The Best Scallops I've Ever Made

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this is the kind of dish you can cook for somebody who doesn't know you and they're gonna ask you what restaurants you've worked in and so we're gonna make some incredible scallops today i'm gonna teach you how to cook those we'll serve that with some cauliflower puree some garlic scape pesto a little bit of pan sauce we're gonna use made from some amazing wines i got from bright cellars which we'll talk about more later and we'll eat that dish paired with one of those beautiful wines without further ado let's get straight into it now let's go so coming out here to the beautiful garden we have garlic and as you can see right here these weird little twisty pigtail looking things are garlic scapes so basically the bulbs are growing under there right and in june these things pop up and this is the garlic trying to go to see trying to go to flower trying to continue living on and involving that's what's up and these are so amazing not that you need them to make this dish but they're really cool and if you find them at a local farmers market in june i would definitely buy them use them for all kinds of stuff but i'm going to go ahead and chop these off just right where they're coming out very exciting and now all that's left to do is just to take off this little flower portion and if i get into this you can even see in there where it was about to go to flower pretty cool huh and if i'm to try a little piece of this raw it's got the texture of like a slightly cooked green bean and this garlicky flavor but a subtle kind of milder garlic flavor really awesome and what i'm going to do here is take my insanely beautiful new japanese knife look at that oh my god quince burl would handle insanely insanely gorgeous and i'm just going to rough chop these into more manageable sized pieces does not have to be perfect as it's all going to get blended up anyway now some boiling water here i'm just going to salt and we'll drop in our garlic scapes this is called blanching something you're going to do with green vegetables mostly and what it does is bring out an amazing green color and also slightly cooks whatever it is and that is the first step because these garlic scapes are a little tough i just want to soften them up a little bit and bring out that amazing color so after about just a minute i'm going to get them straight into ice water this is the shocking process of blanching and that stops the cooking process and locks in that color if i would have got to my garlic scapes a little bit earlier in the season i might not even do this they just feel a little tough to me so i'm doing it and so leave them in here for about three four or five minutes just until they're totally cooled through now simply just strain now into a food processor we're just going to pick basil off the stem recipe will always be in the description now we'll add our garlic scapes and some extra virgin olive oil now lid on and blend make sure to take off the lid and scrape down the sides as you go about a minute on that blend now we're going to add some parmigiano reggiano cheese just make sure it says promising reggiano and it's from italy you'll know you have the right stuff and some pistachios you can use whatever kind of nut you want and pesto everyone thinks it's only pine nuts and continue to blend a little more olive oil also we'll also just add a little salt a little more olive oil this is preference if you like it really thick add less olive oil you want it thinner add more olive oil simple as that boom and we're done now on storing pesto i would always store it in something tall as opposed to like a wide container and that's really to minimize your surface area on top right so it doesn't oxidize so fast so i'm just using these little mason jars easy peasy so just fill those up and then what you can do is just add a little layer of oil on top and that'll keep the air from getting to it and turning brown easy as that alternatively you can take some saran wrap and press it against the surface the tops of this pesto and that will also work the same okay cauliflower what i like to do is just chop that whole thing in half and then from here i'll just make a little v-cut like so and then you can kind of just rip that out cores out and then i'll just break or cut it into pieces about this size little florets and then just throw that straight into the pot you're gonna cook it in and when that's done we simply just cover with milk i'm lucky enough to have this farm fresh milk from a local biodynamic farm just down the road and just set that on a burner we'll season it a little bit now and more later if we need to and this is going to be so simple three ingredients right salt milk cauliflower done and you'll see when it's done how incredibly silky smooth it's going to be now let's talk scallops for a minute if you can when you're shopping for these ask for dry packed scallops it means they haven't been sitting in a brine solution and sucking up all this water sellers do that so they can make them way more so they can sell them for more so they can make more money i don't think these ones are actually dry packed they're kind of hard to find but if you can get them that way and so scallop always has this little foot or muscle and i actually like eating these things but today i'm going to use them in my saw so i'm going to save those now pretty simple i'm just going to line them all out on some paper towel because i don't think these were dry packed i'm going to put them on paper towel with more on top to get them as dry as possible and then cook them super hot and fast otherwise your scallops will just release their inner liquid and they'll kind of steam and boil in the pan they won't get any color they'll lose all that flavor so with most scallops you're going to want to do this there now i'll just fold over the paper towel and i'll keep these in the fridge so i'm ready to cook i don't really like the tempur scallops meaning pull them out of the fridge a certain amount of time prior to cooking because they're so small and you have to cook them so hot and so fast i find leaving them a little bit cool helps to not overcook them again here i saved all my little feet for the sauce okay and when your cauliflower is just fork tender only takes about 20 minutes it's time to blend so using this little hand strainer i'm going to push it in with none of the milk right now that's very important i think i meant to record there and didn't but you want to start with no milk start blending add the milk little by little by little because if you add too much at once and it's too watery that's it puree's ruined so just keep doing that i've probably added at this point maybe three quarter cup of milk so i'll add a little more just little by little continue to blend now at this point when it's blending nicely we'll open it back up and just taste for seasoning so it does need some salt i'm going to add that now and continue to blend and there we go couple minutes of blending wow and we have