The Soccer Super Suit | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

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fresh legs for super strikers Brenda and take a bow shakes super strikers rest in their big shooter ahead of their technical Clash fantastic goal from the young striker earlier well CLA may do more damage yet he's definitely useful as a super subm and I'm not talking about the sandwich good luck buddy after to me and everything will be fine dropping in dude [Applause] NOA dancing Rasta Rasta to El Matador the Latin magician is having a phenomenal [Applause] season okay pass back to me now now now you score like a Super Striker but do you have the first team [Applause] celebration get ready for the starting lineup close I Oh shoot what I I sneeze when I'm nervous [Applause] [Music] okay now my love let's see if I have finally got it [Music] right yes my new suit will make players super fast super strong super human Tyran Rance flexing with the T-Rex in woohoo what are you doing here the suits they're ready no no no they're not ready the battery won't last 90 minutes what's so important about 90 minutes get out of here and how many times must I tell you close the door to my top secret lab what's this maybe we won't need our secret Advantage after all hey hey guys wait up Hollywood land of the biggest stars well now that I am here it is uh El Mador yes I don't think you're the biggest star in Hollywood okay who is it a famous American actor a big rock and roll star nope what oh it's close you H sh dude you're like totally the CL promise com yeah but dude's got some hater prep to do technical are so dominating I speak the local language they're totally tuning him about how scarifying the technical dudes are right now and is he ready for the kahunas of California or is Chuck T chipperson going to feed him a Neptune cocktail cuz he's such a c they're saying Claus is a gromm a grmy a a rookie can't handle a full 90 oh don't worry I know exactly how to handle this kind of super stardom I will be your guide it's not about getting your face on a billboard Claus man it's about getting the ball in the net H I can also teach you that [Music] oh oh what have I done he is unteachable it's cool dude there's a lot of pressure and it's going to take some time for you to get into your new 90-minute roll you're right shakes forget goals how about we return to the classics you know the famous one two I think I could do that y all right get ready Big B clous is about to hit a face melter your way that's my guy I never lost faith in you clous a nine at least nine maybe all of them did enough for today close man it's the pressure Captain it's too much for him they call me the Super Sub but I'm more like the sinking submarine cuz I'm dragging the whole team [Music] [Music] down uh-oh not good yeah you know that it's true what they're saying about clouse he's hopeless no substitute for a player like El Matador but he scored a fantastic goal ah it was a fluke when do we get our new suits are you serious I like your idea of a special suit special special is not the word the power suits are possibly the most incredible invention I have ever in invented they can turn the weakest player into an absolute legend of the game in moments except that they are inis what was that how many times do I have to tell you to close the lab door get the intruder if the super leag board ever found out what we're up to here there'd be all kind of legisl circuitry M let me guess you didn't close the lab door but as it turns out our Intruder is trapped if you want your contract for you next season by Jo you'd better catch that evil Lees dropper thank you for choosing a technicality performance oning suit getting completed have a nice day no plan of mine can ever become known to the world especially the freeze Intruder freee I can't see his face do something this is the police we have you surround ah the huge flashlight excellent choice who would do this this is your doing isn't it you're obsessed with the suits no boss oh whoever you are you can run at 372 mph but you can't hide is it a bird is it a plane at night it's just me clouse going out for an evening St [Music] h no [Music] sneezing tomorrow we try this in practice [Music] yeah yo clous we got to practice M man yeah don't be scared okay today you will be back to 200% ability goodness I I'll be right there okay I thought it took me a long time to go with these [Music] things okay clouse from the bottom to the top you can do it buddy I haven't entirely lost my faith in you dribbling wa now that's gbly one two dude wow man and finally raisin it up no no no no raisins required you know how long he was on the [Music] [Applause] toilet dude smash I told you my man you had it in you all along those Secret [Music] close looking good Tony you should come out here and see what the guys are doing I can see what they're doing from here practicing being dedicated doing all those things professional sport star should do but someone out there has been a bad bad boy bad boy John J Johnson Jr doesn't have the suit Tony you have to believe fine if John J Johnson Jr doesn't have my missing suit who does and who would want something that doesn't work [Music] [Applause] [Music] match day at the Hub and with El Matador on the bench we're all wondering how did Super Striker's preparations go yes does clouse have what it takes to go from Super Sub to Superstar and a real question can we deliver all the com has questions only today I think we can Mac that wasn't a question Brenda neither was that Mac well it's all down to our Mr 90 himself well Chuck T chipperson maybe I have underestimated you or maybe Nota come in your way man this one is mine all [Applause] [Music] mine yeah did we underestimate clous it's the clous factor but who factored it in ma a z just [Applause] kidding Mac Mac now that's a question Bender [Applause] it is the influence of El Toro I'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay why has coach been keeping clous a secret so long wait a minute a secret a secret Advantage I don't believe it [Laughter] Heroes have been made Max they sure have Brenda clous wasn't bad either you rock clous I don't know what you were so worried about you raised the ball you raised your game and you raised a rof a good feeling [Applause] Amo hey hey keep it tidy all right brother that was cool Virgo Virgo I wish it was me congratulate not this we can do it Tony I have this feeling our hard work is paying off silence in amongst any hardworking dedicated team is someone who insists on cheating huh no Chuck T chipperson I was wrong someone else has stolen our power suit clous they're working they're not working but close is playing well duh maybe he's just a good player don't you guys believe in Talent hard work and dedication but the suit is still our secret Advantage it's work now no because clous is wearing a performance augmenting suit he is cheating and I'm sure the super league would love to know that even if the super strikers beat us 5 n they'll forfeit the game and we'll win they won't only forfeit the game they'll forfeit the entire Super [Music] League tyranosaurus dance you did what h what it made me Uber powerful I I was like a superhero faster than a bullet stronger than a train who whoa whoa not cool man ow Tony Vern invented this owar highly dishonorable ow oh the shame you're suspended with immediate effect Claus and there will be a full inquiry by both this club and the league I'm so sorry coach guys sorry won't cut it you should have known better Coach wait what and I thought my conflict resolution skills were poor dodgy approach dude clous knows what he did was wrong I'm not hitting him cuz I'm angry with him yeah faster than a bullet stronger than a train this super suit is super not working at all so then how come I play so good because you are good coach I heard the suit die before the whistle even sounded okay I'll let you play but a full inquiry will follow this game you know what you have to do clouse 1 2 3 super TR h I do know what to do the party is over with me marking you now buddy as my friend Shake says talk with your feet y we're on to you close the game's over for you as I like to say put your money where your feet are [Applause] [Music] yeah who's been a bad boy then Super Le switch board hello I'd like to report a case of for fiction press [Music] one I am [Music] good for last week's results Press Two for the previous week's results press three to download the Super League ringtone press six to report cheating your far play press seven who's Tony Vern calling at a time like this probably is m cuz clouse is looking scary yes please score goals clous F press two for performance hunting equipment press [Applause] [Music] [Music] three I didn't need to suit before I don't need it now I can do this you're going down not down Chuckles [Applause] oh ma Brenda Mac Brenda yeah [Applause] it wor my training work it wasn't your training doofus yeah okay you totally rocked clouse Dude too cool even fur uhoh close V sh close V sh close F those yeah officer how can I help you I'm agent one this is Agent two from the super League disciplinary board my new invention has worked after all prepare to be struck from the Super League strik ow ow I could have sworn seems we've made a terrible mistake Mr V clous we had some Intel on a performance augmenting suit being used by someone here at the Hub but you I knew it all along get back here now and you thought I was crazy I got this here is the Uber suit back PS it doesn't work am I in trouble with the Super League disciplinary boorg you're not in trouble with the Super League board you're in trouble with the tyranosaurus [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for the final step of my plan to drop this cute little petting zoo into a volcano they say that talking to yourself is the first sign of Madness and anyone that goes up against us must be totally crazy Strikers how did you escape my deadly ninja shars no matter the countdown has already started [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh game over shakes you forgot about injury time look at them in their cool putting that to [Applause] the hey look at me there all right dudes it's official we're totally awesome stri super strikers have made their Silver Screen debut in the action adventure movie Strike te critics have complained that the film is as tasteless and hard to swallow as a weak old cracker but that hasn't stopped from dominating the weekend box office if it carries on like this Strike team is set to be the biggest Blockbuster since the desert epic sand oh watching that yes you didn't even get to the best part me I'm glad you enjoyed the off seon but it's time to get back to business our first game is a away to Sultans to make things worse the temperature in the Middle East is skyrocketing H come rain or shine we'll beat them every time you said it cool Joo before you get too confident take a look at this iron tanker known as the fittest team in the super league but not even the Alpine musclemen could stand up to this scorching Middle Eastern heat when they face s today Fons are unbeaten at their home ground for 15 games on the track congratulations on another great Victory thanks Lena iron tank are a good team but when it comes to playing Under the Desert Sun we are unstoppable and we will prove it once again when we beat super strikers next week strong words from the Sultan's captain now let's see what Johan Uber has to say about the G talk about sleeping on the job see you at the secret training compound at 0900 [Music] Sultans are no match for our skill and flare but that's worth nothing if we can't last the 90 minutes gotcha Coach man sure thing coach but uh by 90 minutes are you being like serious dude the only way to play in these conditions is to keep possession save your energy and wait for the right time time to strike take that good but not good enough what's wrong coach don't you like our new moves I asked you to practice passing not choreograph a fight scene but our fans expect us to play with sty yeah this isn't a movie you have to take the climate into account coach is right guys we try that fancy football into heat and we won't last 5 minutes some people just aren't cut out for Show Business hey boss you're telling me who who on Earth are you I'm M matador's body double from the movie The skillful one has many important things to attend to so he hired me to help out and what exactly is the skillful one attending to at the moment his 10 oh this is pointless Strike Team El Matador is the best Strike Team El Mator is the best Strike Team you know there are other lyrics to that song right brother really I