The Software That Makes Millionaires | EASY TradingView Tutorial For Beginners

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was it back to a certain area that type of thing but other than that guys i think that we are why are you crying [Music] okay hey if you're doing a video all right we're gonna get this if you do want to join my group though the link my name is kelly og i'm a 20 year old ceo entrepreneur and investor in 2020 i was 18 without a dollar in my bank account and a year later i became a multi-millionaire at the age of 19. i've been blessed to be able to travel and get to teach a lot of your favorite athletes and celebrities how to leverage their cash and turn into active capital and i'm hoping i can do the same for you so stick around and let's get to the money [Applause] [Music] [Music] so before we fully get into the video though i want to do a shameless pub i know don't be mad at me but i run one of the top trading groups in the world and right now all summer we are 65 off it was the hardest thing for me to do it wasn't it was super easy because i want everyone's vacation paid for by trading i don't want you to have to worry about working more hours or saving more money i want the market to pay for your your vacations pay for your gas pay for whatever inflation is continuing to raise i want you to be in a recession-proof environment where you don't have to worry about that so my entire group is 65 off no code needed all you have to do is sign up we will teach you how to be an independent trader it's literally our favorite thing to do some people are frustrates because they just want the copy and paste method we're going to put you to be a code trader because i take a trip to bora bora because the stock market paid for it i don't want you to be like kelly i can't make money because you're not trading what duh i made money i want you to be in that same position where you can wake up and say i'm trying to go join kelly in bora bora so let me get to trading so if you want to do that here is the website okay like it's right there like it's whoa whoa whoa whoa if you do want to join my group though the link is right here seriously um this is the only place i'm gonna send you so if anyone tells you to whatsapp them telegram them if they dm you saying they're gonna trade for you all that i do not do it listen i do not do it so if anyone comments or replies to you and says hey message me here let's talk more don't do it because that's not me okay but i will love to help you within the group and i will love to help you change your life outside of the group any news good morning everybody i have an amazing video for you guys today it's not really morning but i still have an amazing video for you guys so i get a billion and ten people that ask oh my gosh kelly you always break down charts you never show us what trading view means and not gonna lie in this video right here i definitely did that at the beginning but who am i you know who am i to say so but i am going to quickly break down for you guys just trading view and how it actually works because it is the number one platform for trading any type of stock crypto currency whatever it may be i mean tradingview is the way to go and so i'm going to show you and hopefully you enjoy it because i i really enjoy training you i mean it makes me a lot of money so it makes you a lot of money too so first thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to go to when we're on you're going to go to products and press chart now this is going to be the um this is the paid version so a lot of you may not have access to all of these features i highly recommend the paid version i say just make that little 30 investment it'll be worth it in the long run not gonna lie but um any news let us get into like but anyways let us get into it i'm super excited for this one so i hope you are too so the first thing you're gonna see at the top is three lines right at the top left i'm gonna go from the top left then down and to the side that won't be done stick with me it's gonna be a very quick one i promise so the top three lines they're gonna have what your chart is called so you can name it anything as you can see i have multiple there's kelly too a name the name there's a whole lot of unnamed sometimes i just make new ones whether it's for people whether it's for examples whether it's me trying to back test and retry and you're going to understand what back testing is in a minute because that's a vocab word so put that in your head vocabulary back testing okay then we have um save layout or auto save you'll want auto save on in case you make changes you don't want to do a whole bunch of charting and then your wi-fi goes out and none of it was saved and then you're just kind of sick i mean in a way you get more practice but still you don't want to do that then you're going to get sharing mode sharing mode essentially means anyone that you share your chart with can see your life changes which is awesome you can rename it so we can rename it to youtube that's pretty cool and then as you can see it's youtube up here you can make a copy explore chat data quick search all that as you can see the rest of this is pretty self-explanatory here's your profile so mine is cash capital ig you should probably um you should probably make a profile too though we could be friends from our friends but um anyhoos you also have your theme so dark color theme some people like dark i like white i think it's easier to see things it keeps me awake um dark is pretty clean too i know most of the people i know like dark drawings panel will take away everything that's on that left side you don't really want that i mean unless you're just trying to take a screenshot i don't know um your language all of that you can get the app but i just use the website and you can sign out from below that we have the different ways you can measure so you have the cross as you can see it's across on my screen um you have the dot as you can see now it's a dot and then of course arrow will be the same eraser though is actually just going to erase what you put there so for example they'll take that again and um let me put it back to where it was so you get the eraser and you want to go to the edge where you see that that blue dot at you're going to press it and it erases so boom um and then as you can see you have all the lines you also have arrows at a point hey i think i should look right there that type of thing you then have fibs the fibonacci retracement a lot of people use it i kind of broke mine so i don't really know how to use it anymore but that's just where you access all fit information then next you have all these