Young Trader Makes A Million in 2 Years with this ONE Idea

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I took a thousand trades of hundred dollars to make my first 100K so yeah a thousand trades is a lot yeah but it just helped me build that data for myself welcome back everybody Master five today is a fun day because we're in Las Vegas where it trades for a cause and I ran to Mariana and she's been on the show before in the past great story okay you need to go watch that episode because she shares how she crossed seven figures and this is a story that you need to listen to especially if you're young because she has the right mentality so Mariana welcome to the show thank you absolutely I'm so excited to have you here and we were talking a little bit off camera earlier right and I was just asking like what's what's a common thing that people ask you or that they're surprised about and you mentioned something about losing money well just recently I got well not just like my friend it's been like a lot of people but recently my friend was trying to like get into trading and she was you know she was watching my video she was trying to get some information and everything and she was like wait I was watching some of your videos and you're like losing in this like recap and I'm like um yeah you're gonna lose in the beginning and you're gonna lose all the time because that's trading like that's part of it but she was so surprised by the fact that she would lose money in like the first few years but I'm like you know you're gonna keep losing money because that's part of it but you just got to build up your risk management but she's really surprised that she first had to lose money and second of all that she had to study so hard to you know get get to where she wanted to be when it comes to losing though and learning how to lose like was that easy for you well I always try to be like the most conservative possible and like all the time because I I come from like very routine based very strict kind of like lifestyle so that also traveled into my trading and I feel like I was always so conservative I didn't want to like lose too much I didn't want to make too much either yeah I just wanted to be as consistent as my lifestyle was hey we wouldn't be able to do these face-to-face interviews if it wasn't for our sponsor Cobra trading so if you can just give them a few seconds of your time we'd really appreciate it cover trading is the go-to broker for day Traders and short Sellers and I'm not the only one saying this in fact benzinga awarded Cobra trading as the go-to broker for short selling they have a heavy focus on Direct Market access order routing so you have the fastest execution they have some of the best locate prices and availability they also have amazing customer service I've experienced many different Brokers and it's why I use them every single day and why I'm proud to have them as our sponsor sign up now by clicking the be the trader referral link below and earn one free month of software with Cobra and 25 off all commissions now let's get back to the show well people are going to hear this and you have great success right so I'm curious like when you started though what does that look like when you say things like I went I was very conservative what does that look like to you as a beginner I trying to make fifty dollars yeah you know you got to keep that risk management like intact and you always like if you want to like size up it's only after you know what works for you and after you've truly found out your personality and your strategy but before that I just I took a thousand trades of hundred dollars to make my first 100K so yeah 1000 trades is a lot yeah but it just helped me build that data for myself and you want data absolutely it the data that you used did that did that just give you the confidence to just immediately size up right away like did you go from like 20 bucks to 50 bucks risk to a thousand dollar risk no no it took a whole year of me tracking what strategy was like working for me what wasn't working for me and then the right Market came and I already knew what I want what I liked it's otcs mainly right so then it started to heat up a lot like the 2020 2020 2021 so then I sized up then but that was only after a whole year of being really conservative with myself it's truly finding what pattern and what personality it is that I want to trade and then I sized up when the time was right did you do that whole first year did you stay that relatively small that whole year I did or did you kind of slowly size up through that year um I slowly sized up towards the end of the year okay but give me an idea of how slowly not well I'm gonna say first six months very conservative okay then add in another three months um adding in maybe a hundred two hundred dollars more yep and then towards like the end of that year that's when they really started to heat up and I already had built my bank well like the the bank account basically to be able to size up so that's when I really started to push it but that was only after 10 11 months yeah I know what you said that yeah because I'm sure you get people who have consistency after two weeks or a month and they say you know what I've been doing really well and I'm gonna size up now yeah do you have anything to say to those people because like it's like they they think you like without knowing you they're probably gonna think oh this is she did it in like one month of finding something that works for her then the next two months she sized up the next now she's here yep that is not how it happens you know it takes it it depends on the personality and it depends on the person too because it would take more than a year it could take more than two but you really gotta just find your data and try to get as much information as you can but it's not as simple as you think and when you think you're right then you're gonna get humbled so always keep risk management intact and that's going to eliminate so much more like stress and everything I have so much respect because the fact that you stayed small even it's like you had the patience it's like hitting me right now how it crazy and I love hearing you say it and I think people you need to rewind this and re-watch what she said and hear her say it but the fact that she started you started small and even when you found consistency you stayed small for a relatively long enough period of time to gain a lot of confidence whereas you know when people don't know about Jack when people don't know about you when people don't know about any name that just shows up out of nowhere to them right you're new right they just see you come up and they're like overnight easy overnight yeah and so we immediately me included we'll rush to conclusions like man they must have just killed but you show just now how patient you were and even though you had success and you found something that works for you you didn't just rush no it's like because of your patience it you sped up the curve yeah because you were taking your time to begin with so I thank you so much for sharing that because I know a lot of people are hearing this and they're the opposite right they have a month of success and they rush it down to the last level and you can't get to the last level if you don't have the right foundation 100 well if anyone has any questions for you because I know they're gonna have questions can you tell everybody where they could find you um just Mari underscore trades on Twitter that's good perfect well thank you so much Mark thank you
Channel: B The Trader
Views: 140,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, learn to day trade, beginner trading stocks, stock market for beginners, how to trade penny stocks, how to trade penny stocks for beginners, how to make money trading stocks online, day trading for dummies, day trading tips, day trading tips for beginners, learn to trade penny stocks, learn to trade stocks, learn how to day trade penny stocks, trader, bthetrader, b the trader, bthestory, b the story, day trader, live trader
Id: NS3lzjds56s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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