The Sponge-Nam Theory

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we all know that SpongeBob is a kitchen sponge living in a pineapple under the sea having an occupation of friy cooking at the Crusty Krabs for a crustaceous cheap skate and well known for his obsession with jellyfishing but there are some secrets that SpongeBob has kept at the back of his brain and locked away from the public like who was SpongeBob before episode 1 what's his connection with Mr Krabs in his earlier days these are questions that never came across the mind of SpongeBob fans get ready for the sponge n Theory despite everyone having the opinion of SpongeBob being an average Joe like you and I he might have actually been part of a war that took place in Bikini Bottom a long time ago but before we talk about this war there are a handful of questions and concerns that should be addressed what makes SpongeBob similar to a military troop soldiers are famous for having a strict schedule where they're required to wake up at a particular time have a morning routine a fitness session and and sleep at a designated time if you really think about it I'm practically describing the life of SpongeBob you see he consistently gets up at either 6 or 7:00 on the dot giving him time to get ready for work he adds a strict physical exercise session in the morning incorporates nightly motivational exercises right after work I think I'll skip my nightly motivational exercises and go straight to bed and finally goes to sleep at 900 p.m. speaking of sleeping and waking up have you ever noticed SpongeBob has one of the most unusual alarm clocks in the whole Bikini Bottom unlike SpongeBob other fish have your standard beeping alarm clock this could indicate SpongeBob cannot wake up to any other alarm clock he literally mentioned that in a previous episode called broken alarm my old fog horn clock was the only alarm clock that could wake me up sure hope one of these works but the real question is why can't he wake up to any other alarm clock what's so special about his fog horn why is it the only thing that can wake him up the fog horn is meant to be as loud as heavy artillery to stimulate a fighter flight response this response is what allows soldiers to prepare for enemies not just that but many veterans that suffer from PTSD have problems in their circadian rhythm which prevents them from feeling sleepy at bedtime and being active in the daytime the most effective way to wake up soldiers and Veterans is the military bugle wakeup [Music] call this is also used to improve their assembling speed although the fog horn sounds different from the reev it seems to have a similar effect on SpongeBob's day as It prepares SpongeBob to start his morning routine here's something interesting in many episodes we see SpongeBob marching down the streets saying I'm ready on his way to work I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready it's a running gag that the TV show enjoys using SpongeBob is saying this out of fear of getting eliminated in the Army many soldiers are punished if not prepared for war or failed to comprehend military policies now obviously SpongeBob is not currently in the military but looks like a symptom of P TSD SpongeBob has probably gone through so much trauma that he must inform everyone in the world that he is disciplined we first see the I'm ready phase and formal Marching In season 1 episode 1 help wanted a classic episode showcasing SpongeBob applying for a position at the Crusty Crab this episode seems to highlight everything that proves SpongeBob as a war veteran almost as if the showrunners wanted to indirectly set this as a first impression of SpongeBob something else soldiers are strictly required to have is their name tag on their uniform at all times SpongeBob shows a similar attitude towards a name tag at work this can be seen in Season 3 Episode 18 missing identity which opens with SpongeBob taking a trip down memory lane about losing his name tag in the flashback a customer points out his missing name tag and SpongeBob freaks out throwing a tantrum over nothing well you really should be wearing a name tag I am in fact wearing a name tag [Music] huh after his weird flashback he finds out the Barista is wearing the wrong name tag which causes great confusion thanks Betty sweetie I'm not Betty I just borrowed a uniform while mine's at the cleaners why on Earth would SpongeBob care about this that much well he is AER too auster that if something is not in order he suffers a panic attack as a side effect of PTSD similar to a woman with OCD entering a messy room when folks join the military they are always expected to follow a strict rule where if they disobey the consequences get really ugly SpongeBob has been through enough trauma that even a little bit of disorder would destroy his confidence and watch this when we take a detailed look at SpongeBob's name tag it doesn't really look like a fast food name tag where you usually find The Establishment logo but just his name over an anchor but if you look at a troop's name tag you hardly see anything but the name his name tag