different types of brush highlighters rectangles all of that so the brush you can use it to literally write so i'm writing my name and like some really funny cursive um and then you can delete that then you can use the highlighter if i'm like hey y'all look right here and i want to highlight an area that type of thing then you can use the rectangle i personally love using the rectangle to kind of extend into a certain area so i would tell you hey look there's a gap right here and if you watched this video then you would know that uh gaps show 95 of the time um when they feel they feel heavy i also like the path because i can tell you hey this is gonna go down and then it's gonna go up you know that type of thing so um really like that the next you have text um you could do traditional text where you just type like that um then you can also do price labels so if you want to tell people hey price is going to come to this area and you don't want to market it'll just market for you um which is pretty cool and then from there you can also you can do a whole lot of things you can have an arrow marker hey prices going there that type of thing it's really self-explanatory you just want to play around with it um and then the rest of these are different patterns i know a lot of people like to use abcd i'd never use these but if that's something you like to do completely fine and then these are like the emojis section you will more than likely always see me using this emoji um and when i do use it though i if it's red that means i think the stock is going to crash if it's green which i would change it to green from right here you can see this panel i know i didn't explain it but i'm going to explain it really fast um you can just change the colors on stuff you have settings for visibility all that um you also can lock it in place so you can't move it unless it's unlocked and then you can also delete it boom but um yeah then right here you have a measuring tool i never use this but some people i know do i just never use it um and then you have a magnifier which th this just magnified like crazy i've actually like never used that but it'll send you right to where you want price to go and some people like to do that because they want to see the deeper scale of things if i wanted to focus specifically on this area that is something i would do and then you have zoom out so we can zoom in and zoom out you get the eye so another place that you can see the zoom is down here on the calendar so you have the dates and then you'll have the times as you keep expanding it'll show you more of that and then on the side at the top well the side right you're gonna see price and you can just keep expanding until price is literally by like the cent or you can keep it where it's a couple dollars you know it just depends on you at the bottom right here we have your volumes so this is your volume indicator how heavy was buying and selling pressure you're also going to have a whole bunch of locks you can lock or you can hide what you've done yeah so now we're going to look at the top right the top the very top these these jesus these who is that oh my gosh so this is where you're gonna see um what you're currently trading you can do stocks futures forex crypto indices bonds or just the economy oh my gosh but um yeah so this is spice the s p 500 uh etf so that's currently what i'm on but you can change it if you want to look at tesla you can type in tesla excuse me typing you can do a whole lot of stuff um so you can just play around with that then you have your time frames yours probably won't look like this it's because i started my time frames these are my favorite ones if you want to steal them but um yeah so you have a two minute five minute 15 minute one hour four hour but you have so many actually and you can also customize it so if you want the seven minute you can add that and it'll show you how price moves every seven minutes pretty crazy isn't it yeah you can adjust that however much you'd like i'm gonna go back to i think that's on the 15 and then right here you have your candlesticks some people use um haiken ashi they use renko they use lines they use holo i just use regular candles but you can play with that as much as you like indicators this is where you'll find your indicators your emas moving averages vwop all of that stuff you know this is where you're gonna find it only one i usually use is the rsi which is the relative strength index and i'm gonna show you how the stock's perf how it's performing based on how it did in the past saviata i just don't have it up right now but that's what it would look like and then you have indicator templates that you can save if you want to do that um you can set alerts so if i want to say hey i want to know when spy is crossing 400 and i want to tell me every single time i don't on the app it could pop it up send me an email yeah and i can create it then it'll create this orange dotted line for me and boom you'll know when spy is costing 400 because i think it has a gap expo you can also adjust this to adjust to your alert so boom now to tell me when it's crossing 396. but yeah replay mode this is my favorite mode because this is armor the vocab word of the day anybody remember it was back test um and back testing is when you can go back in time and literally chart something so i can say hey this right here if i go back to my trend line is in a falling wedge right so i think anytime price kind of goes let's say price above this area it'll go back up and then i can play and actually don't know what it's going to do boom as you can see once priced on above that area it went back up and then it came back to retest and then passed the retest it went back up kelly's a little too cold at this trading thing i did that live in front of y'all should give me like a subscribe for that you should press the subscribe button just because i did that a like some dang okay but yeah it'll just play out for you and price will kind of play out and show you um what it's going to do as you can see i'm just going to delete these we don't necessarily have to keep them but um some people may ask kelly how to get that straight line so you see this black bar that follows you if you press it it'll just do a whole bunch of lines rather than you getting a trend line over here and trying to make it perfectly straight even though the dotted lines will tell you when it's straight but that's just a little cheat code that you can know um those are random lines they don't really mean anything and then you have the back button so if i want to undo a mistake like i didn't mean to delete the trendline i could do that and then i could redo it