What Happens When Nasus Gets 3,000 Stacks In URF!!!

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why hello everybody wrong channel wrong channel guys i just cleaned my room so we're gonna see if it helps me play better everyone in my house is always like buns clean your room it'll make you play so much better we're about to find that right now right and i would appreciate if you guys drop a fatty thumbs up on the video i would appreciate that more than you even know yo what if i just what if i just go crazy right now all right someone's over here [Laughter] i popped the scanner dude that was the best first blood i could have imagined even asked forever all right hard part is oh my gosh are we are we doing this right now i i can't believe we're doing this right now we're doing this okay it's here nothing to see here i'm saving my q i'm so greedy i am so freaking greedy here it comes wait wait wait wait wait yes we could buy another sword another wait was that a trucks wait how's he trucks wait a minute oh my god okay you know what i'm just not going to talk about that and you guys are going to enter in on the giveaway all right i'm going to go and check once i die how long there is left from the giveaway don't worry this person's full hp i'm not getting debated we've been around the block once or twice we know we're talking about okay 33 stacks this early is unheard of considering uh normally you're getting poke blasted to the point where you can't even last hit anymore it's happening okay ah yeah yeah normally you want to do this poke them out with your e and hope for the best i'm gonna see if this is gonna work it might not oh my gosh are we good we're good i don't want to kill these minions but i need to poke this guy how you doing how you doing if we can get any autos on that would be the dream get over here oh hello i wonder if we can do this that was worth it you know what that was worth it thank you oh my goodness i just checked the giveaway like i said i would there's about 48 hours left this is probably the last time i'm gonna be mentioning it on this channel that is craziness all right if you guys have procrastinated thus far there's still time for you all right sometimes procrastinating is great okay but there is something to say about just getting it over with and not worrying about anymore okay and even if you already have entered because a lot of you probably have um i think we added one extra entry in about a week into the giveaway so just double check on it basically rav ross and myself are doing a giveaway where if you follow a few of our social medias we give entry points in return and the more entry points you have towards the giveaway the better chances you have of winning a full gaming streaming setup or two thousand dollars cash okay get over here oh this is it oh my gosh i do not want to die i barely what do you know that was false information all right i i didn't die there that was a bug with the system please don't miss the cs baby very nice i do want to go around jungling more considering you get the big bonus plus 12 from big camps oh gosh we're gonna get to a point where we can push this dude out nice very nice once we can dictate the lane it frees up so much okay i don't normally like going for plates on nasus but it's also the most free gold on the planet count me in and this gold yes it's not getting a stacks but it's gonna snowball into way more than that okay and what i mean by that is we can now buy items that will help us not suck okay because that's that's big thank you thank you very much this might be a recall situation come on bada bing bada boo level six that's what we care about getting this will be nice buying this will be extremely nice and it looks like boots are gonna be our best friend i think it's all about move speed if i'm being totally honest alright and speaking of build oh boy this will work this will work i don't normally like crit on nasus but i think we'll be able to come up with something that will work oh you're done so now aren't you you better flash away my guy there we go that's good that's good listen you can send w all you want towards us but my goodness we got a big booty bop going down oh hello oh no no no no no no no no we actually almost just died that would have been horrible i thought he was actually coming to gank us all right we're chilling we're big chilling should we catch one creep on on its way out that works that was you son of a gun nobody steals our golems nobody oh gosh okay i thought i could one shot them i was wrong i was very very wrong let's pop our ulti and all we care about right now is stacking like a maniac oh my god if we could whop them while they're flying over our head that would be amazing dude i missed it again oh yeah yeah okay are we gonna dive this or what because getting this tower plating would be so so slick oh my gosh we're doing it what's up garen what's this dude doing up here huh what's this dude doing over here you know what plan b plan b plan b if i can get my recall off oh come on baby we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good that all for this all right there's no time for minions okay we need minions come on come on come on come on this is too much plating to turn down give me there give me in there boom that's what i'm talking about that was nasty that was nasty okay the top audible barely in time sharing it with our boy gin that's money did he just oh oh interesting all right so we have a quite a little a little problem okay sheen items not sure which route we want to go down maybe this is the better way to go for us i don't really like the magic pen though i really don't i'm not sure how to handle this i like how we're just farming their jungle now this is awesome all right their golems are up too golems are sweet sweet sweet to stack on do i have to pop ghosts let's see the creeps are here that means they're right there going a little faster could definitely help oh wow we were good dude perfectly timed yo minions get the heck over here get the