The Stay Inn: Inside the Motel for the Homeless and Ex-Prisoners of Australia

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I don't even have to start off singing to do it I can just start doing and I can eat practically anything clearly anything oh well I can't eat glass and I certainly can't eat dog [ __ ] that's I met Adam when you were 17 he's just about to turn 21 I can case management till he's 21 he moved from care out of home care into back to home to mom and dad's and now that's falling down and he's on the roundabout bouncing around rooming house maybe refuge if there's there's got to be a space in a refuge but you only get a certain amount of time in a refuge 21 days I think in the meantime he just floats them from pillar to post no other family he's got nowhere to go there and being homeless [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me nothing this is a runner I think this might be a runner these two young kids were like 20 and 22 maybe I'm not getting much money so we'll give him a real cheap deal really trip deal through Vincent key at the beginning and then we're gonna pay for the last few weeks themselves but they've been doing graffiti and he's smoking dope and stuff so he that it is simple that whole aircon heater on the unit still taking apart the list basically rubbish around and much else we get on TV taking the list once a week easy which is why now I just resorted going on gumtree or eBay getting TVs like taking hand sorting buying three for our dollars not worth it I don't think it's nice but at the same time I think the product of our society because these kids that the father's in jail how many years they haven't even with him mother that's the besties you know they're out they really go nowhere to go so in any ways a society should be looking after them in some way so I'm not here to judge them you know but I mean I think that one argument unless you give me some respect like I gave them you know ok maroon I've been filled with them there should be the same that means I can't pay they could some sort of conditions would be told well nice payment slowly and I've been awake you know if I tomorrow going on here put it up in the room up they're coming tell me tell me I walked around the corner having sunnies on and she was sitting out there well ago and I took my sunnies off when she looked up at me and all now we just had that instant connection instant connection Oh only six weeks but did sit because that we know each other so [ __ ] well now it's unbelievable I cannot I have not met a girl a woman in my life ever that has been so compatible she does everything I do she artists is a female version of me there should be a boys know my but this is what a 17 comment yeah she collects caps on this side of the wall I lost my brother two years ago he passed away in a car accident my mum is passing away at this point of time she's in hospital shadow got about maybe three weeks not many blokes would stick around is what she's going through stick around publish I get cold feet write off on it and she thinks her bed Bella sex means to her that says she thinks all right they did did and look what I'd like to know is how many blogs would stick around and help a woman that means help would they meet it's her first time your people who sort of are in family violence domestic situations where there are children Moodle you know was removed people who come out of our rehabilitation centers like prisoners refugees sometimes we have people that have been stuck on stings on Christmas Island life is not as simply different things loosen up yeah the words getting very complex the girls being silly he had a knife of sorts but he wasn't actually gonna kill to eat someone was asking who basically just threatening someone we're not really trained professionals on that level and yet I find it challenging that they the government sort of puts their yeah onus on to a problem o-tar fears given the complicities always people [Music] hey Claire it's Karen from Kovac staying here going good thank you I just want to sleep to someone in regards to a client that you guys booked in with us last night she left and expose their syringe in the room but the cleaners went in there and they found two just shoved under the bed that's her choice doing that but you know take it with you or dump it somewhere house all right thank you so much clear okay bye-bye that's okay no worries bye bye oh my god we had this guy here number seven we've haven't we haven't been able to booked a room out I swear to god he's pants like tracksuits bad Vance they will like that [ __ ] we used to check everything out the mattress the bed [ __ ] everything he's collecting every three days in [ __ ] you can't be judgmental because everyone you know everyone's got a story and there's a reason behind everything that they do we all hit rock bottom some help I've wrote poems on the wall to help other people realize what life's all about and you know you can get makeup on feet welcome to my home the drawings on my wall are dedicated to the same stuff and the manager manager feel it feels always saying you know you haven't touched anything Jay I actually do a bit of housekeeping he now said like that's asada you know they're starting somewhere that I'm getting somewhere I never thought that I'd end up on the street so I'm doing drugs well the drug meth yeah I my drug habit was pretty bad when I first came here I was using a lot like everyday maybe two three times a day now it's probably once