The Story of Gelbin Mekkatorque & The Gnomes [Lore]

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Hello everyone! A little while back someone asked me if I had a video talking about the gnomes and it surprised me that I haven’t done a story about them yet so it’s time to rectify that grave error. Ladies and gentleman today we’re going to talk about the origin of the gnomes, about Gelbin Mekkatorque, about Gnomeregan! We're going to cover most of the lore, but please keep in mind that there are so many individual storylines, so many details that I might not be able to talk about everything. I am going to do my very best to tell you as much as possible so please, sit back, relax and lets tell tale of the gnomes. “For gnomeregan”! The origin of the gnomes goes back many many years where they were created by the titan keeper Mimiron for an unknown reason. Some speculate that, like the earthen and sea giants, mechagnomes as they were called, they were created to help with the titans mission of shaping and forming the world of Kalimdor. Like so many other creations of the titans, the mechagnomes were hit by the curse of flesh. A curse placed upon them by the imprisoned old gods which made their bodies weaker, litteraly gave them flesh and it made them more volnerable to their corruption. This history, this origin is explained while questing in Northrend as Gearmaster Mechazod is working on bringing back the Gnomes to their former glory. He wants to return to a time of perfection, the time of the titans. Immortality and returning to what they used to be, that’s what he offered the gnomes but even though some of them liked the transformation, most of them didn’t enjoy being turned into robotic slaves. We were put on the task of re-cursing the gnomes and bringing them back to their fleshy state while also taking care of the Gearmaster. Besides this early history, there’s a pretty big gap between the gnomes being hit by the curse of flesh and them popping up within the rest of storyline. Part of the lore says that the first recorded interaction between gnomes and dwarves took place around 200 years before the Burning Crusade. It is said that a dwarven explorer came across a small gnomish village. he was shocked to discover that while dwarves they were just up to the point of discovering gunpowder, the gnomes already had a fully automated village with amazing creations like mechanical chickens. Contact between the two races grew, they became allies of eachother and the dwarves allowed the gnomes to build their capital city of Gnomeregan in the foothill of Dun Morogh. This is however not the earliest record of a gnome popping up within the storyline, since around 2600 years ago, a gnome was part of the story of the first Guardian. I’ve done a full version on the guardians if you want to check it out, but in short the council of Tirisfal decided that in order to keep world safe from the burning legion, they would channel their powers into one being who would be known as the guardian. At the time the gnome Indus was part of the council of tirisfal and her nature of constantly tinkering had earned her the nickname of “the inventor”. She together with the other members empowered the first guardian Alodi which allowed him to defeat and banish the dreadlord Kathra’Natir. Indus was not the only known gnomish member of the council, around 800 years ago there was another gnome known as Erbag and he was there when the council decided to make Aegwynn their next guardian. That means that gnomes have been around for a lot longer then just 200 years ago, but it could be that the dwarven story, it simply...they never encountered the gnomes before and this was simply their first encounter. Regardless, they quickly build up an allegiance between eachother and the gnomes created their beautiful home of Gnomeregan near the dwarves their city of Ironforge. There they were free to tinker and experiment, something all gnomes love to do and they’ve created some brilliant and amazing devices over the years. Devices that would be of a great use to not only themselves or the dwarves, the gnomes they played a critical roll during the war against the first orcish horde. And when I say critical, I mean that they kinda forgot to mention them in the story. When the city of Stormwind fell to the might of the orcs, those that could set sail to the lands of Lordaeron to form the alliance of lordaeron and fight over the fate of the world. This alliance also included gnomes and dwarves where the gnomes provided their technology such as submarines and gyrocopters. “They came from behind” Like I said, this wasn’t really described within the novels like Rise of the Horde, the last guardian, Tides of Darkness, there isn't really