The State of the Dead of Christ Part 1, Breath of Life - Dr. Carlton P. Byrd

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do you have your Bibles in here saying that come on you have your Bibles are you saying that if you have your Bibles come on hold him up let's hold him up let's see the Bibles if it's on the iPad hold it up say somebody's shaking their iPhone wherever it is hold it up and we want to hold it up repeat after me say every promise in this book is mine come on say it like you mean it every promise in this book is mine every chapter every verse every line I am saved by His grace divine for every promise in this book is mine we're praying god bless his snack fellowship one with another we have listened to the melodious voices of committed the God now it's time to hear word from you God disappoint us not we've come in this place Lord to praise you and celebrates you but to learn from you so God again we ask that you be in this place God beyond the airwaves those persons that are watching across the world even be with him God we be careful to give you the praise out in the boys so we ask that Lord you be the teacher this is your classroom Bible is your text book we give you the praise this evening we pray hide behind your cross forgive me of my sins remove any and all distractions in Jesus name we pray let the redeemed by the Lord say hey Matt and amen I didn't even know that this first week Saturday night Sunday night Wednesday night many of you have emailed us your Facebook dust you have tried to communicate with us with our team with this big question regarding death in fact when we share with you on Sunday night it was almost like a light bulb went off when we start going through the four groups of people that Jesus Second Coming the righteous dead the righteous living the wicked living and the wicked dead and where we discover let me see how good you are tonight what happens at Jesus second coming with the righteous then they rise what come on y'all they rise what then we recognize the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what then we discovered from the Word of God that the wicked living died at the brightness of his one so then you have to strike the pose to make sure I see the light that I can look at the light that I don't die at the brightness of the light do I have a witness in this place and then we have the wicked damned that remain what we then pose the question to you if in fact the righteous went to heaven immediately at death here on this earth who would Jesus be coming back for at his second coming there would be no dead and Christ to rise first who would rise first because if they were already in heaven who would Jesus be coming back for and when we said that it was like light bulb went off that's what the Word of God does for it illuminates you and opens you up to see different things in his word that she perhaps have never seen before that's why I love the word of God why are some other lovers of the Word of God tonight and so with that a lot of questions have come here pastor bird then what is death what happens at death because master bird I want to know what I believe why I believe it and then I want to know where it's found so based on your questions and the demand of your questions we're ready to answer the question what happens at death let's go to work what a mighty God we serve angels bow before him heaven in earth adore him what a mighty God we serve we recognize that God is omnipotent which means God is all-powerful God is omniscient which means God is all-knowing God is also omnipresent which means God is everywhere at the same time God is sovereign which means God can do what he wants when he wants where he wants and how he wants and God doesn't have to ask you and me permission to do what he was I can't get a witness in his place God is also timeless which means God was always here always has been here always will be here always was always is and because God is timeless God is immortal which means God can't die God is uncreated God is self-existent God has no beginning and God has no end now on the other hand we as human beings we're mortal everybody saved mortal when we say we're mortal we're saying then we are subject to death mortal means subject to death mortuary means house of death mortician means a person who works with the dead and mortgage means you will pay it until your dance but God you like that one don't you amen but God is infinite humans we are finite God is eternal humans are transitory God is immortal humans are mortal no human lives forever humans are subject to death the Bible is clear in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verses 5 and 6 for that living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything James 4:14 of the New Testament describes the lives of humans as a bait board that appears for a little time and then vanishes away now the Bible teaches in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 1 we've gone there quite a bit the Word of God says in Genesis 1:1 in the what everybody in the beginning move everybody God created the heavens and the one now we recognize there are how many days in a week come on how many days in a week don't be afraid of that that's not a trick question tomorrow we go talk more about that there are seven days in a week but the Bible teaches in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 26 that on day 6 God created man we know this because in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 26 we've read it all week the Bible says and God said let whom everybody come on y'all let whoo let us make one after our own what image after our own what likeness which means that text tells us a lot number 1 the text tells us that God as we share with you is three-in-one the Father the Son the Holy Spirit all working about to bring about our salvation the Bible does not say and God said let me make me the Bible does not say and God said let me make man in my image but the Bible says and God said let us make man in our own image after our likeness and we discover this happened on day number 6 so that lets you and me know it's Bible believing followers of Christ man didn't come from monkey man came from God I can't get a witness in this place man did not come from a Big Bang Theory man came from God in the beginning God created the heavens and the what everybody earth so how did God create man in the beginning take your Bibles let's go to the book of Genesis what book did I say everybody and we're going to Genesis chapter 2 and we're going to verse number 7 Genesis chapter 2 and we are going to verse number 7 Genesis chapter 2 and we are going to verse number 7 the Word of God says to us in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 if you haven't let me hear you say Amen the Word of God says and the Lord God formed whom everybody man of