China’s Master Plan for World Domination (Mini Documentary)

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so you're the heads of china once one of the greatest empires in the world but in the late 1800s and early 1900s you hit a rough patch [Music] china was defeated and pillaged by the british the french japan russia basically china an empire that very much values honor respect was put to shame on the world stage for over a hundred years it was so bad that china would later call it the century of humiliation if that wasn't bad enough china also had a few more rough patches after that with around 18 to 45 million deaths during a movement they called the great leap forward and around another 20 million deaths during the movement after that called the cultural revolution because of all the shame and disgrace you've grown to resent not just the west but the rest of the east the north the south and everyone in between you long for the days when you were number one when you were on top of the world but don't take my word for it take the word from all these chinese officials that regularly spout this china has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence and the worst part is that you could easily be number one if it wasn't for those milling americans that believe in democracy natural rights and other dangerous ideas like freedom of speech ideas that if your populist gets a whiff of it would be the end of your rule because of these ideas and the fact that america is the only one standing in your way for world domination this automatically makes them public enemy number one throughout human history all the way up to the 1900s to defeat an enemy state you simply go to war but as we've seen with our 100 years of shame traditional warfare hasn't been our strong suit for a while but it is for those despicable americans even though the americans didn't really win in the middle east or vietnam or korea their traditional forces of soldiers tanks and aircraft are a force to be reckoned with while having actual combat experience so you put your pride away and objectively realize that it's far from guaranteed that you could win a head-to-head boots on the ground war with the us we need a new plan of attack a new way to wage war where we don't have to go head first into america's greatest strength and our greatest weakness following our great sun zeus art of war if you're gonna attack your enemy attack him where he can't defend luckily for you times have changed the modern day battlefield is no longer fought with bullets but with ones and zeroes dollars and cents sure there will always be a time for conventional warfare but today instead of storming the desert it's storming the enemy's walls by attracting foreign investors money and not letting that money ever leave your country instead of killing soldiers it's by baiting companies that outsource their workers for dirt cheap labor thereby taking away jobs from the enemy country killing their morale and making them more dependent on you instead of fighting on the european front or the pacific front it's fighting on the economic front the social front instead of deploying troops it's deploying cyber warfare troops that sit behind a computer screen instead of invading and occupying smaller nations it's offering them irresistible loans to build infrastructure projects and taking them over once they can't pay it back war is no longer using force to compel your enemy to your will but rather by using all means armed and unarmed force lethal and non-lethal force by doing whatever it takes and you want to know what the best part is is that while all these revolutionary changes are happening to the battlefield your arch nemesis the u.s are still spending away all their resources building up their conventional forces thinking that they have the most powerful military leaving them with no resources are desired to invest into the real domains the cyber and economic ones but can you really blame them the traditional military industrial complex and defense contracts make a lot of money so lucky for us why would they want to change that's not our job the us military leaders say so like everything else their government does they keep kicking the can down the road like sun tzu said if your opponent doesn't even know they're at war well they've already lost this is that strategy we're at war only it's not being fought by guns and missiles not yet at least it's a war of perception the greatest long-term threat to our nation's information and intellectual property and to our economic vitality is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from china that i think it's the most consequential existential threat not just to america just to democracy the world's ever seen but if you think these issues are just an intelligence issue or a government problem or a nuisance largely just for big corporations who can largely take care of themselves you could not be more wrong it's the people of the united states who are the victims of what amounts to chinese theft on a scale so massive that it represents one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history [Music] war combat it's all about deception you make the enemy think you're gonna come out from one corner to shoot but then boom you come out of the other corner and blow them to bits the modern battlefield is no different you make the west believe that you support free trade and globalization while systematically taking advantage of it you tell other countries like the us to say no to protectionism to tariffs well that's literally your entire strategy you waive the carrot of short-term profits in front of your enemies that are drooling at the mouth while using their money to fund your rise to number one china has a fundamentally different system than ours and it's doing all it can to exploit the openness of ours while taking advantage of its own closed system and at the core china's main strategy and advantage over the us is just that the ability to think in decades and centuries instead of quarterly earnings reports or the next election cycle china has a vision a big why a purpose to guide them through all the short-term pain in their journey to world domination with absolute power over their subjects to back it up the u.s on the other hand have grown weak and comfortable from nearly a hundred years of opulence and much like how a spoiled child can never work hard america's prosperity and freedom will be its own downfall they're not willing to give up their comforts to fight a bigger enemy and their government