did think it was a little bit repetitive watch out Sultans here we come the best look at them in their cool so you going to tell me why we're Le in a day early and ruin the surprise I don't think so super strikers welcome to the land of the mighty [Music] Sal apparently Strike team is huge here really then I must make a big entrance for my [Music] fans Rejoice for your hero is [Music] here where are we we will be traveling the last stretch of the journey on ground to help you get used to the Heat and what's more I want no distractions that means means no games no phones and especially no body doubles no thank you goodbye El Matty double no matter what happens to me in the desert there's one thing I want you to remember and pick up my laundry [Music] oh dude sweating already good a few more days of this and you'll be more than a climatized to the heat BL yeah I read that Tintin as well no water to quench our thirst and no Shelter From the blazing sun no landmarks to guide us no day spa for pampering no safety from roing Bandits yeah desert is full of moral Peril H nothing the Strike Team can't handle right trust me there's nothing to worry [Music] about Are We There Yet nope are we there yet no are we there no all right all right don't be so impatient are we no why have we stopped Raiders not safe here told you ha rumor myth and Legend I say no no it is all true we must go back immediately yes going back is definitely a sensible option yeah the only place we're going is to the game but what about the the Raiders nothing but silly [Music] Superstition ah coach [Music] [Applause] silence silence silence H desert Raiders any excuse to have a good shout ehy Who Who Are You huge fan massive fan Strike team is my favorite film you forgot about injury time crack up you guys what do you want with us well heard you were in the hood and thought hey how about a little friendly super strikers versus desert Raiders good ring to it eh give us one good reason why we should play you man yeah behold remember what I told you save your energy keep the ball and wait for the right moment moment to strike any questions uh yeah ain't you dizzy coach just stick to my energy efficient game plan don't worry coach these amateurs won't stand a chance we going to show them how real Superstars do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it you are since this ref is very doggy yeah best we don't Hound him do you think these dudes all have the same trainer wise men say if dog is Man's Best Friend with friends like these I wouldn't like to meet our enemies okay we're [Applause] done it's time for your just deserts I said play [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Simple let's get him dude m [Music] [Applause] come on guys one n down is there nothing yeah it takes a lot more than that to beat the oh I can't feel my toes how can that be game over it was never 90 minutes must be in dark minutes guards take them away that gives me an idea Strike Team two game over ha brilliant that's why I'm the king yeah we lost the game and I got the blues this place smells as bad as El Matadors you hey he's trying to escape from your singing Cool Joe Now isn't the time to be arguing sure we're in a bad situation and I'll admit it's partly my fault but what have we learned here that you can't play high totally mental action adventure soccer in the middle of the desert exactly so next time we'll be ready for the heat if there is a next [Music] time Mr security spear guy hey how did you get up [Music] [Music] oh I've never been so happy to see me yeah me [Music] neither nice one man awesome dude have you you're the best bro did you pick up my laundry yet hey El matadors yes yes come on we've got a game to get to it's match day at the Oasis Al super strikers Take On The Sultans and what should be a real scorching well it couldn't be more scorching than in the commentary box [Applause] Brenda this game isn't for your freedom it's for something much more important Super League points don't worry coach I've got a new move that's going to win this game for sure huh coach I'm joking after what we went through in the desert are you kidding me yeah don't worry coach this time we're going to stick to your plan for sure 1 2 3 super sters remember guys save your [Applause] energy too late dude I think you used all my energy getting out of the field woo you know what they say if you can't take the heat uh get ready to lose 5 nil I don't think I know that one and we're underway striker in possession rosta finds tiger is he going to unleash a twisting tornado more like a light Breeze Brenda normally I'd say perfect for a day like today but this is the Super League time for some Striker Magic stick to the plan Shas man all [Music] right give it up roster sooner or later we will run you into the dust super strikers have all the possession but it's as if they don't want to [Applause] attack and that brings an end to the first half and it's dead even more like dead boring someone needs to tell Strikers they're not playing Piggy in the middle well coach is known for his unusual strategies could this be another tactical Master Class we'll find out in the second [Applause] half well done guys you're doing great out there but the scores are still tied you don't want us to play for a draw do you don't worry that was just phase one of my plan now here's what I want you to do in the second half when come you know they going to be [Music] a we're well into the second half and Strikers still show no sign of turning up the [Applause] heat um I said I wish someone would turn down the heat Brenda wait for it wait for it what are you waiting for super strikers Sultans go on a blistering Counterattack Sultans are showing the flare strike as a known [Applause] form Su take the lead with a dazzling display of attacking football can the strikers make their way back into this game or will The Sultans be too hot to handle so much for the plan don't worry Shake's M coach knows what he's doing you mean like when he got us captured by the Raiders now we all know that wasn't coach's fault you just got to trust him [Music] [Applause] Strikers are making Sultans do all the running maybe that's because Strikers can't run [Applause] anymore Strikers now thought you'd never ask mine wow that's really leading it to the last minutes Captain w super strikers have suddenly come to life which way is it going to go I in so you'll never know feel the [Music] [Applause] beauty the suits just don't have an answer for Striker's [Music] [Applause] [Music] flare it's like they ped a 90 minute super strikers goldfish into the last 4 minutes super strikers have done it what a [Applause] comeback I guess that's one way to beat the [Applause] heat you're the best coach yeah saving our energy for the end of the game worked just like you said it would I couldn't have done it without my team ah thanks coach not you them [Applause] what is going on here you were too busy being action stars to follow my instructions so I thought a bit of real action would bring you back to reality so the the Raiders were we all actors working for me hey to El m double coach offered me a talk and roll I couldn't turn that down waa wait a second what about that giant castle in the desert surely you didn't do that as well well actually that was there already we just had to take a break from filming Sandstorm too yeah you too Rufus so getting lost in the desert being kidnapped and locked in a creepy dungeon was all to teach us a lesson but that's that's that's Show Business Baby [Music] it's or versus super strikers live from the sucker sphere it looks like we have a real strategic battle on our hands Mack you said it Brenda Orion are using their tried and tested black hole formation to control the Midfield but super strikers aren't being sucked in they're holding their shape and hitting the rain with lightning fast counter attacks that's the way you do it get the ball for nothing and he kicks for three 60 Minutes gone and it's all square it's going to take something real special to win this one well Mac Orion have that something special in their brilliant coach black he's quickly built up a reputation as a true footballing genius well I've heard that Strikers have quite the Football Genius of their own h a little bit of this Touch of that and just a tiny drop of the other stuff and yes I finally done [Music] it delicious let's see how the game's coming along yep my calculations were correct everything's going according to plan what where did that come [Applause] from but it's not possible unbelievable Aran have switched formation [Applause] to I don't know what that is shut him down and Orion changed shape again where on Earth are all these formations coming from I have no idea and by the looks of it neither do super strikers I don't understand these formations are so Random what's the formula I have no [Applause] hypothesis tiger take the one in the [Music] middle which one in middle that one if I analyze the formations with this machine I should be able to how about or maybe oh it's no [Music] use Orion have got the ball in a dangerous position Strikers are struggling to keep up Oran are simply out of this world any last comments down dancing Raa Orion we're like a lion in Zion yeah thanks congratulations on a great victory for oion Coach black thanks n and now for the question everybody's asking how did you come up with all these strange new formations well I could tell you but it probably go way over your head I'd like to throw a bucket of water over his head forget about him Elm Matador the Prof is probably already at work figuring out exactly what's going on here y man if anyone can decipher the code the Orion Cod it's the Prof the Prof is on genius the Prof totally rocks dudes what do you mean fired Prof experiment prematurely terminated can't complete computation recalculating trajectory but why apparently if I can't crack Orion's secret formations I'm no use to the club The V is so cool it's all right I had a good run look my strain relieving muscle gel it won me my first Super League Sports Innovation [Music] award the self-tying soccer boot I stayed up all night working on [Music] this oh [Music] and what is this one a tiny computer a GPS sweatband that's my stapler you know a stapler for paper click click oh what will they think of next this is crazy you're a tactical genius and they fire you after one bad game how are we going to crack your Ryan code without you thank you shakes but you don't call the shots around here yeah I just take the shots well I'm not going to take this line down I will [Music] what h coach how could you just let them fire the prop like that I'm sorry I did everything I could but we need him you're telling me I really could have used his help analyzing Orion's formations huh I've never seen any of these before me neither there has to be a pattern something that links them together and we need to work it out before we play Orion again and if we don't then we don't stand a chance after losing to thean super strikers are playing like they have something to prove you said it Max Hydra may have a floating Stadium but they look completely out of their depths hey that's my joke Hydra just can't seem to find their land legs and super strikers sinking Hydra one goal at a time hey stop reading my notes W great job guys yeah good job five high five great work guys that's how you bounce backman you said it roster strike us down and we come back more powerful than you can imagine now hopefully everyone will forget about the Orion code and get back to concentrating on how awesome we are so super strikers are you ready to answer the question on everyone's lips sure thing Lena how do you plan to crack the Orion code without the [Applause] [Music] professor we we'll we'll find a way somehow any theories yet uh nothing we can discuss right now uh hey you going to ask us any questions about the game we just played against Hydra like 30 seconds ago yes of course do you think this last game has helped you prepare for Orion and the Orion code eat my board shorts dudad a new phenomenon is sweeping the super league and it's called the Orion code from Iron tanks Admiral Von pushup to Invisible United big Vince the League's greatest minds are obsessed with uncovering the secret behind these mysterious foot misss we will train all day this Orion code is nothing more than a low down dirty trick why didn't I think of it first we will train all night I've got a million doll arrow with your name on it if you can crack the Orion code if you got the brains I got the Bucks we will train all week I believe the Orion code is hidden in this old team photo first you add up the number of stripes on their socks