every three days four days I'll probably be here for a good 12 months more like but it's not gonna be overnight I'm gonna get better we're all had problems and you know we've all had a past and like I said I've never seen a motel in my whole life like them we've got a lot of plants from come here who best be in transit housing and they really can't afford to be going into permanent housing but they can't afford with paying motel rates so we decided to do like a cash basis situation say something doing the beats for me right on in the morning that five hours we requite about a hundred bucks whatever they can come off their rent right there 50 bucks we'll be doing something in a week schemes like they give me the faithfully [Music] [Music] you know number seven silhouetting back yeah I told him he had to pay a different page it hey John I gotta step in here hey John have you got money for me mate now you gotta pay it all today mate it's got to be paid all at once thanks fella all right yeah beautiful no worries John I came out by no worries number seven are well I don't know why he's waiting back that we was gonna have to be fumigated for a week hi girls can we come in well I mean here it's not your room it's not you Raymond go in the bathroom shut the door she only comes through the hatch ticket is he's attached to me we got these boys to come in knock on my door any time of night you know it could be two o'clock in one what are you doing you you know like she's good company she's pretty switched on to a lot of things yeah just had a tough life I suppose like all of us 13:21 as you walk in the door the whole floor is just covered in hay sure it is it chopped short here last night was one those logs were I finished it for 1112 he knocked off only white hate to sleep was it I wasn't cool I called online just random stuff hey write that that is enough now that's enough now that's enough call me a name like that again there's going to be a problem John even go there yeah don't even go there just called me an effing spot that's the abuse you copied this joint mate hey bud you're right I swear to god that was a male that said that I would have gone right off she'll come to me meet in half an hour and apologise but cannot shut my mouth mouth with my own labels they're going mad at me I can't shut my mouth I know what it is but I can't get into that it's to do with my past you know I just don't thinking call anyone names like that I know they're just words but I've never called anyone a name like that in my life I went [Music] I go on job provider and I'll go on Google or I've got my certificate one two three in hospitality I like to do more in social work with you know like helping children and youth working.i I go on Facebook um and I go on Google and I type there naming and you know like I can say recent photos of them at one stage my son my oldest son was reading the messages and I think he stopped reading them now and um it's really hard you know like for for mother to yeah it's really really hard that's I don't even know I can't even comprehend on facing them and looking in their eyes and seeing their sadness in their eyes you know like I don't know I would love to meet them and I only recently found out my oldest son got married and after my marriage failed my children went to this day was their dad after that period I hit the drug thing and lived on the street I was still ashamed to confront my children every day I look at these photos oh my god their father has done a wonderful job and he should be proud I know I am I know it's over it's right if you are reading this my children please let me come see you please but I never heard anything [Applause] you see that's just shooting a fake half was motel and the other half of Swiss cafe now it's gonna be all my child the whole town will be a motel taking a perv occasionally hot a fireman bill around waste of time that was I'm not really killing it we're not really making money in a big way um but that wasn't my main concern it was more about at least making it down sell so when we are under I know the ATO is our case people need accommodation and this is one avenue they have at the moment I'm not saying I didn't make the rules I'm not saying this is the the best Avenue forum but they've gotta have somewhere to sleep and a roof over the head right I've never seen Melbourne more disgusting on my life and I believe here for a while so you walk around streets in City and there's people sleeping there and the cardboard boxes begging for money in broad daylight in the first world country I think it's shocking lecture already I'm shooting soon here looking calm express the concerns about the place and their personal 12-month um suspension yeah reviews book reviews client coming in on on a international booking program i can expect some negative reviews okay she because I'll come interest and and and maybe come to contact with people that normally wouldn't be big smooth in a motel you mix in a true classic that doesn't work sometimes I often doesn't work um people are very narrow-minded the very opinionated they're very they're inside a square thing a little white picket fence houses in the suburbs that nothing happens but it does happen they just and say it so when they come across with people who take drugs or prostitutes or some of the work you know these are these are things happening around them all the time and for them they it's a reality check the dolphin don't like to see Carly left the review for staying you know