the dust of the one and breathed into his what everybody come on breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and man then became a living one again repetition deepens the impression the text says and God formed man of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living one so how did God create man from the beginning the Bible is clear dust plus breath equal living one so let's try that again dust plus what breath equal living one so now in order them for there to have be a living soul one plus 1 must equal to dust of the ground plus breath of life man becomes a living one so if I don't have dust but I have breath do I have a living soul because 0 plus 1 does not equal 2 are you hearing what I'm saying if I have dust but I don't have breath do I have a living soul no because 1 plus 0 does not equal 2 but in order for you in order for me to be a living soul it takes dust plus what everybody breath and man becomes a living one so so if that's what God used to create man dust to the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul what pastor bird then happens when a man dies what happens when he dies now when he became a living soul it was dust plus breath so now what happens when a man dies let's go to the Word of God go to ecclesiastical did I say everybody and I want you to go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse number 7 now remember we're here family now this our fourth night we know each other by now so if you need help in finding texts just help your neighbor if you see them needing help help your neighbor as we help one another read the Word of God know what you believe know why you believe it know where it's found the Word of God says to us tonight in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse number 7 the word says then shall the what dust return to the one and the spirit shall return unto whom who gave it so then the Bible teaches at death the dust returns to the one ground it returns to the earth bin the breath or the spirit returns to whom everybody God now remember it takes dust plus one breath in order for there to be a living life so now the Bible says that when an individual dies the body returns to what to us the spirit or the breath returns to whom God now a lot of people try to equate that spirit being synonymous with a soul now dust to the ground breath of life man became a living what soul body returns to what just the spirit or the breath returns to whom God but a lot of people try to create that spirit with the soul saying that that soul at death returns to God pastor bird how do we know that the spirit and the breath from the nostrils are the same thing because we let the Bible speak for itself we can't preach what we want to preach or teach what we want to preach we have to preach what thus saith the Lord so how do we know that the Spirit and the breath from the nostrils are one in the same I'm so glad you asked take your Bibles and go to the book of Joel Joe 27 and we're going to verse number 3 Joe 27 verse number 3 Jobe chapter 27 verse number 3 because when you leave here because you told your friends you told your family you told your coworkers I heard this creature say that we don't go to heaven straight at yet but we only go to heaven at the second coming of Jesus when the dead of Christ rise first and we which are live were men are caught up to meet the Lord in the air now he's told me how it works I understand how it works cuz you're gonna be able to tell them come on say Amen now job 27 verse number 3 the Word of God says all the while my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils body returns to what dust the spirit the breath which is in my nostrils returns to God and the soul ceases to exist you can't have a soul because you don't have dust and breath and so you can't have a soul two things happen at death the body returns to what dust and the spirit turns room God God formed man of the dust of the ground breathed in his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul when you don't have dust when you don't have breath the soul ceases to exist God formed man of the dust and made a body he then combined his breath with this body and man became a living what so the Bible definition for soul is body plus breath equal living soul a living breathing being is a soul the Bible in the text friends of mine is saying that we are souls the truth of the matter is we don't have souls but we are souls let's rewind because got to make sure you get it dust of the word ground breath of what life man became a living one so when the individual dies the body returns to what dust the spirit or the breath from the nostrils returns to whom God and the soul cease as to what exists the reality is we are Souls and that we don't have souls who told you otherwise okay pastor Vern I got it now well do Souls die let's get some more word know what you believe know why you believe it know where it's found go to Ezekiel what book did I say everybody Old Testament Ezekiel chapter 18 verse number 4 ezekiel chapter 18 verse number 4 and the Word of God says to us Ezekiel chapter 18 verse number 4 ezekiel chapter 18 verse number 4 the Word of God says to us tonight behold all souls are mine as the soul of the father so also the soul of the son is mine the soul that sinneth it shall what everybody now we've studied the Word of God that all of us have sinned all of us have come short of the glory of God if you say you have no sin in you your life because all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God there are no big eyes no little use the ground is level at the cross I am share with everybody up in this place that we all are an edge something so quit looking down at somebody else because you don't live in a glass house I wish I had a witness in this place all of us have sinned all sinners need a Savior I get excited because Jesus is my Savior Jesus died to set me free the text says that the soul that sinneth it shall what God I'm a soul I don't have a soul we are souls body plus breath equal living soul when a person dies body returns to dust spirit returns to God soul ceases to exist the soul that sins it shall what die Dan people are dead let me try that one more time you like I try to be flowery with it but you know dead people y'all I did dead people can't go back and haunt houses you preach in your own day I'm preaching the Word of God go with me to the book of Job job chapter 7 come on let's get some work know what you believe know why you believing no where's final job chapter 7 verse number 9 job chapter 7 verse number 9 the Word of God says to us tonight in job 7 verse number 9 as the cloud is consumed and vanishes away so that he that going down to the grave shall come up no more he shall return no more to his house neither shall his place know him anymore my house is haunted Big Mama was talkin to me you ate