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what is up everybody today we get 3000 AP on this champion I will give merch guy kiss on the lips deal done diddly deal oh boy oh boy all you gotta do is to get ap just hit the enemy it's that simple alright that pretty simple and hopefully you guys are digging the vids I'm enjoying the earth a whole lot and this is gonna be a good one with tej it's fun I'm just a man okay oh yeah ask me something watch they're gonna say who's murky every single time and guys if you could ask me one question one question could be anything down below in the comments hit me with it alright you know what we'll just do with AMA in the comment section ask me literally anything down below I'll be answering a lot of what you guys have to say we both whose merch guy whose murder literally every single time that's by these and a hop on down mid I don't want to talent at all the honestly scares me a lot house they're leaking oh god they have an Olaf dude my guy's gonna destroy me trim you that's not good either anything you could just straight-up one-shot booty bursts it's good for us and cassia won't let us flash oh boy well late game could be a little bit of a hassle we'll see how it goes got both of them very nice all right we could focused our plating or we could focus these guys right here gimme gimme gimme oh my god God I got it is there the girl specs Elaine why not why the heck not we are seeing mastermind I was gonna focus on these guys too Adrian is pretty cool because it actually lowers your cooldown on brain lag or your ultimate but maybe there's better stuff like if we give them fire Dragons will be rock and a big challenge is going in right now I put there are no creeps for a second boppity-bop and if we smash our record out of the park okay if we hit over 3000 80 not only are they kissing merch guy but give away a hundred buckaroos smelly hundred dollars worth of RP to enter that if we hit it all right which I'm gonna be farming my booty off all game drop thumbs up on the video and leave a comment down below three K's pop is manageable I think the last fight anything we didn't we got you point eight or something I don't know hop over okay that's what I'm talking about we need lifesteal and spell vamp bad very very bad let's do that actually if it's an earth dragon let's give to the don't although our alt probably would be really good will hold off we shall hold off please yes dude we can afford it has taco gun bleed I'm trying to think if we should go tank you're not see oh so much ad yeah yeah yeah we're getting a whole lot of taking this baby a whole lot interesting he's out of there are that all that did was make me miss a thesis not sure if worth related to that if you really trying to no way no freakin way he might be really get out of this to a slippery little devil oh nice try guy we got gentle creeps to bop oh my god we can almost one-shot these guys thank you the mage creeps in the back that is hmm let's see if we can do now Bob no no still no watch after these bashing my bill to get one shot these others please don't alright they ended up getting it not bad in water dragon so it can't be a water and they can't be bye-bye my old gets bigger the more API gets so like I said we're trying to get a whole lot this game and we one shot them now that's good I'm gonna get a lot of gold by doing this oh yeah yeah oh yeah tower plating galore baby oh dude this talent is not gonna like me one bit let me tell you know I mr. kanin please report me is this tower pudding gone I guess it was all right well we have 20 seconds left let's see we can do got it got it ten seconds we get way too much gold if we get this oh my god to back off me I'm sad we didn't get the tower plating but still got the turd I don't I don't mind that I'm not gonna this guy's crazy maybe I can burst them yes we freakin can do this give me that oh baby oh baby a lots going in Olaf is going in hot not on my watch isn't that very nice oh yeah oh yeah more points on our dude I cannot wait to show you guys how big this thing actually gets like if we have 6000 gold we should probably give them one more if we can give them this guy Oh My Jesus dude how about going balls to the wall my god hmm kind of like the idea of g8 I know it's weird just trust me okay trust me anything Armour related is a good purchase you give them oceans right yeah that's fine I'm not even gonna go over there to be honest they can go ahead and have it who the heck took the chickens that me and I just forgot or what one more and point +12 on that one we get into it I'm not playing nice I literally just tossed mine assets I'm an idiot okay I am definitely an idiot that is my bad but maybe we had on top to do our thing shall we shall we tell and hop over oh god they're coming to the alcove we go there's one there's two oh my god the GA given giant give drag let them take it dude if we can get honestly earth or fire on VR is nuts hey told you that GA would come handy I told you I told you every single fire game I played you guys I do not know how many bargains afraid I wear I've stacked way better than this one and the ffs I think a long time ago oh it's a mountain dude we're getting tanky as all heck we're gonna do a full tank by your name never ever dine now we got to get these big-time dazzle saying I think we got over a thousand ap in what under eight minutes and they ended up surrounded before the game like literally add eight minutes or something hello ok I honestly I thought an ally would kill I'm not sure why I'm not let's just pretend that didn't happen and go back to getting our AP by by wolves close no cigar nobody takes my chickens he's mad do not try to fight the by our dude do not even try it stop bolting me okay yeah let me just let me tell you real fast let you kill me real fast no no no move the waves right here you can check where waves are by looking on the opposite side of the map to see where they're at so this wave would have been right here by now nice little chippy yes can you use in your games and we have more armor baby we have more armor to use with us I don't want to die I really don't want to die dragons in 35 seconds so we gotta get ready for that we got are you ready for that zap oh my god probably a little overkill in the hole better but I'm scared nice one big shot watch this alright that was almost cool god bless you too this crabs responding that's important that is important get the heck off me he's literally earth or fire I would have been happy with honestly it made you my biggest threat is gonna be dying or something random getting this please God pull the buns about two minutes ago stay in the cage stay in the caves do rotate we're okay okay you want to go on that wall I'm sorry they can have I can tell she's trying saying okay if I get three two AP I'll tell you if I'm bond or not they probably I'm going to tell him if the merch guy is or something it's the armor armor armor maybe like Deadman's ooh righteous glory this will help for the gap close ation BAM invasion Sam damn patient anyways more snacks I still can't help my god I'm this closer to spine and all our death camp right now and go into town and it just got a whole lot better folks god I can't freaking losing this thing dude okay that's not good that is not good at all Julius late-game is hopping I got a stack this guy because that Shields gonna come in handy and the magic damage from Cassio is what I'm gonna go worried about I wonder if I do built MMR I think I just focus her maybe like only altar or something no it's probably too hard to pull off either hmm decisions decisions by a blue trinket shall we I'm gonna start a blue trinket my whole jungle that way come late game will be set because I'm not blowing up their Nexus I'm gonna focus on getting as much ap as I possibly can and our stacks are doing very well and oh my god dragons coming up it's guys straight-up proxying in our base I can respect your dogs God look who it is we need backup [Music] nice she's dead help help op op op op op let's try a guy can you sound that guys so tanky with them it's not that that's an ace that's a rap that dragon is ours dude come to Daddy I love how much damage we do for being as tanky fer actually my favorite we just gotta stack this guy now do you get more mana per level is that a thing I have a little 18 right now oh my god you do that's another reason why serifs is super Opia nerf because you scale off of the more AP you get and let's see hey there mister Red Roof more man you have the more AP you get so what am I going to this oh yeah the level 30 helps we're already level 19 I like it hey they tell Oh is she you know I could've sworn that sounded like you do this towers barely alive by a sliver you could spit on that thing you know default see we just want to go to every jungle camp we can to get the AP weekend and I should probably help you out my team right now but remember we're playing for the late game folks there's a new objective in town going for the late guy the other than that creep big mistake I want to get it so we can one-shot mailee creeps and yeah we one-shot melee creeps by the way we're on the hace and it's going good what API could get good let's see here oh we gotta keep blue trinket again goodies that guy right there let's see drains in 15 seconds I mean you gotta go hopefully they stay busy with Baron cuz the more of this we get the tanky we did he literally just took my freaking my that's not cool we can make massive choke points playing by your inner they get one of these I'd not be good for me after the investment avoid staff no doubt about it thank goodness dude now we're talking we have three mount Drake's one more for the soil that would be not T okay so if we go anymore tank your items of some