definitely has a connection to his old veteran days but what really astonished me was the fact that Mr Krab said this there's going to be a surprise unit uniform inspection in 1 hour surprise uniform inspection anyone who doesn't pass gets the boot anyone who doesn't get the holy crap this [ __ ] is threatening SpongeBob and Squidward SpongeBob finally finds the name tag and towards the end of the episode we see solid proof that SpongeBob is treated like a soldier but we will come back to that in a little bit remember the joyful moments when SpongeBob sings such beautiful songs of course you do SpongeBob singing is always excessive but want to know something dark his songs sound awfully similar to how military soldiers sing while marching fighting or playing Journeys and if you have been paying attention to the episode pizza delivery you can see SpongeBob singing while making the delivery the Crusty CB Pizza is the pizza for you and me SpongeBob squ SpongBob squ SpongeBob squ this is something the military practices when they prepare for war and the episode benek depicts this very well if you missed out on the episode what are you doing anyways it's an episode about SpongeBob organizing Bikini Bottom to perform sweet victory at the Super Bowl the lyrics that SpongeBob sings is about being a winner and you can already imagine he is talking about his military life SpongeBob also chooses to wear the exact same clothes in every episode similar to military troops in boot camp now I know what you're thinking doesn't everyone in Bikini Bottom wear the exact same clothes every time and it may be true but what makes SpongeBob's clothes unique is that they are super formal from the tie to the suit to the freaking dress shoes while there might be a once- in the Blue Moon exception he usually prefers to wear this at every location from fry cooking to jellyfishing he's even seen wearing his uniform and bed in some episodes sweet dreams Gary why exactly is this the case many veterans are seen wearing their uniform in honor of the dead soldiers and people who served before them and this is exactly why SpongeBob could be wearing it most of the time I suspect SpongeBob has lost a friend at War resulting in PTSD and the only way to cope is to show respect through his uniform but maybe I'm stretching this Theory a bit too much nope no no no no no there's somebody SpongeBob talks about quite rarely and that character is long dead his way to cope with this tragic death is to preserve his friend's life in a bottle of soap and water I'm talking about bubble buddy in season 2 episode 3 we first meet bubble buddy when SpongeBob felt lonely and needed someone to hang out with he thought of creating a new friend now I know what you're saying if bubble buddy was one of his old friends then what explains the fact that SpongeBob literally just made him and you might have a point but I'm going to contradict that real quick if bubble buddy really was a new friend how did SpongeBob know so much about him I mean it's not like we saw them communicate throughout most of the episode SpongeBob seems to have a mental blueprint of all of bubble Buddy's preferences like knowing he is lactose intolerant bubble Buddy's lactose intolerant he can't eat cheese loves bendy straws bubble buddy likes bendy straws and his exact Patty order he doesn't like the crust the ketchup should be under the Patty the pickles should be on the left side SpongeBob knows bubble buddy more than a mother would of her son this is a little too much information SpongeBob learned in just one episode I believe bubble buddy was an old friend of SpongeBobs that died during the war and the only way for SpongeBob to cope is to use his imagination to preserve the memory of his late friend no matter how much people try to convince SpongeBob of bubble buddy not existing he refuses to accept it some veterans act in a similar way when they fall into PTSD and are unable to control their emotions [Music] no matter what Bikini Bottom says about bubble buddy he was indeed a real fish at one point and died a hero rest in peace when we take a look at K crusty Krab episodes we see a strong bond between SpongeBob and Mr Krabs almost like a father son bond this not the same without you is it possible that these two had a connection way before the first episode of the TV show the episode Help Wanted clearly illustrates that SpongeBob and Mr cribs had a history together in the war and I have evidence to support this claim take a look at how SpongeBob greets Mr KBS for the first time permission to come aboard Captain Captain what you can't say I'm making this up SpongeBob also seems to take orders from Mr Krabs no matter how ridiculous they get join me boy or you're fire now go get me some jellyfish and remember the one wildest story ever and he somehow managed to get the hydrodynamic spatula which seemed like something squitter and Mr Krabs made up right on the spot did someone order a spatula that's right one hydrodynamic spatula with pord and starbo attachments and let's not forget the turbo drive I believe SpongeBob was trained in boot camp to follow