a mention of the gnomes in there but they were present and their first mention in the novels was in Beyond the Dark Portal which takes place after the first orcish horde invasion was already defeated and the second invasion was about to begin. In the book we read about how the city of Stormwind was rebuild and that the alliance was pretty strong at this point. The dwarves of Ironforge were quick to lend aid to their human allies but king Magni Bronzebeard was frustrated with the fact that it took so long to deliver aid to Stormwind. To fix this problem they turned to High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque who came up with the plan of designing a tram system linking Stormwind with Ironforge. Building this tunnel and this tram system did not come without its own threats and complications considering that it was planned to go under water, but even worse, the gnomes had to face a terrible threat in the form of rats. Mekkatorque had requested an urgent meeting with Turalyon, supreme commander of the alliance forces, and Turalyon did his best to answer the request as diplomatic as he could. For the tiny sized gnomes, a rat can be devistating and Turalyon promised to send some troops to help them clear the virmin so they would no longer chew through the wires or take gnomish lives. 'flute sound" This joking lore is something that you’ll find more often when you look into the Gnomish story line. They’re mostly used as a funny race similar to the goblins for the Horde and they weren’t even in the original trailer for World of Warcraft since the gnomes were added later during production. That’s not to say that the gnomes don’t know devastating tragedy and this ties in with the story of their leader, Gelbin Mekkatorque. Gelbin Mekkatorque. was chosen to be the high tinker of the gnomes, which means he’s their leader. Where kings and queen get in their suit of power because of their heritage, high tinkerers are chosen by the gnomes for their merits of their work and how they benefit the gnomish race. In his lifetime Gelbin has created some amazing inventions. He's created the mechanostrider, that's the mount gnomes still use to this day, they were invented by him. The gyromatic micro-adjustor, the repair bot, the Deeprun Tram, even the prototype of the dwarven siege engine, all of that came from the creative mind of Gelbin Mekkatorque. That’s one thing that all gnomes share, their love for technology and tinkering and they aren’t a violent race. Gnomes would never attack other gnomes over leadership or for their own benefit. In a world of all kinds of dangerous creatures, from rats to orcs to all kinds of things, the gnomes they simply need eachother and this created a very peacefull society. That is until the day came that Mekkatorque's brilliant mind couldn't save them all, he was betrayed by onethat he considered as a friend, Sicco Thermaplugg. Sicco had been friends with Mekkatorque as they had graduated together and worked on a bigger and brighter future for the gnomes. He was brilliant and wise and destined for greatness. Sicco believed that he had what it took to be the next high tinkerer and his ambitions went even further. He invisioned himself as the first true gnomish king in over four hundred years, but the council found that he was too ambitious and they chose to make Mekkatorque the high tinkerer instead. This crushed Sicco and a fair part of his sanity was lost on that day. He came up with a crazy plan which went against the very nature of being a gnome. At the time they were dealing with troggs assaulting their city of Gnomeregan and Sicco convinded Mekkatorque of a plan that would use gas to take care of their enemy. Sicco had claimed to have tested the radiation levels of the gas. He had claimed to have evidence of its terminal effects on the troggs, and he had shown Gelbin falsified numbers on its density and volumetric weight. The gas should have stayed in the quarantined areas and lower sections of Gnomeregan, it was supposed to poison the invaders as they emerged from the depths while the gnomes waited safely sealed away in the upper urban tunnels. At the time, this had seemed like the only way out of the unforeseen invasion, and it wouldn't require any help from the otherwise-occupied Alliance. This took place during the events of Warcraft 3 so the Alliance was a little bit busy with the whole Legion, scourge kind of thing and the gnomes would take care of the gnomes. so it seemed like the right plan. Thermaplugg had seemed so confident his stuff would do the trick, but most of the troggs if they were hit by the gas they simply shambled through it. If anything, they were growing wilder as they became irradiated. And even worse the gas had risen through