The Sly Collection - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Cutscenes HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] don't eat that too [Music] sly come in do you read me yeah I read you loud and very loud sorry I'm a little nervous trying to break into police headquarters does that get over Bentley you're safe in the van I'm the thief here I've got to steal that file from inspector Carmelita Fox well count on me to be your eyes and ears buddy got their security system totally scoped to get inside you're gonna have to go through that air vent all right I'm going in and don't forget you got me at the wheel sly all you gotta do is grab the file and get back to the van we'll do the rest just keep that engine running Murray I'll be down in no time hey Bentley I think I'm seeing things must be vertigo or something can you see those crazy blue lights really I've read about this master raccoon thieves are able to sense teaming opportunities which manifests themselves has unexplainable blue auras according to my research all you have to do is get near them and hold down the circle button and you should perform a super Sneaky master thief whoo hold down the circle button near blue auras I'm on it nice job you got it if you come down through the fire escape and head through the parking lot we'll be waiting in the getaway van criminal [Music] you foolish raccoon I've caught you red-handed Oh Carmelita I haven't seen you since I gave you the slip in Bombay which reminds me you need to return the fire stone of India to its rightful owners aha and I was going to give it to you as a little token of my hey you know that bazooka really brings out the color of your eyes very fetching you think this pistol packs a paralyzing punch you ought to try it might snap you out of your crime spree and give up our little rendezvous plenty of time for that once you're safely behind bars love to stick around and chat but I just dropped by to pick up this case file I think you've had it long enough once again my gang and I had given inspector Carmelita Fox the slip I was surprised to see how well she took it finally the secret police file I've been searching for all these years with this I could avenge my family and regain possession of our most valued treasure it all began when I was just a kid bouncing on my father's knee you see I come from a long line of master thieves who kept all their secrets of sneaking and stealing in an ancient book the Thievius Raccoonus anyone who read it learned to be especially sneaky which is why we specialize in stealing from criminals after all there's no honor no challenge no fun stealing from ordinary people you rip off a master criminal and you know you're a master field well on the night I was supposed to inherit the book my visitors came on announcer our door [Music] my father fought to protect us but the gang of villains known as the fiendish 5 overpowered him and ransacked our house until they found the Thievius Raccoonus my family's manual leaving great hasn't fell into their filthy hands Victoire the book into five pieces is splitted up each villain disappearing at the farthest corners in the world to commit dastardly crimes broken alone I was dumped at the town orphanage there I met two guys who became my lifelong buddies and trusted crew Bentley techno genius and strategist supreme ad Murray part-time driver and full time Burton together we pledged the track down the fiendish five avenge my father and steal back the Thievius Raccoonus i knew i was about to face the toughest test of my life on this mission I would either become a master thief like my ancestors before me anymore fail and allow my family name to bite the dust the road trip gave me the time I needed to study up on sir Wally the Frog as a young man this hot-tempered frog grew bored of his life of luxury and privilege on a whim he tried his hand at a fit of piracy and found it to his liking Rowley who quickly became addicted to crime was brought into the fiendish five as cheap machine for his evil teetering genius race and new heights the last reported sighting of his mad machines was on the soggy coast of the ILO raft a small island of comfortably situated in the middle of a perilous Welsh Triangle [Music] [Music] I sly I just spotted something that's going to complicate the mission see that nasty looking gate it blocks the only road leading into Raleigh's hideout no problem I'll just use my prime okay but remember you can only climb on certain objects like pipes and ropes yeah sure like that ladder there that is correct but do not forget sly you have to get close then hit the circle button to grab it yeah yeah relax Bentley I live for this stuff yeah hold on sly see those searchlights one careless step and you'll be subjected to a cute combustion you didn't whining let's go I'm just trying to keep you alive partner fortunately for you I launched these signal repeaters throughout Raleigh's fortress get close to one and I could checkpoint your progress nice according to my amphibio positioning system that big blimp is where Raleigh is hiding out you know that Bluebird looks more like a machine than a hideout you're right fly that is a storable seed it's the reason why it never stops raining around here it explains all the wreck ships well why would wrongly want bad weather at his