4 HOURS Of The BEST stacking Champs In League!! (The Movie) - BunnyFuFuu | League of Legends

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[Music] all righty today we have a special one for sure we're rocking senna and look at our team we got the nas stack dog in the top lane eat your face together in the mid lane mr steal your girl kindred in the jungle in the double stack balling guys good luck the enemy team also stacked up no pun intended we're gonna figure out who the best stack team are and honestly ours is looking pretty i gotta stop staying stacked okay this is bad get ready for the first 24 hours league of legends game to hit the market already either the servers are going down or the servers are going down there's no aurio fans or buttons we're playing with and against you guys so that thresh skin is so dope so if you guys want to play games like this let me know and i want to get that soul how do i do it all right let's keep slapping you and yonk ornieda have fun editing literally all of this this might take you a couple days if not weeks to edit oh boy okay we're in trouble all right i just got hooked into a hook dude they just literally flung back all right so i'm standing here okay swain e pushed me to there and then the passive pushed me to there and the threshold pushed me there and then the thresh flight push it just keeps on going dude oh god not again not again not again holy jesus you guys are not going easy on me are you all right we have to work for our stacks i like that this is a nightmare mourinho you get hooked by this squad and you are going down down down fresh eat it that's what i'm talking about i gotta land autos and get stacks for days alrighty there we go all right he's out of mana we can get a little more risky and frisky fresh almost out of man as well he doesn't have enough for a full combo he's in trouble he's in trouble that he'll pisses me off i wish i was level three let's support the board mission oh god no no no no no no you're no gonna be fine you are not gonna be fine mike how did that miss him what is going on all right our health potions are literally gonna save us but guys if you drop a thumbs up for this video ornata appreciates it because like i said i can only imagine how long this is actually going to take him i wish that ward stopped his recalled lantern thing i keep thinking these things are mine and yeah yeah yeah let me know which weird wonky team comp you want me to bust down next please hit them oh yes oh there it is someone's getting a little greedy now are we so there's only one rule to this game all right killing the nexus is not allowed i mean i guess minions can do it so that could happen but you best bet we're gonna be in this game for over 20 hours minimum swan boy what do you think you're doing if swain hits his w he stacks thresh gots the souls bard gots the meeps apparently shyvana stacks on dragons or something i've been playing this game for 10 years and i still didn't know that is that does that make you stupid oh god i'm freaking okay no let's get the stack that was worth it that was worth it that was worth it does that make me stupid if this skins not pay to win i don't know what is dude you got to be motivated to ride it back to lane on a freaking stallion let's stop the siobhan from getting the dragons though because who knows what the heck happens if she gets them maybe she turns into a giant dragon or something like this roll it dude what is going on yeah that's cool it's fun we got to do it again sometime oh my goodness by garcena actually make a pretty nutty combo let's keep getting stacks and come with me team oh my god i should award it too bad i don't have any here we got freaking snipe that's what i'm talking about all right speak to the devil she got the earthquake that's just what the heck i did not know that was san ulti sound animation what screw it i'm just going for stacks autos for days and more autos for days what though where did you just come from i'm not gonna lie kendrick i think you're done though got it oh my god i love lining up the stack of ruski's kindred you are so screwed i am sorry but i'll make it up to you buddy no no no no no that's a good ward i want to get that stacked but i'm not going to freaking make it that was worth it let's get that one and okay we're dead all right you know what fine it is a stacked fiesta if you can't kill the nexus oh my god then bopping people like this guy right here is going to be uh all you're going for bye-bye careful careful careful careful oh jesus please kill him please oh my god jesus he died my disappointment is imaginable all right honestly weiger and i oh geez we just want to hit our abilities we don't even care if we kill him we just want to get the stack and peace out is that too much to ask for hello hello sounds coming down rope is that to us or not now we're good he's up there and this guy is dead i'll bend your brother nice no i know please oh god i need executioners no no no no all righty where are you going there you're going stacks for days all you got to do is auto each of you twice throwing a cue somewhere and we're good do i really have to open this i do we actually saved them okay and he's dead [Music] no you don't no you don't i got another one where that came from i got another one where that came from oh god i'm so freaking dead am i dead off this do i have to heal damn good i think i'm good calculated calculated calculated [Music] oh my goodness no no no no no his abilities being flown at me i don't know where from ivana wants to hold me but i'm right outside the range oh my god it actually goes super far so i have to be careful all right he's over there and now you're in trouble bye bye more stacks for us now it's just no oh very freaking nice six and four honestly i thought i was doing a little better than that wow i'm gonna be careful but aggressive at the same time okay two aggressive two guys too aggressive i think i'm good i think i'm good remember land some heals oh god no no no no no no and hit some q same time yo that sound actually scares me it actually scares me coming through we got a shield and some damage oh ho-ho-ho vigor survives and is thresh dead he's in here isn't he where are you i don't want to ward every bush but i will if i have to hey there okay what the oh press r press r perfect [Applause] and some of that as well nice i think i can reach them this is weird this is this is really weird okay no we're gonna go this way and i missed some more q's don't care escort me out of here god this looks like some thresh but on their team jesus oh god he's one of the next no he's actually going to recall yes yes gotcha we have redeemed ourselves somebody should have went to base hmm don't know but we're stacking we're already at 64 17 minutes in imagine what our range is going to be like comes 17 hours in i love it i love it i love it i love it you can cool down down land some more of these and nice we got the sound in the back now it's used for days on these bad boys oh god you are getting bopped my guy i have to heal but i don't want to use it if i have to at this flash he's dead yes scion get the heck off me pop and heal i'm popping q and we're out of there okay we're not that's yep or not we love to stack behind open the steeler what my q will be up oh god wait oh my god i tried to kill him before he could actually get it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i know what let's start here and that's a scion oh i still can't get on the fact that that's his old noise why do they change it for skin i did not like that at all okay you know what i kind of want to help out in this battle over here but there's about to be a dead sound on our booty almost sniped that swain whatever his name is and what do we got going on oh my god i had a freaking inch on my nose i couldn't afford the gosh darn thing he's dead my auto went through the wall i was not expecting that i'm so greedy i will grab the stack mid team fight just to make sure we get it oh yeah guys turns out our stacking team's looking pretty freaking hot these stacks win i'm gonna place this pink board right here and in 10 hours we're gonna come back and see if this pink ward is still alive all right be free my friend be free i mean stay there and don't die that's what i meant kendra i'm down to help you stack on mr baron but uh you are doing some risky maneuvers up there my guy oh boy hello what the wait oh that was nasty i saw the dark harvest hit with my q so then we'd let the old fly and here we are should we run up oh my goodness does this dragon become bigger or something because uh i think he's going to need a few more dragons if he wants to pop off oh boy okay sounds bought she'll get died down there i think they're okay we have a smite steel to bank off of and we have my heels as well oh god this is actually gonna be cutting clothes with the power of my cue oh god okay hello uh we have flash all right let's just go in here that sounds nice sounds nice to me wow oh please oh my god i'm alive how am i alive what hp was i just freaking at fire take some of these peel off some of those and this guy's going down oh my god i would hate to be that thresh just that way if it was normally thresh then uh i'll take these souls to mars and back what is going on not today my friend not today let's get some new speed and i have old to help okay we're helping we're helping oh my god we killed by as well and he's dead okay and so is that guy oh [Music] i like how it pops it as well that's nice uh you know what screwbear maybe we fight someone our size aka dargo oh don't leave the wolf over the wall that's messed up that is messed up oh they know we're here they definitely definitely know we're here i could blow all my damage into it or w whoever the heck's coming in next oh god these stacks are actually going to kill me kindred i'm here with you don't work wait what i'm here okay you know what no no turn it off turn it off check out what we got folks um i thought it was stacked we're not even freaking close are you kidding me mermaid come on step your game up buddy he's on a freaking mission hey there if i lose to a bart we got a problem i mean he's been farming but i got him oh locked and loaded baby swain's bot were somewhat safe did i pick up his bullet yes that's no that's the bar gt style hello hello hello hello son you're going down buddy okay you know what let's get out of here that ap shyvana is freaking scary to say the least joint good this is good we're getting souls for days we're at 99 