so this is Kylie says oh my god oMG I recommend not staying here I wouldn't get you know one star rating bad you have to at least one to be able to comment which is why I give them one he was taking a stay at their own risk right a negative one again I would recommend this place as its it wasn't cleaner for him right my room was not off center a place place with the other residents who use drugs absolute nosedive that's one style that didn't what review drunk druggies and junkie paid drugs who used on a premises walks with it at 1:00 in the morning right service is the best Oh senior road now that surprised me yep after why was this written before right so basically we don't tell you know the whole science will get basically everyone because Isis Motel only parking area and it's this site this size actual is really faded facing facing north well yeah that's what that's what the cafe was like before at the frontier she had a guy I was actually quite loud and neat [Music] just another dying part we don't call anymore this is just a body of water I think you know quite a few years before they even swam in it yeah yeah Betty was funny yesterday he was saying I'm going to start a newsletter you know every day we're just reporting from us today and last night nothing no mood has reported and yeah maybe a few break-ins at to challenge me to the 14 and nepi in the pool and that's all for today from the stain baby peppy beep it's a service motel also you know you get people here like from mental health if you're here they're trying to prison you know everybody here's a bit broken I suppose souls that come traveling they pass through here and it's up here and they're all that broken and and don't know sometimes I seem to get a little bit mended before I raise I like to look old I know it's not perfect but I'm like it's got its own personality you know people some people find this home so [Applause] [Music] anyway people end up sort of relying on you I mean there's not too many places like us around anymore you know we're a dying breed we're a dying facility that is is needed it's needed in the community I have a Philip C at the moment so no one ever told me never been in the situation before like epilepsy you can't work anymore you know you know the chosen field that you know that you want to be in have you in there because if you're working in close quarters and you have a seizure you could fall in lift motor you could you could do this you know I mean like we don't have the resources to to babysit you I'm like what am I gonna do now first day I've got here late it was like midnight when I got here and I had to let myself in to what to my room [Music] there was a few fights and things like that happening from who just sitting on my bed is going oh my god what has happened to my life is this it is this rock bottom I've didn't sleep that night I mean either dawn the next morning poked my head out the door and everything was quiet people just stayed awake all night everything was quiet during the day and now I'm Phil you know he sort of sort of saw me and saw some you know potential you know he said what a waste this guy's a lot more than just like you know walking around picking up rubbish wasting his time until until he gets the all-clear from the doctors and whatever and he said I'm really really busy that uh help me I'm proud I'm very very proud you know even though it's the same I told you I haven't found a job that I like yet there's one coming up supervisor at a factory in Broadmeadows I've never worked in a factory before I just have to wait now it's just the waiting game but I I'm pretty confident at this one I liked it I liked it and yeah so I think that'll be it that'll be in but I still I still help around here also do the weekends all still like to the afternoon you know I you know I can't see too much changing I've got a date tonight and she's gonna wait long when she walks out of here no he's um I'm really nervous you know like he's really not died and um I made a mad I'm glad a week ago and yeah really nervous what do you need to people oh boy yeah well no week at gave um gave his away someone there's a billion teeny one so he took it off the wall because generous yeah I mean I'm excited he's like really sexy yeah um so yeah she's she's rats you spend God that she's into and all sort of stuff so on it's good to see her you know natural sort of sort of hi [Music] all right well that sank it oh sorry I was in room 11 yeah Oh Andrew no giant J yeah I was there last night but I think he remembers ya already Oh Jake yeah you're on 23 now how do few things in the room if I could just grab them now yeah yeah that's it okay cool I stayed here probably about midway through last year I be on the strangest place like this didn't didn't help out all right 23 is up this way [Music] although I've got some coffee and the tables on I'm pretty sure that some other if there's not you kind of thank you to be honest I like she just try it organized money I beg a fair bit Dom I hide up to be honest it's really degrading but uh at the moment just coming out of jail my account was he negative so I'm having it once my sandwich so it's coming in normally I I'll buckle my fame after a while any one of us doesn't matter how rich you are how smart you I had tough you are any one of us could end up in that situation any given time [Music] [Music] now Soloway told me about his blood so I had to have a go of it I'd [ __ ] often leave my brain [Music] no guys what my flowers or I like perfumes