sort of God oh boy I'm coming folks good things mid mids push but more blue trinkets hello town freakin X March the spot dude this guy's hunting me right now straight-up hunting me listen here talent I don't want a freaking here I honestly think I honestly think us getting earth dragons only on the lids could be better than fire drains as stupid as that sounds get two stacks for this oh my god we do heck yeah baby put more there I'm telling you blue drinks resemble our King what the hell this is get me back out of here J stays alive at Felix's popping off botlane more AP a death cap would be good don't get me wrong but definitely be good bro baby that was actually so freaking close his piss dude not bad at all we're surpassed a thousand eighty don't be wrong have to go way up if you buy death cap but we're playing the long time good good good why does this trigger not die now he's dead I love affiliate sold so much I know why it's pretty broken but the tongue champs always gone and pisses me off but this is up to fourth earth this is why we're going to tank my yard no you upgraded our life I like that that's a whole lot of extra armor Mountain soul check ruski boys yes please oh okay what's in the wave that's new I'm coming folks kind of scared honestly I don't think that's good keep that very nice [Music] boom baby my art is gonna turn into a one-shot kill trust me it will definitely will and I love that shield so much it is very strong its tail's with oh yo its scales with AP the more AP we get the bigger shield we have ha good thing we're playing bar dude this thing's gonna scale infinitely you know where the heck are you going dude we're so tanky I freaking love this it can't get back here I just Duke me more blue trinkets all on the map bye bye Nolte needed sometimes I think my W is one of the people launching in but let's put one maybe there they have some pretty good backdooring champions Tryndamere talent very slippery lots of AD and this Cassio is not gonna survive they took my crown that's where I draw the line they conversely yes we can do these little you have to press our the second he sees me or else he's in big big trouble okay those more blue trinkets and Olaf kind of scares me because he can run us down but like I said this earth drag scales with a P so Daffy gonna be good so so good grumps coming up I think I'm gonna go over here instead cuz there's way more apt to be had off these little chicken feet still so so hard pretty spa do my team's got frickin a map on check I love it those guys are Denso and you can stack really well force calms also so I just got the cannon I'm one happy camper dude good oh boy get that guy shocked oh I'm here to help you even need a buddy to help you if you need it more so here to help you just while you watch me farm alright I'm here for moral support that's more like it they might cut a ban that'd be bad that would be bad oh my god thank God that didn't stop me okay we gotta get out of here to help lose out of seals that's not bad all right we gotta play real smart without the GA don't you dear Oh a lot of fields going down you know what this will help this will help a lot and RW is on a point 3 3 second cooldown and it's only going down remember Dan bye-bye come on baby we're dropping bombs on this thing elder Dre is gonna be huge for us I get that thing I'm not going anywhere baron check good good good put a blue ticket there and Ward's for all right these guys are responding this one's gonna be coming up first because I killed it first so time to camp it and get that juicy juicy ap I think mm-hmm having a death trap right now would be beneficial but come later on just getting so much ap to the point where it doesn't matter obviously being as tanky as possible is the move only one shot these guys nice now nice I don't know why okay English is hard sometimes a red buff catch oh one two three got him got him should probably get this elder also considering I don't have a GA anymore which is very scary I'm coming boys I'm coming oh why hello there no oldie shenanigans there we focus this or what they are bopping my boot ring else will tell you that much my goal is to make it something completely one-shot these guys with the W but that's probably gonna be impossible gimme gimme got it the elder pop will pop it again what he survived oh heck no did what I said we just got to charge up as much a P as possible because mmm this earth dragon and it refreshes so so fast the shield is getting huge he's will soar up and now they are not all right we should be good for a bit because we got elder but we shall see top camp side is up now it's still a king cause even notice maybe we take some inhibitors I feel this is popping off big time and I'm just sitting here farming day this is a good life to live the veigar farm life if you can put deep shrink it words in here like this they generally always forget about them so they are a very good investment to make [Music] and do that very nice oh god this is risky they're gonna kill me okay I'm sorry I'm going out here dude I did not want to get part of this I'm strong but not that strong yet okay we have 1.3 k AP but let me this they got to go through 5k worth of health to take me down dude that's the scariest part level 30 as well I love that over 3k mana beautiful we all family can make this shield Ching and it's gonna get better sup bro oh my god oh my god I'm okay Boise you deceive myself my favorite thing giant eat by happening bunny for me I said I'm thinking for the Late Late game all right I want to see if I can break this mountain shield that we have absolutely break it have it be like nothing you've seen before Oh God we still can one shot mailing creeps that pisses me off I'll miss that can I probably cried I'm coming god I've got a baby get off of our Towers if these goes down these go down we are in a lot of trouble by a lot I mean a lot all right this is great please tell me whoever's killing these chickens I'm gonna put a ward here so whoever kills this board is probably gonna kill them as well and we're not gonna be happy about that not one bit dude were on the road to one shotting melee creeps it's a long path we got to go down but we will eventually get there we have 22,000 gold my god you bought a death trap right now I didn't want to know how much ap we'd have alright these guys are coming back soon let's go you linked red buff and go in the same path we originally went down so this guy anything at this time in let's say farm is more important my team is holding himself together pretty well I want to keep running buddy keep running that guy is a super tank oh my god RW almost one shot those two so I gotta stop doing that but stacks on racks we're approaching a thousand veigar stacks now so I like that a lot I like that oh lot oh my god elders back up to one wave and I'm going we lose that thing we can actually lose like no joke lose oh my god I still can one-shot melee crews dude I want to cry nice team I'm coming if we get this we are set up for success 1.5 k AP easy peasy and our double use down to a point - to a point - two that is good oh holy that's barren I don't care about that take the bearing for all I care this is what we care about daddy oh my god I can actually feel how much faster we can press without you now more stacks you because the stronger the lower cooldown this guy goes even in earth I know it's nutty every 50 we'll check in next time we get a thousand will check in we're actually almost there oh my god this guy's will mess up our day he will drop our towers so fast I love it I'm chasing to go down and that's what I'm talking about dude AP on AP 1600 and I'm going back to farming the more farm we get the easier it's gonna be I I actually could have died there like kind of kinda kinda sorta kinda why hello there sugar scares me we just need this birth Dragon shield to be so big where it doesn't even matter anymore we're not Q in the sky or W this guy's was killer from now on chuckles proxy and I like that I love that stocking pray again thank you all this is good this is good good good up there town where you going lazy Deb nope not dead I might be though we need more aps so each one of these W is completely one shotgun and get them out of here I've got form for coming buddy the horns a freaking hero for doing this oh my god you just destroyed her baby can one shot string before he does anything thinking big guy where do you think you're going he's going back to base okay well that's one way to do Baron recall you can actually be pretty slippery not gonna lie pretty freakin slippery let's do this oh yeah oh yeah it'll brolof this let's do that maybe run down this lane I'm so scared for leaving the base oh my god our boot treatments are gone again dude I'm doing overdrive on the warding over here I'm so scared of pushing out especially late-game because at the blink of an eye everything you just go bye-bye so this is risky for me very risky I honestly don't go farther than this it gets to a point where you can you start taking towers if I'm not nearby they'll actually go down to 1,700 on the AP this is without a death camp imagine if we'd have one yeah that would do a whole lot easier mr. Redbook how are you freaking doing which way you want to go I'm down for either and I just missed the cue Charcot trying to solid snake I got that one game that's snake game anyways more blue trinkets in the base this helps for late-game these things last forever right so oh so good we still don't want shot melee creeps dude why please somebody thank you alright cool down on this point sixteen dude it is going down and my team is dunzo I'm falling back to base falling back to base the bull Shaka proxy is doing such a good job of keeping the lanes push I love that hey there fellas they're