The Smiling Killer

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As the family of today's murder victim made  an emotional and tearful statement in court,   the killer sat just a few feet away  from them smiling and laughing  about what he'd done. Today we're going to be  talking about the murder of Jordan Klee. But quickly before we get into the case, I do just  want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible, Nord VPN.  If you go to forward  slash Eleanor that is the link that is down below  in the description box, there'll be an exclusive  deal waiting for you there and it is completely   risk-free with NordVPN's 30-day money-back  guarantee. Right now for the New Year, it is one bonus month free. Having a VPN is so useful  for so many reasons. The main thing that I kind of use it for is accessing more of the internet,  accessing more of streaming service selections, specifically. 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Thanks again  to Nord VPN for sponsoring this video.   Now, before we get into it, I do just want to give my usual  disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect   to anyone that I talk about in this video. This  video is for educational purposes and everything   that I'm about to say is just information that  I have found on the internet and I'm compiling   into one video. So today's case takes place in  a city called Ann Arbor in Michigan,  actually I think you're supposed to say it more like all one  word? Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor.   In 2016, this is where 18 year old Jordan Michael Klee lived with his  mother, Karen Klee. Sadly, Jordan's father passed away a few months before he was born on July  26 1998, so he never actually got to meet his father of course, but he wasn't without a father  figure. He had his grandfather, his mother's father,  who did a lot with him as he was growing  up, that was practically his dad. And his mother Karen, also tried to give Jordan the absolute best  life that she possibly could,   even though now she was a widowed mother doing it all on her own, she gave it her absolute best. Growing up, Jordan was a very adventurous kid. He was very hyperactive, he  was always running around climbing trees, he was- he was a very sporty like athletic very, you know  just one of them energetic kids that's always on   to something new. He really enjoyed sports,  particularly, he was really good at biking,   he was really good at skiing, both of which  his granddad taught him how to do. He was on the football team, he was really good at football. Yeah, he was a really good athlete in high school   like one of the best football players on their  team and he won a bunch of awards for it as well,   he was really popular among his football team  they all loved him. And he was very academically gifted as well, he always got really good grades, basically Jordan just applied himself in every   area of his life. He was determined to do well  and be successful at whatever he put his mind to. And he really was. Although sometimes he  would get in a little bit of trouble in class   for like, daydreaming and slacking off a little  bit. He would like play with things on his desk,  fidget, make little like- I don't know, I used to do  this on my desk as well like,  just pick a load of like random little things that you can get your hands on and I used to like try and make him into something. I was a loser, I was a loser, but Jordan  did it too so it made me feel better about myself.  Jordan was really really good at maths, he enjoyed  anything that was kind of like mathsy based, so even like physics and he really liked engineering. He decided that he was going to study an engineering course and that was going to be the career that  he was going to head into because he knew it was   well paying and he found it pretty easy, like he  was good at it so why not! So that was the plan, to just keep grinding out high school and then he  was going to go off to college, he was gonna go to   Michigan University where again, he was gonna study  engineering. He had plans to join the football team there too and play for his university now. And he  knew he was going to be good at it as well like,  he was really excited for some of the games that  he was going to be involved in. But unfortunately, Jordan Klee wouldn't even make it to his high school graduation. Around 3 P.M on October 4th 2016, there was a maintenance worker on shift at  an apartment complex called Pine Lake Village in Ann Arbor.  He'd been there pretty much all day at  this point and most of his jobs had been inside the building,  so he'd been working away. And then  at some point he walks outside the building and   that was when he saw a young man, laying on the  ground, not moving. So the worker ran over to the boy and quickly noticed a pool of blood around  his head and there was one singular gunshot wound, right in the middle of his forehead. This boy had been shot and killed. He was already dead. The maintenance worker knew that there was no saving  this boy, yet he still called for every emergency   service that he possibly could.  Police came down  and an investigation was opened. Immediately, this case was ruled as a homicide because of course,    he was shot in the head and there was no gun found laying around so it wasn't like he'd shot himself, it was clear that someone else had shot him in the head and run away, taken the weapon away with them.  Police spoke with the maintenance worker, obviously  that found him and also a bunch of people in  the apartment building, but no one had really seen much however, a few people had heard what they  believed to be a gunshot about an hour before the body was found. So at around 2PM, they recalled  hearing what they thought in the moment, could have been a gunshot. It was kind of- the way that they all described it, it was like it could have been a gunshot, but it also just could have been a  loud noise outside and I didn't want to overreact,  so I just kind of ignored it. There was about two  people, maybe three, that heard this gunshot.  