heck get the heck over here we can work with this we can work with this we just surpassed 420 stacks nine minutes i think we can do a little better i think we can do a wee bit better oh my gosh yo if we give this drag trust i always have wanted air drag on nasus get over here get all over here any ultimate cool down helps so much and also not not losing helps a lot too i might consider swapping this come late game all right i would be down to entertain a crit build for now you know what let's slap this i think it's going to give us more consistent results that's really what i care about right now oh my gosh there's a fat wave top i need to send it to there man please team i'll carry i promise pinky promise let's get some of this going and let's get some of that going no i missed the big dog you hate to see it you hate to see it all right um do we have to kill that thing now i think we do i'm coming if we leave this guy hanging he's just gonna disappear they got mountain drink please bear a dragon please be an air dragon please be an air dragon yes oh my gosh yes dude that changes everything that changes everything i wanted this so badly it's not even funny more olds equals unkillable for us oh i'm freaking hyped i am beyond hyped guys this is gonna be the best nasus video we've ever uploaded i'm calling it now baby i'm calling it now let's get this going let's get more of that going and we have to not lose over there that's a little bit of a yikes if you ask me but you know what we're gonna roll with the punches on this one okay we're gonna roll with the punches oh gosh do we really like the bass right now okay i can't even say bass i'm popping ghost efficiency at its finest baby come on do we flash over the wall i feel like it's the only way i definitely think we're not strong enough to go on their base right now which is one of my favorite things to do don't get me wrong but i feel like it's not the move oh my god we're literally gonna lose doing this crap buns we gotta go now you want to dance wait this guy hurts so badly oh my gosh that just saved me so hard yo why is this guy so strong what am i am i on drugs or something i need these i need these things to spawn you know what screw this guy we can take him yeah who's running now boy that guy almost destroyed us shivana what the heck are you doing we need to up our damage now dude now now now this damage ain't gonna cut it we're gonna lose at this rate okay 3000 gold i mean that will definitely help but this dragon 17 seconds that's ultimately what i care about the most more than anything okay let's get these rates and go send it on over here more oats equals way more stacks don't believe me just watch you guys are gonna love this here's the drag oh these guys are actually ready for it too we're coming we're coming we're not just coming we're bringing the heat all right that was pretty cringe anyways they are all over there i think we just pop alt and send it on this guy whatever i can do to secure these will be the move oh heck yes i don't care if i didn't even get the last hit all right all we care is about the air dragon 29 seconds on ulti cooldown and more importantly the move speed once we really get going that'll be insanely nice as well don't you dare take my wolf you monster you monster wait that actually kind of hurt that really hurt as well yeah we need to pick it up now oh goodness gracious people i'm honestly so worried about this game a lot of stacks though will go a long way i think we need to open up the uh map a little bit too listen to garen if you want to dance be my guest oh let's do this oh they're ganging up on us they're ganging up on us they're ganging up on us oh my gosh when in doubt don't run holy that was without ultimate so uh we'll be a bit better off with we can only 1v2 right now dude okay i mean we do have 6 000 gold so um we kind of have that going for us that will definitely help and i think getting uh to find mix between tankiness and just lifesteal slash damage slash it's weird because damage gives survivability because of our lifesteal it's a weird mix we got going on but i think we're gonna be able to work something out uh oh that's not good okay i'm coming i'm coming we got this in the sheen item that's gonna be our problem i think late game we're gonna swap to something else oh gosh that's not okay that is not okay how you doing team what's up trundle what's up sean up aatrox tf that's a minion oh my goodness yeah this is actually scary this is actually scary focus hocus pocus maybe just keep on going for stacks is the move this could be the move get over get here here nice nice nice everything under control this dragon not so much oh gosh if i lose it not focusing on the dragon by doing these jungle camps oh my gosh i actually got so nervous there for a second okay hopefully we're okay we definitely have to go back did i get that stack i'm not even sure if i did all i do know is we did break a thousand on the stacko meter boom baby there's no way we're losing that heck no we're not all right tf's on the case i think i really do need to get tankier though i think that's ultimately gonna be our biggest problem oh boy oh boy i.e in the bag we have 60 crit i know i messed up that in the past and i apologize so the q bonus on nasus does it work with crit but maybe the ie still will that would be nice notice how my crits are not that much bigger oh my gosh what is going down over here they are just straight up diving past everything get out of here get out of here get the heck out of here oh we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay how you doing [Music] you want to fight it out i'm down with oh we can actually do this okay no we can't no we can't no we can't no we can't no we can't we need to get rid of all this yo they're everywhere they're everywhere get the heck out of here die die die i'm so happy they're not killing our towers oh dude they're messing with us they're actually messing with us oh we lost everything so back to the whole crit problem we have um yeah this