Sly 2: Band of Thieves All Animated Cutscenes Movie Cinematic

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[Music] Carmelita's just as angry as ever she's really quite lovely when she's angry that constable Neyla who is a reference to the clogging just a slip of the tongue for an intentional clue either way it's our only lead on a missing clockwork parts clockwork he was consumed with jealousy for the Cooper clan Steven reputation he's it inappropriate to refer to him as a monster no not at all what kind of person stays alive for hundreds of years with the express intention of wiping out a rivals family line imagine the hatred feeling that first decision to replace his mortal bodies with soulless machinery ultimately it did the trick clockwork lived on he caught up with my parents and I wound up in an orphanage it's there that I met my pals Bentley the brains of our outfit and Murray the Brawn they turned out to be all the family I needed two years ago I thought I finished it come ieave to think I could so easily put an end to that kind of tea tree and now he's back in peace is shirk but the threat is real does the clogging even realize what they've stolen I don't know what's in my future but I won't let it be a repeat of my past [Music] I had to call in a few favors to get the goods in the clogging local operator Dmitri a sort of underworld celebrity equally at home in high-class art circles and shady back-alley crimes he was once a passionate young art student who worked hard to develop his own visionary style [Music] unfortunately the art world wasn't quite ready for his kinetic aesthetic so he gave him what they wanted and started forging old masterpieces his way of punishing those with bad taste Dmitri now runs a nightclub on the west side the thumping music colorful light shows in a hint of danger lure in chic young patrons from far and wide and it's here hidden somewhere where we'll find the clockwork tail feathers what Dimitri plans to do with the clockwork part is beyond me but those plans in tonight [Music] [Music] my gang and I had done it the clockwork tail feathers were ours and Dimitri's counterfeiting operation is ruined due to the untimely arrival of Carmelita my escape got a little tricky angry it hadn't just missed me she took it out on Demetri shutting down the nightclub and throwing a frustrated forger behind bars [Music] the gang and I headed out of town for a week in Monaco Bentley wanted to try out his new card-counting formula and I figured the team and earned themselves a well-deserved break another clockwork parted surfaced in India so the boys and I loaded up the van and zeroed in on our next target a mysterious spice Lord known as Raja a self-made man who grew up poor on the streets of Calcutta and started his life of crime selling illegal spices in the black market eventually growing a small outfit to a sizeable operation and earning himself a seat in the prestigious clogging he since crowned himself Lord of the hills and while he goes to great lengths to convince others of his royalty it's mostly to convince himself true to form he's holding a lavish ball in his newly purchased ancestral palace the reason to show off his latest acquisition the clockwork wings the symbol of my enemy if you saw the wings silhouetted against the night sky it was already too late for you if your name is Cooper rashon Belize displaying the wings will bring him prestige and maybe they will but they're also bringing me [Music] [Music] after the gang and I got away with the clockwork wings Carmelita blew her cover and started making arrests left and right with his reputation in shambles Rajan was forced to flee from his own party he's now in hiding somewhere deep in the jungle the gang and I took a break and headed for Bollywood it took some doing but we eventually snuck Murray onto the set of a full-blown Indian musical I was happy the guy's got to online but Jean was still out there and somehow knew things were about to get tough [Music] it took some detective work but the gang and I managed to track down where Roshan had gone into hiding somehow he'd managed to transform a long-forgotten temple into the thriving center of a spice operation and it's terrible we'll find him the jungle too thick to drive through force us to walk a long distance to our target we ran into a few problems along the way but pushed on [Music] for the temple was more than just Rosen's hideout he was also home to the clockwork heart a pump so strong and tireless it could increase spice production tenfold good for Rajan but awful for the rest of the world hope he's not counting on that heart too much because tonight it comes home with me I had to face the facts Sheila had betrayed us my teammates were captured and I was all alone while intellectually inferior slide Murray had always been a rich source of a sociological interest the log walk out of the jungle gave me time to reflect and with each passing step my sense of isolation grew shockingly by comrades absence had a profound emotional effect on me this was it this was the true test