own hideout 24/7 beats me the rain or shine I'm gonna steal my thinnest book and if Rolly gets in my way nice job so far slide to get over the next game you'll need to grab onto this hook using your cane just jump and hit the circle button got it jumping it the circle button to grab onto hooks sly you found a page from the Thievius Raccoonus this page teaches old Drake Cooper's fast attack die move press the triangle button to use it that blimp looks like the most secured location on this boat if for Ollie's really as smart as this police file suggests and that's where I'll find him wonderful idea but your plan is flawed right because it's impossible to get near him to access Raleigh's blend you would have to sneak through that high voltage power to to do that without getting electrocuted you'd have to destroy that power generator and to do that you'd need two more of Raleigh's treasure keys which are heavily guarded interesting so when are you gonna get to the impossible part I but I warned you I mark the areas you need to hit with holographic markers follow-up to your objectives thanks don't mention it it's your funeral let her close those furnace doors jump and press the square button that'll slam them shut interesting old salad Cooper's fast getaway raccoon roll stories claims she can move faster rolling than anyone else could on the run hold down the triangle button to use this move switch between your power-ups using l2 and r2 these are the blueprints of Raleigh's entire operation I wonder yes I can wire this info directly into your binocular you the position of nearby clues and breakable objects those rats got big Rolly appears to have booby-trapped this entire place I'm gonna enjoy this don't you get it sly if you step on that rug forget about becoming a master thief you'll be a master dartboard way to say what if I jumped into that barrel for protection I don't know it looks pretty risky and very unsanitary only one way to find out [Music] outstanding another page from the Thievius Raccoonus this one features Deb Cooper Indus slow-motion jumps he used this to give by all kinds of airborne threats hit the triangle button while in the air to slow down time [Applause] fly see that machine wheel if my knowledge of mechanical engineering serves me right applying significant rotational torque to achieve maximum velocity will yield a positive result you mean something good might happen if I can get the wheel to spin fast enough isn't that what I just said interesting Chris Cooper's dive collection technique this move is an extension of the dive move you already know just jump and hit the trial button near breakable objects for some fast breaking fast collecting action astonishing all my calculations led me to believe you had failed to knock out that generator never was good at math well here's a real test for you I found a way out to Raleigh's hideout but unfortunately it is doomed to failure you're not gonna tell me I have to shoot myself out of that cannon I'm afraid that's the only way now you're talking you're really scaring me man any way to get inside that thing you had to steal all seven of Raleigh's treasure keys so what are we waiting for you show me those hollow whatsits you mean my holographic markers yeah yeah and I'll swipe whatever it takes to get shot out of that cannon and steal back my family's Thievius Raccoonus oh you're lucky fly this page features Karen Cooper Gil was coined Magda technique all she had to do was stand dear muddy and they would magically jump into her purse from now on you'll automatically collect any coins you come near [Music] he'll delightful we have a guest I [Music] expect it get listen Rolly wipe out my family and steal what's mine you better expect company oh I never served was serving Oh sloppy of me enough to finish the job obviously we should have snuffed you out as well so without further ado deafening immense by a what - gargantuan size and watching you look like the insignificant bug that you are bring it on [Music] don't you beat me gloat all you want Sly Cooper you're no match for mug shot my villainous cohort in Utah you see Mesa city is so well-guarded ass Nick couldn't slither in without setting off alarm Raleigh section of the Thievius Raccoonus held detailed instructions on how to perform my answers to Ryoichi Cooper's ninjas spire jump a technique he developed while sneaking into the vertically fortified castles in feudal Japan finding a way off Raleigh spoke got a little tricky with the untimely arrival of inspector Fox who failing to find me busted Raleigh and his crew with the storm machine out of commission boats found their way back onto the ocean and the mystery of the Welsh triangle faded from memory my gang and I loaf around England for a while enjoying the pleasant weather and then headed back home excited for our next heist it had been a while since I'd been back in a u.s. next up in the tories mug shot ruthless muscle of the fiendish 5 witty racked in brains he definitely made up for in brawn turns out he wasn't always that way he grew up as the runt of the litter the neighborhood a weak one the only friends he could turn to we usually found on the big screen he was there that he spotted his first gangster and he knew instantly that's what I spent the rest of his nor are to get their fuel about his dreams