The SMALLEST Gaming DESKTOP PC I Have Ever SEEN - The Pironman 5!

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so just the other week I saw this cool looking gaming desktop advertised and I was like what what is that that looks kind of interesting and I clicked on it I was like that's not a gaming desktop that's a Raspberry Pi 5 that looks like a little gaming desktop I thought it looked slick the pon Man 5 from sunfounder is what it was called Pyon Man 5 case does not come with the Raspberry Pi 5 you have to have one yourself but I was like you know I'm ordering one of these I used to dig checking out all these different cases for the raspberry pies but with the pi five I've just stuck with the official case so I grabbed one from sunfounder uh it was like 80 bucks but they did have like 10% off coupon so it's like $72 a little pricey but this thing's got a lot going for it it has like a little almost 1-in OLED display on the front uh it has a lot of cooling has some RGB effects going on in there I know that can be you know some people don't like that but I thought it looked neat it also has where you can use an nvme M2 SSD to you know expand your storage or use you know larger storage more more uh reasonably priced compared to like SD cards micro SD cards I thought that was sweet has a battery for real-time clock support a lot of cool little things going on with this case gives you fullsize HDMI I don't know how many times I'm like forget it I'm not plugging in the Raspberry Pi 5 today because I can't find my damn little adapter for my HDMI so that that that was like a big selling point for me right so I grabbed one of these took about a week and a half to get to me and I want to just go through real quick putting this thing together not a tutorial on putting it together but just kind of explaining things that maybe I saw that were annoying or or could have been explained better and then you know just My overall experience using this thing right so it it did seem like a daunting task at first when I opened up this package looked at the uh the instructions I was like holy crap there are so many parts here many different standoffs and screws uh little breakout boards that have to be attached fans there's tons of stuff here acrylic pieces right but it really wasn't that bad it's it's not as bad as it looks it took me not even a half hour not even 30 minutes to put this thing together uh but I just want to go through this process real quick so really it's it's very clearly explained on how to put things together it's all images in the manual but maybe a few things could have been uh avoided as far as like being a pain in the ass so like you get to certain steps like step six on the manual shows like put the four pin header in but I found like if you put that in first it kind of makes other things harder to do so I waited to put that in type of thing um until I got to the point where you actually needed the four pin header but but that that really was the only major challenge for me with this you know putting this thing together uh you just have to pay attention to the standoff sizes the screw sizes make sure you're using the correct rivets when you get to those points and that is about it now the tolerances is the tolerances as far as the like screw holes and the acrylic plates uh you know it didn't seem perfect but it wasn't off to where I couldn't screw things together I think maybe there might have been a little Flex in the uh the metal or something but I got everything screwed together perfectly fine and in the end everything looked slick so the the major thing I think with this device with this uh you know case for the pi five it looks awesome it looks slick the cooling works great from what I've seen so far but that little OLED screen if you're buying it just for that um I haven't been able to really figure it out yet I've gone through to check out how to get it going but on their support documentation it shows just using the raspberry pi desktop OS is the only thing that it's going to work with that's as far as what I'm seeing with their their documentation but I couldn't get Raspberry Pi uh desktop to run on this for some reason I would just constantly get like weird error codes and whatnot would not go to the desktop at all because once you get to the desktop you have to install you know the Pyon man modules and stuff to get everything working properly uh but you don't have to really worry about that if you're not using pi desktop which I'm not even going to use it anyway like I wanted to use this as just my normal case running bisera or you know retro Pi or whatever right so if you're going to use like batera and whatnot yeah the little screen isn't going to show anything at all and it's just kind of unfortunate cuz the screen does show like CPU usage uh temperatures stuff like that so it could be good for monitoring but I I would imagine there's going to have to be some kind of script or something written to specifically get that to work for other operating systems being ran through this uh it's just the way it is it's a a useful feature but it just isn't going to work at this moment for most applications it seems and I don't know why maybe my maybe some component in here is causing the pi desktop to not boot um I didn't have a ton of time to like fully go into it I researched it as much as I could and I cannot figure out what the problem is and I like I said I wasn't going to use the Raspberry Pi desktop anyway so uh I didn't spend all night but I did spend like a good hour going back and forth okay let me let me put the light version on a Micro SD card let me put it on the M2 Drive let me get the full desktop let me preconfig it first let me do all these different things and you know I did spend a little bit of time but I could never get it to boot but then whatever Drive I put it on I put on my other Raspberry Pi 5 that wasn't in this case it boots up just fine so there's something with the way things are attached here that's preventing it from booting for me yeah keep that in mind there may be some challenges here depending on what you want to use with it and that OLED screen just is not really gonna be useful in most inst instances here it's unfortunate but I do like the cooling I do like the look and that's the main thing that I wanted out of this device uh it is a little pricey but it is kind of cool I think for the convenience of having the nice cooling that's going on here plus the fulls sizee HDMI I mean that kind of sold it you know for me you have access to all your port on the back micro SD card slot on the front um if you need to get to your M2 slot you could just simply take off the four screws from the front panel the acrylic and then swap that in and out like you know if you didn't put an M2 Drive in there you just have that board attached and then take off the acrylic and add it later if you so choose so yeah it's a cool it's a cool little uh kit you know what I'm saying it's been a while since I've done videos on accessories for any of the raspberry pies but I thought this this one was neat just you know be aware maybe not all the features are going to work for you they didn't work for me the OLED display didn't anyway but there you go appreciate you guys let me know what you think thanks for watching bye [Music] a
Channel: Madlittlepixel
Views: 57,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini pc, raspberry pi case, gaming pc, raspberry pi, m.2 sata, mini pc build, mini pc setup, sunfounder, pironman 5 review, sunfounder pironman 5, pironman 5 raspberry pi, madlittlepixel, batocera, pi emulation, mini emulation
Id: fcVixnQUUsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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