looking to pull off a little fast on our job let's try flash over on over what let's do it let's do it that's who's got flash but we have this point point oh my god I'm so sorry oh that's bad that's bad when in doubt press the day R button press the big bay R button just so teammates don't die but that elders back up and I freaking want our fighting strategy soon gonna turn into except that's not good dude my earth shield is lovely look at this I feel so much from his taco gunblade to their mid lane on mid lane no no no dude I love it oh my god this is getting close to the longest biker game I've done somewhat close we've had some pretty nutty fighter news thank you you they know if they push their big big trouble but we definitely need that elder I'm coming to it Oh God I'm Baron dart help there or do I go to elder honestly I'm done over here or this struggle would this guy is hard struggling we have a GSA we can get a little risky with it it's Cassio's out of the picture that means this is our time to shine +25 thank you we'll pick this guy up as well I'm gonna send this guy down the mid lane it'll be a nice little distraction you go buddy are you serious oh yeah I'll be the baron in a second we are pushing 2k AP and honestly the more important thing right now is Stax just for this guy right here this w it sound a point 1 3 second cooldown yeah that a lot I'm coming boys roll up the hands that blue putt and get out there that's the motto let me see you Badolato just told you the motto here we go this is going to be great for us only 61 I gotta pick it up on the 18 right now I'm not gonna lie tank fire is nice and all but but we got a pack a bigger punch I thought I'd be doing more for having to KP this is unacceptable alright we are almost 1/3 of the way wait for it one third of the way they are to K remember if we get to K comment down below or if we get three K comment down below and drop a thumbs up on the video to enter by giveaway bye oh my god they see the cage and they run I love it Tryndamere alright that guys Gaza town what the heck do you think you're doing it's just hard trolling hello where are you going can't hop over the Nexus buddy if I get effectively you can but what okay there we go that's more like it more stacks for us dude please gimme gimme gimme just let me get more farm yeah me too if they're kind of letting me so I shouldn't be complaining it wouldn't kill happy about that choco real splash baked buns truth coming coming oh my god oh my god that's a wrap at what point do we end this I've never had 3kp full tank bill before I actually take that back I'm a liar this and give me that baby anything you can snack on I'm going for it somebody call me up oh god they're taking our base that's not good we'll drop a water to you and peace on I love how you can ward while recalling they have no creeps I'm not too worried but Lauren together run buddy you got a run how bad do they want this guide you what my world little hey - bro here we go earth drag it's gonna refresh once this poison goes away and boom baby this thing is nuts it's going even higher plus 270 on the AP if we get a lot for you like 5 k AP I'm literally gonna have a 2k shield every 5 seconds that amount of combat for that is something else where the yard this town's going in dude two point one let's see this is down two point zero nine are you kidding me point zero nine I love that this guy just wants to proxy so bad I don't know why he better press are gonna buy my bears up though he literally did the hoppity animation I like that are you she is a weak sauce actually weak give me bad points no nine I want to get this to zero it can go down that far to literally zero one keep running buddy keep on running at this point I think these guys want to like do I don't think they're doing but I'm not opposed to it I'm not opposed to a dog kid maybe not hey hola I'll do pretty good either they're really scared or no I'm making a video I can't tell roll off I'm coming for you GA verse GA broom broom well burn the whole dinner means about nothing but I'll take it are you still let's take a look at our 1400 now we are point zero eight dude it's going down it is going down slowly but surely I want to get this thing bad if they get this they can end at the snap of a finger so yeah let's not let that happen shot goes taking every freaking creep they got and Leona's on home-based duty check this out boy boy we annihilate ours I'm actually so happy we got the earth dry oh man I want to see this shield bad it go off just do what I think he did AKA go baron yes he done diddly did no no no no no let's go for this oh my god if you got an imposter just W on myself they go by five bears hours when I want to step on the gas we can our double use just start flying on down good this is good I want that elder bad I'm happy we got the Baron but uh I was sorry I feel so bad she worked so hard on it we just come in and drop 50 meteors and Yoink it that's what a bully would do all right and I don't want to be a bully don't be a bully everyone bullies are bad except for when you have almost 1,500 stacks on VR that it's not so bad then you're just bound to do it dude the fact that we don't one shot everything pisses me off oh my god no he's not taking it trimmed I love you do you guys want to go late-game apparently they do we are late game it's probably the dumbest thing I've said in a long while w late game one hour into a nerf game I won't let shotgun wins all right what they could sow do Oh God dude Cassio was king of the objectives I think they're on it but I'm over here getting stacks on racks I'm coming on Oh this cool-down is seriously dude you can notice how much faster he kills thing it is very very noticeable oh my god yeah I would freaking be scared too I felt Leona was someone popping her BAE something I was scared for a second but W down 2.07 that is huge later broski alright see we keep farmer to pick up the D cap do even by the death trap it would give us so much ap so so much our W would be going from not so much to a whole lot when we sell though I love all my items a lot maybe righteous glory I doesn't sound too bad does the Kent's Calif level I swear that Leona Justin so much damage that thing plus three hundred on the shield dude it is only going up I like it thank you alright we would have to beat a with this hmm Oh point zero seven all right I'm not leaving the base even they don't creeps like I said if someone decides to go freakin crazy mode did Orrin is this tanky you minute to do that now I love that check this out it's D captain all right guys I have over three K now and I want to tell [Music] watch it about to freak down teasing hey there mister Cassio oh my god our damage on these things literally doubled hi hi this may or may not be a video thank you for not in vain let's go farm off of more chickens now for some of the stacks we get to AP for some of the creeps we kill well I can't tell you anymore well you can try you can definitely try I want to get this 2.00 so freakin bad oh yeah oh yeah how about weekend and but we can't hit towers creeps have to do it dude this makes it real fun this makes it real fun because at this point I think I could literally spit on a tower and it'd blow up in two seconds especially if I had Lich Bane do the only way you can win for a spider wait I just hit the guy with the Q 5 more AP he literally was got in one shot like I said I'm just happy we have this super layer nice is dunzo and I'm going on a jungle farming mission only cage people flying over me I think that'd be awesome wait they can't the beak and talons be good those if they break the rules I'm gonna go over there and bottom just because I literally do not trust them dude awesome hello Danno all right you know what screw you didn't want to kill you anyway your level 35 for the win I'm gonna help me thank you point zero five fellas it's going down Leona we wanna make sure they don't hit if anyone breaks any rules and literally over instantly that's the scary part about all this what do you think you're doing but press our press why walk away why do they get so fast oh my goodness um Big Daddy's our backup let's get on to it get this guy that guy we can actually kill see over the wall oh yeah oh yeah we kill it faster than it regen dude are you kidding me this is actually so much faster go dude sooner or later I'm gonna need a macro for this w to fall down as fast as I wanted to nobody's gonna do all Twitter spitting meters going with hardtop he wants experience and bad not on my watch she did probably you have a chance of killing me honestly is they always got a juicy built for this I like it hmm 0-5 what it says these are up we just kill goals too many times the point where they're broken or what I'm gonna take a nap no I don't trust no naps maybe everyone's just anybody I would be the only one in here having fun oh my god yes good you gotta give it to them a for effort I'm guessing this way bro laughs making a break for it let's get deep words here cuz this is where you see them launching you'll know which direction they're going to do your thing cleanse oh yeah elder was the issue but this going back up now oh now they're actually back up okay no more prank time no more prank of Rooskies where is this guy going maybe we get a BT so we just have a giant shield on at it as well do 500 on my earth shield 500 my W is so freakin funny and troll at the same time I love it I have three more stacks then we can see if it went down to point zero of a second this little dot doesn't go away anymore let's find out let's find point zero four dude we're making headway I want to get it to literally zero little zero almost for KP - I love that remember these words are the king if my W doesn't 1-shot the world but in this game I'll