right now 90 flopping oh god don't go over oh my god i'm not sure if that would have been well for him or myself 99 let's make it a hundred there it is baby there it is and he's done so i can't miss a withered target just kidding i can't oh god are you okay are we dead nope not dead okay slain's just getting a little ahead of himself what's this guy doing here [Music] the blue eyes white dragon but not blue eyes um heal our team or q for damage and poke i just missed the stack guys if i ever miss a stack time stamp it i will be hearting all of them in the comments all right i'm talking about those little bullets on the ground like this if i ever let one die time stamp it and let me know alrighty my goal is to make it so there's none none whatsoever even though there's already been a few but we can forget about those hopefully are we doing this all right we're doing this oh geez oh god i thought i was on our team to say what the heck was that [Music] okay our crits are starting to slap a wee bit 10 more stacks we're at 120 that's when the range gets good i have flash but i'm waiting to use it okay you know what i'm using it i'm so scared i'm so scared coming back in seoul was a bad idea yep that was definitely a bad idea you just feel so safe inside of you know what i mean oh god dude she's stacking and stacking on rack and one more and they have the soul that's not good i am so close to my ie and kindred i've got your back oh i thought i saved you oh yeah yeah it was close remember if the game's going five hours we don't want to kill these we just want to collect the stacks we get from them it's gonna be the best value we've got oh no i'm playing the thresh soul game i have to kill this guy please troll yeah eat them please oh yes yes yes dude we stole some of thresh's uh what was it armor and ap heck yeah baby that's what he gets for trapping his freaking lantern for 50 years i think the best was playing thresh in one for all verse center stealing center stacks and getting like 900 to a thousand range on thresh that was probably uh one of my favorite oh god i shouldn't have bought this trinket it's not actually that good because check it out you lay one down and you can't cue it oh yeah yeah you remind me to sell that once we go back today it's nice for a vision of my ulti though i bet you this cho'gath has a giant cop come on i'm a freshman just let me take the land come on come on oh oh we got them both very nice and our bills looking pretty freaking juicy right about now our range is looking even better check it out 750 we can do better than that folks we can do much better than that let's just keep chilling for the creeps lie that got us down oh my goodness wait what you can't be disabled in that oh yeah slam some more stacks and what do we got going on here oh i love how when my team's dying i'm over here worried about picking up all the bullets on the ground show gap he's dead calm down it's gonna be so weird having 7 000 range in an actual game i don't know anything about this so how's it fit that i buy one ie and we already have a hundred percent chance this is worse than freaking yasuo and yonay are you kidding me and you have to sell the uh the stuff you guys are getting pretty tanky but not tanky enough actually oh god i've played a thresh with 8 000 arm before it gets a little spooky oh no you don't okay yes you do yes you just do i just flashed into the hourglass i'll take that [Music] or not yep or yeah or not so baron's up in the middle of what [Music] you don't see a sound running down the highway so often right into a uh cho'gath fall what am i looking at is this guy ending or what dude his hp is looking beefed up every minion he kills he gets more hpm down to do this actually let's focus on this oh boy remember auto attack auto attack free sold kill him for the second bar we're coming for you oh that's awkward and that sucks that's getting dope the meeps run away as it dies flashback awkward okay this guy needs this as well too i wonder got him okay he didn't even hit the shield on show gap that's my mistake get the heels for days they actually do some pretty good damage picking up those stacks and threats will help us believe in that there we go more sex oh we aced the dude we're good we are good we are good let's let the stacks keep on flowing you got a sound coming hot oh my goodness don't mess with our scion i'm going for these things i can just tell my range is looking beautiful right now we gotta bail we've gots to bale snipe oh my goodness yes dude i love being a part of fights from light years away that's a zap oh heck yes i don't know why it's only 800 right now but it feels like 8 000. the dog just bopped the dragon wherever she is but speaking of dragon we got a dragon to get and check out my range right we're popping rapid fire real soon there she blows 975 on the range meter my goodness let's start this bad boy and take it on out i'm gonna stack up rapid fire after we collect this guy's huevos because he's about to drop two of them let's go ahead and uh finally here we go here we go look at the range 825 975 rapid fire cannon elder dragon bop hello oh he's dead that's nasty that is so freaking nasty we'll drop the board and line up the queue oh beautiful it's bearing time it's not bearing time we're still sacking for days guys there's gonna be so much stacking involved in this video nasa's gotta kill creeps i gotta collect minions troll gap has to kill champions so much stacking in this video maybe we'll invite you guys on the ride all right the whole ride i just okay really we create this thing for 420 are you serious [Music] this has to be a joke right oh yeah okay you know what that's okay think maybe bards low i spout my little eye [Music] it was close the nexus can't die do we control all we want baby we just got a little farming in between i think yep yep dragons here right what the oh my wow she hurts okay i am sorry i messed with you what the full-on kill fest if you see each other and we gotta get stronger so we can just fight from ten different walls away check it out a thousand on the range flat oh yes oh yes i can't wait till we're hitting people over walls they don't even know where the heck i'm coming from i'm talking fog of war auto attacks what okay wait wait what one way to do it i suppose oh he's in trouble he's in trouble got the cue off boy ran to the wall and he's done so swain getting a little bit more hp if you want to deal with us but honestly my boat is for senna on the most broken stack champion hands down and i think we just invite you guys in on the uh the stacking fun all right i'm gonna be running around minion wave to minion wave stacking on so many creeps just just join me join me all right 24 hours here we come oh god i might not be able to stay up long enough have i slept in it take a break all right chillax a little bit you've been editing for too long now all right this game is going to be going on forever you're going to choke on your editing software i don't freaking know join me on this stacking train i'll show you everything we do and how things work alrighty i could snipe but i also could stack please tell me we can reach it oh that's beautiful that is freaking beautiful i don't want to kill it remember we're snagging the scooby snack oink wait oh no no that's the there we go there we go guys welcome to my stacking sanctuary all right should i hold this provision or what big wolves we can kill ooh little ones we too can apparently as well hello don't mind if i do if we get one from this i'd have been a little surprised i gotta roll with you he's the one who kills i'm the one who stacks oh yeah yeah can we do this oh that almost worked yeah until it didn't yeah okay well part of me wants to go back door but remember can't kill the freaking nexus dude maybe at 24 hours it's game on and uh we literally just kill the nexus from light years away i'm talking base to base nexus booty bop oh my goodness i feel like you guys uh this would be a perfect time to do a little ama with you guys i'll just do an ama in the comments if you guys want to ask me something i'll do my best to answer it down below i should let them kill these creeps in front of me oh yoink that is just the beginning of how we are going to be killing creeps from off of their screen i cannot wait the big minions always drop a stack the little ones not so much so i'm gonna let nasa's take over in that regards thank you thank you keep on stack of lagging my dude keep on stack electing you snipe these guys oh he's good oh he's he's really good to get stacks this guy's getting big he's getting fat nasa's already at 1.5 k that dude's gonna be going up up and up this is actually the best team on the planet if there's a game that goes on for 24 hours i think this is gonna be the squad to do it with can i hit baron from oh my goodness you have to get so much damage to the point where we can kill baron from outside the pit but the only hard part is you have to out damage his region which is going to get very very scary if you ask me i'm talking very scary hello mr beroni i'll take your stooge stacks don't mind if i do what's going on down here i got you guys i've got you i've got you let's see range 1025 is that with the rapid fire yes it is yes it is we can kill those because remember they dropped no matter what scion where do you think you're going where the heck do you think you're going thank you i actually want a team fight i'll be able to pop off big time my goal from here on out is to not miss one little stack bullet not even one of them okay are they in there probably not hello i have an old for you my guy vigar come help me bro remember oh god we can't kill those can we kill them i'm not gonna test it i have ultim 25 you can help out those guys and we're just gonna be going around stacking for days literally days or maybe a day not days apparently but guess what's still here our pinkboard i'm so proud of it if it lasts for the next 10 hours i'll be happy i'll be happy maybe we'll add ornata back on to edit for uh 10 hours plus or something who the heck knows oh wow thank you thank you 240 stacks oh now we're talking now we're talking look what we can do folks what the okay we're good can we out of that oh that's nasty i thought i had to cue for it this range is getting dirty go guys just eating this guy alive dude you feeding show is he just getting the hookups right now or what i don't know if he is hey there may we all just enable each other to stack as best we can oh we just fade away yoink them that was sick