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Who sings that version of β€œThe Willow Garden” at the end of the documentary?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brandyn-r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That has to be the most depressing thing I have seen in a long time. The Sackler family should be made to live in that town. First take all their money from them, then tie them to a chair and inject them with their own drugs for a couple of weeks so they get good and addicted, then set them free to live there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spark804 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Incredibly sad. Thank you for the share.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShepardtoyouSheep πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I felt bad for the pregnant woman in particular.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/apex8888 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
once it is always careful cause he's pride and joy still smells like a real psychics long that's how you got let you fam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you I love it I like it you know it's been good to me I've had my ups and downs but this is where everything I've ever had has been riding bikes four-wheelers fish and stuff oh you're in heaven and you know this is home I was I tell you when I was 18 years old I was at guys I'm leaving on this football scholarship and I ain't never coming back you know and I went did W for two years and take me home nice neighborhood good people great place to raise kids they had a little freedom but everybody kind of kept their eye on everybody's kids and it was a wonderful place to raise children my childhood was great I had a good childhood my dad was coal miner and my mom she's a Aria nurse so I was full we had anything we wanted [Music] merci Anna is an extremely complex contradiction it is this incredibly beautiful place with a huge population of amazing people with big hearts and so much love to go around there's this darkness that has come over it that has affected all those things I mean I think in a way it's even affected the natural beauty of this place because as a person that lives here I almost can't look at it the same because of and people don't trust each other like they used to because there's now there's more crime and there's more you're getting this much more us against them mentality and it is it's it's incredible and amazing and awful all at the same time started happening I guess probably 10 15 years ago and I don't know if it started with overprescribing or I mean because when I was a kid there was always the kid that smoked pot and it was smoking pot and drinking was about all anybody ever did and now it's the the they experiment with so many pills and most of them are synthetic and they are very addictive and it's taken a generation of our kids I always pictured high school to be like the stereotypical thing you know swirlies all that [ __ ] even like the daze confused paddle the freshman [ __ ] like that instead it was a like you would walk down the hall and kids would just slap you a pill in your hand when the prescription drug pill oxycotin hit the market the whole game changed people started ripping each other off they started breaking into people's homes and cathedra addictions that to me has been the biggest downfall of the area it's an epidemic here I mean anybody you could talk to here will tell you that they've at least dabbled in something they might not have gotten addicted to it but they did they've at least fought around with it like you oh there's nothing to do because this is such a small place I mean you look around there's mountains everywhere I mean in big cities they've got movie theatres and like malls and stuff like that we don't have anything like that to go and just do something I had a group of friends that there was about five or six of us and in high school we ran around all time together and I'm telling you they weren't the best for picking up chicks weird cuz I'll tell you there's all about 300 damn pounds but we go out man and we dried up in the woods and [ __ ] and sometimes you know we'd have a 12-pack or whatever and we'd be riding around just you know and that was fun that's what we enjoy doing and [ __ ] and you know a lot of people's output good pickup girls them and we had good genuine fun back in and then you know there just comes a point where some people that this ain't enough you know I mean I guess some people just got push it as far as they can push it and then that's when you're at a party or something and somebody you know hands you over here they got peels chopped out or something like that you know and that's that's what we got around here the devil pills I mean we got the oxys the xanaxs and it just completely changes people and as always there is drug [ __ ] I mean you got your parties on your weekends I can no high school in college people going around partying drinking [ __ ] the morning thing is placing send him [ __ ] dopant [ __ ] nothing to do around here I mean if you want to go to [ __ ] watch a movie bow link I feel I get you got like 45 minutes let's [ __ ] do it for if I meant a higher so if I confusion setting town board when I click on Dave him I forget hot so that's might be going next few beers I mean you think I should help dick heads and just think I shouldn't know his boring around here like you gotta make your own party [Music] I got two weeks before I deliver had a little boy little minutes for him little does Allah yeah that's what he's gonna cannot listen