be sad alright creepwave let me see how much ok read you a lot hopefully no one saw me hit that they're gonna be pissed I sort of kind of just broke the rule did I kill the tower they would said screw you it just ended instantly oh man hundred total kills so big bet she's watching this table oh my god we get one hit okay one if you can dodge this are they so fast sneekly to go in a while oh my god I love that let's see please kill those guys cannons get really strong as the game goes later later you know at this rate I'll break though the guys in the comments feel free to say hi back lots of AP and you guys help me mole this would be a team effort breaking this freaking record three people go afk all hard stack oh my god I want to see what a lot of ap looks like you already just let me kill shot these guys despise that guy dude I don't know what the heck he did maybe like living so shocking but this guy is going down one left let me kill my dad okay that sounds wrong how we gonna get elder and then these people if could please dude that would be insane if we can stack on them with 0.4 second cooldown bruh make sure you do this so they don't do any funny business but notice how much faster we can actually kill this thing bye-bye to that I'm keeping our lanes push because I'm genuinely scared let's go this way drop some of those and I'm so excited for this earth for this earth shield we're at 5:15 plus 200 plus my ad bonus why do I have no HP bonus oh it's bonus HP oh that makes a lot of sense honestly that makes a lot of sense this we might get it down 2.03 after three clips our past will go to 1800 nope still 0.04 not good enough boys not good enough if they're afk de we can stack like crazy like absolute craziness let's go this way let's go this way if anyone wants to kill me I will drop in faster than a fly oh my god yes dude leave this oh my god okay tryndamere wow he just took a lot of damage my elder dragon almost frickin dropped him and bopped at the same time maybe just proxy driven I come in peace I do not want to hurt you right just go and kill Jaco do you think I want to destroy the FK people and stack like crazy we just passed 4k AP that's a lot that is a whole freaking lot dude I'm in my sandwich do that what we'll do all right stack these guys and then roll up truce what a nice buy yarn just make sure our challenge our bull gate up there hey Riven this is like a territorial animal type thing where you don't hit us I wanted to I'm like a alligator I guess all right nothing best example why is Tryndamere about to get bopped and dropped and bopped and dropped maybe you just eat one dad maybe that's what he needs look at this we get a P for each time you hit one you guys you can get so much ap right now if you just stack it on up dude oh my god yes this is good as long as they don't destroy a frickin base it should be okay we got a beat coming in half and more AP someone just be calling yep somebody definitely just recalled somebody definitely just recalled maybe Olaf away to do this right Wow they've gotten so much easy so fast we have the dude zero 0.2 on the stack is right now I'm pressing my W you can literally see my earth shield slowly ever so slowly get better like ever so slowly this June you're still going down yep yep yep Wow hmm guys real quick real freaking quick late Olof my good spawn children here 15 second city's going down Artie five to ten seconds all right get the hiccups April off careful buddy [ __ ] tries to kill me dude make Kenneth that is the oh my god that have done damage I steal but some really pretty juicy like this was it at 730 dude yeah lots of AP what's this strategy is on [Music] love all maybe I'd only cook in there walk away welcome back and stack after a bit and watch out that hit some dude he's in big trouble look at this 0 0 s literally 0s on this W ok now we're starting to deal isn't it now or talk and baby now we're freakin talking Oh watch it friendly what's this what you tell me this way does 1k then you know that that's a problem that's that's a problem we need to one-shot people with our ultimate bad okay very very bad that thank you and that do we go for Elder meet this game is gonna be pretty troll these things I'd say you do more than that oh I don't know pop these little guys oh my god did we got a stack more more and more cuz we're not one Shaun things yet and I don't like it I don't like it he makes up our build seconds dude yes I'm gonna figure out how to find a freakin macro for my W I'll be right back all righty good news and bad news I set up a macro I didn't put delays between my keystrokes or whatever and it literally caused me to reconnect to the game that was not good it actually crashed it for like about five seconds but I figured it out hey that ribbon I will not kill you you did not kill me please oh my god I hate him I wonder if I would have killed him he's got a ga he's fine somebody watch out for this guy boom free stack but check this out check this out oh my god this Tryndamere the audience is better my lady that's a whole lot bye-bye spinning here thought it walking those things things still south that is not good doodle and white HP's stachyose dude we're going hi we are getting a whole lot once we spawn there and big trouble I like to do is move my mouse around and destroy anything in the vicinity that's a lot once they respawn it's gonna be nutty or drink water with the cap on yeah pretty awkward somebody how many home home home believe things tryndamere's trying to be invincible oh my god co-op P stop at the top this is so cool five spinning here have a good one play with what it's not that to give them the vulnerability while he was dead interesting very interesting but in a little bit I cannot freaking wait to see what our AP looks like Oh wha I am so sorry buddy catch you on the flip side just notice how this plate shield on us gets bigger and bigger and bigger bigger and bigger this is gonna blow your mind soon right you guys serious why they're invincible they actually just bought so much em are to the point where 8,000 ability power doesn't do the job as sad as sad as it is doesn't do the job doesn't cut it these days some of the math genius they just figure out so how long mr. L my AP persona no no no no no we're live we're live so here right I'm farming okay please control yourself oh dude we get a pee a little slower this way now that I think about it I think this is a little oh god no that was almost bad by demo oh this again there we go there we go my god no oh this freakin lifesteal dude I'm a fan of that you stop doing that you scare me every single time I don't like it you do that stupid thing cry me a river okay this is where we can actually see the the shield grow check this out look very closely so if anyone want to come mess with us I pressured and done that so we can see but we'll be okay a okay all we got to do now it's backing on up in this little creep he had a slow he print out my shield ever so slowly let's see how long it take them for the two we're gonna do so oh god my pie-dar why don't do that that's just that's just rude more stacks you did the lower the W cooldown actually dip but keep that in mind if you invite our main stacks Mayer a lot and we're getting a whole lot right now a whole person the other goddess I could it's shotgun driven but to become best friends by the understand 10kg if I get a hundred thousand daddy does it go past my icon as they did my honestly against the calf time that flows down my W but if some house make it a village where it didn't have this task time that would be nuts absolutely enough almost 11 K already do we stack passed very fast I wish this earth dragon should help me tank this necklace time we get to a point like and chillin there for so so long and imagine if the more if you had a more HP lever translated to your mr / farmer percentage going on oh man I wish I could read the AMA comments down below right now to start the AMA now you just started now honestly now the perfect time earth dragon is a best I move forward an inch we're going down down down maybe at a certain point we'll see around the map how much damage we actually deal good that'd be good good checkpoints go checkout ratchet bulkhead we're getting AP much faster than I initially thought we would what a zero second pays off big time keep on laughing the only therapist is possible my god I really hope that Olaf is go crazy mode oh my balls marble this Olaf is going crazy loading destroy I frickin base you might I'll just hop out of their cannon and go home and press one button on them now I can throw old goodbye Oh my a lot yup six AP for killing them get 5 AP / takedown and then one for the hidden and ability for the static no no no we're not not into that right right that right those up a little more walking around a little bit get some organic stacks that's what that's what we call this some organics dude 1.8 K on this earth Dragon shield and check this out right I tank all that I go out of combat 5 seconds and boom it's back in freakin action plus six six of healing you see that sanitary gaap oh yeah going on up baby go in oh this is real content okay 980 per second 548 thirty-two 777 AP per day dude the road to 700 ability car 700,000 abilities are fine that's a pretty big pretty important word I left out there oh my god has anyone ever done 100,000 ability that might be reason to the down almost a 10k passive stack that's you that is freaking huge don't do this whole look at our shield dude I'm not excited to see Tom excited but I'm more excited to see what this earth strike she looks like over what our damage looks like on shamp on monsters what happened similar Pentacles NK passive stacks oh yeah yeah this is my friends is kid stuff yes she ate more than nine 80% we make it