i'll kill you if you kill these in front of me i need the stacks and you need the ap my guy by guard is already over 2000 ap not bad not sure if you'll be able to get 80 000 like we have in the past but hey maybe it's possible one day i want to go for a million ap maybe this could be the game who knows who knows who knows thank you i'm just here for the bullets baby i'm just here for the bullets hey dude all righty let's go let's go in a jungle rotation let's go up down all around taking all the goodies we need and yeah like oh this is beautiful do you think wins 10 hours in let's see let's see their prediction of what happens which team cop me me we do i got all drags so what happens if you get a drag i i don't even know what happens what if shyvana gets like 30 dragons and literally becomes five mr and armor per dragon yeah that's pretty sick that's so cool actually i had no idea those things another fun fact i've played in lcs versa champion i've never played before i should probably have uh not have done that sounds out of there got him oh my god my trajectory lineup angulations are on another level oh what do we got going on over here no you don't shyvana i am sorry you are screwed bye-bye that shyvana's pissed yeah she's gonna have to eat more than 30 dragons to become a little extra tankier and i am so happy these bullets drop from light years away who actually benefits from creeps nasus vigar maybe i just followed nasus around the whole time this is why we need more range hello zap zap oh that's brutal can we kill yes we can yes we can towers from outside of the range that's what i like to see let's go base and back to our uh try to stack next to me i'mma gobble them up stacking next to me i'll wait to go pee oh god i just realized i drank so much water i go afk and the game ends i'm gonna cry no you're not game's not ending we can get so many stacks just a click in front of this tower set up a macro who the heck cares and be completely fine all right stack champions this is our moment oh my goodness that scion is going in and in hello hello i got you buddy oh maybe with the more ad late game oh yes yes yes it scales off of my stacks let's see we're at six ten now we're at 6 11. yep yep yep oh i'm so excited i am so excited centerfire's a beam that scales with i actually don't like that it shows the a d and ap in one you press shift oh that's how you got to do it interesting very wait does this just show the scaling oh it does what the interesting and you're going to need a little more armor and mr for that one buddy oh my god bard turn around right now there's a no trespassing zone so we have a one-to-one ratio on our ad and a 0.5 on our ap interesting very interesting all right listen they're outside my range and i'm not liking it remember we can stack on them too let's not have to get a boot that thank you it's gonna get to a point where we can just sit outside their base and permanently stack a roosky on them for now let's keep the minions coming right and the more late game you get the faster you can uh double hit champions and get them to have their stack refresh however you want to wear that call me it whatever baby me and vagar are taking over the rift oh my goodness it's gonna be a long night folks oh boy dave whatever you want to call it who the heck knows that one almost snuck right past us oh god we have the dilemma of my mouth getting dry and the bathroom problem oh this is oh god you know what nasa is he freezing this i think he is listen we got stacks to get in places to go my guy don't think i left that one behind 280 stacks 1100 range all we got to do is get it to go past maybe like base to base is that too much to ask for base to base what do you guys is think too much to ask for it might be that's definitely asking for quite a bit this range is looking pretty juicy though this is officially the longest in the game over kindred over yeah over everyone oh my goodness gracious we're gonna be fine i don't know if that was my damage or vigors or what but it was a lot hello hello i'm protecting the buyer he's my boy we got a nachos del grande the mid lane hello nice hey fresh oh my goodness going on here yeah sorry i've had a lot of t-bell recently oh this is what we need this is what we need no stacks left behind swain boy catch you on the flip side oh boy oh boy little crab give it to me by the way guys if you have a new set of eyeballs i'm interested in buying them all right hit up my instagram i will message you back say hey you're the guy buying eyeballs i'll respond yep that's me oh he's getting ready by guard is getting ready alrighty let's see here let's see let's see oh the moon takes over the stack that's dope oh we gotta wait for the kindred you snooze you lose no oh oh oh my god he literally barely got it oh my jesus vygard packs a punch all right so if this old scales with let's see a d we get one a d per stack we get we're going to the moon and back baby with that little guy our q doesn't kill him very nice i are stacking on up my dude stack it on up it's nice collecting stacks it doesn't actually eat my rapid fire auto so just eat stacks from a billion range non-stop don't mind if i freaking do let's see do we give all inhibs sounds risky but we would get more stacks from it keep in mind the stack yoink oh this is sick yoink this is so nice now we're headed top you only knock let's see arnold's going up let's see we're at 601 a.d attack damage we're getting a lot there critical strike 225 our lifesteal is getting nasty oh son you are so dead my guy no i let that stack go bye-bye how dare i how dare i i just realized i'm going to be doing this for the next 24 hours and oh god guys please if you watched it this far thumbs up on the video right we got a freaking nacho party hello hello does he die oh my goodness his meeps just flooded everywhere this is going to be so nice not joining the fight whatsoever any time uh-oh all right unless we get sandwiched like this hello oh he's dead [Music] i got you wait i can just hit him from here are you kidding me i don't even realize i could do that dude we need longer range i want to be hitting people from over walls like it's nothing alrighty like it's nothing like if we want to help kindred right now we could we could from here that would be the dream we're coming buddy oh he's gonna be you might have to alt all right hop in the heel so i can actually save you and got him that's a double stack almost give me two seconds we're two stacks away from something juicy thank you and thank you smart oh yeah oh yeah a thousand range organically or 1150 with the rapid fire boost bonus bruh bruh i wish rapid fire scaled off ap or something stupid like that that'd be nice or it worked like tf2 where you can buy double and your range goes from one thousand to two thousand two thousand four thousand that kind of stuff that would be nice that would be nice let's see here i don't want this bar dead he's kind of pissed me off walking around like that we're essentially going to have all right you know what i solidify my vote incentive being the most op by 10 billion miles considering look at this lifesteal 67 percent uh dude what that is ridiculous i'll help you this is getting good this is getting good hey there sign got the ward baby got the ward we're gonna be smacking from over walls get right over here my own teammates drop stacks that'd be nice feels like the days of uh grinding on runescape and maplestory to level up we're grinding i'm coming hey bart eat this oh eat them oh it is ultimate okay that's awkward that's that's okay he's dead watching the meeps run everywhere is the highlight of uh of killing bard i'm just gonna go for him and watch them scurry everywhere more it is too funny grab this plus the blue and then head down bot can someone please oh please hold that sexy bot lane wave for me smile looking good looking good all right okay i'm headed down by folks i'm headed down bot yeah fighter don't you dare don't you oh jeez he's oh he's real mad all blame blape blape guys we are here to have fun not be mad at each other really getting into it i missed a stack because that oh my goodness seriously oh god we got our first bathroom breaker this is their time to strike i don't know if you guys watch uh avatar or not but they struck on the solar eclipse why not just strike when they have to go to the bathroom general buns and on duty okay all right that dropped no minions but this will kendrick you mind if i use your help thank you that's the one i can actually kill these cannons get so much hp it's actually ridiculous ridiculous thank you very very nice very nice that bard portal kind of spooked me a little bit he might be in here coming in hat we keep on just whipping this thing oh my goodness that thing was about to disappear already guys this is what stacking is all about right walking around the map doing our thing phil's blue no all right we're good what's what's going on here there's soul i'm supposed to snag this is just beginning folks oh gee wow turns out if get flanked that'll happen let's not let it happen again and we'll respawn right now i know what's going on i may or may not have went to the bathroom did we lose the game no are we still going to stack like gods that's yes you have to give an eye oh god my eyeballs my poor eyeballs dude they're going to be little balls of dried raisins by the time we're done stacking and a little more range just got wait nope nope that's 10 more from now okay i just wish that these would drop from wherever the heck you are on the map and i can just sit in base and collect all of them and chill i mean sit in base collecting these like no problem go ahead and join my dude you're adam oh this cho'gath is getting fat fat fat dude vigor along with it i cannot wait to see everyone by the time this crap's all over stack up to be as big boy as possible we must win the all-out fight 24 hours mid in may we just open the nexus gates and say hey good luck game on may we take this [Music] somebody killed our pink ward oh my goodness these monsters shall pay oh no no no no scion hello all right let's not get flanked it's nice that we can otto from light years away but we're still vulnerable to uh flanks and whatnot we just gotta be careful right oh god they just straight up joint that thing we got vision on them don't you dare kill my scuttle crab risky i need to walk with the nasa survivor because the odds of them dropping when i kill them much lower i'm coming buddy oh god got that too oh my goodness dude the fps starts taking a poop