shots at less than one attack per second instead of nearly two attacks per second meant that people were missing a lot of cs cancelling auto attacks and not outputting nearly as much dps as they could have he lacks a true mobility spell and his traps are a little unintuitive to use all of which meant that he was a challenge to learn despite these struggles it was clear that people loved the champion and thought his theme and gameplay were fresh and exciting you will perform this guy reminds me of phantom of the opera pretty sure that's because that's exactly what he's supposed to remind you of but i like that as a kid so i kind of dig this guy right out of the gate his popularity for pros and joes reached around a 25 play rate this play rate is about average for new champions on their release but there was one pro who thought he was more than just fun to play he believed he was strong this player is one of the most popular pros and streamers of all time c9 sneaky the story of jyn simply wouldn't be complete without mentioning sneaky after his release it was pretty much the only champion that he played for a month in solo queue every time it was open he wanted to play him with the learning curve attached to the champion a lot of people assumed that the champion was weak and this can happen when a new champion comes out because a lot of the time they're not well understood kalista's release is probably the best example of how quickly a champion's build can evolve and change forever in the champion spotlight riot recommends crit but it only took about two to three weeks after she came out for players to stray away from the heavy crit builds and it's been that way ever since more than six years later a couple of weeks into gin hitting the live server on patch 6.4 he was given a few important quality of life changes and a couple of bug fixes this momentum carried quickly as the most practice gin players began to realize he was really good on valentine's day of 2016 just after the start of the spring split for season six sneaky made history when he became the first pro player to lock in jin for immortals which makes me think about and yes sneaky is the first i believe professionally played gin in league of legends yes i assume i'm right here alongside this victor from jensen leaving counter pick for balls in the top lane here comes the mercy call one on the wild turtle two on towards him now turns right over and again from downtown adrian goes down that is the first kill of that fight there's the chaplain there's the re-engage cni is starting to win it though sadly for cloud9 and sneaky they did not bring home the w in this match but the good news for our friend jin is that he didn't have a bad showing on the champion clearly he'd shown promise in solo queue for him and it's likely that c9 was practicing this gin pick in their scrims so it wouldn't be too long for another league of legends veteran to pilot him and this time not only did he win but he absolutely throttled the competition again under stixxay man reckless has been doing work on this gym fanatic looks like they're going to win this fight caught amongst it here spirit trying to back away and he does get to safety but more and v are still pushing the envelope for some reason more gonna have to back away i think one more double kill for reckless taken down eventually there it is finishes the boss gets himself the triple but oh my word was that close for fnatic 2016 for the tournament rekkles racked up an insane stat line on jin he would pick him five times and he won all five of those games for each of the games he finished with a kda of five one and fourteen six three and one eleven three and seventeen seven zero and six and seven one and twelve he would average over nine cs per minute and finished with an average kda of 12. it was a monster performance by one of the game's all-time greats thanks in large part to rekkles excellent gin play they would end up making the finals of that tournament but in the finals things did not go according to plan sadly they were 3-0 swept by skt the defending world champions because skt learned from the mistakes of the other teams and banned jinn in all three games unlucky reckless it's safe to say that if sneaky didn't inspire people to start playing gin you better believe that reckless sure did throughout the spring split of 2016 jyn would be picked 54 more times and became a top tier adc his unique way of being able to burst enemies as a marksman is something the game had not seen before on top of his excellent utility and scaling he was prioritized a good amount patch 6.7 saw him receive his first ever nerfs his q was hit with a base damage reduction as well as a mana cost increase this would not only hit his damage to champions of course but more importantly his waveclear as well to compensate and to incentivize jin to actually use his traps his e was given a lower mana cost he would once again be nerfed on patch 6.17 nerfing his w and base damage on r this also gave enemies a more clear indicator on the range of his r but again he was compensated in some way this time buffing the missing health damage on the alt even with jin being nerfed a couple of times during this time frame in some ways he became even stronger and this is because of that build optimization we were talking about shortly after his release builds looked something like this with common choices being essence reaver infinity edge rapid fire cannon and bloodthirster but during the summer of that year players began experimenting a lot more with lethality based builds mainly focusing on ghostblade and dustblade the reason these were better for him was because they were cheaper than the crit items allowing him to snowball through the laning phase and get items faster but also because of his significant base damage the abilities would hit like a truck and burst down the enemy which let your fourth shot execute damage finish them off back then the ghostblade active was much stronger as well which allowed you to catch out your enemies and kite them around heading into the world championship lethality would become the optimal gin build and guys like ruler and bang would dominate at the end of 2016 while jin had been in the game for nearly one year at this point surely the champion wouldn't get any stronger he was already