The Spyro Iceberg: Uncovering the HIDDEN Facts

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Spyro has been around for over 25 years which is absolutely insane the franchise is chocked full of History so I thought I could do a Spyro Iceberg video I was able to dig up some crazy spiral facts that I think have never seen the light of day so I'm excited to reveal those to you today ladies and gents here is over 100 spiral facts done Iceberg Style ah for those who are not familiar with an iceberg video the tip is typically the most commonly known spiral facts but as we go deeper down the iceberg we will get to lesser known facts until we reach the abyss which is the most uncommon spiral facts with that said let's begin though Spyros started off as a PlayStation star through a number of reboots he eventually became the pseudo face of the Skylander series the famous toys to life franchise created by Toys for Bob the creative choice in terms of his design was uh definitely something that turned a lot of original purists away from the entire franchise however Toys for Bob would later regain favor in droves when they remastered the original Spyro Trilogy in the spiral reignited Trilogy spiral reignited at a bunch of quality of life improvements to the original like dual stick camera controls but one of the changes that they add across the board for all three games was adding role roll was originally only in the original spiral one but was taken out in later sequels but Toys for Bob decided to re-add the role for not only spiral one but for the following sequels as well another change that they added was the gem finder gem finder was a feature in the original games that was added in later sequels however it was not present in the original game Additionally you had to unlock the feature in spiral Year of the Dragon through a series of dragonfly levels however Toys for Bob decided to add gem find finder across all three games using the exact same controls and no longer requiring you to play those blasted dragonfly levels to have to unlock it speaking of the third game a fan favorite set of mini-games was skateboarding but if you look carefully when Spyro goes to flip a sticker of ripto is found on the bottom of the skateboard another cool fact is that Spyro has appeared as a guest character and was essentially his siblings game Crash team racing nitrofield and eventually crash team Rumble get used to this face you're gonna see him show up a couple of times Spyro was a playable character in CTR along with Hunter and his sworn enemy nasty Nork additionally an entire Grand Prix was organized for Spyro which was called Spyro and friends which include a dedicated spiral race track along with cosmetics and even skins for the non-spiral cast if you only played the spiral reignited Trilogy then you may not know this fact at the end of Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon the end credits revealed that nasty Nork and ripto are in fact alive revealing that they began to plot on how to solve their dragon problem in Spyro 3 you are asked to riddle at the beginning of the stage in haunted tomb though you can't answer it right away because you have to ponder this riddle as you run through but when you get to the end the same NPC will ask of the exact same riddle again one of the answers that you can choose is a Bandicoot refer ring to Crash Bandicoot in Crash bandcook 4 it's about time there is an abundance of spiral Easter eggs littered throughout many levels from a Spyro dinghy crystal dragons and yes even a giant parade float the original trilogy's development time was astronomically fast as universal one to turn a quick profit as quick as possible this led to Spyro 1 2 and 3 to come out right after each other in the following years causing a lot of stress on the developers at Insomniac when you hatched a dragon egg there was a preset set of animations while the animations was the baby dragons doing the world famous late Michael Jackson moonwalk spiral reignited had a weird marking scheme at first there was little to no marketing for the game only for the last two weeks to go absolutely insane from Snoop Dogg to a literal fire-breathing drone it was bizarre yet perfect during development spiral reignited had a code name and it was called project Falcon remember this because it's going to come up again Activision has started to use the Unreal Engine for many of their games but spiral reignited was Activision's very first project using this world-renowned engine Spyro's original soundtrack was composed by Stuart Copeland who was the drummer for the world famous band the police he loved many of the pieces that he made for the series in fact he brought a number of them to other projects and even to his Live Events Stuart Copeland would then return as an advisor to spiral reignited Trilogy for Stefan vancoth the Toys for Bob audio designer Who remastered and reworked his tracks Stuart Copeland would then decide to make one more track for Spyro called tiger train which is was played during the main menu of spiral reignited during the early development process of Spyro the Dragon one of the names that they settled on was Pete however ano was made that Dragon named Pete was probably not a great idea as Walt Disney of course had the rights to Pete's Dragon now the dragon in this series actually wasn't called Pete that was the little boy's name the dragon was actually called Elliot however Walt Disney was known for his very staunch use of copyright and Insomniac felt that it would be best just to avoid the name Pete or anything to do with Disney when it comes to a dragon moving on to the body of the iceberg we got a fact that actually still gets mixed up today Sony Computer