nine stars per second it's definitely tideless we get to 11,000 and then we'll do some math I shouldn't will do that 500 all right we basically have 500 this did 2.2 I'm subbing this famine everywhere I can tank for days all right I'm not FTA right reto not a it looks so good out of combat and poof oh my god I love it all right at 90 130 will go for 30 seconds 522 I should know we'll go for a minute we'll go for a minute Oh God check my AP not me whatever those holes I'll at 17,000 a 92 will start seventeen thousand seventy dozens of mm this is she either get it math this is where you're gonna Excel right here in alright so did 92 in seventeen thousand eighty it was kind of 70,000 kids be messed up their person one minute goes by see how much HP we've done five Univ thousand each a minute yes it doesn't look like for that who actually is close to a thousand it is very close 20 seconds left c'mon fellas oh my god things don't line up like exactly 800 and the nope we're not going to get a five six left time we've got 950 more so oh my you know how we did all right guys we're breaking the record and mark my words this video we do it we are determined okay New York attorney the all-time record disdain no if ands or buts and game crashes than the oh boy my first dragon seal I freaking love it I love it I love it I love it people that can be if I can get that 20k what's another in soon we'll start doing damage chances elsewhere because I'm actually so good 500 more keep it on 200 more AP and were there folks it's a joint yeah this is starting to do a whole lot I had a feeling if I even looked at that inhibitor you just glanced at it it would still fly by real fast really hi I'm the chillier what's up yeah him you played really well imagine watching their day visitor plate mystery no 4d seed have to watch the game from the strain that you can't get hold it leader not is actually happening before now play another Oh Mike oh hey I'm watching the game I'm the one reporter when we came in determination and we got this [Music] I hope this game isn't crash honestly one of our biggest news in the bombs soon I'll check what we can do to elderly repair see how much [ __ ] you can do before 100 a little checkpoint goal make small goals work hard on them and then the big goal be that easy that's pretty easy all we have either scores so they have four minutes you do that my mom's back okay that's in half president of this macros working all the time I pressed it was master I think I scratched the game now I'm starts doing you know no no this is good is a very soothing w sir this is his new collection to drop a yacht dude my shield is over Hey right now easily the thief to get what is that mmm yup yup it definitely is you can take this so easily Oh God probably needs all the creeps I can freaking get no help you - what are you doing give up now here we go continue alright one more minute surpassing 50k on the passes within their word get man just let it rain on that baby oh my god soon this whole shield thing gonna be bigger than my HP bar easily but Finley way too funny it'll be bigger easily almost 100 minutes haven't there been a game where dropping bombs 100-minute CEO that time store timesheet of the top would sweet next 125k aps-c physicals one after another baby steps that hurt a lot yowzer big owl bigger and you let a lot live or not and let ol up live maybe you'll test out what 25kg looks like we give it a whirl Olaf want to go take a nap as well I feel bad for one shun that piss out of them all right damage test time y'all ready for this no I'm fine lmao he wants to hang out [Music] boink alright and that does a lot do we look at that weak sauce damage dude weak sauce for bombs well did more fk'd more stacker Reno's we get and it ends up being a whole lot of AP damage test number three come on come on say goodbye to my mr about forty six forty two twenty nine let me go to 0 mr 19 18 17 16 15 14 it's dropping fast we're about to have zero freaking I'm armed [Music] we're in the negatives what do you mean hopefully comes back all right we're good oh my god with a whole lot more to shebang on top dude oh yes some few damage tests complete but we're gonna need a little more than that right for not good enough it scared me stacking on our fun imagine trying to fit into my guys but capable of doing that just think about that I know it's a lot there is no be super emoji stuff other times it's back and then oh man if we actually get a hundred tape next damage test I'm going to go one shot the inhibitor and see if you can do it easy-peasy matter-of-fact see if we've been diced I hope she doesn't I really hope she doesn't is that one W or two I'm trying to figure out boom boom boom baby the more AP we go and this earth ratio has officially surpassed my [ __ ] peak officially as done right next goal 30,000 80 maybe 33,000 just sold these 100 of the way jewel that sounds sounds like Jesus three three three three three three really living don't die oh my god let's hope filled ten seconds thank you rather than may the force be with you that looks like it hurt no-no-no not empty not hollow words maybe just miss the creep wait dude I love this almost the four thousand shield on the earth trade I've never seen an earth dragon so strong for in my life in me life made to be stacking on a baby stack it on up number 33 K is our next goal we got that easy Shamir became invulnerable as we were killing as we were just constantly dropping maybe the same will happen to Riven I don't know if she dies once again maybe we'll walk around a bit and see if I become invincible but well let's see if it works five seconds here we go and which through the entire time the mine oh my god I'm the biggest idiot in the world I thought she was afk that's why she wasn't becoming Volvo unheard-of news was one shotting her yeah I was wrong Ronit states she's a tame debt you come get Baron and drag so it looks like a fire 30,000 ap at least they simply we're getting close to the mark for the 1/3 point and our AP is looking juicy dude play the stacks 20k on their I I did you can buy more IEP but I mean I get that amount worth in like 30 seconds of stacking my god this is actually insane Am I we're approaching two hours while that's a lot that is Oh this is just freaky stuff this is good food stuff yeah AFK warning coming up in ten nine eight or two one oh my god I'm a freaking God that was time to the science keep on dropping baby oh my god so and paint this power it doesn't care about my shield it goes straight onto my real age beef which is very scary by the way very serious and if you ever do another one if it is by all these all they're not gonna freaking happen I'll be doing an AMA Darius all right that would be very nice but be the perfect time to do an AMA right now so I guess that in the comments ask anything there's lots of math going on right now under a thousand away from our alternative we did it was it was different [Music] there's two days this blows we went over the mark by 20 this is me and a nice teamfight and then we did a little faster risky shall we they traveled ready one third of the way that's all when that is all freaking with the name there was something out there like that oh my daughter student that elder actually so much [Music] ribbit ribbit ribbit oh oh did she she gonzo is ribbon afk let's go damage test mr. bear I am in love with this shield dude just you in the one to 1v1 I'm so case what he says if he says yes to this this guy's the biggest balls ever you want these hands if you die well alright check this out we're getting better we're getting much better we're gonna be a little one-shot it trust me all go back to standing please don't you recall that's it's not good not good at all oh yeah Olaf's down there driven die our stack tremendously way the heck up baby yes at Woking yeah now the calculations have changed and change the whole lot we're approaching two hours see what if you have my toes the city of 35k I made see how much ap we get now through the pace we just went up a whole frickin lot if I was doing damage these hairs I'd want to see what we did by the end of games so bad so so bad bickerman one more minute that will pass all this AP is so much better is it over our goal this game chill fares or dragons with one W this one if pans forward but unless being Ottawa Dolphins I think the fact that I can have this skill he has all came back and tried to kill me it would be a nightmare because I just had a vision for like two seconds hop my head back in with a new shield with a new sea [Music] but I'm gonna go to sleep watching video studies Loki Civic Tyler put it out like this but on the minus 80 on my favorite get some creeps was that five thousands of way more than my HP now I would like to I'm so sad that the sorry just threw my shield so so said I guess it's the only thing that actually has a chance of telling you though everything else not so much it's 2:00 a.m. where I live right now so he says probably think about it they're like you know what they're your bun have fun take my body strip you I'll wash me 40k coming in hot gelatinous bang bang bang or say hello say hello bingo ten morte then it's honestly a little one-shot better with that honestly they're not barren butts right actually we'll see we'll do one of each and see which one is faster the damage has the Baron and dragon Elvia a doozy [Music] maybe is becoming we could tell them if the morning coming in hot the magic turn the edges i think magic pens what we need to building says with a pretty serious issue currently our lack of damage according to tha more and then were golden I wish we could get dark harvest act that'd be the real winner little Simpson the little podcaster this I wish I had there a make comments to do right now stream am