really good and played substantially at the season 6 world championship but i think this graph pretty much sums it up season 7 introduced the armor pen and the assassin rework where flat armor penetration became lethality and a.d assassin items like ghostblade and duskblade which were his core ended up being changed and also buffed they also added in a brand new item at the time called edge of knight which gave him another lethality option to build this would rocket gin right to the top of the play rate and the win rate charts and he became the top priority in pro play in the spring split alone he was picked over 500 times and banned over 100 times having nearly a 60 presence in pro play the traditional crit adcs were thought to be in a bad state but champions like jyn and ash with their utility and the fact that jyn at this point was not building any crit meant that they were the most common marksmen for pro play i thought that this screenshot was pretty funny this is a list of the competitive games during that spring split do you think that gin vs ash was a common match up or not man it's hard to tell i don't know in regards to this level of domination a nerf was inevitable and on 7.12 that day finally came when the base damage for dancing grenade and curtain call were reduced to make lethality builds weaker but by buffing the ad ratio it meant that heavy a.d and crit builds would be in essence a little bit better even though this nerf did knock him down a peg clearly this shouldn't have killed the champion yet towards the end of season 7 he dropped off a lot so what happened how did he go from one of the best champions during the spring split to being irrelevant towards the end of that very same year well a meta shift indirectly made him go from a top priority pick to not played one time not a single time at the 2017 world championship the art and sensor meta if you played back then you remember the nightmare of better bot wins janna and lulu were ridiculously strong but the adcs that became optimal to pair with those arden supports were along the lines of kog'maw tristana kalista and varus these attack speed heavy on hit and guinsoo's 80 carries benefited far more from the art and sensor meta than some traditional crit users like caitlyn or jinx but nearly every traditional marksman who built crit would still be played sometimes during this era except for jyn even though he's buffed up and gained stats from arden sensor the on-hit damage doesn't really do anything for him and you might think that he could still be picked to somewhat snowball the lane and try to shut down kog'maw but jyn's laning phase being strong didn't matter as much then kog'maw and the other arden sensor abuser started the relic shield support item which would not only scale super fast with the added gold but it also granted an out of combat permanent shield this usually meant that the laning phase was stalled out and it was basically just a farm fest and it was super frustrating to try to punish your lane if you played gin or if you played draven it was almost impossible to punish this meta with the season 7 arden sensor meta coming and going you would think that jin might be better in the aftermath but unfortunately it didn't turn out that way the meta did phase out but riot's approach was to more or less just weaken bot lane as a whole for a while in 2018 there was a patch that included the death of the crit adcs and the failed marksman rework the lethality items were nerfed on ranged champions and it wasn't a time that he had any significant build options for most of season 8 and then again into season 9 things did not get better for jyn games became shorter mobility creep was getting much higher mages worked their way into the bottom lane to destroy a mobile carries and it seemed like these scaling low mobility carries wouldn't come back into the meta for a while for pro play specifically season 9 was a terrible year for jin his worst by far for that entire season he was picked a measly 28 times with only six bands i checked the pick rate chart for all of the champions that season and certain champions you might not expect like garen ivern and heimerdinger were all played more than him that season if you check his play rate and ban rate charts for 2018 in 2019 he reached nowhere near the peaks and highs of season seven where he was god tier instead he held a moderate pick rate at around 10 percent for over a year one item that was introduced that saved him for a while with the crit rework was stormrazer this was a perfect item for jyn and a lot of other 80 carries as the combination of stormrazer infinity edge and rapid fire cannon allowed him to get off a long range auto attack for good poke and kiting he received a very important buff on patch 8.5 during this down period where he could finally apply the hard cc on deadly flourish all by himself this not only helps him kite his enemies without a support but it also helps to set himself up q into w or auto into w feels very clean to execute keeping on the theme of important buffs on 10.16 his passive fourth shot was buffed to deal more damage to turrets this gives him excellent sieging power late game on par with other adcs and any buff to turret damage in a world with turret plating will make a champion stronger the 10.16 and the 8.5 buffs were the most important by far but there were some other patches here and there that kind of got sprinkled in 9.5 9.8 and 9.14 all showed some love for our boy and these types of buffs over time start to add up and you can see why champions eventually work their way back into the meta despite them going as low as he really did during that ardent meta every single champion phases in and phases out of the meta aside from a couple of champions here and there no one can stay good forever but i'd like to impress on you just how weak he was during these years that competitive pick rate for an adc that has been historically great for top level play can only be explained by not only a shift in the indirect meta but also the weaknesses of crit marksman during that time he suffered a lot from all of ryde's changes for just about two years infinity edge at one point gave true damage on hit instead of more a.d and bigger crits so it meant that jyn's burst was significantly lower trying to lane as a crit marksman who was