League of Legends' Worst Champion Instantly Became Broken

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Sweet vid exil

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Affectionate_Try_273 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I havent played in 4 years because i was an udyr main. maybe time to dust off the ctrl+3 keys.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theshadowhost 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
the season 11 item rework has changed league of legends drastically before any of these changes even hit the live servers we all knew that the game would never be the same whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing in the end well that part's a lot trickier to comprehend and i guess it depends on who you ask champions such as jyn olaf and seraphine clearly have benefited from the changes each one of these champions have been introduced to one or two items in their core build that have allowed them to shine galeforce and collector for gin gore drinker for olaf and the moonstaff combination for seraphine these specific items have paved the way for these champions on their rise to the top but it feels kind of black and white because you could equally say that the item rework was a huge failure if you're a rise main archangels is really weak this season and with no rod of ages he is forced to go a super squishy build of ludens into archangels this build has no health whatsoever and the seraph's embrace active shield doesn't exist anymore so when one champion flourishes like seraphine has it kinda feels like another champion has to fall these core gameplay changes have caused plenty of different frustrating consequences buying grievous wounds is not an option anymore but rather a requirement in most builds healing and shielding have peaked at an all-time high but only assassins have a proper anti-shielding item there have been some weird but also fun off-meta picks like solo lane ivern that have seen some play but it's not really for a good reason while we love champion diversity and unique strategies the main reason that ivan solo lane can work is thanks to how busted he is with moonstone where should this game draw the line between innovative unique and cool strategies that we've never seen before or the strategies only existing because of how abusive they can be these are some really tough questions but taking it case by case we can understand more about this new season and its impact on the game and there is no better place to start than by talking about this champion [Music] [Music] this video is brought to you by manscaped this valentine's day there is no better place to get your man zone back at peak performance than with manscaped the biggest fear i've always had was the damage that can happen while manscaping because nicks and cuts are a very real concern but while using manscaped i've had nothing but a great experience manscape sent me their perfect package 3.0 with new refined cologne to celebrate valentine's day this is the best all-in-one grooming kit i've ever seen you seriously do not need anything else the key is the lawnmower 3.0 it's waterproof it's cordless and even comes with an led light personally my shower is a little dark and hard to see sometimes but the lawnmower made it really easy to get the job done right the refined cologne has a subtle yet enticing scent that will make you feel more confident in yourself and definitely make your partner a little more appreciative of your hygiene this is the perfect package for your package so head over to manscape.com right now and enter my promo code exil20 to get 20 off and free shipping there's a popular meme in the league of legends community called 200 years and for those unaware this all started about a year ago a tweet was made by a writer when talking about the wukong rework that instantly became picked on due to how strange and sort of arrogant it sounded in essence he disagreed with a hilo wukong mane who was testing the new rework and when giving feedback he told him that he would rather take the 200 plus years of collective game design experience this response is really poor because clearly you could take 1 million people and have them work for one day and say that we have a million days of collective experience even though you just now have a million noobs but debating his point about wukong wasn't where the player base took this meme instead they looked at the most broken champion at the time and said only 200 years of experience could have created the monstrosity of a champion known as affilios the comment would backfire as we would use it as ammo to point out riot's biggest mistakes only 200 years could create this client only 200 years could balance this game and 200 years of game design obviously helped them have the experience to create the game breaking invisible nunu bug a youtube user named metakino probably put it best when he would comment on a vanderrill video who if you're not already subscribed to you definitely should because vanderl's videos are really awesome he almost exclusively makes videos about bugs and game breaking issues in league of legends and in one of those videos medikino said just the fact that someone can hold an entire channel with daily videos only about league of legends bugs must prove riot's remarkable 200 years of experience sometime during the period where the meme was still hot and spicy a specific champion was added into the mix as a sort of punch to the other side of the 200 years meme you see with how incredibly overpowered and overloaded each new champion has become it seems to have all peaked with samira this champion has been given not just a lot of tools but all of the tools is it really any surprise that she has been a balanced nightmare and pretty much permaban since her release everybody's joint in it is a it's a magic trick that's