then multiply that by the number of players wearing headbands then subtract the players with mustaches to the power of pie pie we will train all year that is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard I have a total Orion code headache dudes at least these teams they all have a plan yeah so do we I've recorded every every formation Orion has used this season all Orion moves every single one and we're going to learn them all of them that's a lot of moves coach and here are the rest of them but the game's tomorrow coach then you better get studying [Music] I can't take it anymore we're getting nowhere with this I know this is boring shakes but it's the only way but the entire super league has been trying to crack the Orion code for months how are we going to do it in a few hours yeah you'd need a crazy Super Genius to crack the or Gian code before the game and I know just where to find [Music] one hello Prof are you [Music] here Hawaiian with extra sock not good huh for Professor huh maybe he's not [Music] here yo shakes my main man what is happening Prof what's going on here just kicking back watching my fav reality show super league cribs it is red Super League cribs yep you should see cool Joe's holiday pad in the elps super styling I so so you've completely given up on cracking the Orion code um I've been really busy on a number of projects like making pizzas disappear this automatic reclining lazy man chair for one thing you all look at this happening feature I just added rocket I'm still ironing out a few bugs of course come on Prof this isn't you you're the greatest mind the super league has ever known the answer to the or Cod is out there somewhere now are you going to spend the rest of your life sleeping under old pizza boxes or are you going to be the man no the hero who cracked the Orion code H nah it's sunset at St land and the whole world is still in the dark about the origin of the mysterious Orion code all right guys this is it forget all the hype about the Orion code yeah and forget the Prof too unless you like month old Pizza we've trained hard and we've learned all the formations you really think we can win rasa whether we win or lose man we going to get out there and show Orion that the super strikers are harder to crack than any code 1 2 3 super rers it's game on and super strikers are doing a good job coping with Orion's weird formations but with a seemingly NeverEnding supply of formations from coach black can they keep it up formation three take your positions [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's actually working you really think you cracked the code you haven't even scratched the [Applause] surface well you've seen my Mansion my underground dance studio and the jacuzzi shape like my Thro is ill cool but my real home is right here because no matter where I go know in the world or how many cars I buy this is where my brothers [Music] [Applause] [Music] are rusta which formation is it none of them it's a completely new one bogus where do they keep on fting them go no no no it's no use I can't do it there's no pattern they're all just so Random sorry shakes even if the answer to the Orion code is out there I'll never find it time to relax to the [Music] I'm so dizzy I'm seeing Stars wait could it be shakes you're a genius Eureka to strike a land at once half time and Super Striker Trail 1 n can coach's men crack the Orion Cod or will they crack under under the pressure either way Brenda it's going to be a cracking second half coach will'll come up with a plan right he always does face it guys we'll never crack the Orion code without Prof what are you doing here well you were right shakes the answer to the Orion code was out there in out of space in fact if you ask me the profs a bit out there don't you get it there secret formations are all based on star constellations like their name Orion Orion's Belt Scorpio the Southern Cross stars who far out really far out so how many formations are there um about 50 or 60 huh 60 how we going to learn all those in like 10 minutes we each learn a couple divide and conquer we can do it right yeah the second half is underway and if I'm not mistaken there's a familiar face in the Striker's Dugout not that it's doing much good Strikers don't know whether they're coming or going it's Scorpio watch the right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] flank oh second blue and now it's Striker's turn to go on the attack and what an attack it [Music] is [Applause] go it's a goal I can see that I am not blind no silly you're crossw word a way of scoring in many sports [Applause] goal 27 it's Taurus hey 13 Gemini what a turnaround Strikers have an answer for every one of Orion's formations next b rock I read your stars they say big trouble coming your way told you [Music] 32 it's one of mine what's it called the the why can't I remember it don't worry muchacho all this constellation stuff also goes over my head elmatador that's it [Music] huh what's he looking at the answer [Music] [Applause] rosta Cool Joe it's [Music] [Applause] Leo more brilliant defensive work from Strikers here you go shakes time to [Music] [Applause] [Music] time go super strikers have cracked the Orion Po and they've done it in style oh yeah way to go man Prof you did it thanks shakes no points for guessing who's behind Striker's amazing comeback Take a Bow Professor what's wrong Professor Yama this is a moment no time to be sighing you're right I'm just going to miss all this Oh no you're not how would you know oh wait you mean I just spoke to the board welcome back to Super Striker [Applause] it's so H you are the one who cracked my code yep I suppose that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me I'm glad to have such a worthy adversary but the universe is a strange and complex Place one day I will find a strategy not even you will be able to stop H you're dreaming black you said it shakes Nothing Gets By The Professor oh no I completely forgot I left the oven on in the lab pizza with extra chocal coming right up well it sure beats pizza with extra so excuse me coming through [Music] scor is tight at strike Al land as the home team takes on the mighty azou dancing Rasta picks out his left midfielder Cool Joe The Crossing King I got to smooth it groove it yes Cool Joe make me look good buddy five four move it to prove it three two [Applause] one even Del Los Santos had no answer for that cross it just made him very cross and there it is the crossing King's famous KN slide celebration Hy gold Redeemer they love you cool Joo you think they're cheering now we just wait for tonight that's right groovy People concert at the park tonight with Cool Joe and the froze we'll be there cool Jo Joe I want your autograph we want your autograph Too Cool Joe we want your autograph [Applause] to this is cool cool Joe gets a crowd at striker land and here with the froze yes shakes but you know this whole funk music thing nobody really likes it yes y door watch and learn brother watch and learn play some rock and roll man some cool Joe how about boy band Classics you could be famous Y no yo my people welcome to the park we have a song about the aou respect to one of the super League's greatest teams but we showed you today Brothers get up up now here's the story about a guy know this is good St is awesome was me I still like to boy redemer his skill is out of sight he's a redemer perfect absolutely perfect a couple of tweaks here and there you'll be more perfect get out the contract he crosses scores so does this mean early retirement from the beautiful game no ways brother I love music but I live football well that's good cuz you know who's up next you don't have to remind me about Colossus an iron tank bro it's going to be a couple of Big M Jo Mr Co Joe yeah we're a and are waa hold up you mean the multi-million Platinum selling hit making machine that's us and we want to make you our next big [Music] [Applause] hit iron tank but is the key to beating the enemy yeah tring preparation determination Z key SK can push up no the key is knowing your enemy's weakness knowing the enemy stop repeating everything I say stop repeating everything is who are you I am the new guy they sent me over from tactical division more like the puny pipsqueak division in tactical we are taught to use our brains a sinker an ideas man we will see about that super strike are very strong right now they will crush the Grecian insects next week but they we will find their weakness ideas um their weakness is they are too good he's right the strength becomes the witness people the strength becomes the witness find the strength what we finds the weakness yeah whoa groovy one crazy happening Studio you guys got here well it can be yours all yours just sign here and here and here and here and here and here welcome to the team groovy uh we have a great idea instead of saying groovy why not have your own catchphrase like like Kaz it's in the contract this catchphrase will be your calling card your signature sound but I have a sing it's in the contract oh by the way we have big plans to take the first single plutonium plutonium it's in the contract silver gold Platinum plutonium that is so Groove KY wow now you're getting it and we have some other ideas too so tonight as we watch Colossus play Strikers we need to ask ourselves but a Super Striker traits but are Super Striker tra any original ideas how about you ideas man the uh forward's very cool gold celebration okay I give you a chance ignore zie cut him out pretend he doesn't exist let's see what we can find yeah what a match night here at strike Al land Mac should possibly be called Fight Night look at the size of him well it's the first of two sizable challenges for Super Striker Colossus tonight an iron tank on the weekend I got to move it groove it smooth it to prove it 5 4 three come on buddy make me look good two [Applause] one not often we see shakes and El Meador miss those Brenda hey Cool Joe the head is here I can tell your head isn't in the game M yo if El matador's head there wasn't in the game that cross was Pitch Perfect just focus on the football M you got it [Applause] Captain move it Mo it move it to prove it there is no weakness F go redeem huh Kow kapow don't believe it the rookie was right all along where is he ignore the cut him out pretend he doesn't exist are you crazy you have him chewing on the Hardy Alpine grass with the goats but what can the puny peep sque do he will help us understand this mind that has gone astray the mind of cool Joy okay boys we need goals but iron tank like to put up pretty big hurdles wa coach it looks like your super Striker's action figure shrunk in the wash nope these are exact scale models models where yeah Focus don't be intimidated no chance coach dispossess cleanly and get the ball to the wing kjo can thread it through the defense to us right kjo kjo where is Cool Joe anyone fulltime waits for no man I assume you have an exercise for us coach indeed North Eagle Eye and block will act as the iron tank Defenders for our Strike Force sure block fits the bill but what makes us dead ringers for those totally mutant Defenders I have something that will suit [Music] you w robotronic body armor awesome you're going Dam super strikers uh Strikers go aha sorry brothers did I miss anything uh your wardrobe join your attack crew and prepare to face iron tank yes [Music] wo w w w wo sory dude yo shakes that g was G uh not supposed to say that anymore say what groovy yeah Groo uh that why not dude it's in my contract H the only funny thing in my contract is that the club cannot hire anyone better looking not my super strikers contract numb nuts my record contract in fact no groovy funky or even brother so what can you say huh one more time W ah you guys wouldn't understand now leave me alone to do what Cool Joe does best I thought you did soccer [Music] dude Johan the Groover his style and I thought I th him missed the ball and then he did it twice but there ain't no use in across with no receiver unless you're blessed with the best it's just not right you're right it's wrong and it's not in the [Music] contract what's up man that was a smoke Jam we have a song we think would be more suitable for your first multia billion selling debut single koljo my love for you will go on and on and on and on forever and ever my darling it's a five-part vocal song about how it feels to be in love with the same person like forever and ever and ever I'm not sure this is really what but it's dropping tomorrow and we don't have a definite plutonium hit it's in the contract a plutonium number one debut single is all you need to pave the way to a career as a recording artist okay okay let's