So now, after finding this body they all knew that it was  a gunshot that they'd heard  but at the time, it- it could have been something else so they didn't report it. When the young man's body was taken for autopsy, they were able to identify him as 18 year old, Jordan Michael Klee. Jordan's family were informed of his passing   and the circumstances in  which, he had been found dead and aside from all of the obvious emotions that they would be feeling right now, shock, devastation, heartbreak, they were also just generally very confused. As far as his family were aware,   Jordan should have been in school that day. This was a school day and it was  the middle of the day when he was shot and killed.   Why was he at some random apartment complex that  they'd never heard of and not in class?  He had got up and got ready and left for school that morning, so what had happened during the day that it meant that he didn't actually end up at school, he'd ended up in this other random place, shot dead.  His family really racked their brains and they just  couldn't think of any kind connection that Jordan   could have had to Pine Lake Village Apartment  Complex.   He didn't know anyone that lived there, he didn't have any friends that lived there, he had absolutely no business being there. There was nothing about these circumstances that was in  keeping with Jordan's character, he wasn't the type to skip school and bunk off and go meet friends or whatever. It- everything was so confusing to his family. But they couldn't even really think about  that, they were too busy dealing with the- the very sudden loss of someone that they loved. Jordan's mother told police that he was a very loving, very kind, very friendly person that didn't have enemies.   He didn't have people that didn't like him, people that wanted to hurt him, people that wanted him gone, that wasn't the kind of boy he was.   He was nice to everyone he came in contact with.   Because to be honest, in the beginning police kind of thought that this was probably like   gang related or feud related like, maybe he was a member of one gang and then another gang didn't like him and so they've tracked him down and shot him and kill him,  but his mom was saying, no that's- that's not my  son at all,  he wasn't in gangs he didn't- he didn't run with bad kids like he was a good kid himself,  all his friends were good kids.   And this was just- this was nothing like his life. So it couldn't have been anything like, his lifestyle and his choices, led to this.  Honestly though, what seemed to  be the most likely motive was that, maybe this was an armed robbery gone wrong. I mean it did happen in the street, in the middle of the day. Whoever had done it, whoever had shot and killed Jordan, had run away pretty quickly, gotten out of there. They hadn't moved his body at all, I don't actually know if he was robbed, I couldn't find that anywhere on the internet because, surely that would tell us if  it was a robbery or not, like if his wallet's gone, then it was a robbery, but I'm not sure, but that  also kind of leads me to believe that nothing was   stolen because if something was stolen,  it would  be in the reports and it would be in the articles. Unless it was an armed robbery where they were  gonna rob him,  but then they shot him first first and panicked. Maybe that wasn't what they meant to  do, so they just ran away without actually robbing him?  I don't know, I'm really kind of getting  ahead of myself   but that's because this case really confuses me. But whatever the circumstances, this was an innocent 18 year old boy  with a bright future in front of him, that was ripped away by  someone that had just shot him in the middle of the street and ran away. And police were determined  to find the person that had done this  and bring them to justice. Police were very tight-lipped  about this one particular investigation, since they had all these kinds of theories that it could have been gang related and stuff like that.  A lot of them had been mostly ruled out,  but they- they were also keeping their cards very close to their chest,  for a lot of reasons!  I mean it's  always kind of good to do that in a lot of police investigations unless, releasing information will  help bring more information forward, then I think it's always quite useful to- to keep what they know, close. And so, for that reason, I don't really have much information about the investigation   and kind of what led police to do this,   but about a week after the murder, police announced that they  had made three arrests.   The youngest of these three boys was 17 year old Danta Wright, and the other  two were a bit older than him I believe, although I couldn't actually find specific ages online,   their names were Jermarius Ellison and Delrano Gracey. The police had actually already worked out this  friend group a little bit, this little trio.  They'd been doing their research and they believed that  the youngest one, the 17 year old Danta Wright, they believed he was the ringleader of the group,   he was the brains. Danta was actually in the same school year as Jordan Klee so he too was due to sit his exams, and graduate and have prom and then go off to college next year. I don't know if he was going  to the same school, so I don't know if he knew who Jordan Klee was, but they were exactly the same age. But instead of attending his prom and his graduation, Danta Wright would be standing trial  for the murder of an innocent man. Police believe that this was an attempted robbery performed by all three of the boys that I mentioned,  and they believed that ringleader, Danta Wright, was the one that managed to get hold of the firearm,   so that they could use it that day and he was also the one that discharged it. So he was the one that shot Jordan Klee once in the middle of the forehead,  killed him immediately. So he was the murderer and he was the one that was expected to fare the worst, at trial. And honestly, Danta Wright is so unlikable. This man is just so cocky and arrogant, he has no empathy, he is so emotionless and narcissistic. I could keep going, I really don't like him.  