Entertainment America never owned Spyro the Dragon Spyro and of course by extension Crash Bandicoot were always handled and owned by Universal back in the day while it was insomniak and naughty dog that made the characters it was on Universal's dime this is why when spiral into the dragonfly was handled by a different team it came out on different platforms Beyond Sony's it is ironic however that both naughty dog and Insomniac are owned by Sony today speaking of Crash and Spyro and Crash Bandicoot warped if you did a modified version of the classic cheat code the Konami Code it actually boots up a demo for Spyro the Dragon this is actually how I personally discovered Spyro for the very first time and I still vividly remember it to this day Spyro 2 was named ripto's rage in North America however at the time the UK felt that the name was way too violent sounding for a kid targeted product so Spyro 2 ripto's rage was renamed to Gateway To glimmer when it released overseas speaking of overseas if you take a look at the Japanese version of Spyro the Dragon when Spyro's name is written in Japanese it looks a lot like the word ripto in English this is what was the inspiration behind the name ripto as Spyro 2's main villain now we're gonna jump over to a different incarnation of Spyro from The Legend of Spyro series there is a dark Alter Ego of Spyro in this universe called Dark Spyro which is referenced and used in future titles like Skylanders and even more recently in Crash team racing as we got take on a reignited version of Dark Spyro as an alternative skin speaking of Dark Spyro both Dark Spyro and Spyro himself showed up in this shockingly short-lived crash on the Run mobile game as a seasonal theme this was one of the last seasons that crash in the Run held before going on Hiatus and then shutting down it just couldn't hold strong like Mario or sonic unlimited Runners right speaking of Sonic when you go to Crystal islands and talk to Moneybags he says this referencing the world famous Blue Blur you shouldn't anger a magician Spyro I just might decide to turn you into a blue Hedgehog or something Sonic isn't the only reference that we find in Spyro the Dragon in his very first game when you save Thomas he's shocked that such a small Dragon could save him laughs wow I never thought I'd be rescued especially by such a little dragon oh well what I mean is I always believed in you spiral you gotta believe the Cadence and tone is directly inspired by another PlayStation one star PaRappa the Rapper unfortunately this line would then be botched Inspire reignited wow I never thought I'd be rescued especially by such a little dragon uh what I mean is I always believed in you Spyro you gotta believe big sad while parappa's reference was missed Bob and Doug's were not Bob and Doug are bear NPCs in Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon living in a frozen Wasteland along with having the thickest Canadian accents ever it's clear that they were references to Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas's characters on the sketch comedy show the great white North who were named Bob and Doug McKenzie now as a Canadian I very much approve eh in Spyro 3 in Harbor Speedway Sparks asks if you want to race the blue footed boobies now before you giggle like a school girl these birds actually do exist and have very very large Blue feet honestly they're kind of cute but want to know what you don't get blue-footed boobies whatever these are they are not the blue footed boobies that we were promised and would reignited came along we were not rectified of this gratuitous lie I want Justice for the blue-footed boobies in the very first trailer of the Spiral reignited Trilogy we got a quick sneak peek as to what the dragons would look like we were shown what everyone thought was going to be Nestor however this was a temporary stand-in for the beefy lad that we would see later on it eventually had a scales turned to red and became Oswin in Dark Hollow in the original Spyro 2 the monk at the end of the level asks you to deal with the yetis that is causing them problems however there is a bit of a discrepancy between the text box and what the voice clip says while the text box says I really think you should torch that Yeti brother Ned actually says even though I'm a vegetarian I think you should kill that Yeti he's pretty tough though it's likely that the word kill was swapped out but the dialogue was not this of course was change in spiral reignited or brother Ned matches the text box and says torch Spyro 3 introduced a ragtag group of creatures that the player can play the reason behind this was that Insomniac thought that they reached a pretty high Plateau for Spyro's moveset so in order to diversify the gameplay they introduced four new characters with completely different methods of play to spice up the playstyle of Spyro of course Insomniac feeling that they hit the plateau of Sparrow's moveset is one of the reasons why they decided to make Spyro 3 their last Spyro title in Crash Twinsanity When You Reach close to the end there is a cutscene where Crash Bandicoot's villains want to take a whole pile of treasure this is discouraged by Cortex because there was a certain uh purple dragon who already has laid claim to it personally I don't care but I think he might want his gems back this of course was a way to cross promote spiral's new adventure at the time Spyro a hero's Tale spyo 3 introduces a set of Mini-Game side missions that revolve around skate parks located throughout the game now you might already know about the cheat codes in Spyro that'll allow you to change his color but there is also a cheat code to change the skateboard into a squid board yep you can ride