get to it I got another big game tomorrow and when I say big I mean [Music] big huh huh who this is crazy what a popularity or that Ridiculous song Hey Brother buddy it's done the job right everyone's listening to it on repeat yeah well it's repeating on me just not how it's meant to come on it's not that [Music] bad Cool Joe Cool Joe it's us we're con calling it's in the contract your song is a monster hit my friend Kaz so we've arranged a gig for you cool Joe tomorrow can't do it man I got a game against ion tank this is a halftime gig at striker land a concert on the park my Park great just remember be very very careful during the game any damage to the new look or your ability to perform on stage will mean no plutonium hits no tour and no halftime gig don't worry guys I love football but I live music so using the Tabloid press as my primary research Source I have deduced that K joo's LOVE for music is more important than his life as a soccer star ke Colonel how can we use this to win the Target The Crossing King no commitment to his life a so star means no service to the two Strikers means no goals and Vis the tank in town There's a new sound dropping on Striker land [Applause] heavy [Music] metal um we got a no show on our hands h quite the opposite shakes at halftime you were going to see a show like no other I mean Iron tank cool Joo match night at striker land and the big question have iron tank chicken out uh I don't think so [Music] [Applause] Mac you think the ref will B up for skydiving Brenda quite an entry Mac kind of glad they didn't bring a tank so is the grounds man now that is performance kind of like what Cool Joe is going to serve up when he debuts his first single to strike a land cool Joo the only performance you need to think about is your performance with the ball okay sure captain Captain the soccer first performance at halftime and then more soccer right right game on iron tank goes straight into the forward offenses th skips past shakes his tackle But Here Comes the funky gold Redeemer more like the clunky cold rri prender Z guy is a genius well I guess the captain knows to play to his teammate Str yep leave the tackling to block and north and leave the crossing to the [Music] king he let's see if Striker attack can pierce the Tank's armor shall [Music] we you're running on a blending slip Cool Joe time for takeoff already I got to uh what did I got to do again be very very careful any d [Music] not the money maker [Applause] [Music] no hey shakes why did Co Joe crusty Road uh because he can't cross the ball cool Joe's Crossing is neutralized now be attack [Music] [Applause] and Thor makes it 1 n to the visitors have to say that it looks to me that cool Joe has lost his Groove Brenda dude what's up with you where's the crossing king sorry shakes right now I can't keep my peeps waiting what are you talking about we've been waiting a whole game sh brother time to turn this round upside down just in case the soccer isn't entertaining enough for you please put your hands together for strike lands multi-talented multi-instrumental and soon multi-award-winning Co [Applause] Jo stri land this is Joan's Brothers my love for you is blooming like a flower in the Summer sun I thought his Crossing was bad the only thing about flowers is they just don't last very [Music] long and it's pretty good y anybody dudes Say It Isn't [Music] So make this good work new guy this our cool Jo super have no chance hey what you do [Music] with what have I done this isn't me huh huh [Applause] woohoo sorry Brothers I got it all wrong but that don't mean we can't serve up a funky Jam sandwich to the good people in Striker land that's not in the contract no [Music] no now here's the story about a guy know who still is out to [Music] sight now this is a band I can believe in I've got an idea what's the name of cool joo's record cover Dr land the cool Jo is no longer preoccupied with number one the top 10 or the billboard High 100 the only numbers he cares about are those numbers up there and there's something you got to know they're wrong let's make it right Johan the grou remover and I thought I him miss the ball but there ain't no Lo in a cross with noer the head bless [Applause] with n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guys I'm sorry I let someone else tell me who to be yeah and they got it wrong you should be in Rock Anthem band right no no El Mador it's cool Joe in the froze forever man cool Joe your tour to Japan is off Gro delicious I've got a tour to Japan coming up anyway with my Band of Brothers super strikers what has happened to you the funk happened Funk isn't in the contract it is now we just bought soldout records and you guys are fire now what are we going to do with all these huh I think I can help with that I for you go on and on and on this is Bru and unusual punishment we never lose again brush up please make it stop it's the first leg of the super strikers bar a double header and the Spanish pass Masters are in complete control you said it Brenda I can't remember the last time super strikers had the [Music] ball now that's more like it real tackle from dancing Rosa and Rano snubs out the danger what the time being anyway super strikers have one last chance to equalize with this corner all right guys I know it's been a tough game but Barka are vulnerable to the high ball this is our chance man you tried your best shakes but even super strikers are no match for our movement and control game's not over yet Rano shakes is unmarked it's an open go oh no he missed it after a mistake like that he'll want to miss tamora's headlines as [Music] [Applause] [Music] well shes shes over here can we get a comment on you're a horrible miss you know what they say shakes there is no such thing as bad publicity Shake shakes Benz football 360 is it true you can't head her to save your life chance to super strike a stand in the return leg against Mara if you can't even Master the bases maybe they should change the saying too there's no such thing as bad publicity unless the ball hits you in the face on International television don't worry shik's mine yeah dude Paparazzi got a short memory you think of course brother remember when my fro flopped on that award ceremony no exactly this kind of thing happens to everyone now take off those silly glasses you've got nothing to hide [Music] actually bar o passed and Oak class us at home but there's nothing we can do about that now what we can do is go to Barcelona and return the favor right on defending in the air is Barker's one weakness and we need to exploit it so I hope you're ready for some intense header training it's going to take more than training to help me that's why I'm sending you to an old friend of mine a legendary header coach named El arette the battering R you don't mean that old story about the crazy heading coach he lives in old pirate Tower in Thea and shoots trespassers with Cannon boom that's nothing but an old wife's tail right coach well actually lot's techniques are a bit unusual coach did tiger mean world party Capital Tropical Paradise Bea uhhuh I think I need some special heading training too coach please brother your head's so big the ball can't miss yeah yeah yeah yeah actually I do have a job for elmatador and it's something you're very good at ooh what is it scoring the goals dancing everything else there is hugging the Limelight hey okay I'm pretty good at that too ah sh this place is crawling with Paparazzi oh relax shakes no one will ever know we were here what [Music] that was lucky I guess that's why they call it the convenience store hey shakes but how are we going to find that pirate Tower with all of them after us you concentrate on your training and leave the media to El Toro hey who wants aot to of me El Matador and my sidekick shakes gee I wish I was as cool as you El [Music] Matador now the pirate Tower then you've come to the right place I've got pirate Tower t-shirts pirate Tower mugs pirate Tower replica goodes pirate Tower sticker books and my personal favorite pirate Tower action figure [Music] run me hearties it be the pirate Tower actually I'm looking for the real pirate Tower well why didn't you say so you need my pirate Tower mapbook ow ow should have got some pirate Tower bun spray ow [Music] Rano you've already beaten super strikers at striker land winning at home should be a breeze with the form we're in we can beat anyone anywhere shakes and Alm Matador have been spotted relaxing in AA do you find this disrespectful H itha you say please excuse me there's something I need to look into huh whoa tiger wasn't joking about the [Music] cannon wow [Music] I've been expecting you [Music] shakes 999,000 bur yeah brother we're going to get up to take baret down very good super strikers yeah well we got to up our game after you dudes totally owned us I came to see how shakes is doing he just needs a bit of time h ah yes the holiday in IA which part of the island is he on uh like s Antonio I see well I hope shakes gets his head back in the game I expect more of a challenge next time you don't think he knows about shak's training do you well he must be wondering why he's in a Bea just before a big game and I'm sure he's heard the stories about elti not hard to put two and two together dudes do doesn't matter what Riano knows man as long as El ariat's training stands up to its [Music] reputation whoa not again huh are you a cunning private eye here to solve mystery of pirate tow no then stop snooping okay I got it so what's in the book that is a list of my students that many people completed the training this obviously isn't going to be as tough as I thought yeah sure wise guy we shall see no offense but aren't you a little short to be a heading coach ha height has got nothing to do with it if you want to learn how to together you must Master Three simple skills first power power all right give me everything you [Music] got okay okay maybe let's start with half of what you got come on sake how do you expect to take on Barka if you can't even face a little Cannon now are you going to come out and face me or do I have to blow up that L this is this is this is insane this is this is header [Music] training I've never jumped so much in whole life tell me about it dude I'm so tired I can't feel my legs I am so tired I cannot feel my hands maybe I can't feel my legs Ida and I just don't know it yet because I feel my legs M my hands I know coach is working hard guys but all this extra training is really going to pay off guys from the hottest parties to the most exclusive events shakes and elmatador have been seen everywhere except for the training pitch that is dudes am I hallucinating from the hardcore practice or is that a cardboard cut out of shakes I can't believe people are buying Al Mador scam I can't believe we're working our hinies off while he's partying it up well he is distracting depress man let's just hope shakes is holding up his side of the [Music] [Applause] bargain I have taught you how to head with power yeah tell me about it now I teach you accuracy [Music] wa there you want me to get the ball through there are you psychic do you have magical powers no then how do you expect to header with your eyes closed now do it again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah stop that do you think you are a famous boxer from the movies do you want to run along the in slow mo I think I did that already I was you have nothing to celebrate the training is not yet complete it is it's time for you to take the final step all right I'm ready wait wait a second you mean the final step coach Barker have already beaten you at home do you really think super strikers can win the return leg Barker are in good form but we've worked hard to get up to their level it's only hours until the game yet shakes and elmatador still aren't here where are your star Strikers that's a very good [Music] question I should distract the media more often we now cross to AA where our reporters have uncovered this shocking footage El Mador can clearly be seen drowning Shanks but he was on fire and here he is disposing of the body what you want me to pay taxi fair for him he's a car board cut out [Music] huh hello officers could you give me just one second I hope you finish the training shakes cuz you're out of time no way I I can't do it then your training is incomplete but I've mastered power and accuracy what's jumping off a cliff going to teach me guts guts metal nerve Spirit pluck backbone shakes yeah yeah I know what it means but what's it got to do with heading everything shakes have you never had to dive head first into a Defender studs bang your head against the gold poost clearly not as much as you have