all orders from the authoritative figure or there would be dire consequences so much so that in season 4 episode 9 SpongeBob was compliant enough to turn a bunch of car parts into a rocket just to impress Sergeant rodri he is so well trained that he has developed a verbal tick almost like a reflex when answering questions from the captain go out and fetch me a a hydrodynamics spachelor hi Captain one hydron damic spatula coming right up Sir fear of a Krabby Patty was an episode about SpongeBob going through intense mental conditions after a Non-Stop shift at the Crusty Crab SpongeBob later went through hallucinations and tick similar to how soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder one of the symptoms are depicted in a scene in episode 1 where he says I'm ready constantly I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready this could be the PTSD symptoms of something that occurred in the war it is theorized that SpongeBob was not ready during the war which led to tragedy and possibly got him kicked out of the army so SpongeBob constantly uses this line to inform everyone this time he is actually ready the trauma was so deep that he still reflects to his previous days just take a look at the scene and tell me what you think I want to live I want to live we see SpongeBob screaming for his life this is when his delusion occurs he mistakes the customers for enemies and begs I want to live he also has a tendency of being very polite to everybody in Bikini Bottom addressing them as Sir or ma'am there you sir hey do you sell food here yes sir and he especially cares about the elderly old people are the greatest they're full of wisdom and experience soldiers are taught all this in boot camp you can't tell me this is far-fetched have you guys ever noticed SpongeBob and Mr crabs' relationship it is almost as strong as a father and son Bond just by the way they talk to each other gives us an idea of the level of proximity between this pair Mr Krabs always call SpongeBob boy lad or even son just St stand this side lad you're fine me boy SpongeBob addresses Eugene with phrases and words such as I I captain aoy and Sir almost as if Mr Krabs is a sergeant and there is a lot of evidence that Mr Krabs took part in the military I mean at this point it's a dead giveaway that Mr Krabs served the Navy as armor AB Krabs as depicted in season 4 episode 1 shell of a man where Mr Krabs was awarded a manly toughness Trophy and all his Navy buddies are aware of Mr crabs' position in this episode SpongeBob is just mining his own business and all of a sudden Mr Krabs takes him to his hidey-hole where they dig up his Navy chest Mr Krabs Reveals His Old Treasures from his past to SpongeBob which doesn't sound right why on Earth would he tell all his secrets to a kid I mean Mr Krabs is a very intellectual creature loaded with knowledge so it seems a bit stupid that he would be comfortable to share his Secrets unless SpongeBob was supposed to know all of this in the entire Bikini Bottom Mr Krabs only showed SpongeBob and refused to reveal these Treasures to anybody else you may rationalize that SpongeBob is trusted because he's been working at the Crusty Crab for a long time and that's cool and all but that's [ __ ] Squidward who has been working much longer than SpongeBob wasn't shown the treasures this is what you call Trust Mr Krabs places all his trust in SpongeBob if you don't know already trust plays a very important role in the military keeping everyone United like family this is exactly what SpongeBob and Mr Krabs had in the military in one of the later episodes Krabs revealed that he worked as a chief janitor on the SS Gourmet and head chef on the SS diarrhea I thought you said you were the head chef on the SS Gourmet did I say that why clean the bathrooms on The Gourmet I was the head chef on the SS diarrhea this just shows that Mr Krabs had a connection in the military at some point Apparently one of SpongeBob's other friends was in the military Mr Krabs revealed that Patrick was a captain at one point during the war but he doesn't seem like the type considering his low level of intelligence I strongly believe that Mr Krabs took Patrick's position after he left the Navy and right after hired SpongeBob in season 3 episode 10 the Crusty Crab training video the narrator explained that Mr Krabs fell into an endless deep depression after the war after the war crabs stayed secluded in a deep depression that seemed endless not only does this show that Mr Krabs was a Navy Captain but also illustrates how he coped with his depression listen to this then his luck changed when he acquired a bankrupt retirement home the Crusty Crab was born his luck changed after establishing the Crusty Crab according to this episode the Crusty Krabs saved Mr Krabs from this endless depression and I'm positive this brought improvements into SpongeBob's Life by soothing his mental disorders from the war no matter how low he gets paid by Mr Krabs and how much verbal abuse is taken he still prefers to work their suggesting that this is the one thing that keeps SpongeBob going you could argue