of great power and respect with enough perspiration replies that dream he'd become a hard-boiled street brawl and ensuring that in every time [Music] he's always hold of the Mesa city and I've always wanted to go to that thrive in American boomtown [Music] I see why I thought you said Mesa City was going to be loud and busy this looks more like a ghost town something's happened where is everyone I don't know but it's starting to give me the creeps what do you say we take off and miss all the fun besides I want to try out that new move I got from Raleigh's section of Thievius Raccoonus spider jump yeah do me a favor and read me the instructions again to land the safely upon diminutive points leaveth lively impressive the triggering device with the round geometrical object emblazoned upon it so jumping it the circle button to land on narrow spots that's a rough translation what's with those flashing lights the latest in high-tech security electronic floor sensors step on them and you're a gobbler nice touch they're safe to walk on while flashing but it also means they're about to switch to a different sector outstanding you've uncovered robbed the Cooper's patented explosive hand technique use the triangle button to toss your cap then use the tribal button again to detonate it better back off to a safe distance first this mugshot certainly isn't shy okay so we know he's here somewhere but how are we supposed to find him Mesa City is a big place given that he's a bulldog it seems only reasonable to assume that he choose to live in a giant fire hydrant little sound logic fly now you just need to find a way to break into the building's base I'm sure I'll think of something Marie is in position to make a run for this key okay so what do I do provide some covering fire for him with that blasting station sweep use the left analog stick tape and press the square button to fire I'll do my best okay this pages from your hyperactive ancestor BF Cooper he discovered a way to speed up the clock perfect for those long stakeouts just hold down the triangle button to use it Murray what's going on down there well I drove to this hotdog stand for a quick snack and the next thing you know I'm getting challenged to a race by these gangster dogs is there a key in it for the winner yeah three times around the track for a key it's all you man drive the van with the left analog stick and if you manage to pick up any nitro power-ups you can get a boost by pressing the square button go get them I'm on it way to go Murray would you look at that ugly mug fascinating hmm my x-ray detection devices reveal that a secret elevator to mugshots penthouse is contained within that giant head so how do we get in behind this locked wall there's a lever that summons the elevator but you need all seven keys to open it up honey forget it your cave will never smash that thick glass you'll need something super heavy like that big rocky ball up there you found the blueprints for mugshots additions to basicity with these files I'll be able to help you find all his clues and breakables just look through your binoculars and the information [Music] [Music] well well well look who just walked into my crosshairs Sly Cooper about time you showed up miss Fox was getting worried about you Maggie took a wrong turn somewhere back in Paris the only one making wrong turns his you sly I'd suggest you surrender before I paralyze you with my good friend the shock pistol now see a girl whose best friend's of firearms got issues a little dinner little dancing I think I can help you out mmm sounds romantic as long as you don't mind dining in jail nah I hear the service is lousy once I catch you you'll know for yourself oh yeah this will come in handy it's Suzanne Cooper's notes pertaining to water safety with this knowledge under your belt you won't have to waste a charm whatever you fall into water I'm going to hunt you down Cooper you can't run forever aha if Sir Andrew Cooper's thief replica technique he used to make fake stand-ups of himself to confuse guards into attackee the wrong thing use the triangle button to put together a fake Sly Cooper one my boys have been yapping about some big mysterious dude running around cracking skulls and and and this is it you're the monkey wrench in my operation some scrawny rat what a stick hey wait a second I see that stick before maybe with my father dr. block off with it your father Wow you're a kook with you know that thingis raccamagugus got a lot of nice pictures but way too many big ways so you don't mind just handing it over Wow what are you kidding you break into my place steal my stuff trash the joint I feel transgressed and violated let's rock my bee-utiful gun is this strong good thing I got a spare upstairs this is impossible a little pipsqueak like you beating a big strong bruiser like me today right you want all of that stupid picture book you're gonna have to go down to Haiti and cross paths with Miss Ruby and then believe you me you don't want to be you mug shot section of the Thievius Raccoonus contain an entry from my gun-slinging ancestor Tennessee kid Cooper his specialty was the rail walk and rail slide moves perfected through a lifetime of theft in the Old West getting out of town proved to be a little more challenging than getting in having just missed us inspector Fox