come late game oh row get me out of here get me out of here bar down oh yes my life steal i forgot how op my lifesteal actually is check this out we're at 82 and it's only going up hello hello [Music] boom baby yeah they're gonna be pissed about this one show guys you might help me kill these things i'm gonna need it i'm gonna oh my god what am i gonna do about food i forgot i have to eat you guys ever play minecraft and you're just like oh god do i feed myself or do i feed my in-game character and i will feed my in-game character thank you oh boy oh boy oh boy boy where do we go to collect as many stack minions as we can let's go this way 1250 range this is a milestone for us 750 more and we'll be looking pretty freaking juicy right about now but trying to get 750 range is no walk in the park mainly because think about what range normally people have 500 is a lot maybe not that much 600 is a lot good i think kate's what 650 you're eating them oh god they're having a slap down i don't know who wins and i don't deal damage this guy that's kind of a problem that's a little bit of a problem it scares me a little bit nice man i'll kill him oh my god dude this is seriously i mean i technically scale into infinity and beyond so we should be fine come late game oh god they're closing the distance yes go for him not me i appreciate you dude we need more stacks we need more stacks thank you i'm getting so many fighting around here hello my holes up right now i would should blast it on down kill that thing it's plus 12 for you it'll do more good for you than me is he's trying to double proxy what's his deal oh yes yes yes kindred save that for moi my guy you had one job one freaking job farm next to me please maybe i should walk around the kindred he probably kills him the fastest although we should seriously let nasus and uh vigar stack it on them they're gonna want a whole lot uh yeah so yeah turns out i didn't quite think this one through as much as i thought it did considering uh the whole eating thing might be hard ah yeah that's yeah that's my bad yeah oh boy well you live you learn i suppose we have more stacks coming sign if you want to keep hanging around town you can be my guest even though i don't deal damage to you it's still satisfying to smack you up oh what the heck is going on here those meeps booked it dude that could be distracting in a team fight there's another pay-to-win skin for you why don't you fighting around minions and a bunch of enemies going to be our bread and butter [ __ ] nobody saw what that joe gets did all right nobody oh my god yo that shivana hurts so bad wow wow wow wow wow and something is killing our fps jesus apparently when you get 10 billion range you just can't play on your computer anymore don't worry we'll be doing another pc giveaway soon i can promise you that oh my goodness drop the support out we could we could we could we could let's see here i also want to stack more of uh dark harvest god if i die with this many stacks i need to take a positioning course in league of legends or something who the heck knows thank you thank thank you now we're talking baby now we're freaking talking it's a stack squad right here three more sorry 13 more same thing let's see 335 a.d from this that's what like five infinity edges oh god oh boy oh yes yes yes i'm honestly a little afraid of that dragon not this one the other one am i dead remember otto bob and weave holy tits we're okay we're okay we're okay oh i life steal off of those oh that is so sick i literally get a full hp bar if i slap that thing upside the face all you do is five is to hit something 98 lifesteal dude oh my goodness that's something for you that's something for you hello mr baron how are you how are ya bruh thank you i love when the minis get dropped i think heavy boards is nice it also helps with your q too so that's something to look forward to yo this song is booking it i cannot wait until my range is just freaking global nobody can run can run nobody can hide what are we at now bonus range let's take a peek after we bop baron dragon whatever 1325 okay okay oh my god he's gonna be able to jump on us and kill us i'm gonna have to be very careful how i do things because i think we may have just pissed her off a little bit just a little bit thank you mr dragon thank you mr dargan see we do this or what i mean i'm down i mean i'm down so yeah yep okay yeah yep he just yeah we're not going to talk about that stacks for days and then we're going top maybe we all get lost swifties i think this is the hidden meta right here go vroom vroom vroom room i walk by stack oh my god i'm a monster team we need backup aisle nine let's see what my life still looks like all right it's funny how my attacks range drops for like a split second that comes right back oh i forgot we kill off those i can't even pick those up without going back to full hp yo in fights i'm literally gonna be in the middle of like five of them just snagging them over and over and over thank you oh god wait they're on his dead body i couldn't click on that one oh my god wow sometimes it bugs out for dead passives like kog'maw scion all that stuff hello for kog'maw scion who else dies and does something karthus if you click over their body it doesn't actually let you click it's very weird very very weird i think the spyguard make sure he's doing okay he's struggling just a bit those are this is your moment i tried to make him juke so he couldn't hit him all right i'm liking the swifties i think it's gonna slowly increase our stack pm ever so slightly ever so slightly i'll get this wave then head on down yo 1350 is feeling good [Music] the fact that there's no limit on this is my favorite gotcha gotcha just stack on them hp we gotta get fight for we gotta get prepped for the battle in 24 hours maybe maybe just sleeping and then waking back up could be better prep for the ultimate battle we're gonna have oh boy or nasus or nessus they're going for him i need to pop this guy more buyer come on in buddy come on in come on in want to get into a fight and just watch my life still take over 114 so if we deal 1500 damage we heal for a quick mass about 16 47. yeah quite a bit but too bad mr armor mcgee over here doesn't freaking take damage oh okay remember we said who's gonna be the most broken oh god holy wait that bard oh my goodness that all was perfect for us how can i smack on this guy for days but yet he actually doesn't want to die what's wrong with him dude i picked up that soul from a mile away are you kidding me they're in trouble our stack team is looking fire uh okay that's that's one way to do it yes we're getting to the point where i can just sit on red buff and stack the whole entire bot right side jungle that's gonna make our life so much easier thank you thank you beautiful beautiful beautiful i'm coming nasto i'm coming he even thinks okay you are an animal quite literally you guys suck dude one day it'll get to a point where my screen just freeze it'll get to a point where cho'gath and scion literally just cannot die you want to solo this oh my heels are looking good right now listen i'm just here for the stacks my guy thank you 1400 range let's see what 1500 looks like shall we dude we're getting to the point where we can just stand anywhere and collect our souls i love it i love it i love it i'm coming boys i'm coming yoink gotta grab that soul and kill him oh my goodness the red buff zap to the mid lane almost at nexus tower bop oh geez am i dead oh my okay you know what turns out we need a little more range why hello there i haven't seen you in a while check owns oh we got a lot in the mid lane okay remember when i said we need more range we'll be very safe attacking them from our found i swear to god if they pull off some next level shenanigans where like scion scion tanks our nexus tower and they go for some next level kills i might cry i'm just i'm just putting it out there and we need so much lifesteal where we literally just go to full hp the second we hit something hey there guys oh beautiful beautiful beautiful be free my meeps oh my god it's this guy freaking the bell grant is back those dude i think that wins best death animation hands down okay that guy has so much armor but the mri that's his weak spot is triggered back okay he's back welcome back buddy welcome back welcome back go this way go this way in these junglers with our eyes if we keep control the jungle we're gonna be able to stack better and faster than they are so let's keep it that way shall we thank you i don't care if get the buff all we need big deck daddy thank you thank you looking good looking freaking good all right blue buff where you at oh my goodness i just want to be able to stack from base so bad oh my god if i have wards on them i think if i kill it it'll drop a stack no matter where they are huh i think that's how that would work are we close to 1500 yet what i'm looking for that's what i'm looking for i'm coming i'm coming at least it keeps things interesting oh guys actually kind of dying to minions look at him he just shrank a lot oh joe gath can't keep up poor guy oh my goodness what is going on fresh what are you doing oh my goodness i need to test if i kill him do i still get the stag that's what i need to know let's get this and that shivana just went in in thank you we're coming mid oh it is the freaking tank squad in the mid lane why ain't it do this oh we don't want to kill these our gold trust me we're fine on gold oh that hit him i'm basically wow i can hit outside my fog range i'm literally canceling my own auto attack due to fog of war he's in there right wait what wait a minute am i missing something i like that we become a turret a mile away and we just stand under cho'gath this is the best spot to kill baron from right over here we can be the tri-brush killers just like this oh my god fighting them is gonna be so much fun and uh killing sounds still gonna be quite the hassle i mean at what point does armor not really help anymore how much a d will we need maybe a last whisper is going to be our good friend we'll see i can assume that's going to be the case oh boy kids are down kindred down kindred also has a lot of range too just not on the level of the sanaa 14.75 baby 14.75 go gather gonna be fine all right buddy there's a good stack oh geez oh my goodness gracious dude they have to be so careful of us i love it let's take that stack you slap that all right all right this is good this is good let's walk with show yeah i'll follow you big guy all follow you mr chogyath