the sims is getting HUGE changes (update + pack announcement)

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We've got a base game update, a  massive change within The Sims team,   two kit announcements and a whole  bunch of Sims news to talk about today. So let's just dive into it because  I've got a lot to catch you up on. The last time we talked Sims  news was around the quarterly   teaser announcement and this is a huge deal. In this they teased the next expansion pack,   a couple of new kits, and a  couple of base game updates. So if you want to watch my video on this  quarterly teaser, I'll link that down below. If you haven't seen that, you might be very  interested to hear about the new expansion pack. So that was probably the big  biggest thing recently and a   couple of days ago The Sims team also  made a really interesting announcement. Obviously The Sims has been getting a lot of  flak for releasing some kind of glitchy packs,   there's a ton of bugs that have been around  for a long time without getting touched. The amount of simulation lag the game is  having makes it kind of unplayable at times,   and yet they keep making and releasing paid DLC. So everybody kind of looks at  these pack announcements like okay,   so you're selling us more stuff, but  are you going to fix the existing game? And they actually finally acknowledged that which   I was kind of shocked to see on  Twitter, I'm not going to lie. They posted this that says a message to  our loyal community and it's two slides. We know that technical issues with  The Sims 4 have interrupted your   gameplay over time and we recognize that  this has caused you much frustration. Today we can share that we have  assembled a team to invest in the   core game experience including  tackling your reported concerns. This newly formed and focused team  means we'll be able to increase   both the number of fixes and the frequency  with which we ship these batched updates. Our first release is scheduled for the  next patch later this month which is today,   with other other following  roughly every two months. The details of this month's release are in the   laundry list which is available  now in The Sims 4 newsroom. Additionally we'll continue making core  improvements to the performance of The Sims   4. Our next patch will include some optimizations  across platforms so the game uses less memory. As a result you may experience fewer crashes,   a better frame rate, and/or  a more responsive simulation. Thank you for continuing to  play and invest in The Sims   4 -- invest is right, it's a very expensive game. Our team is more dedicated than ever to developing  great The Sims 4 gameplay experiences into   the foreseeable future and we appreciate your  support as these critical improvements roll out. So that's really interesting,  they've basically made a new   bigger team to just exclusively  work on fixing existing stuff. And they've been posting these laundry lists,  but if you've ever seen one of these before,   you'll notice that this one is significantly  longer than any of the others we've ever had. Typically the laundry list will be like  about this long with just this many fixes. This time it just goes on and on and on  with fixes for a ton of different packs. Something really important to note about these  is that they base all of these things off of   reports on Answers HQ so if you look  at these things, they're all links. And when you click on them it takes  you to a report on this forum. This is how game companies track stuff  like this and it's really helpful if   you're encountering things to see  if you can find it on the forums. I know it's a lot of work, but  that's where they're finding the   community issues that they're going  to try and tackle in these updates. And that doesn't mean that these  are the only things they're fixing,   these are just like the top community concerns  that they're addressing in this patch. And it also doesn't mean that all of these  things will be out in the patch, it's just these   were their top priority for this this patch  and it will hopefully all be fixed in time. This is like an effort to be more transparent  with the community about what they're working on,   and I really appreciate that because it's  really helpful to finally hear back from   them that they actually know about these  glitches and that they're working on them. Because some of these have been around for years. That one I just clicked on about the campfire  causing too many fires was reported on the forums   in 2021, but honestly that's been happening  since the pack first came out in 2015. So like it's really nice to hear  them finally acknowledging it. I'm going to link this laundry  list down below in case you   want to read through the whole thing for  yourselves, along with the patch notes. We'll get to all of that in a minute and  compare the actual patch to this laundry list. I wanted to make sure I shared that announcement   with you because I feel like for  me at least it is really relieving. It's been kind of worrisome to see the  game getting worse and worse and running   worse and worse and obviously it's been  around for so long that like of course   that's going to start to happen, but  also I think it's been around for so   long that a lot of us were starting to  worry that were they giving up on it? I just had this thought in the back of  my mind like what if they're just trying   to milk The Sims 4 for all it's worth and  release as much DLC as possible right now,   pay for Project Rene, and  then kind of ditch The Sims 4. So hearing them repeatedly say hey, we're  not stopping