that's a champion right there guys that's that's a champion that's balance the community would dub her the peak of game design not 200 years but instead 400 years of game design experience but where does udyr come into play how could you be a more outdated champion than udyr the joke just kind of writes itself because samira gets everything with an aoe wind wall a dash reset extending knock-ups on her passive and of course the champion was just flat out over tuned but udyr is a melee only champion that has four auto attack enhancers that's it these new champions have more words in their passive than udyr does in his entire kit he was a doomed champion destined to be stuck in power creep death until his eventual rework in the words of trick 2g udyr could never compete with these 200 year champions he was a dead champion forever keyword was here is yoshi because he locks into you oh we're doing it all right nbk and pyoshik is taking care of two people by himself we were talking about the fact that genji had found team fights that they wanted this is an example of absolutely not what they want and there's the bear smack to the back of the head of the job and now he's just walking around the base look at this look at this bear he's terrifying oh now he's a chicken now he's a turtle it's franklin it's all sorts of things [Music] do you want to damage me raven you don't do damage don't do any damage but i am burning you and that's guys that's why i bet you i played the game i wonder goes down as well another dash available for lwx taking a good amount damage heel comes on through as he's chased down by the bear man tarzan trying to close the gap can't quite finish off these kills chris walking away with his life here tarzan in the 2v1 can he finish it off the answer is yes the bear man is here blabbers got the dead man's plate with the turbo kim tank the boy runs fast flash bear slap baby blabbers got him and alfari is gone select the power of the rogue with these two but santorin is there the deer is here and perks is running away team liquid turning back around in hot pursuit a slap upside the head for a double kill and udir is running wild on some of those rifts in season 11. [Music] surprisingly udyr has gone through a complete resurgence in season 11. he's being picked in competitive play all the time and that's a huge deal to even understand just how unique this season has been we have to look back at his previous seasons let's put this all into perspective in all of season 5 udyr was picked ten times and banned three times he won five and lost five of those games in 2016 for season six he dropped down to only eight picks and the only player to win on udyr that season was xmithie who did win all three games but the interesting part about this season is that he dominated solo queue season six udyr was a strong champion he would build the ap jungle item and max's phoenix dance which gave him a lot of aoe and burst his band rate chart for early 2016 sums up everything there is to say about udyr back then look at that spike he really was a top tier pick even with multiple nalcs junglers really giving him a try in solo queue and competitive play xmithie won his three games of udyr and never locked it in again only eight picks that whole season those games would be the last time we would see him for quite a while because in 2017 udyr was neither picked or banned a single time in season 8 he was picked twice and banned twice but he didn't win one game the only time he was played in a major region was by joko against a sejuani matchup but he didn't win in 2019 he would only see one pick in a minor league the lfl spring split which is the french league acting as a sort of farm team for the lec in europe but he didn't win that game either finally for 2020 how many times was he picked well sadly just one time this time it was in the romanian esports league which is again a smaller competitive scene that is known for its team names being quite meme-worthy for example the team that actually did pick udir was known as team ls the last shadows and also there was a team in the rel that called themselves 200 years i gotta love when the script just writes itself anyway team ls did not win that game on udyr which means that from march of 2016 all the way till january of 2021 udyr was picked a pathetic four times and didn't even win but this january in 2021 what do his pro play stats look like well they look like this pro play for 2021 has only been going on for a few weeks now and already he has 93 bands and 133 picks with an overall presence near 30 these numbers are remarkable udyr's champion history has seen way less than 133 total picks but in just about 2-3 weeks that's how many times he's seen play nobody could have predicted this because udyr was the embodiment of league's 200 years problem champion after champion riot would raise the bar on how broken they were willing to make them pretty soon the next champion is not even going to be allowed to lose like that's going to be their passive this champion makes your team's nexus invulnerable so how in the world did this happen i've covered udyr and other champions like him a bit more extensively before when i spoke about the attack speed hard farming pharaoh flare junglers for most of udyr's history as a champion he's fit into a similar gameplay category as champions like master yi or a.d shyvana he would build items like the feral flare blood razor devour even things such as rageblade or bork ravenous hydra wits end all that good stuff it was a heavy damage playstyle designed to split push with incredible attack speed and he was impossible to 1v1 but even with that squishy build his sustain and movement speed did make it easy for him to solo out one target but that was just about the extent of what he did well you could play udyr in the top lane if you wanted to because you were pretty strong laner