Trump supporters rally in San Francisco ahead of his visit

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convicted on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records. And right now, the former president is on his way to San Francisco for a fundraiser tonight. And for the last few hours, a couple hundred of his supporters have been rallying near Fort Mason and that's where we find NBC Bay Area's Sergio Quintana. Live there right now. I understand it's really loud. Sergio, if you could tell us what you're seeing. Seeing and hearing this is kind of been what's been going on here for the last three hours or so. Not only people with the flags, but lots of people coming by in loud vehicles and honking lots of horns. I'll go ahead and step out of the way here so that you can see the group of supporters that are here, probably about a couple hundred of them or so, they are definitely fired up about the former president's visit. Now, this supporter rally was scheduled to begin around 2 p.m, and that's when we saw the largest group here a little more than a couple hundred people. Now, I've talked with people here from Folsom, San Jose and Sacramento. When I say this event is loosely organized, I mean that they didn't actually get a permit to rally in the park. So rangers advised them that they couldn't have groups larger than 20 people there. And they can't use amplified or amplified PA systems. Now, the result is that the group stayed on the sidewalk and they've managed to stay pretty energized for most of the afternoon. A lot of the attendees say they're excited to see so many people here. Macy Robin rally. Everyone around together and show him the huge support that even in San Francisco, a very deep blue state, that we have a lot of support for the former president, and we support what he stands for. You try to give him facts. They don't care about it and not everybody. I don't want to categorize anybody here. Sure, there's a lot of great folks over here that this is who they think is their person and vote for him. That's okay. Yeah Now, Cynthia Frybarger is one of two Trump opponents who showed up with signs. But we've watched throughout the afternoon as a series of people either walking by or driving by do shout their disapproval of the former president. I watched one resident walking his dog stop and argue with a man wearing a Trump mask for about a half an hour. There's some pretty interesting engagement now. You can see right now that the crowd they are continuing to be organized and energized. They are coming over every once in a while and asking if I know anything about the schedule of the president. I can say that we're trying to figure out exactly when the president is expected to land in San Francisco as well, and this group is hoping that he hears about them and decides to drive by with his motorcade on its way up to the Pacific Heights event, which is scheduled to start at about
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 145,998
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Id: vKtplPj56Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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