that he just has a passion for Fred cooking but I believe the real reason is his loyalty for the strict and disciplined environment at the Crusty Krabs the Crusty Krab is unique for its military style of operating I mean they get yelled at constantly what's the meaning of this Mr Squidward SpongeBob get out here required to wear name tags at all times and keep everything organized SpongeBob is a natural perfectionist and feels comfortable in this environment as if he was once part of the Navy and have you ever noticed something about the way Mr Krabs and SpongeBob dress I mean characters in the episode have no specific style of dressing they pretty much wear everything they can find Patrick wears shorts squitter wears a shirt and Plankton well he wears nothing but the point is that these two men are one of the only people to wear formal attire I mean we do see people throughout Bikini Bottom wearing suits and boots but it probably matches their job description SpongeBob and Mr Krabs are laidback and don't really need to dressed like professionals how many times do you walk into your local fast food restaurant and see employees wearing formal clothes Chances Are Never I can guarantee these two have some Connection in the war which is why they prefer to dress like this I'm sure 90% of SpongeBob fans can agree that SpongeBob is kind-hearted and compassionate towards people in society ever since I rewatched all the previous SpongeBob episodes I knew I was wrong SpongeBob is capable of murder and if I were to count the murder SpongeBob committed I'd run out of fingers remember my mass murderer theory in that theory I did my best to prove SpongeBob being a mass murderer it's really good and you should check it out but basically season 1 episode 8 sy's rocket approved SpongeBob's War Days SpongeBob asked Sandy if he could accompany her to her space mission and she said this no way SpongeBob especially after your little mishap with my whirly bird especially after your little mishap with my whirly bird this scene displays a lot behind SpongeBob's past we see a field full of tombstones SpongeBob killed hundreds of people in sy's helicopter I took a really deep search in the scene and it all made sense to me so the helicopter that SpongeBob flew was called the whirly bird and you know what bird is a military slang for helicopter I'm telling you these writers don't do stuff like this for no reason so we all know SpongeBob killed many people in the helicopter accident but after watching the entire episode there is still more evidence supporting my claim so after SpongeBob and Patrick thought they landed on the moon they started alien hunting and what really made me question the show was when SpongeBob was capable of capturing the entire Bikini Bottom without any emotions in many episodes SpongeBob is well known for his weak emotions preventing him from dissatisfying people despite being used by everyone but in sy's rocket there were no signs of emotion or guilt suggesting that when SpongeBob was in the war he was trained to remove all emotions just like soldiers out on War the most common mental disorder corresponding to SpongeBob's behavior is bipolar disorder which could explain SpongeBob's shift in Behavior at a given moment a lot of critics could still argue saying Spongebob doesn't have any combat skills and I expect that myself but there are many instances in the TV show displaying solid proof of SpongeBob's skills in violence for example I'm sure if you've been watching SpongeBob for a while you probably have an idea that SpongeBob engages in karate very often despite SpongeBob losing to Sandy most of the times it shouldn't be overlooked that SpongeBob's Karate skills are impressive and better than the average Bikini Bottom citizen the episode karate Choppers demonstrate SpongeBob's passion for karate he basically falls in love with the sport to the point where he destroys the Crusty Crab but his obsession was so strong that he got fired this could tell us that SpongeBob must have trained during his army days and can't part with the hustle that kept him alive not only is SpongeBob good at karate but he proved himself worthy by his capability of using various military equipment such as field telephones turrets and rifles that's not all I just realized if you take a close look at SpongeBob's band outfit you can see it's all red with yellow stars Don't make me say it SpongeBob could have possibly fought for China during the war but let's ignore that fact and save it for another time this last piece of evidence will blow your mind and it's from Ben Geeks at the halftime Super Bowl we see Squidward and his band performing and when I dissected the lyrics of the song I noticed something quite unusual it's theill it's theill of one it's the thrill of one more kill this single line compliments all my previous points SpongeBob has definitely killed someone in the past to know how satisfying it is to kill someone some military soldiers experience intense pleasure out in the fields after killing an opponent it's also a bit surprising the writers would approve these lyrics for a kid