and that they're the roses he bought he's awesome he wants me to get a job so you know he goes within the next four weeks oh I've got to get a job so my last partner was um physically and verbally and mentally abusive so like I said that black eyes you know broken ribs um I took me in nearly 12 months to get away from him I was really afraid and you feel you feel so you know low self-esteem you know you don't think that you're you know confident you're not beautiful enough you know mix with the wrong people and the wrong crowd and got myself into trouble if you sent me a message saying that I'm not impressed because little daughter today I've got to fix them up and paint the screens back to the natural gray reminds me a prison yeah I'm changing the color of my hair since I get burgundy red and now I'm stripping it and I want to go a lighter color to make my face softer I suppose any change in your life and aneisa you know living at a jail today and I wanted to look beautiful so we're gonna dress it up clearly daily that's it we're going into a mixed night next night which is today today payback but you own a that's from Wednesday I'm going to get more money ooh yeah we don't do that job we don't do that mate you have to pay your your arrears visits to move it's nearly 130 all right so I just put it dance a little bit I just don't think she's going to the okay so I might just let that one slide he's got a paper tonight I don't take that back your guy yeah I've got respect for your guy that's wrong now you made me angry I've had enough get back I would sending Shelly makeover but Shelly like you know had a hissy fit so I thought stuff where I had nothing else when it boots up I'll put the wig on and everybody's like wow you know you look different you know more I'm looking at I'm thinking that looks alright so back for job interview you know looks go to the head with that on I know yeah Shelly look no matter how much I love it you know we have a fight but when she wants something you've got to drop everything and do it otherwise it's like you know looking for a lot like he's cat well I'm cat is like a crutch or they like this area I call it the purgatory like you're coverin shoe and it's like yeah when do you get it when you get the chill I said what I feel like I know it's really you know when I first met the day that I'm saying I'm the first night I swear to God I must have had about 180 knocks at the door and then Nick but he doesn't Shelly and then next minute yeah I'm on timeout [Music] she saw her partner was living out of jail today and she found out they still saying in and she's a bit upset about that I'm doing housekeeping the guy hasn't paid for his room [ __ ] me I don't know I'm like really bit funny here this is it the risk that you take when you you're cleaning places you know like you don't know whoever it was he's going here for one day and dumb and it's mouse do them on this one still punching yeah that's wrong it's me he's looking for who [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is Karen during everyone else's job my god is he gone because he had enough juice a triangle I wouldn't be able to handle it either my [ __ ] the case hold it that made Thomas my knees here you know I like my privacy you know yeah but you kept acting the door just oh look I felt hopeful because whatever yeah I know but come on you need your privacy so you just don't like the door okay you just got a joy those [ __ ] off two emails I don't talk to him like that you just need to leave her alone like I do and just not open your door she just doesn't know when she just doesn't understand already know and so hats boyfriend obviously had enough so he's up and left now cats upset poor cat nothing Dow at the staying it's never a dull moment are you okay is everything okay yeah yeah you won't come back now even come back lay down she's going anyway yeah I can't keep on helping out other people even though that I like to but you know there's little learn to do it for themselves well maybe you know what maybe it's good to paint the otherwise you're going to go in there and do what everyone else is doing just going to get depressed I love painting and I am stuffed up on the door so I've got to fix them yeah I just saw a sky blue so I'm gonna mix a bit and see what color it turns out maybe mix it with white and go right blue they look hot that looks all right all right I like it actually it's better than the drain more now I like it [Music] oh boy this time I tell toolkit a butter knife and a spoon and also black and screwdrivers we got plenty of flathead screwdrivers hydrazone wolf-like heads with fill up heads up heads up [Music] [Applause] Michael's gonna be naughty lately so he's actually been relapsed a little bit so I'm trying to guide him in the right direction again because he doesn't need to have a relapse off that you know he's a good kid and you need to get focused on staying clean and sober and whatever and then get his own place what you can get you know two weeks of partying having fun is not the way to go you know I'm a little bit disappointed with him but he knows that now so I'm not here to control him but if you want to get it back on track to sort of focus if you can't focus thing gonna happen now as I make it for you and all too often people want quick answers and unfortunately in life not everything's a quick fix I had a transfer this morning right and my bosses rang the bank and the money has gone through to the bank you usually tell me that the