of friendship I'm not reaching the van my resolve was hearted I had to save my friends but first things first I had to learn how to drive a stick shift [Music] it took a sleepless week of data crunching but I eventually tracked out the location of my friends locked away of the mysterious powers of Prague at the moment they're the unwilling guests of Interpol's most renowned prison warden not Contessa while still a criminal psychology student she entered into a whirlwind romance and married a wealthy aristocrat sadly the union was short-lived as the general suspiciously died a few weeks after the ceremony the widowed Contessa put her education and newly acquired a state to work by opening a criminal rehabilitation center her pioneering use of hypnotherapy has produced some good results and subsequently earned her a prominent position within Interpol my friends are locked up somewhere is the clinic and are slated for the Contessa's Good Samaritan brainwashing if I don't bust it out soon they'll be working a nine-to-five job selling shoes and I'll be out two best friends [Music] [Music] it was great the gag had been reunited and it was all because of me even the van ride out of town was like a party Murray had to pull over twice because he was laughing so hard but despite all the jokes I think something had changed since childhood the three of us had never met apart and our recent isolation gave us all pause for Punk'd needless to say we took a few weeks off before getting back to work and for the first time in my life Murray let me drive time for a little payback the Contessa having escaped us into prison is now hiding out in her castle estate it's a well fortified gothic nightmare that would make any thief run in terror terrible or not that's where we're headed to sweeten the deal we've learned that the Contessa who until recently was a secret member of the claw gang he's in possession of the clockwork Islands the Thievius Raccoonus describes the eyes stopping opponents dead in their tracks transfixed in their gaze it doesn't take a genius to figure out what an accomplished hypnotist could do with such powerful artifacts news of the Contessa's corruption has spread to Interpol constable Neyla being closest to the case was granted a cash allowance to hire an army of local mercenaries it looks like we're walking into a full-scale war but we have to act now before things go from bad to worse [Music] things hadn't gone exactly to plan but the Contessa was beaten and the clockwork eyes were finally mine the Contessa was arrested and brought to trial for the crimes she committed while working for Interpol there PR damage control went one step further by promoting Neela the hero of Prague to the rank of captain Carmelita still on the outs with Interpol had to run with the rest of us to my surprise and eternal delight I got to help my favorite policewoman escape from the cops I tried to put it all out of my mind this claw business was spiraling out of control and I knew that my gang was at the center of it we'd be back in action soon enough but for now well we just laid low for a while following the trail of spice shipments we made our way up to Nunavut baked in the secret hub of Jean Bosson shipping Empire as a young man he trekked across Canada to strike it rich during the gold rush of 1852 an avid prospector he took some chances avalanche miraculously the quick-freeze kept him alive in a 120 years later thanks to global warming he thought out a product of his time he dreams of taming the wild north damming every river and chopping down all the trees with progress delivered at the sharp end of an axe shipping spice for the clogging proved a lucrative way to bankroll his one-man war against nature and yet I have to feel a little sorry for him he's just a normal guy from the 1850s back in his dad be a hero but today he's a villain either way that man's got more than his fair share of the clockwork parts what a low-tech guy like John Bosson is doing with robot parts is a mystery I almost don't want to know but as always it's only a matter of time before I find out [Music] the gang and I had pulled off the impossible we'd successfully brought all of John Hassan's an horse trains and we were walking away with three count them in three clockwork parts and as a bonus we shut down spice distribution in all of North America needless to say we were pretty pleased with ourselves can't say the same for Carmelita once again the framed policewoman had to run from the cops which was fun at first but I'm starting to feel a little sorry for her I mean what if they replaced Carmelita was someone else I don't want another cop on my tail she's a big part of why this is all fun sooner or later I'm gonna have to figure out a way to clear her name some way other than turning myself in things just weren't right up in Canada random acts of violence were popping up like weeds and the Northern Lights well they just weren't right one night they'd be brighter than ever and the next gone in nunavut Bay I overheard talk between Jean Bosson and his mysterious