too much before you go to bed go to sleep the dead do not come back and haunt your house let's get some more word go to job 14 do dead people know what their loved ones on earth are doing John 14 verse number 12 drove 14 12 so man lieth down and rise if not to the heavens be no more they should not awake nor be raised out of their sleep go to verse 21 his sons come to honor and he knows it not and they are brought low but he perceive it it not of them their people don't know what you and I are doing right now because dead people are what everybody dad people are what dead let's get some more word go to the Book of Psalms and we're going to Psalm 6 and we're going to verse 5 of Psalm 6 Psalm 6 5 the Book of Psalms in the Word of God says for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks the dead do not remember or give thanks because the dead are what everybody let's get some more work go to psalm 115 psalm 115 verse number 17 psalm 115 verse number 17 the Word of God says to us tonight that dead praise not the Lord neither any that go down into silence oh we had a good time at the revival we were blessing and praising the name of Lord and mom and daddy they did but they were praise them - no they won't the dead praise not the Lord neither any that go down inside us so my attitude is you know I'm a praise God when I get to heaven but I ain't gonna wait to praise Him when I get to help I can't praise him when I'm dead so I might as well praising while I'm alive are you hearing what I'm saying so that's why the psalmist said but we will bless the Lord verse number 18 from this time forth and forevermore praise the Lord so the dead can I praise the Lord well pastor can dead people think Psalm 146 verse number 4 can dead people think Psalm 146 verse number 4 you haven't let me say Amen the word says his breath goeth forth he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish were they thinking about me no they're nuts dead people or what everybody did and did the body returns - what does the spirit Arzu God the soul sees as to what exists we are souls we don't what have souls the dead can't go back and haunt houses the dead do not know what their loved ones on earth are doing the dead do not remember or give thanks the dead do not praise the Lord the dead cannot think because dead people are dead let's go to Isaiah 38 verses 18 and 19 Isaiah 38 verses 18 and 19 the Word of God says in Isaiah 38 verses 18 and 19 for the grave cannot praise thee death cannot celebrate thee BAE that go down into the pit cannot hope for that truth there living the living he's sure praise thee as I do this day the father to the children shall make known the truth friends of mine the dead unlike you and me they cannot learn truth they cannot learn what you and I are learning from the Word of God praise God that we are alive do I have a witness in this place but dead people are dead who told you Big Momma was looking down at you who told you Paul Paul was talking to you who told you your house was haunted that is that true the Word of God says that when an individual dies their body returns to dust this fear returns to God the soul ceases to exist because dead people are dead people let me show you how this works together and Jesus second coming they're gonna be how many groups of people for primary Goosby remember we study from the Word of God that there will primarily be two resurrections there will be a resurrection of the righteous which happens at the second coming then we have 1,000 years millennium and at the eve the millennium there'll be a resurrection of the wicked at Jesus second coming the Bible is clear that the righteous then rise what first the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what and the wicked living dies the brightness of Jesus what the wicked did remain what did 1000 years they're dead until the end of the 1000 years and there's a resurrection of the wicked and his first coming Jesus came to save his people and his second coming Jesus is coming to get his people and his third coming Jesus is coming back with his people but Satan is a liar he's a bold-faced lie he wants people to believe that the dead are alive and can be contacted but the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything let me tell you all something don't get caught up at all this spiritualism and superstitious foolishness you better leave buddhu these Ouija boards and all these crazy spirits alone that's why I don't ask everybody to pray for me everybody can't lay hands on me because if you are not of the Spirit of God you neither get from around me I wish I had a witness in this place Isaiah 8:20 is clear to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them let me tell you some say tonneaus the Bible better than you it's an age-old question what happens after we die the breath of life gift offer this week is what the Bible says about death this little book peels back the theories the world has on the afterlife and carefully explains what's accurate based on a source we can really rely on God's Word discover what the Bible says about the sole human nature talking to the dead the coming millennium the resurrection and what the Bible says about death is yours for a gift of $5 or more just call our toll-free number 877 bol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three please have your credit card ready when you call or you may write us to request your copy just send your check - breath of life post-office box three four zero Newbury Park California nine one three one nine find comfort in what's to come after we pass from this world to the next get you a copy of what the Bible says about death today thank you very much for tuning in and watching breath of light today we do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and that we gave a healing word in a her team in order for breath of life to continue ministry we need you we need your prayers we need your support we want you to know that any and all donations small or great they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated to contact us or to make your donation please feel free to give us a call at 877 Vol offer or you may write to us at breath of life peal box three four zero Newbury Park California 9 1 3 1 9 P o box 340 Newbury Park California 9 1 3 1 9 feel free to log on to our website the heads WWWF of Life TV dust up ground yes breath of light man becomes a living one so if I don't have to us but I have breath do I have a living soul from this time forth and forevermore
Channel: Breath of Life TV
Views: 20,187
Rating: 4.7094016 out of 5
Keywords: The State of the Dead Part 1, Breath of Life, Dr. Carlton P. Byrd, Seventh Day Adventist, Adventist, Ghost, haunted houses, spirits, living soul
Id: kYiRlTYTb90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2012
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