immobile against things like heimerdinger bot lane and other crazy lane matchups didn't let him take advantage of one of his biggest strengths as a champion his incredibly good laning phase and for a while there why would you ever play gin when you could have played mr 200 years of felios his utility with the gravity gun could easily make up for your lack of utility that you were looking for in gin and he did at least five times the dps while being about 20 times as broken this made gin players like taco want to innovate and one thing he did try to do was make jin a bit more viable bringing him into the mid lane mid lane jin was probably better than bot lane jin during that ardent meta and still to this day is a lot of fun to mess around with taco posted back in 2017 a detailed guide on how to play mid lane gin discussing his problems in that bot lane meta and how to roll swap him into the mid lane to make him more successful taco's dedication to jin was also shown again on the front page of the league of legends reddit in april of 2018 where he made one of the most detailed and well-designed guides for a champion that i've ever seen it's guides like this that have inspired countless players in the community to pick up gin and learn how to play him but there is something that happened back in 2018 that i did not talk about even though he was in the midst of being underpowered there's a spike in his band rate chart right here what is that spike all about in march of 2018 guinsoo's rageblade saw a rework the cost was changed from 3600 gold down to 3 000 but the changes to the passive are the more interesting part the passive that granted stats went from a flat 18 attack damage and 24 ability power to 24 bonus aed and 24 bonus ap right now you're probably thinking well okay jin's passive gives him a crazy amount of bonus a.d in order to compensate for his reloading and slow attacks so 24 bonus is pretty nuts but the item in general could not have been very good for him it still gives ap which you don't really want and attack speed is a fine stat for gin but it's not a priority and of course it has a terrible build path except for the fact that it had a bug according to riot the math of the bonus stats were being applied recursively not multiplicatively this meant that he was gaining absurd amounts of attack damage it was far and away one of the most broken things we've ever seen in league of legends and i mean that literally too because within the game it just wasn't working correctly it was straight up breaking it became quite easy to get well over 1000 ad with a normal build and not in the practice tool just for fun testing you could expect to have around 1400 to 1600 ad at max rageblade stacks this did not fly under the radar for pro play either as the lck over in korea decided on a ruling that would disable the use of rageblade gin in the game by any means should mention it's our first gin on patch 8.6 it's worth noting that right now we have been told that rageblade is disabled for gin what that means is if the gin player buys rageblade on patch 8.6 he will be forced to go back to base and sell it and take the gold loss now they have the full information but they cannot build rageblade but there's always those tendencies the item is still clickable it is not allowed this came to an end a couple of weeks later when riot would give a little explanation as to what happened they made sure that no more attack damage well into the several thousands would keep happening and they explained how the math was working out back to jyn without rageblade his standard crit build that we most commonly see would not work his way back into the meta until around season 10. considering all of the buffs that he received and a buff to stormraiser at the end of last season it meant that he started to get some momentum and became pretty dang strong he could snowball hard out of the laning phase and for a while there it was popular to build multiple infinity edges three or four ies turned this marksman into an assassin once he got in range with huge ad numbers and massive crits at the 2020 world championship there was an 80 carry from the lpl who would make a name for himself not just because of how good he was but also specifically how good his gin really was and that is of course wong fung he would show some things on this champion that we've almost never seen before like flanking the enemy from their own base playing hyper aggressive and getting into the backline to set up a perfect ultimate his skill on this awesome champion would become a huge reason why sunning had success going into pre-season 11 he was a solid a or even s-tier pick not quite as good as some of the new champions like samira but he more than got the job done however with the item changes that came with this new season there may not have been a single other champion aside from amumu that benefited more from these new items you all know what's coming next just a couple of weeks ago with the pre-season patch he became a monster so i knew the nerfs were coming and that's pretty much the only thing i was thinking about at the time i was like you know what they'll probably nerf him and he'll probably still be okay which fast forward he is still okay and other than that i would say i was just happy that i was finally relevant as a player so for like a long time i was very used to picking jin in high hilo and people just saying like i'm tired of people trolling and picking jin on my team like why do you do this and then you know people would just flame me all game if we lost because they would blame it on the pick you know me picking gin or people would just dodge me all the time so after him finally being relevant um in season 10 and also starting to be you know quite relevant in season 11 it feels very nice being able to pick my champion feel useful feel impactful and you know just knowing that i have some impact in my game and it makes him way more enjoyable to play because back then he was always enjoyable but it was those one good game every 10 bad games that would make him enjoyable and keep me going but now it's like every game that i play of gin win or lose is always enjoyable and i'm hoping he stays that way i know you'll probably get nerfed again or you know the meta will shift and as long as he's like average or above average