The Sims 4, we're investing in   teams to fix the existing game of The  Sims 4, that's very reassuring to me. Actions speak louder than words though so we'll   see what actually happens as the updates  start rolling out in the next few months. I am cautiously optimistic about this. I don't think it's going to like  miraculously fix the entire game quickly,   but we'll see how things start to improve  over the next few months and no matter what,   it's not a bad thing to invest in a team  like this so it's going to be positive,   I just don't know how positive and how fast we'll  see that positive change, does that make sense? And um, speaking of The Sims constantly releasing  paid DLC, they just announced two more kits today. They just posted this little kit teaser, it says  bask in the sun with your new boo surrounded by   mood setting scenery, or bring your date to hang  with your friends at your favorite bistro spot   with the new Sims 4 Riviera Retreat kit  and Cozy Bistro kit available May 30th. So that's really interesting,   I feel like these are the first times  we've gotten a community lot sort of kit. They only teased these a couple of weeks  ago in that quarterly teaser and they   said two destination kits and we had this  picture of a pool and a picture of a bistro,   so I'm not really surprised by either of these,   but I know there's going to be a lot  of people who are really disappointed. A lot of people saw this destination kit wording  and thought they were going to be new worlds. I never thought that, I gotta be honest,   The Sims is never going to make  a kit that has a world in it. We don't even have any stuff packs that  have worlds in it and the game packs that   came with worlds were like a big stretch for them. It's a huge deal and a huge  undertaking for them to make   a world and they would never sell it to  us for 5 dollars, they just wouldn't. I would like them to, but they wouldn't, there's  literally no way they would ever do that. And actually when this teaser came out,   both of these kits had already leaked so we  knew that they weren't going to be new worlds. I try really hard to avoid looking  at leaks because I think it's kind   of fun to speculate and it's fun to wait  for the announcement so I don't want to   see the object lists when they leak, but that  stuff is out there if you're looking for it. I guess it's just a kit so I would  be more upset if I got a spoiler or   a leak for like an expansion pack than  just a kit, but also it's just a kit,   so when you see the object list,  that's the whole pack spoiled. And that's why I don't really want  to see it. So you'll never catch me   talking about leaks like that for  kits, at least not like showing   off and speculating about kit leaks so  much because it's just not fun for me. So this is the Riviera Retreat kit,  it says spend your hot Sims summer   lounging in a scenic secluded pool  with The Sims 4 Riviera Retreat. Create a tranquil oasis your Sim and their  new boo, ew, will never want to leave,   with stucco textures and water features  that blend with surrounding nature. And these are the two screenshots.  There is a really interesting new   pergola item that's like metal  framed with some curtains in it. It looks like we have a new archway back  here and I'm seeing a new wallpaper,   and these look like little stepping stones. You know how we have those  debug base game stepping stones? It looks like these are real ones that they've  custom placed so they're probably rugs or   something, I can't really tell because it's  sort of far away, but that's really interesting. We also have a new patio table  with an umbrella and some chairs,   it looks like a potted plant  right here, maybe a towel rack. I'm extremely interested in  this new pool trim that I'm   seeing because we haven't gotten  a new pool trim in a long time. I really like the idea of more stuff like that,   I'm also seeing a new pool floatie,  we got some new lounge chairs. And perhaps most importantly  we've got like pool fountains. For years a lot of us have been  making fake pool fountains like   that so I'm really interested  in having real ones to use. We've never gotten a pool pack before and  it seems like this is really a pool pack. We obviously got the CAS kit with some swimsuits,   but this is a really interesting build kit  for it so I'm kind of intrigued by this. There's even some really interesting wall lights  and stuff so I can see myself using this a lot. I'm not really obsessed with the  patterns on a couple of these items,   but we'll see what the other  swatches look like when it comes out. It only comes out on Thursday so  we don't have very long to wait. This is another screenshot so we can see a few  more up close images, I really like this pergola,   it looks like in this variant instead of there  being curtains, there's like vines going up it. I love that, I'm going to use that all the time. We also have what appears to be a new flooring,  that new pool trim, it looks like there's a new   tile wall back there, and I can't tell  if these curtains are attached to the   archway or if they're just on the inside of the  archway, but they might be new curtains or they   might be attached and the thought of them being  attached kind of worries me so hopefully not. Hopefully if they are attached, we have  a plain swatch that is not attached. And then they also posted this  about the Cozy Bistro kit. Enjoy a cup of coffee or nectar at your new   favorite hole-in-the-wall bistro  with The Sims 4 Cozy Bistro kit. Create the perfect spot for  a first date, third date,   or friend date with welcoming awnings,  