to probably ah you're on drugs just really hard or you work in the mums all day long or you have a pot to piss him and that's all you've got that's the things that you should have in this area there's nothing more fine [Music] - hillbilly just about everybody around here Sandow I'm growing up that was normal you know people drink and people smoking pot and [ __ ] but then I don't know here in the past 12 15 years and the pharmaceutical drugs is wrong people I can tell you the people that I went to school with I graduated in 2001 that are dead oh dude or some [ __ ] this is actually the number one county in the state of West Virginia with great protection kill you they won't agree to bring a methadone clinic here to Pongal yeah there's so many old critters here one is like old people that don't believe in a you know they think that that's worse than somebody that has to go hunt for pills every day just feeling more more you know not to catch it yeah buzzer get messed up people really need it here because a Verve audiences you know everybody everywhere live yeah you know they're getting in situations everybody that's our age almost like 75% of them were homeless living with parents house under bridges that on their own Siena when I first come here I had nowhere to stay I slept in the sand right there for months with a blanket and a dirty old pillar that where you imagine laying on one overnight in the sin you know but I dusted out try to put my stuff up for what a little bit of half and then I went from that to a tomb in ten we set it up our and lived in it for just guessing a year maybe a little longer than a year but my wife would use the bathroom and it's gutter right here this is where she'd get up of the morning come out of the tent I'm not there to pee you know well I was a coal miner when I was younger I was a coal miner had anything I wanted coal miners make good money but I like drugs took me right here right here war drugs late night [Music] everybody's get light off from the mines and that buys getting laid off from strips and everything Jax is what's blooming around here yeah I'm being honest with you y'all I know I know I hate for y'all to be around this atmosphere because mm not everybody's like this really almost the guy's not set my table thumb that that's a quick dollar because everybody's long everybody people you wouldn't even say good cops serum you know and that's the quickest dollar instead of getting out do what you got to do [ __ ] digging through washing laundry watching people's kids to make an honest dollar jazz a nexus thing if you don't work in our minds the only other way you got to make money even we're close to working in mind is to sell drugs if you don't see somebody getting up in the morning going work their cell until you prescription drug diversion is is a huge problem here because not only does it make the drug more plentiful but it also kind of creates a an economy underground that's far superior to a legitimate economy because most of the kids that are doing it I mean they're looking at service sector jobs that don't pay well and they can make a lot of money yeah I made this right here as writers often feel like 2031 just go doctor you pay cash and pay cashing and they do the peels I'd say while she something right here we find an effect finally I hear they got a doctor in Washington DC now you paying $1,000 a visit look at this bowl he is prescribed 450 oxycontin 30s a month he prescribed 1530s a day takes six tablets every morning then take five tablets at 1 p.m. then take 4 tablets at 9:15 and this ain't no he wrote I wish I had 2 other bottles he wrote these 450 oxygen thirties a month to 200 methadone tens but I heard 20 speed pills adderall you pay that doctor $1,000 a month and this is what he is you think of the money that was just in this bottle right here 100 items $4,000 450 of these oxygen 30s for the past ten years I've averaged somewhere between 1800 and 2,000 teeth extractions per year when we first opened and I was a little bit naive about the the drug problem as it was beginning I think I probably did get taken advantage of a little bit as far as you know writing prescriptions for pain medication and but I learned pretty quick that you know I was going to be not part of that problem my dad is also addicted and me and him kind of used together me and him win the lottery twelve thousand dollars we see me at no time one week it was gone we had nothing to show for we done 1080s every day is is if a Democrat here this is killing a lot of people it's not going to stop as long for every person that you bust three more pick it up so I've been crying over oh my gosh I feel like I'm in for stay right there yeah what because I'm pregnant I'm taking to you why they get you three times I'm starting all over the first two years I was writing them and then oh no I just say no get everybody felt shooting them so I'm sorry shoot laughing like four years later I've done I'm doing horrible things for dope like I said I really don't want to talk about it just think that that women do you know to get money I was one of those people that's walking on the street down there was one of those people I was scared to death at first I was like oh my god I want to do this you know I was scared I was really scared because my husband the reason why he went to prison was because he was trying to support my pill habit and I didn't have to do nothing I said at home all day and he went out and robbed coal mines is or whatever he had to do to get a fuels so when he went to prison I had to step up and take that responsibility up for myself first at home be sick you