He was a pain in the ass from start to end of this investigation,  it seemed as though he was gonna be trouble. As it led up to his trial, it was looking like he was going to plead not guilty,   even though police had supposedly a decent amount of evidence against him, I don't know exactly what they had, but he- he was seeming like he was, he was hinting that he was going to plead not guilty.  Now the problem with this is, or the reason that that's annoying to police, is because they had the evidence to say  that he did it but he, Danta, could drag this out as long as he wanted. He knew that this was painful for his victims families,   yet he didn't care. He had no empathy. He wanted to drag it out, he wanted to make a scene. Even though he could have pled guilty then and there, he didn't want to. He wanted the attention in the limelight, you know?   So they thought he was gonna plead not guilty, that was what he was hinting the whole time, but actually, on the day of the trial, he got up there and shocked everyone when he pled guilty. He stood up there and confessed to the murder of Jordan Klee.   He told his version of events and he admitted that yes, it was an armed robbery gone  wrong and that the other two boys were involved. And he actually admitted that, he intentionally shot Jordan Klee in the head that day,   like he hadn't started the altercation thinking he was going to shoot him in the head, but he said that when he did like-  when he raised that gun, he aimed at his head intentionally. He wanted to shoot this boy in the head, knowing that a shot to the head is almost impossible to survive, knowing that he was about to kill this boy, he still lifted that gun, aimed at his head and pulled the trigger. When you're shooting someone in the head, you know that  that shot is gonna kill them, you aim for the head when you're shooting to kill. And of course once  the gun went off,  Jordan died immediately, as soon as that bullet went through his brain he died and  dropped to the floor, and that was when those three boys realised what they'd just done. They had just committed murder. All three of them panicked a bit, and just ran away, just left this 18 year old boy's body, on the ground and they all ran away. Danta was asked if he knew that he'd kill Jordan  Klee or if he thought he'd just kind of left him for dead and that maybe he might recover, and Danta said in court that   no he knew he'd kill Jordan, as soon as he fired that shot and saw Jordan fall to the ground, he knew he was dead. He knew he just committed murder. In the court hearing, Jordan's mother Karen Klee, wanted to stand up there and   read a victim impact statement. She'd written this speech about how the loss of her son had affected her life so much  and about how these three boys  had- had ruined her life. Not only her son's life, they'd ruined so many people's lives, shooting her  son.  So she'd written this really powerful speech, however on the actual day, she was so emotional, she couldn't stop crying all day long enough to give this speech. And so instead, Karen's cousin actually got up and read this statement on her behalf  and you'll see in these videos that Karen is stood to the side of her, literally sobbing the whole way through.  It's heartbreaking. In this speech, she talks about how Jordan was like her best friend, he always cared for her, always did things for her. He would bring her milkshakes home, like on his way home from work because he knew that she liked them. He would make her laugh when she was feeling down. She said that she was always  really looking forward to having grandkids,  but now the chances of her ever having them is gone. Karen herself is sobbing all the way through this,  meanwhile Danta Wright is smirking, laughing, rolling his eyes just a few feet away. Being so disrespectful. And he also got up and made a  statement himself at one point. Apparently, everyone in that courtroom could feel the tension, feel the anger. Everyone was angry at Danta Wright for acting this way, especially in front of his victim's family. He wasn't taken this seriously, he wasn't realizing the gravity of what he'd done, he had killed a young man and he was just laughing at his victim's family's pain. It even got to the point where the judge himself  called Danta out for this. After this, Danta's defense attorney actually had to get up   and make an apology on behalf of his client.   He had to apologise to the judge and the whole courtroom. At the end of this trial, Danta Wright was   found guilty of armed robbery and for that he was sentenced to 50 years in prison, with a minimum of 23. I believe he had a sentencing plea which made  his sentence lower than it otherwise would have been, although I don't know the details of that  sentence, simply. Perhaps he gave up information on his accomplices or something, I don't know. Speaking of, they were both also found guilty   and they were both sentenced to 40 years with a  minimum of 15. And in the aftermath of all of this,   there's actually been another unexpected villain, raised their head in this story, Danta Wright's own mother. She's done interviews where she has been  asked how she feels about her son's victims family. So the other mom, you know who is now dealing  with the loss of her child, how does she feel about her son's actions like that. And the things that she says are just so lacking empathy, they're just almost as bad as her son. She says a lot of things like, my son was supposed to graduate this year