the most beautiful stunning silky smooth cauliflower puree it's nice and thick and i'm always transported to working back in restaurants when i have puree and i remember doing things like this seeing how high i can go and so you have some of this leftover milk my plan for this is to basically use this as the base for a bechamel sauce and so what i can do is make a cheese sauce out of it use it for a cauliflower cheese use it for macaroni and cheese or anything else that you would use bechamel for okay now time to talk about today's sponsor and that is bright cellars which is an amazing service for lovers of wine like myself it's my preferred alcohol to drink we'll talk more about these cards soon voila and look if you're anything like me you order new things when you go out to a restaurant you see a weird drink in the store you've never tried you buy it because i love that mystery element of life i don't want to be buying and ordering the same things all the time and that's why brightsellers was super fun personally for me because the first thing i did when ordering with them is fill out a seven question quiz so they can gather your taste preferences they ask questions like what's your favorite chocolate or like how do you drink your tea and they use that information to find a perfect wine that suits you since i hardly drink red wine i like it but i really prefer white wine i got a few new ones that i've never tried personally i love sauvignon blanc's pinot grigios which i have one pinot grigio right here but then they sent this albarina lodi never tried it no idea what it is and this vin blanc and so for me that's really exciting to try something new see how it is see if i like it and maybe i'll find something that i'll like for the rest of my life whereas if i didn't do this i wouldn't have i also love that each box comes with these little wine information cards so let's take this vin blanc for instance gonna give you a little bit of information on the wine the year a little bit of the flavor profiles there lemon grapefruit lemongrass and pear so i know for sure like that's right up my alley it'll also tell you where in the world it came from the alcohol percentage and the surf temp and then also a place where you can rate the wine to keep track of what you really like anyway super amazing service if you love wine and you're adventurous i would definitely give this a shot and bright sellers is giving my subscribers 60 off their first four bottle box if you want to support them and also support my channel click the link in my description below this video take the quiz get started today you will not be disappointed so originally check it out i was gonna cook with the pinot grigio but now because they have these information cards i see that this lavent has the flavors of lemon grapefruit lemongrass and pear like i said so i'm actually going to pair that with the scallops and also make a sauce out of that and then i'll taste it with the food so let's go now with the scallops very simple i'm just going to season with a little sea salt and that's it i really want to preserve the flavor of that scallop and then we'll flip now and do the other side very hot pan a little bit of high smoke point oil this is just grape seed you want a good amount okay when that oil is smoking hot we'll add our scallops like a clock starting at midnight this is so you can remember how they went in and which one to turn first now you'll be able to see the browning happening just about 45 seconds and that's all they need and slip another 45 seconds and starting at 12 which is the first one you put in remove them this way they're coming out at the exactly the same time work quickly now onto a plate to rest now i'm actually going to clean this pan a lot of times you can make a pan sauce using the same pan because we cooked as such high heat it's going to make for a really dirty sauce so clean that out back on the heat touch the oil we're gonna add shallots and garlic i don't really care how they're chopped as long as they're even because we're going to extract the flavor of this garlic and shallot and then strain it out we'll just cook these with very light color small little pinch of sea salt now we'll add our wine reduce by about 60 percent then we'll add some lemon this is preference how much lemon you want that's up to you remember the scallop feet in cook for two minutes now shallots and garlic scallop feet have done their job strain this is precious sauce so really scrape it out push it through as these scallops rest to let out a lot of juice and it's gold into the sauce now with the heat very low we'll whisk in little cubes of cold unsalted butter and just whisk in the butter little by little and when the first round is in add a little more and constantly whisk now we'll finish with a little sergeant gilbert finely ground to taste you want to keep the heat really low when you do this otherwise you'll break your sauce as you've probably heard me say before fat and acid is cooking obviously the acid is the wine and the lemon the fat is the butter then we have all those flavors to make a really beautiful sauce now heat off and the last thing we're going to add is some fresh chopped dill from my garden again heat is off taste your sauce for seasoning oh my god that is insane get it away from the stove because there was a lot of heat coming from there okay let's finish the cauliflower puree i just put into a squeeze bottle we'll do five dots around like so scallops right on top just a little touch of our pesto in between the scallops and in the middle a very simple little frise salad that i just dressed with lemon juice olive oil and salt and last but not least some of our beautiful sauce just over the scallop there and there you have a beautiful dish people are sure to remember [Music] and that was extremely hard to make while filming making it itself not too hard filming at the same time next to impossible but i did it and it looks amazing oh my god okay sauce full of everything i love you fridge i'm still gonna mess you up in a minute whoa damn that is good scallops are perfect sauce is unbelievable and of course gotta taste it with this the bright cellar's wine was amazing in the sauce i don't even know if you're supposed to swirl white wine but i did because i'm feeling fancy to have that wine with the same wine in the sauce and everything that's on this plate truly beautiful dish wow i'm sorry fridge it was good one two until next time my friends you know i love you and i'm out
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 199,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make scallops, scallop recipe, scallop recipes, scallops recipe, seafood recipes, sea scallops, how to cook scallops, pan seared scallops, seared scallops, how to make scallops on the stove, how to make scallops with butter, easy scallops, seafood, shellfish, thatdudecancook, cooking, seared scallops recipe, best scallop recipe
Id: MMLJ5Lxd7Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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