has hardly any control over their own citizens think of china kinda like the old robber barons like rockefeller or jp morgan but at a global level we can use every single dirty trick in the book to crush our competitors the chinese government is engaged in a broad diverse campaign of theft and malign influence and it can execute that campaign with authoritarian efficiency they're calculating they're persistent they're patient and they're not subject to the righteous constraints of an open democratic society or the rule of law every war has different fronts that must be fought in world war ii it was the european front and the asia pacific front for this new cold war there are many different fronts where one of the most important being the economic front china saw how money turned the u.s into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the soviet union so china took the best of both worlds they combined the absolute authoritarianism they needed to stay in power but sprinkled on some capitalism to make the money they would need to dominate the world or in other words we realize that money talks on the global stage so we align private profit with national interests china has complete control over the economy so we can do whatever it takes to make sure the right companies succeed in the direction we want and yet we've created one of the freest environments to do business there's no pesky things like the epa better business bureau intellectual property rights and yet the government has the final say on all matters if they think your company is better suited merged with this other company they'll take your company and assets by force and merge it with the other an awful lot of large chinese businesses are state-owned enterprises literally owned by the government and thus the party and even if they aren't china's laws allow its government to compel any chinese company to provide any information it requests including american citizens data on top of that chinese companies of any real size are legally required to have communist party cells inside them to keep them in line the equivalent to the us government forcing apple to have a u.s representative on their board of directors to make sure everything is going according to plan competition among chinese is extremely dog-eat-dog and yet important companies get cash injections and are backed by the government because of this close economy we're able to pull off some very clever tricks that get us ever so closer to world domination one of our greatest tactics is the fact that when foreign investors put money into our country no matter how much money they earn on paper they can never pull it out of the here's how it works number one we attract foreign businesses investors banks hedge funds many of them from the us to invest billions upon billions of dollars over the years into chinese real estate businesses stocks which is not very hard given that we have the biggest population and the biggest new market to make money in number two the investors money is used to make our economy the fastest growing in history while preventing that same money from being used to grow america's economy number three the investors see their money grow on paper which makes them really happy and attracts more investors and number four when investors want to take their earnings out and convert it into let's say usd they can't why because this is our closed economy you have to follow our rules if you want to play and our rule is is that we need this money to stay within our borders to keep funding our astronomical growth as long as more money keeps coming into china unless it's going out all is going according to plan sure with the right person applying the right pressure money can go out of china but for the average foreign firm like chevron sony x on these suckers have had their money trapped here since 2015. now if you're sitting there with your hands stroking your chin wondering this this kind of sounds like a ponzi scheme where investors put money in and their money is used as returns for the investor that came in before them no well i'll let you guys be the judge of that and if you think that trick was clever you have seen nothing yet see every country's currency's value is determined by traders on foreign exchange markets but who says that's how it has to work if we put our un on the market we'd completely lose control over it so the un isn't traded on foreign exchange markets everything happens within our borders its value is whatever we say it is china has printed 30 trillion dollars worth of rmb in a decade like the scale to which they've printed is again it's unprecedented can the chinese run their stock market up absolutely domestically they control the price they control the printing press they control the police they control the narrative and there are many other tricks up our sleeves forcing foreign companies to give up the trade secrets to do business in china when no other nations do that to chinese firms stealing anywhere from two to three trillion dollars worth of intellectual property from the us over the past 10 years and selling it back to them at a discount they all estimate that that number's 200 to 300 billion dollars worth of ip per year there's a return on that annually as well so over the last decade they've stolen you know two to three trillion uh in ip from us we've now reached the point where the fbi is opening a new china-related counterintelligence case about every 10 hours of the nearly 5 000 active fbi counterintelligence cases currently underway across the country almost half are all related to china not allowing western social platforms like google facebook youtube and our economy so we can control the narrative while the west allows all of our government-controlled social platforms into their nation so we can influence their narrative getting us companies to outsource 3.7 million manufacturing jobs to our very poor cheap laborers since 2001 pummeling their middle class even more forcing u.s companies not to spread ideas we don't like like disney hollywood the nba marriott and more all this economic warfare is for one purpose to fund our meteoric rise as the fastest growing economy in history with everyone else's money while fooling everyone into thinking that we're playing by the worlds and that yes you should definitely keep treating us fairly even though we're not treating you fairly and all this economic power allows us to move on to the other fronts of this new cold war like the all too insidious infrastructure fronts infrastructure is one