vintage furniture, and classic decor. So that is really intriguing to me. I feel like  at first glance I'm like oh, yikes, there's no   cafés or restaurants in the base game, so if you  just have the base game can you even use this? But   then at the same time, we do have lounges and  stuff in the base game and there's barely any   community lot furniture in the base game so even  if you don't have those other packs, I feel like   this will still be useful to you if you're trying  to build things like that with just base game. It looks like we have some really nice windows and   doors that are like full wall height  with some pretty decorations on them. I can see myself using this so often. We have a couple windows that are like this,   there's a couple from Get to Work and  there's kind of one or two from University,   but they're not really as intricate as this and  they're not all as full wall height as this. I like how this is wooden. I like how we have the open archway  and these really fancy windows. It looks like this cool menu sign  fits right into one of the panels. Obsessed with this sign on the wall, I feel  like we have barely any signs in this game. These awnings are amazing.  I really like the tablecloth   and the metal chairs at these bistro tables. It looks like I'm seeing a new bar back  here, honestly I really like this. I can   see the bar a little bit more up close here in  this picture, it's a really interesting style. We've got some cool wine racks from the ceiling,   there's some really interesting  like old school kind of posters. The Grim Reaper is... sitting  at one of the tables. Oh my god. There's an interesting like menu clutter item too,   there's a cool barback, we've got a  new flooring, we have a new wallpaper,   it looks like that is maybe a booth seating,  some new booth seating back in the corner. I'm actually so, so excited about this. I feel like this is going to be so useful to me. They did post a blog post  with some more information,   I'll link this blog post down below  in case you want to see it as well. Okay, they said each aspect of this kit  is perfect to create your new favorite   spot with amenities that will accent a bar  or lounge community lot so they're doing   it on purpose trying to like feature  the bar and lounge base game stuff,   but obviously you could use this for Dine Out,  you could use it for the cafés from Get Together. Oh, they wrote that twice. Oh my god, you just know they were panicking  about the community reaction, they probably   had it in this paragraph first and then they  were like you know what, put it up higher. Put it up higher so it's more obvious and  they forgot to delete it from this paragraph. That's really funny. With tall etched glass  windows and doors, polished metal accents,   bistro tables and chairs, vintage wall decor,   there's no better place to connect with  neighbors or dates, blah blah blah. Here's another screenshot, they have kind  of like a zoomed out version of the build. They replaced the Blue Velvet lounge in  Willow Creek with this and this looks so cool. You can see we have a closed door and  the open archways and the windows. And they just used a base game wooden  wallpaper to go with it and I think that   looks really nice together honestly,  I'm impressed by how well it matches. So it looks like that's all the  information on the bistro kit. I want to go back real quick to that pool  kit. It says create the most peaceful of   spaces showered with timeless antiquity  and contemporary styles from the present. Embrace the rustic scenery surrounding  your secluded oasis by incorporating stucco   textures, beautiful archways, and shimmering  waterfalls with comfortable linen furniture,   wicker lounge chairs, and vine covered pergolas. Here's the other picture of this one so we  can see a little bit more up close. Look,   do you see the stepping stones? I think  for sure that's a rug and that really,   really excites me, I'm going  to use those all the time. I love this kind of cute like  scalloped umbrella on this table. I like how we're getting more stucco wallpaper,  that's always a huge plus, and I can see in these   archways that there's no curtains so the curtains  are not stuck to all of the archways thankfully. I still can't tell if the curtains are just like  hung up on the wall inside or if they're attached,   but either way I don't care. As long  as we have both variants, I'm good. I really like this pergola,  I wasn't expecting this,   like I just didn't see that coming. I think  that the vine version was really cool. And I also really like the pool trim. This  is silly, but I think the pool trim and   these little stepping stones are to  me the best parts of the whole kit. I think we even have some new  rocks. I feel like those look   different because they kind of  match the rocks of the fountain. I will admit that I think it's kind of silly  how they try and tie everything so much to   the theme of the season and this season is  love, so they keep talking about like cozy up,   bring your lover to the pool, like it's just so  eugh, it kind of makes me cringe a little bit. To me, I don't think that there needs to be   a theme. I think it's fine if we  just have packs, like it's okay. But I can appreciate their effort to theme things. I think this might be the first time that  we've gotten two build kits in a release,   we normally get one CAS kit and one build kit. For me as a builder, I'm thrilled. I  don't care about Create a Sim kits really. I do like some of them, I like  some of the items in them,   but I'm just more of a builder so of  course the build kits appeal to