too and now I- I'm without my son too. Yes, we can all understand and  acknowledge that your son is away in prison for the next 40 years and you're not going to see him much. But how bloody tone deaf can you get? When a reporter is asking you, how you feel about  your son murdering this other innocent young man   and you- and you're just stood there going, well I have problems too! Jordan Klee's family will never get to see their son again, never get to hear his voice, never get to hear his laugh ever again. You get visitation rights with your son at prison,  you get to have phone calls with your son in prison. Like it's one thing for her to feel sad  in private, that her son is now in prison for a very very long time, I think most mothers would be heartbroken over that. But it's a totally different thing to then vocalise that in an interview,  where you have specifically been asked about   the effect of your son's actions on the grieving  family. Don't then make it about yourself. You're practically rubbing your half loss in the face of  the family who have lost Jordan Klee forever.  They will never get their boy back, you will one day. She actually maintains that her son is innocent,   um and actually committed the shooting because of  mental illness that wasn't properly investigated.   What? What the hell is she on about? Mental health has not been brought up once in this case.   This was an armed robbery, that your son has admitted  to confess to, there's never been any mention of  mental health, mental illness. That just absolutely- I just I can't make heads or tails of that. He got hold of a gun prior to that event and took it  out, intending to use it in some capacity.   This is not a result of mental illness at all, she even said that that's why her son was smiling in court,  it wasn't because he was being rude and disrespectful, it was his mental illness.  But she never- she never once elaborates what this mental illness  supposedly is,  she just says mental illness, mental illness! One that's never been diagnosed he's uh-  I'm- you- you know, you know, you know. I'm going to leave it there. But there's one last thing that I  do want to talk about, that I have touched on in this- like as I've been telling this case, but one thing that really confuses me and that I wish we had more answers on, was why Jordan Klee was even  at that apartment complex that day anyway?  When he was supposed to be in school and he was intending  to go to school. What happened that put him there at the apartment complex where he was later shot and killed. I don't get it, I don't get it? Was he lured there potentially by Danta Wright and his  two accomplices? We don't know. There's never been any evidence found of that, I will say like, there's  never been any like texts where they've like tried   to lure him out or like plan this in advance, there hasn't been any evidence of anything like that   which is why this is such a question mark, still. Evidence in this case really does make it seem like it was just an armed robbery gone wrong, so I don't know. Jordan did seem to be like in the   wrong place at the wrong time kind of situation, but why was he there? Why was he in the wrong place at the wrong time   and why was he not at school, that's never been explained and he wasn't the kind   of boy to just bunk off. So I don't know, that's one thing that I really wish was answered but all that   being said, this case is officially solved and that  is all I have on it. But yeah that's everything I have on this case but quickly before I go, I do just want to let you guys know that I have a   second channel! If you didn't already know. A lot of you are already over there and we've   been having a party over there for a good couple  of months now, I'm really enjoying it! I do like  um advice videos, vlogs, I do little podcast episode  type things where I get like really personal about   like my life and like my mental health and  things that I've been through it's just like   a little FaceTime chat and my podcast episodes  I love them. Um- the link will be down below in   the description to my second Channel I'll see if I  can put a little circle under screen at some point   um but yeah! Thanks again to Nord VPN for sponsoring  this video remember if you go to   forward slash Eleanor, the link is also down below  in the description, you will get an exclusive deal   and it's completely risk-free with Nord VPN's  30-day money-back guarantee. Right now, for the New Year, it is one bonus month free, you don't want to miss out on that! Thanks again to Nord VPN.   A huge thank you to all of my channel members for  supporting the channel and helping me decide the   cases that I cover, all of my tier 2 members are on  screen right now so thank you so much! If you want to become a channel member, you can click the join button down below. But yeah, thank you so so much for watching,  if you enjoyed, please leave a thumbs  up down below, that would really help me out.  If you want to subscribe, I post True Crime content all  the time you can click this circle with my face in.   One of them actually, it's uh the one where I'm  wearing red lipstick I don't know I've probably   managed to put my second channel on there too  so click that one, subscribe to that one and all   um and then there's another true crime video, if  you want to watch that one after this, okay bye!
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 918,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, danta wright, smiling shooter, jordan klee, smiling in court, ann arbor, classmate, smiling killer, laughing in court, killer, armed robbery, armed robbery gone wrong, teenager, teenage, teenage killer, laughing killer, laughing, Teen caught smiling during sentencing in murder of Ann Arbor student, 2023
Id: fcVkxv6DsQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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