got 19 20 old girls running around here that will give oral sex any kind of six year old for five or ten dollars it's horrible hepatitis C here they said is like 72 a force in this town from IV users and that's one thing I've never done and they're sitting the leaders long enough like this Laurel just to really go right we gotta walk in here I got a whole puzzle full of Roseanne X's on oxycottons I like meets women that's a deadly combination to they say not to mix them but there's no I like no I'll show y'all some of those I'll show you how the money is these blue ones right here I mean they'll make regular oxycontin or more to make oxycontin these are Roxy's that's a 30 milligram Rox your coat on pill that's anywhere from 40 to $50 around here anymore this right here was an oxy 10 that's hot pink that's $15 right here is a peak same as a murder pill I'm sure some banger from two to three dollars I take them and mix them snort how does that make you feel good when the 880 was once were started coming around they were 120 and then because they started being recalled or whatever happened they were like 171 a you could mine damn i hated them I sell one oxycontin 80 for $200 one time and there was like five people fighting over it it got is our would probably take me I say probably six to eight hundred dollars to actually get high if I was lucky than I would actually get high per day the CDC Gauss's West Virginia is the most prescription per population on an annual basis anywhere in the country there's only one point eight million people in the whole state and every one of those men women and children get about 18 prescriptions a year and that's probably at least 50% higher in the rest of the country we go through 150 or so people a day here and we'll have an overdose that probably leads to a death every day so when you and some of those didn't because we're a regional command center some of those people don't even get to us their ems goes to their homes finds that they're dead they just call in and then and then they don't even end up in our numbers here in the emergency department upstairs we deliver all the babies in a 5 or 6 County area and at any given time because of the drug abuse of the mothers half the babies in the nursery are on methadone many people called the generation lost that in terms of lost workforce lost education lost lost lives there's a psychological term called Appalachian fatalism and the people of Appalachia have been repeatedly taken advantage of at one time local people owned all the land around us and all of the mineral rights which we now know was worth billions of dollars and once people determined that it was worth billions of dollars they came in and essentially shafted all of the locals out of all of that they've been taken advantage of by outsiders over and over again to the point that number one they trust almost no one from outside and number two they have a very fatalistic look view of their life grandfathers and fathers have worked in the coal mines and their bodies are broken down and you know the doctors that the coal companies brought in we're told you keep them working you do what you need to do to keep them working and so they you know they were prescribed medication and they kept working because they were hard-working appalachian men and and so there's this culture of pills are good pills our pills are a positive thing and and you know then it's just I think kind of progressed from from narcotics tie locks and percocet that were abused recreationally and when oxycotin came on the scene I think people thought it was the same kind of drug and all of a sudden they were they were taking a huge step up addiction wise and they they were just addicted like that my name is James Robert Lewis they call me Bobby this is the life shadow Lewis I have a problem I have cancer and I've been on drugs since I was 12 years old but I've been on oxycodone for since 2007 I have an addiction plus I'm fighting cancer tattoo so these are two 15s I'm getting ready to do one for me and one for my wife yes how I do this is not gonna make me I'm not going to be falling over and nothing of that sort this is just to keep me from being sick throughout the day I have brain cancer now his words that at nap that went from my stomach to my head they've given me six months to live took twice and I went to the chemo chemo and radiation in Pittsburgh and they're wanting to take me back take me back into Morgantown now to do for my head and truthfully Morgantown is they don't have no bedside manners it's all students they don't care about nothing uh nobody and that's it well I'll let him operate I'm back or my hip or whatever on my stomach again but I'll never never let him operate I'm a hit they want to drill two holes right right here and one and in the back but I made it here there's nobody that can take me except for God but I believe and get got I'm not I know I'm not doing right but when I'm sitting here doing but this is how they do you in the hospital I'm not going right to you they come around with a pill and you swallow it or they come around with a shot and objectively I mean it's nothing to they don't that dude there's nothing here except for drugs Nicole in this overtime they call it oxy Anna I mean it's the name name of Oxana I mean there's needless to say there's more dope in this little town and then I've seen some parts Disick's it for real I mean it's good there's more dope in this little town there is someplace a little is here Oceania used to be such a wonderful place to live and and now you're almost ashamed to say you from a Santa because people say ah