Cool your home with zero electricity costs!

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So I guess most of us up here in the northern  hemisphere all had bouts of pretty sweltering   weather this summer didn't we? We even  broke some all-time records over here in   Europe. And I imagine you folks in southern  hemisphere climbs like Australia have the   word 'sweltering' pretty much seared  into every one of your summer seasons.   Now, I'm not going to use this video to get into  the whys and wherefores of whether those high   temperatures are being affected by climate  change...(they are!). No, far be it from me   to inculcate such a contentious notion! But I am  going to use this video to consider what could be   regarded as a somewhat counter-intuitive solution  to the problem of increased warming from our sun,   and that's the concept of using the sun's heat to  cool us down. Pretty weird eh? It's a technology   called Solar Cooling, and I'm not talking about  simply using solar panels to provide electricity   to run an air conditioner, although using  renewables for that purpose is a pretty good   idea in itself. No, I'm talking about a system  that can collect heat directly from sunlight   outside and apply some clever physics to it to  produce cool air inside. There are some commercial   operators already offering various versions  of Solar Cooling in hotter parts of the world,   but now a team at the Massachusetts Institute  of Technology in the States has published a   research paper demonstrating a system that can  provide passive cooling to preserve food crops   and improve the efficiency of conventional air  conditioners using the heat of the sun and a   very small amount of water and with no need at all  for any additional electrical power. So as usual,   the question has to be - is this yet another piece  of academic genius from smart MIT post doctorates   and professors that'll never actually work in the  real world, or is it a piece of radical insight   that could dramatically reduce energy requirements  for cooling in a future more sustainable world? Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think.   Here's a couple of stats for you courtesy of  the International Energy Agency. Half of all   the air conditioners in use in the world  today are in China and the United States.   More than half a billion households in  those two countries own an AC system.   But of the nearly 3 billion people living in  the hottest, mid-latitude parts of the world   only eight percent have access to their own  air conditioning. That's changing fast though,   and by 2050 the IEA projects that around  two-thirds of all homes in the world will   have an air conditioning system installed, half  of which will be in China, India and Indonesia.   Current air conditioning technology is incredibly  energy hungry, and if it's powered by electricity   generated by coal or gas power plants then  the rapid increase in the number of units   will inevitably result in a similar increase in  greenhouse gas emissions. Plus those systems only   transfer heat from one place to another. They  don't actually cause heat to leave the overall   planetary system, which means local external  temperatures, especially in tightly packed urban   environments, continue to increase and more and  more cooling power is required. So anything that   can be done to mitigate that effect must surely  be welcomed. Obviously moving rapidly away from   fossil fuels and towards low carbon alternatives  like wind and solar is arguably the most important   step, but if we can make the cooling process  itself more efficient than all the better, eh?   Nature's way of keeping us cool is the process of  evaporation, which is what happens when we sweat.   Water droplets on the surface of our skin get  heated by the ambient air temperature until they   change phase from a liquid into a gas or vapour.  That phase change involves something called the   latent heat of evaporation which requires about  600 extra calories of energy to liberate the   molecules in each gram of water and allow them  to escape as vapour. And that loss of energy   is what cools our skin down. You can achieve a  similar effect by filling a container with water   and letting it evaporate as it removes energy from  the surrounding warm air. It's a way of passively   cooling your immediate surroundings and if you  place a circulating fan next to the Bowl then   you can direct the cooler air to where you want  it, but you need an awful lot of water to make   an appreciable difference, so you'll be constantly  refilling your container, and all that water vapor   will increase the humidity of the air which in  many parts of the world is the last thing you   want to do. Nature also uses radiative cooling to  keep the entire planet at a liveable temperature.   Some of the energy reaching our planet's surface  is radiated back out as infrared light. That   energy then escapes back up into the cold empty  vastness of outer space. If the planet couldn't   lose that unwanted energy then temperatures  would quickly reach uninhabitable levels,   and by the way it's the light in the infrared  range that's being captured in increasing quantity   by the greenhouse gases than our modern lifestyles  are spewing out into the atmosphere, which is   why our scientists are so worried about global  warming. But I promised I wouldn't go down that   road today so let's park that and get back to the  main point, which in this case is that infrared   heat radiation represents another potentially  powerful way to achieve passive cooling. It's   a technique that's been used for centuries in  tropical and subtropical regions for cooling   and water harvesting during the night time when  the temperature differential between the Earth's   surface and the skies above is at its greatest  especially on a clear night with no cloud cover.   The effect is much less pronounced during the  daytime though, so it's not so easy to reap the   benefits of infrared radiation for daytime  cooling, which is often when most people   need it. The folks at MIT say they've taken both  these somewhat limited thermodynamic principles   and combined them with a thermal insulation  layer to produce a much more efficient cooling   system about the size of a standard solar PV  panel. Essentially you've got three layers of   material. The top layer is an aero gel which is an  extremely porous sponge like polyethylene material   containing a proportionately large volume of  air in its cavities. It's an inherently very   good insulator but crucially it also allows both  water vapour and infrared light to pass through.   Below that is a second layer containing hydrogel.  