The Spirits of Roderika & Ranni

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when we first encounter roderica she comes off as a scared underwhelming character we find her in the stormhill shack just outside of stormville castle where she tells us that she's afraid to be subject to the grafting process grafting in elden ring is the process of detaching limbs from the body of a tarnished and reattaching those limbs to another we can see the results of grafting when we fight the grafted scions and of course godric the grafted from roderica's dialogue we can see that she's been brought here from outside the lands between everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me only to have their arms taken their legs taken even their heads taken taken and stuck to the spider she then goes on to insinuate that the grafting process is somewhat normal telling us that she just wants to be like everybody else it's scary you know having your arms cut off or legs or your head i want to be like everyone else but i'm just too scared i'm nothing but a craven so we can assume from this that roderica and the rest of the tarnish where they traveled from have given up on trying to become elden lord the tarnished have been resurrected after the shattering of the elden ring in order to seek out the shard bearers collect the great runes and mend the elden ring back together so venturing to the lands between only to have your body parts cut off and attached to this freak of nature definitely doesn't seem like the hopeful actions of someone trying to become elden lord she confirms this with us when we see her again at the round table hold where she tells us that she couldn't ever be strong enough to become elden lord and is seeking a new purpose instead the round table hold cover quarters of the two fingers and gathering place of champions who vie to become elder lord i never knew the guidance bestowed upon us tarnished had such fantastic roots although it's all a bit much for me in truth i'm still looking for my own purpose we then talk to the blacksmith huge and can ask him about roderica she's crestfallen and can scarcely swing a blade but she has a gift for spirit tuning i saw another one like how long ago their eyes share the same hue he mentions to us that he once knew a spirit tuner who had a similar eye color or hue to rodericka this then opens up the most interesting question we can ask about roderica who is hugh talking about who is this spirit tuner similar to her we know that huge has likely been sentenced to serve the round table hold under the order of queen america he was also given the power or has already the ability to smith weapons capable of killing a god we can see that huge is doing everything in his power to do what queen america wants and is terrified of her given time technique never fails besides it helps me forget the sheer terror of her and even when the round table starts to burn down and the other characters start to leave huge stays at the round table hold regardless of this even after his chain breaks he still stays the smith weapons for us he goes on to tell us about how he feels regarding his imprisonment as you've noticed to james nothing special i'm a prisoner and these are my chains i'm trapped by the hold i'm dying smithing for you fools don't read too much into it well no grudge against you my being a prisoner is no fault of yours in my opinion i think hugh chained himself to the wall in order to keep him there and do the bidding of queen merica and the tarnished of the round table hold he believes he has done something so horrible to the wishes of queen america that he must do whatever it takes to make it up to her but why would hugh be asking for forgiveness from queen america what did he do it seems as though hugh's determination to smith weapons is potentially a deal he has made with queen america herself he wants her forgiveness but what could huge have done to upset queen america this much well i think this takes us back to the question of who is the spirit tuner he relates to roderica the only character that i can find that has similar eyes to rodericas is ronnie they both have a greenish bluish hue to their eyes that are vastly different from the rest of the characters and when you think about it more it could make sense that huge is referring to ronnie she is the first person that introduces us to the spirit calling bell and is herself a spirit after she decided to kill her own imperian flesh and become only a spirit which takes over the doll we see as ronnie which is where i believe hugh once met ronnie also a fun little side note here when you do first speak to ronnie in the church of ella you can see that kalei and even his donkey are asleep put under some type of spell by ronnie i just thought this was a cool little detail it's entirely possible that hugh is the blacksmith that created the daggers used in the night of black knives and helped infuse the daggers with a fragment of the rune of death that ronnie stole from malaketh hugh's contribution to the knight of black knives could be what queen america was upset about as we all know at this point america is a very cunning queen and the plan she has created to defy the greater will runs very deep so instead of just killing hugue she instead decides to use huge for his amazing smithing abilities america knew that the tarnish would need a blacksmith to help them on their journey so she sent hugh to the round table to smith weapons capable of killing a god for the tarnished we know he's capable of this because well he makes our weapons that we use to kill many demigods and eventually the manifestation of the greater will the elden beast this is huge's purpose this is why he's praying for her forgiveness so he can make up for his contribution in the night of black knives whether he knew it or not and served queen america's will i believe hugh likely didn't know of ronnie's true intentions with these daggers and is every day trying to make up for his mistake by constantly smithing weapons for the tarnished which brings me to my next point listen to what hugh says about this spirit tuner she has a gift for spiritunity so i told her everything i know i'm indebted to a spirit tuner i met long ago it was all i could do to honor her after listening to this why would hugh continue to feel indebted to the spirit tuner if he was ultimately used by ronnie for the night of black knives and is now trying to earn america's forgiveness well as most of us know at this point the ronnie we see is just a doll it isn't really what ronnie looks like we can see ronnie's real body at the top of the carrion divine tower the doll ronnie uses is meant to represent her teacher known as renna so it's much more likely that huge thought ronnie was rena when she asked him to create the black knives we know that ronnie uses this alias of rena all the time as our initial introduction to her was under this alias a pleasure to meet the tarnished i am the witch rena ronnie uses rena's name to either hide her true identity or to manipulate others who only know the reputation of rena so when hugh sees rodericka he initially sees a resemblance to rena just from the hue of her eyes in an effort to yet again make up for what he has done he takes rodericka under his wing teaching her the practice of spirit tuning that he likely first learned or at least observed from rena this truly shows how every character we meet in this game has a deep purpose and possible connection to so many others in this game it also shows us that there are many characters that we just don't know a ton about yet we'll likely have to wait for some major dlc updates for us to learn more about rena the rabbit hole the lore of elden ring goes down is truly incredible we will likely be discovering new connections and making theories for years to come i'd like to take a moment to thank and give a shout out to an incredible artist named andrea gardino he has kindly let me use some of his elden ring artwork in some of my thumbnails and his work is absolutely beautiful he does a lot more than just elden ring so if you're interested in some of his art i'll be leaving a link to his website and to his twitter where he currently has his commissions open so go get yourself some amazing artwork from him i can't wait to see what else he creates and i absolutely love his art style thank you all for watching the video make sure to subscribe if you want to and i'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: AgtJake
Views: 160,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: AR5T4m5G9d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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