Christiana and that's pretty much what's the kind of I've seen eight nine ten year old kids shooting dope - 70 80 90 year old people you know older people shooting though if it wasn't for drugs in this town my opinion there wouldn't be no time it's just so prevalent here that it's hard for us to keep track one time last summer I literally had until the drug task force to stop making laws because we couldn't keep up with the paperwork you know we are in an unfortunate consequence where the people that we want to help who are addicted or that we are after because they're dealers are killing themselves off a whole folder of right here born 83 June at 25th 83 died April 2nd 2000 teen overdose lower future has a girl that died overdosed a friend of mine that's all teachers had her funeral she died overdose when this goes on this goes on you know half of my graduating class is dead cause appeals and I'm 23 years old like two years after I graduated I think six of my friends passed away due to prescription drugs and last year I helped bury three of my best friends new to drugs and it's it's sad man it's sad that you know they had kids some of them had kids and those kids will never be able to live down the fact that their dad od'd you know and that breaks my heart my best friend perky man when I was oh you know it's ugh what ear he'd uh I don't know Joey I want you to know I mean we grew up together all realize man and he was petroleum engineer went to WV you for four years ago degree in petroleum engineering and got got a killer job you know and this doctor has hooked him up on on an oxy and stuff and he didn't live by your past that man being duh we know and I hate with my bass trees like my brother do I've lost two really close people to appeals you know and when you go look at them they're in that casket and know they're never going on they're never going to breathe again they're never going to make you laugh again you're never going to get a talk or hang out again and it's all because of that I mean that sucks I hate that but it's hard to cry because it's not your fault you woulda had it that way every person I know personally know somebody who has od'd and died my girls have a close friend who his mother or deed and died that everybody knows so it's not like you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody everybody has somebody that's relatively close to them that has od'd and died and when that is your reality it's scary to think oh well you know maybe my kids just going to go smoke a joint or something but what's after that on people dies around here eventually all maybe the moxa cute I think you got 20 year old kid dies all you've been oxic you'd suck and he done it to yourself I know they don't care what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when I mean every breakup get about [ __ ] [ __ ] I tried affirm for about myself then which seemed it's not my first video and I told her straight up it's like know how doing she forgot with you I'm kidding on the team do it that's gonna be with me cool no I'll take you home right now miss turning around me what was that likely yes it was a I wasn't expecting it because always said that I wouldn't be with anybody who would do that kind of stuff because I didn't want I didn't want to get into it I don't want my family to look down on me as if I was a bad person for being with somebody but I love them still do even though you get me to sometimes think it people look to portray your different ways I can I think you just cut it up here about year sorry something [ __ ] you're a bad [ __ ] nailing it you're nothing to the side you know not is your [ __ ] Harry can't [ __ ] help me if I could I quit you today when I want to think about done sucking people enough [ __ ] wind gets point with your Lena [ __ ] Bev I can cold shake so I can sweating so I can can't [ __ ] move nothing on you [ __ ] - [ __ ] until you don't get Effect one I mean I run for me [ __ ] hey Barry [ __ ] kill me and if I can I've thought about stupid [ __ ] but [ __ ] tough thing a little bit rational about shootings I bury myself out of but then no some happens get money he goes I'm worked up eating appeal I'm happy I think you see me I'm in some [ __ ] some days and so you know you don't talk to me don't be around me so I still think except me off and I fall off I can handle now let any dozen since I get my [ __ ] peeling I'm happy I'm gonna get my [ __ ] I mean I try to keep still I can't live but it's hard [Music] hey $45 for once I can feel I'll do them shoot it up oh you and water it on you use it with a button you got cold shooties the other ones you can still heat up with these da he done a job on you in this way she [ __ ] Doug let it roll back now you're in there I'm sure a boy he thought on you there I do a second offer so you can get all your dope but naturally your seconds means pretty much done and over with that's why it's like a [ __ ] everybody likes it it's tiny sleeps like me at you and your [ __ ] [ __ ] cramps hurt and everything goes away does that pass there are times I never we're down to like our last bit of money he'll be sick and I don't like seeing him sick I've seen him go through the cold sweats and throw nuts and stuff and I it worries me because I've heard about the dangers of people coming off of it they could die from it and I'm scared to death about happening all the time so I'll tell him to take our last little bit of money that we've got and go get him something it's like if he goes a day without it he turns into a totally different person to the point where I don't even want to be near him but I know that I got to be