around on a squid and yeah this cheat works in the spiral reignited Trilogy speaking of cheat codes Spyro reignited introduced new cheat codes that were not in the original games Spyro with sunglasses tiny head Spyro tiny Wing Spyro and the Retro spiral code additionally the Nintendo switch has an exclusive rainbow sunglasses cheat code when the spiral ring Knight trilogy was in development they did not have access to the original codes and files for the first three games so instead of guessing where everything was placed an engineer at Toys for Bob designed a program that they deemed as spyroscope this program was an in-house emulation tool that showed the level's exact geometry and placement of items it essentially allowed Toys for Bob to extract the bones of each level and use it as a foundation for the game Toys for Bob received most of the credit in a claim for spiral reignite trilogy but did you know that sansaru games were the main Developers for Spyro 3. unfortunately Spyro 3 did not hold the same bar of quality the spiral 1 and 2 had many reports of glitches over the years have Arisen with areas of the game that clearly have cut Corners as the game progresses you see more and more of these cut Corners until finally the game's under baked aspect reaches an eye bleeding Crescendo in the super bonus round most notably in the yeti racing there are rumors and reports floating around as to what exactly went wrong but a lot of the blame was pointed at sanzaru maybe one day we'll find out exactly what happened now we are entering the water's surface of this Iceberg here we go in spiral one Spyro was voiced by Carlos alaz Rocky however when we shifted to Spyro 2 that voice was changed to Tom Kenny now why did this change happen well when they initially drafted up Spyro they wanted to go for a young Bart Simpson kind of voice however it's been rumored that Insomniac found that by the end of the recording sessions Carlos's take on Spyro was a little too annoying Tom Kenny was brought in to give a more confident and cocky take to the Purple Dragon this obviously left an impact because when Spire was being remastered for its reignite Trilogy Toys for Bob brought Tom Kenny back to not only just re-voices lines from Spyro 2 and 3 but also all of Spyro 1. additionally Tom Kenny is arguably one of if not the most famous voice actors of all time but his debut role for voicing a character in a video game was Spyro and Spyro 2 ripto's rage while developing Spyro green and yellow was almost the color scheme that they settled on however they found that Spyro Blended in too much with a lot of the grassy environments so they ran Spyro through many different pallet swaps until they settled on purple and yellow which funny enough are complementary colors when Spyro 2 reunite was in development there was a number of questions on its cinematics while many cinematics were just cute and fun there were a number that were either way too violent confusing or just flat out weird Toys for Bob adjusted some of these cinematics to make more sense like magma cones and even Sunny Beach Spyro 2 wasn't the only game to get some cinematic adjustments Spyro 3 had also gotten some tweaks but specifically with the uh one of the most darkest moments in all the original trilogy and I'm going to send it out to destroy all the dragons even the little hatchlings yes yes it will smash them and cry crush them and grind them and tear them off oh yes smear them and smoosh them and crack them and crease them no no they didn't remove that part they left that part in it's actually something that they added what was added was some dialogue from agent 9 as in the original cinematic with the Sorceress and Bianca agent 9 said nothing which is kind of hard to believe because he doesn't shut up so in reignited they gave him some commentary during the whole uh baby genocide scene continuing with Spyro 3's playable characters in desert ruins Sheila's playable level is a nod to older 2D Platformers but some have pushed to even say that it's also a reference to Crash Bandicoot as both Sheila and crash are marsupials and both animals are native to Australia it's subtle but it's there now if you live in Australia you can take a short flight to a nearby country in which Spyro absolutely bombed in and that is Japan Spyro's Japanese ports were absolute failures flops you name it in the Land of the Rising Sun the reasoning was because of the amount of adjustments that was made to the actual gameplay as the camera just sits there being about as useful as a box of matches in a dumpster fire they also slowed the charge down because playtesters were reporting on a sickness called uh 3D sickness yeah overall Japanese spiral failed miserably back on American soil an unfortunate fact is that Insomniac the original developers of Spyro never had any plans to make a spiral four as soon as they were done with Spyro three year of the dragon they knew that they would be moving on to a different project this of course led to the development of ratcheting Clank spiral reignited trilogy's development time was not very long according to sources and estimates it was stated that Toys for Bob had just about 11 months of development time now this was before the game was delayed from September to November so just over a year to remake three games from the ground up that was a huge task for Toys for Bob the four spiral reignited Trilogy was announced there were a number of spiral remaster hint Hunters that searched up and down for every hint possible that there was a new game coming and I was one of them as we drew closer to the announcement date we found out that a user that owned the Twitter handle Spyro the Dragon was changed and swapped to a locked