The Solar PV panel that provides electricity AND heat for your home!

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Throughout the course of human civilization  we've enjoyed what we believe to be effectively   unlimited energy and resources in our global  playground enabling us to do more or less   whatever we wanted wherever and whenever it suited  us without any concern for the consequences.   And when there were only a few hundred  million of us scattered around the earth   that philosophy was probably quite valid. But  there's nearly 8 billion of us now, and we'll   be more than 10 billion by mid-century, so the old  mindset of 'nature's infinite bounty' doesn't hold   true anymore and we've reached a point where our  earth systems are really creaking at the seams   to cope with our rapacious demands. Most  rationally minded people have at least recognized   that the major causes of our current predicament  are over consumption and of course the burning of   fossil fuels. Our policy makers all know very  well that we need to very rapidly move to low   carbon sources of power like wind and solar in  what will become a much more electrified future,   but that paradigm shift will ask an awful lot  of our electricity grids in the coming years.   By 2030 most people who own a car will be driving  models powered by batteries not hydrocarbons.   Millions of homes around the world will be running  electric heat pumps instead of gas boilers.   Significant additional strain will be put on our  grids by more and more data centres to feed our   insatiable addiction to social media and digital  information, and all of that will be exacerbated   by things like cryptocurrency mining facilities  and the rapid increase in air conditioning   systems. So I think it's probably fair to say we  no longer have the luxury of being profligate in   the way we use the energy and resources available  to us on our little blue galactic spaceship.   In fact what we need to do is find really smart  ways of optimizing the energy we generate so that   virtually none of it is wasted and therefore the  amount we need to generate in the first place is   minimized. Solar panels are a great example. The  best technology available on the market today   has a sunlight to electricity conversion factor  of about 18 to 20 percent. That means more than   80 percent of the energy hitting the panel  is simply wasted as heat. And actually,   because of physics stuff that we won't go  into here, as the heat builds up on the panel   it reduces the panel's ability to produce free  electrons to make electricity. So ironically on   a nice hot sunny day in summer a solar panel rated  at 20% efficiency may only be achieving about 12%.   So here's an idea straight out of the  Edward de Bono school of lateral thinking...   why not find a way of capturing that excess  heat, drawing it away from the solar panel,   and doing something useful with it? That way  you kill two birds with one stone - you get   more efficient solar panels and you use  less energy producing heat somewhere else   because you can just use the energy the sun has  already provided. Sounds a bit obvious when you   say it out loud doesn't it, but it's only very  recently that people have been developing it into   a marketable proposition. It's called photovoltaic  thermal or PVT, and it could increase the amount   of energy your solar panels can harvest by  as much as three times. So let's take a look. Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think.  Now you might be thinking 'hang on Dave,   surely rooftop solar heating has been around  for decades?' And you would of course be quite   correct. Jimmy Carter had solar heating panels  installed on the roof of the White House while   he was president in the late 1970s, before Ronald  Reagan had them removed during his administration.   Rooftop solar hot water heaters can achieve  sunlight to water heat conversion efficiencies   as high as 50% or more, but they have very low  capacity factors. So what does that mean? Well,   a typical system is designed to meet water heating  demand even in the depths of winter but in those   colder months it can take most of a day to meet  the heat demand of the household water system.   On a sunny summer day the water can  get piping hot within an hour or so,   and that means all the solar energy for the entire  rest of the day is completely wasted. By contrast   solar photovoltaic panels generate electricity  that can either be used immediately or stored in   batteries for later use by the householder.  But unless you've got a roof the size of a   small warehouse you're only likely to have one  or the other installed for your domestic needs.   And because in most parts of the western world  natural gas for home heating has, at least until   recently, been so cheap and gas boilers have  become so efficient, solar thermal panels have   largely lost out to solar photovoltaic panels in  a battle for that limited rooftop real estate.   But what about that Solar PV  panel inefficiency factor?   According to this 2017 analysis paper by the  Swiss federal funding programme Energie Schweitz,   "approximately 10% of the solar irradiation on  a crystalline photovoltaic cell is reflected and   cannot be utilized. Around 17% of the remaining  90% of the irradiation that is absorbed by the   cell can be converted into electricity  and 73% is converted into thermal energy.   