went for the next best thing and dragged that canine steroid case off to jail that was the end of mugshots gambling empire Mesa City citizens soon returned home while me and the boys well we enjoyed the rest of our stay in America and then returned to Paris ready for our next mission the third member of the fiendish five was the infamous voodoo priestess Nozomu be born into a family of mystics other children found her scary teaching herself to summon the undead provided what few friends she had a career in crime allowed an adult miss Ruby to punish the world for fearing her as a child she at mystic for the fiendish five her powers allowed them to break both the laws of man and nature at the same time yet despite the world wind success of her youth she managed to slip into obscurity last night sightings claims she headed out of civilization and deep into the Haitian jungle [Music] [Applause] those guards order you there are we buddy electrified tell him a Cooper's notes on how to harness the electromagnetic field created by a rollin raccoon now your raccoon roam booth will really pack a punch plus it should give you a nice tingling sensation my paranormal scanner is maxing out on that structure I'm reading like that could only be coming up in his Ruby yourself I think you're right sly if you want a crack at this Ruby you're going to have to find a way inside that skull temple what's with this industrial strike poodle gate Mills Ruby must really be trying to keep something out or maybe she's trying to keep something in [Applause] [Music] ah a more modern entry Brousseau coupes computer hockey technique using the data on this page I should be able to tap the duty roster and each hideout and protect card information into your binocular off that voodoo game is by lighting all 25 tikki torches with the flamethrower on your swab skiff use the left hand a long stick to steer and press the X button to fire the flamethrower oh and one more thing you need fuel from the flamethrower and the only source of oil are those piranhas you'll see swimming around rub them down with a boat one fish fuels one shot hurry you only have two minutes to get all the torches Lin these are the blueprints to this Ruby's production facility I'll pipe this information into your binocular use it to find breakables and clues nearby [Applause] [Music] looks like this is some kind of giant Ludo eggbeater to stir up that unsanitary mess if I can unlock the colton's lid I might be able to thrash their production and build up enough steam pressure to get launched up to Ruby's skull temple okay sounds like we've got a plan to get around that thing try moving in the shadows made by the masks so that the guards won't see you mind-bending it's Matthew de la Coupole perpetual slow motion technique with this move you can slow down time whenever you want not just while jumping hold down the triangle button to use it with all the hand feathers in here just looking at this place has gotta be breaking out in hives but we've got no choice that ghost over there contact and Beyond Spectre wave radio and we've cut a deal he's promised us a key if you can whack 50 chickens I guess he needs them to make a big pot of gumbo but he's scared of the bomb total roosters be careful or they'll blow you to bits think you can do it could feel that Cooper Vai becoming most distastefully bad GG yeah well you give me the creeps too lady cooking up an army of ghosts is in a very neighborly pastime [Music] I'll see you moving well if Jo's need to flap see you in the next world slaghoople come back here you can't run away forever quiet really quiet truth why don't I have my servant Chumlee escort you over here all right what's the catch Oh much just a little game I like to play with all my annoying yes I want to see how well you pay attention what do you mean well I'll unleash my mighty mojo magic' upon you if you repeat what I do yo don't you just fine if not you'll get a little voodoo Simon Says huh sounds easy enough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you certainly got some rhythm raccoon but it won't help you none if you're fixing it go after the panda king he's tough with a capital T you go poke it around his stronghold in China no hope yeah yeah well if he's anything like the rest of you I think I'll manage ms Ruby's section of the Thievius Raccoonus held notes for my pioneering ancestor slight in common his invisibility technique allowed him to steal from corrupt barrels and greedy noblemen right on schedule inspector Fox's arrival cued my exit the production of zombies made illegal in the world peace of Court at 71 to burden miss Ruby a life sentence behind bars while the gang and I enjoyed a few weeks in the tropical sunshine working on our tans in preparation for our next caper the road trip gave me the time I needed to study up on [Music] born penniless he was fascinated by the fireworks rich nobleman set off every New Year's he spent a decade learning the art but when he tried to offer his fireworks to the nobleman they couldn't see past his shabby clothes and chased him away humiliated the panda king took revenge on those who shunned him by using the very tools of his article Prime the fiendish five recruited him as their demolitions expert and from then on his explosive touch became feared worldwide he's rumored to