private account called Falcon mcbob at the time when we cross-referenced that name was saying Afters listings of projects that they had in development with Activision one of the project names was Project Falcon we then watched this Twitter page obsessively until it activated and the spiral reunited Trilogy was announced we later confirmed that spiral reunite Trilogy was indeed called project falcon ah good times when sparing Knight trilogy initially released physically the game could not fit on one disc prompting for a massive day one patch to play all of Spyro 2 and 3 as the entirety of Spyro 1 was the only game on disc this would later be rectified as reprints were done that put the entirety of Spyro 2 and 3 on a disc during spiral one's development Insomniac really wanted to make sure that spiral's flight and gliding worked and felt great so they hired Matt winning a previous employee from NASA to make sure that spirals physics and flight felt good while on the flying levels that was remaining reignited was sunny flight at one point Activision and Toys for Bob held a contest and asked for fans to screenshot their best time to potentially win this Spyro themed e-scooter at the moment we are actually unsure as to who actually won the scooter in Sheila's original design sketch she had horns and even had had boxing gloves this layer would be removed as it made little to no sense for a kangaroo that only used her feet to attack to have horns and boxing gloves speaking of Sheila when spiral through reignited started its marketing they redesigned Sheila giving her hair in a Safari Top This was met with some uh harsh criticism in the fan base and caused an all-out Comet war on social media some saying the redesign is great While others screamed that it was terrible when Crash Bandicoot insane Trilogy came out there was an interesting code on the main menu in the original crash band who warped like we mentioned when you put in the modified Konami Code up up down down left right left right Square it would start a spiral one demo so in the insane Trilogy when the same code was put in the cursor would then abruptly disappear it was thought that it was a coding clue for it to try and do something but that something was not yet enabled later on when spiral reading I was about to be announced a video of the crash mascot was shown punching in the code and a purple light filling his face and room after spiral reignite was announced crash insane was updated so that if you punched in that code it would start the spiral reignited trailer in the manual for spiral one there was a particularly interesting looking Dragon its model is never used in the game and it just so happens to be purple with yellow accents and crests he also has a metal around his neck something not seen on any other Dragon it's implied that this is Spyro all grown up in a hypothetical future with the metal rewarding his efforts in Saving the dragons while Insomniac was figuring out what color to make this Dragon they also struggled with naming him there were a number of names that were pitched but the one that they held onto for a while after Pete was pyro pyro meaning fire seemingly made the most sense however for a reason explained later on in the video it would then be adjusted to Spyro no we now enter the Open Water of facts this is when things start to get interesting in Spyro 3 Sergeant bird LED an army a female French hummingbird soldiers however when Sergeant Burt was trapped the rhinox invaded their base without the leadership of Sergeant Byrne the hummingbirds will infiltrated trapped and caged in 15 minutes this can also be a light jab at the French as it's a stereotype that the French give up easily continuing with the um themes of War Spyro acts as a double agent playing for both sides for the war between the land blubbers and breezebuilders when you go to breezebuilders there are a number of land blubbers invading and causing problems but when you go to Zephyr it's the breezebuilders causing the land blubber's problems as well Spyro really just wants orbs he really does not care about the results so he does Quest and helps both sides in Spyro 3 they revealed how dragons actually get the eggs every 12 years on the Year of the Dragon fairies bring eggs to the dragon Realms dragons from a far and wide come together to celebrate and feast as the baby dragons hatch and the next generation of dragon kind begins this is the starting plot point to Spyro 3. in the original Spyro 3 after you defeat the Sorceress the super bonus round unlocks however originally a sparkle tornado was supposed to spawn after the Sorceress is defeat right in front of her gate it would lift you up high and send you to an island with a super bonus round was however this would get cut in the super bonus round would be brought closer to players but Inspire 3 reignited this sparkle tornado was added back in but it only sends you to a small island that contains three lives as kind of a homage to the original idea the original Spyro Trilogy never had a choice in how difficult it could B however Spyro 3 had an interesting background difficulty adaption system put bluntly the game difficulty would change depending on how well or how bad you played this was across mini games bosses Etc the game adjusted how many hits a boss could take the placement of enemies and even the number of enemies this was likely used as a means to make sure that the game was approachable for younger or less experienced players and give the more experienced players a challenge sadly this was not translated in Spyro 3 reignites development smile 3 reignite had a lot of questions in terms of difficulty especially Spike who was Notorious for being the hardest boss