me more. I can see maybe some people being sad about  there being no CAS kit, but for me, I'm excited. I think I'm more interested in the bistro kit  than the the pool kit just upon first glance. I think that's because the bistro kit is like  more my personal style so I feel like it'll   be more useful to me, but I like how the pool  kit has some build items like the pool trims,   so I'm curious to see all of  the full items on Thursday. I will of course make a review video for you and   then do some builds using them to  kind of show off all the stuff. So make sure you're subscribed  to my channel because that's   coming in a couple of days when the kits come out. And now we can finally start  talking about the base game update. I'm actually kind of a liar, that's just an intro. As of recording this, the  update is not actually out yet   so I'm going to go wait for it and  I'll come back once it releases. Hello, I am back and the patch  is currently downloading. We're still waiting on patch notes of course  because they always take ages to release them,   but I want to dive in and check out what's  coming because they've been teasing this a lot. They keep saying on the main menu something's  coming, they've been like non-stop hinting   at it for a couple of weeks so it seems like  this patch is probably going to be pretty big. Oh, interesting, they changed the  mods disabled popup, it's longer now. They even have a link for more information.  A lot of people are really confused by this. They disable the mods so that it won't  break your game because broken mods can   cause a whole bunch of issues so they  automatically disable it and then try   and give you help so you don't have  broken mods when you first load in. It looks like it links to this page with a  lot of information about the policy on mods,   the policy on game updates, interesting. A little bit more info is not going to hurt. I'm not seeing anything else immediately jumping   out at me on the homepage so I guess  we just wait until we see anything new. The only thing I've found so far is this new  event rewards filter, which is really interesting. There's nothing in the filter,  but there is a new filter for it. Um, I'm seeing people online  talk about daily login rewards. I don't know what to make of this yet. I still haven't seen any official word  from EA so I'm still kind of waiting. I don't even know like -- what, ugh. I don't even really know how to feel about this. My like initial gut reaction  is that I don't like it. I don't like it when they lock stuff  behind certain things, like if these   are limited time only and you can't ever  get them again, that really bothers me. They look like cool items, I always  like cool new free items, but I just,   I don't like it when they make limited time stuff. It really sucks that a lot of the  pre-order content from older packs   is just gone forever now, so the idea of  this stuff being available and then gone,   really, I don't know, I just, I don't like it. A couple of these items look really  cool though, like we have a dartboard,   a new necklace, a mini fridge, that looks  like it might be a single tile bar counter. There's a new hair, a throw pillow, I think  that's a trait, and then a vending machine. I'm really tempted to translate all  this, but I'm just going to wait   until they officially announce it, but  right now I feel really, really weird. I don't know what to make of this yet. Okay, it's been an hour, I've  been sitting here opening and   closing my game hoping I'll get  some kind of popup about this. I've been constantly refreshing  Twitter waiting for the patch notes. They still have not said anything official about  it yet. Thankfully The Sims 4 IT has posted a   screenshot of one of the popups in English so we  can kind of look at this and see what it says. Happy at home login event rewards, this  week's rewards are a bullseye dartboard,   night sky layered necklace, and Guerdon  Goods mini fridge and NanoCan 2.0. Login 3 days to claim them all. Okay, so as far as these items  go, we have a new dartboard. So far the only dartboard in the whole  game is from Get Together and it's   a little bit more fancy, like  the top of it's quite intricate. This is just like a normal plain solid wood one so  that looks like it's a little bit easier to use. The necklace is kind of fun, I  like the idea of another necklace. We do have some things that are kind  of similar with like a moon shape,   but it's never bad to have more CAS stuff. The mini fridge I could tell was a  mini fridge from the other screenshot,   I did not realize there was a trash can. This is the NanoCan that we have right now,   this is like the magical trash can that you can  drag plates into and then get money back from. So yes, it looks like this is just a recolor  of it, but if we could have a recolor of the   ugliest trash can, that would be really  nice because it's the ugliest trash can,   but it's the most useful because  you get money from the plates. If you haven't seen that before, in that trash can  you get 10 simoleons per Sim in your household. So for example if you're playing the 100  baby challenge and you've got eight Sims   in your household, for every plate that you drag  into that trash can you get 80 simoleons back. And they've made a better  looking version of it I guess. As far as some of that other stuff goes,  it looks like there's a vending machine,   a little throw pillow, a trait, and a bar. It looks like this is that main event screen in  English so it says happy at home login event,   log in a few days each week to  unlock exciting new rewards. Event ends in about 