Gnomeregan. It had sifted through Thermaplugg's filters. It had killed the gnomes who had sat waiting in their homes, choking on vile green clouds behind doors that the high tinker had promised would keep them safe. Sicco had willingly turned against his own people, was willing to sacrifice them all to make Mekkatorque look like the bad guy and he wanted his people to vote him as their new ruler. He himself had not expected that 80% of their people would die from the gas, he thought that it would indeed take care of troggs and only kill 30% of their people, but his plans had failed and the gnomes were nearly exterminated. Every single day Mekkatorque was plagued of the memory of his mistake. No matter how great of an invention he would make, that one single mistake could not be erased. He could not lose himself to the grief, he had to hold strong and lead his people. The dwarves were thankfully kind enough to give them a place in their city, but the gnomes they saw the pity in their eyes. The pity,that was the hardest part. For a race of ambitious folks whose lives were validated by a masterful command of the scientific laws of the universe, to be pitied was simply unbearable. To be pitied was to be insulted and Gelbin chafed under the sympathy, and he knew that his people did too. Gelbin knew that for the sake of his people they would have to retake their former city, retake their beloved Gnomeregan and retake their gnomish pride. The eccentric, often-brilliant Gnomes are held as one of the most peculiar races of the world. With their obsession for developing radical new technologies and constructing marvels of mind-bending engineering, it's a wonder that any Gnomes have survived to proliferate. Over the years, the gnomes have contributed ingenious weapons to aid the Grand Alliance in its fierce battles against the Horde. Thriving in the wondrous techno-city of Gnomeregan, the gnomes shared the resources of the forested Dun Morogh peaks with their dwarven cousins. Yet recently, a barbaric menace rose up from the bowels of the earth and invaded Gnomeregan. Aided by their Dwarven allies, the Gnomes fought a valiant battle to save their beloved city. Nevertheless, Gnomeregan was irrevocably lost. The surviving Gnomes fled to the safety of the Dwarven stronghold of Ironforge. There they remain, devising strategies to retake their city. As a Gnome of proud standing, it falls to you to answer the challenge and lead your curious people to a brighter future. And so, right from the get go, the gnomes joined the alliance and new adventurers shared their starting area with the dwarves. Eventually heroes were send into gnomeregan and even the horde provided help, yet the Horde went in with a very different motive. The Horde went in to collect some blueprints for the goblin Nogg since Nogg recognised that the new gnomes had developed a far more superior shredder design then anything that the Goblins came up with. That was the main quest for the Horde to go into Gnomeregan, to steal some blueprints, while the Alliance went in to not only collect artifacts that were left behind as the city was evactuated, but they also went in to get revenge. The major questline was to take out Thermaplug, and along the way you had to fight off countless troggs and even lepper gnomes who were now so crazy that they believed anyone was a filthy trog. In the end we faced off against Sicco who constantly screamed that he needed more explosions, yet someway, somehow, Sicco survived the encounter and fooled people into believing that he was dead. It wouldn’t be until just before the Cataclysm that the gnomes got their moment to shine in the story. It had taken them a lot of years of planning, of protecting the world, of getting ready but finally the moment had come for Operation: Gnomeregan. We were going in to assault the city and take it back from Sicco Thermaplug: Gelbin: We stand at the brink of victory, my friends. Initiate Phase III: Into the tunnels! Once we capture the underground railway and loading dock, we'll use them to make a rapid attack on the heart of the city. Gnomeregan is within our grasp! Mekgineer Thermaplugg's Brag-Bot yells: NEVER! this thing on? Is it... this button? Testing...testing. Ah! *ahem* NEVER! Gnomeregan is MINE, Mekkatorque. You think you'll just march into MY city? Activate the Expendable Atomic Defense System: DRIVE FORTH THE TROGGS!!! High Tinker Mekkatorque says: My GEARS...that's got to be every last trogg in the city! Squads, dig in! Frag bombs and suppressing fire...HOLD THE LINE! We won't be turned back now! Where are Thermaplugg's defense forces? What...what is that? That looks like the radiation bomb that poisoned Gnomeregan...wait! Incoming! Commander Boltcog yells: Our