be perfecting some new firework technique high in the unstable cool in the mountains of western China would you look at that a fireworks show oh my gosh that's awful that poor village just got buried in freezing snow rocky kantham that giant statue you can bet the panda King lit the fuse I've got to find my way up there and fast before that lunatic squashes another town through the security gate without one of the Panther Kings treasure keys there's one over there but it's heavily guarded one key coming up this just gets better and better I'd always heard that one of your southern ancestors huckleberry Cooper developed a technique to move while staying invisible hold down the circle button to turn invisible then move around with the left analog stick nice job breaking into the pan of cakes compound I think I figured out a way to get to the top of that giant statue but unfortunately it's obstructed by this reinforced ceiling hatch no problem they seem to have plenty of firepower around here I'll just have to find a few more treasure keys to get at it Marie's all fired up to make the run for the key while on the blasting station use the left analog stick to aim and the square button to fire right on I'll keep him covered [Music] incredible I never would have thought this was possible sir Augustine of Cooper's technique to briefly defy gravity from now on you should be able to pop right out of those bottomless pits you keep falling into and you won't even lose a lucky charm you found the blueprints for the Panther Kings lair I'll upload the data straight into your buttock you come I'm calculating the trajectory of these rockets and I'm 99% sure you'll be able to ride them all the way to the top of that statue before they explode hmm what about that other 1% well in that case sly you'll be blown to bits but the experience will no doubt be spectacular nice now to unlock these rockets you're going to need all seven of the Panther Kings treasure keys right on I'll steal him in no time hurry what are you doing down there well I'm minding my post when I noticed this snow cones and and I think to myself hey Murray you got to keep your energy up so I hurry over here and then all of a sudden monkeys are everywhere bugging me to race them three times around this track for a key we could use the key think you could take them come on sly they're a pack of monkeys how can I lose all right remember steer with the left stick and press square to use any nitro boosts you collect keep clear of those icy patches thanks for the advice sly but trust me I got this under control nice driving now go get that key freeze raccoon how can I freeze when my heart warms at the very sight of you shut up ringtail I don't know what you're doing here in China but I'm sure it can't be good for whoever owns this place you must only have eyes for me if you're too blind to see what's going on around here all I see is a pathetic thief who's escaped justice for far too long I'm proud to be a thief especially when I'm stealing from a vicious extortionists like the panda king open your eyes detective these quaint temples are a front for an illegal explosives Factory don't try to confuse the issue you criminals are all the same and none of you can escape justice [Music] amazing Colonel Reed Cooper's timestopper technique press the triangle button and execute a flashbang that will stun all guards in the world for a few seconds I can see how this might be useful and entertaining too [Applause] [Music] watch your back Cooper when you least expect it I'll be there [Applause] I see you carry cane of notorious koopa thief clan have you come here for revenge to steal back the Thievius Raccoonus that was my plan at first but now I'm more interested in putting him into your Avalanche extortion racket why should you care if I bury a few worthless village in snow you are a thief just like me no that's only half right I am a thief from a long line of master thieves while you you're just a frustrated firework artist turn homicidal pyromaniac insolent child you shall pay dearly for your disrespect still to honor your Cooper ancestry I will send you to your doom with the beauty of my new firework technique flame foo your skill with that cane is unparalleled that's got to be where we'll find the fifth member of the thievish five so get what you came for and let's get out of here retrieving the panda King section of the Thievius Raccoonus gave me a chance to learn about my technically-minded ancestor otto van cool not known for his physical dexterity Otto relied on vehicles to aid him in his criminal endeavors art with his designs I was sure Marie would be able to make some cool modifications to the team van a frustrated Inspector Fox having missed me coming down the mountain through the panda king in jail thus putting an end to his avalanche protection services and ensuring the safety of mountain villages throughout China my gang and I took a little time off and did some shopping in Hong Kong thoroughly relaxed we headed home to plan our next move we were on our way to the crack car of volcano in Russia while looking over what little information I had on the final member of the fiendish 5 I began to notice something in the four parts of the Thievius Raccoonus were covered so far several the pictures depict a shadowy owl-like vision which