and a duelist but you didn't scale very well into the late game aside from this idea of wasting enemies time the entire late game strategy was all about split pushing and distracting the enemy while your team can either take towers take baron or some other objective the typical 5v5 team fighting would not work out super well because his damage would either fall off if you build tanki or he was too squishy to kill anybody and most importantly you would be kited with so much cc and mobility with every new champion having 15 abilities to get an udyr off of them the only option was to play like trick 2 g and d gates being a nuisance was your best hope to win games he was given two big patches that tried to help him out the first came on 7.8 where he received a mini rework mostly changing his tiger stance and his turtle stance for a time this did help out his tiger stance on hit heavy damage build but again he was just so squishy that he really couldn't contribute to the late game team fights roughly two years later on 9.13 another mini rework now gave him something to look forward to after level 16 he can give his abilities a sixth rank which helps him scale a little better and be more of a late game threat but it was still such a small change that did not bring him into prominence finally he received one more important patch a couple of months ago on 10.19 that buffed the phoenix stance ap ratio and base damage this made any ap that you can fit into your build even a small amount a little bit more appealing for him and the phoenix dance max is much stronger since he was such a bad champion for a while it's easy to forget that he's been receiving nothing but buffs for the last several years eventually after enough buffs it's going to catch up to him and he will be strong this season with these items have almost completely and literally fixed all of udyr's flaws as a champion the biggest issue where he can be kited and he can't reach his targets since he is melee only isn't really an issue anymore the dilemma of being caught between building full tank and his damage falling off or by building on hit glass cannon and he's way too squishy to dps lake game or even his lack of a dash and any range whatsoever meant that usually a mage like syndra a support like leona and a top laner like camille could easily just keep space from him now udyr does not really struggle with any of these flaws and it's not for one specific reason but rather a few first off turbo cam tank force of nature dead man's plate and lichbane these are his four core items and they are insanely efficient for him let's start with the mythic chemtank is a sunfire cape mixed with the old righteous glory active except the active is now even better with one item he is tanky he increases his aoe clear speed with the burn he has the perfect active that lets him run down his targets much quicker and once you get it it even slows them and this is his kind of replacement for a dash the fact that he doesn't have any true mobility is made up for with this item his next two tank items that he's typically building which is dead man's and force of nature share a common theme these are the movement speed based tank items with dead mans giving five percent and force of nature giving another five percent both of them also come with a passive that further increases movement speed and similar to chem tank deadman's actually slows the target for the final core item lichbane gives an absurd 10 movement speed and synergizes extremely well with the fact that the phoenix dance max is now the meta let's also not forget the fact that with udyr building ap and maxing phoenix stance and many of the popular support in mid lane champions being fully invested into the staff of flowing water meta it means that they give him ap and more movement speed for his rune choices it is no longer a press the attack conqueror or aftershock type beat instead it is literally full movement speed phase rush into nimbus cloak into celerity into water walking four of his sorcery runes all based on going even faster because your items give a percentage increase to the movement speed even when you play a 200 years champion with mobility and stealth there is no escaping udyr lastly for the abilities as we said phoenix dance max is now the new meta for a couple of reasons and we've sort of covered them not only has it been buffed several times but when lichbane is a part of his core build it's just really efficient to get it plus again staff of flowing water the fantastic base damage as well as some great burst not only helps him clear the jungle with its aoe but it's pretty much his big upfront damage once he gets in the fight the actual playstyle of how you're playing the skirmishes in the fights with udyr is a little different this season because in a team fight you are now just the most annoying champion to deal with your job is to run around and perma-stun people like always but instead this time you can actually wait out your cooldowns and kite around with your phase rush proc instead of staying permanently in the back line and relying on an aftershock proc or praying that you can get your full stacks of conqueror or a pta proc now you can kite around with your face rush wait for your bear stance to come up back on the target and stun them again eventually you're going to die to this champion and he will probably be able to stand in a 1v5 and make it out alive due to the phase rush chasing him is also impossible because he's just way faster than is even reasonable the champion is thriving as a sum of all these parts rather than one specific thing that you can pinpoint he resides as a top tier threat in competitive play and solo queue depending on who you ask he might even be the single strongest champion in the game and that is coming after his first round of nerfs as well and blabbers seems pretty caught never mind i