that's the best that i can hope for preseason 11 introduced the strongest version of gin that we have ever seen for him on patch 10.24 his solo queue stats are pretty crazy particularly because of his extremely high play rate in platinum plus he had a 20 pick rate a 30 band rate and a 52.60 win rate on that patch he was the most picked champion in the game had one of the highest band rates while also holding the highest win rate for all adc's the absurd power of this champion was thanks to two new items eclipse and collector these two lethality items gave him all of the tools to one shot you and turn this marksman into a proper assassin and because of how overtuned eclipse was at the time he could kite you with a shield and movement speed boost and survive your damage now of course jyn is not the only champion to abuse these two items miss fortune was doing that in the preseason as well but as it stands right now jyn is still very strong with collector as a second item the collector is a straight up bread and butter item for gin it gives him his two favorite stats in one lethality and crit the execute portion of the item also synergizes very well with jyn's kit considering that he already has missing health damage in his abilities another change that i haven't seen too many gin players talk about is the ravenous hunter change last season the rune page of choice for gin was typically fleet footwork with sorcery secondary but now it's almost always dark harvest this is because ravenous hunter has been changed to omni-vamp which is a big buff for jyn being able to life steal and spell vamp with one rune even with riot trying to directly tune him down with nerfs the prominence of gale force into collector has meant that he stayed a top tier 80 carry in season 11 jyn reminds me in a way of champions like dr mundo or shyvana or udyr some of these simple champions can become strong when their items let them stat check you because their abilities are so tragically basic and have very little interaction the synergies with items are what is able to bring them into the meta it's the fact that they become able to kill you and you are unable to kill them jin's kit is very well designed and completely the opposite of those simple champions he has tons of outplay potential for himself and the enemy can also easily outplay gin if they're good enough but right now he isn't required to do some of the same things that he used to do because of these marksman items his passive loves raw stats and with a build of gale force collector infinity edge bloodthirster and lord dominic's all five of those items give crit when you tack on lethality and lifesteal to this build and the op gale force active all of a sudden you can see why this champion has become extremely powerful it has been an up and down roller coaster for this champion over the last couple of years he's fell to his lowest lows and recently hit his highest highs we're going to continue seeing him in competitive play this season so if that's your thing you can be excited to watch your favorite pros pilot him for solo q if you're thinking about picking up gin now is probably the best time ever to do so of all of the champions in league of legends that players could point to as being well designed i believe jyn is right there at the top of the list and in the conversation every single time it would not be unheard of for me to call him the coolest champion in the game what i love most about him is the consistency of his thematic and his gameplay he strikes a perfect balance of being easy to play and then hard to master it really isn't all that tricky to play him for the first time and get the hang of him he feels very clean and fluid to play but when you're practiced on him when you reach the level of guys like i keep it taco you can hit those crucial shots with your ultimate you can snipe people with your w you can kite and position better in team fights and you can move in more aggressively for the fourth shot i'm also not somebody that ever reads league of legends lore and does not interest me all that much yet i still believe that jin's lore is excellent it's creative it's incredibly thought-provoking this marksman deadeye assassin type killer who wants to build up to a kill who wants to execute you perfectly i also love the fact that during his ultimate it plays the music you can say whatever you want about riot's team and any criticism you might have of riot is perfectly understandable any criticism you might have of riot august or other people who have worked on this game i still feel like is valid but one thing you cannot say at least in my eyes is that they did not absolutely kill it with jin this champion should be the framework almost the foundation for how champions should be designed in this game and i also need to give one more shout out to taco who helped out with this video please check out his twitch stream in the description down below follow him on all of his socials he was incredibly helpful and gave some insights on certain things about jyn in this video so go show him some love this has been a look at the complete history of gin i really hope that you guys enjoyed this video and if you did it would seriously mean a lot to me to give it a like and leave a comment for the youtube algorithm i can't understate how much it really helps these videos get to people and recommend it to them but either way if you really did make it this far that's awesome and i thank you all for the support if you want to see video editing tutorials you can check out my patreon like i said in the beginning using the link in the description down below if you want to see more stuff from me that's also the best place to support me and i'll keep you guys updated and posted on my youtube community about the next video thank you so much for being patient i understand that these videos do take a really long time to make but everything that you guys do for me whether it's a like a subscribe or just leaving a comment saying that the video made your day that really does make my day too anyway thank you guys so much and i will see you next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Exil
Views: 1,542,556
Rating: 4.9517579 out of 5
Id: iXRonTDitDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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