in the entire original trilogy however he was now seen as just a joke in the remake the reason being was that Spyro 3 reignited did not have any background difficulty systems it's unknown what difficulty was mods typically for Spyro 3 but most theorized sanzaro designed it around the game's easiest difficulty bringing much disappointment to Die Hard Spyro fans Additionally the original third game never came to Japan both Spyro the Dragon and Spyro uh uh Spyro and Sparks ton demo tours yeah that is really the name of Spyro 2's port in Japan came out to a mediocre reception the company that actually did the Translating and porting of Spyro had went under after Spyro 2 released sadly due to its poor reception in Japan Sony didn't even bother with hiring a new company to release a Japanese Port of the year the dragon however the spiral Arena Trilogy was ported to the Japanese market and this would be the first time that Japanese audiences would be able to experience the year of the dragon in their native tongue Charles zambellis was the character designer behind Crash Bandicoot but he also designed spiral the dragon in fact the pose that we see here and when the game was announced is the exact same pose that Charles had for when he submitted his designs to Insomniac crash and Spyro having the same character artist isn't where the similarities end both naughty dog and Son react the developers of Crash inspire Arrow both work in the same building Under Universal during different times of development Insomniac would sometimes help on naughty dog with trash and likewise naughty dog would sometimes help out Insomniac with Spyro crash and Spyro shares the same character artist the developers worked in the same buildings what other similarities could be drawn well through a number of Crossovers and Easter eggs it's pretty clear and heavily implied that both crash and Spyro are kinetically in the same universe this becomes a lot more apparent in Crash Bandicoot 4 with a gigantic spiral being used in the background and in Crash Twinsanity where cortex even openly acknowledges Spyro the original Spyro 1 had a shoestring budget and this applied to even their cast of characters Clancy Brown who ironically starred in Crash Bandicoot voiced almost all the dragons that you save this is also hilarious as Clancy Brown's most known role is Mr Krabs in SpongeBob SquarePants and the following year the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants Tom Kenny would take the mantle of voicing Spyro now some of these facts actually draw from my own private and personal visit with toys for Bob back in 2018 where I got to go and play test Spyro 3's Dino Minds so some information draws from that while developing spiral reignited Toys for Bob was able to get their hands on all of the original sketches books and pitches for all three spiral games from Insomniac this helped them get an idea as to what insomniac's original ideas were to help with their creative processes whilst fire reunited was being promoted a custom spyrotheme PlayStation 4 popped up on Twitter this was a hotly requested console and people wanted to buy it really bad sadly only a limited number of them were made as it was made in partnership with a Belgium artist vadu m cup legit though I would cry if I could get my hands on PS5 version of this thing in the very first game Swimming was originally a planned mechanic however due to time constraints this had to be cut from the game and later introduced in Spyro 2. to go along with this there was also going to be an underwater themed home world and according to Oliver Wade he had sketched an underwater Dragon boss along with a Amish dolphin Rider yep yeah you heard me right Amish dolphin writer now there was also another cup world but there is significantly less information about it apparently called the machinists originally these Dragons Were a clan of Engineers that would make robots while there is very little that is known about these so-called machinists I will point out that it's interesting that one of the bosses for the beastmakers is a gigantic robot and the final norc worlds are very industrialized I'm not claiming this as a fact I'm just saying that these levels could have been recycled from the initial machinist worlds originally the balloons that got you from world to world were actually Viking boatmen according to these early screenshots of spiral one additionally in the exact same photos we actually can see that the dragon stuck in Crystal looked more like Stone and definitely don't look like the crystal dragon statues that we all know and love today as we plunge deeper into the murky depths we might be starting to answer some of the questions that have been on the minds of fans for years the lack of female dragons was always something that confused many fans why was it literally just a bunch of dudes well this problem was actually really really straightforward Insomniac had a shoestring budget with the first game and had limited access to cast and the cast just so happened to be all male so every Dragon followed soon additionally the very first spiral games development started with only six people it would eventually grow to 13 throughout the game's development but again the shoestring budget that they had didn't allow for too many people to work on the game but even with a small team they were able to make a fantastic long lasting experience also ever wonder why Spyro was on all four legs but the other adult Dragons Were bipedal well the PlayStation one had limited access with its polygon count Insomniac found that it was hard for these dragons to emote if they were on all fours like Spyro and they couldn't afford more polygons so they made the adult Dragon