show a question I'm still trying to figure out where on Earth did SpongeBob learn this still don't believe me hang on tight so far we gathered up quite a lot of evidence supporting the fact that SpongeBob is a war veteran but the only thing missing is his past if only we had solid proof that SpongeBob attended military school as a child wait a minute in 2021 Nickelodeon created a spin-off show called Camp Coral about a younger version of SpongeBob and his friends exploring the world during summer camp I believe this whole spin-off was created for the sole purpose of a secret military Camp there are many Clues around the show supporting this like this picture it seems like a poster tracking the camper resilience many schools preach resilience to a certain degree but to track it is another level soldiers in the field are required to keep fighting until they get down there are many things that support the fact of Camp Coral being a military camp in season 1 episode 1 we see Squidward playing the military re in the [Music] morning you never should have told that annoying kid to play re in the morning in the same episode we also see Larry the Lobster running a fitness class for the children that's nice wait a second look at Larry's outfit this outfit has striking similarities to that of a Navy sailor outfit with the Sailor tie and white suit what the hell also take a look at SpongeBob's room we see a poster full of rules that are required at this summer camp and these are fairly simple rules such as not disturbing junior counselor washing behind the fins no sailor mouth you know simple rules but the real question is why is a summer camp so strict I mean it's a time when kids are out of school and a break from long division and reading books I believe SpongeBob's parents are behind this you see SpongeBob isn't really the sharpest tool in the shed we constantly see him causing trouble and Chaos at the camp he seems to have a form of ADHD Margaret and Harry must have sent him off to the military to discipline him this explains why SpongeBob seems to show many improvements in his discipline as an adult did you also notice SpongeBob sleeping on a bunk bed this is also something we see in barracks and wait well well well look who who we have here it's Mr Krabs what did I tell you earlier Mr Krabs and SpongeBob have a history together Mr Krabs is a proprietor of the camp he doesn't seem like having a major role in SpongeBob's development but I believe he is secretly running this camp in a way that would turn this kid into a man this is showcased at the end of episode 1 where he hands out saving a counselor from a monster badge to SpongeBob what you do get is a saving a counselor from a monster badge he was secretly trained to become a soldier and fight for Bikini Bottom through reinforcement the Crusty Krab has always been the Pinnacle of all restaurants in Bikini Bottom Mr Krabs runs the establishment and seems to have an extreme amount of control towards his employees almost like the military I just talked about the episode missing identity and how it resembles to how the military operates Mr Krabs informs the employees that there is a surprise uniform inspection both SpongeBob and squitter line up up against the wall where Mr Krab stares the both of them down to make sure everything is in order and I mean everything he makes ridiculous requests such as telling Squidward to shave the hair on his nose promise me you'll shave tonight and you pass notice SpongeBob's position of at attention with his perfect posture straight knees and Palms facing inwards unlike squitter who is slouching bending his knees and positioning his palms incorrectly this is a style troops are supposed to use to show respect to their leader for further proof in the sponge Out of Water movie Patrick revealed that working for Mr Krabs means that you have to go to war whenever something goes wrong and if you don't comply he will fire you I just remembered I don't work for Mr Krabs Mr Krabs is looking for a loyal employee that would ride or die in the name of Team crabs he has probably mentioned this to SpongeBob before he got the job looks like we're done well not quite we still need to go over the secret formula the Krabby Patty secret formula is the biggest conspiracy since season 1 episode 1 Mr Krabs has been gatekeeping the formula ever since it came into existence one of the biggest questions by far about the TV show is what on Earth is a Krabby Patty made of there have been several attempts of Plankton trying to get his hands on the formula and every single scheme failed I believe the Krabby Patty secret formula is not the Krabby Patty secret formula okay you're probably confused right now but let me explain the secret formula Mr Krabs is protecting is disguised as a recipe of the Krabby Patty is it possible that the Krabby Patty secret formula is actually a metaphor for secret War plans in season 1 episode 1 Friend or Foe we were shown the Krabby Patty secret formula for a very brief time I'm taking the recipe and fixing it no way that recipe's mine but we didn't see enough information to make any