stack or mr stack under the trigato yeah well i don't know what we missed so far probably about 15. maybe like 25. look at this how much hp does this dude freaking have what that bard goes down oh my god what the fly steal life steal life steal life steal some more i love it oh my goodness dude this is where grasp comes in handy you're not gonna lie yo link okay we're actually dealing some decent damage to him we're actually dealing these thresh is probably gonna be the hardest one of all that dude's gonna have 10 000 armor and uh ideal physical damage beautiful 140 lifesteal 1500 range this is a power spike to throw in the books baby let's go down bots whatever comes next a let's go a down box hello yellow looking good looking nice i love when there's so many on the ground there's just too many to snag you don't know what to do with yourself i want to stack up a huge wave and see if i can slap them all all right soon we'll just stand in mid lane and do everything from there folks we'll just do everything from there all right if you guys want to play games like this let me know are there 10 stealth champions is there is that a thing is that i don't know if that's the thing remember we can't kill minions all right we're just chilling we're just chin chilling that's double yo this guy's popping off over here joe gets definitely good on your team unlike sound cause scion you can kill them but together can just eat anyone and kill one person like that you know what i mean oh he's he's he's done though that nasus he's just here maybe trojan stealing cs who knows let's go this way what the heck it's something about fog of war and vision yep yeah yep once they come back into vision they do that i don't know why why does it but there's your reasoning there is your reasoning thank you thank you and thank you some more my guy i'll help with killing these cannons oh my jesus not the fire take me not the vigor you freaking monster you will pay for that oh my god if i get completely one shot i'm in trouble maybe me going tank is the best move oh why hello there i like how he might not have any idea where the heck he's dying from oh we just collected a soul from in base dude that makes me real happy hello oh she's got eaten and joined i wanted to see if i got that kill considering uh i need to know if i still get the things or not nasus you might help me out buddy all right we're just gonna go this way on over i'll wait for you i'll wait for you oh my god about 23 hours left maybe 22. okay we're just getting started folks we're just getting started nasa's trying to stack over here think are kills these a bit faster these things go everywhere i love it all right maybe staying away from walls is the safest way to go and if we're full on hp instead of attacking first we take some damage and then we hit them sound good what up gilly that sounds like a plan to me thank you we really should be challenged you know what let's do this we'll help with baron at the same time yep we need a little more range oh we can stand here and stack we stand he'll kill baron stack up there beautiful beautiful dude i'm loving this why can't my range always be this can i just play a ranked game and have the range be this that would be so nice so so nice mind slapping these there we go there we go oh we're all over the map at once almost let that red buff on slide no no wait how'd that not drop one i thought that was the big one i'm here for you oh my god getting these when the range is super far is gonna look so freaking sick so so sick grabbing them from light years away this is something else i'll tell you that maybe just keep going by keep on keeping on dude we're gonna be max gold in no time no time no time this is the type of range i want just straight from here oh my god what just happened that bush is spooky i think she's always just waiting in that bush bye bye this scion has over 11k hp and it's kind of scaring me a little bit oh my god we're actually getting auto attacks cancelled from the fog thank you oh i'm coming baby i'm coming guys almost 1500 range organically not sure what that means let me get into it alrighty right after we say hello to godzilla and top lane holding our goodies hey there friend okay enough with the flat what the heck very very nice oh nasto wait we left this to go get this i'm not sure if that's a worthy trade my friend yes so far we've gotten a stack from every large monster we've killed so if the trend holds up we should be good thank you bopping them all right let's try this we'll kill this from very far away just kidding vigor always kills it does it just not drop if it's out of fog of war is that actually how it works how come the big one i honestly think that might be it is pretty crazy [Music] all right keep running shyvana that's the spooky one okay that's the spooky one hey there shyvana dude you can stack on her dragons all she wants the spider is pissed oh boy oh my god freaking nachos man wow wow that's a little scary all right let's do this yes dude i don't think it's supposed to drop from that far away but since we got the kill it's making it possible i will eventually be able to sit mid and clear the entire map that is the dream baby let's get this and let's go find my stack buddy where you at oh show gath hooking it up my guy thank you thank you thank you see 172 percent lifesteal honestly i think our lifesteal is going to be more impressive than uh our attack range if i'm being honest kill these or not probably not oh god it's gonna be hard to precisely freaking click on these things oh he's waiting for veigar what a gentleman he's actually gonna die who knew uh fifty thousand children will be dying of minions you know what i mean did you know what i mean thank you one day i'll be able to help you from 10 years away my friend one day oh my god lord spooked me it's so weird having your autos be cancelled from fog oh oh my god hey there buddy bygar is so scary [Music] i'm afraid of someone going rogue just killing us all and ending the game oh boy that's spooky going rogue okay our autos are doing over 2k now that's good that's good that's good that's good your stop is recall are you kidding me king kong or he was getting his recall off not cool not cool thank you i'll get something killing these little guys as well watch i'll kill it now when i'm in vision then it drops it oh god oh geez dude that guy hurts so bad keep lifestealing buns oh my goodness no no no no no no no turns out bart's pretty strong too oh okay the base keeper's back in town baby oh my god i wish my brain was that far to bop that dude just gotta be patient and snipe for days what the heck did i just kill that oh i just popped the berry plant without even looking gotta be more careful around that thing that's our teleport let's calm down let's calm down let's calm down we need to get so worked up over here this is something we need um we need big time you tip oh dude it's so weird this range feels like so much but also not that much at the same time you know what i mean so so much but also not so much the same time all right two hours down 22 hours more to go baby keep our heads strong we're gonna make it there nasus and his six thousand stack of root jesus okay okay what tank these are yep they do a lot all right i'm teaming up with you buddy this guy kills faster than uh nasus does so being with him is pretty pretty nice baron's coming up too i want to see how far away we can bop it this time hey there swain how you doing that'd be so frustrating imagine just dying from something off your screen sena definitely is winning in the uh op card territory this way pop this and go help out the squad i'm coming i'm coming it's nice these little things get gold too not that we're in need of it right now or anything i'm just just saying maybe if some of them are afk we can stack off them that would be nice and beneficial to us hey there bart remember how much that guy hurts i am spooked of him for sure here we go where the heck did this dude go thank you thank you i'm coming boys this dude is a monster oh my goodness an actual monster it's up by mid and what he got going on over yonder bye bye oh he just died okay he dies dude what are those fights you're just running on it now i love it i love it i love it 1600 range we're going up up and up we have to get so much we can literally just kill all the minions on this map if we can blue trinket everything and just start slicing i think my goal is to get my auto attack range as far as a blue orb i don't know how far that is i think it's like 6 000 i don't know i don't know i don't know thank you robbie's coming beautiful beautiful we gotta find that juicy jungle rotation that's gonna carry us in the process that juicy juicy jungle rotation thank you thank you hello mr red buff how are ya my q's actually doing work on this thing too now the damage is going up because of uh wow 0.4 and 0.25 on the damage actually no that's the healing the damage is point zero four let's go here not sure what happened between gonna get our rotation we're at a down now where we can just stand right here and bop all the jungle critters that's good that's nice at least oh wow over the wall don't care dude this is awesome we're going top i think it's worth to give all of the inhibs sounds risky i don't know sounds very very risky very very risky thank you thank you on to mid lane we go poppy and run a little quicker shall we thank you thank you very much thank you thank you very very much oh i should not kill that you should definitely not kill that looking good baby looking freaking good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa accidentally hitting jungle camps is the funniest thing okay wait our damage is actually smurfing right now it's hard not to slap these minions upside the head when we're just trying to steal some souls in the middle of them thank you it's nice to join them when they're in the air oh here we go i'm telling you blue trinket wards stand in the middle of the map kill them all sounds good to me where do you think you're going here we go here we go i wish we'd turn on some hack where every minion drops the stack it's just so satisfying watching a big creep wave just have them pop up in the air and the way you only come on in hello mr scion where do you think you're going where do you think you're going you want to press r yeah nas is in front of you that's not going to happen oh my god that guy's scary that guy's scary why does he little freaking oh my god turns out vygard has no regards for human life oh my