of the most important aspects of a society it is literally the underlying foundation of a country infrastructure also happens to be one of those things that is taken for granted by the populace people in the u.s typically don't go about their dates wondering hey how secure are gas pipelines or electricity grids or who controls the shipping ports and container ships where 90 of our goods travel on [Music] yet if just one of these systems went out it would lead to some catastrophic events that's why in china we understand just how important infrastructure warfare is in our ever more connected world that's why we have a laser focused on infrastructure both domestically and internationally within china we're focused on making our economy completely independent from the outside world where we're not dependent on exports or imports an economy that isn't fragile to the goodwill of others like how every nation including china is right now this is where ghost cities come into play to create this insulated economy china started building entire cities 120 in total each designed to hold between 5 to 10 million people that's why in just two years from 2012 to 2014 china poured more concrete than the us did in the last 100 years because these cities were built ahead of demand there are 50 ghost cities in china 50 cities ranging from twice the size of philadelphia to the size of new york without a soul to be seen and guess what china's plan for an independent super economy was funded by you guessed it the west headed by wall street who probably aren't going to get their money back and every cent of this construction went straight into china's record-breaking gdp numbers so that begs the question if there are 64 million vacant apartments on the market and even more vacant business space in the billions of square feet it would only make sense that real estate prices should have already crashed in china right well no as we learn in the economic front china controls the entire economy including real estate and prices so we simply prevent this new real estate from being sold see what westerners don't understand is that economic growth is very easy if you control everything while we're making our infrastructure more robust at home naturally we're focused on making everyone else's infrastructure more fragile abroad this is where the belt and road initiative or bri comes in a plan to connect nearly 70 nations many of them poor desperate emerging nations around the world by road rail air and most importantly by sea and here's how it works number one find nations with resources we need whether that be cheap labor mined or important locations number two approach these desperate nations with a smile and say that in the name of facilitating free trade and harmony peace and prosperity we'll give you a loan that we know you can't pay back to build infrastructure projects like a seaport to build up your economy and will just collect interest in return a no-brainer deal you'd be crazy to pass it up and then boom step number three once you drown the country in debt it's basically yours and from here you can do whatever you want in the case of the very strategic port of sri lanka when they couldn't make the payments they just gave it back to china with even more land on top of that in the case of africa you can keep milking the resources and cementing your influence and control as these nations start to prosper you can sell to them collect their data and further your influence and all these locations that are practically ours are more avenues for us to send conventional military troops through if that time ever comes more on that later if you want to learn more about this modern day colonialism check out our video called the profitable business of enslaving third world countries along with domestic infrastructure and the bri the last and most important piece of the infrastructure front is 5g [Music] now if you're looking for 5g conspiracy theories go watch some other video because we don't even have to go into that kind of speculation 5g is not just another phone network sure it gives consumers up to 100 times faster speed but for the most part consumers won't be able to take advantage of all that extra juice the real game changer is that this extra speed and bandwidth will make way for a new generation of society built around devices connected to each other whereas 4g only allows around 6 500 devices per square mile 5g can support up to a million devices per square mile this extra capacity means that every aspect of a society's infrastructure planes trains machinery self-driving cars smart homes connected healthcare agriculture cameras the military will be able to communicate with each other over a 5g network more data being collected means that more data can be funneled into ai and machine learning algorithms at an even faster rate and if you thought technology was already moving fast if the highway data travels on gets supercharged the pace of technology will increase at an even more incomprehensible rates we already talked about how fragile nations are to the infrastructure so if the future of infrastructure is powered over 5g networks if one were to control said 5g networks one could theoretically have the keys not to just the kingdom but to the entire modern world including all of one's enemies in our modern world there is perhaps no more ominous prospect than a hostile foreign government's ability to compromise our country's infrastructures and devices if one controlled all 5g networks one could theoretically view all the world's data traveling on those super highways including business plans military plans academic papers engineering plans surveillance camera feeds anything and everything sent over 5g one could also turn off aspects of a nation's infrastructure at will one could collect and feed everyone's data into one's own ai algorithms like one is already doing with the government controlled social media platforms or in other words if china is gonna get back to its glory days on the world stage it would be very advantageous of us to take the same approach we're doing with the belt and road initiative generously offered to build a 5g networks for other nations out of our own goodwill of course but you gotta keep this part extra secret because other countries are starting to catch on to our intentions like japan australia and the uk india those middling americans of course and maybe even the eu if we don't act fast if chinese companies like huawei are given unfettered access to our telecommunications infrastructure they could