stand on two legs to let their arms emote and express what they're saying while spiral reignited did a great job on either preserving what was already there or making it change that overall would be for the better there was a lot of debate online about one specific change and that was Twilight Harbor more specifically the norc Commandos in the original game they had numerous actual literal military-grade looking Weaponry like AK-47s and machine guns but Inspire reignited they were replaced with guns that shot what looks a bit like goo or slime there were a few rumors floating around as to why like Toys for Bob didn't want the game to get hit with a t rating from the ESRB or that Toys for Bob just felt that actual military-grade weapons that look too much like actual guns did not fit in the world of Spyro either way it's a change that's definitely gotten the fan base into tizzy in the past but has definitely settled down now one feature that originates all the way back to even the first game is that gems will glint at any range even if they are not rendered in yet allowing you an easier time to find them speaking of gems gems were used as the main collectible as it's stereotypical for dragons to have a treasure horde of gold and gems it's not clear where the stereotype totally originated from but the most clear example of it today is smog from tolkien's Hobbit however it has been said that smog was inspired by the story of Beowulf which included a dragon that was enraged that someone stole from its treasure and begins a rampage so yeah a little fun sneak peek Behind The Stereotype to why dragons horde treasure when fast or actually begins talking about how much treasure the dragons have he gets mixed up on whether or not they have 12 000 or 14 000 treasure the reason being is that he is old and he forgets that nasty has already stolen 2 000 treasure but when you 100 the game your treasure total is twelve thousand but when you get access to nasty's loot which has the stolen 2000 treasure it adds to a grand total of fourteen thousand agent nine the crazy experimental monkey with a gun was going to have his own spin-off title called Prime eight there was even some weird prototype footage floating around giving an idea to what it would look like however quite early on in its development the idea of it being an agent 9 spin-off would be scrapped and the game would be rebranded to death Junior and release on the PSP during a PlayStation 1's early life Mark Cerny felt that it did not have enough family-friendly titles Nintendo was dominating the kids Market at the time and he wanted to try to compete with them with their own set of kid-friendly games this actually helped Insomniac while they were planning out which game to develop and it would eventually lead to the development of Spyro the Dragon Spyro wasn't the only game that was pitched as insomniac's first title Under Universal however as the game that would eventually become resistance fall of Man was also pitched alongside Spyro but after much consideration they decided to develop Spyro first but would later on release resistance fall of Man for the PlayStation 3. now let's shift our gears a little bit the end of dawn of the Dragon is very open-ended we are not sure if Spyro and Cinder are actually well alive but the one thing we can see is that while Spyro in the end does save the world it's not completely in one piece as you can see large sections are still floating in the sky however during the end sequences we can see the denizens working to rebuild their homes on these floating islands the next time we see Spyros and Skylanders where floating islands are everywhere in the world called the Skylands is theorized that the end of dawn of the Dragon is actually the beginning of the Skylanders now remember that Adaptive Difficulty that was in the original Spyro 3 but was not in the Spyro 3 reignited well at one point there may have been something to replace that when digging around in the files of spiral reignited a difficulty mode was discovered it allowed you to choose how easy or how hard the game was ultimately it did not make it into the final game likely because the original first two games had a set difficulty and Toys for Bob probably didn't want to start making too many changes for each difficulty Sparks is Spyro's best friend and sidekick and according to a post on the dragon News Network got an exclusive interview with Sparks where Sparks describes that when he was just a larva he would crawl round on Spyro's egg before he hatched he would describe the world to spiral during each passing day one day however a bird tried to swoop down and grab Sparks but Spyro saved them just in the nick of time solidifying their relationship Oliver Wade the main character designer behind Spyro 2 and 3 has children's names secretly placed in Spyro 2. here is Brian on the wall of summer forest and in Winter Tundra you can also see the name Brenda a nice little homage to his children after Spyro's original trilogy insomnia walked away from the purple dragon and Universal to begin what would eventually become Ratchet and Clank Universal handed Spyro over to a company called check six which would eventually become the hot mess that was Spyro into the dragonfly while Stuart Copeland did agree to compose a soundtrack for the game like he did for the previous three he felt disconnected with the game and didn't find it was as good as the originals however it was when he saw the live action commercial of the game that made him realize that his time with Spyro was probably up [Music] don't come back [Applause] so after he was finished with enter the dragonfly he walked away from the spiral franchise until he returned to Capo's tiger