It's another sponge-like material but as the name   suggests the pores of this one are filled with  water. It's apparently very similar to materials   used in cooling pads and wound dressings. The  hydrogel acts as the source of water for the   evaporative part of the cooling process. The  bottom layer is a mirror-like material that   reflects any remaining sunlight that managed  to make its way through the top two layers.   That heat reflection prevents the entire device  from warming up too much which would otherwise   negatively affect its overall performance.  The top layer of air gel is also a very good   solar reflector so it helps to keep the system  cool as well even under strong direct sunlight.   The effect of this triple layer sandwich is both  evaporative cooling from the hydrogel and infrared   radiative cooling from the reflective base  layer. And unlike traditional air conditioners,   which simply spew unwanted hot air out into  the surrounding external environment, the   infrared radiation from this cooling system goes  straight up through the atmosphere and out into   space which according to the MIT team means it  really is removing heat from the Earth's system.   One of the paper's authors, MIT postdoc Zhang  Mao Lu explained... "the challenge previously   was that evaporative materials often do not deal  with solar absorption well when they're under the   sun. They get heated so they're unable to get to  high cooling power at ambient temperature." The   novel Insight that the team has shown here is  simply to bring together the three principles   of evaporation radiation and insulation into  a single design architecture to overcome these   previous deficiencies. The system was tested on  a rooftop at MIT using a small version about four   inches across and it demonstrated that even in  sub-optimal weather conditions it could achieve   just over 9 degrees Celsius or about 19 degrees  Fahrenheit of cooling. The design is so slimline   that it could theoretically be incorporated into  the lid of a food container, keeping food cold and   fresh for much longer periods of time without  the need for electrical power. And that really   could be absolutely transformational in remote  off-grid areas or in parts of the developing   world where many folks simply can't afford  electrically powered cooling technologies.   But larger roof mounted panels could also be  used to send chilled water through pipes to   the condenser of an air conditioning system.  Condensers in those systems remove heat from   highly compressed refrigerant gas allowing it to  convert back into a liquid and carry on through   the AC pipe work, so by Design condensers get  very hot. If chilled water could be channelled   around the condenser then heat could be dissipated  much more quickly and the overall efficiency of   the AC system would be greatly improved, which  in turn would mean a significant reduction in   energy requirements to run the equipment. The  only maintenance required by the MIT design is   the addition of water from time to time to ensure  that evaporation is happening. But the MIT team   reckoned this system's water consumption is  so low that this would need only to happen   about once every four days in the hottest driest  areas and only about once a month in wetter areas.   Now there is an inevitable caveat of course,  because life is never quite as simple as we'd   like it to be is it? While the majority of the  materials in the system are readily available and   relatively inexpensive, producing the air gel is  currently not a cheap process. It turns out that   the size of the pores in the air gel is a very  specific and absolutely critical parameter in the   overall efficiency of the system. The pores are  produced by mixing the polyethylene with solvents   and allowing it to set like a block of jelly,  or Jello if you're of an American persuasion,   until it reaches something called a critical  drying point, or CPD, where the solvent can be   removed from the polyethylene without  damaging its very delicate structure.   That requires specialist equipment which of course  costs money. The research team is looking at other   less expensive techniques like freeze drying and  they're experimenting with alternative materials   that might provide the same insulating function  at lower costs such as membranes separated by an   air gap, but right now it sounds like the  air gel is a limiting factor that's going   to increase the timeline for transforming  this technology into a commercial reality.   But if they can get that wrinkle ironed out  then this one does look like a very promising   development especially for food storage and  safety in those parts of the world with limited   access to the resources we all enjoy in Western  societies. And if it can improve the efficiency   of the billions of additional air conditioners  I mentioned right at the start of the video   then it could make a significant contribution  to climate change mitigation. And while we're   on the subject of climate mitigation strategies I  just wanted to mention this brand new publication   called the Carbon Almanac. It's not something I've  been involved with personally, and I'm not getting   any money to plug the book, but I felt it was  worth bringing it to your attention if you haven't   already seen it because it's absolutely jam-packed  full of just about every conceivable option for   reducing the effects of climate change in the  coming decades. Every technology and data point in   the book is supported by comprehensive references  that can be looked up on the accompanying website,   so you can check out the scientific robustness of  each technology idea for yourself. It's well worth   a read. That's it for this week though. Thanks to  all our Patreon supporters out there who allow me   to keep these videos free of ads and sponsorship  messages and if you'd like to join them in getting   exclusive extra monthly content from me and  having your say on future video topics then   you can visit forward slash just have  a think to find out how you can get involved for   about the price of a coffee each month. And if  you're on a computer or mobile device then you   can really help us by subscribing and hitting the  like button and notification bell. That will help   us get noticed by YouTube's all-powerful algorithm  which really does make a big difference. You can   do that completely for free by clicking down  there or on that icon there. As always, thanks   very much for watching, have a great week and  remember to just have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 213,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar cooling system, solar cooling system for home, solar cooling fan, solar cooling system diagram, solar cooling and refrigeration, infra red radiation, evaporation and condensation, evaporative cooling system, evaporative cooling explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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