is uh quite the problem let's do this screw the boots and we're getting this i think next time they're not going to go as easy on us i'll tell you that right now this is literally like the games that we play against other people where we just get everything but the nexus then have fun from then on out it's literally just fun oh yeah yeah we have to not leave the base though because if they want and if they get the chance they can just full on send it on whatever the heck they want team i i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming do i pop ghost now or later i feel like i have to do it later we don't boots so honestly we could get into a lot of trouble real fast oh now we actually hurt now we can actually do something okay that's that's that's a good start oh gosh hello this guy knows he can't get close to us bye-bye it's literally a whack-a-mole fest with that dude wow a whack-a-mole fest okay here we go we have our old uh tf okay apparently they have some grudge or something who the heck knows all right this game is weird that that's all i gotta say this game is very weird and this guy doesn't die and if they don't die that's not good i think i need my boots back huh death dance might be the thing to sell considering we have a ga i never thought i'd be selling this let's do it i think boots are actually so important oh my gosh you know what's even more important i can't even say important properly this dragon if we lose while i'm gone i'm gonna be so freaking sad hello hello i really did not want him to steal this oh we got it we got it we got it we got it yes vision it's low say goodbye 1.4 20 minutes we have not many inhibitors i'll tell you that the real question is do we buy cdr i don't know if you guys have seen the one nasus video where um we buy so much cdr where the ulti bonus just keeps on ticking it was gnarly let's keep it going and garen how you doing as long as they don't get on our base we should be okay yo these guys are massive trundle actually has some damage on them this garen not so much bye bye to you and we gotta get in that base now aatrox actually slaps so we should probably be a little careful of that dude how you doing big guy how what whoa whoa wait a minute hold up what that was that that should not be allowed oh my gosh the ulti bonus slaps dude we get so fast that's why i was so happy to actually get this air dragon yeah you guys push i'll do uh i'll do the important stuff they've taken our jungle these monsters these monsters are damages being cut in half right now i don't like it but we'll definitely take this okay a faster recall will allow me to get a little more risky with where we farm bye bye trundle bye bye shyvana let's focus on what we actually care about thank you we got the two two two score oh my god look it was 22 say it was 22 minutes and 22 seconds when our score was 22 two deaths and two assists that was cool that was very cool all right i think i got a little too excited about that but you know what it's the small things all right what do you think you're doing what do you think you're doing oh my god that guy slaps so hard holy guacamole dude why is aatrox so broken does he gain a bajillion lifesteal on his r or what is it i mean i think that's part of it along with the ad along with the damage i i did not mean to okay you know what really 25 are you serious what why this is the road to 3 000 stacks that's all i know that's all i know let's pop this get our move speed and i don't think we should fight in their base but i kind of want to with the baron buff i think it's okay i really think it's a-okay at least at least i hope okay at least i hope all right minion wave let's dance as long as they all don't come at me at once and they coordinate some crazy shenanigans then we might be okay the minions have arrived i like this that's a slap that's a clap we gotta bail we gotta bail and bounce at the same time these bad boys are coming on up three thousand stacks is my goal alrighty i think it's an achievable goal it's it's it's a little high but i'm going to instant kill this thing as soon as it falls all right and we should probably give them a little taste of their own medicine and eat some towers of our own yo having ghost i swear to god i almost flashed on that thing having ghost and air dragon to our uh option here i can't even speak english but let's do this let's do that and now it's go time now it is go time the stacks don't stop and neither does the damage oh my wow no i feel a little bad for this dude he's going down like a clown i didn't want to let him old there we go all right they're all dead we're going back to farming fellers we're going back to farming because that's what we are good at do we pop this now oh you know what we pop this now this move speed is the best thing a susan could ask for notice how we even took swifty boots whatever runes you want to call it swift rage phase rush you guys know what it's called um we took that just so we can knock it kite it around like it's nothing our team's on dragon and we're stack of lacking oh my gosh i'm coming fellas i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming take this time while i run to mid lane to get on in that fatty giveaway baby by the way if you watch this point the video i know on a few of them i've offered a special offer if you do win the two thousand dollar giveaway or full streaming gaming setup i'll have a one-on-one 30-minute pow-wow on how you guys can become an influencer alrighty it'll be great we'll talk about everything you need to know okay that's a little uh bonus on top of the pc so just get all the entries you can and best of luck to you now we're at 2 000 stacks very very nice the second someone backdoors is the second things go south okay the creep wave's there the next freak wave's there let's play this one safe i don't want our base to just go bye-bye all of a sudden that would not be good for anyone all right trundle let's dance oh my gosh oh my gosh dude it's literally a battle off with that guy that is so scary