train the main menu music for spy reignite Trilogy in a completely different world as in the World of Warcraft a recent expansion called dragonflight has released and there was a side quest that was called a dragon's day off it begins after speaking to a member of the black dragonflight named vasalia she is tired and just wants to relax after fighting for all of her life she wants nothing more than to relax with a cold drink in her hand so she asks if you can help by getting her a number of drinks that are found all over the dragon Isles each of the drinks have their own special names that actually are references to Skylanders the drinks names are flame Slinger rum Riptide Brew Pop Fizz punch happy trigger sour slam bam swill Whirlwind wine and stealthy Elven Port once complete you will receive a little battle pet that is a purple dragon whelp called spirogos the description even says this little dragon is all fired up it looks like he's got some things to do oh and of course the name of the quest is a reference to the start and plot point of Spyro 2 where Spyro just wants to go on vacation in Dragon Shores before he gets hijacked to come to glimmer Spyro is a victim of many people trying to reboot him and he almost fell victim to the dark edgy reboots that plagued us all in the late 2000s spiral Revolution was a TV show pitch that basically made Spyro look like a gargoyle and be dark and edgy fortunately for all of us it did not pass the concept art phase and was only a pitch thank goodness after Pete the name that Insomniac started to settle on was pyro however Mark Cerny and Insomniac had heard of an internal theory that claimed that mascot characters should have five letters to their name examples like Mario Sonic and even his closely related orange friend crash so they decided to see if they could figure out a brand new name with five letters but this eventually led to Simply adding an S which created the name Spyro we are now entering the deep dark depths of Spyro some of these facts aren't even known by Spyro aficionados including myself when I started this video so without further Ado let's dive in in Spyro 3 when you get to the second home World there are a number of paintings that have a secret message on them when you look closely you can see the word parvender no this is not the name of the artist of these pieces but of a mother back when spiral reignite was delayed a user by the name of the Chrono Shadow made a request on Reddit Spyro was their very first game and they would play it often with their mother however their mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and because of the delay they were unsure if they would be able to play together Chrono Shadow asked if it was possible that in some small way if his mother's name could be immortalized in Spyro 3 which was the very first spiral game they ever played together his mother's name was parvinder it can get very sad in the abyss Crystal Islands was originally supposed to be a forest level with bears and beavers oh my according to Oliver Wade however character designs for each level were literally made in one sitting once they were done that was it however later on this level was completely scrapped and changed into a crystal theme which made the characters like the Bears no longer make so much sense so to save time they simply turned them into Crystal Bears problem solved Alora is a fawn you dork butt in her original sketch Oliver Wade said that Alora was not a fawn and even decided to redraw his original sketch for us showing us that in fact she was going to be a centaur so why the change well it was that dreaded polygon count alora's extra legs took way too many polygons which of course means less details that could be made on her model so they chopped off the back two legs and made her a fawn continuing with Oliver Wade's comments one of the early iterations for money bags was actually a rhino instead of a bear additionally agent 9 had two pitches one was for a gun-wielding space monkey and the other was for a pig yup a pig overweight actually really like the idea of agent 9 being a pig but Ted price the current president of Insomniac wanted the space monkey and so Space Monkey agent 9 is what we got while Spyro was not incredibly popular in Japan there was a crazy looking device that you could grab if you were a Spyro fan and wanted to have a Spyro experience on the go the pocket station was a mini console that was exclusively released in Japan it was a memory card peripheral and would allow you to play different games that were unlocked when you got them Spyro the Dragon and Spyro 2 both had their own mini-games on the pocket station Spyro 2 had three homeworlds summer forest Autumn planes and winter Tundra clearly following the seasons however a rumor started years ago that there was a cut Homeworld which would have been spring themed this was for further fueled by the fact that Autumn Plains is so massive and many speculated that the levels that would have been in the spring home world were combined into Autumn planes this Theory literally lasted for decades it was Legend until Oliver Wade revealed that in fact there was no spring Homeworld planned which was kinda sad now at one point Toys for Bob at least considered the hover from Spyro 2 and 3 to be in their first game there was some cut dialogue from Thomas where He suggests that you could hover at the end of your Glide hey Spyro press the jump button twice to Glide and then press the action button at the end of your Glide to hover and and don't be afraid afraid of what of course in the end Toys for Bob opted to stay true to the original games in one of the very early builds of Spyro nasty's loot was actually called Nasty booty which