there for him so it's one of those lose-lose situations and it just makes it so difficult it also scares me because with the baby on the way I don't know like if the baby decides that it's going to cranky one day and he's sick I'm scared that he's just going to blow up and just take off somewhere I won't see him for the rest of the day or whatever Jason pretty much drives me crazy I've offered to take him to rehab he won't go and he says he'll go he'll get cleaned up and when that's over he'll just go right back and of course we've had the talks about that kind of attitude and but I think for the most part he's being pretty truthful with me about that and but he's got trouble with the law and I you know him and Chelsea are living in her grandmother's house and snot his he doesn't have a job and he's got a baby on the way however responsible is that not bad day beg beg beg hurt in the net never that never ever did this night and I and I said one night I was just not a present prisoners before I ever had any my operations Oriente and she was fresh air that's after she done woke me from a friend's and everything she she was sitting at the house one night and I kind of death I was doing a shot and she walked in while doing shot Sharon she said well sure good she said she said was she laughing then she came back and then she seen me doing in the game she said what you're going to do it I'm doing out of bed connector and I even cried I'm begged ran back please don't do this and I wouldn't hit her and she sat down actress because she'd seen I done seen other people how they did and she sit down and fixed up and she started poking his house and it was black blood running everywhere and she had 315 holes in her and I'm finally giving it and said I'll go ahead and hit you you I give prescribed Khrushchev medication because my daddy has a beat on me it's like everybody else I don't want to come off like everybody else around here is on dope everybody else is running here and I know that and this times I bad mean but I'm on oxycodone 15 and I've got on our five four boosters and I'm on xanaxes and I don't want to have time for my back to her I don't have time for my money Turk I have a little girl that isn't everything my pain medicine honest to god helps me function I don't abuse my medication I think I'm like I'm supposed to because he'll I need them you know I got anxiety and depression and I'm alive every now and then I get a little [ __ ] crazy first are damn few cigars I think I'll oh my gosh and she loves I used to be like really big and she started in appeals as she lost like 80 panels like really quick I lost like almost 200 pounds and four months yeah and I was happy then this but I mean no I was going to get hurt on feels like that oh no I mean somebody robbed this dude uh-huh text took like fifteen sixteen hundred dollars filing and we took off for the night we got a bunch of pills and we got a bunch of coke and hang on back Lee and the first time I shot up it was office apartment the ones that I made you know they used to make oc1 and it was just the best feeling in the world because I fell in love with it the love-hate relationship I mean it's playing patrons truth about I mean I love because the way they feel and how take that anyway but I hate it because I was doing too many ones doing the people around me because at that time I always said no Zayn taking the bus like myself but second everywhere i'ma tell you my family and friends I got that baby on waiting once I start doing right by the [ __ ] Atlanta [ __ ] I tried it and I go like two three days and everything I mean you know Chelsea when I was in there [ __ ] I mean ha [ __ ] up in here and I was back here [ __ ] shivering shaking some shirts soaking wet man I was on my [ __ ] dead bed and then this luckily baby my talking when we took $40 I went down pombles I'm in cycle 13 I got home down I'm [ __ ] I was up mooning around jumping Giri taking this know if I can use like this [ __ ] Grammy ain't you anything about [ __ ] you have to have it you'll do anything to get it and so you'll go and you'll set with this old me and that sells drugs because if you set with him long enough then he'll just keep handing you 30s 80s coke whatever you want and you know what he's won in your head you know what he's wanting but it's funny doesn't even matter if it doesn't even matter because as long as you're getting there's obviously Steven those pills to you and you're getting them smash you don't even think about that you don't think about consequences in your head whatsoever once you're getting none whatsoever you don't it doesn't hit you until after the fact until after you're sober the last thing you think before you go sleep at night is how can I get me a fix in the morning and when your wives first open up that morning that's the first thing you think of is how am I going in and one way or another you'll get it if I have to take it now I've never went armed and robbed nobody or beat up nobody but I trick you out say you got any more than for sale yeah we're here assembly took well when you get you bottle left and I'm gone I'm convicted of two murders he's gonna come under here and bother me I mean not bragging it's a shame I'm ashamed I'm not bragging to use I'm ashamed of you know the lifestyle I've lived you know is it scary living around here because you you never I'm surprising speakers and stuff have I got a spelling it because enough I didn't three because there's so many thieves around here honestly people think in my table that you think that will be your best friend people have been there for you through thick and thin you