money's not there because they want to keep it the interest and and it's going to make me homeless tonight I'm gonna be homeless also the bank and make interest of $500 is that right now is that correct you can't do me an overdraft on that money that you already have yuichi all my money goes to tax any way every time no matter what addictions I'm not addicted to drugs I'm not even on drugs and I'm addicted to gambling and and yet I'm a [ __ ] pagani but how can you just sit there and take someone's money like that babe I know just what just walk and I play for a job today yeah at a crank at Crown Casino yeah it's away I'm really rep sick now thank you thank you all right today's what great timing today's job that fantasy no in waitressing and housekeeping and so hopefully you know pays twenty four dollars an hour compared to getting like my heart and there may be a dollar something here Dave within linkle yeah so hopefully Mike three weekend challenge was my partner and will work out really great how long would I be anything if I get this job and probably then another month or so I'm thinking then on move out and get my own place [Music] obviously you got now a fix lets me the dry sound about three for 60 bucks so just going out did you see I'm celibate baby would be easier for you shoulders hurt [Music] good afternoon Kovac Stan Karen speaking Italian polls respect thanks sure [Music] I'm stuffed a film eh this last week Mike's been so hectic good afternoon Kobe extend Karin speaking I've been saying cat since Monday get worried about it actually cat boyfriend has actually put their own lock on her room which is not shouldn't be happening because we can't get into that room not that we allowed it when she's there anyway but she's not paying rent and she hasn't been seen in three days so if that was four days so if that was any other person we would have victim I've known cat since she first came here and cat she was a bubbly and she was trying to get her life together and she's gone she's controlled by this bloke and it's not very nice an answering I've just called her and she's gone straight to message Bank well I didn't even go to message you and she seems disconnected has it yeah that's what that means the tone it makes that as the time when a number has been disconnected really yeah because oh my god she was Joel no she didn't go no she cats just changed completely she's controlled by this bloke that she's met and it's yeah it's not food might have been last week I said I've got the camera here and I seen her and someone said a loader and she told me to F off she was crying so and she wouldn't let anybody in her room so I went and knocked on the room and I said cats me it's Karen she cuz I'll just need to be alone let's now come on let me in for ten minutes come on just let me in please and she did obviously I was the only one that she let in and she wasn't too happy she just didn't and I said you go to tell me what's going man is he hurting you no no no I got you see is this breezes on it I'm get worried about it actually I mean I liked her I thought she was a great chick she she wants to be loved right she just wants to be felt you know feel important someone to care about her and these type of women like cat unfortunately are used to that kind of life you know from being abused and I can always tell when someone has been physically abused but I've been sexually abused yeah that's that's my deal that's why I've lost everyone yeah I was homeless yeah that's how much film [Music] I have stuff to do [Music] Jason finished even doing the drawings gotta love her stuff as she's turned into it she puts like her look touch everything doesn't she I saw in the city and she's in look good to me at all she'll I said she's gonna shed a lot of makeup on for some reason to hug him or Sora and she said hi but she me she said hi but she's she's very funny look about her and she didn't want to stop she asked me I talked to you like that she just keep walking she's been here for like ten eleven days now she was coming back here and she hasn't so my issue is why and why can't she tell us personally why she can't do it and this this male character I don't know if she tells me she's okay in my problem but I want her to turn not time enough to tell me on her behalf we gotta empty this R about tonight it's just not manageable financially - you had this room storage for a week well that's flowers that they did for asking oh yeah it's very Morticia Addams okay I don't believe cat returned to the same motel my aunt my it my stomach my gut my intuition is telling me just be another memory pretty sad that's why I don't make friends don't make fancy you people that sort of come in and out through services it's don't get attached you know I mean yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: VICE Asia
Views: 399,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vice, drugs, police, melbourne, HOMELESS PEOPLE, DRUG ADDICTION, Homelessness, australiana, Arrests, halfway house, Andrew Kavanagh, motel, Pitch Australiana, The Stay Inn Motel, Crisis Accommodation, The Stay Inn Documentary, The Stay Inn VICE, The Stay Inn Doco, journalism, documentary, videos, culture, interview, underground, vice videos, lifestyle, independent, vice guide, exclusive, world, documentaries, docs, vice asia, stay inn motel, homeless in australia, homeless in australia documentary
Id: ZHZRtcEoDls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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