In a photovoltaic module the thermal output  remains unused. It raises the temperature of the   cell and can thus have a negative effect on the  electrical efficiency of the module". And here's   that again in layman's terms... a typical solar  panel is rated for optimal efficiency at a cell   temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. That's  not ambient surrounding air temperature, that's   the solar cell temperature. For every 10 degrees  Celsius the solar cell heats up above that level,   the panel loses something like 5  percent of its rated performance.   So a panel at 75 degrees Celsius would have lost  a quarter of its ability to generate electricity,   and on a sunny day in somewhere like Australia,  which by the way has the largest proportion of   solar PV panels per household in the world,  it's not uncommon for panel temperatures to   hit 100 degrees Celsius. It's almost the  definition of irony isn't it really - a   device that relies on the sun but actually  gets less efficient as the sun heats it up.   And the really harmful enemy of solar panels  is sustained heat. According to Professor   Martin Green of New South Wales University, who's  affectionately known as the godfather of solar PV,   a decrease of 10 degrees Celsius in operating  temperature could double the lifespan of solar   panels and boost their performance every day.  Now you could stand on your roof with a hose   pipe in your hand spraying all your panels  with water during the hottest part of the day.   That would certainly cool the panels down  and immediately improve their efficiency.   But you'd probably get bored and eventually  you'd get heat stroke and fall off the roof. Plus   you'd be using a bunch of water, which is another  precious resource you don't really want to waste.   And natural gas isn't quite as cheap as  it once was is it? Over here in Europe,   where bad things are happening, our home heating  bills are about to go off the scale. Plus policy   makers in most countries are now looking for ways  to urgently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions   from their national energy sector, not to mention  reduce their reliance on fossil fuel supplies from   less than reputable sources. So if there was a  safe and reliable way to cool down solar PV panels   to optimize their electrical performance and  divert that recovered heat to do some useful work   then you'd be on to a winner right? And that's  where PVT technology comes in. It's actually   been in development for a few years. Early designs  attempted to combine the design of a solar thermal   panel with solar photovoltaic technology by  essentially adding liquids in an energy reservoir   heat exchanger box bolted to the bottom of the  solar PV panel. The liquid was plumbed up to the   box from the house and a pump was used to control  the flow and outlet temperature. But these early   designs came with a few drawbacks. Firstly, the  heat exchanger typically had an inlet at one end   and an outlet at the other. That meant the cells  closest to the inlet were always cooler than the   cells closest to the outlet. The difference could  be quite significant across the panel, and because   of the interdependent way that cells work on a  solar panel that temperature variation meant the   performance of the whole panel was only really as  good as the hottest cell. And the liquid needed to   be in constant contact with the back of the panel  to allow the heat to be dissipated away. Industry   research showed that even with a small air gap the  heat transfer dropped exponentially with gap size.   And in colder climates an antifreeze like glycol  had to be used to prevent the heat exchange liquid   from freezing. Leakage from joints was also an  issue, and you don't really want liquid escaping   into a confined space with high voltage DC current  flowing through it. Add to that the complexity of   all that plumbing during installation, and the  extra difficulty of repairing or removing the   plumbed in panels, and you've got yourself a bit  of a cumbersome solution that could be a difficult   sell to the average punter. The alternative is  a PVT system using air or gas like this one from   an Australian startup company called Sunovate.  In a recent web chat that I had with Sunovate's   co-founder and technical director Glenn Ryan,  he explained how the system works. An airtight   cassette is created using the same inexpensive  stamping machines that make car body panels.   The air box is designed to be simple enough that  it can either be factory fitted to the underside   of the solar panel or retrofitted to existing  panels on a rooftop in such a way that it doesn't   affect the warranty of the existing panels. At  each end of the box is a fan that pushes ambient   air in, which then gets heated by the excess  panel heat and sent back out of an exit point.   So you're constantly removing heat energy from  the underside of the solar panel which means its   electrical generation capacity is being improved  and you're harvesting the heat energy to do some   useful work. Sunovate's research showed that on  a typical 25 degree Celsius day you can easily   get 40 degrees Celsius of heat energy from the  cassette system, which effectively increases the   amount of solar energy being utilized by the panel  from 17% right up to about 50% and increasing the   operational life span of the panel from about  20 years to something more like 50 years.   