think that I'd be there for you but they'd be the one to take care of the mess and then we met the when I first seen her in prison I walked over to her I took my hand at Bernie tuna rice is not not don't you with me you'll keep your head held on hot I broke down on my dad passed away in my senior year high school I had a nervous breakdown but I worked it through it and I know it's gonna be probably the hardest or harder as many when he does pass away but I can handle it I know that God has not put me nothing I have I've got his knob took nothing on me I can't fight and laugh and I know this I'm gonna miss him and I promised him from the day we've got together cuz I always be here to take care of his mom and that's what I will do and I won't walk away I haven't walked away since you know we got married he thought he was gonna lose me after women back to prison and I didn't leave then and I know and God does taking my long leave and this Bobby is my special one in my life it says someone special the most beautiful thing in the world are not seeing that word most beautiful thing in the world are not saying no ignore does no these are feelings with my heart and Bobby is Mart I've never had self-esteem never had nothing and when he walked in my life I was put off fighting ugly I am a big girl I've been heavy since I've been born but I can say God put me here for me and now I can say thanks man I love myself now I never loved my house before my mom hated me and she still hates me but there's nothing I can't get through him so I got a great mother-in-law and I got a great gunsmith six weeks she six weeks all right oh no me no no stop you're not getting down when I graduated high school I had nursing license I had a brand-new car I had got married I had anything I wanted within three months after I had my child I was addicted to the needle in one day my husband went to prison the following day my car got repossessed before I got out of the bed the following day my child was taken so within three days I went I lost everything I ever loved in my life and it just got to where I could care less if I lives or dies I mean I only thing I've done I woke up every day to do pills that's it my mom used to tell me your kids don't even mean enough to you stop doing drugs and she's right once you get on your kids don't nothing means nothing to you I mean the only thing you care about is a pill and that it completely takes over yeah it's like it's like a demon that's inside you that you can't get out for nothing and it controls your life you don't have control of your life anymore it controls it completely I'm going to show you which I may not sure but I'm going to show you what I do this is one thing that I can honestly say that turn me around to to being a better person this is called a suboxone what I do the mornings I take and I've been this in half some people take the knife but I just person I've talked to I'll save that one but I'll take that and which I got dentures it's hard to do with dentures but I fold it up just like I am right here and all I do with that is laid under my tongue and that's it it takes all the craving from drugs away I don't want oxy cotton no more but I crave this if I ain't got one of these a day I'm just as note sick as if I didn't have a shot of dope it's getting bad like you really can't trust a lot of people's people rub old people for their medicine all right old people that come out of pharmacy you build a heat on I'm bait underneath and then take whatever they got it could be high blood pressure medicine it is it don't matter to people is just getting to the point where it's being bad I mean people just turn up me some them a couple weeks or a couple months down the road they'll find them and no sewage pond or done or anybody like em you know it just depends people say well they was ratting and then all of a sudden they're gone then they find her bone somewhere my grandma freaks out because over in Matheny they found like bones of I think it was one or two them girls it was missing from Oceana and all they found was their bones that dogs have been chewing on my grandma says I don't care what they do and they didn't deserve had my brother was murdered that he was founded behind this house in a pool nine months after he disappeared he was tied down with cinder blocks around his neck and stuff and chess was a big man 6-3 6-4 to 60 to 70 and he was a rough old boy I don't think no one person took him from a front at the same time period he disappeared two females and another guy disappeared in about a two and a half week period all of them within a four to five mile radius of each other and this is a small community which you can see and it's just relied maybe they were partying together and things just got out of hand ever since I lost my family I just I was like a piece of meat being dead ever since and I just feel like you gotta live life to its fullest [ __ ] speaking round relent people no no don't take people for granted either because when I left my mom and dad's house that day everybody was loving Aubree you know tell you you love you I told him I loved II ever did I left I could make a Brett morning when my daddy's chicken everyone was dead man I wanted some parents house is on a Saturday I went back to my mom's bedroom and I was talking to her she wanted me to order a peach I was a laid-off time we had a manager on the order placing your some serious down the road they didn't have a vehicle well she gave me the Bernie and my dad was acting funny as hell because my mom was in the bedroom it and she kept saying be quiet he's listening what the hell I jumped up off the