conclusions however in Krabby road we were explicitly shown the Krabby Patty secret formula the words on the list were kind of odd it wasn't English or any other language this is what I theorize the words on the formula are ciphers that are used for Extra Protection to keep the secret well a secret after World War I soldiers increased the use of military grade encryption to protect information from getting leaked but these secrets were more critical not some burger recipe but more like the dates of attacks and what weapons and vehicles were going to be used we know Plankton is the only person in Bikini Bottom to have an eye on the formula is it possible that Mr Krabs and Plankton are in war with with each other this could make sense because we know that Plankton's real intentions are to rule the world not have some crabby patty business the new Leaf another episode revolving around Plankton it was just an ordinary episode of Plankton attempting to steal the formula but I noticed something quite unusual at the very beginning of the episode Plankton was waving a peace offering flag to Mr Krabs at first I thought it was just a thing enemies do to make peace but this sounds awfully unnecessary to wave at a business rival he was waving the peace offering almost as if he wanted to end a war and keep in mind that this is very similar to how countries of the world use a treaty to make peace maybe there is something in the secret formula that could turn Plankton into a giant kind of like the super soldier serum from Marvel Comics that were hidden from the Nazis in season 4 episode 12 Plankton wished for one thing and one thing only to become a giant My Wish nay my command is to be taller going as far as season 1 episode 15 sleepy time we see Plankton dreaming to become taller and if you think about it the formula must have something to do with improving Plankton so that he could rule the world when we look at Plankton's wishes and dreams none of them relate to the Krabby Patty he is well known as the shortest character in the sea so it would make sense if Plankton is sick of his short stature Plankton is the smartest creature in Bikini Bottom we have seen his incredible inventions in the past so it would seem like a piece of cake to construct a burger recipe better than the Krabby Patty height is something that is determined by genetics no amount of money can increase your natural size size so Plankton is likely attempting to steal this recipe to become large enough to destroy his enemies such as Mr Krabs it seems to me that Mr Crabs and Spongebob illegally cooked the serum and disguised it to prevent anyone from suspecting the truth but if this is really true when Mr Krabs [ __ ] his pants if some Authority would get to the formula G willikers I just realized there is an episode that could explain this very well The Nasty Patty so in this episode the health inspector arrives to perform a food inspection Mr Krabs freaks out over this news but if the Krabby Patty is the best food in Bikini Bottom enjoyed by hundreds of fish why on Earth would Mr Krabs go through a severe mental breakdown many of you would say because of the hygiene and unsafe work environment but do you really expect the Crusty Crab to be musty and risky when you have a guy like SpongeBob keeping the area spotless that's what I thought it's safe to say Mr Krabs is really worried about the secret formula from being released which could reveal all the military plans and serums now we know that SpongeBob had a history in the Army where he was separated by his parents witness a friend die and even murdered many fish in the sea but shouldn't SpongeBob's PTSD affect him to the point where he falls into sadness and depression and wouldn't SpongeBob's low IQ affect his current life after the tragedy faced during the war well not quite I believe SpongeBob is trying his best to avoid his old life as best as possible and start a new life in Bikini Bottom if you watch the movie Force Gump you can see the similarities right off the bat they both have low IQs and how friendly they are with everyone SpongeBob shows love and compassion to all citizens of Bikini Bottom as a way to stay far away from his old life as possible maybe SpongeBob is secretly sad and practices stoicism to make others happier many veterans also include physical exercise to keep the body active and creating social bonds to keep the Mind healthy this could help SpongeBob manage his emotions and forget about the losses in his days in the military although there is no clearcut information of his struggles in the past we all know Mr SquarePants served his country and that is the Spong n Theory thanks for [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching
Channel: Cinian
Views: 1,534,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theory, conspiracy, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob theory, spongebob conspiracy, patrick theory, squidward theory, mr krabs theory, The Sponge-Nam Theory, Sponge-Nam, veteran
Id: x6e0ii0YzrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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