And of course once you've captured the heat  energy there's a whole bunch of options for what   you can do with it. It can be fed directly into  a ducted system to provide direct space heating   inside the house, or it can go through a heat  exchanger to supplement your home's hot water   system. There's even a company called Stiebel  in Germany that makes an interior air source   heat pump which could take the excess heat  energy directly from the Sunovate system   and use it to provide all of the homes heating and  hot water, even on colder days. In hotter regions   like Australia and the southern states of America,  where your house may not need any heating,   these systems could dump heat somewhere  else like into the pool in the garden,   which I'm told are a popular choice in those  parts of the world. If I had one in my garden   here in England it'd probably be more useful as  an ice rink to be honest, but the point is you're   still removing heat from a PV system to allow it  to operate far more efficiently and sending that   heat into something that would otherwise be using  electricity to keep it warm. And as an added bonus   the exact same cassette system can harvest  cool air at night time when the surface of   a solar panel is typically about eight degrees  Celsius cooler than the surrounding ambient air.   That air can then be circulated around the home to  provide a more comfortable night time temperature   in those hotter countries. But these PVT  systems also have a great potential in larger   applications. In a commercial setting they could  be used for all sorts of services like wood drying   or supplemental heat for industrial processes. And  perhaps one of the most promising opportunities   is in district heating systems. Sunovate's plan is  to integrate their solar PV heat recovery system   with glass house type structures to  create multi-megawatt installations.   District heat can supply residential homes and  public buildings as well as commercial greenhouses   and industrial processes. They can also be  connected to large seasonal storage facilities   where heat energy can be squirreled away for  winter and high demand periods. In Denmark for   example they've got systems that collect heat  during the summer and dump it into huge pit   storage systems with insulating foam toppers. And  in the Netherlands there are facilities that force   hot air into subterranean aquifers for long-term  storage. All of these existing systems could be   greatly enhanced using harvested energy from PVT  technology. It's certainly an ambitious goal,   but if it can be achieved then we'd have something  that would be making a really tangible difference   to our global decarbonisation challenge. Sunovate  themselves have a couple of big scaling steps to   go through before they can provide commercial  scale data for their levelized cost of heat   production, but in our web chat Glenn Ryan told  me he's confident that once they reach mass   production levels they'll be at least competitive  with natural gas with an applied carbon price.   My YouTube buddy Rosie Barnes visited Sunovate's  prototype site out in Perth, Australia recently   and she's produced a fascinating video over at  the Engineering with Rosie channel looking at how   solar thermal is likely to fit in with the overall  renewable energy matrix. And I'll leave a link   to that one in the description section below. You  may well have direct knowledge of these systems or   perhaps you're already working in the industry and  you can share a few nuggets of insight. If you do,   or if you just have views on the subject one way  or another, then jump down to the comments section   below and leave your thoughts there. That's it for  this week though. A massive thank you, as always,   to our fantastic Patreon supporters who keep  these videos ad free and completely independent,   and there's just time to give a quick shout out  to the folks who've joined since last time with   pledges of $10 or more a month. They are David  Haley, Peter Coleman, Glenn Matlack, Rory Litwin,   Neil Harmer, Greg Goodson, Damien Seery, Pierre  Skier, Brian Semmler, Neil Hardy, Steve White,   Kreig Leitchze, Lee Redden and Garrett Cassar.  And of course a huge thank you to everyone else   who's joined since last time too. You can support  the channel, exchange ideas and information with   like-minded folks, watch my exclusive monthly  news updates and tell me which subjects I should   be talking about next in monthly content polls by  visiting, and of course   the best and easiest way you can support the  channel via YouTube is by clicking that subscribe   button and hitting the notification bell. 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Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 260,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solar, solar panels for home, solar pv and battery storage integration, solar pv system, solar pv system design, solar pv installation, solar pv system explained, solar pv module, solar pv water heater, photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collector manufacturers, photovoltaic thermal collector, photovoltaic thermal hybrid, photovoltaic thermal solar panels, difference between solar thermal and photovoltaic, solar thermal vs photovoltaic, solar thermal technology vs photovoltaic
Id: Ow0BHlSZg5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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