ah so you're a funny guy now big comedian pity your jokes are as bad as your heading you're telling me everyone in that massive book jumped no shakes you got it wrong the big bookies of people who did not complete the training W ninja Yan Uber Scara so then who has completed the training no one there is no other book shakes fine if diving off this Cliff is so important to the training why don't you do it no wait wait I didn't mean huh that's pretty weird what goes on tour stays on tour okay it's Barka versus super strikers live from the faon and it looks like the rematch is going to be even tougher for coach's men you're telling me Brenda with shak's dead and El Meador under arrest super strikers are missing their key players what just catching up the week's big headlines Brenda oh look half price on Haus this is getting worse and worse mind still no word from shakes and Alm Matador man I'd rather have a striker who can't head her than no Strikers at all what are we going to do I I don't know man you guys shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers cat drag shak's M and how did the training go [Music] shakes that's a nice one brother 1 2 3 super [Music] stri ah hello shakes I see talk of your demise was greatly exaggerated yeah well you know the media nothing but rumors I heard a rumor just the other day about an old heading coach who lives on IA do you know that one shakes sounds very L familiar I've also heard that those who finish his training are unstoppable so what if I didn't dive off that Cliff I know how to head [Music] him when will these overblown Superstars understand without the guts they will never Master the heer uh hello it's Benz from football 360 I'm following a lead that Super Striker star shakes came here for special training just a moment I'll be right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there Jake will be looking to exploit Barker's weakness in the air pity he's super strikers weakness in the air I can do this power [Music] how wrong was I CHS is back from the dead literally if you believe the headlines P you have mastered the power so what that is not enough don't you [Applause] agree and there's their signature passing technique Su blame now that's newsworthy Brenda what a brilliant goal from Rano super strik has got the first goal but Parker have just shown why they're the favorites we're almost at the end of the half and super strikers have won a corner wow got really squeezing shakes what he's through [Music] accuracy two one the super strikers hey Rihanna his name is El AR but the way and you were right his graduates are unbeatable guys next time shakes is looking for a header I want everyone on him okay yeah we're back after the break who needs guts when you got goal number [Applause] three huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] and shakes has missed a golden opportunity why didn't he just header it Barker are grouting him and it's like he's lost all his confidence fast pass [Applause] counter trademark goal from Rano to even the score what has happened to shakes no guts no glory we're in the final 10 minutes and now it's super Striker's chance to get the winner shakman you can do this I have a gut feeling that's the problem guts is the third part of L's training and I couldn't do it going head first into something is scary but you just got to take a leap of faith mine final chance of the game incoming Brothers oo so close there's still a chance from the rebound but not much of a chance there is a sea of Barker players between the ball and the ghouls header shake head it GS got to go shakes wins it for super slers yeah all right back against the wall [Applause] yeah respect M shakes well done shakes I think you made L AR yeah I'm not sure about that I kind of bailed on his last lesson shakes Rano can I get a photo of you together he wanted me to jump off a cliff but I didn't have the guts after doing a crazy diving header like that no one can accuse you of not having guts huh I guess you're [Music] right huh say your prayers trespasser wait wait wait don't shoot it shakes wise guy I just wanted to thank you for everything before I left you show gut kid now don't tell me you came all the way back here just for that well actually there is one more thing ah the book of success but you haven't finished the training shakes huh shakes canon ball view technically training highlights right boys let's see what you've got give them a chance Tony how do I stand a chance against super strikers with you hooded hoodlums the moof monster would make a better soccer player than you lot you uh Prime Time television he's this season's top goal scorer and he hopes to add to his tally when he takes on technical in La shakes how do you do it week after week view I call it the Zone The Zone can you be more specific perhaps it's like when all the pieces of the puzzle will come together skill training discipline teamwork that's what I call the Zone okay so how do you get into the Zone I have no idea I just do and that's when I feel Unstoppable well I'm sure plenty of people would just love to get into that head of yours and discover the zone for themselves yes get into that head and steal the zone for my team [Laughter] [Music] h ah Mr shakes let me say what a pleasure it is to have you here at shatow Mar thanks man your room key uh sorry I think this is the wrong room we always get booked in under our jersey numbers no this is your room number no this isn't even any number on our team no shakes are you being difficult again apologies Mr consur dude but our friend here has some serious jet lag welcome to La best of luck against technical Etc blah blah it was an innocent mistake shakes dude maybe there's someone important staying in room number 10 no I'm in room 20 you are superstitious Super Striker shakes wa it's like all the other rooms you are in the zone shakes the Arrogant overblown Superstar Zone ignore them shakes man they know the zone is real all great Sports people find themselves in the zone sometime be cool and don't forget coach's special training tomorrow whatever that means yeah Tony Vern and his cap cohorts are not taking those three Super League points from us dude the Ron nevit site rock star a movie star well now ronit sweet is home to the Soccer [Music] Star huh whoa weird California Dreaming this is no dream shakes coach that's my name shakes coach where are are we what's going on um you're in a vcpt virtual reality chamber pod thing wao okay this rocks so how's it work you're suspended in a gel Bubble at a local training facility and we're going to make it seem like you are playing football for real okay uh why because my players I mean your teammates could benefit from having brainal zoning induction it's brilliant we find out which part of your brain controls the Zone then force zonation in the other super strikers during the game the others don't need my help they all rock that's what makes us cool we're like vultra I mean you're right Chase but imagine if we could all share our unique skills what do you need to recreate the Zone uh a ball activate ball yeah 804 or was that 904 nothing special about this training coach you can't blame us all this talk about the Zone the TV appearances the magazine covers have all gone to Shake's head I trusted you guys to keep him focused we did Coach we saw him go into his room last night dude was so anti that mixup with his key mixup stop nice thank you whatever you did shakes was booked in under his jersey number 10 no no coach someone more important even than me was staying in number 10 really first I've heard of it shut super strikker coach here good morning coach how is your practice going to may I speak to the front desk person who booked Us in last night yes of course coach BR me the chicken book not the chicken book the check in book just a moment coach there's no name in here uh I'm afraid we don't know who helped you last night this is uh most irregular like me I'm also not very regular where are you shakes uh I'll need opposition activate Scaro hey shakes wow it's great to see you I just want to see how much respect they have for player man why is scar acting weird he is yeah he's being all nice to me Big Ups [Music] bro oh right um You and Scara are Arch Rivals this should fix it right up what you looking at loser now that's Scara [Music] huh this isn't sof Locker coach this isn't real the Zone's about being in the right place at the right time tell me what you need shakes let's make the environment exactly as you need it to recreate the Zone uh okay um add lines yes uh add goals yes Stadium yes the hole of invincible United Victory will be mine huh oh hours carry on I'll watch from [Laughter] [Music] outside when super strikers face us they will have to contend with 11 players 11 players in the [Laughter] zone 24 hours this is is long enough to declare shakes Officially Missing here me too feeling bad about being tough on the dude shakes can handle that he can handle Fame too something else has happened what the guy is my strike partner I know him well so what do we do we go back to where he was last seen don't worry shakes nothing will distract me from tracking you down hey this is much nicer than my room luxury fittings oo fully automated fanciness classy views outside and inside but the best feature is the super KingSize bed fit for a soccer king sorry shakes I will find you but I'm just going to have a little [Music] it Moy the Techno bear he has sharp claws and long blue hair yes shakes yes yes no come on come on honestly coach I'm finding the it's all a bit weird it's really not how I should be preparing for the technical game but I've given you everything you've asked for yeah but it doesn't feel real I need the energy of a game I need the madness the noise the chaos I need the fans well why didn't you say [Music] [Applause] so now this is more like it it's all up to you shakes find The Zone and Super League Glory will be mine forever but do it soon because the game is starting I love Theon nevit sweet a secret trapdoor shoot that man thinks he owns this town he has a site here and he brings all his dirty washing to what hey I wash sometimes three to four times a day H not you four eyes that's Ron nevit that's the moof monster Einstein it's Tony Vern Suite the Tony ver and I got to deliver all his laundry to the hub before the game so I can't stand around all day and yada you coming or what hang on shakes I'm coming to get you sh Mia or rather m l a missing in Los Angeles with only minutes to go before a key game in their Super League campaign hopes of finding Super Striker Star Striker shakes are diminishing shakes is somewhere here at the Hub clous and lanky start and Shakes and elmatador will be back on the field before you can say uh fulltime sh you better be back way before anyone's saying that hey elmatador if you're doing some investigation on enemy soil I suggest a better disguise man I never thought I'd be cheering for you shake but go go go this one's for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] fans yes the zone is located in the associat of foot Bata hello no time to enjoy yet another moment of my absolute genius coach download did you get [Music] that trying to get these hoods to the team can I get out of here now coach now every technically player will be able to access the zone at the touch of a button game time mofy let's get fieldside anything you say you [Music] lunatic wa well The Show Must Go On excuse me despite the tragic circumstances coming [Applause] [Music] through [Music] coach getting the feeling I've been had don't worry shakes I'm going to get you out of here okay now we [Music] fight game on and super strikers immediately get the upper hand looks like it's going to be another one-sided game against the struggling technical super strikers have got the ball in a great position but their second choice L team has still got work to do and they do it with style lank's got an open goal dude [Applause] [Music] someone just came out of nowhere wow it's Chuck T chipperson what's gotten into him back no wonder Tony was so obsessed with the Zone this is amazing [Music] and that's one mil to technical Tony Burns men are showing flashes of Brilliance out there is this really technical yes yes yes I love these retro video games bloop bloop ping ping game over oh well I lose too bad back to the match then come on now Matador where are you you stupid bubble prepare to meet your untimely demise how I don't know but huh who movy you are the man get out of Jael free [Applause] back [Applause] after super strikers have lost their star strike pair and Technic Calia found their aame things are looking bad for coaches men you said it Max I've