35 days, and it  looks like it goes over the course of   4 weeks and you have to log in three times  in week one to claim each of these rewards,   twice in week two, twice in week  three, and then once in week four, It tells you to keep logging in each day to claim   the reward and then you would have to  keep going throughout the whole month. It does tell you what time the next reward is   available so starting tomorrow  at 11am the next one will be up. I have some kind of mixed feelings about this,   I think still my gut reaction is yuck,  people can miss out on this stuff. That's why I hate the early purchase  content so much with the expansion   packs because once it's gone, it's gone forever. And then I feel kind of weird using it in videos  and in builds because it's like well too bad,   I have this better version of this item that  you don't have and you can't ever get it,   but also the early purchase content  feels worse because it's paid. This being free makes it a  lot less frustrating to me. It still has that same frustration,  but it's not as bad because it gives   everybody the same shot to get it, even  if you can't afford to buy anything. Especially since a few of these items are  things that the base game doesn't have,   like there's no mini fridge in the base  game, there's no dartboard in the base game,   there's no vending machine in the base  game, so I really like that people that   only play base game will then have an  opportunity to get some of this stuff. I've seen some criticism on Twitter about  how it's all just colors and I guess I can   see that, but to me it's not really just  recolors, it is a different dartboard. It's a recolor of the trash can, but it's a  different dartboard, it's a different pillow. I love the idea of a new trait, like that's  really interesting to me, but if it's a trait,   the thought of it being gone forever if you didn't  log in during week three is really frustrating. Because what if something's going on? What if  you've got exams that week or like you went to   visit your grandparents and you know, you weren't  able to log in so what, you just miss out forever? But at the same time, I think it's kind of cool to   reward players who play The Sims a  lot and give them cool free stuff. It just sucks that like if  you're busy, you miss out. Oh my gosh, patch notes, patch notes, patch notes. We'll come back to that, I gotta  see these patch notes first. I'm going to link this down below for you in  case you want to read the whole thing yourself,   it's pretty long so I'm going to  point out the things that are most   interesting to me and then I'll  link the full thing down below. Dishes left in corners will no  longer be ignored when cleaning up. Plants won't grow weeds when out of season!  Oh my god, this has been bothering me so much. The plants and the whole gardening skill  is so glitchy right now, but that one,   how things look weedy but you can't fix it because  it's out of season, that's been making me so mad. So they fixed that. Campfires will  stop causing so many fires on the lot,   they were really bad. It was way too much. The Sims 4 packs are listed in  the right order in the build/buy   filter again because somehow they got messed up. Customizable pronouns were adjusted to  appear correctly in a few more phone calls. There's a lot of text in this game  and a lot of it is still messed up. They tried to fix all of it when the pronoun  update came out, but some of it is still wrong. Things like ask their out, like weird wording. So they fixed a little bit more of that. They improved the lot load process so it  should happen faster when you're loading lots. They also made some optimizations  so the game uses less memory so   we'll experience fewer crashes and a better  frame rate and a more responsive simulation. They had talked about that a little bit  in that laundry list update from earlier. Dogs, puppies, and kittens will properly use the   elevator to leave from penthouses so they  can actually go to the bathroom outside. That has been broken for  years, literally for years. Oh, they added waffles from Home  Chef Hustle to the restaurant menu   and they're going to add more menu  editions it looks like of more food. They've added a lot of food to the  game since Dine Out first came out   so they have to like go back and put  all of it in the Dine Out menu options. I don't even think I realized that  waffles weren't there so that's cool. Oh, interesting, DirectX 11 preview. If  you opt to run the Sims 4 using DirectX 11,   you'll potentially experience enhanced  game performance and graphics quality. This update is designed to increase the overall  gaming experience with improved rendering   capabilities that will allow for more details  and immersive environments in future releases. Interesting. It's available for  everyone, but you might experience   visual issues with mods apparently, for  now at least because it's just starting. I'm not an expert on this kind of stuff,   I'm going to find some info on it and I'll  link it down below for you to check out. It sounds like this has potential to really  help improve game performance in the future,   it's just early days and they're testing it  still, but I just don't really know enough   about this to understand how or why or what it  is, so I'll just listen to what they say I guess. They're still working on the gallery  reports for profanity and stuff which   is really good because they were having  some serious problems with the gallery   and like really bad stuff getting  through so I'm glad to hear that. High School Years, after a teen high school  Sim completes