collect any of your information that traverses their devices or networks worse still they'd have no choice but to hand it over to the chinese government if asked the privacy and due process protections that are sacrosanct in the united states are simply non-existent in china there are many other fronts in this new cold war that we don't have time to get into the cyber warfare front the technology front the social front but there's one more friend worth mentioning an under the radar return to the conventional military fronts as we mentioned in the beginning of this video as long as we're not guaranteed to win the conventional war with the us we'll keep fighting on the more subtle modern day battlefield but china isn't dumb we know that conventional warfare will never go away and that someday we might just have to participate in it and as the west has been funding our rise we've been investing a lot of that money not just a normal infrastructure like we already talked about but also into our military so if or when that time ever comes we can strike china already has more warships than the u.s navy while the u.s has been lowering its icbm count due to international agreements we've been stockpiling hours and regularly show them off and a healthy amount of us military components and raw materials come straight from china the propellant that fires their missiles materials for their night vision goggles their entire telecom system their computers they're entirely dependent on us so for now we'll just keep selling war materials to the americans build up our own power and control and then strike if the time comes so you know that war is all about deception not just conventional fighting you know about our economic front the business front all the different infrastructure fronts at home and abroad and how we're gearing up our conventional fronts so the question remains who's gonna win this new cold war well if the west keeps fighting each other about systematic racism while the concept of racial discrimination doesn't even exist in china with this very own concentration camps and cattle cars mind you if the west keeps calling a certain president a tyrant when there's an actual authoritarian regime a few thousand miles off the coast of california that makes the certain president look like gandhi if consumers keep buying chinese plastic just to save a buck well they better start learning mandarin and let's just calm down and put this [Music] okay confronting this threat effectively does not mean we shouldn't do business with the chinese does not mean we shouldn't host chinese visitors it does not mean we shouldn't welcome chinese students or co-exist with china on the world stage but it does mean that when china violates our criminal laws and international norms we are not going to tolerate it much less enable it the fbi and our partners throughout the u.s government will hold china accountable and protect our nation's innovation ideas and way of life with the help and vigilance of the american people thank you for having me here today speaking of learning mandarin check out today's video sponsor um i mean we don't have a sponsor because not many brands are willing to support this video economic warfare at its finest so i tell you what if you want to support this channel financially and you want more videos like this one check out a course i made on how to land a remote job this is how i got my start and this whole make money online thing with a 40 per hour remote web dev job and i believe it's the most practical way for others to get started as well you don't have to start a business from scratch you learn valuable skills on your own time while making consistent money so you're not starving to death and as we've seen in recent times remote jobs are a lot less fragile than traditional ones and my favorite part is that you can use remote jobs as a jumping off point for whatever you want you can use the extra time to work on a side business like i did or you can be a digital nomad traveling the world which a lot of people do with their remote jobs as well and with this course it walks you through what jobs to go after based on your personality what the best route to learn it are standing out when applying to jobs and interviews and basically everything you need from start to finish and you can start your remote journey right now for a very reasonable price and support this channel at the same time with the link below gentle reminder that i have partnered up with the chinese communist party and for every single time you guys watch a video leave a comment leave a like subscribe turn on the notification bell your social credit score will go up by one point so get that social credit score up before you get thrown into a concentration camp i mean a re-education gap nobody here is a criminal no sir okay gentlemen sorry we couldn't work anything out but uh i'm gonna go home and pay my taxes highly highly recommend you guys read the book that this video is based on called stuff for how china took over while america's elite slept by brigader general robert spalding from what i understand brigader general is like one of the highest ranks in the military so this guy he knows what he's talking about it's not that long or a hard read and it goes over like a ton of stuff that i didn't have time to cover in this video also i see you guys backing me up in the warzone that is the comment section this is turning out to be like a real mafia where you like defend the godfather so you know don tran really appreciates it and i want you to know that i see you and i really appreciate you all right you can follow me on instagram at for like behind the scenes stuff uh teasers random memes me ranting about stuff it's pretty good over there so join us over at instagram thank you so much for watching you've been awesome i've been jake stay dangerous i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Jake Tran
Views: 1,359,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold war, new cold war, cold war 2, china, mike pompeo, us china, china us, hong kong protest, ccp, us china trade war, xi jinping, china news, beijing, hong kong, hong kong protests, huawei, china economy, china mars mission, china flood 2020, south china morning post, china internment camps, belt and road initiative, china economic, chinese, chinese government, geopolitics, global news, current events, current affairs, trump china, south china sea, india vs china, bri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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