never seen technical play this well [Music] whatever the zone is I'm pretty sure John J Johnson Jr is in [Applause] it huh I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone Brenda the super strikers get completely outplayed by te Calli and now their fans are cheing John J Johnson's goal it's not the goal they're cheering ma It's the Return of elmatador with the technical mascot elmatador about time what's going on here it's me me coach Chas Chase what on Earth are you doing there long long story but I think I know what Tony is up to huh looks like the technical mascot has switched sides what fine movy so be it see if I [Applause] care only just on the field and El Mador is already making all the difference who what was that blenda it's technical goalkeeper oh great work from the goal which one Brenda the goalkeeper this is embarrassing see it's not the goalie it's his cap if what you say is true if it's even possible Tony burn can activate your level of football in each of his players yep I just have to figure out a way to beat technical it my own game is this Technic Al's chance to extend their lead not like that Brenda I don't get it John J Johnson was definitely in the zone before so why not now and why is Tony playing video games at a time like this uh coach [Applause] tell them Tony can only use the Zone inducers once per player the charge needed to activate the associ footbol drains all the power from the hoods so is there like a way we can downgrade Technic Cal's performance there is indeed we'll make Tony's plan run out of juice one player at a time only three left that's all I need to teach that treacherous muia lesson and uh beat super strikers right yeah yeah whatever this has to work strange strategy from super strikers it's as if they're asking technical to shoot yes now's our chance it's like eagley in Technic Call's mind [Applause] [Music] he run through them like the training Co pity they're leading him straight off the pitch all right it's working yes but Tony still has one zone activation left and we're running out of time H I think I know how to make Tony waste his final zone stupid movy I never like you anyway boy I'm going to show oh muy I knew you'd come back to [Music] me super strikers super now the technical mascot is cheerleading the super strikers [Applause] fans ah looks like that he is sington the third is having some trouble with his w [Applause] all right guys technical are officially in the noo Zone let's show them what the real Zone looks like [Music] [Applause] and there's another one and the thir oh I don't like to see this Brenda super strikers are attacking the techical mascot they're not attacking him Max in fact that isn't mofy it's shakes he's okay you did it guys but now I really need to get out of this suit so light to so [Applause] alone nice work buddy nice work buddy so I guess the Zone remains a secret eh shakes sure does Tony proved you can't control the Zone cuz it's not somewhere up here it's in here so finally you can get some shut ey in room number 10 shakes yep a long overdue Mega hey give me that hey huh but that's Tony Vern site yeah I know give me the move monster and all your smelly old clothes I'm sleeping on the floor and getting the laundry done huh ha ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] nak come now [Music] as you have just witnessed I wui invited every player in Japan to attack nakama yet not a single one of those weak fools could breach on new defensive technique jerk nothing can stand up to nama's discipline devotion and dedication the super league is as good as our you think Ur is up to something no when isn't he uriri has used dirty tactics in the past but this time he has something much more dangerous The Perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] Defense discipline devotion dedication and frizzy hair coach I hate training in the rain when are we going to practice some attacking moves uh uh yeah super strikers are all about the flare and style not this time the only way we're going to beat nikama is by matching their discipline that means training information eating information relaxing information go no no no no go go go right go [Music] right and don't forget partying information hey guys where do you think you're going there's a totally epic underground mall like right beneath us M of best shops a three-story arcade and most importantly the world's best hair salon this rain is killing my style the only place you're going is back to your rooms but I promised my Aunt Hilda I'd get her a present in Tokio do you think uriri lets nikama go out the night before a game I don't think so I know this is tough guys but we just got a trust coach he's totally focused on beating Nama rosta is right man coach is totally focused on Nama maybe a little too focused yes yes perfect s Nik don't sneak up on me like that what are you doing doing you know I want to beat super strikers with hard work and only hard work H this time I don't need to cheat our defense is impenetrable then what are you doing writing a condolence letter to coach dear coach second place isn't so bad unless there are only two teams you suck love IDI so what do you think do not underestimate super strikers they are a worthy adversary they do not have the discipline to crack out defensive might that's why I have to find other ways to keep myself busy or would you prefer it if I came up with an evil scheme no no this is a a bit better I suppose now if you'll excuse me I have some important business to attend to I've got a big surprise for coach and Hilda please forgive [Music] [Applause] me I'll show you IG giri huh who's there stop where are you guys going we we sleepwalking oh [Music] right all right you busted us but I need a break from coach's training eat information sleep information too much information information we just going to go to the mall for like an hour no big deal I'm sorry guys but we must stay information so I'll have to come with you a perfect surprise for Coach the toilet ship trophy for when we beat super strikers oh no worry about him jeal if they see me the surprise will be ruined oh wow this place is amazing what's really amazing is my hair check it out that monster mask looks just like uriri it's definitely as ugly as him aun Hilda will love it don't you think she has enough presents nine all I got her is dis inflatable cheese some board games a mall map these camera sunglasses on these cool light up shoelaces for myself that's the most useless junk I've ever seen no it isn't sh keep it down guys we don't want anyone recognizing us yeah if coach hears We snuck out we are dead oh it's gone you snooze you lose yeah I'll show you what happens when you make fun of orini hey look everyone it's super strikers look is it really them it is them which R maybe not the more map says that door should lead us to the surface you sure it's either that or face coach when he sees us all over tomorrow's newspapers hey I'm not my face I love you and I thought the toilet trophy would make courts man just wait till he finds out about this back back you p i yes yes perfect maybe I need a little break [Music] wao what is this place oh this is crazy wait oh this gives me a great idea this is going to make the best holiday video where are we clouse pass me the map okay this isn't a map it's Snakes and Ladders h but they look so similar man The Snakes and Ladders made more sense than this I just wanted my hair to look good for the game and now we may not even get therey should have listened to [Music] coach I've heard of Mo rats but that's ridiculous my poor hair sleep well you're going to need [Music] it I need some sleep too until that never to see her present louse that's it the inflatable cheese now just put the corn and why did I pick to SMI cheese grab on poor clous all that's left of him is his stupid shoelaces no Matador he's still wearing them oh right hey clouse looks like that junk you boss wasn't totally useless after all we made it but we're not the only ones ground pigeons I hate ground pigeons stay chilled they won't bother us unless we give them a reason to get back this is UN kill us chees over [Music] here close Dr the cheese it's for oh oh next time coach makes a curfew remind me to listen to him yes the shopping is way too dangerous these days I'm so tired at least no one noticed we were gone and I want to keep it that way huh hey my holiday video yeah the only evidence of our little shopping trip now come on if we don't get some sleep nakama will end us then Coach will end us for real ah sleep rise and shine super strikers it's time to show Nama what you made of dark storm clouds Blom over the Kuku Stadium an epic backrop for an epic game of football nama's defense has been tighter than a jar of pickles but if anyone can get it open it's super strikers a but the men in red will need to be on top for him to win this one huh Co still played them after they disobeyed his orders what an undisciplined fool unless he doesn't know Tokyo is an expensive city super strikers and your little shopping trip just cost you [Applause] dearly and we're off well someone should tell Shak and Meador that pass the ball [Applause] man what are you playing at oriri why don't you open the message and find out [Music] forget about it I'm not falling for your trcks but your players shut it the only thing I'm interested in is cracking your defense nakama steal possession and super strikers get it back nakama take it again and Strikers return the favor nak super strikers nak super strikers ni I feel like a commentating tennis here Brenda what why are they so tired already they have too many extracurricular activities coach what would you know only what I saw in the message why don't you take a look yourself not going to happen it's been a tightly contested game so far but now Nama are beginning to turn the screws and Super Striker lazy forwards ain't helping they should really track back in theend especially against an organized team like Nama look at all the space they have to attack what a shot oh my and big po defies the loss of gravity to keep the scorers even nakama are running us into the ground and it's all my fault Strikers are trying to match nakama at their own game but it's just not working unless the forwards help out in defense coach's men are going to be completely overrun shakes Elm maridor clouse didn't you listen to a word I said in trading where's the discipline super strikers are getting molded out there and they were in the mall last night what do you want about uriri first check the message then we can talk shop like which shop I saw your players in I'm good at this you want to do what if it carries on like this we're going to lose big time but coach is acting all crazy who knows what he'll do to us if you tell him I'm sorry guys but I've got to do this the game depends on it huh coach what is it shakes well I I wanted to tell you how good you're looking is that a new suit did you get a haircut that's not it I was going to say that how wonderful it is to be in a team like super strikers oh it makes me so proud no I enough sit down and keep quiet something went very wrong out there and I know whose fault it is mine mine V a so close after you shakes close El Mador and I are too tired to stick to the strategy because we were out all night well that explains what uriri was on about before a big game what were you thinking man totally not cool dudes but it wasn't our fault yeah we we were only going to go out for an hour but then we got chased by crazy fans into these huge underground tunnels Flo down a river on flatable cheese and got attacked by sewer [Music] rats that's the worst excuse I ever heard yeah about as bad as your gu performance real funny guys I have to proof but I have to take ailda something well what do you know they're telling the truth what you did was Reckless irresponsible and completely un professional and what's more it's my fault I was so focused on uriri strategy I couldn't see that playing so defensively isn't the super Striker's way maybe if I had trusted our natural attacking style you wouldn't have done this right now all we need to focus on is winning this game right coach yeah sure come on guys let's get out there and win this game the super strike way it's could it [Music] [Applause] [Music] be and big ball stuffs out yet another nak attack super Striker's shot stopper has singlehandedly kept his team in the game course I got you a present in the mall you'll never gets who I saw there h [Music] come on guys this is our chance to make things right now that's more like it from super strikers great interplay by the front three will this attack break the deadlock shakes must score what the nakama