partner arpeggio somehow those two are behind it all tracking the source of the disturbance was easy by simply following alights we were led north to an immense lumber camp the sheer number of fallen trees advertised jamba sun's presence and that he was in possession of the clockwork talents the Thievius Raccoonus makes numerous references to the talons slices with plates of Steel a skilled lumberjack like the son conclude a forest in ours while wielding the artifacts those talons have got to go both to finally do away with clockwork and to save the environment from his twisted sense of progress the world just doesn't need to make space for another strip mall [Music] [Music] as we shut ourselves in to the Northern Light battery it became black for a few long minutes we just sat there in darkness no one dared to talk for fear that Jamba Suns men might discover where we were hiding times seemed to have stopped and then we felt we were being lifted up to our issues he was also strange the focus of all our schemes had been stolen from us our clockwork parts were gone looking around the inside of the battery I knew we all felt it failure I was twitchy and ready for action any action Bentley try to make some sense of the situation by drawing up meaningless plans but Marie Marie took it the worst he just sat there sobbing while the team van floated away over the horizon that van was his life I knew I'd have to find a way to make it up to him there we were heading east across the Atlantic Ocean stowaways on a giant airborne fortress though time was short we made sure to study upon our unknown host arpeggio while attending a prestigious boarding school the young arpeggio excelled in all subjects but he never managed to keep up with the other boys physically sadly his wings due to their small size were useless for flight furious at his feeble body he focused his powerful mind to search for a cure in the works of the Italian Renaissance masters their notebooks provided the springboard for this sinister young genius and it wasn't long before the clogging took him on his chief inventor his talents must have been at work repurposing all the corporate parts for their criminal schemes and now this mastermind is in possession of all the parts it's only a matter of time before he puts them back together then that happens well I'm not gonna let that happen [Music] [Music] and there we were at the end of the road the clogging had been defeated and the clockwork parts lay scattered around in heaps yet despite the explosion they remain pristine It was as if nothing could ever hurt them comedy the cursed herself for showing up too late to get a few shots in our clock left so she took it out on what was close at hand the hate chip and just like that it was over without that core piece that essential center of clockwork there was nothing left the parts aged before our eyes as if time had finally caught up with the ancient bird how ironic that Carmelita a police officer would be the one to lift the curse from the Cooper family the Menace of clockwork would never again rise to threaten me or my children Chhotu her nature she informed us that we were all under arrest but one look at my gang told me that we were in no shape for a fast getaway so I offered to go peacefully in exchange for letting my friends walk they taken some bruises through all of this but I was surprised shocked really to see them leave their gear behind as they walked away their wounds were deeper than I'd imagined those guys McCarty Carmelita's old police unit soon arrived with me in custody her name was cleared and she even got a well-deserved promotion it was the least I could do the ride to HQ started with us sitting in silence trying to read each other's thoughts as the reality of my capture started to sink in she began to relax and we got to talking we spoke freely about our previous adventures comparing notes and even getting in a few laughs then we started talking about well everything books music art it was like we were on a first date she even showed me the bottle she'd been saving for this special occasion of my arrest my heart sank when she realized that our short flight across town had already taken two hours a fact I kind of clued in to after seeing the Eiffel Tower float by 17 times she went forward to ask the pilot what was up and it looked like my pals had left me a little going-away present before taking off floating away on the night breeze and I could faintly make out Carmelita sports [Music] [Applause] I'll be seeing you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SlyCooperCompetition
Views: 305,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sly 2, sly cooper, Sly 2: Band Of Thieves (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Sly Cooper (Fictional Character), Mini, Cooper, Jack, Eric, Sly 2 Cheats, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (Video Game), Sly Cooper And The Thievius Raccoonus (Video Game)
Id: lBdE1H2sq4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2013
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