god this is getting ridiculous 49 kills that's not some nice 1825 range that's what we're looking for go jungle while we're at it shall we shall we come on over big guy come on over gotta have your farm buddy playing this champion gotta have your farm buddy thank you thank you thank you thank you some more so so good we go this way fire get the heck off me get the heck off kind of want to like this red buff you know what who do this i love that it's all good we got it from here no sweat let's push a bob joe guys can stack a roosky that way of like no other [Music] coming through coming through oh my goodness what just happened can you see where my laser is coming from fire you might want to be careful buddy oh that's a bop thank you almost lost that sucker behind oh i think his passive drops his soul too dude it's so look at this i'm clicking right now but you can't click on top of it i'm surprised that's a bug that's known that no one really has abused yet maybe just have sound die stand on his dead body and then profit i'm coming boys oh my goodness these things are savages i think joe got fell asleep with the wheel it's like a game of can you remember which ones fell first you got to pick up those because the other ones are gonna go bye-bye once you say bye it's nice nice nice very freaking nice oh listen you may have a lot of armor and a lot of souls but i don't care that things get hit okay yes it did all right it might be blue sweeper time blue trinket time we're starting to be able to hit anything from a whole lot of spots just like this that's spooky that's a little spooky 900 stacks looking fresh oh i just realized we can see super minions from the fog so i can snipe those from our base in the fog thank you thank you oh my godness gracious all right perks good good very good what are we at 2k is what we need 100 off we just saw thresh's little lantern didn't we get this out from the fog i love it i love it is my ocean though don't have it all right let's drop the word over here and perfect oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa vision's gonna be our biggest issue honestly it'll work an old fur vision i was going to show you a quick little example but i'll show you on the red buff so if someone's at a vision we do this press r then auto oh god i can't believe that's what this is oh god that's what this has come to our ult is for vision so we can destroy them globally with our auto attacks i love it feel like a master utft style rest in peace set three this is good this is good this is good this is good go for this bad boy shall we gotta stack off it that's luck right there oh yes buyer can slap and so can we so can we dude i wish i could just always kill this like this the only outsmarting mr cho'gath i love it it wasn't that bush i'm gonna cry where are you going okay he's going that way we're gonna need some more vision where's clairvoyance when you need it rest in peace nasto he must be doing his potty break speaking of if i drink so much water i'm gonna have to go to the bathroom like 50 times this game oh god are we even a tenth of the way i think we're now a tenth of the way done not bad not bad just hopefully we don't get uh much more sleepy my eyeball my eyeball now we're safe i think it's time to get blue trinket i need to have vision on these camps so i can kill them anytime anywhere that blast gun kind of scared me alrighty 1950 i love it i love it right here baby i will put that down for grump now i should permanently be able to get trump no problemo i just get one on blue buff maybe go scrap it out a little bit get some fights going get our blood flowing fights going and our blood flowing i thought that was uh somebody else giovanna she's trying to freaking out getting up on us or something okay dude checking every single bush is gonna be uh quite the task oh this one boy oh my goodness what [Music] the heck did we just witness what the heck did we just witness commit who wants to 1v1 we are going to be the most annoying champ the 1v1 modely mono i can help zap the cannons these guys are tanky beasts i'll tell you that i'm coming kendra all right brush wants to 1v1 let's see what he's got who the heck killed my blue orb start when can he one shot us he actually probably could anywhere on the map is okay good fight oh my goodness dude our team is literally so strong swain's a little scary but if they just engage on my team i can be safe from light years away now this is a range i can get behind we're 25 off of 2000 i got you freaking bombs dropping the good good right now oh show you guys count me in my guy all right instead of thresh stacking he'll just try to kill us 2000 range 245 lifesteal interesting very interesting me yo if i win you have to say i'm better thresh oh my god all right he wants to go i'm down to go we got to keep our eyes freaking peeled right now our eyes peeled i only have so many um wording totems we can keep myself alive with getting a ward in here would be nice too like i said we're gonna be able to be smacking people from everywhere everywhere hey there fresh or risky that's old get vision oh no he actually flashed over oh no he blast wait no he didn't that's like fire map oh keep me some vision baby he's gonna be so [Music] didn't mad i mean giving vision is that technically helping he didn't hit them there might be a loophole in the 1v1 clause it might be it might be they're going oh yes we have a reward very nice okay that works aggressive i like it thank you so 2000 ranges a lot but 3000 range is like stupid that's the level we're getting that all right we have to actually have vision of wherever the heck we walk is we walk into a threshold we are so utterly done so it ain't even funny i'm actually kind of spooked now walking in the walls and whatnot saying hello to one wrong bush could be a bad bad time range is at 20 50. oh god thresh is on a freaking spree he already took he took my vitegar monster this monster oh my goodness yes hello hey that dude does not die that dude does not freaking die tried to kill me dude this is so fun i don't think they can if they tried did that drop sold oh no it didn't i don't think they have what it takes and we're only getting stronger that's the best part about it up that there having good vision on our jungle is going to be sick three guaranteed stacks from up here three from down there hi mr grumpy from downtown we're slapping these things dude they travel in from so far away i don't know why it's the most satisfying thing to me 1v5 buns oh heck yes you best bet that's what we're doing you freaking best bet that's what we're doing nast dog's also a god he's getting 20 000 sacks calling it block fellers all right our team is definitely looking solid oh wait what that just didn't drop a soul get creative imagine having 5000 range and just put a freaking pc bounty on top of a kill i can sit and found if you kill me you get a freaking pc or something oh my god it'd be so fun this is this is better than scripting this range level oh jesus holy guacamole oh my god that was so very scary i don't know what to think right now i think having the rapids nice it kind of tells me my range sometimes let's see how much fights definitely not kill the cannons no i think that's out of stack range oh my goodness oh my goodness i think flash actually saved my booty there too i flashed out his attack range and healed on up i really think a lot of attack speeds gonna be the meta for this oh god remind me to add a qss to that list all right team's dead no problem all right one more time good luck this time we're not playing games baby we're not playing games let's buy we need to buy right let's see here i like the hp i like the ie [Music] this the move this is what we need right here we have vision we have qss we have banshees lots of attack speed oh my god gave me a heart attack oh my goodness gracious okay we're fine all right we have to be somewhat close in order to snag it whoa no you don't oh my god oh jeez all right thank god we can just brute force that when in doubt just take it oh my god i'm a big fan of banshees when that thing's not up we should be extremely extremely careful oh hello there random kill walking by how you doing all right it might be the point where we can kill this without even looking oh yeah oh yeah bard you just missed if they even want to come over here and try to steal this oh my god bart technically scales infinitely on his damage as well he just got a lot of meeps to go pick up and yoink i'm staying by the meteor shower man this is where it's at if they get smart and think okay there's a big wave they'll probably be coming this way especially through the jungle that's how we're actually going to die i need to take some safe routes because i am spooked let's we're the entrances of our jungles oh god i guess they could start flashing over walls and getting real creative oh jesus need your shower baby [Music] meteor shower oh we gotta go bot too the more range we get the safer we are baby and better yet the more damage we deal in the more lifesteal we have we're we still don't go up to full hp every single auto so that's got to change that's got to change [Music] looking good looking good dude this is so satisfying just having drop after drop everywhere i love it okay thresh is okay i'm actually spooked fires thank you for oh my god that freaking silence scared the tits out of me where's thresh where's thresh maybe if i do this oh yes oh wait thresh is dead i'm i feel stupid all of a sudden really really stupid that's my bad all right let's get vision there we have good vision of our top side jungle just bot sides will slack in a wee bit hey there thresh you want to walk up a little more for me come on come on oh that works that definitely works i miss the minion but oh well oh no i wish i could just click him to heal on the poor guy i got it i think you just went zap here we go oh my god nasus is farming up a storm dude the stack of ruski's are looking good he's breaking 10k soon where you got where you at where you going what are you doing all right we're in a very flankable area let's be careful how we do this why can't i just play a to carry like this why why why why why oh my god holy yep i knew it was just freaking debate the whole time what do you think you're doing what the heck do you think you're doing huh oh cho'gath don't you dare get a lot of creeps to freaking snag in the game we're going all the way to 24 hours right forget food forget sleeping oh yeah oh yeah thank you oh my god you are a better fresh well