a nasty questions I'll answer them right now I like the time that that you - so do I look at that though [Music] those killed metal wave of risky now just left Howard WAM jam down that w absurdity plan I found North America I'm also being about doing something where I make videos on other servers I'll even be fun and interesting to watch do this to my HP bar Oh you can see the little lines in between 100k please can do I got your back bro you gotta see what happens that looks like her stuff beginning okay baby baby big warden forte little over two hours doing pretty good on time I don't know if you have a time objective for this but don't put it 45 taste Tillman and happy we got past me any question if Kade guy off the [ __ ] one - oh my god that looks like freaking maplestory dude when asked what gameplay growing up hey listen this party biggest one Elizabeth wasn't it boys all beauty it's almost a fascinating question yes and listen while we stack it on up why aren't they dying when you see they have a spirit massage you did a lot of it please last privilege grow up I grew up in California familiar especially long state oh the Walden has anyone ever done hundred a I'm not sure not that I know that's kind of a lot and sutures what's going to look like on my on my thing but what is 100k gonna look like am I missing them [Music] help me pay for my student loans too simply PayPal Adachi in closing I want to get it to my HP bar those black dots as those black lines turn to the other black line honestly if you get enough HP it looks ridiculous because it disturbs all black he's gonna show up to our level or it nettie where are some places you want to visit Philippines London you just and I'm down to more recommendations down below if you have to travel elsewhere places I have shout no no we're not afraid yeah and crane spirits Weiss Germany next to this minions house his mom's house and more bombs killing a highly stressed best Rest in pool definitely hiding fresh or the classic that was a good one too all that we did please visit China Oh I've also been to China the server there you're pretty wise want to watch your dress controlled plays I don't feel like to rejoin LCS you got it self boots and yeah are you trying to get just all-out AG this I will just pretend about it and stack for like three we are officially more than halfway there No this note of ding bigger and oh and [Music] recent past our 1800 member doing that giveaway thank God didn't say like forever 8080 you give away ten dollars worth of RP that'd be bad each one of these bombs would be like a cent reason I've encountered Li sad there's a lot of bottom but we're still doing a hot dog get away thumbs up comment down below how to do one of those questions I really wish I could read through them right now buh-buh-buh we'll damage test soon maybe next day if they account did you within one shot w Oh but those I did see what my shield give me something nutty here we go 7,000 dude what what going don't now we gotta test the W the W is much better much much better healing up big boy I'm gonna drop two of them we're getting there we are getting there and I gotta use the frickin laser um I mean hmm bathroom sorry watch this I put my hands together and I get out of the bathroom check it out check it out check it out check it out you know beautiful just beautiful I think we keep the GA that's definitely beneficial and we say goodbye to scuttle crab boom oh my god we're getting there we are getting there dude we're gonna watch out to say trust me trust me and I'm getting a lot of questions in right now so let's take you as we static more amen questions if you guys hated this favorite food all it's hard to find obsessed you guys all my strip my bunny pieces you know I have lost my food and say I don't know I look good by the way he does look nice career oh boy is probably all the traveling that you do as a pro player traveling with her friends to a new country a lot of fun about 55 David and 55k do I still talk to Jack I sure do I sure do can I do some cosplays due to taillights I'll put on some tips we're there you heard it there and then and now it's five shades easy isn't it we're gonna get this Shareen car but it is made sound of the earth but one day I want to have a really nice heart a really ugly car but beyond that hopefully I can make it safe to drive around in it so that I want to be driving around with Tim can wear that's why you miss me I just lights out you know I mean but you know how it is please you in a movie to do it especially get why well Smith favorite teammate while to throw in gamer out of game in game probably sneaky who is very easy to get along with very understanding never tilted never flame out of game probably Jensen today whose merch guy rich guy is Oh almost snuck that one out of me my second career isn't gonna exist a cook or real estate I don't know I don't know we're almost at sixty kids questions on Mitchell's go by quick although [Music] test it now honestly was probably getting close to one shot probably getting close to the one shot favorite champion to play besides Thresh definitely Ezreal or if I go with a hundred-thousand ability power this time too and we are closing in on the 60 K baby oh yeah oh yeah please one shot is preparing in no time in no time one of the games would you go crying actually went throat in Halo 3 before they delivered big fan an idea that game probably has the second most amount of hours I put - Taillow unless you big fan of forge as well so creating maps I love doing that and going I played a lot minecraft not like a lot in months over time but I would say like Italy kit minecraft I would get a half to eat food you're gonna have to shower you're gonna have to breathe it was bad 24 hours finish wake up 24 hours that game oh it gives them the crit of minecraft server of the YouTube community and let me know we can make that happen we can make that happen and have you found Staten baby what position you play in Halo 3 I would like to cipher but some of them I feel a little bit better any minute a little bit better got magical things do I need a magic pen for there would that help a lot it might it could it could I'm sure you guys probably way more questions in the comments coming it was still another video of AMA style buh-buh-buh-buh-buh nicely played getting messed up I'll get this dude look at this soon we're gonna have 10k in our shield alone wait don't don't it's only don't don't I like this I like this a lot dropping bombs here we go which organization you think is the best I can't played for a lot of the top one I played for curse which is now Team Liquid I played for c9 which is worse the top and then [Music] another one it was owned by a frat boy who was the owner of the team as his dad was super loaded that was pretty troll I was definitely the most troll one out of the three well if you Steve some professional to frat boy back to Jack super Fresnel good control you almost two-thirds of the way there and we're not stopping we're not even slowing down honestly with the stacks rolling and they get 666 to go test out some big boy damn it shall we test out the damage I think we're the one shops I think we are in the one-shot zone favorite drink water honestly love me some water hold my bag campus ah [Music] if this I'm comin hot but one kid more a peds or there until we are there favorite moved and rock fifties rock all day long what makes you really angry this goes hand in hand when I'm playing video games it's impossible to tilt me unless I don't have water then it's game over let's tilt the palooza from that on out then on a supercilious six big six six six six six - here we are and bada-bing bada-boom you becoming watch that boom inhibit gonzo alright let's see if we can one-shot little damage test a roux boom-boom yep that's quite a bit all right here we go we got this folks we got this Oh - shot oh hello dragon see it's stronger as you kill them as time goes on i forget i freakin love this Andy Behrens at home little chump oh my god we are so close dude we are so close I've never one shot down at the support never ever ever and if we get more IP oh you best bet we're doing a baby you best bet we're doing it come here yeah it is within our grasp I'm so curious magic and all of us will have to what test it in theory I suppose but [Music] I've ever gone in the hospital I never broken a bone knock on wood hope it stays that way but I have I won the lottery what would I buy I would buy it every single when are you watching a Lambo that's probably a lottery target when to some water is where it's like you win 350 million and some what it's like yeah here's 10 bucks [Music] good at this rate I think we're making good time I just want a one-shot down so that I can get a DK we can do me I don't want to don't call them [Music] don't pull that development needed on with Montana or disorder just focus on the bonds focus on the by her w and they're going down stop at 70,000 to go test this yeah Forte more AP I want this earth shield to grill more dude it's closing in on the my HP bar there's no like silly the leadership has definitely thousand babies were getting up there okay a lot didn't weigh up there today all the times we're gonna tell you kind of scary I should walk around the space that and it goes down and I accent at this tower it goes away then if I sneeze Ben Nexus also goes away a little unsettling how does that not blow it up this thing does over 70,000 damage C is a one to one ratio bra this is definitely gonna work this is definitely gonna work in the one shop barely trust we are almost 3/4 of the way there that's like practically there and happy guests join me on the stacking journey now start your now wake me up about to surf busting out seen hard right now you