looks very similar to the police images of the mysterious clockwork is this a strange coincidence or is there something I'm missing [Music] careful fly those tiles are booby-trapped do you better get out of there hold on that's Carmelita she looks trapped serves that cop right she's been dogging us from the start it's just a misunderstanding we've got a freer are you crazy sly clockwork probably stuck her there to trap you but if I don't do anything Carmelita's doomed besides stealing just won't be any fun without her fly you're ridiculous raccoon logic sent shivers up my shell but if you're determined to go through with this that barrel will undoubtedly help though I have no idea how you'll get up there dude a spire jump here a rail slide there I've done this a million times Sly Cooper I should have known you were behind this you got me wrong miss Fox I'm here to rescue you you said a mental fool empathy has always been the downfall of the Cooper clan no this was a trap it looks like I'm going to have to do some fast and furious hackie to shut down that gas before slice brain has turned to cheese sly I was wrong about you break me out of this force field by smashing its face and I'll make it up to you somehow I don't get it Cooper I've hunted you for years tried to throw you behind bars but when you get a chance to leave me in a cage you set me free why on Elita we may be on opposite sides of the law but you're not my enemy now the homicidal robotic al who built this death ray nearly gassed us to death that guy's on my list I see your point all right until clockwork and his evil schemes are destroyed I suggest we work together together at last I need that cane it's been in my family for generations don't worry ringtail I'll cover you while you get it back if you can make your way to the top of the deck where I stashed my jet pack there before clock wasn't happening now that we're a team at all I need to leave your side hold on this piece is only temporary once we beat clockwork I'm coming after you well maybe I'll give you a 10-second head start where's Carmelita jam-packed right where she said it would be my magnetronic support field for the death ray got destroyed as you were making a run for York aid you'll better hurry this whole thing is about to fall apart I'm on it [Music] [Music] sly cooper you have a safe I guess chambers join my dismay new comers ovaries find a way to view me always so that was you in the background of all those old pictures in the Thievius Raccoonus how old are you perfection has no age you're immortal my missiles don't hurt him but seem to create holes in his armor shoot into the gaps that create nice shooting fly Ducati oh wow I don't get it you're so familiar with my family you must have known my father had a son if you a a to the Cooper so much why did you let me live me you stole the Thievius Raccoonus because i wanted to show the world the Cooper line with nothing well there's where you're wrong the Thievius Raccoonus doesn't create great thieves it takes great thieves to create the Thievius Raccoonus enough Sly Cooper it ends here I wish you might have finished your father then a cover line will be erased and they all needs to be for me it took some tricky maneuvering but I managed to snatch that last piece of the Thievius Raccoonus from clockworks cloth I had taken down each member of the fiendish 5 Raleigh mugshot ms ruby panicking and finally clockwork i beaten them all one by one and reclaim my birthright of course there was no way I could have gotten here without the help of my pals I know this hasn't been easy for them but they stuck with me through it all Marie boy it took a lot of guts for him to get out in the field with me I know he was scared but he's got more heart than anyone I've ever known thank goodness for Bentley without his expertise I'd have never found my way off that rooftop in Paris a guy couldn't ask for a better gang of friends who could ever forget the lovely Carmelita looks like we're not gonna be friends anymore now the clockworks death ray is out of commission we're back to playing cops and robbers I thought for sure she was gonna slap the handcuffs on me right then and there but instead she was true to her word and gave me that ten-second head start ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] I felt bad leaving her stranded on a giant rock but I knew it wouldn't be long before we'd see each other again [Music] at long last the Thievius Raccoonus restored to its original state the first time I held the whole thing under my arms since I was eight years old the same weight that all my ancestors had felt beneath their arms as they had passed it on although while other family members may have been great thieves they all inherited the book I got a chance to earn it I had taken down the fiendish five having used the moves my ancestors taught me and become a master thief along the way the time had come for me to chronicle my own adventures into the great [Music] this is gonna be fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: GregoryAnimeFan
Views: 510,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sly Collection, HD, PS3, Sly 3, Sly 2, Sly 1, Sly 4, Cutscenes, Movie
Id: zXqADqlRE8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2013
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