played i'm i'm i'm gonna go cry well good luck kill me again i'll tell that good luck killing me again if there weren't more work to do oh boy you got to kill me twice now folks you have to kill me twice now frank this ward is my savior hopefully bart doesn't come collect his chime because he's gonna bop reward on the way andrew don't you dare don't you dare i'm coming on through my guy i thought he wasn't level 18 for a second i was going to say like what how how come 10 000 range this is 2 200 we're on the way oh my god that guy just pieced on out of there what the heck thank you thank you let's see here all right where are we going next where are we going next where are we going next oh hello there okay we still got a creep that's good luck that is good luck hey there buddy that's a dark harvey stack for us wait for it beautiful oh my god what the heck is this shield and that's one way to do it that's one way to do it oh they're about to be mad they're about to be real freaking mad now i will slap you silly let's go here 3 000 range is the dream to get the maximum stack sensation let's go horsey going undercover calculated calculated yeah that kindred w actually hurts so bad oh so bad nice you go head up there what this game it's just getting started guys i know why you're impressed right now this is just the beginning oh jeez we lost them oh no you don't where i died last time better words will save us where the heck do you think you're going oh my god vikar actually almost just got bopped okay my shield is insane so let's keep that in mind for when someone's low on hp better just fling it up oh my god oh this is provision oh god that ain't enough vision he's just this animal i see you in there that bottom jungle is compromised don't trust it not doing it yo yo zapping these things from a million miles away is the best thing okay i didn't mean to kill that one injured get your booty over here it stacks the snag i can't click on that thing oh my goodness we need more damage dude we need more damage what is moral feed this or having vision hacks combined they would make a mean combo just saying thank you thank you coming through coming on through oh baby oh still down there be careful oh no we see him okay oh i am actually so paranoid now i'm actually so freaking paranoid all right he's going top side we have decent vision up there we can chill though she's probably the scariest because he has cc shyvana i think i can leave an auto in between i just miss with me bullet i'm going up i'm going up on a tuesday [Music] he wants to flash on me i know he does all right these words are so far we can bop those at ease that bot wave is stacking real good bob jungle's coming up but i care more about this right now i was just taking up a storm over there what am i looking at that's actually so scary okay let's go here so much to wear like i said we can just stay in the base and be completely fine that is the amount we need baby that is the amount we need i'm coming something oh baby hello hello you slippery little dog oh god please tell me oh my jesus i was actually pretty freaking close i'm trying to attack cancel on zoink dude fifteen thousand health this is what it looks like the sign even care about the situation here i don't think oh my god what's happening what is happening what is that why why why oh that's one way to go down remember can't click on that dead body it's spooky and hello minions ivana you monster he's killing our freaking ward coverage up there monster i tell you okay you gotta pick these up as they go down whatever comes next it won't bond is in here maybe she's in there i'm low-key spooked okay i think mvp he's freaking kidding me there's a tankiest scion over here okay maybe not that tanky but close to it what's the range look 23 25 oh my goodness this guy is trying to yield himself uh elders so he can complete the one-shot wonder respect all right the range just got a wee bit better check it out 23 50. 2500 is gonna be a milestone and a half thank you [Music] come hey bart it's old get that vision is he dead oh i thought he was dead okay that would have been sick wait a minute wait one minute oh why hello there dude getting that vision on that plant that far away is ridiculous let's go this way it's gonna be fun hitting those things from miles away that grump up we just can't see oh my god it's not a good vision plan these super minions are basically the same level of uh same levels these cannons honestly if we just have a point-and-click swain w basically what we're working with i'm coming baby oh my goodness low-key slaps it's zap time that's nice all balls received okay oh you're gained right there would have cried oh my god oh my god oh my god i probably could heal them and save them i'm a horrible person i freaking knew something was fishy dude i just checked the other bush oh god now we gotta be on code red high alert code red extreme high alert with our g8 down i think the trick is that's the goal that's the goal that's the goal go this way and then back down this way gonna be so careful going through the jungle though thank you coming by we go baby coming by we go wait fire you monster not in range i'm so afraid dude very very afraid our range is juicy let's see all right we're getting closer oh my god so this is what i'm thinking i need a random ones maybe we just have to say goodbye to ie that could be the move tankiness for the win armor armor armor armor armor thank you and let's see boots could be better than we thought boots could be a little better than you know i'll see this g's coming back i'm feeling good good luck noob not this time guy not this time oh this is beautiful we were smacking the entire freaking map of ruski from all over the place oh my god it didn't drop my souls i really gotta get to a closer range for this don't i thank you all right here is what i want to be my attack range here's the actual attack range close close not close enough you're out of there you're out of there no more mr nice guy baby more stacks for days more stacks see get a blue trick get this bad boy up and we'll eventually cover the map and everything will be safe oh my goodness did i do that i'm sad that even if i kill the minion and i'm out of range it's not going to give it to me watch wait i can show you on mr grumpy over here oh the red buff snag it's so sad so say it of um is the good and everything oh yeah nasus what you doing there buddy what you doing look at this shield beautiful i'm not sure if you can survive that this is a code red alpha minor good red alpha niner oh my goodness you're playing with your head upside down is somewhat near impossible there we go oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god holy jesus that got hurt oh my god oh my see you in 77 seconds he says holy okay i'm scared i don't even spawn kill him well yes i am an extremely good guy we're going for the spawn kill we're going for the spawn kill oh my god i'm not even close to beyond do it this we've created a monster we've created a monster still getting used to this whole angel thing hey there thresh how you doing you missed me please don't kill him yes bard you can live we're getting out of here that was the best the best the best hmm are we doing this okay okay okay thank you thank you very much good baby [ __ ] freaking good oh heck yes heck yeah all right what are we at not sure what happened what are we looking at what are we looking at oh wait we're already more than three hours in oh dude 24 hours gonna be a piece of the freaking piece of cake has been saved zappity zap clappity clap all right thresh is dead trish is dead dude honestly fire is pretty nice because you can you don't have to target them in order to hit them you know what i mean that's a nice little perk honestly all right 2.3 k on the range make it 2.45 we're going to 2.5 thank you can you do another wave i'm down i'm down once thresh spawns we gotta be careful that guy wants our booty big time heaven was destroyed in the blink of an eye it'll take longer to build it back up again big time big time why hello there hello there hello minions how are you today beautiful we'll see about that someone might give me a hand here wow thank you very much oh geez get the heck off me oh my base snuck up on me a little ambush if i must say so myself i just need to start walking around a clicking everywhere that's gonna be our best defense mechanism he's dead watch this let's go oh jeez it takes up a freaking storm thank you and blah blah blah we go we coming we're coming we're doing it we're doing it we're freaking doing it all right golems treat us well treat us well oh my god you didn't want to know how many stacks these guys are at what in the world they are so strong 10 kap vibes already locks you might be right there okay i'm an idiot he's over there okay i feel like a dummy let's just focus on the stack shall we swing 2500 baby oh my goodness yes 2500 oh no no no no no no i seriously wonder what the range is in the whole stack thing i wonder i wonder the thresh is hard blocking it that might have been a little overkill just a bit but you know what it's fine get more crit good thing we're at 100 hp and 369 percent lifesteal what um excuse me heck yes heck yeah i'm coming home okay where is bayer oh he's actually freaking what the he's hiding right out of the freaking sack oh boy team it's back up over here thank you 25 25 slowly but surely folks slowly but surely stacks get better and better let me come help you don't mind if i do yeah that's a good oh my god no it's not of freaking range for the stacks i gotta learn that range i gotta get it down i think it's like 20 oh god you monster how the heck and when did he get there are you never gonna happen never gonna happen not not even once all right it's the last time i died scary thing is i still think this builds the best now now you know what we gotta go back to the banshees it's the only way i wonder if an hourglass would help tell you by you good luck oh my god what the hell i freaking went to the what i thought i had at least a second to breathe jeez i think that banshee's saved my tits dude oh my goodness i didn't even know i was hitting that thing though was so silly so so silly thank you uh what oh i was just doing it for the vision but i mean i'll take the kill [Music] i'll gladly take the kill alright we need to gain vision of our own jungle that's where they sneak in and get all sneaky like and do them out of nowhere type kills yeah not the biggest fan much spooky very spooky we need some backup down