defenses are impenetrable! WE are the true sons of Gnomeregan! Mekgineer Thermaplugg's Brag-Bot yells: No! No, no, NO!!! I won't allow you into my kingdom, usurper! I WON'T ALLOW IT! Activate the Ultimate Atomic Protection System. ...DISINTEGRATE THEM ALL! High Tinker Mekkatorque says: IT'S A TRAP! That's a fully functional irradiator! Mekgineer Thermaplugg's Brag-Bot yells: It is... and twenty-six TIMES more powerful than the first! You've FAILED, Mekkatorque! I've caught and defeated you before you even set FOOT in my precious city! Now DIE! Oh, I'd love to see that old cog's face. I bet he...what? It's still on? WELL TURN IT O- Irradiator 3000 yells: Irradiator 3000 activated. Attention. Emergency. You now have ten minutes to reach minimum safe distance. High Tinker Mekkatorque says: Ten minutes? Plenty of time to disarm the device. Hinkles, hand me that Whirring Bronze Gizmo and some Fresh Spring Water. Cogspin, toss me that Dirty Trogg Cloth and a Handful of Copper Bolts... Mekgineer Thermaplugg's Brag-Bot yells: TEN MINUTES?! You left the factory setting on? Give me that controller, you idiot! Irradiator 3000 yells: *BEEP* Attention. Emergency. You now have ten seconds to reach minimum safe distance. High Tinker Mekkatorque says: Whuh-oh! We gotta get outta here! Nobbel: Thermaplug is not giving up the city without a fight and Mekkatorque is forced to retreat, but the mission was not a complete failure. Most of the upper area has been conquered by the Gnomes and ever since operation: gnomeregan, members of s.a.f.e are working on saving as many gnomes as they can while taking care of those beyond saving. The gnomes have also decided to move out of their home that was shared with the Dwarves because you can only rely on the kindness of others for so long. On top of that Magni Bronzebeard was turned into a crystal. This caused a bit of political drama amongst the dwarves resulting in the formation of the council of three hammers so all in all, it was wiser to move to new Tinkertown. Given the recent political upheaval in Ironforge, the gnomes have suddenly found themselves unwelcomed guests within the city. Leveraging their ingenious technologies and unquenchable spirit for adventure, the gnomes have begun to reevaluate their role within Khaz Modan. Under the inventive leadership of High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, the gnomes now plan a daring campaign against the barbarous troggs to retake their former capital of Gnomeregan. With the odds stacked against them, the gnomes are counting on brave heroes such as you to stand and be counted. Your people's greatest hour draws near. With the cataclysm revamp, new gnomes now start their adventures in the aftermath of operation:gnomeregan. They are the survivers set on the task of saving other survivors, taking out those beyond saving, blowing up a cave to prevent troggs from causing more trouble and their final mission is to take out Razlo Crushcog. Razlo has been send by Thermaplugg to herass the gnomes on the surface, to keep them occupied, but the combined might of Ironforge and Gnomeregan they're able to take care of him and with that we’re once again send into Gnomeregan to take out Thermaplugg. This time we’re not going in alone though. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire...The G-Team. Together with the G-Team we assault Gnomeregan once again and it appears like we can take credit for killing Thermaplugg, but once again, he manages to fool the world and survive once more. His demise came when he tried to lure Mekkatorque into a trap within his old study. This story is described within Mekaatorque’s short story in which he thinks back to how all of this happened to his people, his one major mistake, the betrayel of his former friend until he activates a booby trap, the doors (his escape route) they close around him and 3 massive troggs enter the room to end his life. Mekkatorque was nearly ready to throw in the towel, to kneel down and just be crushed by these troggs, but he managed to pull himself together and he turns Thermaplug’s hasty work against him. 1 gnome against 3 troggs, the odds were incredibly against him, yet the leader of the gnomes won. In his victory, Thermaplug himself showed up with an army of troggs to finish the job, but again Mekkatorque proved to be the smarter one. He turned Thermaplug’s sawblade from his battlearmor against him, he cut the army of troggs into pieces and he even cut Thermaplug in half. They didn’t say if Sicco really lost his life that day so if they wanted, they could bring him back into the storyline, but this crazy, half gnome, for now Mekkatorque has taken care of his enemy and he and his people are working each and every day on rebuilding and