guess i don't know what i'm talking about he's on what am i saying whenever i think that udyr is caught the answer is just kidding uh they gave over udyr like that champ is never gonna die it's just the most [ __ ] brain dead unkillable champion in the whole league of legends video game just just ignore me when i think that udyr is dead on patch 11.3 the base damage on phoenix dance was lowered at a higher ranks which became the first time that udyr was nerfed in just about five years the best performing oodiers in competitive play so far have been santorin and pyoshik collectively they've played seven games and haven't lost one yet one particular game from santorin really showed the power of udyr as he finished with six kills no deaths and 11 assists and he even did more damage than his adc playing samira so the meme champion was more useful and more impactful than the 400 years champion what a time to be alive a question that might have popped into your head by now is how is this any different than just using predator because ever since runes reforge came out three years ago there's a keystone that does exactly what udyr is doing right now you activate predator on your boots and run at enemies really fast and deal bonus damage it sounds like this would have been perfect for udyr all along and for a while it did bring another old and dead champion out of the grave skarner was a champion that nobody had played for several years but because of a rune page optimization where he started taking predator he became a top tier pick in pro play this rune gave skarner some much needed agency which is to say that he could have more impact on the game and help determine the outcome skarner's kit suffers from many of the same problems that udyrs does he is pretty much full melee with no true dashes or gap closers and his damage falls off late game if you build full tank the reason that skarner rose to the top of pro play with predator while udyr did not is because the domination tree is far less efficient for him and skarner's ultimate is still a very strong ability if you're able to get in range the funny part to all this is now skarner has become the new udyr in some ways and is receiving a nerf on the next patch players remembered that skarner was so good with predator and using the exact same strategy and exact same build as udyr is basically the best jungler in the game the parallels between the old aatrox and now udir is just another example of how in life history will always repeat itself if you remember what happened with aatrox back in 2018 that champion was a completely dead and meme-don champion for about four or five years he was useless he wasn't very good he had tons of problems and then a mini rework and a couple of game updates around him specifically the introduction of the new rune called conqueror all of a sudden made him a top pick in pro play and in solo queue tons of people were playing him spamming him and winning games he was finally a good champion and then like a few weeks later he was reworked riot was caught in a tough position because they had this rework ready to go for aatrox that they had spent months and months or maybe even a full year on but then the champion they were reworking finally out of nowhere became good isn't it pretty funny that this champion who has been dead for several years finally becomes good right after he wins the community poll to be reworked it looks like riot's going to be left in another tough position for the udyr rework since he's confirmed to get one in 2021 yet after all this time now he's actually good i guess the point here is that udyr is not a perfectly designed champion and we all know that in a lot of ways his kit is still outdated and without question that base model is just i mean it looks like this is there really anything that i have to say he still does stat check you he runs at you and is annoying to deal with but here's the reason that i don't have as much of a problem with it as you might think the reason that udyr is strong is because these items aren't necessarily impossible to balance or get right in fact they're kind of just working as intended turbo chem tank is an item that is meant to help bruisers and tanks initiate fights and engage just like gale force is an item that has helped to give immobile adcs a dash these items were designed for champions like udyr and skarner and those two are using it well the season 11 item rework is still so far from perfect but numbers aside it's interesting to see that udyr and skarner champions who needed items like this are able to make use of it and be good champions it's not as if champions like fiora irelia or even sion are building this item they are building the items like gore drinker or sunfire cape that are good for them uder seems to be making good use of items that are good for him and that's pretty cool i'd love to know your guys thoughts on udyr this season and what's happened to him if you've enjoyed this video and watched to the end thank you so much i really appreciate it you watching these videos and finding them entertaining is the reason that i make them and it would mean a lot to me if you would give it a like and leave a comment because it always helps out with that darn youtube algorithm if you want to support the content that i produce you can check out my patreon without patreon videos like these would be a lot harder to make and it would take me a lot longer because i still have to you know kind of find a way to support myself so thank you all so much for supporting the channel through patreon it's absolutely amazing thank you so much and i hope you all have a nice day thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Exil
Views: 573,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hS60vRlRuco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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