here over oh wow good response time good good response time flash for the idiot nope flash for the minions we're almost to the point where we can just help out from any freaking which direction i think that wolf was confused he got hit from the fog and started running that's all weird thank you all right they're over here this dude's scary oh my shield's still on they're trying to flank spank me right now oh my goodness hey fresh i see you coming in for the freaking behind no no no no no i know what top wave looks extremely juicy let's go smack it let's go bop it [Music] hello oh my god my team actually does it faster than i do like by a lot we have the style points been doing it gotta take that new account you gotta respect the style points honestly if i don't want to get flanked i should stay on the sides of the map wait what i think i got stuck that was interesting oh god i don't think this freaking game is going to be able to hold a 24-hour game i don't think this is going to be able to hold our range 25 75 beautiful beautiful that's what it's all about baby that's what it's all about okay we keep killing this thing out of vision it's hurting us bad oh going for a drink of water in dangerous waters right now i like the way they're built from the chogato boink swings go buy full hp with some weird ad build oh they have elder dragon i repeat they have elder dragon the only dude we were actually freaking grabbing these things from so long away i'm looking for the best i think he's in somewhere i'm paranoid i'm actually paranoid oh my god oh my goodness jesus what the heck popped my banshees wait yeah where did that guy come from ivana r interesting very interesting all right top waves coming in hot this is looking good i hope whatever brought me back is happy this is nice this is nice very very nice you know our stacks are poppin nast dog so close to ten thousand oh i got you my dude i've got you my stomach just growled so loud is that a good or bad sign let's say it's a bad one i'm spooked road to five hours it's getting there it's getting there yep um i'm oh my god is that just my w whoa there whoa whoa whoa there yeah walking on wards not a good idea keep yoinking the cannons honestly this 30 armor and 30 ability power is pretty sweet i can respect it i can respect it's up sion what are we watching right now this just looks so freaking silly i was actually so afraid walking past that virgo should just drop the ultimate passive scion honestly if you get the tia man he's gonna be packing some heat not gonna lie out of range oh man that was actually so zoink best spot to kill baron best freaking spot i see you oh that old is cooking [ __ ] oh banshee's down equals i am open to being one shot i don't like that i knew it dude i freaking knew that guy was there oh my goodness i'm surprised you portal through and try to pull a fast one flip that sucker in there then that oh that's a fact imagine this type of setting in your rank games you just see this what would you imagine if you saw this wait a minute all right we're back we're getting stacks okay how is he still alive what that's some spooky hp thank you i feel like these jungle camps spawn faster than normal i don't know why but let's go top i see the two killers oh wait wait a minute oh that guy probably hates me dude dude probably hates me the west's redemption is in my very capable oh my god where actually what dude this is the weirdest game people are just insta melting can this guy really just farm in front of me is that what i'm watching mankind this is so interesting this is very interesting range 26 75 dude 3 000 is within our fricking grasp we're so close but yet so far at the same freaking time thank you thank you oh very nice where the heck is thresh i'm getting spooked 2700 baby oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious thank you a little too far on that one put too much spin on it he's dead oh my god is our old give us a stack is that what i just saw we've got your back small chance thresh is in all here we're good i'm paranoid walking freaking everywhere around here the 7.6 10k range easy easy peasy i'm a little worried about the freaking fps i love it hey thresh come out come out wherever you are my guy the kindred actually melts this thing too i have shield for you buddy i have a shield for you 7k crit gotta love it oh my goodness this is the dumbest game i've played in a while but i love it this kind of stuff is awesome just pushing the game to its smell god oh my god thank you holy i thought shivano was there too bodyguard 10 000 ap vigar on duty that's nice that's real nice a little bit of this so i think it's safe to say this is the stronger stacking team okay i think it's very safe to say one auto one auto one freaking auto oh my goodness everyone go base it's try hard time oh my all right you know what free for all anyone kills anyone oh boy this is this is gonna be spooky should we buy the ie we're gonna need damage i think the banshee honestly saves my booty why is my horse ginormous wait is it always that big thing what what what is making it do that i think it's home guards i don't know i'm an idiot all right good luck you know what take all our inhibs our team op we're gonna give them three of our inhibitors our team is so broken compared to theirs i think we have the slight slight advantage just by a bit just by a bit we'll hook them up we'll see if we can pull this off here goes one should i slap this guy all right all right they're gonna try to end the game we'll see how close they actually get oh my god they did damage no no no no no you have 10 mins to try to end if not you all die all right their life depends on it their life depends on it good luck fellas good luck good luck oh my god dude hitting these from the fog is insane insane i'm just hacking all over the map right now this is awesome we're hacking we're hacking we're hacking hacking hacking whoever thought of making a super [ __ ] scene in the fog i appreciate them i know sometimes riders watch the videos so if you did think of that change show this to the rider who did and uh hey thank you thank you very much oh they're going for a freaking sneak attack stealth attack oh boy oh there you need a little better than that you're gonna have to do a little better than that they're gonna have to scan their way in ever so smartly and we don't see it coming where are you at oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious these minions actually slap wait what the okay these okay they got a freaking tower that's not good that's not good where oh 1v5 mode one v5 mode let's do this let's do this we're busting out the damage build for this one baby i think i need hurricane yep definitely definitely need hurricane oh boy okay 1v5 is activated 1v5 is fully fully activated oh lyon's the scariest of them all these hurricane balls are the best what is going on come take get away from this tower oh i cheated hey there big guy how do you think you're doing i'm just a clicking on it i tried hitting the freaking thing at that point oh god no what the he almost made a frickin play all right you have until i snipe all right they have six minutes till we snipe their freaking nexus from across the map all right game on game activated it's about to get real intense i like the stack shift i feel like sniper and tft right now maybe we actually have to incorporate our q i don't know we have one tower to save our range looking pretty good oh god they got alder hey god elder dude i'm nervous for this once we see him i'm blasting them oh jeez we're being overran come on i have to get in hurricane range oh god they got baron and elder rose spaghettio oh the attack now this is the best shot i freaking blew it they're all gonna fly over this wall i already know it is a distraction oh god some in the freaking oh my god oh my god what is happening what just happened what the heck just happened no did we just lose did we just freaking lose i don't know if they can clear this is he keeping the minion alive is he a big brain or what just stall for this much longer my guy this much freaking longer aim on i'm killing that nexus all right you know what they're gonna one shot me like that that's messed up that is messed up we still got three yo that shyvana just slapped me they baited me out the sound what is this next level team comp oh my goodness travana is so scary i think you will not kill me again honestly if i just stand back here we should be good what the heck is this what the heck is this you slippery little pickle bye bye to you poor guy a little bit let's go see what it looks like hitting structures shall we that champion's broken okay you know what cena sucks fresh op wow that was that was a lot that was a lot oh my goodness he actually just got slapped and someone hold my hand all right i think i think we need maybe kindred to hold our hand to the base oh what if i hide under cho'gath that could work whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no if they get the nexus we're in trouble come on come on no please oh my god no apart dude just comes marching in they just one shot this thing they actually just one shot it all right my escort's here oh boy let's go blow up their base shall we let's do it from a nice little safe distance that did scares me oh my god that hole is juicy what did you just get freaking one shot oh my god check this out wow you need vision of the tower i can't i can't hit this one i can't hit this one i can't hit the inhibitor are you kidding me since when do you need vision of the darn thing alright minions lead the way oh elder dragon has arrived step bar yo four hours in this is what i'm talking about oh i see you that's so scary i died of one freaking hit from her oh they're going for it they're freaking go you think you're fancy bud oh yeah vigar said no i was gonna say i was gonna go slap this thing once i saw a chance too guys that's a wrap hopefully we'll see you tomorrow we upload a lot let me know if we should go to 24 hours next alright i love you guys peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu
Views: 894,887
Rating: 4.7878909 out of 5
Keywords: BunnyFuFuu, Thresh, Cloud9, C9 BunnyFuFuu, Cloud 9, C9, Stream Highlights, Support, League of Legends, best, build, rune, runes, builds, four, 4 hour, hour, game, senna, stack, stacks, nasus, cho, gath, veigar, kindred
Id: uCrj0mwa2pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 11sec (11471 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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