can google top 50 questions for and see Google has to say what's my family light my dad's a bit awkward oh my god it's using one of these videos you guys with lasted foodie off to imagine him trying to please is my best physical feature what do you like the most about your personality dude I'm gonna sound like it for him narcissus I enjoy not tilting it's fun playing people that I can look past the anger side of things what's the best part of your job we're looking at a baby what freaking looking at it oh then tomorrow is the last day on earth on earth Oh June last 24 hours eat some stuff and ramen okay maybe that surpasses Pizza it definitely does these positivity all wrong one though okay barbecue sushi I lived in France for a while and they they went ham saving hard what earth three things you look for in a girl are you going don't stress on the small thing hot as hell and they have Drive a good way to put it in this game Rafa we can blow them up and break the all-time record of HPV will we just passed 75,000 in about five seconds you become baby no no no oh my god we insta-kill the folders I love that let's do this put a little ring around the cage blow it up oh I wonder if I shoulda kept that ideal first date maybe something like interactive and fun but where you can still talk and shatter you guys who didn't good idea let me know yes regrets it's all about not having ribs still learning learning process the Alzheimer earlier out when I was on Chris Academy probably should have asked for a portion of that team and then to the soleus for many many dollars yeah what can always put you in a good mood ramen Wow see that's how you ask someone what their favorite food is how many Farm Olaf in my charge of 2000 what's a random obby you've always wanted to try but never have how am I supposed to know that pharming short do with that did me and we have children someday they're gonna be the best buy our mains in the world easy your 80,000 next damage test we're going big we're going big favorite vacation place my house they just hit me oh my god that scared the freaking tits out of me oh oh that's a lot oh that's a lot oh no oh no those we got herself a problem we got ourself a problem this creep wave is about to go to town these cannons have 10k HP oh god this is bad here we go boink boink when we are they can actually end they can actually end look how hard this thing goes dude 20 seconds left on Olaf oh my gosh dude they came to save the day I'm watching after all this time he hasn't fallen asleep I freaking love that to w's it's dead now moment of truth can we one-shot baron can we one-shot baron I'm saying yes guess right now in the comments can we do it we're not scuttle crab scuttle dies does ban I don't know my god I still want the one you don't want this smoke dude how low is that kidding how low the two thousand or two hundred video IP screw magic pin 8 p is the way to go if I actually hit this it's blowing up this is good hmm any number crypsis see one will have the the big boy AP 78,000 all right now what if the others are still watching probably 90 API really one-shot with 85 days so boots get better item I wish more things have by percentage 880 never Rach plays did you like 8% Piratas in Somalia the Wow where do you see yourself in five years probably in the same exact spot with about seven trillion AP yeah hopefully at least that's my own but be cool [Music] you are writing a book about your life over the title beer probably I one-shot the Nexus my mom divorced me after this one sounds pretty but bid what someone who impacted your life a lot they met a friend to introduce really my first league of Legends game I didn't H buy items I dunno you use abilities and I died twice before minions spot you could say it was a pretty rough beginning pretty rough perfect 4-0 Yemi Filosa sisters I have one older brother was currently going to med school and his medical bills are very high so you want to send them two million dollars feel free it's not actually that much but might as well be do you love animals oh heck yes sorry the question was do you like animals I love animals do think that's another deal-breaker how can you not like you know like what if you a competitive person oh yeah one of the times right toss it toss let's seal this earth dragons at baby over 10k boom triangle mode trial mode ATK bellies ATK how did you lose your virginity okay so when I was a kid I thought the aversion met Jessie so I choose someone at sixth-grade camp and after I was like oh my god I'm the longer version and I learned it's not quite really with them and casted a bit of watcher I just got baited so hard I thought she was VC and then my mind is blue respect respect you like to dance pretty fun yeah I'm an all-star dancer two trillion likes and I'll make a dancing video for you guys deal quick to be a talker mm-hmm would you ever date a blind person that'd be interesting probably not from the gecko but if I was with someone and then line the story have you ever sought someone on Instagram if he hasn't stopped me seen I'd bunny foo-foo feel free stalk away walk away Oh see Howard laughing up there okay okay important qualities enjoy to enjoy in a friend well I think my friends are very witty like I noticed I hung out with a lot of people in high school that are very witty you think of the funniest things the most random times out of nothing I like that a lot they just working one shot Baron oh we can soon maybe go on a little little trip on a favorite rocketship get your five thousand I think that's what we got it you know what we have it right now you have it right freaking now I know we do I know we do check this whatever I do do not hit the never do not do not hit that inhibitor our Pete do not hit it okay we freaking got this if I don't want to shut this I'll be so surprised is right for this here we go finally finally finally dude wowser drag your next like this or the soul's busted I'm calling it now if we had fired ray and we'd probably have 100k right now the week [Music] hey Casio coming for you press our walk away and that doesn't work if you out a vision so let's just do this you can kill me watch this watch this kill me what's your advice Oh boys oh my god let the stacking begin in fact a month Oh moe honestly if he's my otters do a lot I'm serious okay well oh god not not so much not so much at all boom-boom-boom-boom I'm so curious if these three are still watching this is probably the scariest moment of Cassiopeia life Oh or by listening and all attack oh we will we will we definitely know what makes you laugh very stupid thing very very simple things make some joke it's what they demonstrate whenever sometimes your little big kid have fun when they painted heck yeah see homes that barrel Bank dragon might be a little bit not gonna lie I wonder if Cassio's and dodge this she flashed into it what do you want for me wonder if other people could gather in stores 87,000 three you [Music] oh yeah yeah believe in miracles yeah I would say so idea what makes it sad not getting 150m by the dressing Wesley will never apologize for Holly be honest of potassium what's going on what's going on this is hard oh she doesn't have flash yeah that's gonna be a doozy how would you get out of the situation without flash I'm curious what you guys think I'll give you about 20 seconds to answer I think there's a possible way no the answer is not me stopping person w Frodo built yeah even possible maybe because that's the only thing that you'll boost out of there our last but you're still in the same spot once it's done I guess yeah bye roto belt well yes a second what's the thing - okay well everything might work out next one she's got the next one I can even stop watch ok that's rough that's brutal maybe flashes on the way to live maybe that is the only way 90k around the corner mandy cave around the corner those the things on your bucket list of mile-high club scratch that help you off for me there's something passionate about making people laugh I find that a lot of fun mmm it's quite a while I was hanging around them so much in high school whatever way home earlier Cassio good luck nope wrote about is not taking my advice that's a mage I wonder if she tried stop watching that back we are nine tenth of the way there since quite the long being I say some older boom bum bum bum bum little cheese right there and go back to stacking baby oh yeah Oh 91 of the we're closing in Australian does have anything else come come come come bundled up in the middle in the middle oh my god nash's to you oh man that would have been better than me that would have it mean oh man Oh what if it's a bad with Nash's tooth you're gonna be able to one out of one shot anyone oh my EP he's been up a lot hello mr. Baron buff how you doing Cassio Cassio dum-dum-dum dum-dum-dum No [Music] No oh my god dude she scared me they'd rather dinner out of that thing know what I've been bad I post some stacks bunny we're getting close my atheism look so pretty stupid so stupid one side 100k the numbers are gonna go off both them smart I want to end up and left into the rice city 90 kills I like that I like that what if elders scaled so the more elders as you get the higher of an execution to have apply be stupid but also interesting also interesting oh my god it was started seconds chill in here forever 12k on that bad boy watch one these double use you want me to fall boom baby there it is it's stacks the old-fashioned way I love it maybe for 100k we got to go back to our room sounds good from the moment on the moment is a can even get like a million AP imagine that we want up ourselves go for a million that this khutulun 100k lights it's a serious 100 you like I wish it go for a million I see Kadima crash before them though I don't think it would