all tasks and aces exams,   they'll also be promoted to a  better grade, they've earned it. Okay, I felt like I was being stupid for  my Sims playing active high school to never   get their grades up, but it sounds  like it was a bug and they fixed it. I thought that was me, I was  like am I doing something wrong? But my Sims in High School  Years were never getting A's,   but apparently they're fixing  that in this update too. Another weeding glitch they fixed with Seasons  also and that's pretty much all the main stuff,   it's mostly small bug fixes  in this update it sounds like. So that's interesting, there's a lot  going on right now in the community,   there's been like so much to talk about today. I think final thoughts are that  I'm pretty excited about the new   team that they're working on with bug fixes. I feel like it's hopefully  going to be a good thing. I'm looking forward to both the kits,  but probably mostly the bistro kit,   and obviously we'll play with them this  weekend once they've actually released. Today's update was pretty interesting,  a few nice bug fixes in there,   but most importantly we have  this new daily rewards system. I still haven't been able to get it to pop up   in my game and I haven't seen The Sims  post anything about it officially yet. I'm sure that they're still just actively rolling   it out and that's why as of recording  this they haven't posted about it yet. I feel kind of weird about it, I do  like the idea of free things and I   like the idea of gifts to reward  your most active player base. I think it's a good sentiment,   I think it makes sense to want to give stuff  for free to people who play the game a lot. I just can't shake that feeling of being kind of   frustrated that it's limited time and  if you miss it then you just miss it. I don't like that people have an opportunity  to miss out on things so I'm kind of going   back and forth there on it, but at the end  of the day, free stuff is free stuff and   it's still more free stuff to people that  wouldn't have it otherwise, so I don't want   to complain too much because I do like that  they're giving free items to the community. Especially because it seems  like they're pretty cool items,   like a trait and the new vending machine. I really like the idea of all of those  things. It's weird because I do play   other games that have daily rewards, I just  struggle to apply that mentality to The Sims. We've never had anything like that in The Sims 4  before, it kind of has like battle pass energy,   obviously there is no battle pass for The  Sims right now, but I've been saying how   I'm kind of worried that Project Rene is going  to be like a battle pass subscription model. And now this is happening and it makes me  feel like it's a test for Project Rene. I don't actually know that, I'm just  guessing, but that's kind of what it feels   like to me and I don't really like  the idea of that for Project Rene. I'm okay with free stuff in  The Sims 4, but I don't love   the idea of a paid subscription  service for a future Sims game. Or for this Sims game, please, please no paid  subscription, the DLC is enough. We don't want   to pay a subscription fee. At least I  don't want to pay a subscription fee. And I don't want to make you panic because  there's no actual evidence that that's what   they're going towards, it's just  a thing that I'm worried about and   this feels like additional reason  to worry about it in the future. I'm going to Rotterdam at the  end of June for Twitchcon,   I'm going to be there for a  few days for Twitchcon EU. I'm going to have to be like logging into The Sims   from there to make sure I don't  miss out on my vending machine. That, that is kind of annoying  to me. I find that frustrating. On a normal day, I'm home, I'm  fine, I play The Sims every day,   like I am the target audience for this daily  login reward, but a lot of you aren't able   to do that so it -- agh, I don't know, I  just feel kind of weird about it still. I'm curious to hear what your  thoughts are in the comments. It's hard to say today because it's  just the beginning, I don't really   know how I'm going to feel about it  once it plays out a little bit more. I might make a whole video about it later  on once it's finished kind of discussing   my thoughts having seen it all, but for  now, I don't know, I just feel weird. And I think on that note, I should  probably end this video right here. I've been talking long enough and I  actually have a charity stream to go and do. It's the final week of our big  charity fundraiser for St. Jude. Every year for the whole month  of May we spend the entire month   fundraising every day on my Twitch channel. St. Jude is a children's research  hospital here in the US and we've   actually raised $420,000 for  them just this month already. And we have a few fun things planned for  the next few days so I'm going to link my   Twitch channel and our fundraiser  and all of that stuff about the   update and the new packs and all of  the information down below for you. And if you like hearing about Sims news,  I make videos like this every time there's   anything big going on so make sure you're  subscribed to not miss the next one. And I'm going to catch you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. This video is suddenly extremely long,   there is so much more happening today  than I ever expected. This is wild. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 512,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: oLCwg3HC42g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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