bed walked to the bedroom door he took off forever from the door he'd be listen to it you know paranoid so anyway I left she gave me $40 that they acts I got a phony makes like I call brother or peaches [ __ ] left and bought me appeal might be a couple oxy forties and my dad told me my last day of hell vehicle he said go pick up my chicken the more than my - official check he was calm our always life is okay I'll be up about to your cart dad well I left Earth out of my lab I got to see my brother last time ever Sadie was like five minutes he came out of his bedroom he said love y'all see your mentor eating pizza back I left him can make up for it next immortal and I seen methadone peels laying all over the counter I was like I'm off to hell because they usually kept moaning I like go to and they I started kicked to where I was I gave me a couple of them I looked over the corner of my data center in dried blood it was already driving down the side of his head Aleksei my said we do so she doesn't fall on his head and he never moved and uh I look down I look down he's left-handed it's sitting in a chair he's like he's right here sitting in sure his head was there his hand was like yes well I look now there was a pistol light as my brother's pistol was laying facing him I thought my damn heart just dropped I said oh God I said mom Chad I started yelling for my mom my brother and the maid answered I mean anyway I know they was dead but I had to see myself ma'am I went to my brother's room he was laying half way off his bed he had a blanket dad had put a blanket on him from his waist over top oh I didn't have enough forget to explain coughing melody is gone the way I left that room I guess rising such a state of shock when I left his room I went to my mother's room bless her heart know she had multiple sclerosis she's in real bad shape she was dying she was laying field position with her hands like his and her eyes closed and the baikonur she never know what hit her he shot her while she's asleep point like right but I got in the room his dark in there I couldn't see real good I started shaking her legs like mom mom get up mom I said get up mommy she never moved I turned the light on in the bedroom and turned a lot on the bedroom I see where he shot her to have arrow her own pillow is saturated with blood I mean and the sad thing about was I left I didn't want to do I was in shock I left I went to the bottom of the driveway and I went to the bottom of the driveway his January 31st brothers code up here I had no shirt on I was a pair of shorts and no shoes I guess I'm freaked out some man they score is going to know it's hard I flag and please stop help me somebody stop him everybody's going on by they thought I'd bring crazy a madman or someone talks people later but nobody stops so I had to go back up or go back in and get the phone with sent with my dad I just turned my head and I grabbed the phone and I noticed then when I grabbed the phone you know a picture of my daughter upper uh my dad was holding a little wallet size picture ever in his hand we kind of found out I found out the reason he covered my brother blanket he'd shot my brother and I I guess he gets tabled let's see what he done he shot my brother four times he shot my mother three times and I go ahead and be honest it's my Pearson family off of all they were and the cops don't know it either but my mom was prescribed box he's right for my brother keeping me safe away from my dad but I found my baby brother Lee and I have felt his bed he was rattled out like his and both my mom scripts was lying at the tips of his thing her script mouth so I suppose they got an argument and he killed him over so I guess I hate him a look at my dad and say that he killed my family of appeals or whatever but that's what they do to you man I made him crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Psalm 107 verse from I'll give thanks until the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever that's what my favorite passages in the Bible - he's my life I mean it's it I'll praise nobody else and I thank him every night 9 flipping it another day and I know nine times out of 10 I thank him every morning from it what wake up because I'm not promised I hang on cuz it these I'm not not much about hang on for these I'm going to until I can't no more my ex-husband get me a water while I was over there did you want to go yeah they're closing the kids went in off and I was in I was away from him and that's why really I'm on drugs since the close of it it's my touch with my kids yeah if y'all had this any like a quarter as a diction that we've been through man you would understand completely you bet you wouldn't even ask that question you you still be like damn while my still life is a [ __ ] you know what nobody is going to care you know this is West Virginia I think we're all much inbred pieces of [ __ ] you know people's actually trying you know you can't get nowhere it just sucks me you can't have a beer you want to pass it I'm gonna be straight up I am a white girl in this world chiming like it and that's all I am and that's all what everybody as far as I said but I want better for my young it's a what from making hurt I wouldn't be here I know for a fact I wouldn't be in this area there's nothing here there's nothing here to grow up on a bumper spare the one I got I want to go up thinking moral days her or sir and whatever want to do she can that will her to be left Mac or limited hi she's from West Virginia nice to be most laid-back person and world carefree hung out I think what I went my mom and dad's every single day this lift