the south of france

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[Music] the south of france makes me excited to be an old woman so that i can retire and then move here and then just drink coffee and eat croissants and go shopping and smoke a cigarette like usually people are like oh my god like being an old woman like oh no and i'm like yes i need to be honest and tell you that i've been wearing this outfit for three days and you can tell because there's a little little stain i've only stained my shirt a little bit that woman just fully went i get it if like a youtuber was in my hometown or in the space that i live i would be like ew actually i live in la so that's like every day so never mind but and i deal with it i need that for my house listen i watched three things growing up i watched napoleon dynamite i watched coraline and then i watched wallace and gromit and that's a little wallace and grommet thing wait a little fan it's really hot here [Music] i don't know what color to get i think i have to get green that's so cheap [Applause] this is so nice i'm not wasting any time i'm not wasting any time i don't care god i'm obsessed i'm upset i love it this is so [ __ ] stupid but i'm obsessed with it okay let's go no i'm serious i must be such a confusing character for strangers right now because they're like okay on one hand she's dressed like an old man who owns a boat and then on the other hand she has like a handheld fan like she's like a high maintenance beauty queen like everybody's like i don't get her i struggle with that i'm actually using this and not kidding i wish it was a joke because i am embarrassed no because this is she that's chic no that's so y2k [Music] oh god people here are so chill that that dude just got hit by that car on his bike and he was like if a car even got this close to hitting me i'd be like i would file a lawsuit i love it here it's so chill it's just so chill everybody's so chill nobody's even awake like where is everyone no i'm serious where are they it's just me i am such a little [ __ ] for farmers markets i love i love a farmers market it's nougat [Music] it would be my dream to go grocery shopping in here every single piece of produce looks perfect it's kind of crazy look at those they're glistening there's a coffee shop that i went to yesterday over here this is my favorite coffee shop here i've come here six times already and i've been here for 24 hours perfect perfect oh god this is perfect like this is good like in the pit is crazy effective oh my god the pigeons a lot of people hate pigeons i love pigeons i want to put a little tiny little leash around one and like put the leash on my finger and then just walk around with a pigeon like that's my that's my fantasy i'm kind of planning out my retirement right now so basically my plan is i'm gonna move to the south of france i'm gonna adopt a pigeon actually you don't even have to adopt them you can just take one off the street so i'm gonna take a pigeon and me and the pigeon are just gonna walk around the south of france every day and just live and just live so [Music] [Applause] the woman at the boutique where i bought my little fan gave me a gift you serious how did you know that i would love this hmm [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] i love these how do i get it off i want one though i want like three of them and like so cheap but so cute i'm literally like stopping in the middle of the street to do this but it's important to me how do i make it tighter [Music] [Applause] yesterday i saw so much cute stuff but i was like ah let me like sleep on it you know but today we're shopping i'm like keeping my credit card in my pocket for easy access i'm going crazy today i'm gonna go [ __ ] bananas today [Music] the south of france is a place where i want to have my honeymoon but i also want to raise my family here like i'm like planning my life here this is definitely one of the best cities i've ever come to in my life the only thing that's hard is that i'm a vegetarian and there's a lot of meat like i there's just so much meat a lot of fish and a lot of steak tartare everywhere [Music] i feel like i'm not supposed to be looking at that maybe it's around here yesterday there was the cutest cat oh it was like so sweet you know when you find an animal like somewhere not that's not yours and they let you pet it it feels really good and i wanted to find that cat again oh my god i miss him god this sucks it's like when you like see like you're on vacation and you see someone like so hot you see them like one time in your hotel lobby and you're like and then you never see them again [Music] uh [Music] [Music] just a bunch of little stuff nothing too crazy i i haven't even spent like i don't think i've even spent above 30 dollars and i have all these cute little things although we do need to try this on does that fit good wait where's my phone i have to check in my phone if it looks good don't i don't even want to know oh it's actually good it's a good hat like it fits right right i mean it's not tight but like when it's tight sometimes you'll buy a hat without trying it on and then you try it on you're like that's just not for me babe i got this little like temperature thing and it's so cute like it says how hot it is then we got a magnet for my dad okay and then last but not least i got a little tray see it's kind of fun because it's like home decor like little home decor things that i can put around my home so that you know when i'm like in my house i you know see this little tray or i see the little thermometer and i'm like oh can when i'm in a bad mood i'm like running around my house like being all mad and in a bad mood and then i see the little thermometer i see the little tray and i'm like oh can i can't be mad anymore why does my finger always end up in my belly button please i'm not kidding i catch myself with my finger in my belly button constantly um [Music] [Applause] [Music] this necklace is a big hit like nobody's giving me a compliment but it's like a big hit for me like every time i see myself in the reflection i'm like i don't know it's a vibe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't know there are a few things about me that like don't match my personality for example i was a cheerleader one thing about me that i'm embarrassed of is that i love corny gift shops like i [ __ ] love them like if it was up to me i would go on a trip and just spend my whole entire trip in the corny gift shops but also they have like good things like hello cute i got cute little bracelets like look at this one cute okay but also look at this like little rainbow one cute more than two of those and it starts to look a little bit like i'm a yoga instructor not that there's anything wrong with that but i'm just saying that like that's you know what i mean that's not like the it's not the story i'm trying to tell about myself so anyway i don't know i don't know i'm just loving it is it bad if i buy two trays like what am i gonna do with these but also i kind of love this that's crazy [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 5,541,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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