get over here get over here get over here we're fine we're totally fine oh my goodness i love it back to farming we go fellas that's a red buff one bob all right yo listen i need you to spawn now and when i say now i mean freaking now my team can worry about the trundle we have other things we currently need to prioritize oh gosh garen garen why why would you do that why why i really don't like that silence that's gonna piss me off big time but since we do have a lot of inhibitors down right now getting theirs and getting that baron will be our best friend i'll tell you that thank you i need to save the move speed from this ulti four team fights i really do i really do i really do jin can you not kill it i'll be there soon i promise oh gosh i might need to go on it a little sooner than i thought oh uh oh retro i'm coming fellers 2.2 stack of ruse oh god is that the real oh gosh our base is about to be in shambles literally in shambles we can run people down so hard though i love it we gotta all focus on this dude especially while he sees seed just like that now we can baron i thought not gonna lie i thought we're gonna lose there for a second if things went south right there that would have been uh not a good time thanks for the blue thanks for the grump we see where the waves at let's focus on these dudes please tell me those things are up ew the move speed i love it oh this is so nice the double 12 stacks from the super caddies thank you thank you very much i i keep i keep pressing that button and it's not the right button but i keep pressing it i should have definitely sent that sucker down bot or something along those lines okay 2.3 k stacks we're getting closer poppy i'm coming friend i got that i got it i got it i can't believe i just popped ghost when they're all alive that was probably a dumb idea but you know what you live and you learn am i right you live and you learn 2.4 600 more stacks oh boy okay they're actually all here as much as i want to kill bot we need to get some of this done now we're starting to deal damage oh my gosh that's okay that's okay i cannot fight that dude without our ultimate oh my gosh don't you dare die oh no without oh i die let's go up this way get our ulti and chill dude we're gonna lose we're gonna lose we're gonna lose we're gonna lose oh my gosh we're okay we're okay we're okay how you doing big guy oh my gosh i have to kill him with someone yes yes yes you kill him from range wait what what poppy go poppy go dude we're both gods while holding my frickin piece oh my gosh i cannot believe we're about to lose this game i feel like an idiot i feel like a freaking idiot oh we're okay we're okay we're okay we are a okay my friends okay everything under control just breathe buns just breathe so that's taken care of shyvana these guys know i literally one tap them now so i don't blame them and she doesn't deal much damage so we got her in a good spot all we need is a wee bit more dimage if they just learn how to all pile up at once then we'll actually be in a really really bad spot but like situations like that that's where we thrive you know what i'm saying i should also look to drop my e more just so we have that armor pin on them i wonder if just getting rid of ga in itself is the way to go what do you think good idea bad idea yes no maybe so oh i'm down i am so down to fight people outside the base like this hello dude this guy's like the freaking h rocks he does not die boosted boosted just like the eight rocks as well let's go this way let's go this way and we've got some towers to take my friends 250 more stacks oh my gosh i just have to keep withering him if i do that i think we'll be okay are you doing big guy he needs to burn his e there we go there we go there we go baby just like that just like that i just gotta kite in and out and not suck but if we go auto for auto and that dude's freaking letting it ride then uh that's where we that's where things can get real real sticky okay real real sticky garen have fun running what are we at 200 more my gosh we're so close okay those are gone baron's coming up we should probably snag that and we should probably snag this tower so let's do it oh my gosh yes raid boss nasus is here get over here get over here bye-bye tower oh my gosh we just destroyed that thing no no no no no no oh my god i actually died i actually died yo that silence is ridiculous and so is our damage come on come on come on i cannot press r unless if i'm in a fight that is something i just learned that is very important okay we're so close we can't lose it now we literally can't lose it now oh my god we just won wait i need 100 more stacks oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i didn't even know it was that low oh holy jesus we're going in we're going in for it wish us luck wish us luck let's smack all this 70 more stacks we are straight up gunning for it right now oh hello hello jin's making a break for it okay we need to not die right now uh just real important side note yep yep yep yep here we go this is it this is it this is it shmoney oh nine more stacks yes off the crowd control that dude can't do anything i didn't get the stack on that that's not good if we get backdoored right now i'll cry to 3003 baby the scared actually scares me this dude is a 1v1 god get over here get over here nobody wants the fights us i love it dude earth is too much fun too much fun baby guys that's a wrap if you're not subscribed like the button that's a plus 50 don't forget about the worldwide giveaway we got in the top of the description two thousand dollars or a full gaming street of streaming setup can be yours all right the more entries you fill out the better chances you're gonna have at winning 24 hours left i mean 48 peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 125,532
Rating: 4.8429885 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, 3000, stacks, urf, ultra, rapid, fire, nasus
Id: P2wP3PTkhF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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