of course is hilariously inappropriate for a kids game but it was still pretty funny in the original Town Square the Bulls that were seen running around have a dark green look to them however Inspire reignited there was swapped to being light brown but when you go digging through the spiral reignited files you actually can find a reignited bull that had the same shape and color as the original Bulls in Town Square but of course these were swapped remember how they were supposed to be swimming in a water Homeworld in Spyro one well according Oliver Wade the upper half of Aquaria Towers is actually recycled of the original underwater Homeworld that was planned for the first game Kirsten Von schreven one of the developers on the original game claimed that Cliff town was heavily inspired by Star Wars specifically Tatooine when Activision was doing its ad campaign for spiral reignited one of the things that this ad campaign did was create a drone that was in the shape of Spyro to fly it across America and deliver a copy of the game to Snoop Dogg yeah yeah this was real I know it sounds wild but uh here's the thing this drone could actually breathe fire now here's where things get a little crazy because this drone can breathe fire it now technically can be classified as a Cav or an unmanned combat aerial vehicle which is a military combat drone so yes theoretically Spyro can be used for war crimes when Toys for Bob Star Development for spiral reignited Trilogy the dragons were originally going to follow what the original game did just a few kinds of dragons with some color swapped we can even see a very early look at Astor the very first dragon that we see in the game however as the Toys for Bob artists got to work they they slowly started to add you know little details like different horns different spikes and then a hat and then props and then accessories before they knew it the very plain Jane dragons that they started with turned into a gigantic creative outlet for the artists that let their imaginations go wild when they added the S to pyro to make it five letters like the internal Theory suggested there was also a theory that suggests that the S was not completely random pyro in Greek means fire but Spyro s-p-i-r-o is Latin for breath pulling the words together to create Spyro seems like a nod to the name meaning fire breath which is the perfect name for a little dragon the dark and edgy spiral was actually not the first attempt at making a Spyro TV show in early early 2012 a company named Moon scoop heard that Activision was thinking of making a TV show starring The Purple Dragon the company started to draft up some sketches and of course I hired our resident thumbnail artist Melba honeybee to make a high definition version of those sketches however Activision would eventually make Skylanders Academy as their spyro-directed TV show now we finally get to the bottom of this Iceberg the bottom of the Abyss the very very final facts for this one I wanted to try and find a fact that was not yet shared or known when it comes to Spyro something that would catch all of you Spyro aficionados by surprise so I went and searched for something that no one knew yet something that wasn't even on the internet and I believe I have found it I emailed a couple people to finally get my hands on this information and I also can and confirm this information because when I went to Toys for Bob they actually had insomniac's original binders that cataloged every pitch level and character now you have heard of Pete and you may have even heard of dragon game when it was pitched by Craig Stitt back in December 1996 but there was one name and pitch that I believe no one has shared yet ladies and gentlemen I want to introduce you to Pierre at one point a design pitch for what would eventually become Spyro was the idea of a young dragon who was a prankster he just learned how to breathe fire and now wanted to show it off by playing tricks and pranking people remember how one of spiral's Inspirations was Bart Simpson but after Spyro 1 Insomniac pulled away from that yeah this Incarnation was definitely more in line with that Bart Simpson counterpart also we have a little star story pitch for the character as well here is how the game was apparently going to go once upon a time there was a small green dragon and his name was Pierre Pierre was only a young dragon he was a 113 years old now since Pierre was just getting his Firepower he liked to play tricks on people with his fire after he got out of school he would go into the forest and sneak up on people who were fishing or picking apples or digging a hole and he would go whom and fire them right in the bum the people would go running saying Pierre you are a silly mean Dragon it's actually insane that I was able to get my hands on this as I was able to also get some other really cool tidbits of information for early iterations of Spyro which I will be sharing more about in a future video but what if there was a fact that was in fact below the abyss oh wait it yeah it's the end well this concludes my biggest Spyro video literally ever this one was a real Challenge and I love doing it if you want to check out the potential origin story of nasty Nork I suggest you click this video and don't forget to subscribe for more Spyro content happy spiral Community day everybody and I can't wait to soar on new adventures with all of you in the future bye bye
Channel: Canadian Guy Eh
Views: 61,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spyro the dragon, spyro, spyro reignited trilogy, canadian guy eh, iceberg video, spyro iceberg, spyro fact video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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