two men smear I woke up her drive up her him every single day I was very happy person and that happened and I'm not happy with I can't be happy when he lost we lost everything I'm not [ __ ] happy I said her by myself I said look at him picture just sitting dwell on the [ __ ] think about what all drugs is doing it is a struggle it's like an alcoholic every time he passes that beer called hey thanks boy him tasted good well every time I see somebody doing dope I think well I'm in with rush I got off it but I block it out you know I love to go through this program and have my kid and just have a normal life like even if I got to work at McDonald's or something like that just you know just a normal life like I don't have to worry about dope I just live in in this area it's just it's everywhere no no it's not possible it's in your face everywhere you go all very day much you don't want to go out when my kid you go through this I don't I don't I would never wish this on anybody I would not wish this on anybody I wish everybody could you know have the same mindset that you know have a good happy clean life you know not need stuff like that but it's just not that way and it's hard it's hard to explain because they're just there's no saving some of these people I have to tell my kids all the time look a lot of the stuff that happens here is not it's just not normal it's just not the way that it is in a lot of other places and sometimes you get you get scared and frustrated you say man I just want to get out of here you know I just like to take my kids and get out of here but but I love this place I love the people here and yes I don't I don't have solutions I don't know what to do it's like he didn't kill me that day but he did you know I mean I feel the office which I feel like I'm just waiting for my time and I feel like I don't know y'all atheists believe in God or whatever but I believe when I go to the first of hell I love my dad there but I believe when I go that my mom and my brother will be laying there all of it sometimes that's what I want I'm not suicidal I'll never kill myself and scared essent damn but I feel like the soul got sucked out of me that day I tell you that I just I'm dying right now only thing I know is their war on drugs ain't working at all they need a totally new approach we're spending billions of dollars and what are we getting out of just more problems did you see Jason when he was Pawnee right here Oh God and one time he was a little guy I don't do anything as take my privates and a blood-pressure pill that's it that's all I take and I'll tell them when they're like my knees are hurting them take it and leave take your time off oh good it should that's in your head when you Reynolds goes it's still it's in your head there's all that stuff and most of them cut well but if you went to rehab and got educated on your disease muscles I think Jason is being chatty yeah I don't think he does it every day but if he's got money he'll do it because he does he binges a lot that's what really scares me because binge addicts are more likely to die of an overdose hey daddy I hurt my family I can help it I got that dirty normal why don't you take you to rehab so Jack get you in rehab I can't afford to methadone clinic Jason but I'll get you into rehab that's a lot of years and uh well you gonna have to baby or somebody else is going to braising that child for you I'm gonna piss me off well baby number I can do it with you because I could do it for you then B then they wanna quit that I wanna see disabled well you've worked out all these thing too somehow ma'am ma'am that works and like I said I'll take you to rehab so Bella I let you cigarettes while you there I'll get you anywhere socks whatever you need pajamas whatever but I can't do it for you I get busted again I get 15 life go to town he kept me out of here what kind of dad will I be sitting for talking to my daughter behind the way I wrote I teach truth you might think I'm crazy but I'm like one back to jail I'm not nice kill me I'm just looking back I've done my time I'm going back that kill me I promise you you might hear about on the loose [ __ ] too my friend after me yeah about you this you know for a rude awakening because I'm not [ __ ] old man behind my brown eyes you see only tears only if you look closer you can review my fears if you look at my arms under my shirt all you see the cuts and wondering how much it hurts I'm torn from one place to another why is that only the one that loves me to my mother well I miss my dad left it's like so short makes me wonder if I whatever winds it up in court as I like Hugh just thinking of the day's how could I done such a good job of pitching them away I'd like to look at my journey just beginning the waters every day seem like it just in unity [Music] [Music] down in Oh God [Music] me my love [Music] Wow [Music] Wow [Music] Oh mmm [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] ah Wow [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] young hi [Music] the scaffold now [Music] why is [Music]
Channel: Very Ape
Views: 618,990
Rating: 4.8456182 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, film, indie, indy, oceana, heroin, oxycontin, addiction, tribeca, best documentary, best doc, oxyana, west virginia, wv, america, dystopia, coal mining, oxy, appalachia, kratom, suboxone, coal, award winning, best documentary on addiction, best doc on addiction, best film on addiction
Id: X5xAu1csU_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 6sec (4686 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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