this is the cloud where it's telling you it's saving you can always press the cloud whenever it doesn't have so let's say i come here and i draw this arrow it's going to be a cloud well it's auto saving but if it's ever not auto saving you can press it and it'll do that you could change the different um things you want to see so if i want to see four stocks at once i could put spy right here then i can go to this one let's say i want to see tesla i can put tesla in this one right here and then let's say over here i want to see a crypto so let's say i want to see gu so g d okay that's not crypto that's forex gdp us okay i'll just gbp my bad my bad so and then over here we can go to crypto again and then we can actually see like bitcoin and now look i can look at stocks 4x crypto all at the same time um and you can look at as many as like 16 at a time or this is 12. i'm not that great at math right now guys but yeah oh yeah you can't look at as many as no it's it you can look at it a lot at a time boom um and then past that as you can see i'm going to go back to just one where we focus on spine you have your settings button i can customize the color of these so if i want to customize it which i do that a lot these are my go-to colors right here this pink and blue you're going to see that my screen behind me is changing and if i press ok look it's all pink and blue and on top of that we have um you can also edit these purple lines so i could change the color remember i showed y'all that earlier but yeah and now you can take a screenshot so if i go right here and i save chart image boom as you can see on the bottom of my screen it saved it and then on the side you have all your details you have your watch list that you can adjust to your liking um so you can see these are my favorite stocks to watch they're on my watch list and then you have you know more info about what you're currently looking at so what was the last price it closed you can watch this section right here during the day and it'll actually show you like the buy orders and sell orders and it's pretty cool um it shows you a whole lot all this stuff dividend yields it's a lot it's really a lot um but yeah then you have your alerts and then you have news and news and news and this isn't all news this is actually chat room science already hey guys say hi to youtube and let's see if they actually i don't know if they'll do it but um yeah so you can chat with people and like make it a whole community sometimes people come here and they will actually look for um you know actual trade ideas as you can see people are sending in their trade ideas and and what they've charted and so you can steal some of them if you want but um yeah so other than that though as you can see the rest of this you can kind of just play around with it's not really necessary to have it open i never have these open you can connect your broker to this it works better with 4x i never do that with stocks but yeah um at the bottom here you're going to have different time frames again these are higher time frames all up here is more so lower which you can show that if you want to turn on extended hours you come here to this rth you turn it to eth and it'll actually show you what that stock does as you can see in extended hours spy went from 401 all the way down to 393 or 395 area and regular trading hours it just shows that gap so it'll just show you what price is doing when the market's closed yadda yadda um and then you can turn that on and off and then you can also control price by percentages not numbers which crazy to me but um yeah there's a whole lot you can do i would say just play around with it and uh see what works best for you back testing is awesome if you want to track how cold of a trader you are i think it's awesome um and you can literally just let it play you can control the speed you can adjust back to a certain area that type of thing but other than that guys i think that we are why are you crying [Music] we are pretty done we are pretty good with all of this um as you can see that's as simple as it's super simple the only sections you'll probably ever use is that um left side that's it the left side and the top you'll probably never touch the right side and i only use like four or five things on this for trend lines yeah yeah but yeah i hope that was a really quick really good um trading view breakdown for you guys and i hope you use it to forward your charting i hope you become a colder trader and um yeah i hope i hope it really helps you to to to get better with your trading um anyways guys um i hope you really use this to forward your trading because it has literally changed my life it is very difficult um i just realized i forgot to show y'all what candlesticks are but candlesticks are the things you see on the screen it's your different candles and it's a candlestick because it has a body and then it has a wick kind of like when you light a candle but yeah i just wanted to put that in there real quick so i realized i didn't do that um but yeah if you found this video entertaining if you want me to put out more content because it is a lot of work please like comment or subscribe i really try to get these out it is not easy to get it out on a day-to-day basis which isn't day-to-day it's like week-to-week because my schedule is so busy but i do try and prioritize it because i know it helps you so if it did help you in any way a like a comment a subscribe you know you could really press that subscribe button if you do it really helps me a ton and it helps me to be able to bring on these videos so thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys [Music] yeah so again if you want to join the group please please please do because i do want to help you if i can here is the link right here mama i'm still filming we can finally get into this video because i just shameless pup and if you haven't liked comment or subscribe dude what are you doing what are you doing y'all just like comment and subscribe seriously [Music]
Channel: kellyohgee
Views: 206,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: options trading, stock options, robinhood, investing for beginners, crypto, stock market for beginners, beginners options trading, beginners trading, trading for beginners, day trading, day trading for beginners, beginners day trading, money to trade, how much money, money to invest, how much money to invest, how much money trade, get rich quick, rich, charting, investing, tradingview, charting for beginners, technical analysis for beginners, easy charting, stocks
Id: tV3URfAa8rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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