defense shuts the door in his face not even the mighty super strikers are a match for nama's defense and it looks like coach is making a substitution doesn't surprise me Brenda shakes clous and El Meador have been way off the pace today I'm sorry coach the substitutes will do a better job yeah we'll just sit on the bench where it's nice and dry I'm not subbing you what cuz I need you guys for my brand new game plan it's weird it's risky it's totally local it's perfect what almost at full time and unbelievably the scorers are still level but it's not over yet Mac the last few minutes are always the hardest and super strikers launch one final attack it looks more like interative dance to me whatever it is it's working Nama don't seem to know how to defend against this erratic movement [Music] stop them you fools where's that famous dama discipline [Music] [Applause] [Music] uriri I can't keep this up much longer then let's finish it now [Music] I can't do it I'm too [Music] tired I got all the energy in the world what a I don't understand how did you crack my Ultimate Defense I learned a new technique you've probably never heard of it it's pretty Underground [Applause] mov last time well done guys you did us proud relax and enjoy yourselves but not too much too late coach a come on I'll never get this out of my hair [Music] [Applause] [Music] as Mount Keane continues to blast volcanic ash into the atmosphere all air travel has been suspended soccer fans around the world are scrambling to find other ways to get to the big super Striker's Invincible United Derby huh not just the fans stupid volcano doesn't it know I only travel on private jets it's going to take us years to get home by train that's why I always travel with an inspector V inspector mystery story this one's called The Mystery of the missing Mystery Train it's about a mysterious train that goes missing [Music] yeah h come on shakes it's going to take a lot more than that to beat Invincible United yeah brother why don't you try out that fancy new shot of yours the knuckle ball no no it's not ready come on Shak give us a sneak preview all right but don't say I didn't warn [Music] you never mind us you should have worn the janitor pity you won't have a chance to perfect it before you face Scara don't be so sure come our train is here classic incredible ooh I can't it back I wish there would be volcanic eruptions more often and that's not even the best part [Music] introducing prof's latest invention the training coach aren't you our training coach it's a coach on a train elmatador aren't you coming on the train with us coach it's a coach on a train that trains you like a coach I don't get it oh wow this is just like to train and inspector V Spectre and the Mystery of the missing mystery train with me clous Von clinker Hof and on the case no mystery will be left unsolved yeah except for the mystery of how to pronounce your last name I've analyzed this season stats passing shooting possession Invincible United and us are even in almost every way that's why we need some something special up our sleeves for the Derby the knuckle ball exactly whoa it's like we're not moving at all how does it work I was worried you'd ask that activate tutorial video it's very very simple see the carriage construction is an onion skin of Steel tubes each suspended in a fluid of equal density to its interior this buoyancy creates an inertia daper countering any force or acceleration The Carriage is exposed to I mean how does the training work oh right activate training program go ahead give it a try [Music] it's 3 days till the Derby get the knuckle ball ready by then and we'll have the advantage over [Music] [Music] United an entire day of investigating and I haven't found a single mystery uh yeah and the butler said if you try to sneak into his room again he'll throw you off the train in inspector V Spector novels Z Butler is always guilty I know he did it uh did what dude I still have to work that out Butler fancy meeting you here chill out dude he's just bringing a [Music] chow that guy is definitely up to something my steak finally a mystery hey shakes man how's the training tiring what's up with the rest of the guys can I have your attention please a juicy delicious steak has been stolen on this very train and one of you is z culprit now I'm not going to mention any names only professions Butler sorry everyone he has an overactive imagination yeah and an underactive brain sorry I asked just stay focused on protecting the knuckle ball man Invincible United are going to give us a game and a half yeah but while they're traveling I'm practicing that's going to give us the edge [Music] w [Music] scar what are you doing here you think you're the only one Stranded by this stupid ash cloud but if I'd known you were on this train I would have walked yeah well if you'd excuse me I've got things to do I can see that what's in the fancy Carriage wouldn't you like to know tell me no why not say pretty please and I'll think about it pretty please no huh how about I play you for it and to end in the dining car first goal wins unless you're [Music] chicken and I thought I'd have to wait till the game to kick your butt H well you're definitely going to be kicking yourself when you lose [Music] brilliant tackle from Scara maybe you should concentrate more in the ball and lessen your Lan commentary got you now loser sorry you will be ouch [Music] [Music] looks like the trains on my side The Winning Side get it scar on huh surprise dingga go Scara wins you cheated I said I'd play you I didn't say it'd be one-onone wa nice well not bad for a second rate team like super strikers what are you doing here wa what's that you got your Peak now if you'd excuse me yeah yeah thanks for the tour I've seen everything I need to see okay day two knuckle ball here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah best you eat this before blocked us how's the knuckle ball coming along ready for action Scara may have seen the training Carriage but he has no idea what's coming his way huh what are you talking about oh Scara challenged me to a game wait are you saying Scara is on this train you're telling me you haven't seen dingan and Scara they're pretty hard to miss H wherever those guys go trouble ain't far behind never mind that we're being left behind this is not good and it's about to get worse [Music] ma there has to be some kind of emergency system on this thing shakes give me a ballman I got an idea this isn't exactly the time for training c train is over shakes man time to put the knuckle ball into action [Applause] so I guess this means you perfected the knuckle ball shakee M yeah got we're coming for you any luck nothing I don't get it he has to be here somewhere so let me get this straight you're seeing Invincible United snuck on without anyone noticing tried to dit you in the middle of nowhere and then just disappeared off a moving train yeah I think you've been spending too much time with Cloud don't worry guys the Myster is about to be solved excuse me out of the B inspector Claus Von Koff in coming through sorry I'm late I had to fetch my mustache continue I know it sounds a bit out there but who else would want to strand me in the middle of nowhere just before a big game The Mystery of the missing Mystery Train is coming true so using my powers of logical deduction I can confidently say there is one person on this train capable of such a [Music] crime can't believe we're doing this shakes once you eliminate the impossible yeah like Scara disappearing off a moving train whatever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth in English please Z Butler did it you again I told you I didn't touch your steak this isn't about a m steak anymore this is about that that's the pig from the training carage I have no idea how that got in here save it Butler the next stick you serve will be in the prison cafeteria it's Derby Day and with the volcano still grounding all flights both teams have been forced to find other ways to get to the game on time and here super strikers h ah here they are it was my greatest case it was your only case except the case isn't [Music] closed match D at striker land do you think the team's lack of preparation will affect their performances I don't know if this Derby is going to be up to its usual high standards Brenda and we're off looks like we were wrong Brenda shakes and Scara aren't showing any rustiness from their extended travel time in fact they're both in sizzling hot form it's going to take a real moment of Genius to separate these two sides trying to ditch me in the middle of nowhere that's low even for you Scara don't you read the paper shakes the butler did it you may have tricked everyone else but I know it was [Applause] you prove it I don't need to your plan failed the knuckle ball is complete that I can prove I [Applause] hope oh yes what a goal from shakes first of many Scara ooh scary I'm shaking in my boot yeah I know that's why you tried to stop me from getting to the game police I didn't even know you were on the training Carriage so you were on the train after all I'm sorry shakes your suspicions were correct all along cool man I'm sure even inspector vspe made some mistakes Scar's plan failed and we've got the lead that's all that matters I'm afraid it is not that simple what do you mean Scara admitted that he did not know you were on the training Carriage which means his plan wasn't to stop you from getting to the game and what was he up [Music] to invincibly United looked determined to get back on level terms out of my way but after shak's Wonder their goal they have their work cut out for them [Music] [Applause] ball what what a looks like it's going to take more than a new move to separate these sides that's that's my shot his plan wasn't to leave me stranded it was to steal the knuckle ball for himself so he set a carriage a drift but then how did he learn the knuckle ball and get to the match on time [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like your season is about to go off the rails elaborate crime fruit prooof Alibi clever play on vers this guy is good with the lead secured Invincible United are making their first [Applause] substitution clouse the railway line switched after the train went past but why because Invincible United had another train waiting to pick it up and take them to the [Music] game of course that could also explain how Scara escaped to train cuz his g a buzz to training Carriage Rost and I must have been close to catching him in the app [Music] chases was right all along scar was behind the train robbery sorry we ever doubted you brother yeah but if you keep scoring goals like that I don't care what you believe so you solved a crime now let's punish United [Applause] amazing how I like shakes and Scara are they're even using the same shooting technique do you think they've put aside their differences in our training together nah they can barely handle being on the same field as each [Applause] other last chance 10 super strikers the winner too bad scar grabbed shakes first slly move the free kick looks too far out to shoot even with Shake's new Thunderbolt in a way drop for United that'll do there's still one thing I don't get Scara how did you plant The Carriage peg in the butler's room if you left on the carriage easy if you got the skill I was making my getaway when I had a brilliant idea Spector Von dork was so determined to bust the butler for something so you planted the evidence he needed and with an obvious suspect on the train it was an open and shut case pretty clever Scara but we're still going to beat you please time's up you're going to have to share the point to this just like you shared the knuckle ball he's right the peg was the last part of the puzzle but it's done nothing to swing the game in our favor Pig swing [Music] [Applause] [Music] fantastic another brand new shot from shakes unbel Scara could steal your move but not your creativity yeah being prepared helps but sometimes you just got to live in the moment so how did you come up with a new move that's one mystery I'm going to keep to myself and I don't want to give Scara any more credit talking about Mysteries where's clouse all right this place is clean let's dump this thing before we get busted but it's so amazing it feels like we're not moving moving at all that's because we aren't moving you idiot we're in the train yard it is awesome we could be moving at 100 mph right now we wouldn't feel a thing finally the Mystery Train does disappear with the culprits on board thanks again for the help inspector Von um clous is fine there's a pron cell waiting for those two well once we release the butler oh