retaking their city. From this point on Gelbin pops up in the story here and there, but he doesn’t do anything major. The gnomes played their part during the siege of Orgrimmar of course, they took out a few of the kor’kron and with Garrosh defeated, Gelbin says that they’ll grab as much of this crazy goblin technology as they can find and they'll it with them. The rivalry between goblins and gnomes has always been a part of the storyline. They’re both highly interested in technology, they try to out do each other and both of them see themselves as better then the other. Even though the Goblins and Gnomes don’t get much love in World of Warcraft, in hearthstone they got an expansion all to themselves: “Goblins and gnomes theme song” Goblins and gnomes, goblins and gnomes, both are super brilliant! But you would never know, everything they seem to make is faulty or exploooooooooodes. PERFECTING IMPERFECTION, GOBLINS AND GNOMES!!! "unleash goblin fury" "for gnomeregan" That’s pretty much the major storyline behind the gnomes and Gelbin Mekatorque, but I want to end this video with a few gnomes that stand out above the rest. First of: Wilfred Fizzlebang, master summoner, a gnomish warlock recruited to summon a challenge during the trial of the crusader but he overreaches and he summons Jaraxxus, Eredar lord of the Burning Legion. So many people have asked me if I could do the story of Jaraxxus, but unfortenatly, this is all there is. Millhouse Manastorm, a gnome that simply won’t go down. He was first introduced during the Burning Crusade as an accidental prisoner on the arcatraz, Millhouse quickly carved out a new destiny after finding his freedom. He decided to join the twilight’s hammer cult during the cataclysm and this cult worked with Deathwing and the old gods to bring about the end of days. Millhouse tried to unleash his impending doom spell upon us all, but was interupted by Corborus and supposedly killed. Gnomes are though creatures and Millhouse is definatly one of them, he survived this fall, he became a challenger in the brawlers guild during Mists of Pandaria and later became a visitor in the lunarfall inn During Warlords of Draenor he tried to convince adventurers that he had changed his ways and after we help him out, he becomes a follower in the garrison. 'Who's bad? Who's bad? That's right, we bad!' Linken, an awesome referance to the legend of zelda, he’s a gnome that you could find within ungoro crater but he has lost his memory and has no idea who he actually is. You help him out with his mission of getting rid of Blazerunner and at the end you get a little picture, which I just loved, it shows Link and Zelda at Stormwind Castle or Hyrule castle. It's a reference to the Legend of Zelda so of course I love it. There are many more gnomes that I could talk about, like the gnome human couple or the first gnome with a gnomefro but the last one I’m going talk about is the gnome Kinddy Sparkshine. Kinddy was created specifically for the story Tides of War in which she was the apprantice to Jaina Proudmoore. Kinddy was kind, bright and above else she was curious and Jaina had grown fond of her. Sadly her life was snuffed out with the bombing of Theramore and there was no body to barry for her parents. since her body disintegrated into a pile of violet sand when Jaina tried to touch it. To remember their daughter, their little miracle late in life, Kinndy’s father was given permission to light the lanterns of Dalaran in a very special way. Instead of just lighting them up, the image of his daughter, a laughing gnome girl with pigtails apperared, bringing tears to Jaina’s eyes. She had quite a sad story especially since it was build up and knocked down within 1 single book so I can highly recommend to pick it up if you haven’t read it yet. 'Never forget Theramore" With that ladies and gentleman I think we’ve covered the most important details when it comes to the story of the gnomes and their leader Gelbin Mekkatorque. I had a lot of fun researching their history and details since not everything is wel displayed when it comes to the Gnomes and I’m happy that we finally got a video discussing the gnome lore on the channel. Thank you very much for watching everyone, subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 461,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Gnomes, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Gnomeregan, Dwarves, Alliance, Alliance of Lordaeron, Sicco, Theremaplug, Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, WoW, Kinddy, Mechagnomes, Ulduar, Old Gods, Titans, Mimiron, Troggs, Millhouse Manastorm, Linken
Id: A9KR49f5_5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2015
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