The Steak and Sauce Combo I Can't Stop Making

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so this what you see right here my friends is called a flapstake in french it's called bavette very popular cut in brazil and colombia and i know all that because i just googled it which is something a lot of youtubers will not admit but i will because i'm not here to lie to you my arm is getting tired hey listen i want to show you an amazing marinade for this it's one i've been making for a super long time it's one of my go-to marinades and then we're finally gonna get outside grill it up make some chimichurri and just have the most epic steak sauce combination this is gonna be one for the books now let's go okay into a food processor or blender goes garlic shallots cilantro stalks chipotle anyone else a huge fan of chipotle i know i am this may seem weird but you gotta trust me soy sauce sergeant gilbert straight in you can do it course just a little bit of lime zest by the way this is how you zest a lime i'm telling you straight in now lid on and we're just gonna stream in some avocado oil oh that's pulse there we go and that's done get some down in the bottom of your marinading tray or whatever usually i use a large zip lock but i don't have one flat meat in and the rest of the marinade on don't be afraid to massage it a little bit i like doing it oh yeah this is not a stretch tight ad we're gonna cover it and i'm gonna do this for 24 hours but you can do it as long as you can handle the patience just do it at least for a few hours okay okay chimichurri time so my chimichurri is not exactly traditional so don't come after me basically what i do is use some modern sauce making techniques to bring out the most beautiful vibrant green color which just looks amazing with any kind of steak or meat so for herbs here i got basil parsley cilantro tarragon and we're gonna go out to the garden get some chives and some mint chives right over here these blossoms are awesome for a little garnish so bring some water up to a boil so what we're going to do here is divide our herbs in half the basil you want to pick off the stem so i just have two bowls you'll see why we're doing this in a minute and it has to do with that amazing color parsley needs to come off the stem as well also the tarragon and the mint okay so basically everything comes off the stem except for the cilantro that you can use the stem so just do all your herbs and divide them directly in half something else to note here right this is a lot of different herbs you don't need all this and you can use whatever herbs you like you could get a way of just doing parsley and oregano which is more traditional i would have put fresh oregano in here but i could not find any today so i'm just using what i have around it's going to be amazing there's no rules in cooking my friends there's only guidelines and best practices that's it ice water boiling water okay now quickly get all half of your herbs in make sure to push them under like this not going to get too much into science but when you're blanching any kind of green vegetable or herb you're bringing out this incredible green color and you'll really see that when we blend it up okay after 30 seconds quickly strain and straight into that ice water make sure to get it under like this now leave that for another 30 seconds take some out and get as much water out as you can right here and then onto some paper towel we need to get this as dry as possible and we'll sort of roll that up and just keep wringing out more water and you'll see all those herbs which was a huge amount became just this and this little green package is going to add the most insane color when we have the final product of our chimichurri you just wait okay check this out not that whenever you're blending something that's green you really want to keep it cold so i threw in the blade and just the bottom part of my food processor in the freezer for about 15 minutes it's really gonna help okay adding shallot and garlic these blanched herbs which i just chopped a little more will make blending easier now this is optional but i'm doing a touch of chili flake it's a little avocado oil we'll finish with olive oil kosher salt going in now lid on and blend adding a little more oil and it's good when you do this to open it up and just scrape down those sides because little pieces will get pushed up on the sides like that now we'll add the rest of our fresh herbs and a whole bunch of olive oil recipes always going to be in the description my friends and continue to blend for about a minute now get that out and it already looks insanely green but as this sits in the fridge it's going to get even greener i know you're confused right now let me tell you a couple things about this first things first we want to get this into the fridge as soon as possible which i'm about to do got to keep it cold to keep that color remember that also you're like sonny where's the lime where's the vinegar this is chimichurri back in my restaurant days where i worked for 17 years all around the world 12 professional kitchens i came up with this i noticed that when i would put vinegar in this or lime or lemon or anything acidic like that within about three hours the color is totally gone it looks like swamp juice so what i'm gonna do is make a 50 50 blend of red wine vinegar to lime juice and i'll hold that separately from this and so when i need to use some of this i take out as much as i need and i add the vinegar and lime solution to order if you do it that way this will stay so green and so beautiful for a week or more pro tip now cover this and get it in the fridge all right back to the beef oh yes i'm gonna actually take a couple little twigs here still using the old grill i got the traeger ironwood 885 inside i still need to unbox and set up i am going to make that video if anyone is wondering but i'm just going to use one of these little coal chimneys or whatever they're called and light it up like this should be good take a little torch here and it should just start right up i'll just set this thing over the top just dropping in this hardwood lump charcoal big piece we'll let it roll all right we're pretty fired up i'm gonna move that over it's hot that's hot probably use tongs so i'm going to put these coals off to one side because i want to start this meat on indirect let that fat render and then finish it off to get some nice char first things first a couple little grill tricks everybody should know i should have done this part when the grill was cooling down but i didn't so we're doing it now i'm just gonna clean it with a big metal brush first here i've got a white onion sitting in some avocado oil and this a lot of you probably know this it's just the best way to clean your grill at the same time leave this beautiful onion scent that will get into the meat do that everywhere so i'm going to start by putting the meat over here and we'll rotate this a few times i want to start it over here so the fat can kind of render out a little bit before i transfer it over to the hot side this way when i do that there'll be less fat and we'll get less flare-ups going on over here and i'll just close that a little bit as well okay i'm going to rotate this after about five minutes also something to note here i'm putting the thickest end more towards the coal so this doesn't overcook all right let's get some color on this thing oh gosh it's starting to rain here no colorado is unpredictable it's starting to rain i'm gonna flip this good amount of char could use a little more but that's what we're dealing with i mean but it does look delicious okay rain is really picking up i'm gonna go ahead and pull this off i took it out at about 130 internal usually i would cook steak a little less but for flap steak i think that's better okay now while our steak rests let's finish the chimichurri as you can see it's extremely beautiful just take out what you're going to use today like we discussed earlier that looks good and here i have my 50 50 blend of red wine vinegar and lime and i'm just going to add a little by little and just mix that in and give it a taste just a touch more and we're good and this is just preference right so you have to figure out what you like but for me this is great and then you know i'll just hold this in my fridge and use it when i need it oh my god i can't tell you how good this tastes okay let's slice this beef so i actually took the tail end of this off because it was a little more done and i used that for this incredible mexican torta sandwich that's on tiktok if anybody wants to go over there and check that out so i'm sure most of you know this about cutting meat you want to cut against the grain right so all these grains are running this way you can see that it's easier to see when it's not cooked but you can still see it now and so i'm not just going to slice it like this because the slices would be way too long what i'm going to do is cut it into segments like so and then look that is just perfect for flap steak then what we want to do is slice against the grain this way you see as thick or as thin as you want that's up to you oh man gosh perfect little lime on here and just dip it up and enjoy it's really just kind of as good as it gets you know sometimes you just got to go with a classic fridge attack oh what am i doing okay this hips sideways this is what we call donkey kick definitely give this one a shot you will not be disappointed my friends and until next time you know i love you my voice cracks and i'm out
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 509,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook steak, how to cook steak on the stove, best steak, how to cook steak in cast iron skillet, how to cook steak medium rare, how to cook steak in a pan, ribeye steak, basting steak with butter, basting steak with butter and garlic, easy steak recipe, best steak recipe, best steak ever, how to make steak on the stove, how to make steak at home, steak videos, steak cooking tutorial, perfect steak on stove, steak recipe, cooking steak, flap steak, recipe
Id: KtsFOopeejA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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