yeah tell him I'm sorry about that don't worry we also thought it was him yeah in inspector Von Spectre Stories the butler is always guilty always guilty wait you guys no inspector on Spectre are you kidding me he's the reason I became a Super League agent in the first place yeah me too no V we had a poster of him up at the SB headquarters yeah big fans so do you guys know the inspector themes inspector Vector Theo detector he's got sty he's got glass and a really cool must we're in the last 10 minutes and if super strikers can maintain this score line they'll have booked a place in the Super League finals but IU will have a mountain to climb if they want to make the final from here huh get on with it doofus time's a ticket come on Dancing resta attack attack attack what are you talking about friend all we need is the draw but dancing resta is the captain of my fantasy team spins up if Rasta scores I go top of my fantasy lead yeah but if he plays it safe super strikers go to the top of the real Le don't have all day knucklehead tackling your own teammate never seen that technique before Brenda this is a real opportunity for invincible United SC I'm open but scar wastes the chance scar you idiots they were wide open what are you going to do about your bits what that's it Scara I'm taking your Captain's armband for good a month before the final police you'll never find someone to replace me I already have Scara I already have and with super strikers playing this well you almost have to pity whoever faces them in the final but things aren't looking so Rosy for their local Rivals out of form and out of a captain with only five games left in the season who's going to lead Invincible United over the Finish Line we now cross live to the [Music] vice he's been called a born leader a shepherd of lost soccer Souls he's a man destined to truly unite this great Club presenting [Music] dooma thank you thank you I am proud to be the new Invincible United Captain Invincible United already has the League's best players my mission is to help them achieve the glory they deserve so what do you say guys are you ready to turn our season around [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the Super League final Invincible United and look out super strikers I'm scoring the gos so why is he getting all the glob you got lucky you pun little man boy no need for hard feelings Uber your men played well yes for devil I'm looking forward to watching super strikers crushing [Applause] fin you shap shifting chartin you are too OG feeling better yes has Duma remembered his appointment at reab tonight yes refab eh looks like Mr Perfect has a little problem yes I'm taking the Fantasy League this season I can't believe you made Duma your captain in reality I'm super strikers for life but in fantasy league I'm all about the points are you so rich it physically hurts is Fame weighing you down and giving you a back ache then you need refound the health spa so exclusive we have to wipe your memory after your treatment hey wait a second that doctor is the guy who's always with Duma but what would Duma need with a fancy Spa Doctor sounds like a real mystery I know what you're thinking and forget about it you heard the ad reab is for the Rich and Famous only I know someone rich and famous no no no get away from me not that please anything with that the things I do for football Cal D you'll feel like a new person very soon yes good [Music] D behavioral reconstruction Ward sounds [Music] serious Tony how does this make you feel angry betay betrayed Spike would you like some strudel give me shut up what is this [Music] place who are you really Mr Duma lifetime ban complete personality upgrade warning do not expose to stress duma's ticking Time Bomb this isn't the aroma therapy room cut the ACT shakes Scara and hand over duma's file no ways the whole world's going to find out about Duma not before he injures half your team in the final give it to me and he won't even make the game why should I trust you you think I'm going to let Duma steal my team I am Invincible unit I don't know maybe you're the perfect match give [Music] it let the smoothing pan pipes help you not be a complete jerk all the time who's that who's spying on Duma I'll tell us SW done and when I find you I'll get you out of the space this is my di my di what are you doing here this is a restrict area I got this patience snooping and doom I'm not a patient restrain him I just no stop Tre you like a soccer ball nobody dists d i get [Music] it oh look at this Brenda coach is bringing on his secret super substitute spener oh Mac I love Spencer he's the what how long as I asleep all night what wait you were up all night it's the Super League final fantasy points count double I had to get my team perfect hey look H it's Duma that reminds me I still need to decide whether to make rosta or Duma my captain never mind that friend shakes should have been out of there ages ago I got to go look for him but how are you going to get in I have a plan welcome to the new you no I really really like the current me like anyone can hear me on the contrary I hear every lost soul you wanted to undo all the hard work our friend Duma has done to heal himself heal himself the rest of the league is going to need healing unless we stop him I put too much hard work into this to let you ruin everything well you can't just leave me here wouldn't dream of it now what personality would you like superhero TV marketer or dance theater Enthusiast Dance Theater what kind of sicko are you I know how about a little [Music] combo defab [Music] uh-uh we don't want you undoing your treatment now after all the fun is only just beginning welcome to refound welcome to the new [Applause] you the Super League final is upon us and so is Doom Mania I can see why the man's a complete Legend and his team loves him just as much as the fans so get out there and remember no matter what happens I'm proud of each and every one of you very inspiring Captain so tell me does our game plan involve attacking our coach fly kicking an opposition fan or my personal favorite shoving a ref's whistle up his nose I know who you really are and unless you give me the captaincy B Vince will too Scara Scara Scara I used to be just like you angry threatened but my doctor at refab helped me find a better way yeah you can reminisce while you pack your bags alone you'll only ever be the bad boy captain of the league's sturdiest team but with all the cameras on me everyone will think Invincible United has really changed leaving you to do whatever you want together you can finally get your hands on that League trophy together we can destroy super strikers now that's inspiring Captain hello it is me International Soccer Star El Matador you don't look anything like El Matador why do you think I'm here I need professional help okay okay go through to the waiting room [Music] well it's been all Invincible United so far who would have thought it me as soon as I saw that ch's name wasn't on the St thing lineup a very strange decision from super strikers why does he always do this goodbye the old you hello the El Matador shees how long was I out for shakes it's me spenza snap out of it huh he took it I got to get to the game the guys are in danger what are you talking about I'll Blain in the way we got to hurry but shakes you were hooked up to this crazy machine don't worry Spence I'm [Music] fine where are almost at the end of the first half and super strikers have hardly had a kick and it's been all thanks to that man Invincible United's inspirational captain and all round nice guy Invincible United just got one hand on the [Applause] trophy what are we going to do I don't know brother with Duma in charge Invincible United really are invincible and United Fe not for I am here where have you been uncovering a dark secret the real Duma was a violent brute who was banned from the Super League for life but he's undergone a personality altering procedure making him Mr Nice Guy but the treatments a sham duma's still evil and only I can stop him thanks shakes that was very dramatic so how do we stop him shakes with the allnew high-tech defab audio bile in duma's assistant bag one listen and Duma will return to normal that's right how much would you expect us to win by with this amazing new innovation 2: one 3: one right listen ches our first priority is the game if we can expose Duma that's an added bonus got you Captain this calls for a celebration a one and step and two and jump to the back I think shakes dose of crazy personality treatment really what makes you think that we can't put him on the field like this don't worry guys I can do this jazz hands not a chance coach you know as well as I do that we need shak's outa he can make the difference even if he isn't quite himself understatement of the century Captain but you're right yeah I'll give him 15 minutes but if his condition hasn't improved I'm taking him off the players are coming on for the second half and shakes has decided to join the party so Duma was a bad guy all along G I can't believe I almost chose him as my fantasy Captain almost don't worry spenza there's only one man I'd choose for the Super League final [Music] hey I'm free did you hear that folks call now and go get Superstar elmatador absolutely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] free uh I must score it's my destiny the ref stops play so the Medics can see the automatic endingo maybe they should check shak's head while they're out there he's been acting crazy since he came on all right guys this is our chance to get the daab vial that creepy guy doesn't take his eyes off it we're going to need a distraction something big something over the top H something completely crazy crazy what I don't know how you escaped but shut your pie hole dirt bag goodz boy I have a deal for you and it goes a little something like this a one and a two and a 1 2 3 [Applause] 4 hey swing me swing me how many times do I have to tell you to save the dance theater for after the [Applause] game but Charleston it is my [Applause] [Music] favorite all right that's enough you want to see more you come watch us after the game all right great bye all right we got the defab vial now we just got to find a way to make Duma listen to it there's been a change of plan shakes mind yeah you need the defab more than anyone me but there's nothing wrong with me is there what did I do let's just say you're going to love the match highlights but what about Duma it's just like Shake said man stress Duma out and his real personality will break through and how are we going to do that without the defab vile by unleashing the full power of the super strikers thanks forab here's your defab see you soon it's been [Applause] fast welcome back [Applause] CHS now this is more like it from Super Striker [Music] [Applause] D don't just stand therea you idiot do something what do you want us to do what a chance oh no but he's taken out by Dum I don't believe it and neither can the fans Mac huh huh you pathetic idiots look what you made me do super strikers take the free kick quickly go the men in red are back in it all right guys this is it the moment we've been fighting for All Season let's get our name on that trophy hey Duma this is all shak's fault he's the one that wants to tell the world your secret yes yes I'll destroy [Music] him beautiful move by super strikers jmon shoot now that's a captain what a dramatic goal Mac but at what cost Brenda dancing R dancing R daning dancing what inspiration be what a fairy tale for super strikers but it's less of a happy ending for Duma what happened to him this is what I think of your God bad now put on your earphones and come back to [Applause] refa who listening to you to a bad and he loves it what a weird dude I now present to you the Super League champions Super [Applause] Striker but wait that's not all gotcha that wasn't funny let's hope next season is a bit easier than this one was eh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 54,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, Supa strikas, american soccer, anime, best football show, best football team, cartoons, cartoons for kids, football, football cartoon, football compilations, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, rookie season, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer cartoon, soccer goals, supa league, supa strikas in english, supa strikas in hindi, super estrikas, super league, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Id: BGKk4zLSZ9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 47sec (11027 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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