happen as much I wanted as much as I was wanted to sort of Cassiopeia ends this game before we hit 100k I swear to god dude so mad so so man the master is 50% idea it's old lot I love getting if you like this I love it and love it they go in this G a factor X plan they're 99k we pick up a blue pot now it's like taking steroids it's only temporary this passive stacking this is Carmen my shield looks ridiculous I sure did good if I ever get in danger just a lot of combat we're about two seconds and we'll be doing I can't wait to sure he has me destroying the base absolutely what my favorite parts 95k oh I'm excited for this I'm excited for this the doorman didn't doing I did you last what 1000 on drumming truth sounds alright sounds a boob right it's funny how a thousand 80 is actually a lot maybe or you can keep comparing it to off a hundred thousand now 1080 is actually all whole life god they didn't drain that's not good dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dropping the fake dog that trains up to okay almost 97 we are gonna make this happen okay nice lj4 Mitch let's be nice dropping I'm actually do it on town friend do if the skin crashes before Elanna cake and punch my a-hole my free commodity under this 431 hours I have a million 18th you I'm Loki down I'm Loki there sure sister did 100k go for a million we're almost 1/10 of the way there that's not too bad is it not too bad at all look at this boom boom boom boom boom these t-shirts so bad so freakin bad up 90 fps Wow Merve backing band played on a laptop where if harvest halted I would drop down to below 10 FPS and it was rough it was rough once your actual computer we're see during teamfights as buns unleashed Bunz on these almost ninety-nine thousand billion almost like there's no chance these guys are still watching anything Casio was these guys not so much although I saw the true me in chat earlier maybe you like one of them in level and yeah 99 - oh man oh man we are also also 12 all right what I say we rock the old-fashioned way a little bit sounds pretty good to me Banri call up quite a bit of whole spend you don't need a blue pot and stuff so overrated dude please game do not crash please do not crash look at this our damage that we're gonna deal with this game is going to be stupid high just because of all this farming literally stupid hi nice to meet you more junk campster Bob over the Lich Bane that's something I learned about it hold the nashor's well mess with that after we get our IP ok if any of you are still here come on in so I can destroy your friggin face I'll be happy if one of them in here hey there Drago it's been expecting you flash stupid all right can I write q1 shop barren probably not no no probably probably not [Music] didn't ap this way it's quite difficult Allah don't move how did I just get so much VP is this from stacking I swear sealing something just give me a lot don't know don't care oh my god Baron would do it Baron would top me off stocking friggin who bots I jungle up lots of creeps to get in here towns back to runes back dude yes we got a ball game on our hands boys houston me how was your guys's sleep yeah I feel like we've bonded they probably wash my whole AMA I did a while I was farming right no my life better than I do mmm-hmm I just almost fell asleep eight nothing wrong with sleeping during a nice chill farm session don't feel bad for that why are these golems show they're still alive but they're not guys we're 100 away well a little more than 100 but we're getting close getting freakin close get over here you're stacking up a storm at least we don't feel worried about not killing these things anymore nein nein nein go on top go in top list why do these things always beat us all right I the tiger 80 more ability power the all-time record swear to God Tryndamere ends before I get this amount of AP I will cry boom boom boom you just want to see what we can do doing out of tower oh that wasn't a minion I was not a minion hey there big guy twelve thousand damage are you kidding me trend press are how many already actually did Oh God holy lifesteal and we are back dude we almost just died that guy hurts so bad what this builds pretty up there guys here we are here we freakin are this will go down in history I don't know if anyone's ever gotten up over 100 AP in a matchmaking game for forever come to Daddy okay here we go we might get it off one we might not I'm not sure what if this was the max or if the game crashed right now game crashes clickbait not 100k oh my god it's hidden back there it's literally I I have 10,000 guys I'm joking I have 10,000 ha it's just a prank we have 10,000 itslearning behind my freaking icon dude time for the juicy items get that and let's sell GA for that oh wait but that's not what I wanted 15,000 per auto wow oh wow oh wow brought about yes Lisbon yes oh my AP my beautiful hey hey where'd you go sorry one second please we need to uh everyone close your eyes I swear we just head up about a hundred thousand okay and oh well ah or back on top baby oh God freaking the base this proto belt is gonna deal 25,000 okay um that's a lot that's really a lot Oh wha care where'd he go where did he go no no no no no no no no one Autotech doink doink doink these auto tags or oh my god oh my god that's too good dude don't don't oh wait let's see how fast we he'll drag with autotext after we do this okay Wow not bad cassio careful wait one Autotech anyone dies literally anyone don't believe me just watch oh the fadeaway honest how many my flash versus chin here if we lose this game that would be so sad self-defense mechanism now we see trend let's just do a little stroll through their base real fast okay let's do one of those okay kill Brad and that's me one of those okay I feel like that's a good start oh wait a minute I can recall through anyone with this shield oh my god latest tried to stop me oh oh oh I almost died I almost died bye-bye [Music] that is hilarious so if you've a shield on this is why sometimes they do that strategy of when I'm recalling it someone's gonna hit me or something and I'm on my last split second I use barrier so the recall goes through it saves my life numerous amounts of times you guys should try it for yourself and I want to Otto Baron when it comes up like yes no this is if this isn't the best 80 carrier scene maybe we just need to play Veigar build Nash is more often I guess they're getting a hundred thousand AP parts kind of the hard part Tryndamere scares me so that works for me I'm a friendly fire come on hourglass this okay honestly I think the OTO is what faith throughout I'm so happy we got earth dragon this is so stupid and funny hello how are you okay Wow that shield goes down quick listen if we had a million ability power can't believe just came out on the mouth a million ability power do you read 100,000 and 420 oh man I thought it was okay well I thought we'd had the right amount look at this week even one shot these guys nutty nutty auto text only with a proto belt here we go five-second son Barron are you ready mmm I'm gonna try to kill Baron with my eyes closed from here okay here we go my eyes are actually closed my clothes okay well I haven't moved at all all right here we go eyes close up this way click come on Oh God well I mean it was kind of close because I could just do this check her oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no way he did no way he did there's no way okay Wow yeah I was gonna say okay we actually should probably watch out for her base a little bit Tryndamere might be mad we got to sneak up on them I'm coming to kill you if you press this is our right we're screwed I have GA so me and he's dead we're all dogs I love Angie's gun politics for the win point point point point they maybe we just need hail of blades something could be good all right not a lich bane auto-attack let's see how that goes twelve ten thousand so quite a bit don't move don't move don't move don't move all right that was Leona not me you can now buy him that one on me not even a little bit did seriously feel like reporting maple story with these numbers here my gold is juicy I wish I get a little more Olaf no no no no magic playing run from the veigar with this hands off I'm faster oh okay that Autotech I wanted to press are not that did you hear the wind up before he went on a vision if tryndamere I actually catches me off guard you could bought me pretty good pretty freakin good if he sneaks up on me I'll still a little bass rampage shall we God she was going hand spin the mere sorry I'm watching her bass hum did one of these for good measure oh they stopped my recall wait they can't stop my recall I got this thing on this is broken but what if you even tries to dude if you even look set that next no he's messing with me I got my eyes on this guy oh my god okay Wow let's kill these the itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and I am one shot the Nexus guys record officially broken Nexus about to die hundred dollars drop a thumbs up leave a comment down below we're doing a fattie giveaway all right I had a whole lot of fun doing this did a little a made during the stacking session and that's it folks that is it check out this damaged link I didn't get the last name I am boosted see you tomorrow peace that we upload a later
Channel: BunnyFuFuu
Views: 769,612
Rating: 4.7273154 out of 5
Keywords: BunnyFuFuu, Thresh, Cloud9, C9 BunnyFuFuu, Cloud 9, C9, Stream Highlights, Support, League of Legends, best, build, rune, runes, builds, veigar, new, ap, movie, 100000, 100k, world, record, ability, power, longest, game
Id: Ku3uLrsQGDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 32sec (11612 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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